Build: #10 was successful

Job: Default Job was successful

Stages & jobs

  1. Default Stage

Test results

  • 85 tests in total
  • 8 seconds taken in total.

The following 85 tests have passed:

All successful tests
Status Test Duration
Successful ApplicationControllerSpec The `index` action should::display the default cluster when no cluster provided
< 1 sec
Successful ApplicationControllerSpec The `index` action should::display the selected cluster when provided
< 1 sec
Successful ApplicationControllerSpec The `index` action should::redirect to login page if user is unauthorized
< 1 sec
Successful ApplicationControllerSpec The `index` action should::return 200 if user is authorized
< 1 sec
Successful ApplicationControllerSpec the 'signout' action should::redirect browser to home
< 1 sec
Successful ProjectsControllerSpec When I click on the bind button::Given an invalid cluster setting::Then I should receive an error page
< 1 sec
Successful ProjectsControllerSpec When I click on the bind button::Given there is a project on the projects tab::Then I should see the bind page for that project
< 1 sec
Successful ProjectsControllerSpec When I click submit::Given I am on the edit bindings page::Then I should accept my new settings
< 1 sec
Successful ProjectsControllerSpec When I click submit::Given I create invalid bindings::Then I receive an error
< 1 sec
Successful ProjectsControllerSpec When I click submit::Given I provide an a tool that doesn't exist::Then I receive an error
< 1 sec
Successful ProjectsControllerSpec When I click submit::Given I provide an invalid clusterName::Then I receive an error
< 1 sec
Successful ProjectsControllerSpec When I click submit::Given I provide an invalid projectName::Then I receive an error
< 1 sec
Successful SocialAuthControllerSpec social auth login should::Ask user to try again if the provider is not in the registry
< 1 sec
Successful SocialAuthControllerSpec social auth login should::redirect to home page of user authenticates
4 secs
Successful SocialAuthControllerSpec social auth login should::redirect user to social auth providers page if not logged in
< 1 sec
Successful ToolsControllerSpec When I click on the deploy button::Given there is a cluster::Then I should see the deploy page
< 1 sec
Successful BindingFormDataSpec Given a binding detail for All messages
< 1 sec
Successful BindingFormDataSpec Given a binding detail for No messages
< 1 sec
Successful BindingFormDataSpec Given a binding detail for Tool messages
< 1 sec
Successful BindingFormDataSpec Given a bindingDetail object
< 1 sec
Successful BindingFormDataSpec when I display the bind tool form::and a list of project bindings::Given a list of deployed tools::then I should have the correct binding data
< 1 sec
Successful BindingFormDataSpec when I submit the form with changes to the bindings::and a list of project bindings::Given a list of deployed tools::then the updatedBindings should report that one change
< 1 sec
Successful BindingFormDataSpec when I submit the form with no changes::and a list of project bindings::Given a list of deployed tools::then the updatedBindings should be empty
< 1 sec
Successful ClusterConfigSpec Exercise generated bean methods
< 1 sec
Successful ClusterConfigSpec when I parse a valid uri::Given a Swarm Config::then it should succeed
< 1 sec
Successful ClusterConfigSpec when I parse an invalid URI::Given a Swarm Config::then it should throw an execption
< 1 sec
Successful ClusterConfigSpec when I parse the config::Given a config object with a single cluster config::and that config should be the default
< 1 sec
Successful ClusterConfigSpec when I parse the config::Given a config object with a single cluster config::then there should be a valid cluster config object
< 1 sec
Successful ClusterConfigSpec when I parse the config::Given a config with multiple clusters::and the first config should be the default
< 1 sec
Successful ClusterConfigSpec when I parse the config::Given a config with multiple clusters::then I should see all of the clusters in the resulting cluster object
< 1 sec
Successful ClusterConfigSpec when I parse the config::Given an empty config::and the default should be none
< 1 sec
Successful ClusterConfigSpec when I parse the config::Given an empty config::then there should be an empty config object
< 1 sec
Successful ClusterConfigSpec when I parse uri::Given a RabbitMQ Config::then extract vhost
< 1 sec
Successful DeployedToolsSpec when I read it::Given a json record::then I get a project object
< 1 sec
Successful ExtractorInfoSpec when I read it::Given a json document::then the object should be populated
< 1 sec
Successful ProjectBindingsSpec When it has file type bindings as well as tool binding::Given a project::And report false for no bindings
< 1 sec
Successful ProjectBindingsSpec When it has file type bindings as well as tool binding::Given a project::And report true for all messages
< 1 sec
Successful ProjectBindingsSpec When it has file type bindings as well as tool binding::Given a project::Then it should report false for Tool Messages only
< 1 sec
Successful ProjectBindingsSpec When it has no bindings::Given a project::And report false for all messages
< 1 sec
Successful ProjectBindingsSpec When it has no bindings::Given a project::And report true for no bindings
< 1 sec
Successful ProjectBindingsSpec When it has no bindings::Given a project::Then it should report false for Tool Messages only
< 1 sec
Successful ProjectBindingsSpec When it has only file type bindings::Given a project::And report false for no bindings
< 1 sec
Successful ProjectBindingsSpec When it has only file type bindings::Given a project::And report true for all messages
< 1 sec
Successful ProjectBindingsSpec When it has only file type bindings::Given a project::Then it should report false for Tool Messages only
< 1 sec
Successful ProjectBindingsSpec When it has only tool bindings::Given a project::And report false for all messages
< 1 sec
Successful ProjectBindingsSpec When it has only tool bindings::Given a project::And report false for no bindings
< 1 sec
Successful ProjectBindingsSpec When it has only tool bindings::Given a project::Then it should report true for Tool Messages only
< 1 sec
Successful ProjectSpec When I read it from the db::Given an invalid database record::Then I should get an exception
< 1 sec
Successful ProjectSpec When I write it to the Database::Given a Project object::It should create a valid BSON document
< 1 sec
Successful ProjectSpec when I read it::Given a database record::then I get a project object
< 1 sec
Successful ToolsCatalogRecordSpec when I read it::Given a json document::then the object should be populated
< 1 sec
Successful UserSpec construct full name can::user model should::when first and last provided
< 1 sec
Successful UserSpec construct full name can::user model should::when full name provided
< 1 sec
Successful UserSpec construct full name can::user model should::when just first provided
< 1 sec
Successful UserSpec construct full name can::user model should::when just last provided
< 1 sec
Successful UserSpec construct full name can::user model should::when no name provided
< 1 sec
Successful AuthTokenServiceSpec authTokenService should::create new instance
< 1 sec
Successful AuthTokenServiceSpec authTokenService should::remove token upon expiry
< 1 sec
Successful AuthTokenServiceSpec authTokenService should::validate an existing instance
< 1 sec
Successful UserServiceSpec UserService should::retrieve a user by Login info
< 1 sec
Successful UserServiceSpec UserService should::retrieve a user by id
< 1 sec
Successful UserServiceSpec UserService should::save a user
< 1 sec
Successful UserServiceSpec save profile can::UserService should::add new user
< 1 sec
Successful UserServiceSpec save profile can::UserService should::update existing user
< 1 sec
Successful ClusterStatsServiceSpec When I request the list of services::Given a cluster stats service::Then I should get map of running services
< 1 sec
Successful ClusterStatsServiceSpec When the clusterscale service is down::Given a cluster stats service::Then I should get an empty map back
< 1 sec
Successful ClusterStatsServiceSpec When the response is invalid::Given a cluster stats service::Then I should get an empty map back
< 1 sec
Successful ClusterStatsServiceSpec when I request extractors by vhost::and there are extractors with different vhosts::Given a cluster stats service::then I should get them back
< 1 sec
Successful ClusterStatsServiceSpec when I request extractors::and there are extractors::Given a cluster stats service::then I should get them back
< 1 sec
Successful RabbitAdminServiceSpec And no new bindings created::Then the old bindings should be removed::When I rebind with type 'None'::Given a RabbitMQService::Update bindings::RabbitMQ Admin::And the tool binding created too
< 1 sec
Successful RabbitAdminServiceSpec And the new bindings created::Then the old bindings should be removed::When I rebind with type 'all messages'::Given a RabbitMQService::Update bindings::RabbitMQ Admin::And the tool binding created too
< 1 sec
Successful RabbitAdminServiceSpec And the new bindings created::Then the old bindings should be removed::When I rebind with type 'tool messages'::Given a RabbitMQService::Update bindings::RabbitMQ Admin::And the tool binding created too
< 1 sec
Successful RabbitAdminServiceSpec RabbitMQ Admin::Connect to service
< 1 sec
Successful RabbitAdminServiceSpec RabbitMQ Admin::cache Admin API Clients
< 1 sec
Successful RabbitAdminServiceSpec When bind operation throws exception when binding tools::Given a RabbitMQService::Update bindings::RabbitMQ Admin::Then the rebind operation should fail
< 1 sec
Successful RabbitAdminServiceSpec When bind operation throws exception::Given a RabbitMQService::Update bindings::RabbitMQ Admin::Then the rebind operation should fail
< 1 sec
Successful RabbitAdminServiceSpec When error unbinding existing queues::Update bindings::RabbitMQ Admin::then the rebind operation should fail
< 1 sec
Successful RabbitAdminServiceSpec When the unbind operation throws an exception::Given a RabbitMQService::Update bindings::RabbitMQ Admin::Then the rebind operation should fail
< 1 sec
Successful RabbitAdminServiceSpec When there are no existing bindings for the queue::Update bindings::RabbitMQ Admin::Then the rebind operations should skip the initial unbind
< 1 sec
Successful ToolsCatalogServiceSpec When I request extractor info::Given the ToolsCatalog is down::Then I should get None back
< 1 sec
Successful ToolsCatalogServiceSpec When I request the extractor def for an extractor::Then I should get the extractor info
< 1 sec
Successful ToolsCatalogServiceSpec When I request the list of extractors::Given a ToolsCatalogmservice::Then I should get list of extractors
< 1 sec
Successful ToolsCatalogServiceSpec When the ToolsCatalog is down::Then I should get an empty map back
< 1 sec
Successful ToolsCatalogServiceSpec When the response is invalid::Given a ToolsCatalogmservice::Then I should get an empty list back
< 1 sec
Successful ToolsCatalogServiceSpec When the response is invalid::Then I should None back
< 1 sec
  • Showing 1-85 of 85