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Table of Contents

Install Java 7 Java Runtime Environment (JRE)


Go to:

Download the JRE7 executable that's appropriate for your Windows (32-bit vs 64-bit).

A dialog will pop-up asking if you want to Save or Run the file.  Click Run.

A dialog will pop up to begin the installation of JRE7.  Follow the prompts to complete the install.

Click Start and then type "cmd" in the search box and hit Enter.

In the command line type:

Code Block
java -version

You should see some information appear in the command line detailing that you have Java 1.7 (aka Java 7).


Go to:

Download the JRE7 file appropriate for your flavor of Linux.  Because we are using Fedora 17 64-bit, we will download the Linux x64 RPM file.  Please note the location where you saved the file.

Open a Terminal

Cd to the location of the file, in our case this is the Downloads directory in our HOME folder:

Code Block
$ cd ~/Downloads
$ su
$ rpm -i jre-7u17-linux-x64.rpm
$ exit
$ java --version

 After running the above commands, you should see some information appear in the terminal detailing that you have Java 1.7 (aka Java 7).

Obtain The Latest Daffodil Release

Go to: Getting Daffodil and download the latest release file.  Please note the location where you saved the file.

For Windows, you will want to download the zip file.

For Linux, either files will due.

Run Daffodil

After you've obtained the latest Daffodil Release, you'll want to 'unpack' the files into a suitable location on your machine.


  1. Navigate to the location where you saved the latest Daffodil release.  Right-click the file and select cut.
  2. Navigate to a suitable location for you to unpack the file.  Example: "C:\Users\UserName\"
  3. Create a folder in this location by right-clicking an empty space in the Windows Explorer and selecting New Folder.
  4. Name the folder "Daffodil".
  5. Open "Daffodil".
  6. Right-click an empty space in Windows Explorer and select "Paste"
  7. You should now see the Daffodil release zip copied to this location.
  8. Right-click the zip file and select "Extract All Here".  If the extraction was successful, you may delete the zip file.
  9. Within "Daffodil" you should now see a folder titled something like "daffodil-0.8.1".
  10. Click Start and type "cmd" into the search box to open up the Windows Command Line.

Type the following:

Code Block
cd C:\Users\UserName\Daffodil\daffodil-0.8.1\daffodil-0.8.1\bin
daffodil.bat --help

 Entering the above commands will display help information for Daffodil.  This means you're setup and ready to go!


Open a Terminal

Create a directory called "Daffodil" in your home directory:

Code Block
$ cd ~
$ mkdir Daffodil

Navigate to the location where you saved the Daffodil release file.  Because we're using Fedora 17, the location where the file was saved is the Downloads directory of our HOME directory (~/Downloads)

Code Block
$ cd ~/Downloads

We're going to copy the compressed release file to the "Daffodil" directory we created in our HOME directory.

Code Block
$ cp ~/Downloads/ ~/Daffodil/
$ cd ~/Daffodil
$ ls

 After running the above commands, the daffodil release file should've been copied to your Daffodil folder in your HOME directory.  The "ls" command displays the contents of the current directory (Daffodil).

Next we'll want to uncompress/unpack the release file.

If you downloaded the tar.bz2 file, enter the following:

Code Block
$ tar -xvjpf daffodil-0.8.1.tar.bz2

If you downloaded the zip file, enter the following:

Code Block
$ unzip

 Finally, cd into the daffodil-0.8.1 directory until you reach the bin folder. 

Code Block
$ cd daffodil-0.8.1\daffodil-0.8.1\bin

 Now you can run Daffodil:

Code Block
$ ./ --help


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