Build: #253 failed

Job: Default Job failed

Stages & jobs

  1. Default Stage

Test results

  • 38 tests in total
  • 2 tests failed
  • 20 tests were quarantined / skipped
  • < 1 second taken in total.

The following 16 tests have passed:

All successful tests
Status Test Duration
Successful Initialize the application should initialize the application object
< 1 sec
Successful Namespace provides the app object
< 1 sec
Successful Search page tests should show a map
< 1 sec
Successful Sensors Collection should be an instance of Backbone.Collection
< 1 sec
Successful Sources Collection should be an instance of Backbone.Collection
< 1 sec
Successful Verify the required libraries exist should register Backbone
< 1 sec
Successful Verify the required libraries exist should register Leaflet
< 1 sec
Successful Verify the required libraries exist should register Underscore
< 1 sec
Successful Verify the required libraries exist should register jQuery
< 1 sec
Successful Sensor has default values when no arguments are passed
< 1 sec
Successful Sensor the new sensor Backbone model has the correct values when passed a GeoJSON Object should be an instance of the app.model.Sensor Backbone model
< 1 sec
Successful Sensor the new sensor Backbone model has the correct values when passed a GeoJSON Object should have a geometry property on the model with the length of 3
< 1 sec
Successful Sensor the new sensor Backbone model has the correct values when passed a GeoJSON Object should have a name property on the model that matches the GeoJSON
< 1 sec
Successful Sensor the new sensor Backbone model has the correct values when passed a GeoJSON Object should match the geometry coordinate's values (uses Chai's 'deep.equal' function)
< 1 sec
Successful config object and required properties the app.config object exists
< 1 sec
Successful config object and required properties the app.config.clowderUrl is a non-empty string
< 1 sec
  • Showing 1-16 of 16