Using the API ============= The RESTFul application programming interface is the best way to interact with Medici programmatically. Much of the web frontend and the extractors use this same API to interact with the system. Following is a brief description of all the available endpoints. For more information take a look at the source under ``app/api``. All routes are defined in ``conf/routes``. For methods that write to the system a key is required. The default key is available in ``conf/application.conf`` under ``commKey``. Please change this to a very long string of characters when deploying the system. The key is passed as a query parameter to the url. For example ``?key=sdjof902j39f09joahsduh0932jnujv09erjfosind``. =============== =========================================================== ============================================ HTTP Method Endpoint Description =============== =========================================================== ============================================ GET /api/files List files POST /api/files Upload file POST /api/files Upload file POST /api/files Upload file POST /api/files/searchusermetadata Search user specified metadata POST /api/files/searchmetadata Search system generated metadata POST /api/uploadToDataset/:id Upload file to dataset POST /api/files/:fileId/remove Delete file GET /api/files/:id/metadata Get file information POST /api/files/:file_id/thumbnails/:thumbnail_id Attach thumbnail to file POST /api/files/:id/metadata Add system-specified metadata POST /api/files/:id/usermetadata Add user-specified metadata GET /api/files/:id/technicalmetadatajson Get system-specified metadata POST /api/files/:id/comment Add comment to file GET /api/files/:id/tags List file tags POST /api/files/:id/tags Add file tags POST /api/files/:id/tags/remove Remove file tags POST /api/files/:id/tags/remove_all Remove all tags from file POST /api/files/:id/previews/:p_id Attach preview to file GET /api/files/:id/listpreviews List all previews associated with file GET /api/files/:id/getPreviews List previews associated with file filter by available previewers GET /api/files/:id/isBeingProcessed Whether a file is being processed by an extractor GET /api/files/:three_d_file_id/:filename Get texture associated with file POST /api/files/:three_d_file_id/geometries/:geometry_id Attach geometry POST /api/files/:three_d_file_id/3dTextures/:texture_id Attach texture GET /api/files/:id Download original file POST /api/files/uploadIntermediate/:idAndFlags * POST /api/files/sendJob/:fileId/:fileType * GET /api/files/getRDFURLsForFile/:id * GET /api/files/rdfUserMetadata/:id * GET /api/queries/:id Versus download query POST /api/collections/:coll_id/datasets/:ds_id Associate dataset with collection POST /api/collections/:coll_id/datasetsRemove/:ds_id/:ignore Remove dataset from collection POST /api/collections/:coll_id/remove Delete collection GET /api/collections/:coll_id/getDatasets List datasets in collection GET /api/datasets List datasets POST /api/datasets Create new dataset POST /api/datasets/searchusermetadata Search datasets by user-specified metadata POST /api/datasets/searchmetadata Search datasets system-specifed metadata GET /api/datasets/listOutsideCollection/:coll_id List all datasets not in a collection POST /api/datasets/:ds_id/filesRemove/:file_id/:ignoreNotFound Remove file from dataset GET /api/datasets/getRDFURLsForDataset/:id Get dataset information as RDF GET /api/datasets/rdfUserMetadata/:id Get user-specified metadata as RDF POST /api/datasets/:datasetId/remove Delete dataset POST /api/datasets/:id/metadata Add system-specified metadata to dataset POST /api/datasets/:id/usermetadata Add user-specified metadata to dataset GET /api/datasets/:id/technicalmetadatajson Get system-specified for dataset GET /api/datasets/:id/listFiles List files in dataset POST /api/datasets/:id/comment Add comment to dataset POST /api/datasets/:id/removeTag Remove tag from dataset GET /api/datasets/:id/tags List tags in dataset POST /api/datasets/:id/tags Add tag to dataset POST /api/datasets/:id/tags/remove Remove tags from dataset POST /api/datasets/:id/tags/remove_all Remove all tags from dataset GET /api/datasets/:id/isBeingProcessed If dataset is being processed by extractors GET /api/datasets/:id/getPreviews Get previews associated with dataset POST /api/datasets/:ds_id/files/:file_id Associate file with dataset GET /api/previews/:preview_id/textures/dataset/:d_id/json * GET /api/previews/:preview_id/textures/dataset/:d_id/:file * GET /api/previews/:dzi_id_dir/:level/:filename * POST /api/previews/:dzi_id/tiles/:tile_id/:level * POST /api/previews/:id/metadata Add metadata to preview GET /api/previews/:id/metadata Get metadata from preview POST /api/previews/:id/annotationAdd Add annotation to 3D model POST /api/previews/:id/annotationEdit Edit annotation of 3D model GET /api/previews/:id/annotationsList List annotations associated with preview GET /api/previews/:id Get preview bytes POST /api/previews Create new preview POST /api/indexes Create a new content-based index POST /api/indexes/features Add feauture vector to content-based index POST /api/sections Create new section GET /api/sections/:id Get section metadata POST /api/sections/:id/comments Add comment to section GET /api/sections/:id/tags Get tags associated with section POST /api/sections/:id/tags Associate tags with section POST /api/sections/:id/tags/remove Remove tags from section POST /api/sections/:id/tags/remove_all Remove all tags from section POST /api/geostreams/sensors Create new sensor GET /api/geostreams/sensors/:id/streams List streams associated with sensor GET /api/geostreams/sensors/:id Get sensor information GET /api/geostreams/sensors Search sensors by space POST /api/geostreams/streams Create new stream GET /api/geostreams/streams/:id Get stream information GET /api/geostreams/streams Search streams by space DELETE /api/geostreams/streams/:id Delete stream POST /api/geostreams/datapoints Create new geotemporal datapoint GET /api/geostreams/datapoints/:id Get datapoint GET /api/geostreams/datapoints Search datapoints by space and time GET /api/geostreams/counts Return counts for sensors, streams and datapoints POST /api/tiles Upload tile to image pyramid POST /api/geometries Upload geometry POST /api/3dTextures Upload 3D texture POST /api/fileThumbnail Upload file thumbnail POST /api/comment/:id Create new comment GET /api/search Text based search =============== =========================================================== ============================================ You can use ``curl`` to test the service. If you are on Linux or MacOSX you should have it already. Try typing ``curl`` on the command prompt. If you are on windows, you can download a build at If you want a more rich GUI experience most web browsers have extensions that can be used instead. For example for Chrome you can try `cREST client `_.