Build: #962 failed

Job: kurator-akka was successful

Stages & jobs

  1. kurator-akka

  2. kurator-validation

  3. FP-CurationServices

  4. kurator-fp-validation

  5. kurator-web

Test results

  • 171 tests in total
  • 1 minute taken in total.

The following 171 tests have passed:

Show all tests on one page
All successful tests
Status Test Duration
Successful TestPythonActor_YamlWorkflows testPythonActor_MultiplierWorkflow
< 1 sec
Successful TestTextChunker testTextChunker_DefaultMaxChunks
< 1 sec
Successful TestWordCountReducer testWordCounter_OneChunk
< 1 sec
Successful TestPythonRecordProcessor testPythonRecordProcessor
< 1 sec
Successful TestTextChunker testTextChunker_TwoChunks
< 1 sec
Successful TestKuratorCLI testKuratorAkkaCLI_YamlInputStream
< 1 sec
Successful TestPythonActor_YamlWorkflows testPythonActor_TriggeredRampWorkflow
< 1 sec
Successful TestPythonActor_InlinedCode testPythonActor_IntegerTuples
< 1 sec
Successful TestPythonActor_InlinedCode testPythonActor_MixedTuples
< 1 sec
Successful TestWordCountWorkflow testWordCounter_OneChunk
1 sec
Successful TestWordCountWorkflow testWordCounter_ThreeTexts_FiveChunks
1 sec
Successful TestWordCountWorkflow testWordCounter_TwelveChunks
1 sec
Successful TestWordCountWorkflow testWordCounter_TwoChunks
1 sec
Successful TestWordCounter testWordCounter_OneChunk
1 sec
Successful TestWordCounter testWordCounter_ThreeChunks
1 sec
Successful TestWordCounter testWordCounter_LargeChunk
1 sec
Successful TestPythonActor_ExternalScripts testPythonActor
2 secs
Successful TestTolstoyWordCountWorkflow testWordCounter_OneChunk
2 secs
Successful TestTolstoyWordCountWorkflow testWordCounter_TenChunks
3 secs
Successful TestTolstoyWordCountWorkflow testWordCounter_HundredChunks
3 secs
Successful TestTextChunker testTextChunker_ThreeChunks
8 secs
  • Showing 151-171 of 171