Polyglot Quick Install (Windows) 1. The following ports will be needed: Software Server Restlet - 8182 Distributed Software Server Restlet - 8183 Software Server - 50000 Polyglot Steward - 50001 Polyglot Server - 50002 2. Install Windows and the software you wish to use. 3. Install Java and AutoHotKey. 4. Download Polyglot snapshot from http://isda.ncsa.illinois.edu and unzip. 5. Open command prompt to this folder and run the following to configure and install ImageMagick script: > ScriptDebugger -config scripts/ahk/ImgMgk_convert.ahk 6. Edit SoftwareServer.conf: AHKScripts=scripts/ahk-configured 7. Run SoftwareServerRestlet.bat 8. From a browser go to localhost:8182 to see if the Software Server is working. 9. Edit PolyglotServer.conf and comment out web interface: #PolyglotWebInterface=true 10. Run PolyglotServer.bat. 11. Put some images in the data folder. 12. Run PolyglotPanel.bat. 13. Edit last line of AutoUpdate.conf to point to the location to download the Polyglot snapshot. *14. Run AutoUpdate.bat to update the Polyglot installation.