Build: #29 was successful

Job: build, test, publish was successful

Stages & jobs

  1. Daffodil

Test results

  • 2,413 tests in total
  • < 1 second taken in total.

The following 2,413 tests have passed:

Show all tests on one page
All successful tests
Status Test Duration
Successful TestBinaryInput_01 testOneBit2
< 1 sec
Successful TestBinaryInput_01 testOneBit3
< 1 sec
Successful TestCompiledExpression testCompiledAbsolutePathEvaluation1ExampleNamespace
< 1 sec
Successful TestCompiledExpression testCompiledAbsolutePathEvaluation1NoNamespace
< 1 sec
Successful TestCompiledExpression testCompiledPathConstant
< 1 sec
Successful TestCompiledExpression testCompiledPathEvaluation
< 1 sec
Successful TestCompiledExpression testCompiledRelativePathEvaluation1
< 1 sec
Successful TestCompiledExpression testCompiledRelativePathEvaluation2
< 1 sec
Successful TestCompiledExpression testCompiledRelativePathEvaluation3
< 1 sec
Successful TestCompiledExpression testCompiledRelativePathEvaluation4
< 1 sec
Successful TestCompiledExpression testCompiledRelativePathEvaluation5
< 1 sec
Successful TestCompiledExpression testCompiledRelativePathEvaluation6
< 1 sec
Successful TestCompiledExpression2 testCompiledAbsolutePathEvaluation2_withNamespace
< 1 sec
Successful TestCompiledExpression2 testCompiledEvaluationError_DoesntExist
< 1 sec
Successful TestCompiledExpression2 testCompiledRelativePathEvaluation5_WithNamespaces
< 1 sec
Successful TestDFDLExpressionCompiler test_multiple_path_and_predicate_expression
< 1 sec
Successful TestDFDLExpressionCompiler test_multiple_path_and_predicate_expressions_nested
< 1 sec
Successful TestDFDLExpressionCompiler test_single_path_and_fnc_expression
< 1 sec
Successful TestDFDLExpressionCompiler test_single_path_expression
< 1 sec
Successful TestDsomCompiler test2
< 1 sec
Successful TestDsomCompiler test3
< 1 sec
Successful TestDsomCompiler test4
< 1 sec
Successful TestDsomCompiler testDfdlRef
< 1 sec
Successful TestDsomCompiler testGetAllNamespaces
< 1 sec
Successful TestDsomCompiler testGetQName
< 1 sec
Successful TestDsomCompiler testHasProps
< 1 sec
Successful TestDsomCompiler testPathWithIndexes
< 1 sec
Successful TestDsomCompiler testSchemaValidationPropertyChecking
< 1 sec
Successful TestDsomCompiler testSchemaValidationSubset
< 1 sec
Successful TestDsomCompiler testSequence1
< 1 sec
Successful TestDsomCompiler testTerminatingMarkup
< 1 sec
Successful TestDsomCompiler testTerminatingMarkup2
< 1 sec
Successful TestDsomCompiler testTypeReferentialError
< 1 sec
Successful TestDsomCompiler testTypeReferentialError2
< 1 sec
Successful TestDsomCompiler test_delim_inheritance
< 1 sec
Successful TestDsomCompiler test_element_references
< 1 sec
Successful TestDsomCompiler test_escapeSchemeOverride
< 1 sec
Successful TestDsomCompiler test_group_references
< 1 sec
Successful TestDsomCompiler test_ibm_7132
< 1 sec
Successful TestDsomCompiler test_named_format_chaining
< 1 sec
Successful TestDsomCompiler test_simpleType_base_combining
< 1 sec
Successful TestDsomCompiler test_simple_types_access_works
< 1 sec
Successful TestDsomCompiler test_simple_types_property_combining
< 1 sec
Successful TestDsomCompilerNew testHasPatternFacets
< 1 sec
Successful TestDsomCompilerNew testPatternFacetsInheritance
< 1 sec
Successful TestDsomCompilerNew test_could_be_next_method_01
< 1 sec
Successful TestDsomCompilerNew test_could_be_next_method_02
< 1 sec
Successful TestDsomCompilerNew test_could_be_next_method_03
< 1 sec
Successful TestDsomCompilerNew test_could_be_next_method_04
< 1 sec
Successful TestDsomCompilerNew test_could_be_next_method_05
< 1 sec
  • Showing 151-200 of 2413