Build: #176 was successful

Job: build, test, publish was successful

Stages & jobs

  1. Daffodil

Test results

  • 3,608 tests in total
  • < 1 second taken in total.

The following 3,608 tests have passed:

Show all tests on one page
All successful tests
Status Test Duration
Successful TestTDMLRunnerCommentSyntax testCommentsInScalaLiteralXML
< 1 sec
Successful TestTDMLRunnerNew testComplexDocument
< 1 sec
Successful TestTDMLRunnerNew testRegexWithFreeFormAndComments1
< 1 sec
Successful TestTDMLRunnerNew testRegexWithFreeFormAndComments2
< 1 sec
Successful TestTDMLRunnerNew testRegexWithFreeFormAndComments3
< 1 sec
Successful TestTDMLRunnerNew testRegexWithFreeFormAndComments4
< 1 sec
Successful TestTDMLRunnerNew testTDMLUnparse
< 1 sec
Successful TestTDMLRunnerNew testTDMLWithInvalidDFDLSchemaEmbedded
< 1 sec
Successful TestTDMLRunnerNew testTrace
< 1 sec
Successful TestTDMLRunnerNew testValidationLimitedValidationErrorNotCapturedShouldThrow
< 1 sec
Successful TestTDMLRunnerNew testValidationOffValidationErrorGivenButEmptyNotError
< 1 sec
Successful TestTDMLRunnerNew testValidationOffValidationErrorGivenShouldError
< 1 sec
Successful TestTDMLRunnerNew testValidationOffValidationErrorNotGivenNotError
< 1 sec
Successful TestTDMLRunnerNew test_quote_test1
< 1 sec
Successful TestTDMLRunnerTutorial testTutorialElementsParse
< 1 sec
Successful TestTDMLRunnerTutorial testTutorialElementsUnparse
< 1 sec
Successful TestTDMLUnparseCases testUnparseSuite1
< 1 sec
Successful TestTutorials testTutorialElementsParse
< 1 sec
Successful TestTutorials testTutorialElementsUnparse
< 1 sec
Successful TestTutorials test_leastSignificantBitFirst
< 1 sec
Successful TestTutorials test_leastSignificantBitFirstRTL
< 1 sec
Successful TestTutorials test_littleEndianLeastFirstLTR
< 1 sec
Successful TestTutorials test_littleEndianLeastFirstRTL
< 1 sec
Successful TestTutorials test_mostSignificantBitFirst
< 1 sec
Successful TestUnparseInfoset test_unexpectedChildMultiple
< 1 sec
Successful TestUnparseInfoset test_unexpectedChildSingle
< 1 sec
Successful TestUnparseInfoset test_unexpectedNextMultiple
< 1 sec
Successful TestUnparseInfoset test_unexpectedNextNone
< 1 sec
Successful TestUnparseInfoset test_unexpectedNextSingle
< 1 sec
Successful TestUnparseInfoset test_unexpectedRootSingle
< 1 sec
Successful TestEscapes test_parse1
< 1 sec
Successful TestCLIunparsing test_3525_CLI_Unparsing_SimpleUnparse_inFile
< 1 sec
Successful TestCLIunparsing test_3526_CLI_Unparsing_SimpleUnparse_inFile2
< 1 sec
Successful TestCLIunparsing test_3527_CLI_Unparsing_SimpleUnparse_stdin
< 1 sec
Successful TestCLIunparsing test_3528_CLI_Unparsing_SimpleUnparse_stdin2
< 1 sec
Successful TestCLIunparsing test_3529_CLI_Unparsing_SimpleUnparse_stdin3
< 1 sec
Successful TestCLIunparsing test_3577_CLI_Unparsing_traceMode
< 1 sec
Successful TestCLIunparsing test_3578_CLI_Unparsing_SimpleUnparse_defaultRoot
< 1 sec
Successful TestCLIunparsing test_3579_CLI_Unparsing_negativeTest
< 1 sec
Successful TestCLIunparsing test_3580_CLI_Unparsing_SimpleUnparse_verboseMode
< 1 sec
Successful TestCLIunparsing test_3581_CLI_Unparsing_SimpleUnparse_stOutDash
< 1 sec
Successful TestCLIunparsing test_3582_CLI_Unparsing_SimpleUnparse_outFile
< 1 sec
Successful TestCLIunparsing test_3584_CLI_Unparsing_SimpleUnparse_stdin4
< 1 sec
Successful TestCLIunparsing test_3662_CLI_Unparsing_badSchemaPath
< 1 sec
Successful TestJSON5 test_json5_1
< 1 sec
Successful TestJSON5 test_json5_2
< 1 sec
Successful TestJSON5 test_json5_3
< 1 sec
Successful TestJSON5 test_json5_4
< 1 sec
Successful TestJSON5 test_json5_5
< 1 sec
Successful TestUserSubmittedTests test_prefix_separator_as_variable
< 1 sec
  • Showing 3401-3450 of 3608