Build: #11 failed

Job: Default Job failed

Stages & jobs

  1. Default Stage

Remove selected region -> no sensors are color coded (probably BUg 1), number of sites selected incorrect (BUg 2): Test case result

The below summarizes the result of the test "Remove selected region -> no sensors are color coded (probably BUg 1), number of sites selected incorrect (BUg 2)" in build 11 of GeoDashboard - IMLCZO - develop - Default Job.
Remove selected region -> no sensors are color coded (probably BUg 1), number of sites selected incorrect (BUg 2)
Test class
Search page tests draw a region, then check a source, then uncheck a source
remove selected region -> no sensors are color coded (probably BUG 1), number of sites selected incorrect (BUG 2)
< 1 sec
Skipped (Skipped)