SMILE can be deployed using Kubernetes clusters.

For more information about kubernetes, please visit [here](


To deploy SMILE, kubernetes clusters be ready.


There are some protected information that should not be revealed in the public repository.

These information should be kept in the kubernetes secret file.

Currently, SMILE needs several passwords or secret information to be protected.

If there is any necessity to create one, create a secret.yaml file under smile/templates folder in helm chart,
then add necessary information in the file.

Deployment Steps

Create a name space SMILE

SMILE will be deployed in the namespace of the SMILE so the other packages, such as BAE, can also be deployed in the same cluster without hindering each other at all.

Create a name space first by using the following command

kubectl create namespace smile

Create a secret for obtaining the containers (optional)

If you need to create a secrete to download the docker images from the repositories that needs the credential, create a secret using the following command

kubectl -n smile create secret generic regcred --from-file=.dockerconfigjson=regcred.json

This command will create a secret named regcred from the file regcred.json, and regcred.json should contain the credential information about accessing the repository for the containers that are used to SMILE

Modifying Values


Deploy helm chart by following command

helm upgrade --namespace smile smile . --values values-smile.yaml

Check out the result

After deploying the chart, check the URL to see if smile works correctly from the URL of https://smile.{server_main_url}
