Build: #15 was successful

Job: Default Job was successful

Stages & jobs

  1. Default Stage

Test results

  • 16 tests in total
  • < 1 second taken in total.

The following 16 tests have passed:

All successful tests
Status Test Duration
Successful SwarmStatsTestCases test_blueprint_api_createservice_failure
< 1 sec
Successful SwarmStatsTestCases test_blueprint_api_createservice_invalid_data
< 1 sec
Successful SwarmStatsTestCases test_blueprint_api_createservice_success
< 1 sec
Successful SwarmStatsTestCases test_swarm_service_create_failure
< 1 sec
Successful SwarmStatsTestCases test_swarm_service_create_success
< 1 sec
Successful unnamed test suite clusterstats.__init__
< 1 sec
Successful unnamed test suite clusterstats.blueprint_api
< 1 sec
Successful unnamed test suite clusterstats.blueprint_html
< 1 sec
Successful unnamed test suite clusterstats.server
< 1 sec
Successful unnamed test suite clusterstats.swarm
< 1 sec
Successful unnamed test suite clusterstats.utils
< 1 sec
Successful unnamed test suite clusterstats.version
< 1 sec
Successful unnamed test suite server
< 1 sec
Successful unnamed test suite test.__init__
< 1 sec
Successful unnamed test suite test.test_blueprint
< 1 sec
Successful unnamed test suite test.test_swarm
< 1 sec
  • Showing 1-16 of 16