Build: #30 failed

Job: RestFlow Core failed

Stages & jobs

  1. Default Stage

  2. RestFlow Groovy

  3. RestFlow Bash

  4. RestFlow Python

  5. RestFlow Tcl

  6. RestFlow Perl

  7. RestFlow Samples

Run workflow double nested: Test case result

The below summarizes the result of the test "Run workflow double nested" in build 30 of Kurator - Kurator RestFlow - RestFlow Core.
Run workflow double nested
Test class
< 1 sec
Failed (Existing Failure)

Error Log

junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...      i             [5           a               /multiplier                                        10     9      10             i             11          b               /multiplicand]                    ...> but was:<...      i             [11          b               /multiplicand                                      10     9      10             i             5           a               /multiplier  ]                    ...>
junit.framework.ComparisonFailure: expected:<...      i             [5           a               /multiplier                                       
10     9      10             i             11          b               /multiplicand]                    ...> but was:<...      i             [11          b               /multiplicand                                     
10     9      10             i             5           a               /multiplier  ]                    ...>
	at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
	at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
	at org.restflow.metadata.TestTraceDatabase_RecordRun.testRunWorkflow_DoubleNested(