Polyglot Web Install (Windows) 1. The following ports will be needed: Software Server Restlet - 8182 Distributed Software Server Restlet - 8183 Software Server - 50000 Polyglot Steward - 50001 Polyglot Server - 50002 2. Install Windows and the software you wish to use. 3. Install Java, AutoHotKey, and Apache HTTPD with the PHP plugin. 4. Download Polyglot snapshot from http://isda.ncsa.illinois.edu and unzip. 5. Open command prompt to this folder and run the following to configure and install ImageMagick script: > ScriptDebugger -config scripts/ahk/ImgMgk_convert.ahk 6. Edit SoftwareServer.conf: AHKScripts=scripts/ahk-configured 7. Edit SoftwareServerRestlet.conf and uncomment second line: DistributedServer=localhost:8183 8. Run SoftwareServerRestlet.bat 9. From a browser go to localhost:8182 to see if the Software Server is working. 10. Run DistributedSoftwareServerRestlet.bat 11. Run InstallWeb.bat 12. Edit PolyglotWebInterface.conf and set the path of the polyglot installation: PolyglotPath=C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs\polyglot 13. Run PolyglotServer.bat 14. Open a browser and navigate to http://localhost/polyglot/ 15. Edit last line of AutoUpdate.conf to point to the location to download the Polyglot snapshot. *16. Run AutoUpdate.bat to update the Polyglot installation.