

Discussion items:

Clowder All Paws Virtual Conference Update

This is a collaborative effort.  Your name assigned to a task does not mean you are solely responsible for the presentation

Use Google Slide

  • Going back to 2.0. Thinking of starting from the silhouette seed project and going from there.  Will continue to work on this. 
  • Will take another look at MongoDB 4.0.  Rob will assist with this and SocialDB.  Basing actions based in silhouette, which may not be compatible
  • 1.16 release fixed several problems


Mike L.

no updates




no updates

Mark Fabsent
Mike B.

no updates


technical talk about issues with 1.14 to 1.16

Michael Jno updates
Sandeepno updates

All Paws Agenda Draft - (no longer in excel - back in the planning doc )

All input given so far from steering committee, Kenton, you all, and the AV team has been incorporated into this draft of the agenda.

It is officially a single track and the conference is only 3 days long

Steering Committee meeting next week to review and finalize agenda including a possible paid speaker from Science Gateways who will tailor the talk to Clowder and how to engage with / build communities - we will confirm is Steering Committee is OK with pre-recorded sessions

Katiecoordinate with Lisa re picking up All Paws boxes Monday
LisaEvent Services will record sessions and will be posted to Clowder YouTube.  Pre-recorded presentations will be available with live Q&A.  Registration ready to go live when agenda is finalized after steering committee meeting.

Action Items/To Dos: