Build: #1 was successful

Job: Default Job was successful

Stages & jobs

  1. Default Stage

When there are no existing bindings for the queue::update bindings::rabbit Mq admin::then the rebind operations should skip the initial unbind: Test case result

The below summarizes the result of the test "When there are no existing bindings for the queue::update bindings::rabbit Mq admin::then the rebind operations should skip the initial unbind" in build 1 of BrownDog - clusterman - bugfix-BD-2054-add-better-error-reporting-for-configuration-errors-in-projectcontroller - Default Job.
When there are no existing bindings for the queue::update bindings::rabbit Mq admin::then the rebind operations should skip the initial unbind
Test class
When there are no existing bindings for the queue::Update bindings::RabbitMQ Admin::Then the rebind operations should skip the initial unbind
< 1 sec