simple 04-May-2020 10:14:00 Build Clowder - CORE - release-1.8.3 - default #10 (CATS-CORE1091-JOB1-10) started building on agent simple 04-May-2020 10:14:00 Remote agent on host simple 04-May-2020 10:14:00 Build working directory is /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1 simple 04-May-2020 10:14:00 Executing build Clowder - CORE - release-1.8.3 - default #10 (CATS-CORE1091-JOB1-10) simple 04-May-2020 10:14:00 Starting task 'Checkout Default Repository' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.vcs:task.vcs.checkout' simple 04-May-2020 10:14:00 Checking out into /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1 simple 04-May-2020 10:14:00 Updating source code to revision: cb04bdd6d1381f16ddd5708e9cb05fd1af52e424 simple 04-May-2020 10:14:01 Creating local git repository in '/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/.git'. simple 04-May-2020 10:14:01 Initialized empty Git repository in /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/.git/ simple 04-May-2020 10:14:03 Fetching 'refs/heads/release/1.8.3' from 'ssh://'. Will try to do a shallow fetch. simple 04-May-2020 10:14:03 Warning: Permanently added '[]:45024' (RSA) to the list of known hosts. simple 04-May-2020 10:14:07 From ssh:// simple 04-May-2020 10:14:07 * [new branch] release/1.8.3 -> release/1.8.3 simple 04-May-2020 10:14:07 Checking out revision cb04bdd6d1381f16ddd5708e9cb05fd1af52e424. simple 04-May-2020 10:14:07 Switched to branch 'release/1.8.3' simple 04-May-2020 10:14:07 Updated source code to revision: cb04bdd6d1381f16ddd5708e9cb05fd1af52e424 simple 04-May-2020 10:14:07 Finished task 'Checkout Default Repository' with result: Success simple 04-May-2020 10:14:07 Running pre-build action: VCS Version Collector command 04-May-2020 10:14:07 Substituting variable: ${bamboo.buildNumber} with 10 simple 04-May-2020 10:14:07 Starting task 'clean update' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.sbt:sbt' command 04-May-2020 10:14:07 Beginning to execute external process for build 'Clowder - CORE - release-1.8.3 - default #10 (CATS-CORE1091-JOB1-10)'\n ... running command line: \n/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.13/bin/sbt clean update\n ... in: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1\n ... using extra environment variables: \nbamboo_planRepository_1_branch=release/1.8.3\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_npm_6=/home/bamboo/node-v6.9.1/bin/npm\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_buckminster_4_3=/home/bamboo/buckminster-4.3/buckminster\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_node_Node_js_v6_9_1=/home/bamboo/node-v6.9.1/bin/node\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_buckminster_4_4=/home/bamboo/buckminster-4.4/buckminster\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_buckminster_4_2=/home/bamboo/buckminster-4.2/buckminster\nbamboo_planRepository_1_branchDisplayName=release/1.8.3\nbamboo_repository_revision_number=cb04bdd6d1381f16ddd5708e9cb05fd1af52e424\nbamboo_repository_182059115_previous_revision_number=18a963db2f12e433daa7b53de4866f3f4f7930b1\nbamboo_resultsUrl=\nJAVA_OPTS=-Dbamboo.buildNumber=10\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_sphinx=/usr/bin/sphinx-build\nbamboo_build_working_directory=/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1\nbamboo_planRepository_1_name=clowder\nbamboo_buildKey=CATS-CORE1091-JOB1\nbamboo_repository_182059115_git_username=\nbamboo_capability_system_os=linux\nbamboo_shortPlanName=CORE\nbamboo_planRepository_name=clowder\nbamboo_repository_182059115_git_branch=release/1.8.3\nbamboo_buildNumber=10\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_node_grunt_6=/home/bamboo/node-v6.9.1/bin/grunt\nbamboo_shortJobName=default\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_python3_6=/usr/bin/python3.6\nbamboo_buildResultsUrl=\nbamboo_planRepository_repositoryUrl=ssh://\nbamboo_repository_182059115_branch_name=release/1.8.3\nbamboo_agentId=140673028\nbamboo_planName=Clowder - CORE - release-1.8.3\nbamboo_shortPlanKey=CORE1091\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_sbt_0_13=/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.2/bin/sbt\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_node_Node_js_v0_10_28=/home/bamboo/node-v0.10.28/bin/node\nbamboo_shortJobKey=JOB1\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_node_Node_js_v12_14_1=/home/bamboo/node-v12.14.1/bin/node\nbamboo_planRepository_revision=cb04bdd6d1381f16ddd5708e9cb05fd1af52e424\nbamboo_buildTimeStamp=2020-05-04T10:14:00.241-05:00\nbamboo_repository_previous_revision_number=18a963db2f12e433daa7b53de4866f3f4f7930b1\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_npm=/home/bamboo/node-v0.10.28/bin/npm\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_mvn2_Maven_2=/home/bamboo/apache-maven-2.2.1\nbamboo_planRepository_previousRevision=18a963db2f12e433daa7b53de4866f3f4f7930b1\nbamboo_repository_182059115_name=clowder\nbamboo_repository_git_branch=release/1.8.3\nbamboo_buildResultKey=CATS-CORE1091-JOB1-10\nbamboo_repository_branch_name=release/1.8.3\nbamboo_buildPlanName=Clowder - CORE - release-1.8.3 - default\nbamboo_repository_182059115_revision_number=cb04bdd6d1381f16ddd5708e9cb05fd1af52e424\nbamboo_planRepository_1_revision=cb04bdd6d1381f16ddd5708e9cb05fd1af52e424\nbamboo_repository_182059115_git_repositoryUrl=ssh://\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_python3=/usr/bin/python3\nbamboo_repository_name=clowder\nJAVA_HOME=/home/bamboo/jdk1.8.0_66\nbamboo_buildFailed=false\nbamboo_capability_system_docker_executable=/usr/bin/docker\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_grunt=/home/bamboo/node-v0.10.28/bin/grunt\nbamboo_planRepository_branch=release/1.8.3\nbamboo_agentWorkingDirectory=/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir\nbamboo_capability_system_git_executable=/usr/bin/git\nbamboo_repository_git_username=\nbamboo_planRepository_1_previousRevision=18a963db2f12e433daa7b53de4866f3f4f7930b1\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_sbt_SBT_0_13_13=/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.13\nbamboo_planRepository_branchDisplayName=release/1.8.3\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_phantomjs=/home/bamboo/phantomjs-1.9.8/bin/phantomjs\nbamboo_planRepository_1_type=bbserver\nbamboo_planRepository_branchName=release/1.8.3\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_python2_7=/usr/bin/python2.7\nbamboo_capability_system_hostname=buildserver-1\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK=/home/bamboo/jdk1.8.0_66\nbamboo_capability_system_software_mongo=/usr/bin/mongo\nbamboo_plan_storageTag=plan-181928042\nSBT_HOME=/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.13\nbamboo_hg_cache_directory=/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/_hg-repositories-cache\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_casperjs=/home/bamboo/node-v0.10.28/bin/casperjs\nbamboo_capability_system_software_rabbitmq=/usr/sbin/rabbitmqctl\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_8_0_66=/home/bamboo/jdk1.8.0_66\nbamboo_planRepository_1_username=\nbamboo_planRepository_type=bbserver\nbamboo_git_cache_directory=/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/_git-repositories-cache\nbamboo_repository_git_repositoryUrl=ssh://\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_node_Node_js=/home/bamboo/node-v0.10.28/bin/node\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_node_Node_js_v9_3_0=/home/bamboo/node-v9.3.0/bin/node\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_ant_Ant=/home/bamboo/apache-ant-1.9.4\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_mvn3_Maven_3=/home/bamboo/apache-maven-3.3.9\nbamboo_tmp_directory=/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/temp\nbamboo_working_directory=/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1\nbamboo_planKey=CATS-CORE1091\nbamboo_planRepository_1_repositoryUrl=ssh://\nbamboo_planRepository_username=\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_8=/home/bamboo/jdk1.8.0_66\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_6=/home/bamboo/jdk1.6.0_41\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_mkcrx=/home/bamboo/mkcrx/\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_7=/home/bamboo/jdk1.7.0_60\nbamboo_planRepository_1_branchName=release/1.8.3\nPATH=/home/bamboo/jdk1.8.0_66/bin:/home/bamboo/jdk1.8.0_66/bin:/home/bamboo/node-v0.10.28/bin:/usr/bin:/bin\n build 04-May-2020 10:14:16 [info] Loading project definition from /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/project build 04-May-2020 10:14:21 [warn] There may be incompatibilities among your library dependencies. build 04-May-2020 10:14:21 [warn] Here are some of the libraries that were evicted: build 04-May-2020 10:14:21 [warn]  * com.typesafe.sbt:sbt-native-packager:0.6.4 -> 0.8.0-RC2 build 04-May-2020 10:14:21 [warn] Run 'evicted' to see detailed eviction warnings build 04-May-2020 10:14:29 [info] Set current project to clowder (in build file:/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/) build 04-May-2020 10:14:29 [success] Total time: 0 s, completed May 4, 2020 10:14:29 AM build 04-May-2020 10:14:29 [info] Updating {file:/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/}clowder... build 04-May-2020 10:14:29 [info] Resolving org.scala-lang#scala-library;2.10.3 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:29 build 04-May-2020 10:14:29 M[info] Resolving;2.2.6 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:29 build 04-May-2020 10:14:29 M[info] Resolving;2.2.6 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:29 build 04-May-2020 10:14:29 M[info] Resolving org.javassist#javassist;3.18.0-GA ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:29 build 04-May-2020 10:14:29 M[info] Resolving;2.2.6 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:29 build 04-May-2020 10:14:29 M[info] Resolving;2.2.6 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:29 build 04-May-2020 10:14:29 M[info] Resolving;0.4.2 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:29 build 04-May-2020 10:14:29 M[info] Resolving;0.4.2 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:29 build 04-May-2020 10:14:29 M[info] Resolving com.jsuereth#scala-arm_2.10;1.3 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:29 build 04-May-2020 10:14:29 M[info] Resolving;2.2.6 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:29 build 04-May-2020 10:14:29 M[info] Resolving org.scala-stm#scala-stm_2.10;0.7 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:29 build 04-May-2020 10:14:29 M[info] Resolving com.typesafe#config;1.0.2 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:30 build 04-May-2020 10:14:30 M[info] Resolving;2.2.6 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:30 build 04-May-2020 10:14:30 M[info] Resolving;2.2.6 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:30 build 04-May-2020 10:14:30 M[info] Resolving;2.2.6 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:30 build 04-May-2020 10:14:30 M[info] Resolving joda-time#joda-time;2.2 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:30 build 04-May-2020 10:14:30 M[info] Resolving org.joda#joda-convert;1.3.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:30 build 04-May-2020 10:14:30 M[info] Resolving com.fasterxml.jackson.core#jackson-annotations;2.2.2 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:30 build 04-May-2020 10:14:30 M[info] Resolving com.fasterxml.jackson.core#jackson-core;2.2.2 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:30 build 04-May-2020 10:14:30 M[info] Resolving com.fasterxml.jackson.core#jackson-databind;2.2.2 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:30 build 04-May-2020 10:14:30 M[info] Resolving org.scala-lang#scala-reflect;2.10.3 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:30 build 04-May-2020 10:14:30 M[info] Resolving io.netty#netty;3.7.1.Final ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:30 build 04-May-2020 10:14:30 M[info] Resolving com.typesafe.netty#netty-http-pipelining;1.1.2 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:30 build 04-May-2020 10:14:30 M[info] Resolving org.slf4j#slf4j-api;1.7.5 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:30 build 04-May-2020 10:14:30 M[info] Resolving org.slf4j#jul-to-slf4j;1.7.5 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:30 build 04-May-2020 10:14:30 M[info] Resolving org.slf4j#jcl-over-slf4j;1.7.5 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:30 build 04-May-2020 10:14:30 M[info] Resolving ch.qos.logback#logback-core;1.0.13 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:30 build 04-May-2020 10:14:30 M[info] Resolving ch.qos.logback#logback-classic;1.0.13 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:30 build 04-May-2020 10:14:30 M[info] Resolving com.typesafe.akka#akka-actor_2.10;2.2.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:30 build 04-May-2020 10:14:30 M[info] Resolving com.typesafe.akka#akka-slf4j_2.10;2.2.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:30 build 04-May-2020 10:14:30 M[info] Resolving org.apache.commons#commons-lang3;3.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:30 build 04-May-2020 10:14:30 M[info] Resolving com.ning#async-http-client;1.7.18 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:30 build 04-May-2020 10:14:30 M[info] Resolving oauth.signpost#signpost-core; ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:30 build 04-May-2020 10:14:30 M[info] Resolving commons-codec#commons-codec;1.3 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:30 build 04-May-2020 10:14:30 M[info] Resolving oauth.signpost#signpost-commonshttp4; ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:30 build 04-May-2020 10:14:30 M[info] Resolving xerces#xercesImpl;2.11.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:30 build 04-May-2020 10:14:30 M[info] Resolving xml-apis#xml-apis;1.4.01 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:30 build 04-May-2020 10:14:30 M[info] Resolving javax.transaction#jta;1.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:30 build 04-May-2020 10:14:30 M[info] Resolving;2.2.6 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:30 build 04-May-2020 10:14:30 M[info] Resolving ws.securesocial#securesocial_2.10;2.1.4 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:30 build 04-May-2020 10:14:30 M[info] Resolving;2.2.3 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:30 build 04-May-2020 10:14:30 M[info] Resolving net.sf.ehcache#ehcache-core;2.6.6 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:30 build 04-May-2020 10:14:30 M[info] Resolving com.typesafe#play-plugins-util_2.10;2.2.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:30 build 04-May-2020 10:14:30 M[info] Resolving com.typesafe#play-plugins-mailer_2.10;2.2.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:30 build 04-May-2020 10:14:30 M[info] Resolving org.apache.commons#commons-email;1.2 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:30 build 04-May-2020 10:14:30 M[info] Resolving javax.mail#mail;1.4.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:30 build 04-May-2020 10:14:30 M[info] Resolving javax.activation#activation;1.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:31 build 04-May-2020 10:14:31 M[info] Resolving org.mindrot#jbcrypt;0.3m ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:31 build 04-May-2020 10:14:31 M[info] Resolving com.unboundid#unboundid-ldapsdk;4.0.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:31 build 04-May-2020 10:14:31 M[info] Resolving com.rabbitmq#amqp-client;3.0.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:31 build 04-May-2020 10:14:31 M[info] Resolving org.elasticsearch#elasticsearch;2.3.5 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:31 build 04-May-2020 10:14:31 M[info] Resolving org.apache.lucene#lucene-core;5.5.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:31 build 04-May-2020 10:14:31 M[info] Resolving org.apache.lucene#lucene-backward-codecs;5.5.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:31 build 04-May-2020 10:14:31 M[info] Resolving org.apache.lucene#lucene-analyzers-common;5.5.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:31 build 04-May-2020 10:14:31 M[info] Resolving org.apache.lucene#lucene-queries;5.5.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:31 build 04-May-2020 10:14:31 M[info] Resolving org.apache.lucene#lucene-memory;5.5.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:31 build 04-May-2020 10:14:31 M[info] Resolving org.apache.lucene#lucene-highlighter;5.5.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:31 build 04-May-2020 10:14:31 M[info] Resolving org.apache.lucene#lucene-join;5.5.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:31 build 04-May-2020 10:14:31 M[info] Resolving org.apache.lucene#lucene-grouping;5.5.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:31 build 04-May-2020 10:14:31 M[info] Resolving org.apache.lucene#lucene-queryparser;5.5.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:31 build 04-May-2020 10:14:31 M[info] Resolving org.apache.lucene#lucene-sandbox;5.5.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:31 build 04-May-2020 10:14:31 M[info] Resolving org.apache.lucene#lucene-suggest;5.5.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:31 build 04-May-2020 10:14:31 M[info] Resolving org.apache.lucene#lucene-misc;5.5.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:31 build 04-May-2020 10:14:31 M[info] Resolving org.apache.lucene#lucene-spatial;5.5.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:31 build 04-May-2020 10:14:31 M[info] Resolving org.apache.lucene#lucene-spatial3d;5.5.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:31 build 04-May-2020 10:14:31 M[info] Resolving com.spatial4j#spatial4j;0.5 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:31 build 04-May-2020 10:14:31 M[info] Resolving;18.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:31 build 04-May-2020 10:14:31 M[info] Resolving org.elasticsearch#securesm;1.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:31 build 04-May-2020 10:14:31 M[info] Resolving com.carrotsearch#hppc;0.7.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:31 build 04-May-2020 10:14:31 M[info] Resolving joda-time#joda-time;2.9.4 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:31 build 04-May-2020 10:14:31 M[info] Resolving com.fasterxml.jackson.core#jackson-core;2.6.6 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:31 build 04-May-2020 10:14:31 M[info] Resolving com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat#jackson-dataformat-smile;2.6.6 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:31 build 04-May-2020 10:14:31 M[info] Resolving com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat#jackson-dataformat-yaml;2.6.6 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:31 build 04-May-2020 10:14:31 M[info] Resolving org.yaml#snakeyaml;1.15 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:31 build 04-May-2020 10:14:31 M[info] Resolving com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat#jackson-dataformat-cbor;2.6.6 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:31 build 04-May-2020 10:14:31 M[info] Resolving com.ning#compress-lzf;1.0.2 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:31 build 04-May-2020 10:14:31 M[info] Resolving com.tdunning#t-digest;3.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:31 build 04-May-2020 10:14:31 M[info] Resolving org.hdrhistogram#HdrHistogram;2.1.6 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:31 build 04-May-2020 10:14:31 M[info] Resolving commons-cli#commons-cli;1.3.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:31 build 04-May-2020 10:14:31 M[info] Resolving com.twitter#jsr166e;1.1.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:31 build 04-May-2020 10:14:31 M[info] Resolving org.elasticsearch.module#reindex;2.3.5 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:31 build 04-May-2020 10:14:31 M[info] Resolving org.elasticsearch.module#reindex;2.3.5 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:32 build 04-May-2020 10:14:32 M[info] Resolving org.elasticsearch.module#modules;2.3.5 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:32 build 04-May-2020 10:14:32 M[info] Resolving com.novus#salat_2.10;1.9.5 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:32 build 04-May-2020 10:14:32 M[info] Resolving com.novus#salat-util_2.10;1.9.5 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:32 build 04-May-2020 10:14:32 M[info] Resolving org.scala-lang#scalap;2.10.3 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:32 build 04-May-2020 10:14:32 M[info] Resolving org.scala-lang#scala-compiler;2.10.3 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:32 build 04-May-2020 10:14:32 M[info] Resolving com.novus#salat-core_2.10;1.9.5 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:32 build 04-May-2020 10:14:32 M[info] Resolving org.mongodb#casbah-core_2.10;2.6.4 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:32 build 04-May-2020 10:14:32 M[info] Resolving org.mongodb#casbah-commons_2.10;2.6.4 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:32 build 04-May-2020 10:14:32 M[info] Resolving com.github.nscala-time#nscala-time_2.10;0.2.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:33 build 04-May-2020 10:14:33 M[info] Resolving org.mongodb#mongo-java-driver;2.11.3 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:33 build 04-May-2020 10:14:33 M[info] Resolving org.mongodb#casbah-query_2.10;2.6.4 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:33 build 04-May-2020 10:14:33 M[info] Resolving org.json4s#json4s-native_2.10;3.2.5 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:33 build 04-May-2020 10:14:33 M[info] Resolving org.json4s#json4s-core_2.10;3.2.5 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:33 build 04-May-2020 10:14:33 M[info] Resolving org.json4s#json4s-ast_2.10;3.2.5 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:33 build 04-May-2020 10:14:33 M[info] Resolving com.thoughtworks.paranamer#paranamer;2.5.6 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:33 build 04-May-2020 10:14:33 M[info] Resolving org.mockito#mockito-all;1.9.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:33 build 04-May-2020 10:14:33 M[info] Resolving org.mongodb#casbah_2.10;2.6.3 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:33 build 04-May-2020 10:14:33 M[info] Resolving org.mongodb#casbah-gridfs_2.10;2.6.3 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:33 build 04-May-2020 10:14:33 M[info] Resolving org.postgresql#postgresql;42.1.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:33 build 04-May-2020 10:14:33 M[info] Resolving javax.servlet#servlet-api;2.5 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:33 build 04-May-2020 10:14:33 M[info] Resolving org.reflections#reflections;0.9.10 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:33 build 04-May-2020 10:14:33 M[info] Resolving org.javassist#javassist;3.18.2-GA ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:33 build 04-May-2020 10:14:33 M[info] Resolving;2.0.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:33 build 04-May-2020 10:14:33 M[info] Resolving commons-lang#commons-lang;2.6 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:33 build 04-May-2020 10:14:33 M[info] Resolving commons-io#commons-io;2.4 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:33 build 04-May-2020 10:14:33 M[info] Resolving commons-logging#commons-logging;1.1.3 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:34 build 04-May-2020 10:14:34 M[info] Resolving;3.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:34 build 04-May-2020 10:14:34 M[info] Resolving javax.inject#javax.inject;1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:34 build 04-May-2020 10:14:34 M[info] Resolving aopalliance#aopalliance;1.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:34 build 04-May-2020 10:14:34 M[info] Resolving org.sonatype.sisu.inject#cglib;2.2.1-v20090111 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:34 build 04-May-2020 10:14:34 M[info] Resolving asm#asm;3.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:34 build 04-May-2020 10:14:34 M[info] Resolving org.apache.httpcomponents#httpclient;4.2.3 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:34 build 04-May-2020 10:14:34 M[info] Resolving commons-codec#commons-codec;1.6 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:34 build 04-May-2020 10:14:34 M[info] Resolving org.apache.httpcomponents#httpcore;4.2.3 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:34 build 04-May-2020 10:14:34 M[info] Resolving org.apache.httpcomponents#httpmime;4.2.3 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:34 build 04-May-2020 10:14:34 M[info] Resolving com.googlecode.json-simple#json-simple;1.1.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:34 build 04-May-2020 10:14:34 M[info] Resolving junit#junit;4.10 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:34 build 04-May-2020 10:14:34 M[info] Resolving org.hamcrest#hamcrest-core;1.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:34 build 04-May-2020 10:14:34 M[info] Resolving org.codeartisans#org.json;20131017 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:34 build 04-May-2020 10:14:34 M[info] Resolving org.irods.jargon#jargon-core;3.3.3-beta1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:34 build 04-May-2020 10:14:34 M[info] Resolving org.julienrf#play-jsonp-filter_2.10;1.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:34 build 04-May-2020 10:14:34 M[info] Resolving org.scala-lang#scala-library;2.10.4 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:34 build 04-May-2020 10:14:34 M[info] Resolving com.amazonaws#aws-java-sdk-bom;1.11.106 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:34 build 04-May-2020 10:14:34 M[info] Resolving com.amazonaws#aws-java-sdk-s3;1.11.106 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:34 build 04-May-2020 10:14:34 M[info] Resolving com.amazonaws#aws-java-sdk-kms;1.11.106 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:34 build 04-May-2020 10:14:34 M[info] Resolving com.amazonaws#aws-java-sdk-core;1.11.106 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:34 build 04-May-2020 10:14:34 M[info] Resolving org.apache.httpcomponents#httpclient;4.5.2 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:34 build 04-May-2020 10:14:34 M[info] Resolving org.apache.httpcomponents#httpcore;4.4.4 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:34 build 04-May-2020 10:14:34 M[info] Resolving commons-logging#commons-logging;1.2 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:34 build 04-May-2020 10:14:34 M[info] Resolving commons-codec#commons-codec;1.9 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:34 build 04-May-2020 10:14:34 M[info] Resolving;1.0.2 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:34 build 04-May-2020 10:14:34 M[info] Resolving com.fasterxml.jackson.core#jackson-databind;2.6.6 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:34 build 04-May-2020 10:14:34 M[info] Resolving com.fasterxml.jackson.core#jackson-annotations;2.6.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:34 build 04-May-2020 10:14:34 M[info] Resolving com.amazonaws#jmespath-java;1.11.106 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:34 build 04-May-2020 10:14:34 M[info] Resolving commons-logging#commons-logging;1.1.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 M[info] Resolving;2.2.6 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 M[info] Resolving junit#junit;4.11 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 M[info] Resolving org.hamcrest#hamcrest-core;1.3 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 M[info] Resolving org.specs2#specs2_2.10;2.1.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 M[info] Resolving org.scalaz#scalaz-core_2.10;7.0.2 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 M[info] Resolving org.scalaz#scalaz-concurrent_2.10;7.0.2 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 M[info] Resolving org.scalaz#scalaz-effect_2.10;7.0.2 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 M[info] Resolving com.novocode#junit-interface;0.10 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 M[info] Resolving org.scala-tools.testing#test-interface;0.5 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 M[info] Resolving;2.0.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 M[info] Resolving org.fluentlenium#fluentlenium-festassert;0.8.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 M[info] Resolving org.fluentlenium#fluentlenium-core;0.8.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-java;2.32.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-android-driver;2.32.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-remote-driver;2.32.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 M[info] Resolving cglib#cglib-nodep;2.1_3 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 M[info] Resolving org.json#json;20080701 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-api;2.32.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 M[info] Resolving org.apache.commons#commons-exec;1.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 M[info] Resolving;3.4.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 M[info] Resolving;3.4.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-chrome-driver;2.32.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-htmlunit-driver;2.32.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 M[info] Resolving net.sourceforge.htmlunit#htmlunit;2.12 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 M[info] Resolving xalan#xalan;2.7.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 M[info] Resolving xalan#serializer;2.7.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 M[info] Resolving commons-collections#commons-collections;3.2.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 M[info] Resolving net.sourceforge.htmlunit#htmlunit-core-js;2.12 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 M[info] Resolving net.sourceforge.nekohtml#nekohtml;1.9.18 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 M[info] Resolving net.sourceforge.cssparser#cssparser;0.9.9 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 M[info] Resolving org.w3c.css#sac;1.3 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 M[info] Resolving org.eclipse.jetty#jetty-websocket;8.1.9.v20130131 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 M[info] Resolving org.eclipse.jetty#jetty-util;8.1.9.v20130131 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 M[info] Resolving org.eclipse.jetty#jetty-io;8.1.9.v20130131 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 M[info] Resolving org.eclipse.jetty#jetty-http;8.1.9.v20130131 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-firefox-driver;2.32.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-ie-driver;2.32.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-iphone-driver;2.32.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-safari-driver;2.32.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 M[info] Resolving org.webbitserver#webbit;0.4.14 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-support;2.32.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 M[info] Resolving org.easytesting#fest-assert;1.4 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 M[info] Resolving org.easytesting#fest-util;1.1.6 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 M[info] Resolving org.scalatestplus#play_2.10;1.0.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 M[info] Resolving org.scalatest#scalatest_2.10;2.1.5 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-java;2.38.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-android-driver;2.38.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-remote-driver;2.38.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-api;2.38.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-chrome-driver;2.38.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-htmlunit-driver;2.38.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 M[info] Resolving net.sourceforge.htmlunit#htmlunit;2.13 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 M[info] Resolving org.apache.httpcomponents#httpmime;4.3.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 M[info] Resolving net.sourceforge.htmlunit#htmlunit-core-js;2.13 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 M[info] Resolving net.sourceforge.nekohtml#nekohtml;1.9.19 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 M[info] Resolving net.sourceforge.cssparser#cssparser;0.9.11 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 M[info] Resolving org.eclipse.jetty#jetty-websocket;8.1.12.v20130726 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 M[info] Resolving org.eclipse.jetty#jetty-util;8.1.12.v20130726 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 M[info] Resolving org.eclipse.jetty#jetty-io;8.1.12.v20130726 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 M[info] Resolving org.eclipse.jetty#jetty-http;8.1.12.v20130726 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-firefox-driver;2.38.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-ie-driver;2.38.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-iphone-driver;2.38.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-safari-driver;2.38.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 build 04-May-2020 10:14:35 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-support;2.38.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:36 build 04-May-2020 10:14:36 M[info] Resolving;2.2.6 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:36 build 04-May-2020 10:14:36 M[info] Resolving org.scala-lang#scala-library;2.10.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:36 build 04-May-2020 10:14:36 M[info] Resolving org.apache.httpcomponents#httpcore;4.0.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:36 build 04-May-2020 10:14:36 M[info] Resolving org.apache.httpcomponents#httpclient;4.0.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:36 build 04-May-2020 10:14:36 M[info] Resolving;1.0.3 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:36 build 04-May-2020 10:14:36 M[info] Resolving org.pegdown#pegdown;1.4.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:36 build 04-May-2020 10:14:36 M[info] Resolving org.parboiled#parboiled-java;1.1.5 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:36 build 04-May-2020 10:14:36 M[info] Resolving org.parboiled#parboiled-core;1.1.5 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:36 build 04-May-2020 10:14:36 M[info] Resolving org.ow2.asm#asm;4.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:36 build 04-May-2020 10:14:36 M[info] Resolving org.ow2.asm#asm-tree;4.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:36 build 04-May-2020 10:14:36 M[info] Resolving org.ow2.asm#asm-analysis;4.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:36 build 04-May-2020 10:14:36 M[info] Resolving org.ow2.asm#asm-util;4.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:36 build 04-May-2020 10:14:36 M[info] Resolving org.scala-lang#jline;2.10.3 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:36 build 04-May-2020 10:14:36 M[info] Resolving org.fusesource.jansi#jansi;1.4 ... build 04-May-2020 10:14:36 [info] Done updating. build 04-May-2020 10:14:37 [warn] Scala version was updated by one of library dependencies: build 04-May-2020 10:14:37 [warn]  * org.scala-lang:scala-library:(2.10.0, 2.10.3, 2.10.2) -> 2.10.4 build 04-May-2020 10:14:37 [warn] To force scalaVersion, add the following: build 04-May-2020 10:14:37 [warn]  ivyScala := ivyScala.value map { _.copy(overrideScalaVersion = true) } build 04-May-2020 10:14:37 [warn] Run 'evicted' to see detailed eviction warnings build 04-May-2020 10:14:37 [success] Total time: 7 s, completed May 4, 2020 10:14:37 AM simple 04-May-2020 10:14:37 Finished task 'clean update' with result: Success command 04-May-2020 10:14:37 Substituting variable: ${bamboo.buildNumber} with 10 simple 04-May-2020 10:14:37 Starting task 'compile' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.sbt:sbt' command 04-May-2020 10:14:37 Beginning to execute external process for build 'Clowder - CORE - release-1.8.3 - default #10 (CATS-CORE1091-JOB1-10)'\n ... running command line: \n/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.13/bin/sbt compile\n ... in: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1\n ... using extra environment variables: \nbamboo_planRepository_1_branch=release/1.8.3\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_npm_6=/home/bamboo/node-v6.9.1/bin/npm\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_buckminster_4_3=/home/bamboo/buckminster-4.3/buckminster\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_node_Node_js_v6_9_1=/home/bamboo/node-v6.9.1/bin/node\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_buckminster_4_4=/home/bamboo/buckminster-4.4/buckminster\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_buckminster_4_2=/home/bamboo/buckminster-4.2/buckminster\nbamboo_planRepository_1_branchDisplayName=release/1.8.3\nbamboo_repository_revision_number=cb04bdd6d1381f16ddd5708e9cb05fd1af52e424\nbamboo_repository_182059115_previous_revision_number=18a963db2f12e433daa7b53de4866f3f4f7930b1\nbamboo_resultsUrl=\nJAVA_OPTS=-Dbamboo.buildNumber=10\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_sphinx=/usr/bin/sphinx-build\nbamboo_build_working_directory=/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1\nbamboo_planRepository_1_name=clowder\nbamboo_buildKey=CATS-CORE1091-JOB1\nbamboo_repository_182059115_git_username=\nbamboo_capability_system_os=linux\nbamboo_shortPlanName=CORE\nbamboo_planRepository_name=clowder\nbamboo_repository_182059115_git_branch=release/1.8.3\nbamboo_buildNumber=10\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_node_grunt_6=/home/bamboo/node-v6.9.1/bin/grunt\nbamboo_shortJobName=default\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_python3_6=/usr/bin/python3.6\nbamboo_buildResultsUrl=\nbamboo_planRepository_repositoryUrl=ssh://\nbamboo_repository_182059115_branch_name=release/1.8.3\nbamboo_agentId=140673028\nbamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugins_sbt_sbt_17=/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.13/bin/sbt clean update\nbamboo_planName=Clowder - CORE - release-1.8.3\nbamboo_shortPlanKey=CORE1091\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_sbt_0_13=/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.2/bin/sbt\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_node_Node_js_v0_10_28=/home/bamboo/node-v0.10.28/bin/node\nbamboo_shortJobKey=JOB1\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_node_Node_js_v12_14_1=/home/bamboo/node-v12.14.1/bin/node\nbamboo_planRepository_revision=cb04bdd6d1381f16ddd5708e9cb05fd1af52e424\nbamboo_buildTimeStamp=2020-05-04T10:14:00.241-05:00\nbamboo_repository_previous_revision_number=18a963db2f12e433daa7b53de4866f3f4f7930b1\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_npm=/home/bamboo/node-v0.10.28/bin/npm\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_mvn2_Maven_2=/home/bamboo/apache-maven-2.2.1\nbamboo_planRepository_previousRevision=18a963db2f12e433daa7b53de4866f3f4f7930b1\nbamboo_repository_182059115_name=clowder\nbamboo_repository_git_branch=release/1.8.3\nbamboo_buildResultKey=CATS-CORE1091-JOB1-10\nbamboo_repository_branch_name=release/1.8.3\nbamboo_buildPlanName=Clowder - CORE - release-1.8.3 - default\nbamboo_repository_182059115_revision_number=cb04bdd6d1381f16ddd5708e9cb05fd1af52e424\nbamboo_planRepository_1_revision=cb04bdd6d1381f16ddd5708e9cb05fd1af52e424\nbamboo_repository_182059115_git_repositoryUrl=ssh://\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_python3=/usr/bin/python3\nbamboo_repository_name=clowder\nJAVA_HOME=/home/bamboo/jdk1.8.0_66\nbamboo_buildFailed=false\nbamboo_capability_system_docker_executable=/usr/bin/docker\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_grunt=/home/bamboo/node-v0.10.28/bin/grunt\nbamboo_planRepository_branch=release/1.8.3\nbamboo_agentWorkingDirectory=/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir\nbamboo_capability_system_git_executable=/usr/bin/git\nbamboo_repository_git_username=\nbamboo_planRepository_1_previousRevision=18a963db2f12e433daa7b53de4866f3f4f7930b1\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_sbt_SBT_0_13_13=/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.13\nbamboo_planRepository_branchDisplayName=release/1.8.3\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_phantomjs=/home/bamboo/phantomjs-1.9.8/bin/phantomjs\nbamboo_planRepository_1_type=bbserver\nbamboo_planRepository_branchName=release/1.8.3\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_python2_7=/usr/bin/python2.7\nbamboo_capability_system_hostname=buildserver-1\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK=/home/bamboo/jdk1.8.0_66\nbamboo_capability_system_software_mongo=/usr/bin/mongo\nbamboo_plan_storageTag=plan-181928042\nSBT_HOME=/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.13\nbamboo_hg_cache_directory=/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/_hg-repositories-cache\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_casperjs=/home/bamboo/node-v0.10.28/bin/casperjs\nbamboo_capability_system_software_rabbitmq=/usr/sbin/rabbitmqctl\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_8_0_66=/home/bamboo/jdk1.8.0_66\nbamboo_planRepository_1_username=\nbamboo_planRepository_type=bbserver\nbamboo_git_cache_directory=/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/_git-repositories-cache\nbamboo_repository_git_repositoryUrl=ssh://\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_node_Node_js=/home/bamboo/node-v0.10.28/bin/node\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_node_Node_js_v9_3_0=/home/bamboo/node-v9.3.0/bin/node\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_ant_Ant=/home/bamboo/apache-ant-1.9.4\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_mvn3_Maven_3=/home/bamboo/apache-maven-3.3.9\nbamboo_tmp_directory=/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/temp\nbamboo_working_directory=/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1\nbamboo_planKey=CATS-CORE1091\nbamboo_planRepository_1_repositoryUrl=ssh://\nbamboo_planRepository_username=\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_8=/home/bamboo/jdk1.8.0_66\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_6=/home/bamboo/jdk1.6.0_41\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_mkcrx=/home/bamboo/mkcrx/\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_7=/home/bamboo/jdk1.7.0_60\nbamboo_planRepository_1_branchName=release/1.8.3\nPATH=/home/bamboo/jdk1.8.0_66/bin:/home/bamboo/jdk1.8.0_66/bin:/home/bamboo/node-v0.10.28/bin:/usr/bin:/bin\n build 04-May-2020 10:14:39 [info] Loading project definition from /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/project build 04-May-2020 10:14:39 [warn] There may be incompatibilities among your library dependencies. build 04-May-2020 10:14:39 [warn] Here are some of the libraries that were evicted: build 04-May-2020 10:14:39 [warn]  * com.typesafe.sbt:sbt-native-packager:0.6.4 -> 0.8.0-RC2 build 04-May-2020 10:14:39 [warn] Run 'evicted' to see detailed eviction warnings build 04-May-2020 10:14:40 [info] Set current project to clowder (in build file:/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/) build 04-May-2020 10:14:41 [warn] Scala version was updated by one of library dependencies: build 04-May-2020 10:14:41 [warn]  * org.scala-lang:scala-library:(2.10.0, 2.10.3, 2.10.2) -> 2.10.4 build 04-May-2020 10:14:41 [warn] To force scalaVersion, add the following: build 04-May-2020 10:14:41 [warn]  ivyScala := ivyScala.value map { _.copy(overrideScalaVersion = true) } build 04-May-2020 10:14:41 [warn] Run 'evicted' to see detailed eviction warnings build 04-May-2020 10:14:59 [info] Compiling 488 Scala sources and 8 Java sources to /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/target/scala-2.10/classes... build 04-May-2020 10:15:21 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/Global.scala:68: postfix operator minutes should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:15:21 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:15:21 [warn] This can be achieved by adding the import clause 'import scala.language.postfixOps' build 04-May-2020 10:15:21 [warn] or by setting the compiler option -language:postfixOps. build 04-May-2020 10:15:21 [warn] See the Scala docs for value scala.language.postfixOps for a discussion build 04-May-2020 10:15:21 [warn] why the feature should be explicitly enabled. build 04-May-2020 10:15:21 [warn]  val interval = if (archiveDebug) { 5 minutes } else { 1 day } build 04-May-2020 10:15:21 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:21 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/Global.scala:68: postfix operator day should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:15:21 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:15:21 [warn]  val interval = if (archiveDebug) { 5 minutes } else { 1 day } build 04-May-2020 10:15:21 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:21 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/Global.scala:74: postfix operator seconds should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:15:21 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:15:21 [warn]  val delay = if (archiveDebug) { 10 seconds } else { build 04-May-2020 10:15:21 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:21 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/Global.scala:75: postfix operator seconds should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:15:21 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:15:21 [warn]  (Duration.ofDays(1).getSeconds - sinceLastMidnight) seconds build 04-May-2020 10:15:21 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:21 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/Global.scala:86: postfix operator minutes should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:15:21 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:15:21 [warn]  extractorTimer = Akka.system().scheduler.schedule(0 minutes, 5 minutes) { build 04-May-2020 10:15:21 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:21 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/Global.scala:86: postfix operator minutes should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:15:21 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:15:21 [warn]  extractorTimer = Akka.system().scheduler.schedule(0 minutes, 5 minutes) { build 04-May-2020 10:15:21 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:21 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/Global.scala:92: postfix operator minutes should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:15:21 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:15:21 [warn]  jobTimer = Akka.system().scheduler.schedule(0 minutes, 1 minutes) { build 04-May-2020 10:15:21 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:21 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/Global.scala:92: postfix operator minutes should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:15:21 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:15:21 [warn]  jobTimer = Akka.system().scheduler.schedule(0 minutes, 1 minutes) { build 04-May-2020 10:15:21 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:21 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/Global.scala:106: postfix operator seconds should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:15:21 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:15:21 [warn]  Akka.system().scheduler.scheduleOnce(10 seconds) { build 04-May-2020 10:15:21 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:23 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/api/CurationObjects.scala:124: postfix operator toList should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:15:23 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:15:23 [warn]  metadataJson = metadataJson ++ Map(key -> Json.toJson(metadataList.filter(_.label == key).map{item => item.content}toList)) build 04-May-2020 10:15:23 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:24 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/api/Extractions.scala:14: imported `Files' is permanently hidden by definition of class Files in package api build 04-May-2020 10:15:24 [warn] import play.api.libs.{Files, MimeTypes} build 04-May-2020 10:15:24 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:25 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/api/Files.scala:520: @deprecated now takes two arguments; see the scaladoc. build 04-May-2020 10:15:25 [warn]  @deprecated build 04-May-2020 10:15:25 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:26 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/api/Geostreams.scala:46: postfix operator tupled should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:15:26 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:15:26 [warn]  ) tupled build 04-May-2020 10:15:26 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:26 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/api/Geostreams.scala:54: postfix operator tupled should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:15:26 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:15:26 [warn]  ) tupled build 04-May-2020 10:15:26 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:26 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/api/Geostreams.scala:63: postfix operator tupled should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:15:26 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:15:26 [warn]  ) tupled build 04-May-2020 10:15:26 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:26 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/api/Geostreams.scala:70: postfix operator tupled should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:15:26 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:15:26 [warn]  ) tupled build 04-May-2020 10:15:26 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:26 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/api/Geostreams.scala:78: postfix operator tupled should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:15:26 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:15:26 [warn]  ) tupled build 04-May-2020 10:15:26 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:26 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/api/Geostreams.scala:87: postfix operator tupled should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:15:26 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:15:26 [warn]  ) tupled build 04-May-2020 10:15:26 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:26 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/api/Geostreams.scala:95: postfix operator tupled should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:15:26 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:15:26 [warn]  ) tupled build 04-May-2020 10:15:26 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:27 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBInstitutionService.scala:3: imported `Institution' is permanently hidden by definition of object Institution in package mongodb build 04-May-2020 10:15:27 [warn] import models.Institution build 04-May-2020 10:15:27 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:27 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBProjectService.scala:3: imported `Project' is permanently hidden by definition of object Project in package mongodb build 04-May-2020 10:15:27 [warn] import models.Project build 04-May-2020 10:15:27 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:27 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/api/Reporting.scala:45: This catches all Throwables. If this is really intended, use `case _ : Throwable` to clear this warning. build 04-May-2020 10:15:27 [warn]  case _ => Some("".getBytes("UTF-8")) build 04-May-2020 10:15:27 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:27 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/api/Reporting.scala:78: This catches all Throwables. If this is really intended, use `case _ : Throwable` to clear this warning. build 04-May-2020 10:15:27 [warn]  case _ => Some("".getBytes("UTF-8")) build 04-May-2020 10:15:27 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:27 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/api/Reporting.scala:111: This catches all Throwables. If this is really intended, use `case _ : Throwable` to clear this warning. build 04-May-2020 10:15:27 [warn]  case _ => Some("".getBytes("UTF-8")) build 04-May-2020 10:15:27 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:27 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/api/Reporting.scala:127: a pure expression does nothing in statement position; you may be omitting necessary parentheses build 04-May-2020 10:15:27 [warn]  """Includes file, dataset, collection reports""" build 04-May-2020 10:15:27 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:27 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/api/Reporting.scala:291: a pure expression does nothing in statement position; you may be omitting necessary parentheses build 04-May-2020 10:15:27 [warn]  """returnAllColumns will include empty columns to align with file rows on report""" build 04-May-2020 10:15:27 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:27 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/api/Reporting.scala:345: a pure expression does nothing in statement position; you may be omitting necessary parentheses build 04-May-2020 10:15:27 [warn]  """returnAllColumns will include empty columns to align with file rows on report""" build 04-May-2020 10:15:27 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:29 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/controllers/CurationObjects.scala:477: postfix operator toList should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:15:29 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:15:29 [warn]  metadataJson = metadataJson ++ Map(key -> Json.toJson(metadataList.filter(_.label == key).map { item => item.content }toList)) build 04-May-2020 10:15:29 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:29 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/controllers/CurationObjects.scala:698: postfix operator toList should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:15:29 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:15:29 [warn]  metadataJson = metadataJson ++ Map(key -> Json.toJson(metadataList.filter(_.label == key).map { item => item.content }toList)) build 04-May-2020 10:15:29 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:31 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/controllers/Registration.scala:13: imported `Registration' is permanently hidden by definition of class Registration in package controllers build 04-May-2020 10:15:31 [warn] import securesocial.controllers.{ProviderController, Registration, TemplatesPlugin} build 04-May-2020 10:15:31 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:31 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/controllers/Registration.scala:67: reflective access of structural type member value currentHasher should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:15:31 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.reflectiveCalls visible. build 04-May-2020 10:15:31 [warn] This can be achieved by adding the import clause 'import scala.language.reflectiveCalls' build 04-May-2020 10:15:31 [warn] or by setting the compiler option -language:reflectiveCalls. build 04-May-2020 10:15:31 [warn] See the Scala docs for value scala.language.reflectiveCalls for a discussion build 04-May-2020 10:15:31 [warn] why the feature should be explicitly enabled. build 04-May-2020 10:15:31 [warn]  passwordInfo = Some(Registry.hashers.currentHasher.hash(info.password)) build 04-May-2020 10:15:31 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:31 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/controllers/Spaces.scala:278: postfix operator toMap should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:15:31 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:15:31 [warn]  val roleDescription = users.listRoles() map (t => -> t.description) toMap build 04-May-2020 10:15:31 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:32 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/models/UUID.scala:36: implicit conversion method stringToUUID should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:15:32 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.implicitConversions visible. build 04-May-2020 10:15:32 [warn] This can be achieved by adding the import clause 'import scala.language.implicitConversions' build 04-May-2020 10:15:32 [warn] or by setting the compiler option -language:implicitConversions. build 04-May-2020 10:15:32 [warn] See the Scala docs for value scala.language.implicitConversions for a discussion build 04-May-2020 10:15:32 [warn] why the feature should be explicitly enabled. build 04-May-2020 10:15:32 [warn]  implicit def stringToUUID(s: String) = UUID(s) build 04-May-2020 10:15:32 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:32 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/models/UUID.scala:37: implicit conversion method uuidToObjectId should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:15:32 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.implicitConversions visible. build 04-May-2020 10:15:32 [warn]  implicit def uuidToObjectId(uuid: UUID) = new ObjectId(uuid.stringify) build 04-May-2020 10:15:32 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:32 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/models/UUID.scala:38: implicit conversion method objectIdToUUID should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:15:32 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.implicitConversions visible. build 04-May-2020 10:15:32 [warn]  implicit def objectIdToUUID(objectId: ObjectId) = UUID(objectId.toString) build 04-May-2020 10:15:32 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:32 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/models/User.scala:104: implicit conversion method userToMiniUser should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:15:32 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.implicitConversions visible. build 04-May-2020 10:15:32 [warn]  implicit def userToMiniUser(x: User): MiniUser = x.getMiniUser build 04-May-2020 10:15:32 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:33 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/services/PolyglotPlugin.scala:83: postfix operator seconds should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:15:33 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:15:33 [warn]  akka.pattern.after(3 seconds, using = Akka.system.scheduler)(checkForFileAndDownload((triesLeft - 1), url, outputStream)) build 04-May-2020 10:15:33 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:35 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/services/mongodb/MongoContext.scala:253: implicit conversion method dbObjectToString should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:15:35 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.implicitConversions visible. build 04-May-2020 10:15:35 [warn]  implicit def dbObjectToString(dbObject: DBObject): String = { build 04-May-2020 10:15:35 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:35 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBCollectionService.scala:907: This catches all Throwables. If this is really intended, use `case _ : Throwable` to clear this warning. build 04-May-2020 10:15:35 [warn]  case _ => Logger.error(s"Error queuing collection ${id.stringify}") build 04-May-2020 10:15:35 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:35 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBCommentService.scala:3: imported `Comment' is permanently hidden by definition of object Comment in package mongodb build 04-May-2020 10:15:35 [warn] import models.{DBResult, UUID, Comment} build 04-May-2020 10:15:35 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:36 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBTagService.scala:7: imported `Tag' is permanently hidden by definition of object Tag in package mongodb build 04-May-2020 10:15:36 [warn] import models.{Tag, UUID} build 04-May-2020 10:15:36 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:36 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBDatasetService.scala:1422: This catches all Throwables. If this is really intended, use `case _ : Throwable` to clear this warning. build 04-May-2020 10:15:36 [warn]  case _ => Logger.error(s"Error queuing dataset ${id.stringify}") build 04-May-2020 10:15:36 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:36 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBExtractionRequestsService.scala:20: imported `MongoSalatPlugin' is permanently hidden by definition of class MongoSalatPlugin in package mongodb build 04-May-2020 10:15:36 [warn] import services.mongodb.MongoSalatPlugin build 04-May-2020 10:15:36 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:36 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBExtractionService.scala:4: imported `Extraction' is permanently hidden by definition of object Extraction in package mongodb build 04-May-2020 10:15:36 [warn] import models.{UUID, Extraction, ExtractionGroup, ResourceRef} build 04-May-2020 10:15:36 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:36 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBExtractionService.scala:13: imported `WebPageResource' is permanently hidden by definition of object WebPageResource in package mongodb build 04-May-2020 10:15:36 [warn] import models.WebPageResource build 04-May-2020 10:15:36 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:36 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBFileService.scala:338: This catches all Throwables. If this is really intended, use `case _ : Throwable` to clear this warning. build 04-May-2020 10:15:36 [warn]  case _ => Logger.error(s"Error queuing file ${id.stringify}") build 04-May-2020 10:15:36 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:37 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBQueueService.scala:78: postfix operator seconds should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:15:37 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:15:37 [warn]  queueTimer = Akka.system().scheduler.schedule(0 seconds, 5 millis) { build 04-May-2020 10:15:37 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:37 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBQueueService.scala:78: postfix operator millis should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:15:37 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:15:37 [warn]  queueTimer = Akka.system().scheduler.schedule(0 seconds, 5 millis) { build 04-May-2020 10:15:37 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:37 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBSelectionService.scala:11: imported `Dataset' is permanently hidden by definition of object Dataset in package mongodb build 04-May-2020 10:15:37 [warn] import models.{UUID, Dataset, Selected} build 04-May-2020 10:15:37 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:37 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBSpaceService.scala:23: imported `Collection' is permanently hidden by definition of object Collection in package mongodb build 04-May-2020 10:15:37 [warn] import models.Collection build 04-May-2020 10:15:37 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:37 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBSpaceService.scala:24: imported `Dataset' is permanently hidden by definition of object Dataset in package mongodb build 04-May-2020 10:15:37 [warn] import models.Dataset build 04-May-2020 10:15:37 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:39 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/util/SearchUtils.scala:157: This catches all Throwables. If this is really intended, use `case _ : Throwable` to clear this warning. build 04-May-2020 10:15:39 [warn]  case _ => { build 04-May-2020 10:15:39 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:47 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/api/Admin.scala:43: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:15:47 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:15:47 [warn]  (request.body \ "theme").asOpt[String] match { build 04-May-2020 10:15:47 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:47 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/api/Admin.scala:46: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:15:47 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:15:47 [warn]  (request.body \ "displayName").asOpt[String] match { build 04-May-2020 10:15:47 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:47 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/api/Admin.scala:49: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:15:47 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:15:47 [warn]  (request.body \ "welcomeMessage").asOpt[String] match { build 04-May-2020 10:15:47 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:47 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/api/Admin.scala:52: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:15:47 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:15:47 [warn]  (request.body \ "googleAnalytics").asOpt[String] match { build 04-May-2020 10:15:47 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:47 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/api/Admin.scala:59: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:15:47 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:15:47 [warn]  (request.body \ "sensors").asOpt[String] match { build 04-May-2020 10:15:47 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:47 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/api/Admin.scala:62: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:15:47 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:15:47 [warn]  (request.body \ "sensor").asOpt[String] match { build 04-May-2020 10:15:47 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:47 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/api/Admin.scala:65: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:15:47 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:15:47 [warn]  (request.body \ "parameters").asOpt[String] match { build 04-May-2020 10:15:47 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:47 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/api/Admin.scala:68: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:15:47 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:15:47 [warn]  (request.body \ "parameter").asOpt[String] match { build 04-May-2020 10:15:47 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/api/Collections.scala:153: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn]  collections.get(collectionId) match { build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/api/Collections.scala:580: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn] It would fail on the following input: Failure(_) build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn]  collections.addSubCollection(UUID(parentId), UUID(id), user) match { build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/api/Collections.scala:613: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn]  collections.get(subCollectionId) match { build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/api/Collections.scala:611: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn]  collections.get(collectionId) match { build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/api/Datasets.scala:86: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn] It would fail on the following input: Nil build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn]  folderList match { build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/api/Datasets.scala:756: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn]  datasets.get(id) match { build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/api/Datasets.scala:973: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn]  datasets.get(id) match { build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/api/Datasets.scala:1009: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn]  datasets.get(id) match { build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/api/Datasets.scala:1048: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn]  datasets.get(id) match { build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/api/Datasets.scala:1085: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn]  datasets.get(id) match { build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/api/Datasets.scala:1107: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn]  datasets.get(id) match { build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/api/Datasets.scala:1128: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn]  datasets.get(id) match { build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/api/Datasets.scala:1367: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn]  datasets.get(id) match { build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/api/Datasets.scala:1404: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn]  datasets.get(id) match { build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/api/Datasets.scala:1545: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn]  datasets.get(id) match { build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/api/Datasets.scala:2550: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn]  folders.get(id) match { build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/api/Files.scala:707: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn]  files.get(id) match { build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/api/Files.scala:1051: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn]  files.get(id) match { build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/api/Files.scala:1250: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn]  files.get(id) match { build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/api/Files.scala:1271: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn]  files.get(id) match { build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/api/Files.scala:1440: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn]  files.get(id) match { build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/api/Metadata.scala:497: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn]  datasets.get( match { build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/api/Metadata.scala:509: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn]  files.get( match { build 04-May-2020 10:15:48 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:49 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/api/Permissions.scala:786: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:15:49 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:15:49 [warn]  ident match { build 04-May-2020 10:15:49 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:49 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/api/Previews.scala:135: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:15:49 [warn] It would fail on the following input: Some((x: Seq[?] forSome x not in List[?])) build 04-May-2020 10:15:49 [warn]  request.body.dataParts.get("title") match { build 04-May-2020 10:15:49 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:49 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/api/Previews.scala:323: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:15:49 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:15:49 [warn]  previews.get(preview_id) match { build 04-May-2020 10:15:49 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:49 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/api/Selected.scala:85: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:15:49 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:15:49 [warn]  request.user match { build 04-May-2020 10:15:49 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:49 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/api/Selected.scala:97: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:15:49 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:15:49 [warn]  request.user match { build 04-May-2020 10:15:49 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:49 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/api/Selected.scala:185: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:15:49 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:15:49 [warn]  request.user match { build 04-May-2020 10:15:49 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:49 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/api/Spaces.scala:65: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:15:49 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:15:49 [warn]  spaces.get(spaceId) match { build 04-May-2020 10:15:49 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:49 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/api/Vocabularies.scala:40: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:15:49 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:15:49 [warn]  val current_term = vocabularyTermService.get(term) match { build 04-May-2020 10:15:49 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:49 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/api/VocabularyTerms.scala:44: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:15:49 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:15:49 [warn]  vocabularyTermService.get(id) match { build 04-May-2020 10:15:49 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:49 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/controllers/Admin.scala:311: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:15:49 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:15:49 [warn]  user match { build 04-May-2020 10:15:49 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:49 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/controllers/Admin.scala:335: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:15:49 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:15:49 [warn]  user match { build 04-May-2020 10:15:49 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:49 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/controllers/Admin.scala:349: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:15:49 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:15:49 [warn]  user match { build 04-May-2020 10:15:49 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:49 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/controllers/CurationObjects.scala:658: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:15:49 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:15:49 [warn]  curations.get(curationId) match { build 04-May-2020 10:15:49 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:49 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/controllers/CurationObjects.scala:858: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:15:49 [warn] It would fail on the following inputs: JsBoolean(_), JsNull, JsNumber(_), JsString(_), JsUndefined() build 04-May-2020 10:15:49 [warn]  content match { build 04-May-2020 10:15:49 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:49 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/controllers/Datasets.scala:374: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:15:49 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:15:49 [warn]  email match { build 04-May-2020 10:15:49 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:49 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/controllers/Datasets.scala:371: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:15:49 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:15:49 [warn]  user match { build 04-May-2020 10:15:49 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:49 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/controllers/FileLinks.scala:67: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:15:49 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:15:49 [warn]  files.get(fileid) match { build 04-May-2020 10:15:49 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:49 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/controllers/Spaces.scala:356: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:15:49 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:15:49 [warn]  spaces.getRoleForUserInSpace(, match { build 04-May-2020 10:15:49 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:50 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/services/ToolManagerPlugin.scala:122: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:15:50 [warn] It would fail on the following inputs: JsArray(_), JsBoolean(_), JsNull, JsNumber(_), JsString(_) build 04-May-2020 10:15:50 [warn]  jsonObj match { build 04-May-2020 10:15:50 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:50 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/services/ToolManagerPlugin.scala:141: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:15:50 [warn] It would fail on the following inputs: JsArray(_), JsBoolean(_), JsNull, JsNumber(_), JsString(_) build 04-May-2020 10:15:50 [warn]  jsonObj match { build 04-May-2020 10:15:50 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:50 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/services/ToolManagerPlugin.scala:200: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:15:50 [warn] It would fail on the following inputs: JsArray(_), JsBoolean(_), JsNull, JsNumber(_), JsObject(_) build 04-May-2020 10:15:50 [warn]  val toolName = (toolList \ toolPath \ "name") match { build 04-May-2020 10:15:50 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:50 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/services/TreeService.scala:316: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:15:50 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:15:50 [warn]  collections.get(col_id) match { build 04-May-2020 10:15:50 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:50 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/services/fourstore/FourStoreRdfSPARQLService.scala:176: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:15:50 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:15:50 [warn]  datasets.get(datasetId) match { build 04-May-2020 10:15:50 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:50 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBCollectionService.scala:669: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:15:50 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:15:50 [warn]  Collection.findOneById(new ObjectId(collectionId.stringify)) match { build 04-May-2020 10:15:50 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:50 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBDatasetService.scala:437: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:15:50 [warn] It would fail on the following input: Some((x: String forSome x not in ("default", "private", "public", "publicAll", "trial"))) build 04-May-2020 10:15:50 [warn]  val filterStatus = status match { build 04-May-2020 10:15:50 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:50 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBFileService.scala:784: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:15:50 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:15:50 [warn]  get(id) match{ build 04-May-2020 10:15:50 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:50 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBSpaceService.scala:494: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:15:50 [warn] It would fail on the following input: Some(false) build 04-May-2020 10:15:50 [warn]  datasetOnlyInSpace match { build 04-May-2020 10:15:50 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:50 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBTileService.scala:29: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:15:50 [warn] It would fail on the following inputs: JsArray(_), JsBoolean(_), JsNull, JsNumber(_), JsString(_), JsUndefined() build 04-May-2020 10:15:50 [warn]  json match { build 04-May-2020 10:15:50 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:50 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/services/mongodb/MongoSalatPlugin.scala:1608: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:15:50 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:15:50 [warn]  md.getAs[DBObject]("content") match { build 04-May-2020 10:15:50 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:50 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/util/FileUtils.scala:146: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:15:50 [warn] It would fail on the following inputs: JsArray(_), JsBoolean(_), JsNull, JsNumber(_) build 04-May-2020 10:15:50 [warn]  Json.parse(fobj) \ "@context" match { build 04-May-2020 10:15:50 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:50 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/conf/routes:47: unreachable code build 04-May-2020 10:15:50 [warn] GET /profile/:uuid @controllers.Profile.viewProfileUUID(uuid: UUID) build 04-May-2020 10:15:50 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/conf/routes:298: unreachable code build 04-May-2020 10:15:50 [warn] POST /api/sensors/config @api.Admin.sensorsConfig build 04-May-2020 10:15:50 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/conf/routes:637: unreachable code build 04-May-2020 10:15:50 [warn] DELETE /api/sections/:id/tags @api.Sections.removeTags(id: UUID) build 04-May-2020 10:15:50 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/conf/routes:368: unreachable code build 04-May-2020 10:15:50 [warn] POST /api/uploadToDataset/:id @api.Files.uploadToDataset(id: UUID, showPreviews: String ?= "DatasetLevel", originalZipFile: String ?= "", flags: String ?= "", extract: Boolean ?= true) build 04-May-2020 10:15:50 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/conf/routes:391: unreachable code build 04-May-2020 10:15:50 [warn] DELETE /api/files/:id @api.Files.removeFile(id: UUID) build 04-May-2020 10:15:50 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/conf/routes:397: unreachable code build 04-May-2020 10:15:50 [warn] DELETE /api/files/:id/tags @api.Files.removeTags(id: UUID) build 04-May-2020 10:15:50 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/conf/routes:461: unreachable code build 04-May-2020 10:15:50 [warn] GET /api/files/:three_d_file_id/:filename @api.Files.getTexture(three_d_file_id: UUID, filename) build 04-May-2020 10:15:50 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/conf/routes:448: unreachable code build 04-May-2020 10:15:50 [warn] GET /api/files/:id UUID, tracking: Boolean ?= true) build 04-May-2020 10:15:50 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/conf/routes:364: unreachable code build 04-May-2020 10:15:50 [warn] POST /api/files/withFlags/:flags @api.Files.upload(showPreviews: String ?= "DatasetLevel", originalZipFile: String ?= "", flags: String) build 04-May-2020 10:15:50 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/conf/routes:505: unreachable code build 04-May-2020 10:15:50 [warn] GET /api/collections/list @api.Collections.list(title: Option[String] ?= None, date: Option[String] ?= None, limit: Int ?= 12, exact: Boolean ?= false) build 04-May-2020 10:15:51 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/conf/routes:512: unreachable code build 04-May-2020 10:15:51 [warn] DELETE /api/collections/:coll_id/datasets/:ds_id @api.Collections.removeDataset(coll_id: UUID, ds_id: UUID, ignoreNotFound ?= "True") build 04-May-2020 10:15:51 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/conf/routes:518: unreachable code build 04-May-2020 10:15:51 [warn] DELETE /api/collections/:coll_id @api.Collections.removeCollection(coll_id: UUID) build 04-May-2020 10:15:51 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/conf/routes:559: unreachable code build 04-May-2020 10:15:51 [warn] DELETE /api/datasets/:ds_id/:file_id @api.Datasets.detachFile(ds_id: UUID,file_id: UUID, ignoreNotFound ?= "True") build 04-May-2020 10:15:51 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/conf/routes:571: unreachable code build 04-May-2020 10:15:51 [warn] GET /api/datasets/:id/files @api.Datasets.datasetAllFilesList(id: UUID, max: Int ?= -1) build 04-May-2020 10:15:51 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/conf/routes:517: unreachable code build 04-May-2020 10:15:51 [warn] GET /api/collections/:coll_id/getDatasets @api.Datasets.listInCollection(coll_id: UUID) build 04-May-2020 10:15:51 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/conf/routes:585: unreachable code build 04-May-2020 10:15:51 [warn] DELETE /api/datasets/:id/tags @api.Datasets.removeTags(id: UUID) build 04-May-2020 10:15:51 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/conf/routes:672: unreachable code build 04-May-2020 10:15:51 [warn] GET /api/geostreams/streams/update api.Geostreams.updateStatisticsStreamSensor() build 04-May-2020 10:15:51 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/views/collections/tile.scala.html:55: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:15:51 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:15:51 [warn]  case Some(viewer) => { build 04-May-2020 10:15:51 [warn] ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:51 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/views/curations/publishedGrid.scala.html:12: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:15:51 [warn] It would fail on the following inputs: JsBoolean(_), JsNull, JsNumber(_), JsObject(_), JsUndefined() build 04-May-2020 10:15:51 [warn]  case creators:JsArray => {@(((jo \ "CreatorName"))(0).as[String].trim)@for(i <- 1 to (creators.value.size-1)){, @(((jo \ "CreatorName"))(i).as[String].trim)}}}" build 04-May-2020 10:15:51 [warn] ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:51 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/views/curations/publishedGrid.scala.html:31: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:15:51 [warn] It would fail on the following inputs: JsBoolean(_), JsNull, JsNumber(_), JsObject(_), JsUndefined() build 04-May-2020 10:15:51 [warn]  case creator:JsString => {  build 04-May-2020 10:15:51 [warn] ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:51 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/views/curations/publishedGrid.scala.html:9: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:15:51 [warn] It would fail on the following inputs: JsArray(_), JsBoolean(_), JsNull, JsNumber(_), JsString(_), JsUndefined() build 04-May-2020 10:15:51 [warn]  case jo:JsObject => { build 04-May-2020 10:15:51 [warn] ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:51 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/views/datasets/tile.scala.html:65: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:15:51 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:15:51 [warn]  case Some(viewer) => { build 04-May-2020 10:15:51 [warn] ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:51 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/views/files/tile.scala.html:45: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:15:51 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:15:51 [warn]  case Some(viewer) => { build 04-May-2020 10:15:51 [warn] ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:51 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/views/metadatald/newCard.scala.html:12: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:15:51 [warn] It would fail on the following inputs: JsArray(_), JsBoolean(_), JsNull, JsNumber(_), JsString(_), JsUndefined() build 04-May-2020 10:15:51 [warn]  case o: JsObject => { build 04-May-2020 10:15:51 [warn] ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:51 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/views/metadatald/newTableRow.scala.html:12: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:15:51 [warn] It would fail on the following inputs: JsArray(_), JsBoolean(_), JsNull, JsNumber(_), JsString(_), JsUndefined() build 04-May-2020 10:15:51 [warn]  case o: JsObject => { build 04-May-2020 10:15:51 [warn] ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:57 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/api/CurationObjects.scala:288: class DefaultHttpClient in package client is deprecated: see corresponding Javadoc for more information. build 04-May-2020 10:15:57 [warn]  val client = new DefaultHttpClient build 04-May-2020 10:15:57 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:57 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/api/Datasets.scala:223: value xmlMetadata in class File is deprecated: use Metadata build 04-May-2020 10:15:57 [warn]  if (!file.xmlMetadata.isEmpty) { build 04-May-2020 10:15:57 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:57 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/api/Datasets.scala:420: value xmlMetadata in class File is deprecated: use Metadata build 04-May-2020 10:15:57 [warn]  if (!file.xmlMetadata.isEmpty){ build 04-May-2020 10:15:57 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:57 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/api/Datasets.scala:499: value xmlMetadata in class File is deprecated: use Metadata build 04-May-2020 10:15:57 [warn]  if (!file.xmlMetadata.isEmpty) build 04-May-2020 10:15:57 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/models/Collection.scala:26: value jsonldMetadata in class Collection is deprecated: use Metadata build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn]  @deprecated("use Metadata","since the use of jsonld") jsonldMetadata : List[Metadata]= List.empty build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/models/Collection.scala:6: value jsonldMetadata in class Collection is deprecated: use Metadata build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn] case class Collection( build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/models/File.scala:31: value xmlMetadata in class File is deprecated: use Metadata build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn]  @deprecated("use Metadata","since the use of jsonld") xmlMetadata: Map[String, Any] = Map.empty, build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/models/File.scala:13: value xmlMetadata in class File is deprecated: use Metadata build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn] case class File( build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/models/Preview.scala:29: value jsonldMetadata in class Preview is deprecated: use Metadata build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn]  @deprecated("use Metadata","since the use of jsonld") jsonldMetadata : List[Metadata]= List.empty build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/models/Preview.scala:10: value jsonldMetadata in class Preview is deprecated: use Metadata build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn] case class Preview( build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/models/Section.scala:18: value jsonldMetadata in class Section is deprecated: use Metadata build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn]  @deprecated("use Metadata","since the use of jsonld") jsonldMetadata : List[Metadata]= List.empty, build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/models/Section.scala:8: value jsonldMetadata in class Section is deprecated: use Metadata build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn] case class Section( build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/services/RabbitmqPlugin.scala:199: method encode in object URLEncoder is deprecated: see corresponding Javadoc for more information. build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn]  vhost = URLEncoder.encode(factory.get.getVirtualHost) build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/services/fourstore/FourStoreRdfSPARQLService.scala:25: class DefaultHttpClient in package client is deprecated: see corresponding Javadoc for more information. build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn]  val httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient() build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/services/fourstore/FourStoreRdfSPARQLService.scala:25: class DefaultHttpClient in package client is deprecated: see corresponding Javadoc for more information. build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn]  val httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient() build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/services/fourstore/FourStoreRdfSPARQLService.scala:53: class DefaultHttpClient in package client is deprecated: see corresponding Javadoc for more information. build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn]  val httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient() build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/services/fourstore/FourStoreRdfSPARQLService.scala:53: class DefaultHttpClient in package client is deprecated: see corresponding Javadoc for more information. build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn]  val httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient() build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/services/fourstore/FourStoreRdfSPARQLService.scala:81: class DefaultHttpClient in package client is deprecated: see corresponding Javadoc for more information. build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn]  val httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient() build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/services/fourstore/FourStoreRdfSPARQLService.scala:81: class DefaultHttpClient in package client is deprecated: see corresponding Javadoc for more information. build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn]  val httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient() build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/services/fourstore/FourStoreRdfSPARQLService.scala:110: class DefaultHttpClient in package client is deprecated: see corresponding Javadoc for more information. build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn]  val httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient() build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/services/fourstore/FourStoreRdfSPARQLService.scala:110: class DefaultHttpClient in package client is deprecated: see corresponding Javadoc for more information. build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn]  val httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient() build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/services/fourstore/FourStoreRdfSPARQLService.scala:128: class DefaultHttpClient in package client is deprecated: see corresponding Javadoc for more information. build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn]  val httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient() build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/services/fourstore/FourStoreRdfSPARQLService.scala:128: class DefaultHttpClient in package client is deprecated: see corresponding Javadoc for more information. build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn]  val httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient() build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/services/fourstore/FourStoreRdfSPARQLService.scala:146: class DefaultHttpClient in package client is deprecated: see corresponding Javadoc for more information. build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn]  val httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient() build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/services/fourstore/FourStoreRdfSPARQLService.scala:146: class DefaultHttpClient in package client is deprecated: see corresponding Javadoc for more information. build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn]  val httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient() build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/services/fourstore/FourStoreRdfSPARQLService.scala:204: class DefaultHttpClient in package client is deprecated: see corresponding Javadoc for more information. build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn]  val httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient() build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/services/fourstore/FourStoreRdfSPARQLService.scala:204: class DefaultHttpClient in package client is deprecated: see corresponding Javadoc for more information. build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn]  val httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient() build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/services/fourstore/FourStoreRdfSPARQLService.scala:225: class DefaultHttpClient in package client is deprecated: see corresponding Javadoc for more information. build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn]  val httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient() build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/services/fourstore/FourStoreRdfSPARQLService.scala:225: class DefaultHttpClient in package client is deprecated: see corresponding Javadoc for more information. build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn]  val httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient() build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBFileService.scala:816: value xmlMetadata in class File is deprecated: use Metadata build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn]  if(!file.xmlMetadata.isEmpty){ build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBPreviewService.scala:171: class DefaultHttpClient in package client is deprecated: see corresponding Javadoc for more information. build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn]  val httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient() build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBPreviewService.scala:171: class DefaultHttpClient in package client is deprecated: see corresponding Javadoc for more information. build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn]  val httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient() build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/util/FileUtils.scala:280: value jsonldMetadata in class Preview is deprecated: use Metadata build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn]  val currentMetadata = currentPreview.jsonldMetadata build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/conf/routes:363: method upload in class Files is deprecated build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn] POST /api/files @api.Files.upload(showPreviews: String ?= "DatasetLevel", originalZipFile: String ?= "", flags: String ?= "") build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/conf/routes:363: method upload in class Files is deprecated build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn] POST /api/files @api.Files.upload(showPreviews: String ?= "DatasetLevel", originalZipFile: String ?= "", flags: String ?= "") build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/conf/routes:364: method upload in class Files is deprecated build 04-May-2020 10:15:58 [warn] POST /api/files/withFlags/:flags @api.Files.upload(showPreviews: String ?= "DatasetLevel", originalZipFile: String ?= "", flags: String) build 04-May-2020 10:16:44 [warn] 174 warnings found build 04-May-2020 10:16:47 [warn] warning: [options] bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with -source 1.7 build 04-May-2020 10:16:47 [warn] 1 warning build 04-May-2020 10:16:53 [success] Total time: 133 s, completed May 4, 2020 10:16:53 AM simple 04-May-2020 10:16:53 Finished task 'compile' with result: Success simple 04-May-2020 10:16:53 Starting task 'mongo clean' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script' command 04-May-2020 10:16:53 Beginning to execute external process for build 'Clowder - CORE - release-1.8.3 - default #10 (CATS-CORE1091-JOB1-10)'\n ... running command line: \n/bin/sh /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/temp/\n ... in: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1\n ... using extra environment variables: \nbamboo_planRepository_1_branch=release/1.8.3\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_npm_6=/home/bamboo/node-v6.9.1/bin/npm\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_buckminster_4_3=/home/bamboo/buckminster-4.3/buckminster\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_node_Node_js_v6_9_1=/home/bamboo/node-v6.9.1/bin/node\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_buckminster_4_4=/home/bamboo/buckminster-4.4/buckminster\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_buckminster_4_2=/home/bamboo/buckminster-4.2/buckminster\nbamboo_planRepository_1_branchDisplayName=release/1.8.3\nbamboo_repository_revision_number=cb04bdd6d1381f16ddd5708e9cb05fd1af52e424\nbamboo_repository_182059115_previous_revision_number=18a963db2f12e433daa7b53de4866f3f4f7930b1\nbamboo_resultsUrl=\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_sphinx=/usr/bin/sphinx-build\nbamboo_build_working_directory=/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1\nbamboo_planRepository_1_name=clowder\nbamboo_buildKey=CATS-CORE1091-JOB1\nbamboo_repository_182059115_git_username=\nbamboo_capability_system_os=linux\nbamboo_shortPlanName=CORE\nbamboo_planRepository_name=clowder\nbamboo_repository_182059115_git_branch=release/1.8.3\nbamboo_buildNumber=10\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_node_grunt_6=/home/bamboo/node-v6.9.1/bin/grunt\nbamboo_shortJobName=default\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_python3_6=/usr/bin/python3.6\nbamboo_buildResultsUrl=\nbamboo_planRepository_repositoryUrl=ssh://\nbamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugins_sbt_sbt_18=/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.13/bin/sbt compile\nbamboo_repository_182059115_branch_name=release/1.8.3\nbamboo_agentId=140673028\nbamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugins_sbt_sbt_17=/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.13/bin/sbt clean update\nbamboo_planName=Clowder - CORE - release-1.8.3\nbamboo_shortPlanKey=CORE1091\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_sbt_0_13=/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.2/bin/sbt\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_node_Node_js_v0_10_28=/home/bamboo/node-v0.10.28/bin/node\nbamboo_shortJobKey=JOB1\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_node_Node_js_v12_14_1=/home/bamboo/node-v12.14.1/bin/node\nbamboo_planRepository_revision=cb04bdd6d1381f16ddd5708e9cb05fd1af52e424\nbamboo_buildTimeStamp=2020-05-04T10:14:00.241-05:00\nbamboo_repository_previous_revision_number=18a963db2f12e433daa7b53de4866f3f4f7930b1\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_npm=/home/bamboo/node-v0.10.28/bin/npm\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_mvn2_Maven_2=/home/bamboo/apache-maven-2.2.1\nbamboo_planRepository_previousRevision=18a963db2f12e433daa7b53de4866f3f4f7930b1\nbamboo_repository_182059115_name=clowder\nbamboo_repository_git_branch=release/1.8.3\nbamboo_buildResultKey=CATS-CORE1091-JOB1-10\nbamboo_repository_branch_name=release/1.8.3\nbamboo_buildPlanName=Clowder - CORE - release-1.8.3 - default\nbamboo_repository_182059115_revision_number=cb04bdd6d1381f16ddd5708e9cb05fd1af52e424\nbamboo_planRepository_1_revision=cb04bdd6d1381f16ddd5708e9cb05fd1af52e424\nbamboo_repository_182059115_git_repositoryUrl=ssh://\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_python3=/usr/bin/python3\nbamboo_repository_name=clowder\nbamboo_buildFailed=false\nbamboo_capability_system_docker_executable=/usr/bin/docker\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_grunt=/home/bamboo/node-v0.10.28/bin/grunt\nbamboo_planRepository_branch=release/1.8.3\nbamboo_agentWorkingDirectory=/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir\nbamboo_capability_system_git_executable=/usr/bin/git\nbamboo_repository_git_username=\nbamboo_planRepository_1_previousRevision=18a963db2f12e433daa7b53de4866f3f4f7930b1\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_sbt_SBT_0_13_13=/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.13\nbamboo_planRepository_branchDisplayName=release/1.8.3\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_phantomjs=/home/bamboo/phantomjs-1.9.8/bin/phantomjs\nbamboo_planRepository_1_type=bbserver\nbamboo_planRepository_branchName=release/1.8.3\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_python2_7=/usr/bin/python2.7\nbamboo_capability_system_hostname=buildserver-1\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK=/home/bamboo/jdk1.8.0_66\nbamboo_capability_system_software_mongo=/usr/bin/mongo\nbamboo_plan_storageTag=plan-181928042\nbamboo_hg_cache_directory=/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/_hg-repositories-cache\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_casperjs=/home/bamboo/node-v0.10.28/bin/casperjs\nbamboo_capability_system_software_rabbitmq=/usr/sbin/rabbitmqctl\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_8_0_66=/home/bamboo/jdk1.8.0_66\nbamboo_planRepository_1_username=\nbamboo_planRepository_type=bbserver\nbamboo_git_cache_directory=/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/_git-repositories-cache\nbamboo_repository_git_repositoryUrl=ssh://\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_node_Node_js=/home/bamboo/node-v0.10.28/bin/node\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_node_Node_js_v9_3_0=/home/bamboo/node-v9.3.0/bin/node\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_ant_Ant=/home/bamboo/apache-ant-1.9.4\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_mvn3_Maven_3=/home/bamboo/apache-maven-3.3.9\nbamboo_tmp_directory=/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/temp\nbamboo_working_directory=/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1\nbamboo_planKey=CATS-CORE1091\nbamboo_planRepository_1_repositoryUrl=ssh://\nbamboo_planRepository_username=\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_8=/home/bamboo/jdk1.8.0_66\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_6=/home/bamboo/jdk1.6.0_41\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_mkcrx=/home/bamboo/mkcrx/\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_7=/home/bamboo/jdk1.7.0_60\nbamboo_planRepository_1_branchName=release/1.8.3\n build 04-May-2020 10:16:53 MongoDB shell version v3.4.20 build 04-May-2020 10:16:53 connecting to: mongodb:// build 04-May-2020 10:16:53 MongoDB server version: 3.4.20 build 04-May-2020 10:16:56 { "dropped" : "clowder", "ok" : 1 } build 04-May-2020 10:16:56 bye simple 04-May-2020 10:16:56 Finished task 'mongo clean' with result: Success command 04-May-2020 10:16:56 Substituting variable: ${bamboo.buildNumber} with 10 simple 04-May-2020 10:16:56 Starting task 'test' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.sbt:sbt' command 04-May-2020 10:16:56 Beginning to execute external process for build 'Clowder - CORE - release-1.8.3 - default #10 (CATS-CORE1091-JOB1-10)'\n ... running command line: \n/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.13/bin/sbt test-only integration.APITestSuite\n ... in: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1\n ... using extra environment variables: \nbamboo_planRepository_1_branch=release/1.8.3\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_npm_6=/home/bamboo/node-v6.9.1/bin/npm\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_buckminster_4_3=/home/bamboo/buckminster-4.3/buckminster\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_node_Node_js_v6_9_1=/home/bamboo/node-v6.9.1/bin/node\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_buckminster_4_4=/home/bamboo/buckminster-4.4/buckminster\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_buckminster_4_2=/home/bamboo/buckminster-4.2/buckminster\nbamboo_planRepository_1_branchDisplayName=release/1.8.3\nbamboo_repository_revision_number=cb04bdd6d1381f16ddd5708e9cb05fd1af52e424\nbamboo_repository_182059115_previous_revision_number=18a963db2f12e433daa7b53de4866f3f4f7930b1\nbamboo_resultsUrl=\nbamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugins_scripttask_task_builder_script_15=/bin/sh /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/temp/\nJAVA_OPTS=-Dbamboo.buildNumber=10\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_sphinx=/usr/bin/sphinx-build\nbamboo_build_working_directory=/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1\nbamboo_planRepository_1_name=clowder\nbamboo_buildKey=CATS-CORE1091-JOB1\nbamboo_repository_182059115_git_username=\nbamboo_capability_system_os=linux\nbamboo_shortPlanName=CORE\nbamboo_planRepository_name=clowder\nbamboo_repository_182059115_git_branch=release/1.8.3\nbamboo_buildNumber=10\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_node_grunt_6=/home/bamboo/node-v6.9.1/bin/grunt\nbamboo_shortJobName=default\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_python3_6=/usr/bin/python3.6\nbamboo_buildResultsUrl=\nbamboo_planRepository_repositoryUrl=ssh://\nbamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugins_sbt_sbt_18=/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.13/bin/sbt compile\nbamboo_repository_182059115_branch_name=release/1.8.3\nbamboo_agentId=140673028\nbamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugins_sbt_sbt_17=/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.13/bin/sbt clean update\nbamboo_planName=Clowder - CORE - release-1.8.3\nbamboo_shortPlanKey=CORE1091\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_sbt_0_13=/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.2/bin/sbt\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_node_Node_js_v0_10_28=/home/bamboo/node-v0.10.28/bin/node\nbamboo_shortJobKey=JOB1\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_node_Node_js_v12_14_1=/home/bamboo/node-v12.14.1/bin/node\nbamboo_planRepository_revision=cb04bdd6d1381f16ddd5708e9cb05fd1af52e424\nbamboo_buildTimeStamp=2020-05-04T10:14:00.241-05:00\nbamboo_repository_previous_revision_number=18a963db2f12e433daa7b53de4866f3f4f7930b1\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_npm=/home/bamboo/node-v0.10.28/bin/npm\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_mvn2_Maven_2=/home/bamboo/apache-maven-2.2.1\nbamboo_planRepository_previousRevision=18a963db2f12e433daa7b53de4866f3f4f7930b1\nbamboo_repository_182059115_name=clowder\nbamboo_repository_git_branch=release/1.8.3\nbamboo_buildResultKey=CATS-CORE1091-JOB1-10\nbamboo_repository_branch_name=release/1.8.3\nbamboo_buildPlanName=Clowder - CORE - release-1.8.3 - default\nbamboo_repository_182059115_revision_number=cb04bdd6d1381f16ddd5708e9cb05fd1af52e424\nbamboo_planRepository_1_revision=cb04bdd6d1381f16ddd5708e9cb05fd1af52e424\nbamboo_repository_182059115_git_repositoryUrl=ssh://\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_python3=/usr/bin/python3\nbamboo_repository_name=clowder\nJAVA_HOME=/home/bamboo/jdk1.8.0_66\nbamboo_buildFailed=false\nbamboo_capability_system_docker_executable=/usr/bin/docker\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_grunt=/home/bamboo/node-v0.10.28/bin/grunt\nbamboo_planRepository_branch=release/1.8.3\nbamboo_agentWorkingDirectory=/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir\nbamboo_capability_system_git_executable=/usr/bin/git\nbamboo_repository_git_username=\nbamboo_planRepository_1_previousRevision=18a963db2f12e433daa7b53de4866f3f4f7930b1\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_sbt_SBT_0_13_13=/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.13\nbamboo_planRepository_branchDisplayName=release/1.8.3\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_phantomjs=/home/bamboo/phantomjs-1.9.8/bin/phantomjs\nbamboo_planRepository_1_type=bbserver\nbamboo_planRepository_branchName=release/1.8.3\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_python2_7=/usr/bin/python2.7\nbamboo_capability_system_hostname=buildserver-1\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK=/home/bamboo/jdk1.8.0_66\nbamboo_capability_system_software_mongo=/usr/bin/mongo\nbamboo_plan_storageTag=plan-181928042\nSBT_HOME=/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.13\nbamboo_hg_cache_directory=/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/_hg-repositories-cache\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_casperjs=/home/bamboo/node-v0.10.28/bin/casperjs\nbamboo_capability_system_software_rabbitmq=/usr/sbin/rabbitmqctl\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_8_0_66=/home/bamboo/jdk1.8.0_66\nbamboo_planRepository_1_username=\nbamboo_planRepository_type=bbserver\nbamboo_git_cache_directory=/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/_git-repositories-cache\nbamboo_repository_git_repositoryUrl=ssh://\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_node_Node_js=/home/bamboo/node-v0.10.28/bin/node\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_node_Node_js_v9_3_0=/home/bamboo/node-v9.3.0/bin/node\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_ant_Ant=/home/bamboo/apache-ant-1.9.4\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_mvn3_Maven_3=/home/bamboo/apache-maven-3.3.9\nbamboo_tmp_directory=/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/temp\nbamboo_working_directory=/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1\nbamboo_planKey=CATS-CORE1091\nbamboo_planRepository_1_repositoryUrl=ssh://\nbamboo_planRepository_username=\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_8=/home/bamboo/jdk1.8.0_66\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_6=/home/bamboo/jdk1.6.0_41\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_mkcrx=/home/bamboo/mkcrx/\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_7=/home/bamboo/jdk1.7.0_60\nbamboo_planRepository_1_branchName=release/1.8.3\nPATH=/home/bamboo/jdk1.8.0_66/bin:/home/bamboo/jdk1.8.0_66/bin:/home/bamboo/node-v0.10.28/bin:/usr/bin:/bin\n build 04-May-2020 10:16:58 [info] Loading project definition from /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/project build 04-May-2020 10:16:58 [warn] There may be incompatibilities among your library dependencies. build 04-May-2020 10:16:58 [warn] Here are some of the libraries that were evicted: build 04-May-2020 10:16:58 [warn]  * com.typesafe.sbt:sbt-native-packager:0.6.4 -> 0.8.0-RC2 build 04-May-2020 10:16:58 [warn] Run 'evicted' to see detailed eviction warnings build 04-May-2020 10:16:59 [info] Set current project to clowder (in build file:/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/) build 04-May-2020 10:17:00 [warn] Scala version was updated by one of library dependencies: build 04-May-2020 10:17:00 [warn]  * org.scala-lang:scala-library:(2.10.0, 2.10.3, 2.10.2) -> 2.10.4 build 04-May-2020 10:17:00 [warn] To force scalaVersion, add the following: build 04-May-2020 10:17:00 [warn]  ivyScala := ivyScala.value map { _.copy(overrideScalaVersion = true) } build 04-May-2020 10:17:00 [warn] Run 'evicted' to see detailed eviction warnings build 04-May-2020 10:17:08 [info] Compiling 38 Scala sources to /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/target/scala-2.10/test-classes... build 04-May-2020 10:17:16 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/test/integration/spaces/SpacesAPIAppSpec.scala:164: a pure expression does nothing in statement position; you may be omitting necessary parentheses build 04-May-2020 10:17:16 [warn]  case JsSuccess(list : List[SpacesSet], _) => list build 04-May-2020 10:17:16 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:17:16 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/test/integration/spaces/SpacesAPIAppSpec.scala:206: a pure expression does nothing in statement position; you may be omitting necessary parentheses build 04-May-2020 10:17:16 [warn]  case JsSuccess(list : List[SpacesSet], _) => list build 04-May-2020 10:17:16 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:17:16 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/test/integration/utilities/MultiFileUpload.scala:50: implicit conversion method toWrappedFakeRequest should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:17:16 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.implicitConversions visible. build 04-May-2020 10:17:16 [warn] This can be achieved by adding the import clause 'import scala.language.implicitConversions' build 04-May-2020 10:17:16 [warn] or by setting the compiler option -language:implicitConversions. build 04-May-2020 10:17:16 [warn] See the Scala docs for value scala.language.implicitConversions for a discussion build 04-May-2020 10:17:16 [warn] why the feature should be explicitly enabled. build 04-May-2020 10:17:16 [warn]  implicit def toWrappedFakeRequest[A](fr: FakeRequest[A]) = WrappedFakeRequest(fr) build 04-May-2020 10:17:16 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:17:19 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/test/integration/dts/DTSExtractionsAPIAppSpec.scala:59: class DefaultHttpClient in package client is deprecated: see corresponding Javadoc for more information. build 04-May-2020 10:17:19 [warn]  val client = new DefaultHttpClient() build 04-May-2020 10:17:19 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:17:19 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/test/integration/dts/DTSExtractionsAPIAppSpec.scala:59: class DefaultHttpClient in package client is deprecated: see corresponding Javadoc for more information. build 04-May-2020 10:17:19 [warn]  val client = new DefaultHttpClient() build 04-May-2020 10:17:19 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:17:23 [warn] 5 warnings found build 04-May-2020 10:17:26 2020-05-04 10:17:26,272 - [INFO ] - application - Connecting to : mongodb:// build 04-May-2020 10:17:26 2020-05-04 10:17:26,859 - [WARN ] - application - Missing mongo update add-trash-dataset. Application might be broken. build 04-May-2020 10:17:26 2020-05-04 10:17:26,861 - [WARN ] - application - Missing mongo update add-trash-collection. Application might be broken. build 04-May-2020 10:17:26 2020-05-04 10:17:26,862 - [WARN ] - application - Missing mongo update fixing-typehint-users. Application might be broken. build 04-May-2020 10:17:26 2020-05-04 10:17:26,863 - [WARN ] - application - Missing mongo update convert-to-spaces. Application might be broken. build 04-May-2020 10:17:26 2020-05-04 10:17:26,863 - [WARN ] - application - Missing mongo update fixing-taglength. Application might be broken. build 04-May-2020 10:17:26 2020-05-04 10:17:26,864 - [WARN ] - application - Missing mongo update removed-datasets-collection. Application might be broken. build 04-May-2020 10:17:26 2020-05-04 10:17:26,867 - [WARN ] - application - Missing mongo update replace-dataset-collections-string-uuid. Application might be broken. build 04-May-2020 10:17:26 2020-05-04 10:17:26,868 - [WARN ] - application - Missing mongo update replace-dataset-files-with-id. Application might be broken. build 04-May-2020 10:17:26 2020-05-04 10:17:26,869 - [WARN ] - application - Missing mongo update migrate-metadata-jsonld. Application might be broken. build 04-May-2020 10:17:26 2020-05-04 10:17:26,871 - [WARN ] - application - Missing mongo update collection-author. Application might be broken. build 04-May-2020 10:17:26 2020-05-04 10:17:26,872 - [WARN ] - application - Missing mongo update update-space-invites. Application might be broken. build 04-May-2020 10:17:26 2020-05-04 10:17:26,873 - [WARN ] - application - Missing mongo update update-file-length-sha512-path. Application might be broken. build 04-May-2020 10:17:26 2020-05-04 10:17:26,874 - [WARN ] - application - Missing mongo update fixing-mongo-sha512. Application might be broken. build 04-May-2020 10:17:26 2020-05-04 10:17:26,877 - [WARN ] - application - Missing mongo update update-user-preferences. Application might be broken. build 04-May-2020 10:17:26 2020-05-04 10:17:26,878 - [WARN ] - application - Missing mongo update activate-users. Application might be broken. build 04-May-2020 10:17:26 2020-05-04 10:17:26,879 - [WARN ] - application - Missing mongo update migrate-notes-files. Application might be broken. build 04-May-2020 10:17:26 2020-05-04 10:17:26,886 - [WARN ] - application - Missing mongo update migrate-notes-datasets. Application might be broken. build 04-May-2020 10:17:26 2020-05-04 10:17:26,887 - [WARN ] - application - Missing mongo update add-creator-to-folders. Application might be broken. build 04-May-2020 10:17:26 2020-05-04 10:17:26,888 - [WARN ] - application - Missing mongo update add-creator-to-curation-folders. Application might be broken. build 04-May-2020 10:17:26 2020-05-04 10:17:26,888 - [WARN ] - application - Missing mongo update split-gridfs. Application might be broken. build 04-May-2020 10:17:26 2020-05-04 10:17:26,889 - [WARN ] - application - Missing mongo update add-admin-to-user-object. Application might be broken. build 04-May-2020 10:17:26 2020-05-04 10:17:26,890 - [WARN ] - application - Missing mongo update use-miniuser. Application might be broken. build 04-May-2020 10:17:26 2020-05-04 10:17:26,891 - [WARN ] - application - Missing mongo update add-collection-root-map. Application might be broken. build 04-May-2020 10:17:26 2020-05-04 10:17:26,892 - [WARN ] - application - Missing mongo update update-collection-counter-in-space. Application might be broken. build 04-May-2020 10:17:26 2020-05-04 10:17:26,892 - [WARN ] - application - Missing mongo update rename-admin-serverAdmin. Application might be broken. build 04-May-2020 10:17:26 2020-05-04 10:17:26,893 - [WARN ] - application - Missing mongo update update-events-name. Application might be broken. build 04-May-2020 10:17:26 2020-05-04 10:17:26,893 - [WARN ] - application - Missing mongo update update-user-spaces. Application might be broken. build 04-May-2020 10:17:26 2020-05-04 10:17:26,894 - [WARN ] - application - Missing mongo update update-counts-spaces. Application might be broken. build 04-May-2020 10:17:26 2020-05-04 10:17:26,895 - [WARN ] - application - Missing mongo update add-trial-flag. Application might be broken. build 04-May-2020 10:17:26 2020-05-04 10:17:26,896 - [WARN ] - application - Missing mongo update switch-user-agreement-to-terms-of-services. Application might be broken. build 04-May-2020 10:17:26 2020-05-04 10:17:26,896 - [WARN ] - application - Missing mongo update fix-metadata-count. Application might be broken. build 04-May-2020 10:17:26 2020-05-04 10:17:26,897 - [WARN ] - application - Missing mongo update add-file-status. Application might be broken. build 04-May-2020 10:17:26 2020-05-04 10:17:26,898 - [WARN ] - application - Missing mongo update add-metadata-per-space. Application might be broken. build 04-May-2020 10:17:26 2020-05-04 10:17:26,899 - [WARN ] - application - Missing mongo update add-trial-flag2. Application might be broken. build 04-May-2020 10:17:26 2020-05-04 10:17:26,899 - [WARN ] - application - Missing mongo update user-emails-to-lowercase. Application might be broken. build 04-May-2020 10:17:26 2020-05-04 10:17:26,900 - [WARN ] - application - Missing mongo update copy-sha512-to-metadata-and-remove-all. Application might be broken. build 04-May-2020 10:17:26 2020-05-04 10:17:26,901 - [WARN ] - application - Missing mongo update update-repository-type-in-extractors-info. Application might be broken. build 04-May-2020 10:17:26 2020-05-04 10:17:26,901 - [WARN ] - application - Missing mongo update change-in-curation-status-to-in-preparation. Application might be broken. build 04-May-2020 10:17:26 2020-05-04 10:17:26,902 - [WARN ] - application - Missing mongo update change-to-user-status. Application might be broken. build 04-May-2020 10:17:26 2020-05-04 10:17:26,903 - [WARN ] - application - Missing mongo update populate-original-filename. Application might be broken. build 04-May-2020 10:17:26 2020-05-04 10:17:26,903 - [WARN ] - application - Missing mongo update remove-key-extraction-log. Application might be broken. build 04-May-2020 10:17:26 2020-05-04 10:17:26,904 - [WARN ] - application - Missing mongo update update-avatar-url-to-https. Application might be broken. build 04-May-2020 10:17:26 2020-05-04 10:17:26,905 - [WARN ] - application - Missing mongo update update-editor-role. Application might be broken. build 04-May-2020 10:17:26 2020-05-04 10:17:26,905 - [WARN ] - application - Missing mongo update update-admin-role. Application might be broken. build 04-May-2020 10:17:37 2020-05-04 10:17:37,166 - [INFO ] - application - [securesocial] loaded templates plugin: services.SecureSocialTemplatesPlugin build 04-May-2020 10:17:37 2020-05-04 10:17:37,237 - [INFO ] - play - Starting application default Akka system. build 04-May-2020 10:17:37 2020-05-04 10:17:37,240 - [INFO ] - application - [securesocial] loaded user service: class services.mongodb.MongoDBSecureSocialUserService build 04-May-2020 10:17:37 2020-05-04 10:17:37,241 - [INFO ] - application - [securesocial] loaded password hasher bcrypt build 04-May-2020 10:17:39 2020-05-04 10:17:39,360 - [INFO ] - application - Byte count not found in appConfig; scheduling database counting in 10s... build 04-May-2020 10:17:39 2020-05-04 10:17:39,361 - [INFO ] - application - Application has started build 04-May-2020 10:17:39 2020-05-04 10:17:39,361 - [INFO ] - application - [securesocial] loaded identity provider: userpass build 04-May-2020 10:17:39 2020-05-04 10:17:39,363 - [INFO ] - application - [securesocial] loaded event listener SecureSocialEventListener build 04-May-2020 10:17:39 [info] ExtractionsAPIAppSpec: build 04-May-2020 10:17:39 [info] The Extractions API Spec build 04-May-2020 10:17:39 [info] - must provide a FakeApplication build 04-May-2020 10:17:39 [info] - must make the FakeApplication available implicitly build 04-May-2020 10:17:39 [info] - must start the FakeApplication build 04-May-2020 10:17:39 [info] The Extractions API Spec build 04-May-2020 10:17:40 [info] - must respond to the Upload File URL build 04-May-2020 10:17:40 [info]  + Status=200  build 04-May-2020 10:17:40 [info]  + contentType=Some(application/json)  build 04-May-2020 10:17:40 [info]  + contentAsString{"id":"5eb03213cb0e1ab0dd49d5e4"}  build 04-May-2020 10:17:40 [info] - must respond to the Upload File build 04-May-2020 10:17:40 [info]  + Working Directory: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1  build 04-May-2020 10:17:40 [info]  + Status=200  build 04-May-2020 10:17:40 [info]  + contentType=Some(application/json)  build 04-May-2020 10:17:40 [info]  + contentAsString{"id":"5eb03214cb0e1ab0dd49d5ea"}  build 04-May-2020 10:17:40 [info] - must respond to the getExtractorNamesAction build 04-May-2020 10:17:40 [info]  + Status=200  build 04-May-2020 10:17:40 [info]  + contentType=Some(application/json)  build 04-May-2020 10:17:40 [info]  + content{"Extractors":[]}  build 04-May-2020 10:17:40 [info] - must respond to the getExtractorServerIPsAction build 04-May-2020 10:17:40 [info]  + Status=200  build 04-May-2020 10:17:40 [info]  + contentType=Some(application/json)  build 04-May-2020 10:17:40 [info]  + content{"Servers":[]}  build 04-May-2020 10:17:40 [info] - must respond to the getExtractorSupportedInputTypesAction build 04-May-2020 10:17:40 [info]  + Status=200  build 04-May-2020 10:17:40 [info]  + contentType=Some(application/json)  build 04-May-2020 10:17:40 [info]  + content{"InputTypes":[]}  build 04-May-2020 10:17:40 [info] - must respond to the getDTSRequests build 04-May-2020 10:17:40 [info]  + Status=200  build 04-May-2020 10:17:40 [info]  + contentType=Some(application/json)  build 04-May-2020 10:17:40 [info] - must respond to the removeFile(id:UUID) function routed by DELETE /api/files/:id for morrow-plots file  build 04-May-2020 10:17:40 [info]  + Status_Get=200  build 04-May-2020 10:17:40 [info]  + contentType_Get=Some(application/json)  build 04-May-2020 10:17:40 [info]  + Pretty JSON format  build 04-May-2020 10:17:40 [info]  + { build 04-May-2020 10:17:40 [info]  "status" : "success" build 04-May-2020 10:17:40 [info] }  build 04-May-2020 10:17:40 [info] - must respond to the removeFile(id:UUID) function routed by DELETE /api/files/:id for logos_ncsa file  build 04-May-2020 10:17:40 [info]  + Status_Get=200  build 04-May-2020 10:17:40 [info]  + contentType_Get=Some(application/json)  build 04-May-2020 10:17:40 [info]  + Pretty JSON format  build 04-May-2020 10:17:40 [info]  + { build 04-May-2020 10:17:40 [info]  "status" : "success" build 04-May-2020 10:17:40 [info] }  build 04-May-2020 10:17:40 [info] FilesAPIAppSpec: build 04-May-2020 10:17:40 [info] The Files API Spec build 04-May-2020 10:17:40 [info] - must provide a FakeApplication build 04-May-2020 10:17:40 [info] - must make the FakeApplication available implicitly build 04-May-2020 10:17:40 [info] - must start the FakeApplication build 04-May-2020 10:17:40 [info] The Files API Spec build 04-May-2020 10:17:40 [info] - must respond to the Upload File build 04-May-2020 10:17:40 [info]  + Working Directory: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1  build 04-May-2020 10:17:40 [info]  + Status=200  build 04-May-2020 10:17:40 [info]  + contentType=Some(application/json)  build 04-May-2020 10:17:40 [info]  + contentAsString{"id":"5eb03214cb0e1ab0dd49d5fb"}  build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info] - must respond to the uploadThumbnail() function routed by POST /api/fileThumbnail build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  + Working Directory: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1  build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  + Status=200  build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  + contentType=Some(application/json)  build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  + contentAsString{"id":"5eb03216cb0e1ab0dd49d606"}  build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info] - must respond to the addMetadata(id: UUID) function routed by POST /api/files/:id/metadata build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  + Working Directory: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1  build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  + File Pathing /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/test/data/files/data-test-general.json  build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  + Pretty JSON format  build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  + { build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "Image" : "fid", build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "Format" : "JPEG(JointPhotographicExpertsGroupJFIFformat)", build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "Class" : "DirectClass", build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "Geometry" : "640x299+0+0", build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "Resolution" : "72x72", build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "Printsize" : "8.88889x4.15278", build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "Units" : "PixelsPerInch", build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "Type" : "TrueColor", build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "Endianess" : "Undefined", build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "Colorspace" : "sRGB", build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "Depth" : "8-bit", build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "Channeldepth" : { build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "red" : "8-bit", build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "green" : "8-bit", build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "blue" : "8-bit" build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  }, build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "Channelstatistics" : { build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "Red" : { build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "min" : "0(0)", build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "max" : "255(1)", build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "mean" : "100.639(0.394664)", build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "standarddeviation" : "71.9573(0.282185)", build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "kurtosis" : "-1.36322", build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "skewness" : "0.451553" build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  }, build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "Green" : { build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "min" : "0(0)", build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "max" : "255(1)", build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "mean" : "90.209(0.353761)", build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "standarddeviation" : "65.0885(0.255249)", build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "kurtosis" : "-1.13473", build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "skewness" : "0.595271" build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  }, build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "Blue" : { build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "min" : "0(0)", build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "max" : "255(1)", build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "mean" : "79.6365(0.3123)", build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "standarddeviation" : "55.4165(0.21732)", build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "kurtosis" : "-0.872806", build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "skewness" : "0.669403" build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  } build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  }, build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "Imagestatistics" : { build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "Overall" : { build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "min" : "0(0)", build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "max" : "255(1)", build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "mean" : "90.1616(0.353575)", build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "standarddeviation" : "64.5119(0.252988)", build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "kurtosis" : "-0.975723", build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "skewness" : "0.636514" build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  } build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  }, build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "Renderingintent" : "Perceptual", build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "Gamma" : "0.454545", build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "Chromaticity" : { build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "redprimary" : "(0.64,0.33)", build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "greenprimary" : "(0.3,0.6)", build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "blueprimary" : "(0.15,0.06)", build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "whitepoint" : "(0.3127,0.329)" build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  }, build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "Backgroundcolor" : "white", build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "Bordercolor" : "srgb(223,223,223)", build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "Mattecolor" : "grey74", build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "Transparentcolor" : "black", build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "Interlace" : "None", build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "Intensity" : "Undefined", build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "Compose" : "Over", build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "Pagegeometry" : "640x299+0+0", build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "Dispose" : "Undefined", build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "Iterations" : "0", build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "Compression" : "JPEG", build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "Quality" : "93", build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "Orientation" : "TopLeft", build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "Properties" : { build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "date: create" : "2014-08-28T11: 07: 11-05: 00", build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "date: modify" : "2014-08-28T11: 07: 11-05: 00", build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "exif: ColorSpace" : "1", build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "exif: ComponentsConfiguration" : "1,2,3,0", build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "exif: Compression" : "6", build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "exif: ExifImageLength" : "299", build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "exif: ExifImageWidth" : "640", build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "exif: ExifOffset" : "102", build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "exif: ExifVersion" : "48,50,50,49", build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "exif: FlashPixVersion" : "48,49,48,48", build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "exif: JPEGInterchangeFormat" : "286", build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "exif: JPEGInterchangeFormatLength" : "7402", build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "exif: Orientation" : "1", build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "exif: ResolutionUnit" : "2", build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "exif: SceneCaptureType" : "0", build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "exif: thumbnail: ResolutionUnit" : "2", build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "exif: thumbnail: XResolution" : "72/1", build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "exif: thumbnail: YResolution" : "72/1", build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "exif: XResolution" : "72/1", build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "exif: YCbCrPositioning" : "1", build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "exif: YResolution" : "72/1", build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "jpeg: colorspace" : "2", build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "jpeg: sampling-factor" : "2x2,1x1,1x1", build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "signature" : "79e4979a6a880c120d7dc862a274ba452233fcf34459d05ca12f25af6dbfb0e6" build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  }, build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "Profiles" : { build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "Profile-exif" : "8188bytes" build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  }, build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "Artifacts" : { build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "filename" : "fname", build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "verbose" : "true" build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  }, build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "Tainted" : "False", build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "Filesize" : "58.1KB", build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "Numberpixels" : "191K", build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "Pixelspersecond" : "19.14MB", build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "Usertime" : "0.010u", build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "Elapsedtime" : "0: 01.009", build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "Version" : "ImageMagick6.8.6-32013-06-25Q16http: //" build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info] }  build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  + Status_Get=200  build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  + contentType_Get=Some(application/json)  build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info] - must respond to the addUserMetadata(id: UUID) function routed by POST /api/files/:id/usermetadata build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  + Working Directory: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1  build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  + File Pathing /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/test/data/files/data-test-user.json  build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  + Pretty JSON format  build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  + { build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "Description" : "Pretty picture of bronze sign", build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "Items" : "Sign, Bridge, Building", build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "Other" : "Sunny Day" build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info] }  build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  + Status_Get=200  build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  + contentType_Get=Some(application/json)  build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info] - must respond to the get(id: UUID) function routed by GET /api/files/:id/metadata build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  + Status_Get=200  build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  + contentType_Get=Some(application/json)  build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  + Pretty JSON format  build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  + { build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "size" : "1267871", build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "date-created" : "Mon May 04 10:17:40 CDT 2020", build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "id" : "5eb03214cb0e1ab0dd49d5fb", build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "authorId" : "000000000000000000000000", build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "content-type" : "image/jpeg", build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "filename" : "morrowplots.jpg", build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "status" : "PROCESSED", build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "filedescription" : "" build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info] }  build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info] - must respond to the searchFilesGeneralMetadata() function routed by POST /api/files/searchmetadata  build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  + Working Directory: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1  build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  + File Pathing /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/test/data/files/data-search-general.json  build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  + Pretty JSON format  build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  + { build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "Image" : "fid" build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info] }  build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  + Status=200  build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  + contentType=Some(application/json)  build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  + content[]  build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info] - must respond to the searchFilesUserMetadata() function routed by POST /api/files/searchmetadata  build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  + Working Directory: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1  build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  + File Pathing /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/test/data/files/data-search-user.json  build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  + Pretty JSON format  build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  + { build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "Description" : ".*bronze sign.*" build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info] }  build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  + Status=200  build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  + contentType=Some(application/json)  build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  + content[]  build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info] - must respond to the attachThumbnail(file_id:UUID, thumbnail:UUID) function routed by POST /api/files/:file_id/thumbnails/:thumbnails_id  build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  + Status_Get=200  build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  + contentType_Get=Some(application/json)  build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  + Pretty JSON format  build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  + { build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  "status" : "success" build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info] }  build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info] - must respond to the listThumbnails() function routed by POST /api/thumbnails build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  + Status=200  build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  + contentType=Some(application/json)  build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  + content[{"size":"9757","date-created":"Mon May 04 10:17:42 CDT 2020","id":"5eb03216cb0e1ab0dd49d606","content-type":"image/jpeg","filename":"morrowplots-thumb-1.jpg"}]  build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info] - must respond to the removeFile(id:UUID) function routed by DELETE /api/files/:id  build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  + Status_Get=200  build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info] - must respond to the removeThumbnail(id:UUID) function routed by DELETE /api/thumbnails/:id  build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info]  + Status_Get=200  build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info] DatasetsAPIAppSpec: build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info] The Datasets API Spec build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info] - must provide a FakeApplication build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info] - must make the FakeApplication available implicitly build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info] - must start the FakeApplication build 04-May-2020 10:17:42 [info] The Datasets API Spec build 04-May-2020 10:17:43 [info] - must respond to the createDataset() function routed by POST /api/datasets build 04-May-2020 10:17:43 [info]  + Working Directory: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1  build 04-May-2020 10:17:43 [info]  + Status=200  build 04-May-2020 10:17:43 [info]  + contentType=Some(application/json)  build 04-May-2020 10:17:43 [info]  + contentAsString{"id":"5eb03217cb0e1ab0dd49d621"}  build 04-May-2020 10:17:43 [info] - must respond to the list() function routed by GET /api/datasets build 04-May-2020 10:17:43 [info]  + Status=200  build 04-May-2020 10:17:43 [info]  + contentType=Some(application/json)  build 04-May-2020 10:17:43 [info]  + content[{"id":"5eb03217cb0e1ab0dd49d621","name":"Dataset API Test Creation","description":"Part of Dataset API Test Suite","created":"Mon May 04 10:17:43 CDT 2020","thumbnail":null,"authorId":"000000000000000000000000","spaces":[],"resource_type":"dataset"}]  build 04-May-2020 10:17:43 [info] - must respond to the datasetFilesList(id:UUID) function routed by GET /api/datasets/:id  build 04-May-2020 10:17:43 [info]  + Status_Get=200  build 04-May-2020 10:17:43 [info]  + contentType_Get=Some(application/json)  build 04-May-2020 10:17:43 [info]  + Pretty JSON format  build 04-May-2020 10:17:43 [info]  + { build 04-May-2020 10:17:43 [info]  "id" : "5eb03217cb0e1ab0dd49d621", build 04-May-2020 10:17:43 [info]  "name" : "Dataset API Test Creation", build 04-May-2020 10:17:43 [info]  "description" : "Part of Dataset API Test Suite", build 04-May-2020 10:17:43 [info]  "created" : "Mon May 04 10:17:43 CDT 2020", build 04-May-2020 10:17:43 [info]  "thumbnail" : null, build 04-May-2020 10:17:43 [info]  "authorId" : "000000000000000000000000", build 04-May-2020 10:17:43 [info]  "spaces" : [ ], build 04-May-2020 10:17:43 [info]  "resource_type" : "dataset" build 04-May-2020 10:17:43 [info] }  build 04-May-2020 10:17:43 [info] - must respond to the datasetFilesList(id:UUID) function routed by GET /api/datasets/:id/listFiles  build 04-May-2020 10:17:43 [info]  + Status_Get=200  build 04-May-2020 10:17:43 [info]  + contentType_Get=Some(application/json)  build 04-May-2020 10:17:43 [info]  + Pretty JSON format  build 04-May-2020 10:17:43 [info]  + [ { build 04-May-2020 10:17:43 [info]  "size" : "3797692", build 04-May-2020 10:17:43 [info]  "date-created" : "Mon May 04 10:17:43 CDT 2020", build 04-May-2020 10:17:43 [info]  "id" : "5eb03217cb0e1ab0dd49d60e", build 04-May-2020 10:17:43 [info]  "contentType" : "multi/files-zipped", build 04-May-2020 10:17:43 [info]  "filename" : "" build 04-May-2020 10:17:43 [info] } ]  build 04-May-2020 10:17:43 [info] - must respond to the updateLicense(id: UUID) function routed by POST /api/datasets/:id/license build 04-May-2020 10:17:43 [info]  + Status_Get=200  build 04-May-2020 10:17:43 [info]  + contentType_Get=Some(application/json)  build 04-May-2020 10:17:43 [info]  + content{"status":"success"}  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info] - must respond to the comment(id: UUID) function routed by POST /api/datasets/:id/comment build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + Status_Get=200  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + contentType_Get=Some(text/plain)  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + content5eb03217cb0e1ab0dd49d62b  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info] - must respond to the addTags(id: UUID) function routed by POST /api/datasets/:id/tags build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + Working Directory: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + File Pathing /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/test/data/datasets/dataset-test-tags.json  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + Pretty JSON format  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + { build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  "tags" : [ "Dataset", "Test Suite", "Clowder" ], build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  "extractor_id" : "" build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info] }  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + Status_Get=200  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + contentType_Get=Some(application/json)  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + content{"status":"success"}  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info] - must respond to the removeTags(id: UUID) function routed by POST /api/datasets/:id/tags/remove build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + Working Directory: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + File Pathing /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/test/data/datasets/dataset-test-tags-remove.json  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + Pretty JSON format  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + { build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  "tags" : [ "Clowder", "Test Suite" ], build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  "extractor_id" : "" build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info] }  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + Status_Get=200  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + contentType_Get=Some(application/json)  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + content{"status":"success"}  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info] - must respond to the getTags(id:UUID) function routed by GET /api/datasets/:id/tags  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + Status_Get=200  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + contentType_Get=Some(application/json)  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + Pretty JSON format  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + { build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  "id" : "5eb03217cb0e1ab0dd49d621", build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  "name" : "Dataset API Test Creation", build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  "tags" : [ "Dataset" ] build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info] }  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info] - must respond to the addTags(id: UUID) function routed by POST /api/datasets/:id/tags round two build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + Working Directory: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + File Pathing /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/test/data/datasets/dataset-test-tags-round-two.json  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + Pretty JSON format  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + { build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  "tags" : [ "Test 2", "Cool Stuff", "New Technology" ], build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  "extractor_id" : "" build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info] }  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + Status_Get=200  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + contentType_Get=Some(application/json)  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + content{"status":"success"}  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info] - must respond to the removeTag(id: UUID) function routed by POST /api/datasets/:id/removeTag build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + Working Directory: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + File Pathing /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/test/data/datasets/dataset-test-tags-remove-one.json  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + Pretty JSON format  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + { build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  "tags" : [ "Dataset" ] build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info] }  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + Status_Get=200  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + contentType_Get=Some(application/json)  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + content""  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info] - must respond to the addMetadata(id: UUID) function routed by POST /api/datasets/:id/metadata build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + Working Directory: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + File Pathing /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/test/data/datasets/dataset-test-general.json  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + Pretty JSON format  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + { build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  "archive" : { build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  "exclude" : [ "/foo/bar", "baz", "/*.test", "!/foo/bar/baz" ] build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  }, build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  "Image" : "fid", build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  "Format" : "JPEG(JointPhotographicExpertsGroupJFIFformat)", build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  "Reason" : "DataSet Test Suite" build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info] }  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + Status_Get=200  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + contentType_Get=Some(application/json)  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info] - must respond to the addUserMetadata(id: UUID) function routed by POST /api/datasets/:id/usermetadata build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + Working Directory: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + File Pathing /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/test/data/datasets/dataset-test-user.json  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + Pretty JSON format  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + { build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  "Description" : "Dataset Zip file Json", build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  "Items" : "Image files", build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  "Other" : "Pretty Cool Huh?" build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info] }  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + Status_Get=200  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + contentType_Get=Some(application/json)  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info] - must respond to the getUserMetadataJSON(id: UUID) function routed by GET /api/datasets/:id/usermetadata build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + Status_Get=200  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + contentType_Get=Some(text/plain)  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + Pretty JSON format  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + { build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  "Description" : "Dataset Zip file Json", build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  "Items" : "Image files", build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  "Other" : "Pretty Cool Huh?" build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info] }  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info] - must respond to the getTechnicalMetadataJSON(id: UUID) function routed by GET /api/datasets/:id/technicalmetadatajson build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + Status_Get=200  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + contentType_Get=Some(application/json)  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + Pretty JSON format  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + [ { build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  "archive" : { build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  "exclude" : [ "/foo/bar", "baz", "/*.test", "!/foo/bar/baz" ] build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  }, build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  "Image" : "fid", build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  "Format" : "JPEG(JointPhotographicExpertsGroupJFIFformat)", build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  "Reason" : "DataSet Test Suite" build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info] } ]  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info] - must respond to the searchDatasetsGeneralMetadata() function routed by POST /api/datasets/searchmetadata  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + Working Directory: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + File Pathing /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/test/data/datasets/dataset-search-general.json  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + Pretty JSON format  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + { build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  "Reason" : ".*Suite.*" build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info] }  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + Status=200  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + contentType=Some(application/json)  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + content[]  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info] - must respond to the searchDatasetsUserMetadata() function routed by POST /api/datasets/searchmetadata  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + Working Directory: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + File Pathing /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/test/data/datasets/dataset-search-user.json  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + Pretty JSON format  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + { build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  "Other" : ".*Pretty Cool.*" build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info] }  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + Status=200  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + contentType=Some(application/json)  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + content[]  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info] - must respond to the deleteDataset(id:UUID) function routed by DELETE /api/datasets/:id  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + Status_Get=200  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + contentType_Get=Some(application/json)  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + Pretty JSON format  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + { build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  "status" : "success" build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info] }  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info] CollectionsAPIAppSpec: build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info] The Collections API Spec build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info] - must provide a FakeApplication build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info] - must make the FakeApplication available implicitly build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info] - must start the FakeApplication build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info] The Collections API Spec build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info] - must respond to the createCollection() function routed by POST /api/collections for Collection 1 build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + Working Directory: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + File Pathing /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/test/data/collections/data-test-collection.json  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + Pretty JSON format  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + { build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  "description" : "Collection 1 Tests Description", build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  "name" : "Collection 1 Test Suite", build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  "space" : "default" build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info] }  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + Status=200  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + contentType=Some(application/json)  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + content{"id":"5eb03218cb0e1ab0dd49d643"}  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info] - must respond to the createCollection() function routed by POST /api/collections for Collection 2 build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + Working Directory: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + File Pathing /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/test/data/collections/data-test-collection-1.json  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + Pretty JSON format  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + { build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  "description" : "Collection 2 Tests Description", build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  "name" : "Collection 2 Test Suite", build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  "space" : "default" build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info] }  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + Status=200  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + contentType=Some(application/json)  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + content{"id":"5eb03218cb0e1ab0dd49d644"}  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info] - must respond to the createDataset() function routed by POST /api/datasets for Dataset 1 Creation build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + Working Directory: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + Status=200  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + contentType=Some(application/json)  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + contentAsString{"id":"5eb03218cb0e1ab0dd49d64c"}  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info] - must respond to the createDataset() function routed by POST /api/datasets for Dataset 2 Creation build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + Working Directory: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + Status=200  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + contentType=Some(application/json)  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + contentAsString{"id":"5eb03218cb0e1ab0dd49d667"}  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info] - must respond to the attachDataset(coll_id:UUID, ds_id:UUID) function routed by POST /api/collections/:coll_id/datasets/:ds_id for dataset 1 build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + Status=200  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + contentType=Some(application/json)  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + contentAsString{"datasetsInCollection":1}  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info] - must respond to the listInCollection(coll_id: UUID) function routed by GET /api/collections/:coll_id/getDatasets build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + Status_Get=200  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + contentType_Get=Some(application/json)  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + Pretty JSON format  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + [ { build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  "id" : "5eb03218cb0e1ab0dd49d64c", build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  "name" : "Dataset 1 API Test Creation", build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  "description" : "Part 1 of Dataset API Test Suite", build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  "created" : "Mon May 04 10:17:44 CDT 2020", build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  "thumbnail" : null, build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  "authorId" : "000000000000000000000000", build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  "spaces" : [ ], build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  "resource_type" : "dataset" build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info] } ]  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info] - must respond to the listOutsideCollection(coll_id: UUID) function routed by GET /api/datasets/listOutsideCollection/:coll_id build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + Status_Get=200  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + contentType_Get=Some(application/json)  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + Pretty JSON format  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + [ { build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  "id" : "5eb03218cb0e1ab0dd49d667", build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  "name" : "Dataset 2 API Test Creation", build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  "description" : "Part 2 of Dataset API Test Suite", build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  "created" : "Mon May 04 10:17:44 CDT 2020", build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  "thumbnail" : null, build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  "authorId" : "000000000000000000000000", build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  "spaces" : [ ], build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  "resource_type" : "dataset" build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info] }, { build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  "id" : "5eb03218cb0e1ab0dd49d64c", build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  "name" : "Dataset 1 API Test Creation", build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  "description" : "Part 1 of Dataset API Test Suite", build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  "created" : "Mon May 04 10:17:44 CDT 2020", build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  "thumbnail" : null, build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  "authorId" : "000000000000000000000000", build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  "spaces" : [ ], build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  "resource_type" : "dataset" build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info] } ]  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info] - must respond to the attachDataset(coll_id:UUID, ds_id:UUID) function routed by POST /api/collections/:coll_id/datasets/:ds_id for dataset 2 build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + Status=200  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + contentType=Some(application/json)  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + contentAsString{"datasetsInCollection":2}  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info] - must respond to the removeDataset(coll_id:UUID, ds_id:UUID, ignoreNotFound) function routed by DELETE /api/collections/:coll_id/datasets/:ds_id for dataset 2 build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + Status=200  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + contentType=Some(application/json)  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + contentAsString{"status":"success"}  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info] - must respond to the removeDataset(coll_id:UUID, ds_id:UUID, ignoreNoteFound) function routed by POST /api/collections/:coll_id/datasets/:ds_id/:ignoreNotFound for dataset 2 build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + Status=200  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + contentType=Some(application/json)  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + contentAsString{"status":"success"}  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info] - must respond to the deleteDataset(id:UUID) function routed by DELETE /api/datasets/:id for Dataset 1  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + Status_Get=200  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + contentType_Get=Some(application/json)  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + Pretty JSON format  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + { build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  "status" : "success" build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info] }  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info] - must respond to the deleteDataset(id:UUID) function routed by DELETE /api/datasets/:id for Dataset 2  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + Status_Get=200  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + contentType_Get=Some(application/json)  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + Pretty JSON format  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + { build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  "status" : "success" build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info] }  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info] - must respond to the listCollections() function routed by GET /api/collections build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + Status=200  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + contentType=Some(application/json)  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + content[{"id":"5eb03218cb0e1ab0dd49d644","collectionname":"Collection 2 Test Suite","description":"Collection 2 Tests Description","created":"Mon May 04 10:17:44 CDT 2020","thumbnail":null,"authorId":"000000000000000000000000","resource_type":"collection"},{"id":"5eb03218cb0e1ab0dd49d643","collectionname":"Collection 1 Test Suite","description":"Collection 1 Tests Description","created":"Mon May 04 10:17:44 CDT 2020","thumbnail":null,"authorId":"000000000000000000000000","resource_type":"collection"}]  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info] - must respond to the listCollections() function routed by GET /api/collections/list build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + Status=200  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + contentType=Some(application/json)  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + content[{"id":"5eb03218cb0e1ab0dd49d644","collectionname":"Collection 2 Test Suite","description":"Collection 2 Tests Description","created":"Mon May 04 10:17:44 CDT 2020","thumbnail":null,"authorId":"000000000000000000000000","resource_type":"collection"},{"id":"5eb03218cb0e1ab0dd49d643","collectionname":"Collection 1 Test Suite","description":"Collection 1 Tests Description","created":"Mon May 04 10:17:44 CDT 2020","thumbnail":null,"authorId":"000000000000000000000000","resource_type":"collection"}]  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info] - must respond to the removeCollection(coll_id:UUID) function routed by POST /api/collections/:coll_id/remove  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + Status_Get=200  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + contentType_Get=Some(application/json)  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + Pretty JSON format  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + { build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  "status" : "success" build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info] }  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info] - must respond to the removeCollection(coll_id:UUID) function routed by DELETE /api/collections/:id  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + Status_Get=200  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + contentType_Get=Some(application/json)  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + Pretty JSON format  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + { build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  "status" : "success" build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info] }  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info] PreviewsAPIAppSpec: build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info] The Previews API Spec build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info] - must provide a FakeApplication build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info] - must make the FakeApplication available implicitly build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info] - must start the FakeApplication build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info] The Previews API Spec build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info] - must respond to the Upload File build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + Working Directory: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + Status=200  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + contentType=Some(application/json)  build 04-May-2020 10:17:44 [info]  + contentAsString{"id":"5eb03218cb0e1ab0dd49d68d"}  build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info] - must respond to the upload() and download() function routed by POST/GET /api/previews build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info]  + Working Directory: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1  build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info]  + Status=200  build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info]  + contentType=Some(application/json)  build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info]  + contentAsString{"id":"5eb03219cb0e1ab0dd49d698"}  build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info]  + Pretty JSON format  build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info]  + { build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info]  "id" : "5eb03219cb0e1ab0dd49d698" build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info] }  build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info]  + id value 5eb03219cb0e1ab0dd49d698  build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info]  + Status=200  build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info]  + contentType=Some(image/jpeg)  build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info]  + contentAsString2000 build 04-May-2020 10:17:45  build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info] ����JFIFHH���ExifMM*n build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info] v��(�i��%LLgoogleNexus OneHH �0220����0100���� build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info]  �*2010:03:05 08:51:142010:03:05 08:51:14R980100 N�W�&. @(ydX build 04-May-2020 10:17:45  �d�3WGS-84ASCIIHYBRID-FIX2010:03:05��(� 3HH����C  build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info]   build 04-May-2020 10:17:45  $.' ",#(7),01444'9=82<.342��C  build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 2!!22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222��uY!��  build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info]  ���}!1AQa"q2���#B��R��$3br�  build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info] %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz���������������������������������������������������������������������������  build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info]  ���w!1AQaq"2�B���� #3R�br� build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info] $4�%�&'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz�������������������������������������������������������������������������� ?����D^��g�8E�N�P!���}��jx�ځ��S�>Ԁp�zS>ξ��lF"����*��>���0����i}j7���+]��^N�=* f�,�0�pA�gZ0W��)lU��)���u�������ޏ�� build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info] �X�l�cAu8K��jZ����p��p�*�=��+N�ŷ��9�d�~V�^1���V�N�e�Υ,еȾ`�"�†�ϯ^ߥH��Ϙ���&�m����㯽`�΅�#�T�Rk�f�5�)��*��C�$�����O����E����S0��>���h�r�æ�4�#�ׯ��UWJ��r�$�FI��L{�c�i�$I{�HZRc��w���†ؔS��ռ�A{<�w��<�>���~��o4��3*�U^.?��zQ)7bR+��ŒK�|1㏯֤�J��c����3��T�v�b�3p�d/��=ǧ�^�"�6aS��9����֡���&�B���Ncˑ�s���U��U{���p�� build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 ��1J<���s��4]I��� qp��Y�`���s��duǽh�q����#?%�m ��9��WU��ԛF}��um���h�mp����d ��9��o�z�)���|] �#���k����)ɤ�+ǫ<,p�_�.S��ڥ�c�&7��L���X7"���}�ᱝF��2�4�j����O��MI����RS��q�A'���`}�j��wp���:�j�le��:uɡn6�54 build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info] ����í��H�(- t*r��º?����A����S�ҭ��cHQ�s���]?Z��ND�I d���CTD�G8by<�ޢO�����J�C�c���=ȩT��|�T*ƴ���rs�Կ�������CM3���f� d�������>�;'�v`䏔8������f<`dc��R��c build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info] pٛ$)��{S�]��A�����i+` ���*�����3-��I,������t>T��3\��3���o,��d��K��8ی���T��=���˽?P�����L��`��H�~x�Nd�c�T��r�wQt�;��8��� build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info] 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10:17:45 [info] X�!�ؖ��n��?�"�H��"�h^(��ٮ�>�ީ�����}���J ��.�~��@) �<�J�HA!#�N� ��s�:�1�x�Ld�93��� build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info] �4����<j�>�~i ��� ��@�NG=qH@e��i~�'��HW1V,rjnp9?*�B���S�O �q�u��O�<wH�� $�9�97H���F;P��=�R�dc�`��Pzқ�7�?�H�����C  build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info]  build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info]  build 04-May-2020 10:17:45  build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info]  build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info]    build 04-May-2020 10:17:45  ��C  ��uY"��  build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info]  ���}!1AQa"q2���#B��R��$3br�  build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info] %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz���������������������������������������������������������������������������  build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info]  ���w!1AQaq"2�B���� #3R�br� build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info] $4�%�&'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz�������������������������������������������������������������������������� ?��C��T������u��Y?w��0x{����2�����8��< ���U��8?�?*�����?�[��_/ݭ9�T�*?�ʬE���<���/ 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respond to the uploadMetadata(id: UUID) and getMetadata(id: UUID) function routed by POST/GET /api/previews/:id/metadata build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info]  + File Pathing /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/test/data/previews/data-test-general.json  build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info]  + Pretty JSON format  build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info]  + { build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info]  "Image" : "fid", build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info]  "extractor_id" : "test-extractor" build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info] }  build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info]  + Status_Post=200  build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info]  + contentType_Post=Some(application/json)  build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info] - must respond to the attachPreview(file_id:UUID, preview:UUID) function routed by POST /api/files/:file_id/previews/:p_id  build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info]  + Status_Post=200  build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info]  + contentType_Post=Some(application/json)  build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info]  + Pretty JSON format  build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info]  + { build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info]  "status" : "success" build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info] }  build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info] - must respond to the filePreviewsList(id: UUID) function routed by GET /api/files/:file_id/listpreviews build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info]  + Status_get=200  build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info]  + contentType_get=Some(application/json)  build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info]  + Pretty JSON format  build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info]  + [ { build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info]  "id" : "5eb03219cb0e1ab0dd49d698", build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info]  "filename" : "morrowplots-preview.jpg", build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info]  "contentType" : "image/jpeg" build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info] } ]  build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info] - must respond to the getPreviews(id: UUID) function routed by GET /api/files/:file_id/getPreviews build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info]  + Status_Get=200  build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info]  + contentType_Get=Some(application/json)  build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info]  + Pretty JSON format  build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info]  + [ { build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info]  "file_id" : "5eb03218cb0e1ab0dd49d68d", build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info]  "previews" : [ { build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info]  "pv_route" : "/api/previews/5eb03219cb0e1ab0dd49d698", build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info]  "p_main" : "thumbnail-previewer.js", build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info]  "pv_id" : "5eb03219cb0e1ab0dd49d698", build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info]  "p_path" : "/assets/javascripts/previewers/thumbnail", build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info]  "p_id" : "Thumbnail", build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info]  "pv_length" : "9757", build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info]  "pv_contenttype" : "image/jpeg" build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info]  } ] build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info] } ]  build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info] - must respond to the list() function routed by GET /api/previews build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info]  + Status=200  build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info]  + contentType=Some(application/json)  build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info]  + content[{"id":"5eb03219cb0e1ab0dd49d698","filename":"morrowplots-preview.jpg","contentType":"image/jpeg"}]  build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info] - must respond to the removePreview(id:UUID) function routed by DELETE /api/previews/:id for morrowplots preview file  build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info]  + Status_Get=200  build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info]  + contentType_Get=Some(application/json)  build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info]  + Pretty JSON format  build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info]  + { build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info]  "status" : "success" build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info] }  build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info] - must respond to the removeFile(id:UUID) function routed by DELETE /api/files/:id  build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info]  + Status_Get=200  build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info]  + contentType_Get=Some(application/json)  build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info]  + Pretty JSON format  build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info]  + { build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info]  "status" : "success" build 04-May-2020 10:17:45 [info] }  build 04-May-2020 10:17:46 [info] ApplicationSpec: build 04-May-2020 10:17:46 [info] The Application API Spec build 04-May-2020 10:17:46 [info] - must provide a FakeApplication build 04-May-2020 10:17:46 [info] - must make the FakeApplication available implicitly build 04-May-2020 10:17:46 [info] - must start the FakeApplication build 04-May-2020 10:17:46 [info] - must send 404 on a bad request build 04-May-2020 10:17:46 [info] - must render the index page build 04-May-2020 10:17:46 [info] - must render index template build 04-May-2020 10:17:46 2020-05-04 10:17:46,682 - [INFO ] - application - [securesocial] unloaded event listener SecureSocialEventListener build 04-May-2020 10:17:46 2020-05-04 10:17:46,683 - [INFO ] - application - [securesocial] unloaded identity provider: userpass build 04-May-2020 10:17:46 2020-05-04 10:17:46,683 - [INFO ] - application - Application shutdown build 04-May-2020 10:17:46 2020-05-04 10:17:46,683 - [INFO ] - application - [securesocial] unloaded password hasher bcrypt build 04-May-2020 10:17:46 2020-05-04 10:17:46,690 - [INFO ] - play - Shutdown application default Akka system. build 04-May-2020 10:17:46 [ERROR] [05/04/2020 10:17:46.716] [] [ActorSystem(application)] exception while executing timer task build 04-May-2020 10:17:46 java.lang.IllegalStateException: this Mongo has been closed build 04-May-2020 10:17:46 at com.mongodb.DBTCPConnector._checkClosed( build 04-May-2020 10:17:46 at com.mongodb.DBTCPConnector.innerCall( build 04-May-2020 10:17:46 at build 04-May-2020 10:17:46 at com.mongodb.DBApiLayer$MyCollection.__find( build 04-May-2020 10:17:46 at com.mongodb.DBApiLayer$MyCollection.__find( build 04-May-2020 10:17:46 at com.mongodb.DBCursor._check( build 04-May-2020 10:17:46 at com.mongodb.DBCursor._hasNext( build 04-May-2020 10:17:46 at com.mongodb.DBCursor.hasNext( build 04-May-2020 10:17:46 at com.novus.salat.dao.SalatMongoCursorBase$class.hasNext(SalatMongoCursor.scala:47) build 04-May-2020 10:17:46 at com.novus.salat.dao.SalatMongoCursor.hasNext(SalatMongoCursor.scala:156) build 04-May-2020 10:17:46 at scala.collection.Iterator$$anon$11.hasNext(Iterator.scala:327) build 04-May-2020 10:17:46 at scala.collection.Iterator$class.foreach(Iterator.scala:727) build 04-May-2020 10:17:46 at scala.collection.AbstractIterator.foreach(Iterator.scala:1157) build 04-May-2020 10:17:46 at scala.collection.TraversableOnce$class.foldLeft(TraversableOnce.scala:144) build 04-May-2020 10:17:46 at scala.collection.AbstractIterator.foldLeft(Iterator.scala:1157) build 04-May-2020 10:17:46 at scala.collection.TraversableOnce$class.sum(TraversableOnce.scala:203) build 04-May-2020 10:17:46 at scala.collection.AbstractIterator.sum(Iterator.scala:1157) build 04-May-2020 10:17:46 at services.mongodb.MongoDBFileService.bytes(MongoDBFileService.scala:83) build 04-May-2020 10:17:46 at Global$$anonfun$onStart$4.apply$mcV$sp(Global.scala:111) build 04-May-2020 10:17:46 at$$anon$ build 04-May-2020 10:17:46 at$ build 04-May-2020 10:17:46 at$$anonfun$close$1.apply(Scheduler.scala:281) build 04-May-2020 10:17:46 at$$anonfun$close$1.apply(Scheduler.scala:280) build 04-May-2020 10:17:46 at scala.collection.Iterator$class.foreach(Iterator.scala:727) build 04-May-2020 10:17:46 at scala.collection.AbstractIterator.foreach(Iterator.scala:1157) build 04-May-2020 10:17:46 at scala.collection.IterableLike$class.foreach(IterableLike.scala:72) build 04-May-2020 10:17:46 at scala.collection.AbstractIterable.foreach(Iterable.scala:54) build 04-May-2020 10:17:46 at build 04-May-2020 10:17:46 at build 04-May-2020 10:17:46 at$$anonfun$_start$1.apply$mcV$sp(ActorSystem.scala:582) build 04-May-2020 10:17:46 at$$anonfun$_start$1.apply(ActorSystem.scala:582) build 04-May-2020 10:17:46 at$$anonfun$_start$1.apply(ActorSystem.scala:582) build 04-May-2020 10:17:46 at$$anon$ build 04-May-2020 10:17:46 at$TerminationCallbacks$$anonfun$run$1.runNext$1(ActorSystem.scala:750) build 04-May-2020 10:17:46 at$TerminationCallbacks$$anonfun$run$1.apply$mcV$sp(ActorSystem.scala:753) build 04-May-2020 10:17:46 at$TerminationCallbacks$$anonfun$run$1.apply(ActorSystem.scala:746) build 04-May-2020 10:17:46 at$TerminationCallbacks$$anonfun$run$1.apply(ActorSystem.scala:746) build 04-May-2020 10:17:46 at akka.util.ReentrantGuard.withGuard(LockUtil.scala:15) build 04-May-2020 10:17:46 at$ build 04-May-2020 10:17:46 at$$anonfun$terminationCallbacks$1.apply(ActorSystem.scala:593) build 04-May-2020 10:17:46 at$$anonfun$terminationCallbacks$1.apply(ActorSystem.scala:593) build 04-May-2020 10:17:46 at build 04-May-2020 10:17:46 at akka.dispatch.BatchingExecutor$Batch$$anonfun$run$1.processBatch$1(BatchingExecutor.scala:67) build 04-May-2020 10:17:46 at akka.dispatch.BatchingExecutor$Batch$$anonfun$run$1.apply$mcV$sp(BatchingExecutor.scala:82) build 04-May-2020 10:17:46 at akka.dispatch.BatchingExecutor$Batch$$anonfun$run$1.apply(BatchingExecutor.scala:59) build 04-May-2020 10:17:46 at akka.dispatch.BatchingExecutor$Batch$$anonfun$run$1.apply(BatchingExecutor.scala:59) build 04-May-2020 10:17:46 at scala.concurrent.BlockContext$.withBlockContext(BlockContext.scala:72) build 04-May-2020 10:17:46 at akka.dispatch.BatchingExecutor$ build 04-May-2020 10:17:46 at build 04-May-2020 10:17:46 at akka.dispatch.ForkJoinExecutorConfigurator$AkkaForkJoinTask.exec(AbstractDispatcher.scala:386) build 04-May-2020 10:17:46 at scala.concurrent.forkjoin.ForkJoinTask.doExec( build 04-May-2020 10:17:46 at scala.concurrent.forkjoin.ForkJoinPool$WorkQueue.runTask( build 04-May-2020 10:17:46 at scala.concurrent.forkjoin.ForkJoinPool.runWorker( build 04-May-2020 10:17:46 at build 04-May-2020 10:17:46 build 04-May-2020 10:17:46 [info] ScalaTest build 04-May-2020 10:17:46 [info] Run completed in 22 seconds, 625 milliseconds. build 04-May-2020 10:17:46 [info] Total number of tests run: 83 build 04-May-2020 10:17:46 [info] Suites: completed 7, aborted 0 build 04-May-2020 10:17:46 [info] Tests: succeeded 83, failed 0, canceled 0, ignored 0, pending 0 build 04-May-2020 10:17:46 [info] All tests passed. build 04-May-2020 10:17:46 [info] Passed: Total 6, Failed 0, Errors 0, Passed 6 build 04-May-2020 10:17:46 [success] Total time: 47 s, completed May 4, 2020 10:17:46 AM simple 04-May-2020 10:17:46 Parsing test results under /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1... simple 04-May-2020 10:17:47 Finished task 'test' with result: Success command 04-May-2020 10:17:47 Substituting variable: ${bamboo.buildNumber} with 10 simple 04-May-2020 10:17:47 Starting task 'doc' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.sbt:sbt' command 04-May-2020 10:17:47 Beginning to execute external process for build 'Clowder - CORE - release-1.8.3 - default #10 (CATS-CORE1091-JOB1-10)'\n ... running command line: \n/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.13/bin/sbt doc\n ... in: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1\n ... using extra environment variables: \nbamboo_planRepository_1_branch=release/1.8.3\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_npm_6=/home/bamboo/node-v6.9.1/bin/npm\nbamboo_planRepository_1_branchDisplayName=release/1.8.3\nbamboo_repository_revision_number=cb04bdd6d1381f16ddd5708e9cb05fd1af52e424\nbamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugins_scripttask_task_builder_script_15=/bin/sh /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/temp/\nbamboo_buildKey=CATS-CORE1091-JOB1\nbamboo_repository_182059115_git_username=\nbamboo_shortJobName=default\nbamboo_buildResultsUrl=\nbamboo_planRepository_repositoryUrl=ssh://\nbamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugins_sbt_sbt_18=/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.13/bin/sbt compile\nbamboo_repository_182059115_branch_name=release/1.8.3\nbamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugins_sbt_sbt_19=/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.13/bin/sbt test-only integration.APITestSuite\nbamboo_agentId=140673028\nbamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugins_sbt_sbt_17=/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.13/bin/sbt clean update\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_node_Node_js_v0_10_28=/home/bamboo/node-v0.10.28/bin/node\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_node_Node_js_v12_14_1=/home/bamboo/node-v12.14.1/bin/node\nbamboo_planRepository_revision=cb04bdd6d1381f16ddd5708e9cb05fd1af52e424\nbamboo_planRepository_previousRevision=18a963db2f12e433daa7b53de4866f3f4f7930b1\nbamboo_repository_182059115_name=clowder\nbamboo_repository_branch_name=release/1.8.3\nbamboo_repository_182059115_revision_number=cb04bdd6d1381f16ddd5708e9cb05fd1af52e424\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_python3=/usr/bin/python3\nJAVA_HOME=/home/bamboo/jdk1.8.0_66\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_grunt=/home/bamboo/node-v0.10.28/bin/grunt\nbamboo_planRepository_branch=release/1.8.3\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_phantomjs=/home/bamboo/phantomjs-1.9.8/bin/phantomjs\nbamboo_planRepository_1_type=bbserver\nbamboo_planRepository_branchName=release/1.8.3\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK=/home/bamboo/jdk1.8.0_66\nbamboo_capability_system_software_mongo=/usr/bin/mongo\nbamboo_hg_cache_directory=/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/_hg-repositories-cache\nbamboo_capability_system_software_rabbitmq=/usr/sbin/rabbitmqctl\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_8_0_66=/home/bamboo/jdk1.8.0_66\nbamboo_planRepository_1_username=\nbamboo_planRepository_type=bbserver\nbamboo_git_cache_directory=/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/_git-repositories-cache\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_node_Node_js=/home/bamboo/node-v0.10.28/bin/node\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_node_Node_js_v9_3_0=/home/bamboo/node-v9.3.0/bin/node\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_ant_Ant=/home/bamboo/apache-ant-1.9.4\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_mvn3_Maven_3=/home/bamboo/apache-maven-3.3.9\nbamboo_tmp_directory=/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/temp\nbamboo_planKey=CATS-CORE1091\nbamboo_planRepository_username=\nbamboo_planRepository_1_branchName=release/1.8.3\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_buckminster_4_3=/home/bamboo/buckminster-4.3/buckminster\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_node_Node_js_v6_9_1=/home/bamboo/node-v6.9.1/bin/node\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_buckminster_4_4=/home/bamboo/buckminster-4.4/buckminster\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_buckminster_4_2=/home/bamboo/buckminster-4.2/buckminster\nbamboo_repository_182059115_previous_revision_number=18a963db2f12e433daa7b53de4866f3f4f7930b1\nbamboo_resultsUrl=\nJAVA_OPTS=-Dbamboo.buildNumber=10\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_sphinx=/usr/bin/sphinx-build\nbamboo_build_working_directory=/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1\nbamboo_planRepository_1_name=clowder\nbamboo_capability_system_os=linux\nbamboo_shortPlanName=CORE\nbamboo_planRepository_name=clowder\nbamboo_repository_182059115_git_branch=release/1.8.3\nbamboo_buildNumber=10\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_node_grunt_6=/home/bamboo/node-v6.9.1/bin/grunt\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_python3_6=/usr/bin/python3.6\nbamboo_planName=Clowder - CORE - release-1.8.3\nbamboo_shortPlanKey=CORE1091\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_sbt_0_13=/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.2/bin/sbt\nbamboo_shortJobKey=JOB1\nbamboo_buildTimeStamp=2020-05-04T10:14:00.241-05:00\nbamboo_repository_previous_revision_number=18a963db2f12e433daa7b53de4866f3f4f7930b1\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_npm=/home/bamboo/node-v0.10.28/bin/npm\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_mvn2_Maven_2=/home/bamboo/apache-maven-2.2.1\nbamboo_repository_git_branch=release/1.8.3\nbamboo_buildResultKey=CATS-CORE1091-JOB1-10\nbamboo_buildPlanName=Clowder - CORE - release-1.8.3 - default\nbamboo_planRepository_1_revision=cb04bdd6d1381f16ddd5708e9cb05fd1af52e424\nbamboo_repository_182059115_git_repositoryUrl=ssh://\nbamboo_repository_name=clowder\nbamboo_buildFailed=false\nbamboo_capability_system_docker_executable=/usr/bin/docker\nbamboo_agentWorkingDirectory=/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir\nbamboo_capability_system_git_executable=/usr/bin/git\nbamboo_repository_git_username=\nbamboo_planRepository_1_previousRevision=18a963db2f12e433daa7b53de4866f3f4f7930b1\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_sbt_SBT_0_13_13=/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.13\nbamboo_planRepository_branchDisplayName=release/1.8.3\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_python2_7=/usr/bin/python2.7\nbamboo_capability_system_hostname=buildserver-1\nbamboo_plan_storageTag=plan-181928042\nSBT_HOME=/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.13\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_casperjs=/home/bamboo/node-v0.10.28/bin/casperjs\nbamboo_repository_git_repositoryUrl=ssh://\nbamboo_working_directory=/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1\nbamboo_planRepository_1_repositoryUrl=ssh://\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_8=/home/bamboo/jdk1.8.0_66\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_6=/home/bamboo/jdk1.6.0_41\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_mkcrx=/home/bamboo/mkcrx/\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_7=/home/bamboo/jdk1.7.0_60\nPATH=/home/bamboo/jdk1.8.0_66/bin:/home/bamboo/jdk1.8.0_66/bin:/home/bamboo/node-v0.10.28/bin:/usr/bin:/bin\n build 04-May-2020 10:17:49 [info] Loading project definition from /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/project build 04-May-2020 10:17:49 [warn] There may be incompatibilities among your library dependencies. build 04-May-2020 10:17:49 [warn] Here are some of the libraries that were evicted: build 04-May-2020 10:17:49 [warn]  * com.typesafe.sbt:sbt-native-packager:0.6.4 -> 0.8.0-RC2 build 04-May-2020 10:17:49 [warn] Run 'evicted' to see detailed eviction warnings build 04-May-2020 10:17:50 [info] Set current project to clowder (in build file:/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/) build 04-May-2020 10:17:51 [warn] Scala version was updated by one of library dependencies: build 04-May-2020 10:17:51 [warn]  * org.scala-lang:scala-library:(2.10.0, 2.10.3, 2.10.2) -> 2.10.4 build 04-May-2020 10:17:51 [warn] To force scalaVersion, add the following: build 04-May-2020 10:17:51 [warn]  ivyScala := ivyScala.value map { _.copy(overrideScalaVersion = true) } build 04-May-2020 10:17:51 [warn] Run 'evicted' to see detailed eviction warnings build 04-May-2020 10:17:51 [info] Main Scala API documentation to /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/target/scala-2.10/api... build 04-May-2020 10:18:04 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/Global.scala:68: postfix operator minutes should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:18:04 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:18:04 [warn] This can be achieved by adding the import clause 'import scala.language.postfixOps' build 04-May-2020 10:18:04 [warn] or by setting the compiler option -language:postfixOps. build 04-May-2020 10:18:04 [warn] See the Scala docs for value scala.language.postfixOps for a discussion build 04-May-2020 10:18:04 [warn] why the feature should be explicitly enabled. build 04-May-2020 10:18:04 [warn]  val interval = if (archiveDebug) { 5 minutes } else { 1 day } build 04-May-2020 10:18:04 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:18:04 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/Global.scala:68: postfix operator day should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:18:04 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:18:04 [warn]  val interval = if (archiveDebug) { 5 minutes } else { 1 day } build 04-May-2020 10:18:04 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:18:04 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/Global.scala:74: postfix operator seconds should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:18:04 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:18:04 [warn]  val delay = if (archiveDebug) { 10 seconds } else { build 04-May-2020 10:18:04 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:18:04 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/Global.scala:75: postfix operator seconds should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:18:04 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:18:04 [warn]  (Duration.ofDays(1).getSeconds - sinceLastMidnight) seconds build 04-May-2020 10:18:04 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:18:04 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/Global.scala:86: postfix operator minutes should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:18:04 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:18:04 [warn]  extractorTimer = Akka.system().scheduler.schedule(0 minutes, 5 minutes) { build 04-May-2020 10:18:04 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:18:04 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/Global.scala:86: postfix operator minutes should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:18:04 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:18:04 [warn]  extractorTimer = Akka.system().scheduler.schedule(0 minutes, 5 minutes) { build 04-May-2020 10:18:04 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:18:04 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/Global.scala:92: postfix operator minutes should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:18:04 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:18:04 [warn]  jobTimer = Akka.system().scheduler.schedule(0 minutes, 1 minutes) { build 04-May-2020 10:18:04 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:18:04 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/Global.scala:92: postfix operator minutes should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:18:04 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:18:04 [warn]  jobTimer = Akka.system().scheduler.schedule(0 minutes, 1 minutes) { build 04-May-2020 10:18:04 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:18:04 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/Global.scala:106: postfix operator seconds should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:18:04 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:18:04 [warn]  Akka.system().scheduler.scheduleOnce(10 seconds) { build 04-May-2020 10:18:04 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:18:06 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/api/CurationObjects.scala:124: postfix operator toList should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:18:06 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:18:06 [warn]  metadataJson = metadataJson ++ Map(key -> Json.toJson(metadataList.filter(_.label == key).map{item => item.content}toList)) build 04-May-2020 10:18:06 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:18:07 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/api/Extractions.scala:14: imported `Files' is permanently hidden by definition of class Files in package api build 04-May-2020 10:18:07 [warn] import play.api.libs.{Files, MimeTypes} build 04-May-2020 10:18:07 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:18:07 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/api/Files.scala:520: @deprecated now takes two arguments; see the scaladoc. build 04-May-2020 10:18:07 [warn]  @deprecated build 04-May-2020 10:18:07 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:18:09 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/api/Geostreams.scala:46: postfix operator tupled should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:18:09 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:18:09 [warn]  ) tupled build 04-May-2020 10:18:09 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:18:09 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/api/Geostreams.scala:54: postfix operator tupled should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:18:09 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:18:09 [warn]  ) tupled build 04-May-2020 10:18:09 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:18:09 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/api/Geostreams.scala:63: postfix operator tupled should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:18:09 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:18:09 [warn]  ) tupled build 04-May-2020 10:18:09 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:18:09 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/api/Geostreams.scala:70: postfix operator tupled should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:18:09 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:18:09 [warn]  ) tupled build 04-May-2020 10:18:09 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:18:09 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/api/Geostreams.scala:78: postfix operator tupled should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:18:09 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:18:09 [warn]  ) tupled build 04-May-2020 10:18:09 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:18:09 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/api/Geostreams.scala:87: postfix operator tupled should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:18:09 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:18:09 [warn]  ) tupled build 04-May-2020 10:18:09 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:18:09 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/api/Geostreams.scala:95: postfix operator tupled should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:18:09 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:18:09 [warn]  ) tupled build 04-May-2020 10:18:09 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:18:09 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBInstitutionService.scala:3: imported `Institution' is permanently hidden by definition of object Institution in package mongodb build 04-May-2020 10:18:09 [warn] import models.Institution build 04-May-2020 10:18:09 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:18:10 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBProjectService.scala:3: imported `Project' is permanently hidden by definition of object Project in package mongodb build 04-May-2020 10:18:10 [warn] import models.Project build 04-May-2020 10:18:10 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:18:10 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/api/Reporting.scala:45: This catches all Throwables. If this is really intended, use `case _ : Throwable` to clear this warning. build 04-May-2020 10:18:10 [warn]  case _ => Some("".getBytes("UTF-8")) build 04-May-2020 10:18:10 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:18:10 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/api/Reporting.scala:78: This catches all Throwables. If this is really intended, use `case _ : Throwable` to clear this warning. build 04-May-2020 10:18:10 [warn]  case _ => Some("".getBytes("UTF-8")) build 04-May-2020 10:18:10 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:18:10 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/api/Reporting.scala:111: This catches all Throwables. If this is really intended, use `case _ : Throwable` to clear this warning. build 04-May-2020 10:18:10 [warn]  case _ => Some("".getBytes("UTF-8")) build 04-May-2020 10:18:10 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:18:10 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/api/Reporting.scala:127: a pure expression does nothing in statement position; you may be omitting necessary parentheses build 04-May-2020 10:18:10 [warn]  """Includes file, dataset, collection reports""" build 04-May-2020 10:18:10 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:18:10 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/api/Reporting.scala:291: a pure expression does nothing in statement position; you may be omitting necessary parentheses build 04-May-2020 10:18:10 [warn]  """returnAllColumns will include empty columns to align with file rows on report""" build 04-May-2020 10:18:10 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:18:10 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/api/Reporting.scala:345: a pure expression does nothing in statement position; you may be omitting necessary parentheses build 04-May-2020 10:18:10 [warn]  """returnAllColumns will include empty columns to align with file rows on report""" build 04-May-2020 10:18:10 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:18:13 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/controllers/CurationObjects.scala:477: postfix operator toList should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:18:13 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:18:13 [warn]  metadataJson = metadataJson ++ Map(key -> Json.toJson(metadataList.filter(_.label == key).map { item => item.content }toList)) build 04-May-2020 10:18:13 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:18:13 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/controllers/CurationObjects.scala:698: postfix operator toList should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:18:13 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:18:13 [warn]  metadataJson = metadataJson ++ Map(key -> Json.toJson(metadataList.filter(_.label == key).map { item => item.content }toList)) build 04-May-2020 10:18:13 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:18:13 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/controllers/Registration.scala:13: imported `Registration' is permanently hidden by definition of class Registration in package controllers build 04-May-2020 10:18:13 [warn] import securesocial.controllers.{ProviderController, Registration, TemplatesPlugin} build 04-May-2020 10:18:13 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:18:13 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/controllers/Registration.scala:67: reflective access of structural type member value currentHasher should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:18:13 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.reflectiveCalls visible. build 04-May-2020 10:18:13 [warn] This can be achieved by adding the import clause 'import scala.language.reflectiveCalls' build 04-May-2020 10:18:13 [warn] or by setting the compiler option -language:reflectiveCalls. build 04-May-2020 10:18:13 [warn] See the Scala docs for value scala.language.reflectiveCalls for a discussion build 04-May-2020 10:18:13 [warn] why the feature should be explicitly enabled. build 04-May-2020 10:18:13 [warn]  passwordInfo = Some(Registry.hashers.currentHasher.hash(info.password)) build 04-May-2020 10:18:13 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:18:14 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/controllers/Spaces.scala:278: postfix operator toMap should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:18:14 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:18:14 [warn]  val roleDescription = users.listRoles() map (t => -> t.description) toMap build 04-May-2020 10:18:14 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:18:15 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/models/UUID.scala:36: implicit conversion method stringToUUID should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:18:15 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.implicitConversions visible. build 04-May-2020 10:18:15 [warn] This can be achieved by adding the import clause 'import scala.language.implicitConversions' build 04-May-2020 10:18:15 [warn] or by setting the compiler option -language:implicitConversions. build 04-May-2020 10:18:15 [warn] See the Scala docs for value scala.language.implicitConversions for a discussion build 04-May-2020 10:18:15 [warn] why the feature should be explicitly enabled. build 04-May-2020 10:18:15 [warn]  implicit def stringToUUID(s: String) = UUID(s) build 04-May-2020 10:18:15 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:18:15 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/models/UUID.scala:37: implicit conversion method uuidToObjectId should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:18:15 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.implicitConversions visible. build 04-May-2020 10:18:15 [warn]  implicit def uuidToObjectId(uuid: UUID) = new ObjectId(uuid.stringify) build 04-May-2020 10:18:15 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:18:15 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/models/UUID.scala:38: implicit conversion method objectIdToUUID should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:18:15 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.implicitConversions visible. build 04-May-2020 10:18:15 [warn]  implicit def objectIdToUUID(objectId: ObjectId) = UUID(objectId.toString) build 04-May-2020 10:18:15 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:18:15 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/models/User.scala:104: implicit conversion method userToMiniUser should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:18:15 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.implicitConversions visible. build 04-May-2020 10:18:15 [warn]  implicit def userToMiniUser(x: User): MiniUser = x.getMiniUser build 04-May-2020 10:18:15 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:18:16 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/services/PolyglotPlugin.scala:83: postfix operator seconds should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:18:16 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:18:16 [warn]  akka.pattern.after(3 seconds, using = Akka.system.scheduler)(checkForFileAndDownload((triesLeft - 1), url, outputStream)) build 04-May-2020 10:18:16 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:18:17 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/services/mongodb/MongoContext.scala:253: implicit conversion method dbObjectToString should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:18:17 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.implicitConversions visible. build 04-May-2020 10:18:17 [warn]  implicit def dbObjectToString(dbObject: DBObject): String = { build 04-May-2020 10:18:17 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:18:17 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBCollectionService.scala:907: This catches all Throwables. If this is really intended, use `case _ : Throwable` to clear this warning. build 04-May-2020 10:18:17 [warn]  case _ => Logger.error(s"Error queuing collection ${id.stringify}") build 04-May-2020 10:18:17 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:18:17 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBCommentService.scala:3: imported `Comment' is permanently hidden by definition of object Comment in package mongodb build 04-May-2020 10:18:17 [warn] import models.{DBResult, UUID, Comment} build 04-May-2020 10:18:17 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:18:18 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBTagService.scala:7: imported `Tag' is permanently hidden by definition of object Tag in package mongodb build 04-May-2020 10:18:18 [warn] import models.{Tag, UUID} build 04-May-2020 10:18:18 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:18:18 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBDatasetService.scala:1422: This catches all Throwables. If this is really intended, use `case _ : Throwable` to clear this warning. build 04-May-2020 10:18:18 [warn]  case _ => Logger.error(s"Error queuing dataset ${id.stringify}") build 04-May-2020 10:18:18 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:18:18 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBExtractionRequestsService.scala:20: imported `MongoSalatPlugin' is permanently hidden by definition of class MongoSalatPlugin in package mongodb build 04-May-2020 10:18:18 [warn] import services.mongodb.MongoSalatPlugin build 04-May-2020 10:18:18 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:18:18 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBExtractionService.scala:4: imported `Extraction' is permanently hidden by definition of object Extraction in package mongodb build 04-May-2020 10:18:18 [warn] import models.{UUID, Extraction, ExtractionGroup, ResourceRef} build 04-May-2020 10:18:18 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:18:18 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBExtractionService.scala:13: imported `WebPageResource' is permanently hidden by definition of object WebPageResource in package mongodb build 04-May-2020 10:18:18 [warn] import models.WebPageResource build 04-May-2020 10:18:18 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:18:19 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBFileService.scala:338: This catches all Throwables. If this is really intended, use `case _ : Throwable` to clear this warning. build 04-May-2020 10:18:19 [warn]  case _ => Logger.error(s"Error queuing file ${id.stringify}") build 04-May-2020 10:18:19 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:18:20 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBQueueService.scala:78: postfix operator seconds should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:18:20 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:18:20 [warn]  queueTimer = Akka.system().scheduler.schedule(0 seconds, 5 millis) { build 04-May-2020 10:18:20 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:18:20 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBQueueService.scala:78: postfix operator millis should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:18:20 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:18:20 [warn]  queueTimer = Akka.system().scheduler.schedule(0 seconds, 5 millis) { build 04-May-2020 10:18:20 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:18:20 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBSelectionService.scala:11: imported `Dataset' is permanently hidden by definition of object Dataset in package mongodb build 04-May-2020 10:18:20 [warn] import models.{UUID, Dataset, Selected} build 04-May-2020 10:18:20 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:18:20 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBSpaceService.scala:23: imported `Collection' is permanently hidden by definition of object Collection in package mongodb build 04-May-2020 10:18:20 [warn] import models.Collection build 04-May-2020 10:18:20 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:18:20 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBSpaceService.scala:24: imported `Dataset' is permanently hidden by definition of object Dataset in package mongodb build 04-May-2020 10:18:20 [warn] import models.Dataset build 04-May-2020 10:18:20 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:18:21 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/util/SearchUtils.scala:157: This catches all Throwables. If this is really intended, use `case _ : Throwable` to clear this warning. build 04-May-2020 10:18:21 [warn]  case _ => { build 04-May-2020 10:18:21 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:18:30 model contains 963 documentable templates build 04-May-2020 10:18:33 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/app/services/irods/IRODSPlugin.scala:9: Tag '@date' is not recognised build 04-May-2020 10:18:33 [warn] /** build 04-May-2020 10:18:33 [warn] ^ build 04-May-2020 10:18:40 [warn] 53 warnings found build 04-May-2020 10:18:40 [info] Main Scala API documentation successful. build 04-May-2020 10:18:40 [success] Total time: 49 s, completed May 4, 2020 10:18:40 AM simple 04-May-2020 10:18:40 Finished task 'doc' with result: Success simple 04-May-2020 10:18:40 Skipping execution of task 'sphinx' as it is disabled simple 04-May-2020 10:18:40 Skipping execution of task 'sphinx' as it is disabled command 04-May-2020 10:18:40 Substituting variable: ${bamboo.buildNumber} with 10 simple 04-May-2020 10:18:40 Starting task 'dist' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.sbt:sbt' command 04-May-2020 10:18:40 Beginning to execute external process for build 'Clowder - CORE - release-1.8.3 - default #10 (CATS-CORE1091-JOB1-10)'\n ... running command line: \n/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.13/bin/sbt dist\n ... in: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1\n ... using extra environment variables: \nbamboo_planRepository_1_branch=release/1.8.3\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_npm_6=/home/bamboo/node-v6.9.1/bin/npm\nbamboo_planRepository_1_branchDisplayName=release/1.8.3\nbamboo_repository_revision_number=cb04bdd6d1381f16ddd5708e9cb05fd1af52e424\nbamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugins_scripttask_task_builder_script_15=/bin/sh /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/temp/\nbamboo_buildKey=CATS-CORE1091-JOB1\nbamboo_repository_182059115_git_username=\nbamboo_shortJobName=default\nbamboo_buildResultsUrl=\nbamboo_planRepository_repositoryUrl=ssh://\nbamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugins_sbt_sbt_18=/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.13/bin/sbt compile\nbamboo_repository_182059115_branch_name=release/1.8.3\nbamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugins_sbt_sbt_19=/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.13/bin/sbt test-only integration.APITestSuite\nbamboo_agentId=140673028\nbamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugins_sbt_sbt_17=/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.13/bin/sbt clean update\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_node_Node_js_v0_10_28=/home/bamboo/node-v0.10.28/bin/node\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_node_Node_js_v12_14_1=/home/bamboo/node-v12.14.1/bin/node\nbamboo_planRepository_revision=cb04bdd6d1381f16ddd5708e9cb05fd1af52e424\nbamboo_planRepository_previousRevision=18a963db2f12e433daa7b53de4866f3f4f7930b1\nbamboo_repository_182059115_name=clowder\nbamboo_repository_branch_name=release/1.8.3\nbamboo_repository_182059115_revision_number=cb04bdd6d1381f16ddd5708e9cb05fd1af52e424\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_python3=/usr/bin/python3\nJAVA_HOME=/home/bamboo/jdk1.8.0_66\nbamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugins_sbt_sbt_20=/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.13/bin/sbt doc\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_grunt=/home/bamboo/node-v0.10.28/bin/grunt\nbamboo_planRepository_branch=release/1.8.3\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_phantomjs=/home/bamboo/phantomjs-1.9.8/bin/phantomjs\nbamboo_planRepository_1_type=bbserver\nbamboo_planRepository_branchName=release/1.8.3\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK=/home/bamboo/jdk1.8.0_66\nbamboo_capability_system_software_mongo=/usr/bin/mongo\nbamboo_hg_cache_directory=/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/_hg-repositories-cache\nbamboo_capability_system_software_rabbitmq=/usr/sbin/rabbitmqctl\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_8_0_66=/home/bamboo/jdk1.8.0_66\nbamboo_planRepository_1_username=\nbamboo_planRepository_type=bbserver\nbamboo_git_cache_directory=/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/_git-repositories-cache\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_node_Node_js=/home/bamboo/node-v0.10.28/bin/node\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_node_Node_js_v9_3_0=/home/bamboo/node-v9.3.0/bin/node\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_ant_Ant=/home/bamboo/apache-ant-1.9.4\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_mvn3_Maven_3=/home/bamboo/apache-maven-3.3.9\nbamboo_tmp_directory=/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/temp\nbamboo_planKey=CATS-CORE1091\nbamboo_planRepository_username=\nbamboo_planRepository_1_branchName=release/1.8.3\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_buckminster_4_3=/home/bamboo/buckminster-4.3/buckminster\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_node_Node_js_v6_9_1=/home/bamboo/node-v6.9.1/bin/node\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_buckminster_4_4=/home/bamboo/buckminster-4.4/buckminster\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_buckminster_4_2=/home/bamboo/buckminster-4.2/buckminster\nbamboo_repository_182059115_previous_revision_number=18a963db2f12e433daa7b53de4866f3f4f7930b1\nbamboo_resultsUrl=\nJAVA_OPTS=-Dbamboo.buildNumber=10\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_sphinx=/usr/bin/sphinx-build\nbamboo_build_working_directory=/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1\nbamboo_planRepository_1_name=clowder\nbamboo_capability_system_os=linux\nbamboo_shortPlanName=CORE\nbamboo_planRepository_name=clowder\nbamboo_repository_182059115_git_branch=release/1.8.3\nbamboo_buildNumber=10\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_node_grunt_6=/home/bamboo/node-v6.9.1/bin/grunt\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_python3_6=/usr/bin/python3.6\nbamboo_planName=Clowder - CORE - release-1.8.3\nbamboo_shortPlanKey=CORE1091\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_sbt_0_13=/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.2/bin/sbt\nbamboo_shortJobKey=JOB1\nbamboo_buildTimeStamp=2020-05-04T10:14:00.241-05:00\nbamboo_repository_previous_revision_number=18a963db2f12e433daa7b53de4866f3f4f7930b1\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_npm=/home/bamboo/node-v0.10.28/bin/npm\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_mvn2_Maven_2=/home/bamboo/apache-maven-2.2.1\nbamboo_repository_git_branch=release/1.8.3\nbamboo_buildResultKey=CATS-CORE1091-JOB1-10\nbamboo_buildPlanName=Clowder - CORE - release-1.8.3 - default\nbamboo_planRepository_1_revision=cb04bdd6d1381f16ddd5708e9cb05fd1af52e424\nbamboo_repository_182059115_git_repositoryUrl=ssh://\nbamboo_repository_name=clowder\nbamboo_buildFailed=false\nbamboo_capability_system_docker_executable=/usr/bin/docker\nbamboo_agentWorkingDirectory=/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir\nbamboo_capability_system_git_executable=/usr/bin/git\nbamboo_repository_git_username=\nbamboo_planRepository_1_previousRevision=18a963db2f12e433daa7b53de4866f3f4f7930b1\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_sbt_SBT_0_13_13=/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.13\nbamboo_planRepository_branchDisplayName=release/1.8.3\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_python2_7=/usr/bin/python2.7\nbamboo_capability_system_hostname=buildserver-1\nbamboo_plan_storageTag=plan-181928042\nSBT_HOME=/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.13\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_casperjs=/home/bamboo/node-v0.10.28/bin/casperjs\nbamboo_repository_git_repositoryUrl=ssh://\nbamboo_working_directory=/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1\nbamboo_planRepository_1_repositoryUrl=ssh://\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_8=/home/bamboo/jdk1.8.0_66\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_6=/home/bamboo/jdk1.6.0_41\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_mkcrx=/home/bamboo/mkcrx/\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_7=/home/bamboo/jdk1.7.0_60\nPATH=/home/bamboo/jdk1.8.0_66/bin:/home/bamboo/jdk1.8.0_66/bin:/home/bamboo/node-v0.10.28/bin:/usr/bin:/bin\n build 04-May-2020 10:18:42 [info] Loading project definition from /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/project build 04-May-2020 10:18:42 [warn] There may be incompatibilities among your library dependencies. build 04-May-2020 10:18:42 [warn] Here are some of the libraries that were evicted: build 04-May-2020 10:18:42 [warn]  * com.typesafe.sbt:sbt-native-packager:0.6.4 -> 0.8.0-RC2 build 04-May-2020 10:18:42 [warn] Run 'evicted' to see detailed eviction warnings build 04-May-2020 10:18:43 [info] Set current project to clowder (in build file:/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/) build 04-May-2020 10:18:44 [info] Packaging /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/target/scala-2.10/clowder_2.10-1.8.3-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar ... build 04-May-2020 10:18:44 [warn] Scala version was updated by one of library dependencies: build 04-May-2020 10:18:44 [warn]  * org.scala-lang:scala-library:(2.10.0, 2.10.3, 2.10.2) -> 2.10.4 build 04-May-2020 10:18:44 [warn] To force scalaVersion, add the following: build 04-May-2020 10:18:44 [warn]  ivyScala := ivyScala.value map { _.copy(overrideScalaVersion = true) } build 04-May-2020 10:18:44 [warn] Run 'evicted' to see detailed eviction warnings build 04-May-2020 10:18:44 [info] Done packaging. build 04-May-2020 10:18:44 [info] Wrote /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/target/scala-2.10/clowder_2.10-1.8.3-SNAPSHOT.pom build 04-May-2020 10:18:44 [info] Packaging /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/target/scala-2.10/clowder_2.10-1.8.3-SNAPSHOT-javadoc.jar ... build 04-May-2020 10:18:45 [info] Done packaging. build 04-May-2020 10:18:46 [info] Packaging /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/target/scala-2.10/clowder_2.10-1.8.3-SNAPSHOT.jar ... build 04-May-2020 10:18:48 [info] Done packaging. build 04-May-2020 10:18:57 [info]  build 04-May-2020 10:18:57 [info] Your package is ready in /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/target/universal/ build 04-May-2020 10:18:57 [info]  build 04-May-2020 10:18:57 [success] Total time: 13 s, completed May 4, 2020 10:18:57 AM simple 04-May-2020 10:18:57 Finished task 'dist' with result: Success simple 04-May-2020 10:18:57 Starting task 'docker build' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script' command 04-May-2020 10:18:57 Beginning to execute external process for build 'Clowder - CORE - release-1.8.3 - default #10 (CATS-CORE1091-JOB1-10)'\n ... running command line: \n/bin/sh\n ... in: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1\n ... using extra environment variables: \nbamboo_planRepository_1_branch=release/1.8.3\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_npm_6=/home/bamboo/node-v6.9.1/bin/npm\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_buckminster_4_3=/home/bamboo/buckminster-4.3/buckminster\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_node_Node_js_v6_9_1=/home/bamboo/node-v6.9.1/bin/node\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_buckminster_4_4=/home/bamboo/buckminster-4.4/buckminster\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_buckminster_4_2=/home/bamboo/buckminster-4.2/buckminster\nbamboo_planRepository_1_branchDisplayName=release/1.8.3\nbamboo_repository_revision_number=cb04bdd6d1381f16ddd5708e9cb05fd1af52e424\nbamboo_repository_182059115_previous_revision_number=18a963db2f12e433daa7b53de4866f3f4f7930b1\nbamboo_resultsUrl=\nbamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugins_scripttask_task_builder_script_15=/bin/sh /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/temp/\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_sphinx=/usr/bin/sphinx-build\nbamboo_build_working_directory=/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1\nbamboo_planRepository_1_name=clowder\nbamboo_buildKey=CATS-CORE1091-JOB1\nbamboo_repository_182059115_git_username=\nbamboo_capability_system_os=linux\nbamboo_shortPlanName=CORE\nbamboo_planRepository_name=clowder\nbamboo_repository_182059115_git_branch=release/1.8.3\nbamboo_buildNumber=10\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_node_grunt_6=/home/bamboo/node-v6.9.1/bin/grunt\nbamboo_shortJobName=default\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_python3_6=/usr/bin/python3.6\nbamboo_buildResultsUrl=\nbamboo_planRepository_repositoryUrl=ssh://\nbamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugins_sbt_sbt_18=/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.13/bin/sbt compile\nbamboo_repository_182059115_branch_name=release/1.8.3\nbamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugins_sbt_sbt_19=/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.13/bin/sbt test-only integration.APITestSuite\nbamboo_agentId=140673028\nbamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugins_sbt_sbt_17=/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.13/bin/sbt clean update\nbamboo_planName=Clowder - CORE - release-1.8.3\nbamboo_shortPlanKey=CORE1091\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_sbt_0_13=/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.2/bin/sbt\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_node_Node_js_v0_10_28=/home/bamboo/node-v0.10.28/bin/node\nbamboo_shortJobKey=JOB1\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_node_Node_js_v12_14_1=/home/bamboo/node-v12.14.1/bin/node\nbamboo_planRepository_revision=cb04bdd6d1381f16ddd5708e9cb05fd1af52e424\nbamboo_buildTimeStamp=2020-05-04T10:14:00.241-05:00\nbamboo_repository_previous_revision_number=18a963db2f12e433daa7b53de4866f3f4f7930b1\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_npm=/home/bamboo/node-v0.10.28/bin/npm\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_mvn2_Maven_2=/home/bamboo/apache-maven-2.2.1\nbamboo_planRepository_previousRevision=18a963db2f12e433daa7b53de4866f3f4f7930b1\nbamboo_repository_182059115_name=clowder\nbamboo_repository_git_branch=release/1.8.3\nbamboo_buildResultKey=CATS-CORE1091-JOB1-10\nbamboo_repository_branch_name=release/1.8.3\nbamboo_buildPlanName=Clowder - CORE - release-1.8.3 - default\nbamboo_repository_182059115_revision_number=cb04bdd6d1381f16ddd5708e9cb05fd1af52e424\nbamboo_planRepository_1_revision=cb04bdd6d1381f16ddd5708e9cb05fd1af52e424\nbamboo_repository_182059115_git_repositoryUrl=ssh://\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_python3=/usr/bin/python3\nbamboo_repository_name=clowder\nbamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugins_sbt_sbt_21=/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.13/bin/sbt dist\nbamboo_buildFailed=false\nbamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugins_sbt_sbt_20=/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.13/bin/sbt doc\nbamboo_capability_system_docker_executable=/usr/bin/docker\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_grunt=/home/bamboo/node-v0.10.28/bin/grunt\nbamboo_planRepository_branch=release/1.8.3\nbamboo_agentWorkingDirectory=/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir\nbamboo_capability_system_git_executable=/usr/bin/git\nbamboo_repository_git_username=\nbamboo_planRepository_1_previousRevision=18a963db2f12e433daa7b53de4866f3f4f7930b1\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_sbt_SBT_0_13_13=/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.13\nbamboo_planRepository_branchDisplayName=release/1.8.3\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_phantomjs=/home/bamboo/phantomjs-1.9.8/bin/phantomjs\nbamboo_planRepository_1_type=bbserver\nbamboo_planRepository_branchName=release/1.8.3\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_python2_7=/usr/bin/python2.7\nbamboo_capability_system_hostname=buildserver-1\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK=/home/bamboo/jdk1.8.0_66\nbamboo_capability_system_software_mongo=/usr/bin/mongo\nbamboo_plan_storageTag=plan-181928042\nbamboo_hg_cache_directory=/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/_hg-repositories-cache\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_casperjs=/home/bamboo/node-v0.10.28/bin/casperjs\nbamboo_capability_system_software_rabbitmq=/usr/sbin/rabbitmqctl\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_8_0_66=/home/bamboo/jdk1.8.0_66\nbamboo_planRepository_1_username=\nbamboo_planRepository_type=bbserver\nbamboo_git_cache_directory=/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/_git-repositories-cache\nbamboo_repository_git_repositoryUrl=ssh://\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_node_Node_js=/home/bamboo/node-v0.10.28/bin/node\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_node_Node_js_v9_3_0=/home/bamboo/node-v9.3.0/bin/node\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_ant_Ant=/home/bamboo/apache-ant-1.9.4\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_mvn3_Maven_3=/home/bamboo/apache-maven-3.3.9\nbamboo_tmp_directory=/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/temp\nbamboo_working_directory=/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1\nbamboo_planKey=CATS-CORE1091\nbamboo_planRepository_1_repositoryUrl=ssh://\nbamboo_planRepository_username=\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_8=/home/bamboo/jdk1.8.0_66\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_6=/home/bamboo/jdk1.6.0_41\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_mkcrx=/home/bamboo/mkcrx/\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_7=/home/bamboo/jdk1.7.0_60\nbamboo_planRepository_1_branchName=release/1.8.3\n build 04-May-2020 10:18:58 build 04-May-2020 10:18:58 #1 [internal] load .dockerignore build 04-May-2020 10:18:58 #1 digest: sha256:efde532e7446136cdc95d528dea23699a7d5caeced1b4b5e6d3aea6c8fd2b273 build 04-May-2020 10:18:58 #1 name: "[internal] load .dockerignore" build 04-May-2020 10:18:58 #1 started: 2020-05-04 15:18:58.289904101 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:18:58 #1 completed: 2020-05-04 15:18:58.289981633 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:18:58 #1 duration: 77.532µs build 04-May-2020 10:18:58 #1 started: 2020-05-04 15:18:58.290057647 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:18:59 #1 transferring context: 57B done build 04-May-2020 10:19:00 #2 ... build 04-May-2020 10:19:00 build 04-May-2020 10:19:00 #2 [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile build 04-May-2020 10:19:00 #2 digest: sha256:2378f663ce76061ed23a439b93e9c5333a4abebaf3634e9280af2644fe44f8ee build 04-May-2020 10:19:00 #2 name: "[internal] load build definition from Dockerfile" build 04-May-2020 10:19:00 #2 started: 2020-05-04 15:18:58.289589775 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:19:00 #2 completed: 2020-05-04 15:19:00.414479329 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:19:00 #2 duration: 2.124889554s build 04-May-2020 10:19:00 #2 transferring dockerfile: 2.25kB done build 04-May-2020 10:19:00 build 04-May-2020 10:19:00 build 04-May-2020 10:19:00 #1 [internal] load .dockerignore build 04-May-2020 10:19:00 #1 completed: 2020-05-04 15:19:00.547712499 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:19:00 #1 duration: 2.257654852s build 04-May-2020 10:19:00 build 04-May-2020 10:19:00 build 04-May-2020 10:19:00 #4 [internal] load metadata for build 04-May-2020 10:19:00 #4 digest: sha256:08dede91f7a2552c6a6805d3ea3c22f4e2f669a18f8ef779342d15bd5877cb6d build 04-May-2020 10:19:00 #4 name: "[internal] load metadata for" build 04-May-2020 10:19:00 #4 started: 2020-05-04 15:19:00.781109643 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:19:01 #3 ... build 04-May-2020 10:19:01 build 04-May-2020 10:19:01 #3 [internal] load metadata for build 04-May-2020 10:19:01 #3 digest: sha256:a29715008f3ef546263a4eb2884857efccd0983c9c84f022cb4767bd12e30dff build 04-May-2020 10:19:01 #3 name: "[internal] load metadata for" build 04-May-2020 10:19:01 #3 started: 2020-05-04 15:19:00.780743044 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:19:01 #3 completed: 2020-05-04 15:19:01.167303142 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:19:01 #3 duration: 386.560098ms build 04-May-2020 10:19:01 build 04-May-2020 10:19:01 build 04-May-2020 10:19:01 #4 [internal] load metadata for build 04-May-2020 10:19:01 #4 completed: 2020-05-04 15:19:01.216654481 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:19:01 #4 duration: 435.544838ms build 04-May-2020 10:19:01 build 04-May-2020 10:19:01 build 04-May-2020 10:19:01 #8 [clowder-build 1/9] FROM build 04-May-2020 10:19:01 #8 digest: sha256:cb7840f144307be6dcc0cab52c10c9c3c0d93f7967b56e50de6784a4e63b7206 build 04-May-2020 10:19:01 #8 name: "[clowder-build 1/9] FROM" build 04-May-2020 10:19:01 #8 started: 2020-05-04 15:19:01.218829218 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:19:01 #8 completed: 2020-05-04 15:19:01.219062309 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:19:01 #8 duration: 233.091µs build 04-May-2020 10:19:01 #8 started: 2020-05-04 15:19:01.220296867 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:19:01 #8 completed: 2020-05-04 15:19:01.220904618 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:19:01 #8 duration: 607.751µs build 04-May-2020 10:19:01 #8 started: 2020-05-04 15:19:01.221006435 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:19:01 #8 resolve done build 04-May-2020 10:19:01 #8 sha256:d49bf8c44670834d3dade17f8b84d709e7db47f1887f671a0e098bafa9bae49f 947B / 947B done build 04-May-2020 10:19:01 #8 sha256:3fd9dd82815ca4510a34bafef556815c440bcff37827d8495639137aeb145a36 3.29kB / 3.29kB done build 04-May-2020 10:19:01 #8 sha256:7095154754192bfc2306f3b2b841ef82771b7ad39526537234adb1e74ae81a93 0B / 2.31MB 0.2s build 04-May-2020 10:19:01 #8 sha256:38a1c0aaa6fda9a4f5f940c5c7a0622430f1faac9de367016cd5a0aed8ef4478 0B / 228B 0.2s build 04-May-2020 10:19:01 #8 sha256:7095154754192bfc2306f3b2b841ef82771b7ad39526537234adb1e74ae81a93 138.30kB / 2.31MB 0.4s build 04-May-2020 10:19:01 #8 sha256:38a1c0aaa6fda9a4f5f940c5c7a0622430f1faac9de367016cd5a0aed8ef4478 228B / 228B 0.4s build 04-May-2020 10:19:01 #8 extracting sha256:7095154754192bfc2306f3b2b841ef82771b7ad39526537234adb1e74ae81a93 build 04-May-2020 10:19:01 #9 ... build 04-May-2020 10:19:01 build 04-May-2020 10:19:01 #9 [internal] load build context build 04-May-2020 10:19:01 #9 digest: sha256:06f1bc95b37d1ffb438e8043c3d0a22af3e0b9688292e71414981273283ff1e7 build 04-May-2020 10:19:01 #9 name: "[internal] load build context" build 04-May-2020 10:19:01 #9 started: 2020-05-04 15:19:01.219033816 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:19:01 #9 completed: 2020-05-04 15:19:01.219095953 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:19:01 #9 duration: 62.137µs build 04-May-2020 10:19:01 #9 started: 2020-05-04 15:19:01.221047768 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:19:01 #9 completed: 2020-05-04 15:19:01.918289086 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:19:01 #9 duration: 697.241318ms build 04-May-2020 10:19:01 #9 transferring context: 20.16MB 0.3s done build 04-May-2020 10:19:01 build 04-May-2020 10:19:01 build 04-May-2020 10:19:01 #8 [clowder-build 1/9] FROM build 04-May-2020 10:19:01 #8 sha256:7095154754192bfc2306f3b2b841ef82771b7ad39526537234adb1e74ae81a93 2.31MB / 2.31MB 0.6s done build 04-May-2020 10:19:01 #8 sha256:38a1c0aaa6fda9a4f5f940c5c7a0622430f1faac9de367016cd5a0aed8ef4478 228B / 228B 0.5s done build 04-May-2020 10:19:01 #8 sha256:5b58c996e33ea9b6701cb8935434be70cb9e5908d81a81f360b47e6f9394a1d7 0B / 49.36MB 0.7s build 04-May-2020 10:19:02 #8 sha256:5b58c996e33ea9b6701cb8935434be70cb9e5908d81a81f360b47e6f9394a1d7 4.98MB / 49.36MB 0.8s build 04-May-2020 10:19:02 #8 sha256:5b58c996e33ea9b6701cb8935434be70cb9e5908d81a81f360b47e6f9394a1d7 14.06MB / 49.36MB 0.9s build 04-May-2020 10:19:02 #8 sha256:5b58c996e33ea9b6701cb8935434be70cb9e5908d81a81f360b47e6f9394a1d7 24.53MB / 49.36MB 1.0s build 04-May-2020 10:19:02 #8 sha256:5b58c996e33ea9b6701cb8935434be70cb9e5908d81a81f360b47e6f9394a1d7 36.99MB / 49.36MB 1.1s build 04-May-2020 10:19:02 #8 sha256:5b58c996e33ea9b6701cb8935434be70cb9e5908d81a81f360b47e6f9394a1d7 46.22MB / 49.36MB 1.2s build 04-May-2020 10:19:03 #8 sha256:5b58c996e33ea9b6701cb8935434be70cb9e5908d81a81f360b47e6f9394a1d7 49.36MB / 49.36MB 1.9s done build 04-May-2020 10:19:04 #8 extracting sha256:5b58c996e33ea9b6701cb8935434be70cb9e5908d81a81f360b47e6f9394a1d7 build 04-May-2020 10:19:04 #5 ... build 04-May-2020 10:19:04 build 04-May-2020 10:19:04 #5 [internal] helper image for file operations build 04-May-2020 10:19:04 #5 digest: sha256:e4c43493b1bb2320466c52248e886014710025b273f224bb96a23b8fb7a1d193 build 04-May-2020 10:19:04 #5 name: "[internal] helper image for file operations" build 04-May-2020 10:19:04 #5 started: 2020-05-04 15:19:01.218813543 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:19:04 #5 completed: 2020-05-04 15:19:01.219447772 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:19:04 #5 duration: 634.229µs build 04-May-2020 10:19:04 #5 started: 2020-05-04 15:19:01.219630835 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:19:04 #5 completed: 2020-05-04 15:19:01.220964391 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:19:04 #5 duration: 1.333556ms build 04-May-2020 10:19:04 #5 started: 2020-05-04 15:19:01.221243023 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:19:04 #5 completed: 2020-05-04 15:19:04.800300572 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:19:04 #5 duration: 3.579057549s build 04-May-2020 10:19:04 #5 resolve done build 04-May-2020 10:19:04 #5 sha256:e8f159d3f00786604b93c675ee2783f8dc194bb565e61ca5788f6a6e9d304061 2.03kB / 2.03kB done build 04-May-2020 10:19:04 #5 sha256:a546a4352bcaa6512f885d24fef3d9819e70551b98535ed1995e4b567ac6d05b 736B / 736B done build 04-May-2020 10:19:04 #5 sha256:494e63343c3f0d392e7af8d718979262baec9496a23e97ad110d62b9c90d6182 766B / 766B done build 04-May-2020 10:19:04 #5 sha256:df3b4bed1f63b36992540a09e0d10bd3f9d0b082d50810313841d745d7cce368 898.21kB / 898.21kB 1.4s done build 04-May-2020 10:19:04 #5 extracting sha256:df3b4bed1f63b36992540a09e0d10bd3f9d0b082d50810313841d745d7cce368 0.1s done build 04-May-2020 10:19:04 #5 sha256:f7b6696c3fee7264ec4486cebe146a6a98aa8d1e46747843107ff473aada8d56 861.00kB / 861.00kB 2.2s done build 04-May-2020 10:19:04 #5 extracting sha256:f7b6696c3fee7264ec4486cebe146a6a98aa8d1e46747843107ff473aada8d56 0.1s done build 04-May-2020 10:19:04 build 04-May-2020 10:19:04 build 04-May-2020 10:19:04 #8 [clowder-build 1/9] FROM build 04-May-2020 10:19:06 #8 extracting sha256:5b58c996e33ea9b6701cb8935434be70cb9e5908d81a81f360b47e6f9394a1d7 1.6s done build 04-May-2020 10:19:06 #6 ... build 04-May-2020 10:19:06 build 04-May-2020 10:19:06 #6 [stage-1 1/6] FROM build 04-May-2020 10:19:06 #6 digest: sha256:0b445863360bd14de0296d0f24c148ccab9a79ba89e6ba3f863958a6f9486e6e build 04-May-2020 10:19:06 #6 name: "[stage-1 1/6] FROM" build 04-May-2020 10:19:06 #6 started: 2020-05-04 15:19:01.21885387 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:19:06 #6 completed: 2020-05-04 15:19:01.219223484 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:19:06 #6 duration: 369.614µs build 04-May-2020 10:19:06 #6 started: 2020-05-04 15:19:01.219424344 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:19:06 #6 completed: 2020-05-04 15:19:01.220201102 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:19:06 #6 duration: 776.758µs build 04-May-2020 10:19:06 #6 started: 2020-05-04 15:19:01.220398442 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:19:06 #6 completed: 2020-05-04 15:19:06.299046059 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:19:06 #6 duration: 5.078647617s build 04-May-2020 10:19:06 #6 resolve done build 04-May-2020 10:19:06 #6 sha256:6a8cbe4335d1a5711a52912b684e30d6dbfab681a6733440ff7241b05a5deefd 947B / 947B done build 04-May-2020 10:19:06 #6 sha256:fdc893b19a147681ee764b2edab6c494d60fe99d83b14b8794bbcbc040ec7aa7 3.31kB / 3.31kB done build 04-May-2020 10:19:06 #6 sha256:7095154754192bfc2306f3b2b841ef82771b7ad39526537234adb1e74ae81a93 2.31MB / 2.31MB 0.6s done build 04-May-2020 10:19:06 #6 sha256:38a1c0aaa6fda9a4f5f940c5c7a0622430f1faac9de367016cd5a0aed8ef4478 228B / 228B 0.5s done build 04-May-2020 10:19:06 #6 sha256:cd134db5e982d5650745e9479866c856f24b892a92c4bfad3f3de6fd1bb7cc6d 39.68MB / 39.68MB 1.3s done build 04-May-2020 10:19:06 #6 extracting sha256:7095154754192bfc2306f3b2b841ef82771b7ad39526537234adb1e74ae81a93 0.2s done build 04-May-2020 10:19:06 #6 extracting sha256:38a1c0aaa6fda9a4f5f940c5c7a0622430f1faac9de367016cd5a0aed8ef4478 done build 04-May-2020 10:19:06 #6 extracting sha256:cd134db5e982d5650745e9479866c856f24b892a92c4bfad3f3de6fd1bb7cc6d 1.3s done build 04-May-2020 10:19:06 build 04-May-2020 10:19:06 build 04-May-2020 10:19:06 #8 [clowder-build 1/9] FROM build 04-May-2020 10:19:06 #8 completed: 2020-05-04 15:19:06.426423827 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:19:06 #8 duration: 5.205417392s build 04-May-2020 10:19:06 build 04-May-2020 10:19:06 build 04-May-2020 10:19:06 #10 [clowder-build 2/9] COPY sbt* /src/ build 04-May-2020 10:19:06 #10 digest: sha256:5e8e943c1427d6273efba59b8ad06f8fc53228991e0a7d49df9a7d1773e039ba build 04-May-2020 10:19:06 #10 name: "[clowder-build 2/9] COPY sbt* /src/" build 04-May-2020 10:19:06 #10 started: 2020-05-04 15:19:06.45713749 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:19:07 #10 completed: 2020-05-04 15:19:07.305516739 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:19:07 #10 duration: 848.379249ms build 04-May-2020 10:19:07 build 04-May-2020 10:19:07 build 04-May-2020 10:19:07 #11 [clowder-build 3/9] COPY project /src/project build 04-May-2020 10:19:07 #11 digest: sha256:eb1a9b742767957c8c021025c0ff742e0c7e7bfa1d21378395293e2f39af8b2e build 04-May-2020 10:19:07 #11 name: "[clowder-build 3/9] COPY project /src/project" build 04-May-2020 10:19:07 #11 started: 2020-05-04 15:19:07.332008318 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:19:07 #7 ... build 04-May-2020 10:19:07 build 04-May-2020 10:19:07 #7 [stage-1 2/6] RUN apk add --no-cache bash curl build 04-May-2020 10:19:07 #7 digest: sha256:6934716cd67bb4088f8fede2a965d33252b43a32bd7e00d8984d8f86e810ac96 build 04-May-2020 10:19:07 #7 name: "[stage-1 2/6] RUN apk add --no-cache bash curl" build 04-May-2020 10:19:07 #7 started: 2020-05-04 15:19:06.348250995 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:19:07 #7 completed: 2020-05-04 15:19:07.74070825 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:19:07 #7 duration: 1.392457255s build 04-May-2020 10:19:07 #7 0.902 fetch build 04-May-2020 10:19:07 #7 0.980 fetch build 04-May-2020 10:19:07 #7 1.024 (1/8) Installing ncurses-terminfo-base (6.0_p20171125-r0) build 04-May-2020 10:19:07 #7 1.030 (2/8) Installing ncurses-terminfo (6.0_p20171125-r0) build 04-May-2020 10:19:07 #7 1.183 (3/8) Installing ncurses-libs (6.0_p20171125-r0) build 04-May-2020 10:19:07 #7 1.194 (4/8) Installing readline (6.3.008-r4) build 04-May-2020 10:19:07 #7 1.208 (5/8) Installing bash (4.3.42-r5) build 04-May-2020 10:19:07 #7 1.221 Executing build 04-May-2020 10:19:07 #7 1.223 (6/8) Installing libssh2 (1.7.0-r0) build 04-May-2020 10:19:07 #7 1.230 (7/8) Installing libcurl (7.60.0-r1) build 04-May-2020 10:19:07 #7 1.239 (8/8) Installing curl (7.60.0-r1) build 04-May-2020 10:19:07 #7 1.247 Executing busybox-1.24.2-r13.trigger build 04-May-2020 10:19:07 #7 1.252 OK: 114 MiB in 42 packages build 04-May-2020 10:19:07 build 04-May-2020 10:19:07 build 04-May-2020 10:19:07 #11 [clowder-build 3/9] COPY project /src/project build 04-May-2020 10:19:08 #11 completed: 2020-05-04 15:19:08.100760215 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:19:08 #11 duration: 768.751897ms build 04-May-2020 10:19:08 build 04-May-2020 10:19:08 build 04-May-2020 10:19:08 #12 [clowder-build 4/9] RUN ./sbt update build 04-May-2020 10:19:08 #12 digest: sha256:aeb5c538f48e663216c8f8a10ae8d0197cf00fdcab77015e07cee31cc3b6f790 build 04-May-2020 10:19:08 #12 name: "[clowder-build 4/9] RUN ./sbt update" build 04-May-2020 10:19:08 #12 started: 2020-05-04 15:19:08.118842584 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:19:09 #12 1.056 OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option MaxPermSize=1024M; support was removed in 8.0 build 04-May-2020 10:19:09 #12 1.379 Getting org.scala-sbt sbt 0.13.6 ... build 04-May-2020 10:19:39 #12 30.95 downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:19:40 #12 32.14 [SUCCESSFUL ] org.scala-sbt#sbt;0.13.6!sbt.jar (1315ms) build 04-May-2020 10:19:40 #12 32.14 downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:19:40 #12 32.64 [SUCCESSFUL ] org.scala-lang#scala-library;2.10.4!scala-library.jar (500ms) build 04-May-2020 10:19:40 #12 32.77 downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:19:41 #12 33.59 [SUCCESSFUL ] org.scala-sbt#main;0.13.6!main.jar (950ms) build 04-May-2020 10:19:41 #12 33.72 downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:19:42 #12 34.29 [SUCCESSFUL ] org.scala-sbt#compiler-interface;0.13.6!compiler-interface-src.jar (696ms) build 04-May-2020 10:19:42 #12 34.41 downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:19:43 #12 35.05 [SUCCESSFUL ] org.scala-sbt#compiler-interface;0.13.6!compiler-interface-bin.jar (759ms) build 04-May-2020 10:19:43 #12 35.17 downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:19:44 #12 35.88 [SUCCESSFUL ] org.scala-sbt#precompiled-2_8_2;0.13.6!compiler-interface-bin.jar (835ms) build 04-May-2020 10:19:44 #12 36.01 downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:19:44 #12 36.69 [SUCCESSFUL ] org.scala-sbt#precompiled-2_9_2;0.13.6!compiler-interface-bin.jar (805ms) build 04-May-2020 10:19:44 #12 36.81 downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:19:45 #12 37.49 [SUCCESSFUL ] org.scala-sbt#precompiled-2_9_3;0.13.6!compiler-interface-bin.jar (803ms) build 04-May-2020 10:19:45 #12 37.62 downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:19:46 #12 38.26 [SUCCESSFUL ] org.scala-sbt#actions;0.13.6!actions.jar (769ms) build 04-May-2020 10:19:46 #12 38.39 downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:19:47 #12 39.13 [SUCCESSFUL ] org.scala-sbt#main-settings;0.13.6!main-settings.jar (869ms) build 04-May-2020 10:19:47 #12 39.26 downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:19:48 #12 39.88 [SUCCESSFUL ] org.scala-sbt#interface;0.13.6!interface.jar (754ms) build 04-May-2020 10:19:48 #12 40.01 downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:19:48 #12 40.70 [SUCCESSFUL ] org.scala-sbt#io;0.13.6!io.jar (821ms) build 04-May-2020 10:19:48 #12 40.83 downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:19:49 #12 41.63 [SUCCESSFUL ] org.scala-sbt#ivy;0.13.6!ivy.jar (921ms) build 04-May-2020 10:19:49 #12 41.75 downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:19:50 #12 42.26 [SUCCESSFUL ] org.scala-sbt#launcher-interface;0.13.6!launcher-interface.jar (633ms) build 04-May-2020 10:19:50 #12 42.38 downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:19:51 #12 43.00 [SUCCESSFUL ] org.scala-sbt#logging;0.13.6!logging.jar (739ms) build 04-May-2020 10:19:51 #12 43.13 downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:19:51 #12 43.65 [SUCCESSFUL ] org.scala-sbt#logic;0.13.6!logic.jar (655ms) build 04-May-2020 10:19:51 #12 43.78 downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:19:52 #12 44.35 [SUCCESSFUL ] org.scala-sbt#process;0.13.6!process.jar (697ms) build 04-May-2020 10:19:52 #12 44.48 downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:19:53 #12 44.99 [SUCCESSFUL ] org.scala-sbt#run;0.13.6!run.jar (642ms) build 04-May-2020 10:19:53 #12 45.12 downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:19:53 #12 45.80 [SUCCESSFUL ] org.scala-sbt#command;0.13.6!command.jar (808ms) build 04-May-2020 10:19:54 #12 45.93 downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:19:54 #12 46.56 [SUCCESSFUL ] org.scala-sbt#classpath;0.13.6!classpath.jar (755ms) build 04-May-2020 10:19:54 #12 46.69 downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:19:55 #12 47.37 [SUCCESSFUL ] org.scala-sbt#completion;0.13.6!completion.jar (808ms) build 04-May-2020 10:19:55 #12 47.49 downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:19:56 #12 48.18 [SUCCESSFUL ] org.scala-sbt#api;0.13.6!api.jar (811ms) build 04-May-2020 10:19:56 #12 48.31 downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:19:57 #12 48.93 [SUCCESSFUL ] org.scala-sbt#compiler-integration;0.13.6!compiler-integration.jar (747ms) build 04-May-2020 10:19:57 #12 49.05 downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:19:57 #12 49.58 [SUCCESSFUL ] org.scala-sbt#compiler-ivy-integration;0.13.6!compiler-ivy-integration.jar (658ms) build 04-May-2020 10:19:57 #12 49.71 downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:19:58 #12 50.23 [SUCCESSFUL ] org.scala-sbt#relation;0.13.6!relation.jar (643ms) build 04-May-2020 10:19:58 #12 50.36 downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:19:59 #12 50.92 [SUCCESSFUL ] org.scala-sbt#task-system;0.13.6!task-system.jar (695ms) build 04-May-2020 10:19:59 #12 51.05 downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:19:59 #12 51.58 [SUCCESSFUL ] org.scala-sbt#tasks;0.13.6!tasks.jar (652ms) build 04-May-2020 10:19:59 #12 51.70 downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:20:00 #12 52.23 [SUCCESSFUL ] org.scala-sbt#tracking;0.13.6!tracking.jar (651ms) build 04-May-2020 10:20:00 #12 52.36 downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:20:01 #12 52.88 [SUCCESSFUL ] org.scala-sbt#testing;0.13.6!testing.jar (649ms) build 04-May-2020 10:20:01 #12 52.88 downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:20:01 #12 53.50 [SUCCESSFUL ] org.scala-lang#scala-compiler;2.10.4!scala-compiler.jar (624ms) build 04-May-2020 10:20:01 #12 53.50 downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:20:01 #12 53.67 [SUCCESSFUL ] org.scala-lang#scala-reflect;2.10.4!scala-reflect.jar (165ms) build 04-May-2020 10:20:01 #12 53.80 downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:20:02 #12 54.31 [SUCCESSFUL ] org.scala-sbt#control;0.13.6!control.jar (646ms) build 04-May-2020 10:20:02 #12 54.44 downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:20:03 #12 55.14 [SUCCESSFUL ] org.scala-sbt#collections;0.13.6!collections.jar (827ms) build 04-May-2020 10:20:03 #12 55.14 downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:20:03 #12 55.17 [SUCCESSFUL ] jline#jline;2.11!jline.jar (27ms) build 04-May-2020 10:20:03 #12 55.30 downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:20:04 #12 55.95 [SUCCESSFUL ] org.scala-sbt#incremental-compiler;0.13.6!incremental-compiler.jar (784ms) build 04-May-2020 10:20:04 #12 56.09 downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:20:04 #12 56.77 [SUCCESSFUL ] org.scala-sbt#compile;0.13.6!compile.jar (818ms) build 04-May-2020 10:20:05 #12 56.90 downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:20:05 #12 57.47 [SUCCESSFUL ] org.scala-sbt#persist;0.13.6!persist.jar (701ms) build 04-May-2020 10:20:05 #12 57.60 downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:20:06 #12 58.12 [SUCCESSFUL ] org.scala-sbt#classfile;0.13.6!classfile.jar (647ms) build 04-May-2020 10:20:06 #12 58.25 downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:20:06 #12 58.77 [SUCCESSFUL ] org.scala-tools.sbinary#sbinary_2.10;0.4.2!sbinary_2.10.jar (653ms) build 04-May-2020 10:20:07 #12 58.90 downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:20:07 #12 59.41 [SUCCESSFUL ] org.scala-sbt#cross;0.13.6!cross.jar (640ms) build 04-May-2020 10:20:07 #12 59.54 downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:20:08 #12 60.31 [SUCCESSFUL ] org.scala-sbt.ivy#ivy;2.3.0-sbt-14d4d23e25f354cd296c73bfff405544434d5f80!ivy.jar (891ms) build 04-May-2020 10:20:08 #12 60.31 downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:20:08 #12 60.35 [SUCCESSFUL ] com.jcraft#jsch;0.1.46!jsch.jar (42ms) build 04-May-2020 10:20:08 #12 60.47 downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:20:09 #12 61.15 [SUCCESSFUL ] org.scala-sbt#cache;0.13.6!cache.jar (802ms) build 04-May-2020 10:20:09 #12 61.28 downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:20:09 #12 61.79 [SUCCESSFUL ] org.scala-sbt#test-agent;0.13.6!test-agent.jar (644ms) build 04-May-2020 10:20:09 #12 61.79 downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:20:09 #12 61.81 [SUCCESSFUL ] org.scala-sbt#test-interface;1.0!test-interface.jar (17ms) build 04-May-2020 10:20:10 #12 61.98 downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:20:11 #12 62.87 [SUCCESSFUL ] org.scala-sbt#apply-macro;0.13.6!apply-macro.jar (1059ms) build 04-May-2020 10:20:11 #12 62.91 :: retrieving :: org.scala-sbt#boot-app build 04-May-2020 10:20:11 #12 62.91 confs: [default] build 04-May-2020 10:20:11 #12 62.95 44 artifacts copied, 0 already retrieved (13750kB/39ms) build 04-May-2020 10:20:11 #12 62.95 Getting Scala 2.10.4 (for sbt)... build 04-May-2020 10:20:11 #12 63.57 downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:20:11 #12 63.60 [SUCCESSFUL ] org.scala-lang#jline;2.10.4!jline.jar (27ms) build 04-May-2020 10:20:11 #12 63.60 downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:20:11 #12 63.62 [SUCCESSFUL ] org.fusesource.jansi#jansi;1.4!jansi.jar (20ms) build 04-May-2020 10:20:11 #12 63.62 :: retrieving :: org.scala-sbt#boot-scala build 04-May-2020 10:20:11 #12 63.62 confs: [default] build 04-May-2020 10:20:11 #12 63.65 5 artifacts copied, 0 already retrieved (24459kB/29ms) build 04-May-2020 10:20:15 #12 67.84 [info] Loading project definition from /src/project build 04-May-2020 10:21:31 #12 143.7 [warn] There may be incompatibilities among your library dependencies. build 04-May-2020 10:21:31 #12 143.7 [warn] Here are some of the libraries that were evicted: build 04-May-2020 10:21:31 #12 143.7 [warn]  * com.typesafe.sbt:sbt-native-packager:0.6.4 -> 0.8.0-RC2 build 04-May-2020 10:21:31 #12 143.7 [warn] Run 'evicted' to see detailed eviction warnings build 04-May-2020 10:21:34 #12 146.6 [info] Set current project to clowder (in build file:/src/) build 04-May-2020 10:21:34 #12 146.7 [info] Updating {file:/src/}clowder... build 04-May-2020 10:21:34 #12 146.7 [info] Resolving org.scala-lang#scala-library;2.10.3 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:34 #12 146.7 build 04-May-2020 10:21:34 M[info] Resolving org.scala-lang#scala-library;2.10.3 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:34 #12 146.8 build 04-May-2020 10:21:34 M[info] Resolving;2.2.6 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:34 #12 146.8 build 04-May-2020 10:21:34 M[info] Resolving;2.2.6 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:35 #12 147.5 build 04-May-2020 10:21:35 M[info] Resolving;2.2.6 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:35 #12 147.5 build 04-May-2020 10:21:35 M[info] Resolving org.javassist#javassist;3.18.0-GA ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:35 #12 147.5 build 04-May-2020 10:21:35 M[info] Resolving;2.2.6 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:35 #12 147.5 build 04-May-2020 10:21:35 M[info] Resolving;2.2.6 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:35 #12 147.5 build 04-May-2020 10:21:35 M[info] Resolving;2.2.6 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:36 #12 148.1 build 04-May-2020 10:21:36 M[info] Resolving;0.4.2 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:36 #12 148.1 build 04-May-2020 10:21:36 M[info] Resolving;0.4.2 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:36 #12 148.2 build 04-May-2020 10:21:36 M[info] Resolving com.jsuereth#scala-arm_2.10;1.3 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:36 #12 148.2 build 04-May-2020 10:21:36 M[info] Resolving;2.2.6 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:36 #12 148.2 build 04-May-2020 10:21:36 M[info] Resolving;2.2.6 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:36 #12 148.8 build 04-May-2020 10:21:36 M[info] Resolving org.scala-stm#scala-stm_2.10;0.7 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:36 #12 148.8 build 04-May-2020 10:21:36 M[info] Resolving org.scala-stm#scala-stm_2.10;0.7 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:36 #12 148.8 build 04-May-2020 10:21:36 M[info] Resolving com.typesafe#config;1.0.2 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:36 #12 148.8 build 04-May-2020 10:21:36 M[info] Resolving;2.2.6 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:36 #12 148.8 build 04-May-2020 10:21:36 M[info] Resolving;2.2.6 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:37 #12 149.6 build 04-May-2020 10:21:37 M[info] Resolving;2.2.6 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:37 #12 149.6 build 04-May-2020 10:21:37 M[info] Resolving;2.2.6 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:38 #12 150.4 build 04-May-2020 10:21:38 M[info] Resolving;2.2.6 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:38 #12 150.4 build 04-May-2020 10:21:38 M[info] Resolving;2.2.6 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:39 #12 151.1 build 04-May-2020 10:21:39 M[info] Resolving joda-time#joda-time;2.2 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:39 #12 151.1 build 04-May-2020 10:21:39 M[info] Resolving joda-time#joda-time;2.2 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:39 #12 151.1 build 04-May-2020 10:21:39 M[info] Resolving org.joda#joda-convert;1.3.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:39 #12 151.1 build 04-May-2020 10:21:39 M[info] Resolving org.joda#joda-convert;1.3.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:39 #12 151.1 build 04-May-2020 10:21:39 M[info] Resolving com.fasterxml.jackson.core#jackson-annotations;2.2.2 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:39 #12 151.1 build 04-May-2020 10:21:39 M[info] Resolving com.fasterxml.jackson.core#jackson-annotations;2.2.2 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:39 #12 151.2 build 04-May-2020 10:21:39 M[info] Resolving com.fasterxml#oss-parent;10 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:39 #12 151.2 build 04-May-2020 10:21:39 M[info] Resolving com.fasterxml#oss-parent;10 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:41 #12 152.9 build 04-May-2020 10:21:41 M[info] Resolving com.fasterxml.jackson.core#jackson-core;2.2.2 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:41 #12 152.9 build 04-May-2020 10:21:41 M[info] Resolving com.fasterxml.jackson.core#jackson-core;2.2.2 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:41 #12 153.0 build 04-May-2020 10:21:41 M[info] Resolving com.fasterxml#oss-parent;10 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:41 #12 153.0 build 04-May-2020 10:21:41 M[info] Resolving com.fasterxml.jackson.core#jackson-databind;2.2.2 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:41 #12 153.0 build 04-May-2020 10:21:41 M[info] Resolving com.fasterxml.jackson.core#jackson-databind;2.2.2 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:41 #12 153.0 build 04-May-2020 10:21:41 M[info] Resolving com.fasterxml#oss-parent;10 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:41 #12 153.0 build 04-May-2020 10:21:41 M[info] Resolving org.scala-lang#scala-reflect;2.10.3 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:41 #12 153.0 build 04-May-2020 10:21:41 M[info] Resolving org.scala-lang#scala-reflect;2.10.3 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:41 #12 153.0 build 04-May-2020 10:21:41 M[info] Resolving io.netty#netty;3.7.1.Final ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:41 #12 153.0 build 04-May-2020 10:21:41 M[info] Resolving io.netty#netty;3.7.1.Final ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:41 #12 153.1 build 04-May-2020 10:21:41 M[info] Resolving org.sonatype.oss#oss-parent;7 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:41 #12 153.1 build 04-May-2020 10:21:41 M[info] Resolving com.typesafe.netty#netty-http-pipelining;1.1.2 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:41 #12 153.1 build 04-May-2020 10:21:41 M[info] Resolving com.typesafe.netty#netty-http-pipelining;1.1.2 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:41 #12 153.7 build 04-May-2020 10:21:41 M[info] Resolving org.slf4j#slf4j-api;1.7.5 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:41 #12 153.7 build 04-May-2020 10:21:41 M[info] Resolving org.slf4j#slf4j-api;1.7.5 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:41 #12 153.7 build 04-May-2020 10:21:41 M[info] Resolving org.slf4j#slf4j-parent;1.7.5 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:41 #12 153.7 build 04-May-2020 10:21:41 M[info] Resolving org.slf4j#slf4j-parent;1.7.5 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:42 #12 154.7 build 04-May-2020 10:21:42 M[info] Resolving org.slf4j#jul-to-slf4j;1.7.5 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:42 #12 154.7 build 04-May-2020 10:21:42 M[info] Resolving org.slf4j#jul-to-slf4j;1.7.5 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:42 #12 154.7 build 04-May-2020 10:21:42 M[info] Resolving org.slf4j#slf4j-parent;1.7.5 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:42 #12 154.7 build 04-May-2020 10:21:42 M[info] Resolving org.slf4j#jcl-over-slf4j;1.7.5 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:42 #12 154.7 build 04-May-2020 10:21:42 M[info] Resolving org.slf4j#jcl-over-slf4j;1.7.5 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:42 #12 154.8 build 04-May-2020 10:21:42 M[info] Resolving org.slf4j#slf4j-parent;1.7.5 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:42 #12 154.8 build 04-May-2020 10:21:42 M[info] Resolving ch.qos.logback#logback-core;1.0.13 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:42 #12 154.8 build 04-May-2020 10:21:42 M[info] Resolving ch.qos.logback#logback-core;1.0.13 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:42 #12 154.8 build 04-May-2020 10:21:42 M[info] Resolving ch.qos.logback#logback-parent;1.0.13 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:42 #12 154.8 build 04-May-2020 10:21:42 M[info] Resolving ch.qos.logback#logback-parent;1.0.13 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:44 #12 156.2 build 04-May-2020 10:21:44 M[info] Resolving ch.qos.logback#logback-classic;1.0.13 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:44 #12 156.2 build 04-May-2020 10:21:44 M[info] Resolving ch.qos.logback#logback-classic;1.0.13 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:44 #12 156.2 build 04-May-2020 10:21:44 M[info] Resolving ch.qos.logback#logback-parent;1.0.13 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:44 #12 156.3 build 04-May-2020 10:21:44 M[info] Resolving com.typesafe.akka#akka-actor_2.10;2.2.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:44 #12 156.3 build 04-May-2020 10:21:44 M[info] Resolving com.typesafe.akka#akka-actor_2.10;2.2.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:44 #12 156.3 build 04-May-2020 10:21:44 M[info] Resolving com.typesafe.akka#akka-slf4j_2.10;2.2.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:44 #12 156.3 build 04-May-2020 10:21:44 M[info] Resolving com.typesafe.akka#akka-slf4j_2.10;2.2.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:44 #12 156.4 build 04-May-2020 10:21:44 M[info] Resolving org.apache.commons#commons-lang3;3.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:44 #12 156.4 build 04-May-2020 10:21:44 M[info] Resolving org.apache.commons#commons-lang3;3.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:44 #12 156.4 build 04-May-2020 10:21:44 M[info] Resolving org.apache.commons#commons-parent;22 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:44 #12 156.4 build 04-May-2020 10:21:44 M[info] Resolving org.apache.commons#commons-parent;22 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:44 #12 156.4 build 04-May-2020 10:21:44 M[info] Resolving org.apache#apache;9 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:46 #12 158.5 build 04-May-2020 10:21:46 M[info] Resolving com.ning#async-http-client;1.7.18 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:46 #12 158.5 build 04-May-2020 10:21:46 M[info] Resolving com.ning#async-http-client;1.7.18 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:46 #12 158.5 build 04-May-2020 10:21:46 M[info] Resolving org.sonatype.oss#oss-parent;5 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:46 #12 158.5 build 04-May-2020 10:21:46 M[info] Resolving org.sonatype.oss#oss-parent;5 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:48 #12 159.9 build 04-May-2020 10:21:48 M[info] Resolving oauth.signpost#signpost-core; ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:48 #12 159.9 build 04-May-2020 10:21:48 M[info] Resolving oauth.signpost#signpost-core; ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:48 #12 160.0 build 04-May-2020 10:21:48 M[info] Resolving oauth.signpost#oauth-signpost; ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:48 #12 160.0 build 04-May-2020 10:21:48 M[info] Resolving oauth.signpost#oauth-signpost; ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:49 #12 161.4 build 04-May-2020 10:21:49 M[info] Resolving commons-codec#commons-codec;1.3 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:49 #12 161.4 build 04-May-2020 10:21:49 M[info] Resolving commons-codec#commons-codec;1.3 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:49 #12 161.4 build 04-May-2020 10:21:49 M[info] Resolving oauth.signpost#signpost-commonshttp4; ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:49 #12 161.4 build 04-May-2020 10:21:49 M[info] Resolving oauth.signpost#signpost-commonshttp4; ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:49 #12 161.5 build 04-May-2020 10:21:49 M[info] Resolving oauth.signpost#oauth-signpost; ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:49 #12 161.5 build 04-May-2020 10:21:49 M[info] Resolving xerces#xercesImpl;2.11.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:49 #12 161.5 build 04-May-2020 10:21:49 M[info] Resolving xerces#xercesImpl;2.11.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:49 #12 161.5 build 04-May-2020 10:21:49 M[info] Resolving xml-apis#xml-apis;1.4.01 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:49 #12 161.5 build 04-May-2020 10:21:49 M[info] Resolving xml-apis#xml-apis;1.4.01 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:49 #12 161.5 build 04-May-2020 10:21:49 M[info] Resolving javax.transaction#jta;1.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:49 #12 161.5 build 04-May-2020 10:21:49 M[info] Resolving javax.transaction#jta;1.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:49 #12 161.6 build 04-May-2020 10:21:49 M[info] Resolving;2.2.6 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:49 #12 161.6 build 04-May-2020 10:21:49 M[info] Resolving;2.2.6 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:50 #12 162.4 build 04-May-2020 10:21:50 M[info] Resolving ws.securesocial#securesocial_2.10;2.1.4 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:50 #12 162.4 build 04-May-2020 10:21:50 M[info] Resolving ws.securesocial#securesocial_2.10;2.1.4 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:50 #12 162.4 build 04-May-2020 10:21:50 M[info] Resolving;2.2.3 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:50 #12 162.4 build 04-May-2020 10:21:50 M[info] Resolving;2.2.3 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:51 #12 163.2 build 04-May-2020 10:21:51 M[info] Resolving net.sf.ehcache#ehcache-core;2.6.6 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:51 #12 163.2 build 04-May-2020 10:21:51 M[info] Resolving net.sf.ehcache#ehcache-core;2.6.6 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:51 #12 163.2 build 04-May-2020 10:21:51 M[info] Resolving net.sf.ehcache#ehcache-parent;2.3 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:51 #12 163.2 build 04-May-2020 10:21:51 M[info] Resolving net.sf.ehcache#ehcache-parent;2.3 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:53 #12 165.7 build 04-May-2020 10:21:53 M[info] Resolving com.typesafe#play-plugins-util_2.10;2.2.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:53 #12 165.7 build 04-May-2020 10:21:53 M[info] Resolving com.typesafe#play-plugins-util_2.10;2.2.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:54 #12 166.5 build 04-May-2020 10:21:54 M[info] Resolving com.typesafe#play-plugins-mailer_2.10;2.2.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:54 #12 166.5 build 04-May-2020 10:21:54 M[info] Resolving com.typesafe#play-plugins-mailer_2.10;2.2.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:55 #12 167.2 build 04-May-2020 10:21:55 M[info] Resolving org.apache.commons#commons-email;1.2 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:55 #12 167.2 build 04-May-2020 10:21:55 M[info] Resolving org.apache.commons#commons-email;1.2 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:55 #12 167.2 build 04-May-2020 10:21:55 M[info] Resolving org.apache.commons#commons-parent;11 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:55 #12 167.2 build 04-May-2020 10:21:55 M[info] Resolving org.apache.commons#commons-parent;11 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:55 #12 167.2 build 04-May-2020 10:21:55 M[info] Resolving org.apache#apache;4 ... build 04-May-2020 10:21:55 #12 167.2 build 04-May-2020 10:21:55 M[info] Resolving org.apache#apache;4 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:01 #12 172.9 build 04-May-2020 10:22:01 M[info] Resolving javax.mail#mail;1.4.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:01 #12 172.9 build 04-May-2020 10:22:01 M[info] Resolving javax.mail#mail;1.4.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:01 #12 172.9 build 04-May-2020 10:22:01 M[info] Resolving javax.activation#activation;1.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:01 #12 172.9 build 04-May-2020 10:22:01 M[info] Resolving javax.activation#activation;1.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:01 #12 173.0 build 04-May-2020 10:22:01 M[info] Resolving org.mindrot#jbcrypt;0.3m ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:01 #12 173.0 build 04-May-2020 10:22:01 M[info] Resolving org.mindrot#jbcrypt;0.3m ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:01 #12 173.0 build 04-May-2020 10:22:01 M[info] Resolving com.unboundid#unboundid-ldapsdk;4.0.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:01 #12 173.0 build 04-May-2020 10:22:01 M[info] Resolving com.unboundid#unboundid-ldapsdk;4.0.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:01 #12 173.0 build 04-May-2020 10:22:01 M[info] Resolving com.rabbitmq#amqp-client;3.0.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:01 #12 173.0 build 04-May-2020 10:22:01 M[info] Resolving com.rabbitmq#amqp-client;3.0.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:01 #12 173.1 build 04-May-2020 10:22:01 M[info] Resolving org.elasticsearch#elasticsearch;2.3.5 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:01 #12 173.1 build 04-May-2020 10:22:01 M[info] Resolving org.elasticsearch#elasticsearch;2.3.5 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:01 #12 173.1 build 04-May-2020 10:22:01 M[info] Resolving org.elasticsearch#parent;2.3.5 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:01 #12 173.1 build 04-May-2020 10:22:01 M[info] Resolving org.elasticsearch#parent;2.3.5 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:01 #12 173.1 build 04-May-2020 10:22:01 M[info] Resolving org.sonatype.oss#oss-parent;7 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:03 #12 174.9 build 04-May-2020 10:22:03 M[info] Resolving org.apache.lucene#lucene-core;5.5.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:03 #12 174.9 build 04-May-2020 10:22:03 M[info] Resolving org.apache.lucene#lucene-core;5.5.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:03 #12 174.9 build 04-May-2020 10:22:03 M[info] Resolving org.apache.lucene#lucene-parent;5.5.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:03 #12 174.9 build 04-May-2020 10:22:03 M[info] Resolving org.apache.lucene#lucene-parent;5.5.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:03 #12 174.9 build 04-May-2020 10:22:03 M[info] Resolving org.apache.lucene#lucene-solr-grandparent;5.5.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:03 #12 174.9 build 04-May-2020 10:22:03 M[info] Resolving org.apache.lucene#lucene-solr-grandparent;5.5.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:03 #12 175.0 build 04-May-2020 10:22:03 M[info] Resolving org.apache#apache;13 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:09 #12 181.6 build 04-May-2020 10:22:09 M[info] Resolving org.apache.lucene#lucene-backward-codecs;5.5.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:09 #12 181.6 build 04-May-2020 10:22:09 M[info] Resolving org.apache.lucene#lucene-backward-codecs;5.5.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:09 #12 181.7 build 04-May-2020 10:22:09 M[info] Resolving org.apache.lucene#lucene-parent;5.5.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:09 #12 181.7 build 04-May-2020 10:22:09 M[info] Resolving org.apache.lucene#lucene-analyzers-common;5.5.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:09 #12 181.7 build 04-May-2020 10:22:09 M[info] Resolving org.apache.lucene#lucene-analyzers-common;5.5.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:09 #12 181.7 build 04-May-2020 10:22:09 M[info] Resolving org.apache.lucene#lucene-parent;5.5.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:09 #12 181.7 build 04-May-2020 10:22:09 M[info] Resolving org.apache.lucene#lucene-queries;5.5.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:09 #12 181.7 build 04-May-2020 10:22:09 M[info] Resolving org.apache.lucene#lucene-queries;5.5.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:09 #12 181.8 build 04-May-2020 10:22:09 M[info] Resolving org.apache.lucene#lucene-parent;5.5.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:09 #12 181.8 build 04-May-2020 10:22:09 M[info] Resolving org.apache.lucene#lucene-memory;5.5.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:09 #12 181.8 build 04-May-2020 10:22:09 M[info] Resolving org.apache.lucene#lucene-memory;5.5.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:09 #12 181.8 build 04-May-2020 10:22:09 M[info] Resolving org.apache.lucene#lucene-parent;5.5.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:09 #12 181.8 build 04-May-2020 10:22:09 M[info] Resolving org.apache.lucene#lucene-highlighter;5.5.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:09 #12 181.8 build 04-May-2020 10:22:09 M[info] Resolving org.apache.lucene#lucene-highlighter;5.5.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:09 #12 181.9 build 04-May-2020 10:22:09 M[info] Resolving org.apache.lucene#lucene-parent;5.5.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:10 #12 181.9 build 04-May-2020 10:22:10 M[info] Resolving org.apache.lucene#lucene-join;5.5.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:10 #12 181.9 build 04-May-2020 10:22:10 M[info] Resolving org.apache.lucene#lucene-join;5.5.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:10 #12 181.9 build 04-May-2020 10:22:10 M[info] Resolving org.apache.lucene#lucene-parent;5.5.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:10 #12 182.0 build 04-May-2020 10:22:10 M[info] Resolving org.apache.lucene#lucene-grouping;5.5.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:10 #12 182.0 build 04-May-2020 10:22:10 M[info] Resolving org.apache.lucene#lucene-grouping;5.5.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:10 #12 182.0 build 04-May-2020 10:22:10 M[info] Resolving org.apache.lucene#lucene-parent;5.5.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:10 #12 182.0 build 04-May-2020 10:22:10 M[info] Resolving org.apache.lucene#lucene-queryparser;5.5.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:10 #12 182.0 build 04-May-2020 10:22:10 M[info] Resolving org.apache.lucene#lucene-queryparser;5.5.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:10 #12 182.1 build 04-May-2020 10:22:10 M[info] Resolving org.apache.lucene#lucene-parent;5.5.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:10 #12 182.1 build 04-May-2020 10:22:10 M[info] Resolving org.apache.lucene#lucene-sandbox;5.5.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:10 #12 182.1 build 04-May-2020 10:22:10 M[info] Resolving org.apache.lucene#lucene-sandbox;5.5.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:10 #12 182.1 build 04-May-2020 10:22:10 M[info] Resolving org.apache.lucene#lucene-parent;5.5.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:10 #12 182.1 build 04-May-2020 10:22:10 M[info] Resolving org.apache.lucene#lucene-suggest;5.5.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:10 #12 182.1 build 04-May-2020 10:22:10 M[info] Resolving org.apache.lucene#lucene-suggest;5.5.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:10 #12 182.2 build 04-May-2020 10:22:10 M[info] Resolving org.apache.lucene#lucene-parent;5.5.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:10 #12 182.2 build 04-May-2020 10:22:10 M[info] Resolving org.apache.lucene#lucene-misc;5.5.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:10 #12 182.2 build 04-May-2020 10:22:10 M[info] Resolving org.apache.lucene#lucene-misc;5.5.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:10 #12 182.2 build 04-May-2020 10:22:10 M[info] Resolving org.apache.lucene#lucene-parent;5.5.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:10 #12 182.2 build 04-May-2020 10:22:10 M[info] Resolving org.apache.lucene#lucene-spatial;5.5.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:10 #12 182.2 build 04-May-2020 10:22:10 M[info] Resolving org.apache.lucene#lucene-spatial;5.5.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:10 #12 182.3 build 04-May-2020 10:22:10 M[info] Resolving org.apache.lucene#lucene-parent;5.5.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:10 #12 182.3 build 04-May-2020 10:22:10 M[info] Resolving org.apache.lucene#lucene-spatial3d;5.5.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:10 #12 182.3 build 04-May-2020 10:22:10 M[info] Resolving org.apache.lucene#lucene-spatial3d;5.5.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:10 #12 182.3 build 04-May-2020 10:22:10 M[info] Resolving org.apache.lucene#lucene-parent;5.5.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:10 #12 182.3 build 04-May-2020 10:22:10 M[info] Resolving com.spatial4j#spatial4j;0.5 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:10 #12 182.3 build 04-May-2020 10:22:10 M[info] Resolving com.spatial4j#spatial4j;0.5 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:10 #12 182.4 build 04-May-2020 10:22:10 M[info] Resolving org.sonatype.oss#oss-parent;7 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:10 #12 182.4 build 04-May-2020 10:22:10 M[info] Resolving;18.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:10 #12 182.4 build 04-May-2020 10:22:10 M[info] Resolving;18.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:10 #12 182.4 build 04-May-2020 10:22:10 M[info] Resolving;18.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:10 #12 182.4 build 04-May-2020 10:22:10 M[info] Resolving;18.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:10 #12 182.4 build 04-May-2020 10:22:10 M[info] Resolving org.sonatype.oss#oss-parent;7 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:11 #12 183.2 build 04-May-2020 10:22:11 M[info] Resolving org.elasticsearch#securesm;1.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:11 #12 183.2 build 04-May-2020 10:22:11 M[info] Resolving org.elasticsearch#securesm;1.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:11 #12 183.2 build 04-May-2020 10:22:11 M[info] Resolving org.sonatype.oss#oss-parent;7 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:11 #12 183.2 build 04-May-2020 10:22:11 M[info] Resolving com.carrotsearch#hppc;0.7.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:11 #12 183.2 build 04-May-2020 10:22:11 M[info] Resolving com.carrotsearch#hppc;0.7.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:11 #12 183.3 build 04-May-2020 10:22:11 M[info] Resolving com.carrotsearch#hppc-parent;0.7.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:11 #12 183.3 build 04-May-2020 10:22:11 M[info] Resolving com.carrotsearch#hppc-parent;0.7.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:11 #12 183.3 build 04-May-2020 10:22:11 M[info] Resolving org.sonatype.oss#oss-parent;9 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:11 #12 183.3 build 04-May-2020 10:22:11 M[info] Resolving org.sonatype.oss#oss-parent;9 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:12 #12 184.8 build 04-May-2020 10:22:12 M[info] Resolving joda-time#joda-time;2.9.4 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:12 #12 184.8 build 04-May-2020 10:22:12 M[info] Resolving joda-time#joda-time;2.9.4 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:12 #12 184.9 build 04-May-2020 10:22:12 M[info] Resolving com.fasterxml.jackson.core#jackson-core;2.6.6 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:13 #12 184.9 build 04-May-2020 10:22:13 M[info] Resolving com.fasterxml.jackson.core#jackson-core;2.6.6 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:13 #12 184.9 build 04-May-2020 10:22:13 M[info] Resolving com.fasterxml.jackson#jackson-parent;2.6.2 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:13 #12 184.9 build 04-May-2020 10:22:13 M[info] Resolving com.fasterxml.jackson#jackson-parent;2.6.2 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:13 #12 184.9 build 04-May-2020 10:22:13 M[info] Resolving com.fasterxml#oss-parent;24 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:13 #12 184.9 build 04-May-2020 10:22:13 M[info] Resolving com.fasterxml#oss-parent;24 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:13 #12 185.8 build 04-May-2020 10:22:13 M[info] Resolving com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat#jackson-dataformat-smile;2.6.6 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:13 #12 185.8 build 04-May-2020 10:22:13 M[info] Resolving com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat#jackson-dataformat-smile;2.6.6 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:13 #12 185.9 build 04-May-2020 10:22:14 M[info] Resolving com.fasterxml.jackson#jackson-parent;2.6.2 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:14 #12 185.9 build 04-May-2020 10:22:14 M[info] Resolving com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat#jackson-dataformat-yaml;2.6.6 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:14 #12 185.9 build 04-May-2020 10:22:14 M[info] Resolving com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat#jackson-dataformat-yaml;2.6.6 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:14 #12 185.9 build 04-May-2020 10:22:14 M[info] Resolving com.fasterxml.jackson#jackson-parent;2.6.2 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:14 #12 185.9 build 04-May-2020 10:22:14 M[info] Resolving org.yaml#snakeyaml;1.15 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:14 #12 185.9 build 04-May-2020 10:22:14 M[info] Resolving org.yaml#snakeyaml;1.15 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:14 #12 185.9 build 04-May-2020 10:22:14 M[info] Resolving com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat#jackson-dataformat-cbor;2.6.6 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:14 #12 185.9 build 04-May-2020 10:22:14 M[info] Resolving com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat#jackson-dataformat-cbor;2.6.6 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:14 #12 186.0 build 04-May-2020 10:22:14 M[info] Resolving com.fasterxml.jackson#jackson-parent;2.6.2 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:14 #12 186.0 build 04-May-2020 10:22:14 M[info] Resolving com.ning#compress-lzf;1.0.2 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:14 #12 186.0 build 04-May-2020 10:22:14 M[info] Resolving com.ning#compress-lzf;1.0.2 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:14 #12 186.0 build 04-May-2020 10:22:14 M[info] Resolving org.sonatype.oss#oss-parent;7 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:14 #12 186.0 build 04-May-2020 10:22:14 M[info] Resolving com.tdunning#t-digest;3.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:14 #12 186.0 build 04-May-2020 10:22:14 M[info] Resolving com.tdunning#t-digest;3.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:14 #12 186.0 build 04-May-2020 10:22:14 M[info] Resolving org.hdrhistogram#HdrHistogram;2.1.6 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:14 #12 186.0 build 04-May-2020 10:22:14 M[info] Resolving org.hdrhistogram#HdrHistogram;2.1.6 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:14 #12 186.1 build 04-May-2020 10:22:14 M[info] Resolving org.sonatype.oss#oss-parent;7 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:14 #12 186.1 build 04-May-2020 10:22:14 M[info] Resolving commons-cli#commons-cli;1.3.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:14 #12 186.1 build 04-May-2020 10:22:14 M[info] Resolving commons-cli#commons-cli;1.3.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:14 #12 186.1 build 04-May-2020 10:22:14 M[info] Resolving org.apache.commons#commons-parent;37 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:14 #12 186.1 build 04-May-2020 10:22:14 M[info] Resolving org.apache.commons#commons-parent;37 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:14 #12 186.1 build 04-May-2020 10:22:14 M[info] Resolving org.apache#apache;16 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:14 #12 186.1 build 04-May-2020 10:22:14 M[info] Resolving org.apache#apache;16 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:15 #12 187.4 build 04-May-2020 10:22:15 M[info] Resolving com.twitter#jsr166e;1.1.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:15 #12 187.4 build 04-May-2020 10:22:15 M[info] Resolving com.twitter#jsr166e;1.1.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:15 #12 187.4 build 04-May-2020 10:22:15 M[info] Resolving org.elasticsearch.module#reindex;2.3.5 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:15 #12 187.4 build 04-May-2020 10:22:15 M[info] Resolving org.elasticsearch.module#reindex;2.3.5 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:15 #12 187.4 build 04-May-2020 10:22:15 M[info] Resolving org.elasticsearch.module#modules;2.3.5 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:15 #12 187.4 build 04-May-2020 10:22:15 M[info] Resolving org.elasticsearch.module#modules;2.3.5 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:15 #12 187.5 build 04-May-2020 10:22:15 M[info] Resolving org.elasticsearch#parent;2.3.5 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:16 #12 188.8 build 04-May-2020 10:22:16 M[info] Resolving com.novus#salat_2.10;1.9.5 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:17 #12 188.8 build 04-May-2020 10:22:17 M[info] Resolving com.novus#salat_2.10;1.9.5 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:18 #12 190.2 build 04-May-2020 10:22:18 M[info] Resolving com.novus#salat-util_2.10;1.9.5 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:18 #12 190.2 build 04-May-2020 10:22:18 M[info] Resolving com.novus#salat-util_2.10;1.9.5 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:18 #12 190.3 build 04-May-2020 10:22:18 M[info] Resolving org.scala-lang#scalap;2.10.3 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:18 #12 190.3 build 04-May-2020 10:22:18 M[info] Resolving org.scala-lang#scalap;2.10.3 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:18 #12 190.3 build 04-May-2020 10:22:18 M[info] Resolving org.scala-lang#scala-compiler;2.10.3 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:18 #12 190.3 build 04-May-2020 10:22:18 M[info] Resolving org.scala-lang#scala-compiler;2.10.3 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:18 #12 190.3 build 04-May-2020 10:22:18 M[info] Resolving com.novus#salat-core_2.10;1.9.5 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:18 #12 190.3 build 04-May-2020 10:22:18 M[info] Resolving com.novus#salat-core_2.10;1.9.5 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:18 #12 190.4 build 04-May-2020 10:22:18 M[info] Resolving org.mongodb#casbah-core_2.10;2.6.4 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:18 #12 190.4 build 04-May-2020 10:22:18 M[info] Resolving org.mongodb#casbah-core_2.10;2.6.4 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:18 #12 190.4 build 04-May-2020 10:22:18 M[info] Resolving org.mongodb#casbah-commons_2.10;2.6.4 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:18 #12 190.4 build 04-May-2020 10:22:18 M[info] Resolving org.mongodb#casbah-commons_2.10;2.6.4 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:18 #12 190.4 build 04-May-2020 10:22:18 M[info] Resolving com.github.nscala-time#nscala-time_2.10;0.2.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:18 #12 190.4 build 04-May-2020 10:22:18 M[info] Resolving com.github.nscala-time#nscala-time_2.10;0.2.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:18 #12 190.5 build 04-May-2020 10:22:18 M[info] Resolving org.mongodb#mongo-java-driver;2.11.3 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:18 #12 190.5 build 04-May-2020 10:22:18 M[info] Resolving org.mongodb#mongo-java-driver;2.11.3 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:18 #12 190.5 build 04-May-2020 10:22:18 M[info] Resolving org.mongodb#casbah-query_2.10;2.6.4 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:18 #12 190.5 build 04-May-2020 10:22:18 M[info] Resolving org.mongodb#casbah-query_2.10;2.6.4 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:18 #12 190.5 build 04-May-2020 10:22:18 M[info] Resolving org.json4s#json4s-native_2.10;3.2.5 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:18 #12 190.5 build 04-May-2020 10:22:18 M[info] Resolving org.json4s#json4s-native_2.10;3.2.5 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:18 #12 190.6 build 04-May-2020 10:22:18 M[info] Resolving org.json4s#json4s-core_2.10;3.2.5 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:18 #12 190.6 build 04-May-2020 10:22:18 M[info] Resolving org.json4s#json4s-core_2.10;3.2.5 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:18 #12 190.7 build 04-May-2020 10:22:18 M[info] Resolving org.json4s#json4s-ast_2.10;3.2.5 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:18 #12 190.7 build 04-May-2020 10:22:18 M[info] Resolving org.json4s#json4s-ast_2.10;3.2.5 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:18 #12 190.7 build 04-May-2020 10:22:18 M[info] Resolving com.thoughtworks.paranamer#paranamer;2.5.6 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:18 #12 190.7 build 04-May-2020 10:22:18 M[info] Resolving com.thoughtworks.paranamer#paranamer;2.5.6 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:18 #12 190.7 build 04-May-2020 10:22:18 M[info] Resolving com.thoughtworks.paranamer#paranamer-parent;2.5.6 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:18 #12 190.7 build 04-May-2020 10:22:18 M[info] Resolving com.thoughtworks.paranamer#paranamer-parent;2.5.6 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:18 #12 190.8 build 04-May-2020 10:22:18 M[info] Resolving org.codehaus#codehaus-parent;1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:18 #12 190.8 build 04-May-2020 10:22:18 M[info] Resolving org.codehaus#codehaus-parent;1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:21 #12 193.6 build 04-May-2020 10:22:21 M[info] Resolving org.mockito#mockito-all;1.9.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:21 #12 193.6 build 04-May-2020 10:22:21 M[info] Resolving org.mockito#mockito-all;1.9.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:21 #12 193.6 build 04-May-2020 10:22:21 M[info] Resolving org.mongodb#casbah_2.10;2.6.3 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:21 #12 193.6 build 04-May-2020 10:22:21 M[info] Resolving org.mongodb#casbah_2.10;2.6.3 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:23 #12 195.2 build 04-May-2020 10:22:23 M[info] Resolving org.mongodb#casbah-gridfs_2.10;2.6.3 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:23 #12 195.2 build 04-May-2020 10:22:23 M[info] Resolving org.mongodb#casbah-gridfs_2.10;2.6.3 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:23 #12 195.2 build 04-May-2020 10:22:23 M[info] Resolving org.postgresql#postgresql;42.1.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:23 #12 195.2 build 04-May-2020 10:22:23 M[info] Resolving org.postgresql#postgresql;42.1.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:23 #12 195.2 build 04-May-2020 10:22:23 M[info] Resolving org.postgresql#pgjdbc-core-parent;1.1.2 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:23 #12 195.2 build 04-May-2020 10:22:23 M[info] Resolving org.postgresql#pgjdbc-core-parent;1.1.2 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:23 #12 195.2 build 04-May-2020 10:22:23 M[info] Resolving org.postgresql#pgjdbc-versions;1.1.2 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:23 #12 195.2 build 04-May-2020 10:22:23 M[info] Resolving org.postgresql#pgjdbc-versions;1.1.2 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:26 #12 198.5 build 04-May-2020 10:22:26 M[info] Resolving javax.servlet#servlet-api;2.5 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:26 #12 198.5 build 04-May-2020 10:22:26 M[info] Resolving javax.servlet#servlet-api;2.5 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:26 #12 198.5 build 04-May-2020 10:22:26 M[info] Resolving org.reflections#reflections;0.9.10 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:26 #12 198.5 build 04-May-2020 10:22:26 M[info] Resolving org.reflections#reflections;0.9.10 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:26 #12 198.6 build 04-May-2020 10:22:26 M[info] Resolving org.javassist#javassist;3.18.2-GA ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:26 #12 198.6 build 04-May-2020 10:22:26 M[info] Resolving org.javassist#javassist;3.18.2-GA ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:26 #12 198.6 build 04-May-2020 10:22:26 M[info] Resolving;2.0.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:26 #12 198.6 build 04-May-2020 10:22:26 M[info] Resolving;2.0.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:26 #12 198.6 build 04-May-2020 10:22:26 M[info] Resolving commons-lang#commons-lang;2.6 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:26 #12 198.6 build 04-May-2020 10:22:26 M[info] Resolving commons-lang#commons-lang;2.6 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:26 #12 198.7 build 04-May-2020 10:22:26 M[info] Resolving org.apache.commons#commons-parent;17 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:26 #12 198.7 build 04-May-2020 10:22:26 M[info] Resolving org.apache.commons#commons-parent;17 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:26 #12 198.7 build 04-May-2020 10:22:26 M[info] Resolving org.apache#apache;7 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:31 #12 203.5 build 04-May-2020 10:22:31 M[info] Resolving commons-io#commons-io;2.4 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:31 #12 203.5 build 04-May-2020 10:22:31 M[info] Resolving commons-logging#commons-logging;1.1.3 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:31 #12 203.5 build 04-May-2020 10:22:31 M[info] Resolving commons-logging#commons-logging;1.1.3 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:31 #12 203.5 build 04-May-2020 10:22:31 M[info] Resolving org.apache.commons#commons-parent;28 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:31 #12 203.5 build 04-May-2020 10:22:31 M[info] Resolving org.apache.commons#commons-parent;28 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:31 #12 203.5 build 04-May-2020 10:22:31 M[info] Resolving org.apache#apache;13 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:32 #12 204.2 build 04-May-2020 10:22:32 M[info] Resolving;3.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:32 #12 204.2 build 04-May-2020 10:22:32 M[info] Resolving;3.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:32 #12 204.2 build 04-May-2020 10:22:32 M[info] Resolving;3.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:32 #12 204.2 build 04-May-2020 10:22:32 M[info] Resolving;3.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:32 #12 204.2 build 04-May-2020 10:22:32 M[info] Resolving;5 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:32 #12 204.2 build 04-May-2020 10:22:32 M[info] Resolving;5 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:34 #12 206.7 build 04-May-2020 10:22:34 M[info] Resolving javax.inject#javax.inject;1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:34 #12 206.7 build 04-May-2020 10:22:34 M[info] Resolving aopalliance#aopalliance;1.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:34 #12 206.7 build 04-May-2020 10:22:34 M[info] Resolving org.sonatype.sisu.inject#cglib;2.2.1-v20090111 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:34 #12 206.7 build 04-May-2020 10:22:34 M[info] Resolving org.sonatype.sisu.inject#cglib;2.2.1-v20090111 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:34 #12 206.7 build 04-May-2020 10:22:34 M[info] Resolving org.sonatype.forge#forge-parent;6 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:34 #12 206.7 build 04-May-2020 10:22:34 M[info] Resolving org.sonatype.forge#forge-parent;6 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:35 #12 207.6 build 04-May-2020 10:22:35 M[info] Resolving asm#asm;3.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:35 #12 207.6 build 04-May-2020 10:22:35 M[info] Resolving asm#asm;3.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:35 #12 207.6 build 04-May-2020 10:22:35 M[info] Resolving asm#asm-parent;3.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:35 #12 207.6 build 04-May-2020 10:22:35 M[info] Resolving asm#asm-parent;3.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:36 #12 208.8 build 04-May-2020 10:22:36 M[info] Resolving org.apache.httpcomponents#httpclient;4.2.3 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:36 #12 208.8 build 04-May-2020 10:22:36 M[info] Resolving org.apache.httpcomponents#httpclient;4.2.3 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:36 #12 208.9 build 04-May-2020 10:22:36 M[info] Resolving org.apache.httpcomponents#httpcomponents-client;4.2.3 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:37 #12 208.9 build 04-May-2020 10:22:37 M[info] Resolving org.apache.httpcomponents#httpcomponents-client;4.2.3 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:37 #12 208.9 build 04-May-2020 10:22:37 M[info] Resolving org.apache.httpcomponents#project;6 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:37 #12 208.9 build 04-May-2020 10:22:37 M[info] Resolving org.apache.httpcomponents#project;6 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:43 #12 215.2 build 04-May-2020 10:22:43 M[info] Resolving commons-codec#commons-codec;1.6 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:43 #12 215.2 build 04-May-2020 10:22:43 M[info] Resolving commons-codec#commons-codec;1.6 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:43 #12 215.2 build 04-May-2020 10:22:43 M[info] Resolving org.apache.commons#commons-parent;22 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:43 #12 215.2 build 04-May-2020 10:22:43 M[info] Resolving org.apache.httpcomponents#httpcore;4.2.3 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:43 #12 215.2 build 04-May-2020 10:22:43 M[info] Resolving org.apache.httpcomponents#httpcore;4.2.3 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:43 #12 215.2 build 04-May-2020 10:22:43 M[info] Resolving org.apache.httpcomponents#httpcomponents-core;4.2.3 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:43 #12 215.2 build 04-May-2020 10:22:43 M[info] Resolving org.apache.httpcomponents#httpcomponents-core;4.2.3 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:43 #12 215.3 build 04-May-2020 10:22:43 M[info] Resolving org.apache.httpcomponents#project;6 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:46 #12 218.1 build 04-May-2020 10:22:46 M[info] Resolving org.apache.httpcomponents#httpmime;4.2.3 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:46 #12 218.1 build 04-May-2020 10:22:46 M[info] Resolving org.apache.httpcomponents#httpmime;4.2.3 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:46 #12 218.1 build 04-May-2020 10:22:46 M[info] Resolving org.apache.httpcomponents#httpcomponents-client;4.2.3 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:46 #12 218.1 build 04-May-2020 10:22:46 M[info] Resolving com.googlecode.json-simple#json-simple;1.1.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:46 #12 218.1 build 04-May-2020 10:22:46 M[info] Resolving com.googlecode.json-simple#json-simple;1.1.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:46 #12 218.2 build 04-May-2020 10:22:46 M[info] Resolving junit#junit;4.10 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:46 #12 218.2 build 04-May-2020 10:22:46 M[info] Resolving junit#junit;4.10 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:46 #12 218.2 build 04-May-2020 10:22:46 M[info] Resolving org.hamcrest#hamcrest-core;1.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:46 #12 218.2 build 04-May-2020 10:22:46 M[info] Resolving org.hamcrest#hamcrest-core;1.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:46 #12 218.2 build 04-May-2020 10:22:46 M[info] Resolving org.hamcrest#hamcrest-parent;1.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:46 #12 218.2 build 04-May-2020 10:22:46 M[info] Resolving org.hamcrest#hamcrest-parent;1.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:46 #12 218.8 build 04-May-2020 10:22:46 M[info] Resolving org.codeartisans#org.json;20131017 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:46 #12 218.8 build 04-May-2020 10:22:46 M[info] Resolving org.codeartisans#org.json;20131017 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:46 #12 218.8 build 04-May-2020 10:22:46 M[info] Resolving org.codeartisans#codeartisans-parent;6 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:46 #12 218.8 build 04-May-2020 10:22:46 M[info] Resolving org.codeartisans#codeartisans-parent;6 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:46 #12 218.9 build 04-May-2020 10:22:47 M[info] Resolving org.sonatype.oss#oss-parent;7 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:48 #12 220.3 build 04-May-2020 10:22:48 M[info] Resolving org.irods.jargon#jargon-core;3.3.3-beta1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:48 #12 220.3 build 04-May-2020 10:22:48 M[info] Resolving org.irods.jargon#jargon-core;3.3.3-beta1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:51 #12 222.9 build 04-May-2020 10:22:51 M[info] Resolving org.julienrf#play-jsonp-filter_2.10;1.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:51 #12 222.9 build 04-May-2020 10:22:51 M[info] Resolving org.julienrf#play-jsonp-filter_2.10;1.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:51 #12 222.9 build 04-May-2020 10:22:51 M[info] Resolving org.scala-lang#scala-library;2.10.4 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:51 #12 222.9 build 04-May-2020 10:22:51 M[info] Resolving com.amazonaws#aws-java-sdk-bom;1.11.106 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:51 #12 222.9 build 04-May-2020 10:22:51 M[info] Resolving com.amazonaws#aws-java-sdk-bom;1.11.106 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:51 #12 223.0 build 04-May-2020 10:22:51 M[info] Resolving com.amazonaws#aws-java-sdk-pom;1.11.106 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:51 #12 223.0 build 04-May-2020 10:22:51 M[info] Resolving com.amazonaws#aws-java-sdk-pom;1.11.106 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:54 #12 226.1 build 04-May-2020 10:22:54 M[info] Resolving com.amazonaws#aws-java-sdk-s3;1.11.106 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:54 #12 226.1 build 04-May-2020 10:22:54 M[info] Resolving com.amazonaws#aws-java-sdk-s3;1.11.106 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:54 #12 226.1 build 04-May-2020 10:22:54 M[info] Resolving com.amazonaws#aws-java-sdk-pom;1.11.106 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:54 #12 226.1 build 04-May-2020 10:22:54 M[info] Resolving com.amazonaws#aws-java-sdk-kms;1.11.106 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:54 #12 226.1 build 04-May-2020 10:22:54 M[info] Resolving com.amazonaws#aws-java-sdk-kms;1.11.106 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:54 #12 226.2 build 04-May-2020 10:22:54 M[info] Resolving com.amazonaws#aws-java-sdk-pom;1.11.106 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:54 #12 226.2 build 04-May-2020 10:22:54 M[info] Resolving com.amazonaws#aws-java-sdk-core;1.11.106 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:54 #12 226.2 build 04-May-2020 10:22:54 M[info] Resolving com.amazonaws#aws-java-sdk-core;1.11.106 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:54 #12 226.2 build 04-May-2020 10:22:54 M[info] Resolving com.amazonaws#aws-java-sdk-pom;1.11.106 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:54 #12 226.2 build 04-May-2020 10:22:54 M[info] Resolving org.apache.httpcomponents#httpclient;4.5.2 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:54 #12 226.2 build 04-May-2020 10:22:54 M[info] Resolving org.apache.httpcomponents#httpclient;4.5.2 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:54 #12 226.2 build 04-May-2020 10:22:54 M[info] Resolving org.apache.httpcomponents#httpcomponents-client;4.5.2 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:54 #12 226.2 build 04-May-2020 10:22:54 M[info] Resolving org.apache.httpcomponents#httpcomponents-client;4.5.2 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:54 #12 226.3 build 04-May-2020 10:22:54 M[info] Resolving org.apache.httpcomponents#project;7 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:54 #12 226.3 build 04-May-2020 10:22:54 M[info] Resolving org.apache.httpcomponents#project;7 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:54 #12 226.3 build 04-May-2020 10:22:54 M[info] Resolving org.apache#apache;13 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:55 #12 227.1 build 04-May-2020 10:22:55 M[info] Resolving org.apache.httpcomponents#httpcore;4.4.4 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:55 #12 227.1 build 04-May-2020 10:22:55 M[info] Resolving org.apache.httpcomponents#httpcore;4.4.4 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:55 #12 227.2 build 04-May-2020 10:22:55 M[info] Resolving org.apache.httpcomponents#httpcomponents-core;4.4.4 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:55 #12 227.2 build 04-May-2020 10:22:55 M[info] Resolving org.apache.httpcomponents#httpcomponents-core;4.4.4 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:55 #12 227.2 build 04-May-2020 10:22:55 M[info] Resolving org.apache.httpcomponents#project;7 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:55 #12 227.6 build 04-May-2020 10:22:55 M[info] Resolving commons-logging#commons-logging;1.2 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:55 #12 227.6 build 04-May-2020 10:22:55 M[info] Resolving commons-logging#commons-logging;1.2 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:55 #12 227.6 build 04-May-2020 10:22:55 M[info] Resolving org.apache.commons#commons-parent;34 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:55 #12 227.6 build 04-May-2020 10:22:55 M[info] Resolving org.apache.commons#commons-parent;34 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:55 #12 227.7 build 04-May-2020 10:22:55 M[info] Resolving org.apache#apache;13 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:56 #12 228.3 build 04-May-2020 10:22:56 M[info] Resolving commons-codec#commons-codec;1.9 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:56 #12 228.3 build 04-May-2020 10:22:56 M[info] Resolving commons-codec#commons-codec;1.9 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:56 #12 228.3 build 04-May-2020 10:22:56 M[info] Resolving org.apache.commons#commons-parent;32 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:56 #12 228.4 build 04-May-2020 10:22:56 M[info] Resolving;1.0.2 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:56 #12 228.4 build 04-May-2020 10:22:56 M[info] Resolving;1.0.2 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:56 #12 228.4 build 04-May-2020 10:22:56 M[info] Resolving com.fasterxml.jackson.core#jackson-databind;2.6.6 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:56 #12 228.4 build 04-May-2020 10:22:56 M[info] Resolving com.fasterxml.jackson.core#jackson-databind;2.6.6 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:56 #12 228.4 build 04-May-2020 10:22:56 M[info] Resolving com.fasterxml.jackson#jackson-parent;2.6.2 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:56 #12 228.4 build 04-May-2020 10:22:56 M[info] Resolving com.fasterxml.jackson.core#jackson-annotations;2.6.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:56 #12 228.4 build 04-May-2020 10:22:56 M[info] Resolving com.fasterxml.jackson.core#jackson-annotations;2.6.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:56 #12 228.4 build 04-May-2020 10:22:56 M[info] Resolving com.fasterxml.jackson#jackson-parent;2.6.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:56 #12 228.4 build 04-May-2020 10:22:56 M[info] Resolving com.fasterxml.jackson#jackson-parent;2.6.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:56 #12 228.5 build 04-May-2020 10:22:56 M[info] Resolving com.fasterxml#oss-parent;23 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:56 #12 228.5 build 04-May-2020 10:22:56 M[info] Resolving com.fasterxml#oss-parent;23 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:57 #12 229.5 build 04-May-2020 10:22:57 M[info] Resolving com.amazonaws#jmespath-java;1.11.106 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:57 #12 229.5 build 04-May-2020 10:22:57 M[info] Resolving com.amazonaws#jmespath-java;1.11.106 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:57 #12 229.5 build 04-May-2020 10:22:57 M[info] Resolving com.amazonaws#aws-java-sdk-pom;1.11.106 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:57 #12 229.5 build 04-May-2020 10:22:57 M[info] Resolving commons-logging#commons-logging;1.1.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:57 #12 229.5 build 04-May-2020 10:22:57 M[info] Resolving commons-logging#commons-logging;1.1.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:57 #12 229.6 build 04-May-2020 10:22:57 M[info] Resolving org.apache.commons#commons-parent;5 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:57 #12 229.6 build 04-May-2020 10:22:57 M[info] Resolving org.apache.commons#commons-parent;5 ... build 04-May-2020 10:22:57 #12 229.6 build 04-May-2020 10:22:57 M[info] Resolving org.apache#apache;4 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:00 #12 232.0 build 04-May-2020 10:23:00 M[info] Resolving;2.2.6 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:00 #12 232.0 build 04-May-2020 10:23:00 M[info] Resolving;2.2.6 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:00 #12 232.8 build 04-May-2020 10:23:00 M[info] Resolving junit#junit;4.11 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:00 #12 232.8 build 04-May-2020 10:23:00 M[info] Resolving junit#junit;4.11 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:01 #12 232.9 build 04-May-2020 10:23:01 M[info] Resolving org.hamcrest#hamcrest-core;1.3 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:01 #12 232.9 build 04-May-2020 10:23:01 M[info] Resolving org.hamcrest#hamcrest-core;1.3 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:01 #12 232.9 build 04-May-2020 10:23:01 M[info] Resolving org.hamcrest#hamcrest-parent;1.3 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:01 #12 232.9 build 04-May-2020 10:23:01 M[info] Resolving org.hamcrest#hamcrest-parent;1.3 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:01 #12 233.4 build 04-May-2020 10:23:01 M[info] Resolving org.specs2#specs2_2.10;2.1.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:01 #12 233.4 build 04-May-2020 10:23:01 M[info] Resolving org.scalaz#scalaz-core_2.10;7.0.2 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:01 #12 233.4 build 04-May-2020 10:23:01 M[info] Resolving org.scalaz#scalaz-concurrent_2.10;7.0.2 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:01 #12 233.4 build 04-May-2020 10:23:01 M[info] Resolving org.scalaz#scalaz-effect_2.10;7.0.2 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:01 #12 233.4 build 04-May-2020 10:23:01 M[info] Resolving com.novocode#junit-interface;0.10 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:01 #12 233.4 build 04-May-2020 10:23:01 M[info] Resolving com.novocode#junit-interface;0.10 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:01 #12 233.5 build 04-May-2020 10:23:01 M[info] Resolving org.scala-tools.testing#test-interface;0.5 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:01 #12 233.5 build 04-May-2020 10:23:01 M[info] Resolving org.scala-tools.testing#test-interface;0.5 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:01 #12 233.5 build 04-May-2020 10:23:01 M[info] Resolving;2.0.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:01 #12 233.5 build 04-May-2020 10:23:01 M[info] Resolving;2.0.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:01 #12 233.5 build 04-May-2020 10:23:01 M[info] Resolving org.fluentlenium#fluentlenium-festassert;0.8.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:01 #12 233.5 build 04-May-2020 10:23:01 M[info] Resolving org.fluentlenium#fluentlenium-festassert;0.8.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:01 #12 233.6 build 04-May-2020 10:23:01 M[info] Resolving org.fluentlenium#fluentlenium-parent;0.8.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:01 #12 233.6 build 04-May-2020 10:23:01 M[info] Resolving org.fluentlenium#fluentlenium-parent;0.8.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:01 #12 233.6 build 04-May-2020 10:23:01 M[info] Resolving org.sonatype.oss#oss-parent;7 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:03 #12 235.1 build 04-May-2020 10:23:03 M[info] Resolving org.fluentlenium#fluentlenium-core;0.8.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:03 #12 235.1 build 04-May-2020 10:23:03 M[info] Resolving org.fluentlenium#fluentlenium-core;0.8.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:03 #12 235.1 build 04-May-2020 10:23:03 M[info] Resolving org.fluentlenium#fluentlenium-parent;0.8.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:03 #12 235.1 build 04-May-2020 10:23:03 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-java;2.32.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:03 #12 235.1 build 04-May-2020 10:23:03 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-java;2.32.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:03 #12 235.2 build 04-May-2020 10:23:03 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-parent;2.32.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:03 #12 235.2 build 04-May-2020 10:23:03 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-parent;2.32.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:04 #12 236.2 build 04-May-2020 10:23:04 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-android-driver;2.32.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:04 #12 236.2 build 04-May-2020 10:23:04 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-android-driver;2.32.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:04 #12 236.2 build 04-May-2020 10:23:04 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-parent;2.32.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:04 #12 236.2 build 04-May-2020 10:23:04 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-remote-driver;2.32.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:04 #12 236.2 build 04-May-2020 10:23:04 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-remote-driver;2.32.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:04 #12 236.2 build 04-May-2020 10:23:04 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-parent;2.32.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:04 #12 236.2 build 04-May-2020 10:23:04 M[info] Resolving cglib#cglib-nodep;2.1_3 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:04 #12 236.2 build 04-May-2020 10:23:04 M[info] Resolving cglib#cglib-nodep;2.1_3 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:04 #12 236.3 build 04-May-2020 10:23:04 M[info] Resolving org.json#json;20080701 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:04 #12 236.3 build 04-May-2020 10:23:04 M[info] Resolving org.json#json;20080701 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:04 #12 236.4 build 04-May-2020 10:23:04 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-api;2.32.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:04 #12 236.4 build 04-May-2020 10:23:04 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-api;2.32.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:04 #12 236.4 build 04-May-2020 10:23:04 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-parent;2.32.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:04 #12 236.4 build 04-May-2020 10:23:04 M[info] Resolving org.apache.commons#commons-exec;1.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:04 #12 236.4 build 04-May-2020 10:23:04 M[info] Resolving org.apache.commons#commons-exec;1.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:04 #12 236.4 build 04-May-2020 10:23:04 M[info] Resolving org.apache.commons#commons-parent;17 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:04 #12 236.4 build 04-May-2020 10:23:04 M[info] Resolving;3.4.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:04 #12 236.4 build 04-May-2020 10:23:04 M[info] Resolving;3.4.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:04 #12 236.5 build 04-May-2020 10:23:04 M[info] Resolving;3.4.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:04 #12 236.5 build 04-May-2020 10:23:04 M[info] Resolving;3.4.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:04 #12 236.5 build 04-May-2020 10:23:04 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-chrome-driver;2.32.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:04 #12 236.5 build 04-May-2020 10:23:04 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-chrome-driver;2.32.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:04 #12 236.5 build 04-May-2020 10:23:04 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-parent;2.32.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:04 #12 236.5 build 04-May-2020 10:23:04 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-htmlunit-driver;2.32.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:04 #12 236.5 build 04-May-2020 10:23:04 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-htmlunit-driver;2.32.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:04 #12 236.6 build 04-May-2020 10:23:04 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-parent;2.32.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:04 #12 236.6 build 04-May-2020 10:23:04 M[info] Resolving net.sourceforge.htmlunit#htmlunit;2.12 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:04 #12 236.6 build 04-May-2020 10:23:04 M[info] Resolving net.sourceforge.htmlunit#htmlunit;2.12 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:04 #12 236.6 build 04-May-2020 10:23:04 M[info] Resolving xalan#xalan;2.7.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:04 #12 236.6 build 04-May-2020 10:23:04 M[info] Resolving xalan#xalan;2.7.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:04 #12 236.6 build 04-May-2020 10:23:04 M[info] Resolving org.apache#apache;4 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:04 #12 236.6 build 04-May-2020 10:23:04 M[info] Resolving xalan#serializer;2.7.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:04 #12 236.6 build 04-May-2020 10:23:04 M[info] Resolving xalan#serializer;2.7.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:04 #12 236.7 build 04-May-2020 10:23:04 M[info] Resolving org.apache#apache;4 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:04 #12 236.7 build 04-May-2020 10:23:04 M[info] Resolving commons-collections#commons-collections;3.2.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:04 #12 236.7 build 04-May-2020 10:23:04 M[info] Resolving commons-collections#commons-collections;3.2.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:04 #12 236.7 build 04-May-2020 10:23:04 M[info] Resolving org.apache.commons#commons-parent;9 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:04 #12 236.7 build 04-May-2020 10:23:04 M[info] Resolving org.apache.commons#commons-parent;9 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:04 #12 236.7 build 04-May-2020 10:23:04 M[info] Resolving org.apache#apache;4 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:06 #12 238.5 build 04-May-2020 10:23:06 M[info] Resolving net.sourceforge.htmlunit#htmlunit-core-js;2.12 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:06 #12 238.6 build 04-May-2020 10:23:06 M[info] Resolving net.sourceforge.htmlunit#htmlunit-core-js;2.12 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:06 #12 238.6 build 04-May-2020 10:23:06 M[info] Resolving net.sourceforge.nekohtml#nekohtml;1.9.18 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:06 #12 238.6 build 04-May-2020 10:23:06 M[info] Resolving net.sourceforge.nekohtml#nekohtml;1.9.18 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:06 #12 238.6 build 04-May-2020 10:23:06 M[info] Resolving net.sourceforge.cssparser#cssparser;0.9.9 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:06 #12 238.6 build 04-May-2020 10:23:06 M[info] Resolving net.sourceforge.cssparser#cssparser;0.9.9 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:06 #12 238.7 build 04-May-2020 10:23:06 M[info] Resolving org.sonatype.oss#oss-parent;7 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:06 #12 238.7 build 04-May-2020 10:23:06 M[info] Resolving org.w3c.css#sac;1.3 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:06 #12 238.7 build 04-May-2020 10:23:06 M[info] Resolving org.w3c.css#sac;1.3 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:06 #12 238.7 build 04-May-2020 10:23:06 M[info] Resolving org.eclipse.jetty#jetty-websocket;8.1.9.v20130131 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:06 #12 238.7 build 04-May-2020 10:23:06 M[info] Resolving org.eclipse.jetty#jetty-websocket;8.1.9.v20130131 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:06 #12 238.7 build 04-May-2020 10:23:06 M[info] Resolving org.eclipse.jetty#jetty-project;8.1.9.v20130131 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:06 #12 238.7 build 04-May-2020 10:23:06 M[info] Resolving org.eclipse.jetty#jetty-project;8.1.9.v20130131 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:06 #12 238.8 build 04-May-2020 10:23:06 M[info] Resolving org.eclipse.jetty#jetty-parent;20 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:06 #12 238.8 build 04-May-2020 10:23:06 M[info] Resolving org.eclipse.jetty#jetty-parent;20 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:10 #12 242.1 build 04-May-2020 10:23:10 M[info] Resolving org.eclipse.jetty#jetty-util;8.1.9.v20130131 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:10 #12 242.1 build 04-May-2020 10:23:10 M[info] Resolving org.eclipse.jetty#jetty-util;8.1.9.v20130131 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:10 #12 242.1 build 04-May-2020 10:23:10 M[info] Resolving org.eclipse.jetty#jetty-project;8.1.9.v20130131 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:10 #12 242.2 build 04-May-2020 10:23:10 M[info] Resolving org.eclipse.jetty#jetty-io;8.1.9.v20130131 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:10 #12 242.2 build 04-May-2020 10:23:10 M[info] Resolving org.eclipse.jetty#jetty-io;8.1.9.v20130131 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:10 #12 242.2 build 04-May-2020 10:23:10 M[info] Resolving org.eclipse.jetty#jetty-project;8.1.9.v20130131 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:10 #12 242.2 build 04-May-2020 10:23:10 M[info] Resolving org.eclipse.jetty#jetty-http;8.1.9.v20130131 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:10 #12 242.2 build 04-May-2020 10:23:10 M[info] Resolving org.eclipse.jetty#jetty-http;8.1.9.v20130131 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:10 #12 242.2 build 04-May-2020 10:23:10 M[info] Resolving org.eclipse.jetty#jetty-project;8.1.9.v20130131 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:10 #12 242.2 build 04-May-2020 10:23:10 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-firefox-driver;2.32.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:10 #12 242.2 build 04-May-2020 10:23:10 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-firefox-driver;2.32.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:10 #12 242.3 build 04-May-2020 10:23:10 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-parent;2.32.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:10 #12 242.3 build 04-May-2020 10:23:10 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-ie-driver;2.32.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:10 #12 242.3 build 04-May-2020 10:23:10 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-ie-driver;2.32.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:10 #12 242.3 build 04-May-2020 10:23:10 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-parent;2.32.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:10 #12 242.3 build 04-May-2020 10:23:10 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-iphone-driver;2.32.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:10 #12 242.3 build 04-May-2020 10:23:10 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-iphone-driver;2.32.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:10 #12 242.4 build 04-May-2020 10:23:10 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-parent;2.32.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:10 #12 242.4 build 04-May-2020 10:23:10 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-safari-driver;2.32.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:10 #12 242.4 build 04-May-2020 10:23:10 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-safari-driver;2.32.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:10 #12 242.4 build 04-May-2020 10:23:10 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-parent;2.32.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:10 #12 242.4 build 04-May-2020 10:23:10 M[info] Resolving org.webbitserver#webbit;0.4.14 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:10 #12 242.4 build 04-May-2020 10:23:10 M[info] Resolving org.webbitserver#webbit;0.4.14 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:10 #12 242.4 build 04-May-2020 10:23:10 M[info] Resolving org.sonatype.oss#oss-parent;6 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:10 #12 242.4 build 04-May-2020 10:23:10 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-support;2.32.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:10 #12 242.4 build 04-May-2020 10:23:10 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-support;2.32.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:10 #12 242.5 build 04-May-2020 10:23:10 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-parent;2.32.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:10 #12 242.5 build 04-May-2020 10:23:10 M[info] Resolving org.easytesting#fest-assert;1.4 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:10 #12 242.5 build 04-May-2020 10:23:10 M[info] Resolving org.easytesting#fest-assert;1.4 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:10 #12 242.5 build 04-May-2020 10:23:10 M[info] Resolving org.easytesting#fest;1.0.8 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:10 #12 242.5 build 04-May-2020 10:23:10 M[info] Resolving org.easytesting#fest;1.0.8 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:11 #12 243.7 build 04-May-2020 10:23:11 M[info] Resolving org.easytesting#fest-util;1.1.6 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:11 #12 243.7 build 04-May-2020 10:23:11 M[info] Resolving org.easytesting#fest-util;1.1.6 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:11 #12 243.8 build 04-May-2020 10:23:11 M[info] Resolving org.easytesting#fest;1.0.8 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:11 #12 243.8 build 04-May-2020 10:23:11 M[info] Resolving org.scalatestplus#play_2.10;1.0.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:11 #12 243.8 build 04-May-2020 10:23:11 M[info] Resolving org.scalatestplus#play_2.10;1.0.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:11 #12 243.8 build 04-May-2020 10:23:11 M[info] Resolving org.scalatest#scalatest_2.10;2.1.5 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:12 #12 243.8 build 04-May-2020 10:23:12 M[info] Resolving org.scalatest#scalatest_2.10;2.1.5 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:12 #12 243.9 build 04-May-2020 10:23:12 M[info] Resolving org.sonatype.oss#oss-parent;7 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:12 #12 243.9 build 04-May-2020 10:23:12 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-java;2.38.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:12 #12 243.9 build 04-May-2020 10:23:12 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-java;2.38.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:12 #12 243.9 build 04-May-2020 10:23:12 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-parent;2.38.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:12 #12 243.9 build 04-May-2020 10:23:12 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-parent;2.38.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:13 #12 244.9 build 04-May-2020 10:23:13 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-android-driver;2.38.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:13 #12 244.9 build 04-May-2020 10:23:13 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-android-driver;2.38.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:13 #12 244.9 build 04-May-2020 10:23:13 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-parent;2.38.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:13 #12 244.9 build 04-May-2020 10:23:13 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-remote-driver;2.38.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:13 #12 244.9 build 04-May-2020 10:23:13 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-remote-driver;2.38.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:13 #12 244.9 build 04-May-2020 10:23:13 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-parent;2.38.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:13 #12 244.9 build 04-May-2020 10:23:13 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-api;2.38.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:13 #12 244.9 build 04-May-2020 10:23:13 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-api;2.38.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:13 #12 245.0 build 04-May-2020 10:23:13 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-parent;2.38.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:13 #12 245.0 build 04-May-2020 10:23:13 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-chrome-driver;2.38.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:13 #12 245.0 build 04-May-2020 10:23:13 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-chrome-driver;2.38.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:13 #12 245.0 build 04-May-2020 10:23:13 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-parent;2.38.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:13 #12 245.0 build 04-May-2020 10:23:13 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-htmlunit-driver;2.38.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:13 #12 245.0 build 04-May-2020 10:23:13 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-htmlunit-driver;2.38.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:13 #12 245.0 build 04-May-2020 10:23:13 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-parent;2.38.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:13 #12 245.1 build 04-May-2020 10:23:13 M[info] Resolving net.sourceforge.htmlunit#htmlunit;2.13 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:13 #12 245.1 build 04-May-2020 10:23:13 M[info] Resolving net.sourceforge.htmlunit#htmlunit;2.13 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:13 #12 245.2 build 04-May-2020 10:23:13 M[info] Resolving org.apache.httpcomponents#httpmime;4.3.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:13 #12 245.2 build 04-May-2020 10:23:13 M[info] Resolving org.apache.httpcomponents#httpmime;4.3.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:13 #12 245.2 build 04-May-2020 10:23:13 M[info] Resolving org.apache.httpcomponents#httpcomponents-client;4.3.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:13 #12 245.2 build 04-May-2020 10:23:13 M[info] Resolving org.apache.httpcomponents#httpcomponents-client;4.3.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:13 #12 245.2 build 04-May-2020 10:23:13 M[info] Resolving org.apache.httpcomponents#project;7 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:15 #12 247.8 build 04-May-2020 10:23:15 M[info] Resolving net.sourceforge.htmlunit#htmlunit-core-js;2.13 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:15 #12 247.8 build 04-May-2020 10:23:15 M[info] Resolving net.sourceforge.htmlunit#htmlunit-core-js;2.13 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:15 #12 247.9 build 04-May-2020 10:23:15 M[info] Resolving net.sourceforge.nekohtml#nekohtml;1.9.19 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:16 #12 247.9 build 04-May-2020 10:23:16 M[info] Resolving net.sourceforge.nekohtml#nekohtml;1.9.19 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:16 #12 247.9 build 04-May-2020 10:23:16 M[info] Resolving net.sourceforge.cssparser#cssparser;0.9.11 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:16 #12 247.9 build 04-May-2020 10:23:16 M[info] Resolving net.sourceforge.cssparser#cssparser;0.9.11 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:16 #12 247.9 build 04-May-2020 10:23:16 M[info] Resolving org.sonatype.oss#oss-parent;7 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:16 #12 247.9 build 04-May-2020 10:23:16 M[info] Resolving org.eclipse.jetty#jetty-websocket;8.1.12.v20130726 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:16 #12 247.9 build 04-May-2020 10:23:16 M[info] Resolving org.eclipse.jetty#jetty-websocket;8.1.12.v20130726 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:16 #12 248.0 build 04-May-2020 10:23:16 M[info] Resolving org.eclipse.jetty#jetty-project;8.1.12.v20130726 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:16 #12 248.0 build 04-May-2020 10:23:16 M[info] Resolving org.eclipse.jetty#jetty-project;8.1.12.v20130726 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:16 #12 248.0 build 04-May-2020 10:23:16 M[info] Resolving org.eclipse.jetty#jetty-parent;20 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:20 #12 252.5 build 04-May-2020 10:23:20 M[info] Resolving org.eclipse.jetty#jetty-util;8.1.12.v20130726 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:20 #12 252.5 build 04-May-2020 10:23:20 M[info] Resolving org.eclipse.jetty#jetty-util;8.1.12.v20130726 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:20 #12 252.5 build 04-May-2020 10:23:20 M[info] Resolving org.eclipse.jetty#jetty-project;8.1.12.v20130726 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:20 #12 252.5 build 04-May-2020 10:23:20 M[info] Resolving org.eclipse.jetty#jetty-io;8.1.12.v20130726 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:20 #12 252.5 build 04-May-2020 10:23:20 M[info] Resolving org.eclipse.jetty#jetty-io;8.1.12.v20130726 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:20 #12 252.5 build 04-May-2020 10:23:20 M[info] Resolving org.eclipse.jetty#jetty-project;8.1.12.v20130726 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:20 #12 252.5 build 04-May-2020 10:23:20 M[info] Resolving org.eclipse.jetty#jetty-http;8.1.12.v20130726 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:20 #12 252.5 build 04-May-2020 10:23:20 M[info] Resolving org.eclipse.jetty#jetty-http;8.1.12.v20130726 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:20 #12 252.6 build 04-May-2020 10:23:20 M[info] Resolving org.eclipse.jetty#jetty-project;8.1.12.v20130726 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:20 #12 252.6 build 04-May-2020 10:23:20 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-firefox-driver;2.38.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:20 #12 252.6 build 04-May-2020 10:23:20 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-firefox-driver;2.38.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:20 #12 252.6 build 04-May-2020 10:23:20 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-parent;2.38.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:20 #12 252.6 build 04-May-2020 10:23:20 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-ie-driver;2.38.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:20 #12 252.6 build 04-May-2020 10:23:20 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-ie-driver;2.38.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:20 #12 252.6 build 04-May-2020 10:23:20 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-parent;2.38.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:20 #12 252.6 build 04-May-2020 10:23:20 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-iphone-driver;2.38.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:20 #12 252.6 build 04-May-2020 10:23:20 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-iphone-driver;2.38.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:20 #12 252.7 build 04-May-2020 10:23:20 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-parent;2.38.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:20 #12 252.7 build 04-May-2020 10:23:20 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-safari-driver;2.38.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:20 #12 252.7 build 04-May-2020 10:23:20 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-safari-driver;2.38.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:20 #12 252.7 build 04-May-2020 10:23:20 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-parent;2.38.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:20 #12 252.7 build 04-May-2020 10:23:20 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-support;2.38.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:20 #12 252.7 build 04-May-2020 10:23:20 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-support;2.38.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:20 #12 252.7 build 04-May-2020 10:23:20 M[info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-parent;2.38.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:21 #12 253.4 build 04-May-2020 10:23:21 M[info] Resolving;2.2.6 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:21 #12 253.4 build 04-May-2020 10:23:21 M[info] Resolving;2.2.6 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:22 #12 254.1 build 04-May-2020 10:23:22 M[info] Resolving org.scala-lang#scala-library;2.10.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:22 #12 254.1 build 04-May-2020 10:23:22 M[info] Resolving org.scala-lang#scala-library;2.10.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:22 #12 254.2 build 04-May-2020 10:23:22 M[info] Resolving org.apache.httpcomponents#httpcore;4.0.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:22 #12 254.2 build 04-May-2020 10:23:22 M[info] Resolving org.apache.httpcomponents#httpcore;4.0.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:22 #12 254.2 build 04-May-2020 10:23:22 M[info] Resolving org.apache.httpcomponents#httpcomponents-core;4.0.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:22 #12 254.2 build 04-May-2020 10:23:22 M[info] Resolving org.apache.httpcomponents#httpcomponents-core;4.0.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:22 #12 254.3 build 04-May-2020 10:23:22 M[info] Resolving org.apache.httpcomponents#project;4.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:22 #12 254.3 build 04-May-2020 10:23:22 M[info] Resolving org.apache.httpcomponents#project;4.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:29 #12 261.7 build 04-May-2020 10:23:29 M[info] Resolving org.apache.httpcomponents#httpclient;4.0.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:29 #12 261.7 build 04-May-2020 10:23:29 M[info] Resolving org.apache.httpcomponents#httpclient;4.0.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:29 #12 261.7 build 04-May-2020 10:23:29 M[info] Resolving org.apache.httpcomponents#httpcomponents-client;4.0.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:29 #12 261.7 build 04-May-2020 10:23:29 M[info] Resolving org.apache.httpcomponents#httpcomponents-client;4.0.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:29 #12 261.8 build 04-May-2020 10:23:29 M[info] Resolving org.apache.httpcomponents#project;4.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:32 #12 264.4 build 04-May-2020 10:23:32 M[info] Resolving;1.0.3 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:32 #12 264.4 build 04-May-2020 10:23:32 M[info] Resolving;1.0.3 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:33 #12 265.0 build 04-May-2020 10:23:33 M[info] Resolving org.pegdown#pegdown;1.4.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:33 #12 265.0 build 04-May-2020 10:23:33 M[info] Resolving org.pegdown#pegdown;1.4.0 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:33 #12 265.1 build 04-May-2020 10:23:33 M[info] Resolving org.parboiled#parboiled-java;1.1.5 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:33 #12 265.1 build 04-May-2020 10:23:33 M[info] Resolving org.parboiled#parboiled-java;1.1.5 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:33 #12 265.1 build 04-May-2020 10:23:33 M[info] Resolving org.parboiled#parboiled-core;1.1.5 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:33 #12 265.1 build 04-May-2020 10:23:33 M[info] Resolving org.parboiled#parboiled-core;1.1.5 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:33 #12 265.1 build 04-May-2020 10:23:33 M[info] Resolving org.ow2.asm#asm;4.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:33 #12 265.1 build 04-May-2020 10:23:33 M[info] Resolving org.ow2.asm#asm;4.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:33 #12 265.2 build 04-May-2020 10:23:33 M[info] Resolving org.ow2.asm#asm-parent;4.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:33 #12 265.2 build 04-May-2020 10:23:33 M[info] Resolving org.ow2.asm#asm-parent;4.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:33 #12 265.2 build 04-May-2020 10:23:33 M[info] Resolving org.ow2#ow2;1.3 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:33 #12 265.2 build 04-May-2020 10:23:33 M[info] Resolving org.ow2#ow2;1.3 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:35 #12 267.6 build 04-May-2020 10:23:35 M[info] Resolving org.ow2.asm#asm-tree;4.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:35 #12 267.6 build 04-May-2020 10:23:35 M[info] Resolving org.ow2.asm#asm-tree;4.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:35 #12 267.6 build 04-May-2020 10:23:35 M[info] Resolving org.ow2.asm#asm-parent;4.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:35 #12 267.6 build 04-May-2020 10:23:35 M[info] Resolving org.ow2.asm#asm-analysis;4.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:35 #12 267.6 build 04-May-2020 10:23:35 M[info] Resolving org.ow2.asm#asm-analysis;4.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:35 #12 267.7 build 04-May-2020 10:23:35 M[info] Resolving org.ow2.asm#asm-parent;4.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:35 #12 267.7 build 04-May-2020 10:23:35 M[info] Resolving org.ow2.asm#asm-util;4.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:35 #12 267.7 build 04-May-2020 10:23:35 M[info] Resolving org.ow2.asm#asm-util;4.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:35 #12 267.7 build 04-May-2020 10:23:35 M[info] Resolving org.ow2.asm#asm-parent;4.1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:35 #12 267.7 build 04-May-2020 10:23:35 M[info] Resolving org.scala-lang#jline;2.10.3 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:35 #12 267.7 build 04-May-2020 10:23:35 M[info] Resolving org.scala-lang#jline;2.10.3 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:35 #12 267.7 build 04-May-2020 10:23:35 M[info] Resolving org.fusesource.jansi#jansi;1.4 ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:35 #12 267.8 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:36 #12 268.1 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.scala-lang#scala-library;2.10.3!scala-library.jar (292ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:36 #12 268.1 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:36 #12 268.6 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ];2.2.6!play_2.10.jar (534ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:36 #12 268.6 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:37 #12 269.1 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ];2.2.6!filters-helpers_2.10.jar (469ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:37 #12 269.1 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:37 #12 269.1 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] ws.securesocial#securesocial_2.10;2.1.4!securesocial_2.10.jar (52ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:37 #12 269.1 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:37 #12 269.3 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] com.unboundid#unboundid-ldapsdk;4.0.1!unboundid-ldapsdk.jar (162ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:37 #12 269.3 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:37 #12 269.4 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] com.rabbitmq#amqp-client;3.0.0!amqp-client.jar (73ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:37 #12 269.4 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:37 #12 269.8 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.elasticsearch#elasticsearch;2.3.5!elasticsearch.jar (405ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:37 #12 269.8 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:37 #12 269.8 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.elasticsearch.module#reindex;2.3.5!reindex.jar (20ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:37 #12 269.8 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:37 #12 269.8 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.postgresql#postgresql;42.1.1!postgresql.jar(bundle) (46ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:37 #12 269.8 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:37 #12 269.8 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] javax.servlet#servlet-api;2.5!servlet-api.jar (20ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:38 #12 269.8 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:38 #12 269.9 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.reflections#reflections;0.9.10!reflections.jar (22ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:38 #12 269.9 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:38 #12 269.9 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] commons-lang#commons-lang;2.6!commons-lang.jar (28ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:38 #12 269.9 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:38 #12 269.9 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ];3.0!guice.jar (45ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:38 #12 269.9 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:38 #12 270.0 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.apache.httpcomponents#httpmime;4.2.3!httpmime.jar (19ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:38 #12 270.0 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:38 #12 270.0 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] com.googlecode.json-simple#json-simple;1.1.1!json-simple.jar(bundle) (17ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:38 #12 270.0 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:38 #12 270.0 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.codeartisans#org.json;20131017!org.json.jar (20ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:38 #12 270.0 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:38 #12 270.2 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.irods.jargon#jargon-core;3.3.3-beta1!jargon-core.jar (192ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:38 #12 270.2 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:38 #12 270.2 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.julienrf#play-jsonp-filter_2.10;1.1!play-jsonp-filter_2.10.jar (35ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:38 #12 270.2 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:38 #12 270.3 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] com.amazonaws#aws-java-sdk-s3;1.11.106!aws-java-sdk-s3.jar (49ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:38 #12 270.3 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:39 #12 271.0 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ];2.2.6!templates_2.10.jar (683ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:39 #12 271.0 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:39 #12 271.5 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ];2.2.6!play-iteratees_2.10.jar (508ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:39 #12 271.5 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:40 #12 272.1 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ];2.2.6!play-json_2.10.jar (607ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:40 #12 272.1 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:40 #12 272.1 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] io.netty#netty;3.7.1.Final!netty.jar(bundle) (67ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:40 #12 272.1 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:40 #12 272.6 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] com.typesafe.netty#netty-http-pipelining;1.1.2!netty-http-pipelining.jar (409ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:40 #12 272.6 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:40 #12 272.6 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.slf4j#slf4j-api;1.7.5!slf4j-api.jar (18ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:40 #12 272.6 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:40 #12 272.6 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.slf4j#jul-to-slf4j;1.7.5!jul-to-slf4j.jar (19ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:40 #12 272.6 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:40 #12 272.6 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.slf4j#jcl-over-slf4j;1.7.5!jcl-over-slf4j.jar (18ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:40 #12 272.6 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:40 #12 272.6 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] ch.qos.logback#logback-core;1.0.13!logback-core.jar (34ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:40 #12 272.6 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:40 #12 272.7 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] ch.qos.logback#logback-classic;1.0.13!logback-classic.jar (27ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:40 #12 272.7 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:40 #12 272.8 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] com.typesafe.akka#akka-actor_2.10;2.2.0!akka-actor_2.10.jar (117ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:40 #12 272.8 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:40 #12 272.8 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] com.typesafe.akka#akka-slf4j_2.10;2.2.0!akka-slf4j_2.10.jar(bundle) (18ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:40 #12 272.8 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:41 #12 272.9 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.scala-stm#scala-stm_2.10;0.7!scala-stm_2.10.jar (42ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:41 #12 272.9 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:41 #12 272.9 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] joda-time#joda-time;2.2!joda-time.jar (39ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:41 #12 272.9 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:41 #12 272.9 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.joda#joda-convert;1.3.1!joda-convert.jar (19ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:41 #12 272.9 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:41 #12 272.9 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.apache.commons#commons-lang3;3.1!commons-lang3.jar (29ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:41 #12 272.9 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:41 #12 273.0 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] com.ning#async-http-client;1.7.18!async-http-client.jar (37ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:41 #12 273.0 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:41 #12 273.0 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] oauth.signpost#signpost-core;!signpost-core.jar (22ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:41 #12 273.0 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:41 #12 273.1 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] oauth.signpost#signpost-commonshttp4;!signpost-commonshttp4.jar (132ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:41 #12 273.1 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:41 #12 273.2 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] com.fasterxml.jackson.core#jackson-core;2.2.2!jackson-core.jar (25ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:41 #12 273.2 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:41 #12 273.2 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] com.fasterxml.jackson.core#jackson-annotations;2.2.2!jackson-annotations.jar (20ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:41 #12 273.2 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:41 #12 273.2 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] com.fasterxml.jackson.core#jackson-databind;2.2.2!jackson-databind.jar (50ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:41 #12 273.2 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:41 #12 273.3 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] xerces#xercesImpl;2.11.0!xercesImpl.jar (69ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:41 #12 273.3 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:41 #12 273.3 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] javax.transaction#jta;1.1!jta.jar (18ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:41 #12 273.3 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:41 #12 273.5 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.scala-lang#scala-reflect;2.10.3!scala-reflect.jar (138ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:41 #12 273.5 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:42 #12 273.9 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ];2.2.6!play-functional_2.10.jar (485ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:42 #12 273.9 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:42 #12 274.6 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ];2.2.6!play-datacommons_2.10.jar (660ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:42 #12 274.6 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:42 #12 274.6 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] commons-codec#commons-codec;1.3!commons-codec.jar (26ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:42 #12 274.6 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:42 #12 274.7 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.apache.httpcomponents#httpcore;4.0.1!httpcore.jar (23ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:42 #12 274.7 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:42 #12 274.7 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.apache.httpcomponents#httpclient;4.0.1!httpclient.jar (30ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:42 #12 274.7 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:42 #12 274.7 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] xml-apis#xml-apis;1.4.01!xml-apis.jar (25ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:42 #12 274.7 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:43 #12 275.2 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ];2.2.3!play-cache_2.10.jar (459ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:43 #12 275.2 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:43 #12 275.6 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] com.typesafe#play-plugins-util_2.10;2.2.0!play-plugins-util_2.10.jar (410ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:43 #12 275.6 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:44 #12 276.1 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] com.typesafe#play-plugins-mailer_2.10;2.2.0!play-plugins-mailer_2.10.jar (486ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:44 #12 276.1 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:44 #12 276.1 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.mindrot#jbcrypt;0.3m!jbcrypt.jar (18ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:44 #12 276.1 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:44 #12 276.2 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] net.sf.ehcache#ehcache-core;2.6.6!ehcache-core.jar (68ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:44 #12 276.2 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:44 #12 276.2 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.apache.commons#commons-email;1.2!commons-email.jar (19ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:44 #12 276.2 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:44 #12 276.2 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] javax.mail#mail;1.4.1!mail.jar (36ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:44 #12 276.2 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:44 #12 276.2 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] javax.activation#activation;1.1!activation.jar (20ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:44 #12 276.2 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:44 #12 276.3 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.apache.lucene#lucene-core;5.5.0!lucene-core.jar (108ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:44 #12 276.3 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:44 #12 276.4 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.apache.lucene#lucene-backward-codecs;5.5.0!lucene-backward-codecs.jar (33ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:44 #12 276.4 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:44 #12 276.4 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.apache.lucene#lucene-analyzers-common;5.5.0!lucene-analyzers-common.jar (75ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:44 #12 276.4 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:44 #12 276.5 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.apache.lucene#lucene-queries;5.5.0!lucene-queries.jar (28ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:44 #12 276.5 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:44 #12 276.5 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.apache.lucene#lucene-memory;5.5.0!lucene-memory.jar (18ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:44 #12 276.5 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:44 #12 276.5 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.apache.lucene#lucene-highlighter;5.5.0!lucene-highlighter.jar (23ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:44 #12 276.5 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:44 #12 276.6 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.apache.lucene#lucene-queryparser;5.5.0!lucene-queryparser.jar (34ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:44 #12 276.6 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:44 #12 276.6 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.apache.lucene#lucene-suggest;5.5.0!lucene-suggest.jar (31ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:44 #12 276.6 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:44 #12 276.6 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.apache.lucene#lucene-join;5.5.0!lucene-join.jar (23ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:44 #12 276.6 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:44 #12 276.6 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.apache.lucene#lucene-spatial;5.5.0!lucene-spatial.jar (28ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:44 #12 276.6 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:44 #12 276.7 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ];18.0!guava.jar(bundle) (99ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:44 #12 276.7 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:44 #12 276.8 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.elasticsearch#securesm;1.0!securesm.jar (17ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:44 #12 276.8 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:44 #12 276.8 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] com.carrotsearch#hppc;0.7.1!hppc.jar (58ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:45 #12 276.8 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:45 #12 276.9 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] joda-time#joda-time;2.9.4!joda-time.jar (40ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:45 #12 276.9 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:45 #12 276.9 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] com.fasterxml.jackson.core#jackson-core;2.6.6!jackson-core.jar(bundle) (26ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:45 #12 276.9 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:45 #12 276.9 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat#jackson-dataformat-smile;2.6.6!jackson-dataformat-smile.jar(bundle) (23ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:45 #12 276.9 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:45 #12 276.9 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat#jackson-dataformat-yaml;2.6.6!jackson-dataformat-yaml.jar(bundle) (31ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:45 #12 276.9 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:45 #12 277.0 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat#jackson-dataformat-cbor;2.6.6!jackson-dataformat-cbor.jar(bundle) (20ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:45 #12 277.0 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:45 #12 277.0 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] com.ning#compress-lzf;1.0.2!compress-lzf.jar(bundle) (21ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:45 #12 277.0 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:45 #12 277.0 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] com.tdunning#t-digest;3.0!t-digest.jar (18ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:45 #12 277.0 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:45 #12 277.0 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.hdrhistogram#HdrHistogram;2.1.6!HdrHistogram.jar(bundle) (21ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:45 #12 277.0 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:45 #12 277.0 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] commons-cli#commons-cli;1.3.1!commons-cli.jar (22ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:45 #12 277.0 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:45 #12 277.1 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] com.twitter#jsr166e;1.1.0!jsr166e.jar (22ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:45 #12 277.1 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:45 #12 277.1 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.apache.lucene#lucene-grouping;5.5.0!lucene-grouping.jar (21ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:45 #12 277.1 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:45 #12 277.1 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.apache.lucene#lucene-sandbox;5.5.0!lucene-sandbox.jar (27ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:45 #12 277.1 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:45 #12 277.1 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.apache.lucene#lucene-misc;5.5.0!lucene-misc.jar (25ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:45 #12 277.1 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:45 #12 277.2 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.apache.lucene#lucene-spatial3d;5.5.0!lucene-spatial3d.jar (32ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:45 #12 277.2 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:45 #12 277.2 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] com.spatial4j#spatial4j;0.5!spatial4j.jar(bundle) (24ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:45 #12 277.2 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:45 #12 277.2 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.yaml#snakeyaml;1.15!snakeyaml.jar(bundle) (28ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:45 #12 277.2 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:45 #12 277.2 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] com.novus#salat-util_2.10;1.9.5!salat-util_2.10.jar (22ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:45 #12 277.2 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:45 #12 277.3 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] com.novus#salat-core_2.10;1.9.5!salat-core_2.10.jar (50ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:45 #12 277.3 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:45 #12 277.3 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.scala-lang#scalap;2.10.3!scalap.jar (49ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:45 #12 277.3 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:46 #12 277.9 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.scala-lang#scala-compiler;2.10.3!scala-compiler.jar (566ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:46 #12 277.9 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:46 #12 277.9 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.mongodb#casbah-core_2.10;2.6.4!casbah-core_2.10.jar (28ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:46 #12 277.9 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:46 #12 278.0 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.json4s#json4s-native_2.10;3.2.5!json4s-native_2.10.jar (21ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:46 #12 278.0 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:46 #12 278.0 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.mongodb#casbah-commons_2.10;2.6.4!casbah-commons_2.10.jar (26ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:46 #12 278.0 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:46 #12 278.0 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.mongodb#casbah-query_2.10;2.6.4!casbah-query_2.10.jar (27ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:46 #12 278.0 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:46 #12 278.0 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] com.github.nscala-time#nscala-time_2.10;0.2.0!nscala-time_2.10.jar (23ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:46 #12 278.0 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:46 #12 278.1 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.mongodb#mongo-java-driver;2.11.3!mongo-java-driver.jar (35ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:46 #12 278.1 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:46 #12 278.1 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.json4s#json4s-core_2.10;3.2.5!json4s-core_2.10.jar (40ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:46 #12 278.1 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:46 #12 278.1 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.json4s#json4s-ast_2.10;3.2.5!json4s-ast_2.10.jar (21ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:46 #12 278.1 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:46 #12 278.2 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] com.thoughtworks.paranamer#paranamer;2.5.6!paranamer.jar (19ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:46 #12 278.2 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:46 #12 278.2 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.mockito#mockito-all;1.9.0!mockito-all.jar (74ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:46 #12 278.2 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:46 #12 278.3 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.mongodb#casbah-gridfs_2.10;2.6.3!casbah-gridfs_2.10.jar (22ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:46 #12 278.3 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:46 #12 278.3 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.javassist#javassist;3.18.2-GA!javassist.jar(bundle) (45ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:46 #12 278.3 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:46 #12 278.3 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ];2.0.1!annotations.jar (20ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:46 #12 278.3 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:46 #12 278.3 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.sonatype.sisu.inject#cglib;2.2.1-v20090111!cglib.jar (28ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:46 #12 278.3 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:46 #12 278.4 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] asm#asm;3.1!asm.jar (18ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:46 #12 278.4 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:46 #12 278.4 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] commons-logging#commons-logging;1.1.1!commons-logging.jar (19ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:46 #12 278.4 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:46 #12 278.4 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] junit#junit;4.10!junit.jar (28ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:46 #12 278.4 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:46 #12 278.4 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.hamcrest#hamcrest-core;1.1!hamcrest-core.jar (20ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:46 #12 278.4 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:46 #12 278.5 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] com.amazonaws#aws-java-sdk-kms;1.11.106!aws-java-sdk-kms.jar (33ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:46 #12 278.5 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:46 #12 278.5 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] com.amazonaws#aws-java-sdk-core;1.11.106!aws-java-sdk-core.jar (48ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:46 #12 278.5 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:46 #12 278.5 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] com.amazonaws#jmespath-java;1.11.106!jmespath-java.jar (18ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:46 #12 278.5 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:46 #12 278.6 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.apache.httpcomponents#httpclient;4.5.2!httpclient.jar (45ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:46 #12 278.6 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:46 #12 278.6 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ];1.0.2!ion-java.jar(bundle) (38ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:46 #12 278.6 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:46 #12 278.7 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] com.fasterxml.jackson.core#jackson-databind;2.6.6!jackson-databind.jar(bundle) (63ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:46 #12 278.7 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:46 #12 278.7 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.apache.httpcomponents#httpcore;4.4.4!httpcore.jar (30ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:46 #12 278.7 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:46 #12 278.7 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] commons-logging#commons-logging;1.2!commons-logging.jar (19ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:46 #12 278.7 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:46 #12 278.8 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] commons-codec#commons-codec;1.9!commons-codec.jar (27ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:46 #12 278.8 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:46 #12 278.8 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] com.fasterxml.jackson.core#jackson-annotations;2.6.0!jackson-annotations.jar(bundle) (19ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:46 #12 278.8 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:47 #12 279.2 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ];2.2.6!play-test_2.10.jar (464ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:47 #12 279.2 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:47 #12 279.3 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.scalatestplus#play_2.10;1.0.0!play_2.10.jar (25ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:47 #12 279.3 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:47 #12 279.3 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] junit#junit;4.11!junit.jar (28ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:47 #12 279.3 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:47 #12 279.3 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] com.novocode#junit-interface;0.10!junit-interface.jar (18ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:47 #12 279.3 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:47 #12 279.3 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ];2.0.1!jsr305.jar (19ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:47 #12 279.3 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:47 #12 279.4 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.fluentlenium#fluentlenium-festassert;0.8.0!fluentlenium-festassert.jar (17ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:47 #12 279.4 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:47 #12 279.4 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.hamcrest#hamcrest-core;1.3!hamcrest-core.jar (18ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:47 #12 279.4 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:47 #12 279.4 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.scala-tools.testing#test-interface;0.5!test-interface.jar (19ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:47 #12 279.4 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:47 #12 279.4 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.fluentlenium#fluentlenium-core;0.8.0!fluentlenium-core.jar (22ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:47 #12 279.4 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:47 #12 279.4 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.easytesting#fest-assert;1.4!fest-assert.jar (20ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:47 #12 279.4 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:47 #12 279.5 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.webbitserver#webbit;0.4.14!webbit.jar (24ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:47 #12 279.5 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:47 #12 279.5 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] cglib#cglib-nodep;2.1_3!cglib-nodep.jar (30ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:47 #12 279.5 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:47 #12 279.5 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.json#json;20080701!json.jar (19ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:47 #12 279.5 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:47 #12 279.6 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.apache.commons#commons-exec;1.1!commons-exec.jar (80ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:47 #12 279.6 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:47 #12 279.6 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ];3.4.0!jna.jar (57ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:47 #12 279.6 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:47 #12 279.7 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ];3.4.0!platform.jar (53ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:47 #12 279.7 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:47 #12 279.8 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] xalan#xalan;2.7.1!xalan.jar (139ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:47 #12 279.8 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:48 #12 279.9 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] commons-collections#commons-collections;3.2.1!commons-collections.jar (40ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:48 #12 279.9 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:48 #12 279.9 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] xalan#serializer;2.7.1!serializer.jar (28ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:48 #12 279.9 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:48 #12 279.9 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.w3c.css#sac;1.3!sac.jar (17ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:48 #12 279.9 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:48 #12 279.9 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.easytesting#fest-util;1.1.6!fest-util.jar (18ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:48 #12 279.9 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:48 #12 280.2 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.scalatest#scalatest_2.10;2.1.5!scalatest_2.10.jar (292ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:48 #12 280.2 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:48 #12 280.3 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-java;2.38.0!selenium-java.jar (32ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:48 #12 280.3 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:48 #12 280.3 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-android-driver;2.38.0!selenium-android-driver.jar (31ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:48 #12 280.3 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:48 #12 280.3 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-chrome-driver;2.38.0!selenium-chrome-driver.jar (18ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:48 #12 280.3 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:48 #12 280.3 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-htmlunit-driver;2.38.0!selenium-htmlunit-driver.jar (20ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:48 #12 280.3 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:48 #12 280.5 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-firefox-driver;2.38.0!selenium-firefox-driver.jar (111ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:48 #12 280.5 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:48 #12 280.5 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-ie-driver;2.38.0!selenium-ie-driver.jar (17ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:48 #12 280.5 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:48 #12 280.5 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-iphone-driver;2.38.0!selenium-iphone-driver.jar (17ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:48 #12 280.5 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:48 #12 280.5 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-safari-driver;2.38.0!selenium-safari-driver.jar (27ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:48 #12 280.5 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:48 #12 280.5 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-support;2.38.0!selenium-support.jar (23ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:48 #12 280.5 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:48 #12 280.6 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-remote-driver;2.38.0!selenium-remote-driver.jar (27ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:48 #12 280.6 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:48 #12 280.6 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-api;2.38.0!selenium-api.jar (23ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:48 #12 280.6 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:48 #12 280.7 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] net.sourceforge.htmlunit#htmlunit;2.13!htmlunit.jar (66ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:48 #12 280.7 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:48 #12 280.7 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.apache.httpcomponents#httpmime;4.3.1!httpmime.jar (21ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:48 #12 280.7 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:48 #12 280.7 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] net.sourceforge.htmlunit#htmlunit-core-js;2.13!htmlunit-core-js.jar (68ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:48 #12 280.7 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:48 #12 280.8 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] net.sourceforge.nekohtml#nekohtml;1.9.19!nekohtml.jar (22ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:48 #12 280.8 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:48 #12 280.8 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] net.sourceforge.cssparser#cssparser;0.9.11!cssparser.jar (32ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:48 #12 280.8 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:48 #12 280.8 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.eclipse.jetty#jetty-websocket;8.1.12.v20130726!jetty-websocket.jar (22ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:49 #12 280.8 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:49 #12 280.8 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.eclipse.jetty#jetty-util;8.1.12.v20130726!jetty-util.jar (29ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:49 #12 280.8 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:49 #12 280.9 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.eclipse.jetty#jetty-io;8.1.12.v20130726!jetty-io.jar (22ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:49 #12 280.9 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:49 #12 280.9 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.eclipse.jetty#jetty-http;8.1.12.v20130726!jetty-http.jar (21ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:49 #12 280.9 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:49 #12 281.5 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ];2.2.6!play-docs_2.10.jar (600ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:49 #12 281.5 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:50 #12 282.2 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ];1.0.3!play-doc_2.10.jar (660ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:50 #12 282.2 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:50 #12 282.2 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.pegdown#pegdown;1.4.0!pegdown.jar (19ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:50 #12 282.2 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:50 #12 282.2 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.parboiled#parboiled-java;1.1.5!parboiled-java.jar(bundle) (19ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:50 #12 282.2 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:50 #12 282.2 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.parboiled#parboiled-core;1.1.5!parboiled-core.jar(bundle) (24ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:50 #12 282.2 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:50 #12 282.2 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.ow2.asm#asm;4.1!asm.jar (19ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:50 #12 282.2 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:50 #12 282.3 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.ow2.asm#asm-tree;4.1!asm-tree.jar (18ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:50 #12 282.3 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:50 #12 282.3 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.ow2.asm#asm-analysis;4.1!asm-analysis.jar (18ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:50 #12 282.3 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:50 #12 282.3 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.ow2.asm#asm-util;4.1!asm-util.jar (17ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:50 #12 282.3 [info] downloading ... build 04-May-2020 10:23:50 #12 282.3 [info]  [SUCCESSFUL ] org.scala-lang#jline;2.10.3!jline.jar (24ms) build 04-May-2020 10:23:50 #12 282.4 [info] Done updating. build 04-May-2020 10:23:50 #12 282.5 [warn] Scala version was updated by one of library dependencies: build 04-May-2020 10:23:50 #12 282.5 [warn]  * org.scala-lang:scala-library:(2.10.0, 2.10.3, 2.10.2) -> 2.10.4 build 04-May-2020 10:23:50 #12 282.5 [warn] To force scalaVersion, add the following: build 04-May-2020 10:23:50 #12 282.5 [warn]  ivyScala := ivyScala.value map { _.copy(overrideScalaVersion = true) } build 04-May-2020 10:23:50 #12 282.5 [warn] Run 'evicted' to see detailed eviction warnings build 04-May-2020 10:23:50 #12 282.5 [success] Total time: 136 s, completed May 4, 2020 3:23:50 PM build 04-May-2020 10:23:50 #12 completed: 2020-05-04 15:23:50.821628003 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:23:50 #12 duration: 4m42.702785419s build 04-May-2020 10:23:50 build 04-May-2020 10:23:50 build 04-May-2020 10:23:50 #13 [clowder-build 5/9] COPY lib /src/lib/ build 04-May-2020 10:23:50 #13 digest: sha256:7e7371d06e8b5fcd2c95cb51f0fff782bfcb58f441ef66a3981eef631e47fe49 build 04-May-2020 10:23:50 #13 name: "[clowder-build 5/9] COPY lib /src/lib/" build 04-May-2020 10:23:50 #13 started: 2020-05-04 15:23:50.87274513 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:23:51 #13 completed: 2020-05-04 15:23:51.79295934 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:23:51 #13 duration: 920.21421ms build 04-May-2020 10:23:51 build 04-May-2020 10:23:51 build 04-May-2020 10:23:51 #14 [clowder-build 6/9] COPY conf /src/conf/ build 04-May-2020 10:23:51 #14 digest: sha256:1326c9fb1f5151ba1d566d1c96c422e06b4edcb491413a9fafb9ca876b5ab306 build 04-May-2020 10:23:51 #14 name: "[clowder-build 6/9] COPY conf /src/conf/" build 04-May-2020 10:23:51 #14 started: 2020-05-04 15:23:51.847484654 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:23:52 #14 completed: 2020-05-04 15:23:52.59649801 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:23:52 #14 duration: 749.013356ms build 04-May-2020 10:23:52 build 04-May-2020 10:23:52 build 04-May-2020 10:23:52 #15 [clowder-build 7/9] COPY public /src/public/ build 04-May-2020 10:23:52 #15 digest: sha256:8860f7ca29e1ff7bd3d5b5a3810f62045c7d81090e0c7697118fa0353b3bbbde build 04-May-2020 10:23:52 #15 name: "[clowder-build 7/9] COPY public /src/public/" build 04-May-2020 10:23:52 #15 started: 2020-05-04 15:23:52.615537409 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:23:53 #15 completed: 2020-05-04 15:23:53.725680592 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:23:53 #15 duration: 1.110143183s build 04-May-2020 10:23:53 build 04-May-2020 10:23:53 build 04-May-2020 10:23:53 #16 [clowder-build 8/9] COPY app /src/app/ build 04-May-2020 10:23:53 #16 digest: sha256:bfc5d3e72911f343eac78c8f038eab75b80cc7e957d64515483632f56b3dfbde build 04-May-2020 10:23:53 #16 name: "[clowder-build 8/9] COPY app /src/app/" build 04-May-2020 10:23:53 #16 started: 2020-05-04 15:23:53.925900646 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:23:54 #16 completed: 2020-05-04 15:23:54.859647404 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:23:54 #16 duration: 933.746758ms build 04-May-2020 10:23:54 build 04-May-2020 10:23:54 build 04-May-2020 10:23:54 #17 [clowder-build 9/9] RUN rm -rf target/universal/clowder-*.zip clowder cl... build 04-May-2020 10:23:54 #17 digest: sha256:a558ecd8f9db57b32b1650205a820cb5c08c28987f5b597b55d13a204be53ae8 build 04-May-2020 10:23:54 #17 name: "[clowder-build 9/9] RUN rm -rf target/universal/clowder-*.zip clowder clowder-* && ./sbt dist && ls -l target/universal/ && unzip -q target/universal/clowder-*.zip && ls -l && mv clowder-* clowder && mkdir -p clowder/custom clowder/logs" build 04-May-2020 10:23:54 #17 started: 2020-05-04 15:23:54.894392962 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:23:55 #17 0.875 OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option MaxPermSize=1024M; support was removed in 8.0 build 04-May-2020 10:23:58 #17 3.157 [info] Loading project definition from /src/project build 04-May-2020 10:23:58 #17 3.509 [warn] There may be incompatibilities among your library dependencies. build 04-May-2020 10:23:58 #17 3.509 [warn] Here are some of the libraries that were evicted: build 04-May-2020 10:23:58 #17 3.510 [warn]  * com.typesafe.sbt:sbt-native-packager:0.6.4 -> 0.8.0-RC2 build 04-May-2020 10:23:58 #17 3.510 [warn] Run 'evicted' to see detailed eviction warnings build 04-May-2020 10:23:59 #17 4.670 [info] Set current project to clowder (in build file:/src/) build 04-May-2020 10:24:01 #17 6.300 [info] Packaging /src/target/scala-2.10/clowder_2.10-1.8.3-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar ... build 04-May-2020 10:24:01 #17 6.430 [info] Done packaging. build 04-May-2020 10:24:02 #17 7.378 [info] Wrote /src/target/scala-2.10/clowder_2.10-1.8.3-SNAPSHOT.pom build 04-May-2020 10:24:02 #17 7.403 [warn] Scala version was updated by one of library dependencies: build 04-May-2020 10:24:02 #17 7.403 [warn]  * org.scala-lang:scala-library:(2.10.0, 2.10.3, 2.10.2) -> 2.10.4 build 04-May-2020 10:24:02 #17 7.404 [warn] To force scalaVersion, add the following: build 04-May-2020 10:24:02 #17 7.404 [warn]  ivyScala := ivyScala.value map { _.copy(overrideScalaVersion = true) } build 04-May-2020 10:24:02 #17 7.404 [warn] Run 'evicted' to see detailed eviction warnings build 04-May-2020 10:24:19 #17 24.93 [info] Compiling 488 Scala sources and 8 Java sources to /src/target/scala-2.10/classes... build 04-May-2020 10:24:19 #17 24.96 [info] 'compiler-interface' not yet compiled for Scala 2.10.3. Compiling... build 04-May-2020 10:24:19 #17 25.00 [info] Main Scala API documentation to /src/target/scala-2.10/api... build 04-May-2020 10:24:27 #17 32.34 [info]  Compilation completed in 7.377 s build 04-May-2020 10:24:54 #17 59.44 [warn] /src/app/Global.scala:68: postfix operator minutes should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:24:54 #17 59.44 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:24:54 #17 59.44 [warn] This can be achieved by adding the import clause 'import scala.language.postfixOps' build 04-May-2020 10:24:54 #17 59.44 [warn] or by setting the compiler option -language:postfixOps. build 04-May-2020 10:24:54 #17 59.44 [warn] See the Scala docs for value scala.language.postfixOps for a discussion build 04-May-2020 10:24:54 #17 59.44 [warn] why the feature should be explicitly enabled. build 04-May-2020 10:24:54 #17 59.44 [warn]  val interval = if (archiveDebug) { 5 minutes } else { 1 day } build 04-May-2020 10:24:54 #17 59.44 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:24:54 #17 59.45 [warn] /src/app/Global.scala:68: postfix operator day should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:24:54 #17 59.45 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:24:54 #17 59.45 [warn]  val interval = if (archiveDebug) { 5 minutes } else { 1 day } build 04-May-2020 10:24:54 #17 59.45 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:24:54 #17 59.45 [warn] /src/app/Global.scala:74: postfix operator seconds should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:24:54 #17 59.45 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:24:54 #17 59.45 [warn]  val delay = if (archiveDebug) { 10 seconds } else { build 04-May-2020 10:24:54 #17 59.45 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:24:54 #17 59.45 [warn] /src/app/Global.scala:75: postfix operator seconds should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:24:54 #17 59.45 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:24:54 #17 59.45 [warn]  (Duration.ofDays(1).getSeconds - sinceLastMidnight) seconds build 04-May-2020 10:24:54 #17 59.45 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:24:54 #17 59.45 [warn] /src/app/Global.scala:86: postfix operator minutes should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:24:54 #17 59.45 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:24:54 #17 59.45 [warn]  extractorTimer = Akka.system().scheduler.schedule(0 minutes, 5 minutes) { build 04-May-2020 10:24:54 #17 59.45 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:24:54 #17 59.45 [warn] /src/app/Global.scala:86: postfix operator minutes should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:24:54 #17 59.45 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:24:54 #17 59.45 [warn]  extractorTimer = Akka.system().scheduler.schedule(0 minutes, 5 minutes) { build 04-May-2020 10:24:54 #17 59.45 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:24:54 #17 59.46 [warn] /src/app/Global.scala:92: postfix operator minutes should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:24:54 #17 59.46 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:24:54 #17 59.46 [warn]  jobTimer = Akka.system().scheduler.schedule(0 minutes, 1 minutes) { build 04-May-2020 10:24:54 #17 59.46 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:24:54 #17 59.46 [warn] /src/app/Global.scala:92: postfix operator minutes should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:24:54 #17 59.46 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:24:54 #17 59.46 [warn]  jobTimer = Akka.system().scheduler.schedule(0 minutes, 1 minutes) { build 04-May-2020 10:24:54 #17 59.46 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:24:54 #17 59.46 [warn] /src/app/Global.scala:106: postfix operator seconds should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:24:54 #17 59.46 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:24:54 #17 59.46 [warn]  Akka.system().scheduler.scheduleOnce(10 seconds) { build 04-May-2020 10:24:54 #17 59.46 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:24:54 #17 59.94 [warn] /src/app/Global.scala:68: postfix operator minutes should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:24:54 #17 59.94 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:24:54 #17 59.94 [warn] This can be achieved by adding the import clause 'import scala.language.postfixOps' build 04-May-2020 10:24:54 #17 59.94 [warn] or by setting the compiler option -language:postfixOps. build 04-May-2020 10:24:54 #17 59.94 [warn] See the Scala docs for value scala.language.postfixOps for a discussion build 04-May-2020 10:24:54 #17 59.94 [warn] why the feature should be explicitly enabled. build 04-May-2020 10:24:54 #17 59.95 [warn]  val interval = if (archiveDebug) { 5 minutes } else { 1 day } build 04-May-2020 10:24:54 #17 59.95 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:24:54 #17 59.95 [warn] /src/app/Global.scala:68: postfix operator day should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:24:54 #17 59.95 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:24:54 #17 59.95 [warn]  val interval = if (archiveDebug) { 5 minutes } else { 1 day } build 04-May-2020 10:24:54 #17 59.95 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:24:54 #17 59.95 [warn] /src/app/Global.scala:74: postfix operator seconds should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:24:54 #17 59.95 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:24:54 #17 59.95 [warn]  val delay = if (archiveDebug) { 10 seconds } else { build 04-May-2020 10:24:54 #17 59.95 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:24:54 #17 59.95 [warn] /src/app/Global.scala:75: postfix operator seconds should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:24:54 #17 59.95 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:24:54 #17 59.95 [warn]  (Duration.ofDays(1).getSeconds - sinceLastMidnight) seconds build 04-May-2020 10:24:54 #17 59.95 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:24:54 #17 59.95 [warn] /src/app/Global.scala:86: postfix operator minutes should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:24:54 #17 59.95 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:24:54 #17 59.95 [warn]  extractorTimer = Akka.system().scheduler.schedule(0 minutes, 5 minutes) { build 04-May-2020 10:24:54 #17 59.95 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:24:54 #17 59.95 [warn] /src/app/Global.scala:86: postfix operator minutes should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:24:54 #17 59.95 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:24:54 #17 59.95 [warn]  extractorTimer = Akka.system().scheduler.schedule(0 minutes, 5 minutes) { build 04-May-2020 10:24:54 #17 59.95 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:24:54 #17 59.95 [warn] /src/app/Global.scala:92: postfix operator minutes should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:24:54 #17 59.95 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:24:54 #17 59.95 [warn]  jobTimer = Akka.system().scheduler.schedule(0 minutes, 1 minutes) { build 04-May-2020 10:24:54 #17 59.95 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:24:54 #17 59.95 [warn] /src/app/Global.scala:92: postfix operator minutes should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:24:54 #17 59.95 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:24:54 #17 59.95 [warn]  jobTimer = Akka.system().scheduler.schedule(0 minutes, 1 minutes) { build 04-May-2020 10:24:54 #17 59.95 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:24:54 #17 59.95 [warn] /src/app/Global.scala:106: postfix operator seconds should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:24:54 #17 59.95 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:24:54 #17 59.95 [warn]  Akka.system().scheduler.scheduleOnce(10 seconds) { build 04-May-2020 10:24:54 #17 59.95 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:24:56 #17 61.47 [warn] /src/app/api/CurationObjects.scala:124: postfix operator toList should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:24:56 #17 61.47 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:24:56 #17 61.47 [warn]  metadataJson = metadataJson ++ Map(key -> Json.toJson(metadataList.filter(_.label == key).map{item => item.content}toList)) build 04-May-2020 10:24:56 #17 61.47 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:24:56 #17 61.75 [warn] /src/app/api/CurationObjects.scala:124: postfix operator toList should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:24:56 #17 61.75 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:24:56 #17 61.75 [warn]  metadataJson = metadataJson ++ Map(key -> Json.toJson(metadataList.filter(_.label == key).map{item => item.content}toList)) build 04-May-2020 10:24:56 #17 61.75 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:24:57 #17 62.63 [warn] /src/app/api/Extractions.scala:14: imported `Files' is permanently hidden by definition of class Files in package api build 04-May-2020 10:24:57 #17 62.63 [warn] import play.api.libs.{Files, MimeTypes} build 04-May-2020 10:24:57 #17 62.63 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:24:57 #17 63.05 [warn] /src/app/api/Extractions.scala:14: imported `Files' is permanently hidden by definition of class Files in package api build 04-May-2020 10:24:57 #17 63.05 [warn] import play.api.libs.{Files, MimeTypes} build 04-May-2020 10:24:57 #17 63.05 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:24:58 #17 63.27 [warn] /src/app/api/Files.scala:520: @deprecated now takes two arguments; see the scaladoc. build 04-May-2020 10:24:58 #17 63.27 [warn]  @deprecated build 04-May-2020 10:24:58 #17 63.27 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:24:58 #17 63.65 [warn] /src/app/api/Files.scala:520: @deprecated now takes two arguments; see the scaladoc. build 04-May-2020 10:24:58 #17 63.65 [warn]  @deprecated build 04-May-2020 10:24:58 #17 63.65 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:24:59 #17 64.64 [warn] /src/app/api/Geostreams.scala:46: postfix operator tupled should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:24:59 #17 64.64 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:24:59 #17 64.64 [warn]  ) tupled build 04-May-2020 10:24:59 #17 64.64 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:24:59 #17 64.64 [warn] /src/app/api/Geostreams.scala:54: postfix operator tupled should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:24:59 #17 64.64 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:24:59 #17 64.64 [warn]  ) tupled build 04-May-2020 10:24:59 #17 64.64 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:24:59 #17 64.64 [warn] /src/app/api/Geostreams.scala:63: postfix operator tupled should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:24:59 #17 64.64 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:24:59 #17 64.64 [warn]  ) tupled build 04-May-2020 10:24:59 #17 64.64 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:24:59 #17 64.64 [warn] /src/app/api/Geostreams.scala:70: postfix operator tupled should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:24:59 #17 64.64 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:24:59 #17 64.64 [warn]  ) tupled build 04-May-2020 10:24:59 #17 64.64 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:24:59 #17 64.65 [warn] /src/app/api/Geostreams.scala:78: postfix operator tupled should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:24:59 #17 64.65 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:24:59 #17 64.65 [warn]  ) tupled build 04-May-2020 10:24:59 #17 64.65 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:24:59 #17 64.65 [warn] /src/app/api/Geostreams.scala:87: postfix operator tupled should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:24:59 #17 64.65 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:24:59 #17 64.65 [warn]  ) tupled build 04-May-2020 10:24:59 #17 64.65 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:24:59 #17 64.65 [warn] /src/app/api/Geostreams.scala:95: postfix operator tupled should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:24:59 #17 64.65 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:24:59 #17 64.65 [warn]  ) tupled build 04-May-2020 10:24:59 #17 64.65 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:24:59 #17 64.69 [warn] /src/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBInstitutionService.scala:3: imported `Institution' is permanently hidden by definition of object Institution in package mongodb build 04-May-2020 10:24:59 #17 64.69 [warn] import models.Institution build 04-May-2020 10:24:59 #17 64.69 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:00 #17 65.59 [warn] /src/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBProjectService.scala:3: imported `Project' is permanently hidden by definition of object Project in package mongodb build 04-May-2020 10:25:00 #17 65.59 [warn] import models.Project build 04-May-2020 10:25:00 #17 65.59 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:00 #17 65.65 [warn] /src/app/api/Geostreams.scala:46: postfix operator tupled should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:25:00 #17 65.65 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:25:00 #17 65.65 [warn]  ) tupled build 04-May-2020 10:25:00 #17 65.65 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:00 #17 65.65 [warn] /src/app/api/Geostreams.scala:54: postfix operator tupled should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:25:00 #17 65.65 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:25:00 #17 65.65 [warn]  ) tupled build 04-May-2020 10:25:00 #17 65.65 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:00 #17 65.65 [warn] /src/app/api/Geostreams.scala:63: postfix operator tupled should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:25:00 #17 65.65 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:25:00 #17 65.65 [warn]  ) tupled build 04-May-2020 10:25:00 #17 65.65 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:00 #17 65.65 [warn] /src/app/api/Geostreams.scala:70: postfix operator tupled should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:25:00 #17 65.65 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:25:00 #17 65.65 [warn]  ) tupled build 04-May-2020 10:25:00 #17 65.65 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:00 #17 65.65 [warn] /src/app/api/Geostreams.scala:78: postfix operator tupled should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:25:00 #17 65.65 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:25:00 #17 65.66 [warn]  ) tupled build 04-May-2020 10:25:00 #17 65.66 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:00 #17 65.66 [warn] /src/app/api/Geostreams.scala:87: postfix operator tupled should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:25:00 #17 65.66 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:25:00 #17 65.66 [warn]  ) tupled build 04-May-2020 10:25:00 #17 65.66 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:00 #17 65.66 [warn] /src/app/api/Geostreams.scala:95: postfix operator tupled should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:25:00 #17 65.66 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:25:00 #17 65.66 [warn]  ) tupled build 04-May-2020 10:25:00 #17 65.66 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:00 #17 65.68 [warn] /src/app/api/Reporting.scala:45: This catches all Throwables. If this is really intended, use `case _ : Throwable` to clear this warning. build 04-May-2020 10:25:00 #17 65.68 [warn]  case _ => Some("".getBytes("UTF-8")) build 04-May-2020 10:25:00 #17 65.68 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:00 #17 65.68 [warn] /src/app/api/Reporting.scala:78: This catches all Throwables. If this is really intended, use `case _ : Throwable` to clear this warning. build 04-May-2020 10:25:00 #17 65.68 [warn]  case _ => Some("".getBytes("UTF-8")) build 04-May-2020 10:25:00 #17 65.68 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:00 #17 65.69 [warn] /src/app/api/Reporting.scala:111: This catches all Throwables. If this is really intended, use `case _ : Throwable` to clear this warning. build 04-May-2020 10:25:00 #17 65.69 [warn]  case _ => Some("".getBytes("UTF-8")) build 04-May-2020 10:25:00 #17 65.69 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:00 #17 65.70 [warn] /src/app/api/Reporting.scala:127: a pure expression does nothing in statement position; you may be omitting necessary parentheses build 04-May-2020 10:25:00 #17 65.70 [warn]  """Includes file, dataset, collection reports""" build 04-May-2020 10:25:00 #17 65.70 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:00 #17 65.70 [warn] /src/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBInstitutionService.scala:3: imported `Institution' is permanently hidden by definition of object Institution in package mongodb build 04-May-2020 10:25:00 #17 65.70 [warn] import models.Institution build 04-May-2020 10:25:00 #17 65.70 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:00 #17 65.75 [warn] /src/app/api/Reporting.scala:291: a pure expression does nothing in statement position; you may be omitting necessary parentheses build 04-May-2020 10:25:00 #17 65.75 [warn]  """returnAllColumns will include empty columns to align with file rows on report""" build 04-May-2020 10:25:00 #17 65.75 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:00 #17 65.76 [warn] /src/app/api/Reporting.scala:345: a pure expression does nothing in statement position; you may be omitting necessary parentheses build 04-May-2020 10:25:00 #17 65.76 [warn]  """returnAllColumns will include empty columns to align with file rows on report""" build 04-May-2020 10:25:00 #17 65.76 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:01 #17 66.48 [warn] /src/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBProjectService.scala:3: imported `Project' is permanently hidden by definition of object Project in package mongodb build 04-May-2020 10:25:01 #17 66.48 [warn] import models.Project build 04-May-2020 10:25:01 #17 66.48 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:01 #17 66.59 [warn] /src/app/api/Reporting.scala:45: This catches all Throwables. If this is really intended, use `case _ : Throwable` to clear this warning. build 04-May-2020 10:25:01 #17 66.59 [warn]  case _ => Some("".getBytes("UTF-8")) build 04-May-2020 10:25:01 #17 66.59 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:01 #17 66.60 [warn] /src/app/api/Reporting.scala:78: This catches all Throwables. If this is really intended, use `case _ : Throwable` to clear this warning. build 04-May-2020 10:25:01 #17 66.60 [warn]  case _ => Some("".getBytes("UTF-8")) build 04-May-2020 10:25:01 #17 66.60 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:01 #17 66.60 [warn] /src/app/api/Reporting.scala:111: This catches all Throwables. If this is really intended, use `case _ : Throwable` to clear this warning. build 04-May-2020 10:25:01 #17 66.60 [warn]  case _ => Some("".getBytes("UTF-8")) build 04-May-2020 10:25:01 #17 66.60 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:01 #17 66.60 [warn] /src/app/api/Reporting.scala:127: a pure expression does nothing in statement position; you may be omitting necessary parentheses build 04-May-2020 10:25:01 #17 66.60 [warn]  """Includes file, dataset, collection reports""" build 04-May-2020 10:25:01 #17 66.60 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:01 #17 66.65 [warn] /src/app/api/Reporting.scala:291: a pure expression does nothing in statement position; you may be omitting necessary parentheses build 04-May-2020 10:25:01 #17 66.65 [warn]  """returnAllColumns will include empty columns to align with file rows on report""" build 04-May-2020 10:25:01 #17 66.65 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:01 #17 66.66 [warn] /src/app/api/Reporting.scala:345: a pure expression does nothing in statement position; you may be omitting necessary parentheses build 04-May-2020 10:25:01 #17 66.66 [warn]  """returnAllColumns will include empty columns to align with file rows on report""" build 04-May-2020 10:25:01 #17 66.66 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:02 #17 67.97 [warn] /src/app/controllers/CurationObjects.scala:477: postfix operator toList should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:25:02 #17 67.97 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:25:02 #17 67.97 [warn]  metadataJson = metadataJson ++ Map(key -> Json.toJson(metadataList.filter(_.label == key).map { item => item.content }toList)) build 04-May-2020 10:25:02 #17 67.97 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:02 #17 67.97 [warn] /src/app/controllers/CurationObjects.scala:698: postfix operator toList should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:25:02 #17 67.97 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:25:02 #17 67.97 [warn]  metadataJson = metadataJson ++ Map(key -> Json.toJson(metadataList.filter(_.label == key).map { item => item.content }toList)) build 04-May-2020 10:25:02 #17 67.98 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:03 #17 68.89 [warn] /src/app/controllers/Registration.scala:13: imported `Registration' is permanently hidden by definition of class Registration in package controllers build 04-May-2020 10:25:03 #17 68.89 [warn] import securesocial.controllers.{ProviderController, Registration, TemplatesPlugin} build 04-May-2020 10:25:03 #17 68.89 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:03 #17 68.91 [warn] /src/app/controllers/Registration.scala:67: reflective access of structural type member value currentHasher should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:25:03 #17 68.91 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.reflectiveCalls visible. build 04-May-2020 10:25:03 #17 68.91 [warn] This can be achieved by adding the import clause 'import scala.language.reflectiveCalls' build 04-May-2020 10:25:03 #17 68.91 [warn] or by setting the compiler option -language:reflectiveCalls. build 04-May-2020 10:25:03 #17 68.91 [warn] See the Scala docs for value scala.language.reflectiveCalls for a discussion build 04-May-2020 10:25:03 #17 68.91 [warn] why the feature should be explicitly enabled. build 04-May-2020 10:25:03 #17 68.91 [warn]  passwordInfo = Some(Registry.hashers.currentHasher.hash(info.password)) build 04-May-2020 10:25:03 #17 68.91 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:03 #17 68.95 [warn] /src/app/controllers/CurationObjects.scala:477: postfix operator toList should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:25:03 #17 68.95 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:25:03 #17 68.95 [warn]  metadataJson = metadataJson ++ Map(key -> Json.toJson(metadataList.filter(_.label == key).map { item => item.content }toList)) build 04-May-2020 10:25:03 #17 68.95 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:03 #17 68.95 [warn] /src/app/controllers/CurationObjects.scala:698: postfix operator toList should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:25:03 #17 68.95 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:25:03 #17 68.95 [warn]  metadataJson = metadataJson ++ Map(key -> Json.toJson(metadataList.filter(_.label == key).map { item => item.content }toList)) build 04-May-2020 10:25:03 #17 68.95 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:04 #17 69.38 [warn] /src/app/controllers/Spaces.scala:278: postfix operator toMap should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:25:04 #17 69.38 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:25:04 #17 69.38 [warn]  val roleDescription = users.listRoles() map (t => -> t.description) toMap build 04-May-2020 10:25:04 #17 69.38 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:04 #17 70.03 [warn] /src/app/controllers/Registration.scala:13: imported `Registration' is permanently hidden by definition of class Registration in package controllers build 04-May-2020 10:25:04 #17 70.03 [warn] import securesocial.controllers.{ProviderController, Registration, TemplatesPlugin} build 04-May-2020 10:25:04 #17 70.03 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:04 #17 70.07 [warn] /src/app/controllers/Registration.scala:67: reflective access of structural type member value currentHasher should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:25:05 #17 70.07 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.reflectiveCalls visible. build 04-May-2020 10:25:05 #17 70.07 [warn] This can be achieved by adding the import clause 'import scala.language.reflectiveCalls' build 04-May-2020 10:25:05 #17 70.07 [warn] or by setting the compiler option -language:reflectiveCalls. build 04-May-2020 10:25:05 #17 70.07 [warn] See the Scala docs for value scala.language.reflectiveCalls for a discussion build 04-May-2020 10:25:05 #17 70.07 [warn] why the feature should be explicitly enabled. build 04-May-2020 10:25:05 #17 70.07 [warn]  passwordInfo = Some(Registry.hashers.currentHasher.hash(info.password)) build 04-May-2020 10:25:05 #17 70.07 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:05 #17 70.47 [warn] /src/app/models/UUID.scala:36: implicit conversion method stringToUUID should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:25:05 #17 70.47 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.implicitConversions visible. build 04-May-2020 10:25:05 #17 70.47 [warn] This can be achieved by adding the import clause 'import scala.language.implicitConversions' build 04-May-2020 10:25:05 #17 70.47 [warn] or by setting the compiler option -language:implicitConversions. build 04-May-2020 10:25:05 #17 70.47 [warn] See the Scala docs for value scala.language.implicitConversions for a discussion build 04-May-2020 10:25:05 #17 70.47 [warn] why the feature should be explicitly enabled. build 04-May-2020 10:25:05 #17 70.47 [warn]  implicit def stringToUUID(s: String) = UUID(s) build 04-May-2020 10:25:05 #17 70.47 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:05 #17 70.47 [warn] /src/app/models/UUID.scala:37: implicit conversion method uuidToObjectId should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:25:05 #17 70.47 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.implicitConversions visible. build 04-May-2020 10:25:05 #17 70.47 [warn]  implicit def uuidToObjectId(uuid: UUID) = new ObjectId(uuid.stringify) build 04-May-2020 10:25:05 #17 70.47 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:05 #17 70.47 [warn] /src/app/models/UUID.scala:38: implicit conversion method objectIdToUUID should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:25:05 #17 70.47 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.implicitConversions visible. build 04-May-2020 10:25:05 #17 70.47 [warn]  implicit def objectIdToUUID(objectId: ObjectId) = UUID(objectId.toString) build 04-May-2020 10:25:05 #17 70.47 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:05 #17 70.52 [warn] /src/app/controllers/Spaces.scala:278: postfix operator toMap should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:25:05 #17 70.52 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:25:05 #17 70.52 [warn]  val roleDescription = users.listRoles() map (t => -> t.description) toMap build 04-May-2020 10:25:05 #17 70.52 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:05 #17 70.53 [warn] /src/app/models/User.scala:104: implicit conversion method userToMiniUser should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:25:05 #17 70.53 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.implicitConversions visible. build 04-May-2020 10:25:05 #17 70.53 [warn]  implicit def userToMiniUser(x: User): MiniUser = x.getMiniUser build 04-May-2020 10:25:05 #17 70.53 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:06 #17 71.45 [warn] /src/app/services/PolyglotPlugin.scala:83: postfix operator seconds should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:25:06 #17 71.45 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:25:06 #17 71.45 [warn]  akka.pattern.after(3 seconds, using = Akka.system.scheduler)(checkForFileAndDownload((triesLeft - 1), url, outputStream)) build 04-May-2020 10:25:06 #17 71.45 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:07 #17 72.28 [warn] /src/app/models/UUID.scala:36: implicit conversion method stringToUUID should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:25:07 #17 72.28 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.implicitConversions visible. build 04-May-2020 10:25:07 #17 72.28 [warn] This can be achieved by adding the import clause 'import scala.language.implicitConversions' build 04-May-2020 10:25:07 #17 72.28 [warn] or by setting the compiler option -language:implicitConversions. build 04-May-2020 10:25:07 #17 72.28 [warn] See the Scala docs for value scala.language.implicitConversions for a discussion build 04-May-2020 10:25:07 #17 72.28 [warn] why the feature should be explicitly enabled. build 04-May-2020 10:25:07 #17 72.28 [warn]  implicit def stringToUUID(s: String) = UUID(s) build 04-May-2020 10:25:07 #17 72.28 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:07 #17 72.28 [warn] /src/app/models/UUID.scala:37: implicit conversion method uuidToObjectId should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:25:07 #17 72.28 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.implicitConversions visible. build 04-May-2020 10:25:07 #17 72.28 [warn]  implicit def uuidToObjectId(uuid: UUID) = new ObjectId(uuid.stringify) build 04-May-2020 10:25:07 #17 72.28 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:07 #17 72.28 [warn] /src/app/models/UUID.scala:38: implicit conversion method objectIdToUUID should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:25:07 #17 72.28 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.implicitConversions visible. build 04-May-2020 10:25:07 #17 72.28 [warn]  implicit def objectIdToUUID(objectId: ObjectId) = UUID(objectId.toString) build 04-May-2020 10:25:07 #17 72.28 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:07 #17 72.35 [warn] /src/app/services/mongodb/MongoContext.scala:253: implicit conversion method dbObjectToString should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:25:07 #17 72.35 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.implicitConversions visible. build 04-May-2020 10:25:07 #17 72.35 [warn]  implicit def dbObjectToString(dbObject: DBObject): String = { build 04-May-2020 10:25:07 #17 72.35 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:07 #17 72.36 [warn] /src/app/models/User.scala:104: implicit conversion method userToMiniUser should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:25:07 #17 72.36 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.implicitConversions visible. build 04-May-2020 10:25:07 #17 72.36 [warn]  implicit def userToMiniUser(x: User): MiniUser = x.getMiniUser build 04-May-2020 10:25:07 #17 72.36 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:07 #17 72.81 [warn] /src/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBCollectionService.scala:907: This catches all Throwables. If this is really intended, use `case _ : Throwable` to clear this warning. build 04-May-2020 10:25:07 #17 72.81 [warn]  case _ => Logger.error(s"Error queuing collection ${id.stringify}") build 04-May-2020 10:25:07 #17 72.81 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:08 #17 73.10 [warn] /src/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBCommentService.scala:3: imported `Comment' is permanently hidden by definition of object Comment in package mongodb build 04-May-2020 10:25:08 #17 73.10 [warn] import models.{DBResult, UUID, Comment} build 04-May-2020 10:25:08 #17 73.10 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:08 #17 73.29 [warn] /src/app/services/PolyglotPlugin.scala:83: postfix operator seconds should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:25:08 #17 73.29 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:25:08 #17 73.29 [warn]  akka.pattern.after(3 seconds, using = Akka.system.scheduler)(checkForFileAndDownload((triesLeft - 1), url, outputStream)) build 04-May-2020 10:25:08 #17 73.29 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:08 #17 73.74 [warn] /src/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBTagService.scala:7: imported `Tag' is permanently hidden by definition of object Tag in package mongodb build 04-May-2020 10:25:08 #17 73.74 [warn] import models.{Tag, UUID} build 04-May-2020 10:25:08 #17 73.74 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:08 #17 73.91 [warn] /src/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBDatasetService.scala:1422: This catches all Throwables. If this is really intended, use `case _ : Throwable` to clear this warning. build 04-May-2020 10:25:08 #17 73.91 [warn]  case _ => Logger.error(s"Error queuing dataset ${id.stringify}") build 04-May-2020 10:25:08 #17 73.91 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:08 #17 74.07 [warn] /src/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBExtractionRequestsService.scala:20: imported `MongoSalatPlugin' is permanently hidden by definition of class MongoSalatPlugin in package mongodb build 04-May-2020 10:25:09 #17 74.07 [warn] import services.mongodb.MongoSalatPlugin build 04-May-2020 10:25:09 #17 74.07 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:09 #17 74.09 [warn] /src/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBExtractionService.scala:4: imported `Extraction' is permanently hidden by definition of object Extraction in package mongodb build 04-May-2020 10:25:09 #17 74.09 [warn] import models.{UUID, Extraction, ExtractionGroup, ResourceRef} build 04-May-2020 10:25:09 #17 74.09 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:09 #17 74.09 [warn] /src/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBExtractionService.scala:13: imported `WebPageResource' is permanently hidden by definition of object WebPageResource in package mongodb build 04-May-2020 10:25:09 #17 74.09 [warn] import models.WebPageResource build 04-May-2020 10:25:09 #17 74.09 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:09 #17 74.17 [warn] /src/app/services/mongodb/MongoContext.scala:253: implicit conversion method dbObjectToString should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:25:09 #17 74.17 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.implicitConversions visible. build 04-May-2020 10:25:09 #17 74.17 [warn]  implicit def dbObjectToString(dbObject: DBObject): String = { build 04-May-2020 10:25:09 #17 74.17 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:09 #17 74.63 [warn] /src/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBFileService.scala:338: This catches all Throwables. If this is really intended, use `case _ : Throwable` to clear this warning. build 04-May-2020 10:25:09 #17 74.63 [warn]  case _ => Logger.error(s"Error queuing file ${id.stringify}") build 04-May-2020 10:25:09 #17 74.63 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:09 #17 74.88 [warn] /src/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBCollectionService.scala:907: This catches all Throwables. If this is really intended, use `case _ : Throwable` to clear this warning. build 04-May-2020 10:25:09 #17 74.88 [warn]  case _ => Logger.error(s"Error queuing collection ${id.stringify}") build 04-May-2020 10:25:09 #17 74.88 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:09 #17 74.96 [warn] /src/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBCommentService.scala:3: imported `Comment' is permanently hidden by definition of object Comment in package mongodb build 04-May-2020 10:25:09 #17 74.96 [warn] import models.{DBResult, UUID, Comment} build 04-May-2020 10:25:09 #17 74.96 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:10 #17 75.38 [warn] /src/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBQueueService.scala:78: postfix operator seconds should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:25:10 #17 75.38 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:25:10 #17 75.38 [warn]  queueTimer = Akka.system().scheduler.schedule(0 seconds, 5 millis) { build 04-May-2020 10:25:10 #17 75.38 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:10 #17 75.38 [warn] /src/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBQueueService.scala:78: postfix operator millis should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:25:10 #17 75.38 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:25:10 #17 75.38 [warn]  queueTimer = Akka.system().scheduler.schedule(0 seconds, 5 millis) { build 04-May-2020 10:25:10 #17 75.38 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:10 #17 75.54 [warn] /src/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBSelectionService.scala:11: imported `Dataset' is permanently hidden by definition of object Dataset in package mongodb build 04-May-2020 10:25:10 #17 75.54 [warn] import models.{UUID, Dataset, Selected} build 04-May-2020 10:25:10 #17 75.54 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:10 #17 75.55 [warn] /src/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBSpaceService.scala:23: imported `Collection' is permanently hidden by definition of object Collection in package mongodb build 04-May-2020 10:25:10 #17 75.55 [warn] import models.Collection build 04-May-2020 10:25:10 #17 75.55 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:10 #17 75.56 [warn] /src/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBSpaceService.scala:24: imported `Dataset' is permanently hidden by definition of object Dataset in package mongodb build 04-May-2020 10:25:10 #17 75.56 [warn] import models.Dataset build 04-May-2020 10:25:10 #17 75.56 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:10 #17 75.92 [warn] /src/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBTagService.scala:7: imported `Tag' is permanently hidden by definition of object Tag in package mongodb build 04-May-2020 10:25:10 #17 75.92 [warn] import models.{Tag, UUID} build 04-May-2020 10:25:10 #17 75.92 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:10 #17 76.07 [warn] /src/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBDatasetService.scala:1422: This catches all Throwables. If this is really intended, use `case _ : Throwable` to clear this warning. build 04-May-2020 10:25:10 #17 76.07 [warn]  case _ => Logger.error(s"Error queuing dataset ${id.stringify}") build 04-May-2020 10:25:10 #17 76.07 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:11 #17 76.31 [warn] /src/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBExtractionRequestsService.scala:20: imported `MongoSalatPlugin' is permanently hidden by definition of class MongoSalatPlugin in package mongodb build 04-May-2020 10:25:11 #17 76.31 [warn] import services.mongodb.MongoSalatPlugin build 04-May-2020 10:25:11 #17 76.31 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:11 #17 76.38 [warn] /src/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBExtractionService.scala:4: imported `Extraction' is permanently hidden by definition of object Extraction in package mongodb build 04-May-2020 10:25:11 #17 76.38 [warn] import models.{UUID, Extraction, ExtractionGroup, ResourceRef} build 04-May-2020 10:25:11 #17 76.38 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:11 #17 76.38 [warn] /src/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBExtractionService.scala:13: imported `WebPageResource' is permanently hidden by definition of object WebPageResource in package mongodb build 04-May-2020 10:25:11 #17 76.38 [warn] import models.WebPageResource build 04-May-2020 10:25:11 #17 76.38 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:11 #17 76.79 [warn] /src/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBFileService.scala:338: This catches all Throwables. If this is really intended, use `case _ : Throwable` to clear this warning. build 04-May-2020 10:25:11 #17 76.79 [warn]  case _ => Logger.error(s"Error queuing file ${id.stringify}") build 04-May-2020 10:25:11 #17 76.79 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:12 #17 77.57 [warn] /src/app/util/SearchUtils.scala:157: This catches all Throwables. If this is really intended, use `case _ : Throwable` to clear this warning. build 04-May-2020 10:25:12 #17 77.57 [warn]  case _ => { build 04-May-2020 10:25:12 #17 77.57 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:12 #17 77.93 [warn] /src/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBQueueService.scala:78: postfix operator seconds should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:25:12 #17 77.93 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:25:12 #17 77.93 [warn]  queueTimer = Akka.system().scheduler.schedule(0 seconds, 5 millis) { build 04-May-2020 10:25:12 #17 77.93 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:12 #17 77.93 [warn] /src/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBQueueService.scala:78: postfix operator millis should be enabled build 04-May-2020 10:25:12 #17 77.93 [warn] by making the implicit value scala.language.postfixOps visible. build 04-May-2020 10:25:12 #17 77.93 [warn]  queueTimer = Akka.system().scheduler.schedule(0 seconds, 5 millis) { build 04-May-2020 10:25:12 #17 77.93 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:13 #17 78.13 [warn] /src/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBSelectionService.scala:11: imported `Dataset' is permanently hidden by definition of object Dataset in package mongodb build 04-May-2020 10:25:13 #17 78.13 [warn] import models.{UUID, Dataset, Selected} build 04-May-2020 10:25:13 #17 78.13 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:13 #17 78.16 [warn] /src/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBSpaceService.scala:23: imported `Collection' is permanently hidden by definition of object Collection in package mongodb build 04-May-2020 10:25:13 #17 78.16 [warn] import models.Collection build 04-May-2020 10:25:13 #17 78.16 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:13 #17 78.16 [warn] /src/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBSpaceService.scala:24: imported `Dataset' is permanently hidden by definition of object Dataset in package mongodb build 04-May-2020 10:25:13 #17 78.16 [warn] import models.Dataset build 04-May-2020 10:25:13 #17 78.16 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:15 #17 80.39 [warn] /src/app/util/SearchUtils.scala:157: This catches all Throwables. If this is really intended, use `case _ : Throwable` to clear this warning. build 04-May-2020 10:25:15 #17 80.39 [warn]  case _ => { build 04-May-2020 10:25:15 #17 80.39 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.34 [warn] /src/app/api/Admin.scala:43: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.34 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.34 [warn]  (request.body \ "theme").asOpt[String] match { build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.34 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.35 [warn] /src/app/api/Admin.scala:46: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.35 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.35 [warn]  (request.body \ "displayName").asOpt[String] match { build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.35 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.35 [warn] /src/app/api/Admin.scala:49: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.35 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.35 [warn]  (request.body \ "welcomeMessage").asOpt[String] match { build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.35 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.35 [warn] /src/app/api/Admin.scala:52: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.35 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.35 [warn]  (request.body \ "googleAnalytics").asOpt[String] match { build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.35 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.35 [warn] /src/app/api/Admin.scala:59: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.35 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.35 [warn]  (request.body \ "sensors").asOpt[String] match { build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.35 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.36 [warn] /src/app/api/Admin.scala:62: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.36 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.36 [warn]  (request.body \ "sensor").asOpt[String] match { build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.36 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.37 [warn] /src/app/api/Admin.scala:65: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.37 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.37 [warn]  (request.body \ "parameters").asOpt[String] match { build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.37 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.38 [warn] /src/app/api/Admin.scala:68: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.38 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.38 [warn]  (request.body \ "parameter").asOpt[String] match { build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.38 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.59 [warn] /src/app/api/Collections.scala:153: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.59 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.59 [warn]  collections.get(collectionId) match { build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.59 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.67 [warn] /src/app/api/Collections.scala:580: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.67 [warn] It would fail on the following input: Failure(_) build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.67 [warn]  collections.addSubCollection(UUID(parentId), UUID(id), user) match { build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.67 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.68 [warn] /src/app/api/Collections.scala:613: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.68 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.68 [warn]  collections.get(subCollectionId) match { build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.68 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.69 [warn] /src/app/api/Collections.scala:611: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.69 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.69 [warn]  collections.get(collectionId) match { build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.69 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.78 [warn] /src/app/api/Datasets.scala:86: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.78 [warn] It would fail on the following input: Nil build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.78 [warn]  folderList match { build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.78 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.88 [warn] /src/app/api/Datasets.scala:756: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.88 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.88 [warn]  datasets.get(id) match { build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.88 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.90 [warn] /src/app/api/Datasets.scala:973: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.90 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.90 [warn]  datasets.get(id) match { build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.90 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.90 [warn] /src/app/api/Datasets.scala:1009: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.90 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.90 [warn]  datasets.get(id) match { build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.90 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.91 [warn] /src/app/api/Datasets.scala:1048: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.91 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.91 [warn]  datasets.get(id) match { build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.91 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.91 [warn] /src/app/api/Datasets.scala:1085: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.91 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.91 [warn]  datasets.get(id) match { build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.91 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.92 [warn] /src/app/api/Datasets.scala:1107: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.92 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.92 [warn]  datasets.get(id) match { build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.92 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.92 [warn] /src/app/api/Datasets.scala:1128: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.92 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.92 [warn]  datasets.get(id) match { build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.92 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.93 [warn] /src/app/api/Datasets.scala:1367: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.93 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.93 [warn]  datasets.get(id) match { build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.93 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.94 [warn] /src/app/api/Datasets.scala:1404: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.94 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.94 [warn]  datasets.get(id) match { build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.94 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.95 [warn] /src/app/api/Datasets.scala:1545: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.95 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.95 [warn]  datasets.get(id) match { build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 87.95 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 88.04 [warn] /src/app/api/Datasets.scala:2550: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 88.04 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 88.04 [warn]  folders.get(id) match { build 04-May-2020 10:25:22 #17 88.04 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:23 #17 88.14 [warn] /src/app/api/Files.scala:707: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:25:23 #17 88.14 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:25:23 #17 88.14 [warn]  files.get(id) match { build 04-May-2020 10:25:23 #17 88.14 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:23 #17 88.18 [warn] /src/app/api/Files.scala:1051: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:25:23 #17 88.18 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:25:23 #17 88.18 [warn]  files.get(id) match { build 04-May-2020 10:25:23 #17 88.18 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:23 #17 88.20 [warn] /src/app/api/Files.scala:1250: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:25:23 #17 88.20 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:25:23 #17 88.20 [warn]  files.get(id) match { build 04-May-2020 10:25:23 #17 88.20 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:23 #17 88.20 [warn] /src/app/api/Files.scala:1271: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:25:23 #17 88.20 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:25:23 #17 88.20 [warn]  files.get(id) match { build 04-May-2020 10:25:23 #17 88.20 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:23 #17 88.22 [warn] /src/app/api/Files.scala:1440: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:25:23 #17 88.22 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:25:23 #17 88.22 [warn]  files.get(id) match { build 04-May-2020 10:25:23 #17 88.22 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:23 #17 88.61 [warn] /src/app/api/Metadata.scala:497: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:25:23 #17 88.61 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:25:23 #17 88.61 [warn]  datasets.get( match { build 04-May-2020 10:25:23 #17 88.61 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:23 #17 88.61 [warn] /src/app/api/Metadata.scala:509: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:25:23 #17 88.61 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:25:23 #17 88.61 [warn]  files.get( match { build 04-May-2020 10:25:23 #17 88.61 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:23 #17 88.69 [warn] /src/app/api/Permissions.scala:786: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:25:23 #17 88.69 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:25:23 #17 88.69 [warn]  ident match { build 04-May-2020 10:25:23 #17 88.69 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:23 #17 88.78 [warn] /src/app/api/Previews.scala:135: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:25:23 #17 88.78 [warn] It would fail on the following input: Some((x: Seq[?] forSome x not in List[?])) build 04-May-2020 10:25:23 #17 88.78 [warn]  request.body.dataParts.get("title") match { build 04-May-2020 10:25:23 #17 88.78 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:23 #17 88.80 [warn] /src/app/api/Previews.scala:323: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:25:23 #17 88.80 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:25:23 #17 88.80 [warn]  previews.get(preview_id) match { build 04-May-2020 10:25:23 #17 88.80 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:23 #17 88.85 [warn] /src/app/api/Selected.scala:85: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:25:23 #17 88.85 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:25:23 #17 88.85 [warn]  request.user match { build 04-May-2020 10:25:23 #17 88.85 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:23 #17 88.85 [warn] /src/app/api/Selected.scala:97: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:25:23 #17 88.85 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:25:23 #17 88.85 [warn]  request.user match { build 04-May-2020 10:25:23 #17 88.85 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:23 #17 88.86 [warn] /src/app/api/Selected.scala:185: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:25:23 #17 88.86 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:25:23 #17 88.86 [warn]  request.user match { build 04-May-2020 10:25:23 #17 88.86 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:23 #17 88.87 [warn] /src/app/api/Spaces.scala:65: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:25:23 #17 88.87 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:25:23 #17 88.87 [warn]  spaces.get(spaceId) match { build 04-May-2020 10:25:23 #17 88.87 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:23 #17 88.94 [warn] /src/app/api/Vocabularies.scala:40: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:25:23 #17 88.94 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:25:23 #17 88.94 [warn]  val current_term = vocabularyTermService.get(term) match { build 04-May-2020 10:25:23 #17 88.94 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:23 #17 88.97 [warn] /src/app/api/VocabularyTerms.scala:44: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:25:23 #17 88.97 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:25:23 #17 88.97 [warn]  vocabularyTermService.get(id) match { build 04-May-2020 10:25:23 #17 88.97 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:23 #17 88.98 [warn] /src/app/controllers/Admin.scala:311: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:25:23 #17 88.98 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:25:23 #17 88.98 [warn]  user match { build 04-May-2020 10:25:23 #17 88.98 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:23 #17 88.98 [warn] /src/app/controllers/Admin.scala:335: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:25:23 #17 88.98 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:25:23 #17 88.98 [warn]  user match { build 04-May-2020 10:25:23 #17 88.98 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:23 #17 88.99 [warn] /src/app/controllers/Admin.scala:349: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:25:23 #17 88.99 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:25:23 #17 88.99 [warn]  user match { build 04-May-2020 10:25:23 #17 88.99 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:24 #17 89.18 [warn] /src/app/controllers/CurationObjects.scala:658: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:25:24 #17 89.18 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:25:24 #17 89.18 [warn]  curations.get(curationId) match { build 04-May-2020 10:25:24 #17 89.18 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:24 #17 89.20 [warn] /src/app/controllers/CurationObjects.scala:858: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:25:24 #17 89.20 [warn] It would fail on the following inputs: JsBoolean(_), JsNull, JsNumber(_), JsString(_), JsUndefined() build 04-May-2020 10:25:24 #17 89.20 [warn]  content match { build 04-May-2020 10:25:24 #17 89.20 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:24 #17 89.26 [warn] /src/app/controllers/Datasets.scala:374: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:25:24 #17 89.26 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:25:24 #17 89.26 [warn]  email match { build 04-May-2020 10:25:24 #17 89.27 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:24 #17 89.27 [warn] /src/app/controllers/Datasets.scala:371: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:25:24 #17 89.27 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:25:24 #17 89.27 [warn]  user match { build 04-May-2020 10:25:24 #17 89.27 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:24 #17 89.30 [warn] /src/app/controllers/FileLinks.scala:67: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:25:24 #17 89.30 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:25:24 #17 89.30 [warn]  files.get(fileid) match { build 04-May-2020 10:25:24 #17 89.31 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:24 #17 89.44 [warn] /src/app/controllers/Spaces.scala:356: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:25:24 #17 89.44 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:25:24 #17 89.44 [warn]  spaces.getRoleForUserInSpace(, match { build 04-May-2020 10:25:24 #17 89.44 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:24 #17 89.74 [warn] /src/app/services/ToolManagerPlugin.scala:122: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:25:24 #17 89.74 [warn] It would fail on the following inputs: JsArray(_), JsBoolean(_), JsNull, JsNumber(_), JsString(_) build 04-May-2020 10:25:24 #17 89.74 [warn]  jsonObj match { build 04-May-2020 10:25:24 #17 89.74 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:24 #17 89.75 [warn] /src/app/services/ToolManagerPlugin.scala:141: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:25:24 #17 89.75 [warn] It would fail on the following inputs: JsArray(_), JsBoolean(_), JsNull, JsNumber(_), JsString(_) build 04-May-2020 10:25:24 #17 89.75 [warn]  jsonObj match { build 04-May-2020 10:25:24 #17 89.75 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:24 #17 89.75 [warn] /src/app/services/ToolManagerPlugin.scala:200: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:25:24 #17 89.75 [warn] It would fail on the following inputs: JsArray(_), JsBoolean(_), JsNull, JsNumber(_), JsObject(_) build 04-May-2020 10:25:24 #17 89.75 [warn]  val toolName = (toolList \ toolPath \ "name") match { build 04-May-2020 10:25:24 #17 89.75 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:24 #17 89.77 [warn] /src/app/services/TreeService.scala:316: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:25:24 #17 89.77 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:25:24 #17 89.77 [warn]  collections.get(col_id) match { build 04-May-2020 10:25:24 #17 89.77 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:24 #17 89.78 [warn] /src/app/services/fourstore/FourStoreRdfSPARQLService.scala:176: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:25:24 #17 89.79 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:25:24 #17 89.79 [warn]  datasets.get(datasetId) match { build 04-May-2020 10:25:24 #17 89.79 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:24 #17 89.84 [warn] /src/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBCollectionService.scala:669: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:25:24 #17 89.84 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:25:24 #17 89.84 [warn]  Collection.findOneById(new ObjectId(collectionId.stringify)) match { build 04-May-2020 10:25:24 #17 89.85 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:24 #17 89.90 [warn] /src/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBDatasetService.scala:437: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:25:24 #17 89.90 [warn] It would fail on the following input: Some((x: String forSome x not in ("default", "private", "public", "publicAll", "trial"))) build 04-May-2020 10:25:24 #17 89.90 [warn]  val filterStatus = status match { build 04-May-2020 10:25:24 #17 89.90 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:24 #17 89.98 [warn] /src/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBFileService.scala:784: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:25:24 #17 89.98 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:25:24 #17 89.98 [warn]  get(id) match{ build 04-May-2020 10:25:24 #17 89.98 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:24 #17 90.08 [warn] /src/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBSpaceService.scala:494: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:25:24 #17 90.08 [warn] It would fail on the following input: Some(false) build 04-May-2020 10:25:24 #17 90.08 [warn]  datasetOnlyInSpace match { build 04-May-2020 10:25:25 #17 90.08 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:25 #17 90.11 [warn] /src/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBTileService.scala:29: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:25:25 #17 90.11 [warn] It would fail on the following inputs: JsArray(_), JsBoolean(_), JsNull, JsNumber(_), JsString(_), JsUndefined() build 04-May-2020 10:25:25 #17 90.11 [warn]  json match { build 04-May-2020 10:25:25 #17 90.11 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:25 #17 90.17 [warn] /src/app/services/mongodb/MongoSalatPlugin.scala:1608: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:25:25 #17 90.17 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:25:25 #17 90.17 [warn]  md.getAs[DBObject]("content") match { build 04-May-2020 10:25:25 #17 90.17 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:25 #17 90.18 [warn] /src/app/util/FileUtils.scala:146: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:25:25 #17 90.18 [warn] It would fail on the following inputs: JsArray(_), JsBoolean(_), JsNull, JsNumber(_) build 04-May-2020 10:25:25 #17 90.18 [warn]  Json.parse(fobj) \ "@context" match { build 04-May-2020 10:25:25 #17 90.18 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:25 #17 90.24 [warn] /src/conf/routes:47: unreachable code build 04-May-2020 10:25:25 #17 90.25 [warn] GET /profile/:uuid @controllers.Profile.viewProfileUUID(uuid: UUID) build 04-May-2020 10:25:25 #17 90.27 [warn] /src/conf/routes:298: unreachable code build 04-May-2020 10:25:25 #17 90.28 [warn] POST /api/sensors/config @api.Admin.sensorsConfig build 04-May-2020 10:25:25 #17 90.30 [warn] /src/conf/routes:637: unreachable code build 04-May-2020 10:25:25 #17 90.31 [warn] DELETE /api/sections/:id/tags @api.Sections.removeTags(id: UUID) build 04-May-2020 10:25:25 #17 90.33 [warn] /src/conf/routes:368: unreachable code build 04-May-2020 10:25:25 #17 90.33 [warn] POST /api/uploadToDataset/:id @api.Files.uploadToDataset(id: UUID, showPreviews: String ?= "DatasetLevel", originalZipFile: String ?= "", flags: String ?= "", extract: Boolean ?= true) build 04-May-2020 10:25:25 #17 90.35 [warn] /src/conf/routes:391: unreachable code build 04-May-2020 10:25:25 #17 90.35 [warn] DELETE /api/files/:id @api.Files.removeFile(id: UUID) build 04-May-2020 10:25:25 #17 90.38 [warn] /src/conf/routes:397: unreachable code build 04-May-2020 10:25:25 #17 90.38 [warn] DELETE /api/files/:id/tags @api.Files.removeTags(id: UUID) build 04-May-2020 10:25:25 #17 90.46 [warn] /src/conf/routes:461: unreachable code build 04-May-2020 10:25:25 #17 90.46 [warn] GET /api/files/:three_d_file_id/:filename @api.Files.getTexture(three_d_file_id: UUID, filename) build 04-May-2020 10:25:25 #17 90.48 [warn] /src/conf/routes:448: unreachable code build 04-May-2020 10:25:25 #17 90.48 [warn] GET /api/files/:id UUID, tracking: Boolean ?= true) build 04-May-2020 10:25:25 #17 90.51 [warn] /src/conf/routes:364: unreachable code build 04-May-2020 10:25:25 #17 90.51 [warn] POST /api/files/withFlags/:flags @api.Files.upload(showPreviews: String ?= "DatasetLevel", originalZipFile: String ?= "", flags: String) build 04-May-2020 10:25:25 #17 90.53 [warn] /src/conf/routes:505: unreachable code build 04-May-2020 10:25:25 #17 90.53 [warn] GET /api/collections/list @api.Collections.list(title: Option[String] ?= None, date: Option[String] ?= None, limit: Int ?= 12, exact: Boolean ?= false) build 04-May-2020 10:25:25 #17 90.55 [warn] /src/conf/routes:512: unreachable code build 04-May-2020 10:25:25 #17 90.55 [warn] DELETE /api/collections/:coll_id/datasets/:ds_id @api.Collections.removeDataset(coll_id: UUID, ds_id: UUID, ignoreNotFound ?= "True") build 04-May-2020 10:25:25 #17 90.58 [warn] /src/conf/routes:518: unreachable code build 04-May-2020 10:25:25 #17 90.58 [warn] DELETE /api/collections/:coll_id @api.Collections.removeCollection(coll_id: UUID) build 04-May-2020 10:25:25 #17 90.60 [warn] /src/conf/routes:559: unreachable code build 04-May-2020 10:25:25 #17 90.60 [warn] DELETE /api/datasets/:ds_id/:file_id @api.Datasets.detachFile(ds_id: UUID,file_id: UUID, ignoreNotFound ?= "True") build 04-May-2020 10:25:25 #17 90.62 [warn] /src/conf/routes:571: unreachable code build 04-May-2020 10:25:25 #17 90.63 [warn] GET /api/datasets/:id/files @api.Datasets.datasetAllFilesList(id: UUID, max: Int ?= -1) build 04-May-2020 10:25:25 #17 90.65 [warn] /src/conf/routes:517: unreachable code build 04-May-2020 10:25:25 #17 90.65 [warn] GET /api/collections/:coll_id/getDatasets @api.Datasets.listInCollection(coll_id: UUID) build 04-May-2020 10:25:25 #17 90.67 [warn] /src/conf/routes:585: unreachable code build 04-May-2020 10:25:25 #17 90.67 [warn] DELETE /api/datasets/:id/tags @api.Datasets.removeTags(id: UUID) build 04-May-2020 10:25:25 #17 90.70 [warn] /src/conf/routes:672: unreachable code build 04-May-2020 10:25:25 #17 90.70 [warn] GET /api/geostreams/streams/update api.Geostreams.updateStatisticsStreamSensor() build 04-May-2020 10:25:25 #17 90.75 model contains 963 documentable templates build 04-May-2020 10:25:25 #17 90.89 [warn] /src/app/views/collections/tile.scala.html:55: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:25:25 #17 90.89 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:25:25 #17 90.89 [warn]  case Some(viewer) => { build 04-May-2020 10:25:25 #17 90.90 [warn] ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:25 #17 90.91 [warn] /src/app/views/curations/publishedGrid.scala.html:12: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:25:25 #17 90.91 [warn] It would fail on the following inputs: JsBoolean(_), JsNull, JsNumber(_), JsObject(_), JsUndefined() build 04-May-2020 10:25:25 #17 90.91 [warn]  case creators:JsArray => {@(((jo \ "CreatorName"))(0).as[String].trim)@for(i <- 1 to (creators.value.size-1)){, @(((jo \ "CreatorName"))(i).as[String].trim)}}}" build 04-May-2020 10:25:25 #17 90.91 [warn] ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:25 #17 90.92 [warn] /src/app/views/curations/publishedGrid.scala.html:31: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:25:25 #17 90.92 [warn] It would fail on the following inputs: JsBoolean(_), JsNull, JsNumber(_), JsObject(_), JsUndefined() build 04-May-2020 10:25:25 #17 90.92 [warn]  case creator:JsString => {  build 04-May-2020 10:25:25 #17 90.92 [warn] ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:25 #17 90.92 [warn] /src/app/views/curations/publishedGrid.scala.html:9: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:25:25 #17 90.92 [warn] It would fail on the following inputs: JsArray(_), JsBoolean(_), JsNull, JsNumber(_), JsString(_), JsUndefined() build 04-May-2020 10:25:25 #17 90.92 [warn]  case jo:JsObject => { build 04-May-2020 10:25:25 #17 90.93 [warn] ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:25 #17 90.95 [warn] /src/app/views/datasets/tile.scala.html:65: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:25:25 #17 90.95 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:25:25 #17 90.95 [warn]  case Some(viewer) => { build 04-May-2020 10:25:25 #17 90.95 [warn] ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:25 #17 90.97 [warn] /src/app/views/files/tile.scala.html:45: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:25:25 #17 90.97 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 04-May-2020 10:25:25 #17 90.97 [warn]  case Some(viewer) => { build 04-May-2020 10:25:25 #17 90.97 [warn] ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:25 #17 90.99 [warn] /src/app/views/metadatald/newCard.scala.html:12: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:25:25 #17 90.99 [warn] It would fail on the following inputs: JsArray(_), JsBoolean(_), JsNull, JsNumber(_), JsString(_), JsUndefined() build 04-May-2020 10:25:25 #17 90.99 [warn]  case o: JsObject => { build 04-May-2020 10:25:25 #17 90.99 [warn] ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:25 #17 91.00 [warn] /src/app/views/metadatald/newTableRow.scala.html:12: match may not be exhaustive. build 04-May-2020 10:25:25 #17 91.00 [warn] It would fail on the following inputs: JsArray(_), JsBoolean(_), JsNull, JsNumber(_), JsString(_), JsUndefined() build 04-May-2020 10:25:25 #17 91.00 [warn]  case o: JsObject => { build 04-May-2020 10:25:25 #17 91.00 [warn] ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:29 #17 94.78 [warn] /src/app/services/irods/IRODSPlugin.scala:9: Tag '@date' is not recognised build 04-May-2020 10:25:29 #17 94.78 [warn] /** build 04-May-2020 10:25:29 #17 94.78 [warn] ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:32 #17 98.05 [warn] /src/app/api/CurationObjects.scala:288: class DefaultHttpClient in package client is deprecated: see corresponding Javadoc for more information. build 04-May-2020 10:25:32 #17 98.05 [warn]  val client = new DefaultHttpClient build 04-May-2020 10:25:32 #17 98.05 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:32 #17 98.06 [warn] /src/app/api/Datasets.scala:223: value xmlMetadata in class File is deprecated: use Metadata build 04-May-2020 10:25:32 #17 98.06 [warn]  if (!file.xmlMetadata.isEmpty) { build 04-May-2020 10:25:32 #17 98.06 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:32 #17 98.06 [warn] /src/app/api/Datasets.scala:420: value xmlMetadata in class File is deprecated: use Metadata build 04-May-2020 10:25:32 #17 98.06 [warn]  if (!file.xmlMetadata.isEmpty){ build 04-May-2020 10:25:32 #17 98.06 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:32 #17 98.07 [warn] /src/app/api/Datasets.scala:499: value xmlMetadata in class File is deprecated: use Metadata build 04-May-2020 10:25:32 #17 98.07 [warn]  if (!file.xmlMetadata.isEmpty) build 04-May-2020 10:25:33 #17 98.07 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:33 #17 98.39 [warn] /src/app/models/Collection.scala:26: value jsonldMetadata in class Collection is deprecated: use Metadata build 04-May-2020 10:25:33 #17 98.39 [warn]  @deprecated("use Metadata","since the use of jsonld") jsonldMetadata : List[Metadata]= List.empty build 04-May-2020 10:25:33 #17 98.39 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:33 #17 98.39 [warn] /src/app/models/Collection.scala:6: value jsonldMetadata in class Collection is deprecated: use Metadata build 04-May-2020 10:25:33 #17 98.39 [warn] case class Collection( build 04-May-2020 10:25:33 #17 98.39 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:33 #17 98.44 [warn] /src/app/models/File.scala:31: value xmlMetadata in class File is deprecated: use Metadata build 04-May-2020 10:25:33 #17 98.44 [warn]  @deprecated("use Metadata","since the use of jsonld") xmlMetadata: Map[String, Any] = Map.empty, build 04-May-2020 10:25:33 #17 98.44 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:33 #17 98.45 [warn] /src/app/models/File.scala:13: value xmlMetadata in class File is deprecated: use Metadata build 04-May-2020 10:25:33 #17 98.45 [warn] case class File( build 04-May-2020 10:25:33 #17 98.45 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:33 #17 98.47 [warn] /src/app/models/Preview.scala:29: value jsonldMetadata in class Preview is deprecated: use Metadata build 04-May-2020 10:25:33 #17 98.47 [warn]  @deprecated("use Metadata","since the use of jsonld") jsonldMetadata : List[Metadata]= List.empty build 04-May-2020 10:25:33 #17 98.47 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:33 #17 98.48 [warn] /src/app/models/Preview.scala:10: value jsonldMetadata in class Preview is deprecated: use Metadata build 04-May-2020 10:25:33 #17 98.48 [warn] case class Preview( build 04-May-2020 10:25:33 #17 98.48 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:33 #17 98.49 [warn] /src/app/models/Section.scala:18: value jsonldMetadata in class Section is deprecated: use Metadata build 04-May-2020 10:25:33 #17 98.49 [warn]  @deprecated("use Metadata","since the use of jsonld") jsonldMetadata : List[Metadata]= List.empty, build 04-May-2020 10:25:33 #17 98.49 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:33 #17 98.49 [warn] /src/app/models/Section.scala:8: value jsonldMetadata in class Section is deprecated: use Metadata build 04-May-2020 10:25:33 #17 98.49 [warn] case class Section( build 04-May-2020 10:25:33 #17 98.49 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:33 #17 98.60 [warn] /src/app/services/RabbitmqPlugin.scala:199: method encode in object URLEncoder is deprecated: see corresponding Javadoc for more information. build 04-May-2020 10:25:33 #17 98.60 [warn]  vhost = URLEncoder.encode(factory.get.getVirtualHost) build 04-May-2020 10:25:33 #17 98.60 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:33 #17 98.66 [warn] /src/app/services/fourstore/FourStoreRdfSPARQLService.scala:25: class DefaultHttpClient in package client is deprecated: see corresponding Javadoc for more information. build 04-May-2020 10:25:33 #17 98.66 [warn]  val httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient() build 04-May-2020 10:25:33 #17 98.66 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:33 #17 98.66 [warn] /src/app/services/fourstore/FourStoreRdfSPARQLService.scala:25: class DefaultHttpClient in package client is deprecated: see corresponding Javadoc for more information. build 04-May-2020 10:25:33 #17 98.66 [warn]  val httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient() build 04-May-2020 10:25:33 #17 98.66 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:33 #17 98.66 [warn] /src/app/services/fourstore/FourStoreRdfSPARQLService.scala:53: class DefaultHttpClient in package client is deprecated: see corresponding Javadoc for more information. build 04-May-2020 10:25:33 #17 98.66 [warn]  val httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient() build 04-May-2020 10:25:33 #17 98.67 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:33 #17 98.67 [warn] /src/app/services/fourstore/FourStoreRdfSPARQLService.scala:53: class DefaultHttpClient in package client is deprecated: see corresponding Javadoc for more information. build 04-May-2020 10:25:33 #17 98.67 [warn]  val httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient() build 04-May-2020 10:25:33 #17 98.67 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:33 #17 98.67 [warn] /src/app/services/fourstore/FourStoreRdfSPARQLService.scala:81: class DefaultHttpClient in package client is deprecated: see corresponding Javadoc for more information. build 04-May-2020 10:25:33 #17 98.67 [warn]  val httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient() build 04-May-2020 10:25:33 #17 98.67 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:33 #17 98.67 [warn] /src/app/services/fourstore/FourStoreRdfSPARQLService.scala:81: class DefaultHttpClient in package client is deprecated: see corresponding Javadoc for more information. build 04-May-2020 10:25:33 #17 98.67 [warn]  val httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient() build 04-May-2020 10:25:33 #17 98.67 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:33 #17 98.67 [warn] /src/app/services/fourstore/FourStoreRdfSPARQLService.scala:110: class DefaultHttpClient in package client is deprecated: see corresponding Javadoc for more information. build 04-May-2020 10:25:33 #17 98.67 [warn]  val httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient() build 04-May-2020 10:25:33 #17 98.67 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:33 #17 98.67 [warn] /src/app/services/fourstore/FourStoreRdfSPARQLService.scala:110: class DefaultHttpClient in package client is deprecated: see corresponding Javadoc for more information. build 04-May-2020 10:25:33 #17 98.67 [warn]  val httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient() build 04-May-2020 10:25:33 #17 98.67 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:33 #17 98.67 [warn] /src/app/services/fourstore/FourStoreRdfSPARQLService.scala:128: class DefaultHttpClient in package client is deprecated: see corresponding Javadoc for more information. build 04-May-2020 10:25:33 #17 98.67 [warn]  val httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient() build 04-May-2020 10:25:33 #17 98.67 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:33 #17 98.67 [warn] /src/app/services/fourstore/FourStoreRdfSPARQLService.scala:128: class DefaultHttpClient in package client is deprecated: see corresponding Javadoc for more information. build 04-May-2020 10:25:33 #17 98.67 [warn]  val httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient() build 04-May-2020 10:25:33 #17 98.67 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:33 #17 98.68 [warn] /src/app/services/fourstore/FourStoreRdfSPARQLService.scala:146: class DefaultHttpClient in package client is deprecated: see corresponding Javadoc for more information. build 04-May-2020 10:25:33 #17 98.68 [warn]  val httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient() build 04-May-2020 10:25:33 #17 98.68 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:33 #17 98.68 [warn] /src/app/services/fourstore/FourStoreRdfSPARQLService.scala:146: class DefaultHttpClient in package client is deprecated: see corresponding Javadoc for more information. build 04-May-2020 10:25:33 #17 98.68 [warn]  val httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient() build 04-May-2020 10:25:33 #17 98.68 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:33 #17 98.68 [warn] /src/app/services/fourstore/FourStoreRdfSPARQLService.scala:204: class DefaultHttpClient in package client is deprecated: see corresponding Javadoc for more information. build 04-May-2020 10:25:33 #17 98.68 [warn]  val httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient() build 04-May-2020 10:25:33 #17 98.68 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:33 #17 98.68 [warn] /src/app/services/fourstore/FourStoreRdfSPARQLService.scala:204: class DefaultHttpClient in package client is deprecated: see corresponding Javadoc for more information. build 04-May-2020 10:25:33 #17 98.68 [warn]  val httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient() build 04-May-2020 10:25:33 #17 98.68 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:33 #17 98.68 [warn] /src/app/services/fourstore/FourStoreRdfSPARQLService.scala:225: class DefaultHttpClient in package client is deprecated: see corresponding Javadoc for more information. build 04-May-2020 10:25:33 #17 98.68 [warn]  val httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient() build 04-May-2020 10:25:33 #17 98.68 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:33 #17 98.68 [warn] /src/app/services/fourstore/FourStoreRdfSPARQLService.scala:225: class DefaultHttpClient in package client is deprecated: see corresponding Javadoc for more information. build 04-May-2020 10:25:33 #17 98.68 [warn]  val httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient() build 04-May-2020 10:25:33 #17 98.68 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:33 #17 98.79 [warn] /src/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBFileService.scala:816: value xmlMetadata in class File is deprecated: use Metadata build 04-May-2020 10:25:33 #17 98.79 [warn]  if(!file.xmlMetadata.isEmpty){ build 04-May-2020 10:25:33 #17 98.79 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:33 #17 98.86 [warn] /src/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBPreviewService.scala:171: class DefaultHttpClient in package client is deprecated: see corresponding Javadoc for more information. build 04-May-2020 10:25:33 #17 98.86 [warn]  val httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient() build 04-May-2020 10:25:33 #17 98.86 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:33 #17 98.86 [warn] /src/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBPreviewService.scala:171: class DefaultHttpClient in package client is deprecated: see corresponding Javadoc for more information. build 04-May-2020 10:25:33 #17 98.86 [warn]  val httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient() build 04-May-2020 10:25:33 #17 98.86 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:33 #17 98.99 [warn] /src/app/util/FileUtils.scala:280: value jsonldMetadata in class Preview is deprecated: use Metadata build 04-May-2020 10:25:33 #17 98.99 [warn]  val currentMetadata = currentPreview.jsonldMetadata build 04-May-2020 10:25:33 #17 98.99 [warn]  ^ build 04-May-2020 10:25:34 #17 99.20 [warn] /src/conf/routes:363: method upload in class Files is deprecated build 04-May-2020 10:25:34 #17 99.20 [warn] POST /api/files @api.Files.upload(showPreviews: String ?= "DatasetLevel", originalZipFile: String ?= "", flags: String ?= "") build 04-May-2020 10:25:34 #17 99.33 [warn] /src/conf/routes:363: method upload in class Files is deprecated build 04-May-2020 10:25:34 #17 99.33 [warn] POST /api/files @api.Files.upload(showPreviews: String ?= "DatasetLevel", originalZipFile: String ?= "", flags: String ?= "") build 04-May-2020 10:25:34 #17 99.34 [warn] /src/conf/routes:364: method upload in class Files is deprecated build 04-May-2020 10:25:34 #17 99.34 [warn] POST /api/files/withFlags/:flags @api.Files.upload(showPreviews: String ?= "DatasetLevel", originalZipFile: String ?= "", flags: String) build 04-May-2020 10:25:37 #17 103.1 [warn] 53 warnings found build 04-May-2020 10:25:38 #17 103.1 [info] Main Scala API documentation successful. build 04-May-2020 10:25:38 #17 103.2 [info] Packaging /src/target/scala-2.10/clowder_2.10-1.8.3-SNAPSHOT-javadoc.jar ... build 04-May-2020 10:25:38 #17 104.0 [info] Done packaging. build 04-May-2020 10:26:22 #17 147.2 [warn] 174 warnings found build 04-May-2020 10:26:23 #17 148.6 [warn] warning: [options] bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with -source 1.7 build 04-May-2020 10:26:23 #17 148.6 [warn] 1 warning build 04-May-2020 10:26:31 #17 156.4 [info] Packaging /src/target/scala-2.10/clowder_2.10-1.8.3-SNAPSHOT.jar ... build 04-May-2020 10:26:33 #17 159.0 [info] Done packaging. build 04-May-2020 10:26:40 #17 165.7 [info]  build 04-May-2020 10:26:40 #17 165.7 [info] Your package is ready in /src/target/universal/ build 04-May-2020 10:26:40 #17 165.7 [info]  build 04-May-2020 10:26:40 #17 165.7 [success] Total time: 161 s, completed May 4, 2020 3:26:40 PM build 04-May-2020 10:26:40 #17 165.8 total 96000 build 04-May-2020 10:26:40 #17 165.8 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 98299482 May 4 15:26 build 04-May-2020 10:26:40 #17 165.8 drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 May 4 15:26 tmp build 04-May-2020 10:26:42 #17 167.5 total 1228 build 04-May-2020 10:26:42 #17 167.5 drwxr-xr-x 13 root root 4096 May 4 15:23 app build 04-May-2020 10:26:42 #17 167.5 drwxr-xr-x 6 root root 4096 May 4 15:26 clowder-1.8.3-SNAPSHOT build 04-May-2020 10:26:42 #17 167.5 drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 May 4 15:23 conf build 04-May-2020 10:26:42 #17 167.5 drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 May 4 15:23 lib build 04-May-2020 10:26:42 #17 167.5 drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4096 May 4 15:19 project build 04-May-2020 10:26:42 #17 167.5 drwxr-xr-x 12 root root 4096 May 4 15:23 public build 04-May-2020 10:26:42 #17 167.5 -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 164 May 4 15:14 sbt build 04-May-2020 10:26:42 #17 167.5 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 5821 May 4 15:14 sbt-launch-lib.bash build 04-May-2020 10:26:42 #17 167.5 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1208385 May 4 15:14 sbt-launch.jar build 04-May-2020 10:26:42 #17 167.5 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 164 May 4 15:14 sbt.bat build 04-May-2020 10:26:42 #17 167.5 drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4096 May 4 15:26 target build 04-May-2020 10:26:43 #17 completed: 2020-05-04 15:26:43.051889184 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:26:43 #17 duration: 2m48.157496222s build 04-May-2020 10:26:43 build 04-May-2020 10:26:44 build 04-May-2020 10:26:44 #18 [stage-1 3/6] COPY --from=clowder-build /src/clowder /home/clowder/ build 04-May-2020 10:26:44 #18 digest: sha256:0aed519350935676363c3d143c871a237ea6707cfd4a1fedb9319e521301efea build 04-May-2020 10:26:44 #18 name: "[stage-1 3/6] COPY --from=clowder-build /src/clowder /home/clowder/" build 04-May-2020 10:26:44 #18 started: 2020-05-04 15:26:44.515543175 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:26:45 #18 completed: 2020-05-04 15:26:45.655631753 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:26:45 #18 duration: 1.140088578s build 04-May-2020 10:26:45 build 04-May-2020 10:26:45 build 04-May-2020 10:26:45 #19 [stage-1 4/6] COPY docker/ docker/ /home/clowder... build 04-May-2020 10:26:45 #19 digest: sha256:15d07344fefa763efa1d968bd3f3a507b4dde2ca939a3d4d1bdd654134780c67 build 04-May-2020 10:26:45 #19 name: "[stage-1 4/6] COPY docker/ docker/ /home/clowder/" build 04-May-2020 10:26:45 #19 started: 2020-05-04 15:26:45.676945693 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:26:46 #19 completed: 2020-05-04 15:26:46.46688851 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:26:46 #19 duration: 789.942817ms build 04-May-2020 10:26:46 build 04-May-2020 10:26:46 build 04-May-2020 10:26:46 #20 [stage-1 5/6] COPY docker/custom.conf docker/play.plugins /home/clowder/... build 04-May-2020 10:26:46 #20 digest: sha256:469beda7a739b7db17d1a5235cc3e5e6c05a4a7cbf8135cd94d72f86b3f60952 build 04-May-2020 10:26:46 #20 name: "[stage-1 5/6] COPY docker/custom.conf docker/play.plugins /home/clowder/custom/" build 04-May-2020 10:26:46 #20 started: 2020-05-04 15:26:46.48653189 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:26:47 #20 completed: 2020-05-04 15:26:47.20938214 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:26:47 #20 duration: 722.85025ms build 04-May-2020 10:26:47 build 04-May-2020 10:26:47 build 04-May-2020 10:26:47 #21 [stage-1 6/6] RUN mkdir -p /home/clowder/data && chgrp -R 0 /home/cl... build 04-May-2020 10:26:47 #21 digest: sha256:dc729211e61d7041c11eb7234626cb46c197d56a688d1c9e8711166198245ac1 build 04-May-2020 10:26:47 #21 name: "[stage-1 6/6] RUN mkdir -p /home/clowder/data && chgrp -R 0 /home/clowder/ && chmod g+w /home/clowder/logs /home/clowder/data /home/clowder/custom" build 04-May-2020 10:26:47 #21 started: 2020-05-04 15:26:47.229672696 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:27:50 #21 completed: 2020-05-04 15:27:50.026022672 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:27:50 #21 duration: 1m2.796349976s build 04-May-2020 10:27:50 build 04-May-2020 10:27:50 build 04-May-2020 10:27:50 #22 exporting to image build 04-May-2020 10:27:50 #22 digest: sha256:b41dab95942fc0dc6e66a09a2ec620774426c8309ff6d2bb78c4eae8424a2767 build 04-May-2020 10:27:50 #22 name: "exporting to image" build 04-May-2020 10:27:50 #22 started: 2020-05-04 15:27:50.209623828 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:27:50 #22 exporting layers build 04-May-2020 10:27:52 #22 exporting layers 2.7s done build 04-May-2020 10:27:53 #22 writing image sha256:5f197143d5fa8574f76a408fbc68a71ce7b5c0b787b744c3a2400286f60c6ebe build 04-May-2020 10:27:53 #22 writing image sha256:5f197143d5fa8574f76a408fbc68a71ce7b5c0b787b744c3a2400286f60c6ebe 0.1s done build 04-May-2020 10:27:53 #22 naming to build 04-May-2020 10:27:53 #22 completed: 2020-05-04 15:27:53.191259846 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:27:53 #22 duration: 2.981636018s build 04-May-2020 10:27:53 #22 naming to 0.1s done build 04-May-2020 10:27:53 build 04-May-2020 10:27:53 build 04-May-2020 10:27:53 #2 [internal] load .dockerignore build 04-May-2020 10:27:53 #2 digest: sha256:c68da0168a34e72f9fb2701f73fd76df7a21ec26284ca3d907f9fe9ef51e5ecd build 04-May-2020 10:27:53 #2 name: "[internal] load .dockerignore" build 04-May-2020 10:27:53 #2 started: 2020-05-04 15:27:53.23387122 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:27:54 #2 transferring context: 2B done build 04-May-2020 10:27:54 #2 completed: 2020-05-04 15:27:54.688977215 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:27:54 #2 duration: 1.455105995s build 04-May-2020 10:27:54 build 04-May-2020 10:27:54 build 04-May-2020 10:27:54 #1 [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile build 04-May-2020 10:27:54 #1 digest: sha256:c1c392825b51fb5303d5e3cd072a4c5d6a531a56696e15f9a1e928efd05f1b5a build 04-May-2020 10:27:54 #1 name: "[internal] load build definition from Dockerfile" build 04-May-2020 10:27:54 #1 started: 2020-05-04 15:27:53.233365728 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:27:54 #1 transferring dockerfile: 611B done build 04-May-2020 10:27:54 #1 completed: 2020-05-04 15:27:54.787846621 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:27:54 #1 duration: 1.554480893s build 04-May-2020 10:27:54 build 04-May-2020 10:27:54 build 04-May-2020 10:27:54 #3 [internal] load metadata for build 04-May-2020 10:27:54 #3 digest: sha256:8dff2c23d5907ba94f7c361d130cc16c98c9f3ad54aa1c116e150ea96355a327 build 04-May-2020 10:27:54 #3 name: "[internal] load metadata for" build 04-May-2020 10:27:54 #3 started: 2020-05-04 15:27:54.86422323 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:27:55 #3 completed: 2020-05-04 15:27:55.173206515 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:27:55 #3 duration: 308.983285ms build 04-May-2020 10:27:55 build 04-May-2020 10:27:55 build 04-May-2020 10:27:55 #4 [internal] helper image for file operations build 04-May-2020 10:27:55 #4 digest: sha256:e4c43493b1bb2320466c52248e886014710025b273f224bb96a23b8fb7a1d193 build 04-May-2020 10:27:55 #4 name: "[internal] helper image for file operations" build 04-May-2020 10:27:55 #4 started: 2020-05-04 15:27:55.174010695 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:27:55 #4 completed: 2020-05-04 15:27:55.174186549 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:27:55 #4 duration: 175.854µs build 04-May-2020 10:27:55 #4 started: 2020-05-04 15:27:55.174339023 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:27:55 #4 completed: 2020-05-04 15:27:55.174369307 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:27:55 #4 duration: 30.284µs build 04-May-2020 10:27:55 #4 cached: true build 04-May-2020 10:27:55 build 04-May-2020 10:27:55 build 04-May-2020 10:27:55 #5 [1/3] FROM build 04-May-2020 10:27:55 #5 digest: sha256:40370f4faecba84b0413d476ec0e923218726d0f8ae2d40f7e25f669652b4d4e build 04-May-2020 10:27:55 #5 name: "[1/3] FROM" build 04-May-2020 10:27:55 #5 started: 2020-05-04 15:27:55.174000238 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:27:55 #5 completed: 2020-05-04 15:27:55.174147311 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:27:55 #5 duration: 147.073µs build 04-May-2020 10:27:55 #5 started: 2020-05-04 15:27:55.174334016 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:27:55 #5 completed: 2020-05-04 15:27:55.175108351 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:27:55 #5 duration: 774.335µs build 04-May-2020 10:27:55 #5 started: 2020-05-04 15:27:55.175211672 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:27:55 #5 resolve done build 04-May-2020 10:27:55 #5 sha256:db6697a61d5679b7ca69dbde3dad6be0d17064d5b6b0e9f7be8d456ebb337209 1.42kB / 1.42kB done build 04-May-2020 10:27:55 #5 sha256:a4fc0c40360ff2224db3a483e5d80e9164fe3fdce2a8439d2686270643974632 1.15kB / 1.15kB done build 04-May-2020 10:27:55 #5 sha256:005d2078bdfab5066ae941cea93f644f5fd25521849c870f4e1496f4526d1d5b 3.40kB / 3.40kB done build 04-May-2020 10:27:55 #5 sha256:e92ed755c008afc1863a616a5ba743b670c09c1698f7328f05591932452a425f 0B / 44.25MB 0.1s build 04-May-2020 10:27:55 #5 sha256:b9fd7cb1ff8f489cf082781b0e1fe0c13b840e20147e8fc8204b4592da7c2f70 0B / 526B 0.1s build 04-May-2020 10:27:55 #5 sha256:ee690f2d57a128744cf4c5b52646ad0ba7a5af113d9d7e0e02b62c06d35fd14c 0B / 853B 0.1s build 04-May-2020 10:27:55 #7 ... build 04-May-2020 10:27:55 build 04-May-2020 10:27:55 #7 [internal] load build context build 04-May-2020 10:27:55 #7 digest: sha256:ebc9280cb42395a0553d51d95f2fe4428bd16053b01b25904644ca399ef3c473 build 04-May-2020 10:27:55 #7 name: "[internal] load build context" build 04-May-2020 10:27:55 #7 started: 2020-05-04 15:27:55.174183037 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:27:55 #7 completed: 2020-05-04 15:27:55.174223079 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:27:55 #7 duration: 40.042µs build 04-May-2020 10:27:55 #7 started: 2020-05-04 15:27:55.174385151 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:27:55 #7 completed: 2020-05-04 15:27:55.350544927 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:27:55 #7 duration: 176.159776ms build 04-May-2020 10:27:55 #7 transferring context: 12.56kB done build 04-May-2020 10:27:55 build 04-May-2020 10:27:55 build 04-May-2020 10:27:55 #5 [1/3] FROM build 04-May-2020 10:27:55 #5 sha256:e92ed755c008afc1863a616a5ba743b670c09c1698f7328f05591932452a425f 18.98MB / 44.25MB 0.5s build 04-May-2020 10:27:55 #5 sha256:b9fd7cb1ff8f489cf082781b0e1fe0c13b840e20147e8fc8204b4592da7c2f70 526B / 526B 0.4s done build 04-May-2020 10:27:55 #5 sha256:ee690f2d57a128744cf4c5b52646ad0ba7a5af113d9d7e0e02b62c06d35fd14c 853B / 853B 0.4s done build 04-May-2020 10:27:55 #5 sha256:53e3366ec435596bed2563cc882ba47ec25df6be2b1027e3243e83589c667c1e 0B / 170B 0.5s build 04-May-2020 10:27:55 #5 sha256:e92ed755c008afc1863a616a5ba743b670c09c1698f7328f05591932452a425f 33.66MB / 44.25MB 0.6s build 04-May-2020 10:27:55 #5 sha256:53e3366ec435596bed2563cc882ba47ec25df6be2b1027e3243e83589c667c1e 170B / 170B 0.5s done build 04-May-2020 10:27:55 #5 sha256:e92ed755c008afc1863a616a5ba743b670c09c1698f7328f05591932452a425f 44.25MB / 44.25MB 0.7s build 04-May-2020 10:27:56 #5 sha256:e92ed755c008afc1863a616a5ba743b670c09c1698f7328f05591932452a425f 44.25MB / 44.25MB 1.5s done build 04-May-2020 10:27:56 #5 extracting sha256:e92ed755c008afc1863a616a5ba743b670c09c1698f7328f05591932452a425f build 04-May-2020 10:27:58 #5 extracting sha256:e92ed755c008afc1863a616a5ba743b670c09c1698f7328f05591932452a425f 1.7s done build 04-May-2020 10:27:59 #5 extracting sha256:b9fd7cb1ff8f489cf082781b0e1fe0c13b840e20147e8fc8204b4592da7c2f70 done build 04-May-2020 10:27:59 #5 extracting sha256:ee690f2d57a128744cf4c5b52646ad0ba7a5af113d9d7e0e02b62c06d35fd14c done build 04-May-2020 10:27:59 #5 extracting sha256:53e3366ec435596bed2563cc882ba47ec25df6be2b1027e3243e83589c667c1e done build 04-May-2020 10:28:00 #5 completed: 2020-05-04 15:28:00.318183075 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:28:00 #5 duration: 5.142971403s build 04-May-2020 10:28:00 build 04-May-2020 10:28:00 build 04-May-2020 10:28:00 #6 [2/3] RUN apt-get -y update && apt-get -y install curl unzip docker.... build 04-May-2020 10:28:00 #6 digest: sha256:b6be58069c153cfca8499fed5ce2ddf9b85cb6c5a1d32a74832173430270f700 build 04-May-2020 10:28:00 #6 name: "[2/3] RUN apt-get -y update && apt-get -y install curl unzip python python-dev python-pip && pip install flask-restful && pip install arrow && apt-get clean all && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /tmp/* /var/tmp/* ;" build 04-May-2020 10:28:00 #6 started: 2020-05-04 15:28:00.3444941 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:28:01 #6 0.977 Get:1 xenial-security InRelease [109 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:01 #6 0.981 Get:2 xenial InRelease [247 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:01 #6 1.455 Get:3 xenial-security/main amd64 Packages [1101 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:01 #6 1.470 Get:4 xenial-updates InRelease [109 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:02 #6 1.590 Get:5 xenial-backports InRelease [107 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:02 #6 1.683 Get:6 xenial/main amd64 Packages [1558 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:02 #6 1.875 Get:7 xenial-security/restricted amd64 Packages [12.7 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:02 #6 1.876 Get:8 xenial-security/universe amd64 Packages [624 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:02 #6 1.909 Get:9 xenial-security/multiverse amd64 Packages [6680 B] build 04-May-2020 10:28:02 #6 1.938 Get:10 xenial/restricted amd64 Packages [14.1 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:02 #6 1.938 Get:11 xenial/universe amd64 Packages [9827 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:02 #6 2.291 Get:12 xenial/multiverse amd64 Packages [176 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:02 #6 2.294 Get:13 xenial-updates/main amd64 Packages [1470 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:02 #6 2.341 Get:14 xenial-updates/restricted amd64 Packages [13.1 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:02 #6 2.342 Get:15 xenial-updates/universe amd64 Packages [1029 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:02 #6 2.382 Get:16 xenial-updates/multiverse amd64 Packages [19.7 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:02 #6 2.383 Get:17 xenial-backports/main amd64 Packages [7942 B] build 04-May-2020 10:28:02 #6 2.384 Get:18 xenial-backports/universe amd64 Packages [8807 B] build 04-May-2020 10:28:03 #6 3.302 Fetched 16.4 MB in 2s (6516 kB/s) build 04-May-2020 10:28:04 #6 3.302 Reading package lists... build 04-May-2020 10:28:05 #6 4.275 Reading package lists... build 04-May-2020 10:28:05 #6 5.252 Building dependency tree... build 04-May-2020 10:28:05 #6 5.385 Reading state information... build 04-May-2020 10:28:05 #6 5.508 The following additional packages will be installed: build 04-May-2020 10:28:05 #6 5.508 apparmor binutils bridge-utils build-essential bzip2 ca-certificates build 04-May-2020 10:28:05 #6 5.509 cgroupfs-mount containerd cpp cpp-5 dbus dh-python dns-root-data build 04-May-2020 10:28:05 #6 5.509 dnsmasq-base dpkg-dev fakeroot file g++ g++-5 gcc gcc-5 git git-man ifupdown build 04-May-2020 10:28:05 #6 5.509 iproute2 iptables isc-dhcp-client isc-dhcp-common krb5-locales less build 04-May-2020 10:28:05 #6 5.509 libalgorithm-diff-perl libalgorithm-diff-xs-perl libalgorithm-merge-perl build 04-May-2020 10:28:05 #6 5.509 libapparmor-perl libasan2 libasn1-8-heimdal libatm1 libatomic1 libbsd0 build 04-May-2020 10:28:05 #6 5.509 libc-dev-bin libc6-dev libcap-ng0 libcc1-0 libcilkrts5 libcurl3-gnutls build 04-May-2020 10:28:05 #6 5.509 libdbus-1-3 libdns-export162 libdpkg-perl libedit2 liberror-perl libexpat1 build 04-May-2020 10:28:05 #6 5.509 libexpat1-dev libfakeroot libffi6 libfile-fcntllock-perl libgcc-5-dev build 04-May-2020 10:28:05 #6 5.509 libgdbm3 libgmp10 libgnutls30 libgomp1 libgssapi-krb5-2 libgssapi3-heimdal build 04-May-2020 10:28:05 #6 5.509 libhcrypto4-heimdal libheimbase1-heimdal libheimntlm0-heimdal libhogweed4 build 04-May-2020 10:28:05 #6 5.509 libhx509-5-heimdal libidn11 libisc-export160 libisl15 libitm1 libk5crypto3 build 04-May-2020 10:28:05 #6 5.509 libkeyutils1 libkrb5-26-heimdal libkrb5-3 libkrb5support0 libldap-2.4-2 build 04-May-2020 10:28:05 #6 5.509 liblsan0 libmagic1 libmnl0 libmpc3 libmpdec2 libmpfr4 libmpx0 build 04-May-2020 10:28:05 #6 5.509 libnetfilter-conntrack3 libnettle6 libnfnetlink0 libp11-kit0 libperl5.22 build 04-May-2020 10:28:05 #6 5.509 libpopt0 libpython-all-dev libpython-dev libpython-stdlib libpython2.7 build 04-May-2020 10:28:05 #6 5.509 libpython2.7-dev libpython2.7-minimal libpython2.7-stdlib libpython3-stdlib build 04-May-2020 10:28:05 #6 5.509 libpython3.5-minimal libpython3.5-stdlib libquadmath0 libroken18-heimdal build 04-May-2020 10:28:05 #6 5.509 librtmp1 libsasl2-2 libsasl2-modules libsasl2-modules-db libsqlite3-0 build 04-May-2020 10:28:05 #6 5.509 libssl1.0.0 libstdc++-5-dev libtasn1-6 libtsan0 libubsan0 libwind0-heimdal build 04-May-2020 10:28:05 #6 5.509 libx11-6 libx11-data libxau6 libxcb1 libxdmcp6 libxext6 libxmuu1 build 04-May-2020 10:28:05 #6 5.509 libxtables11 linux-libc-dev make manpages manpages-dev mime-support netbase build 04-May-2020 10:28:05 #6 5.509 netcat netcat-traditional openssh-client openssl patch perl build 04-May-2020 10:28:05 #6 5.509 perl-modules-5.22 pigz python-all python-all-dev python-minimal build 04-May-2020 10:28:05 #6 5.509 python-pip-whl python-pkg-resources python-setuptools python-wheel python2.7 build 04-May-2020 10:28:05 #6 5.510 python2.7-dev python2.7-minimal python3 python3-minimal python3.5 build 04-May-2020 10:28:05 #6 5.510 python3.5-minimal rename rsync runc ubuntu-fan xauth xz-utils build 04-May-2020 10:28:05 #6 5.511 Suggested packages: build 04-May-2020 10:28:05 #6 5.511 apparmor-profiles apparmor-profiles-extra apparmor-docs apparmor-utils build 04-May-2020 10:28:05 #6 5.511 binutils-doc bzip2-doc mountall cpp-doc gcc-5-locales dbus-user-session build 04-May-2020 10:28:05 #6 5.511 | dbus-x11 aufs-tools btrfs-tools debootstrap docker-doc rinse zfs-fuse build 04-May-2020 10:28:05 #6 5.511 | zfsutils debian-keyring g++-multilib g++-5-multilib gcc-5-doc build 04-May-2020 10:28:05 #6 5.511 libstdc++6-5-dbg gcc-multilib autoconf automake libtool flex bison gdb build 04-May-2020 10:28:05 #6 5.511 gcc-doc gcc-5-multilib libgcc1-dbg libgomp1-dbg libitm1-dbg libatomic1-dbg build 04-May-2020 10:28:05 #6 5.511 libasan2-dbg liblsan0-dbg libtsan0-dbg libubsan0-dbg libcilkrts5-dbg build 04-May-2020 10:28:05 #6 5.511 libmpx0-dbg libquadmath0-dbg gettext-base git-daemon-run build 04-May-2020 10:28:05 #6 5.511 | git-daemon-sysvinit git-doc git-el git-email git-gui gitk gitweb git-arch build 04-May-2020 10:28:05 #6 5.511 git-cvs git-mediawiki git-svn ppp rdnssd iproute2-doc resolvconf build 04-May-2020 10:28:05 #6 5.511 avahi-autoipd isc-dhcp-client-ddns glibc-doc gnutls-bin krb5-doc krb5-user build 04-May-2020 10:28:05 #6 5.511 libsasl2-modules-otp libsasl2-modules-ldap libsasl2-modules-sql build 04-May-2020 10:28:05 #6 5.511 libsasl2-modules-gssapi-mit | libsasl2-modules-gssapi-heimdal build 04-May-2020 10:28:05 #6 5.511 libstdc++-5-doc make-doc man-browser ssh-askpass libpam-ssh keychain build 04-May-2020 10:28:05 #6 5.511 monkeysphere ed diffutils-doc perl-doc libterm-readline-gnu-perl build 04-May-2020 10:28:05 #6 5.511 | libterm-readline-perl-perl python-doc python-tk python-setuptools-doc build 04-May-2020 10:28:05 #6 5.511 python2.7-doc binfmt-support python3-doc python3-tk python3-venv build 04-May-2020 10:28:05 #6 5.511 python3.5-venv python3.5-doc openssh-server zip build 04-May-2020 10:28:05 #6 5.511 The following NEW packages will be installed: build 04-May-2020 10:28:05 #6 5.511 apparmor binutils bridge-utils build-essential bzip2 ca-certificates build 04-May-2020 10:28:05 #6 5.511 cgroupfs-mount containerd cpp cpp-5 curl dbus dh-python dns-root-data build 04-May-2020 10:28:05 #6 5.512 dnsmasq-base dpkg-dev fakeroot file g++ g++-5 gcc gcc-5 git build 04-May-2020 10:28:05 #6 5.512 git-man ifupdown iproute2 iptables isc-dhcp-client isc-dhcp-common build 04-May-2020 10:28:05 #6 5.512 krb5-locales less libalgorithm-diff-perl libalgorithm-diff-xs-perl build 04-May-2020 10:28:05 #6 5.512 libalgorithm-merge-perl libapparmor-perl libasan2 libasn1-8-heimdal libatm1 build 04-May-2020 10:28:05 #6 5.512 libatomic1 libbsd0 libc-dev-bin libc6-dev libcap-ng0 libcc1-0 libcilkrts5 build 04-May-2020 10:28:05 #6 5.512 libcurl3-gnutls libdbus-1-3 libdns-export162 libdpkg-perl libedit2 build 04-May-2020 10:28:05 #6 5.512 liberror-perl libexpat1 libexpat1-dev libfakeroot libffi6 build 04-May-2020 10:28:05 #6 5.512 libfile-fcntllock-perl libgcc-5-dev libgdbm3 libgmp10 libgnutls30 libgomp1 build 04-May-2020 10:28:05 #6 5.512 libgssapi-krb5-2 libgssapi3-heimdal libhcrypto4-heimdal libheimbase1-heimdal build 04-May-2020 10:28:05 #6 5.512 libheimntlm0-heimdal libhogweed4 libhx509-5-heimdal libidn11 build 04-May-2020 10:28:05 #6 5.512 libisc-export160 libisl15 libitm1 libk5crypto3 libkeyutils1 build 04-May-2020 10:28:05 #6 5.512 libkrb5-26-heimdal libkrb5-3 libkrb5support0 libldap-2.4-2 liblsan0 build 04-May-2020 10:28:05 #6 5.512 libmagic1 libmnl0 libmpc3 libmpdec2 libmpfr4 libmpx0 libnetfilter-conntrack3 build 04-May-2020 10:28:05 #6 5.512 libnettle6 libnfnetlink0 libp11-kit0 libperl5.22 libpopt0 libpython-all-dev build 04-May-2020 10:28:05 #6 5.512 libpython-dev libpython-stdlib libpython2.7 libpython2.7-dev build 04-May-2020 10:28:05 #6 5.512 libpython2.7-minimal libpython2.7-stdlib libpython3-stdlib build 04-May-2020 10:28:05 #6 5.512 libpython3.5-minimal libpython3.5-stdlib libquadmath0 libroken18-heimdal build 04-May-2020 10:28:05 #6 5.512 librtmp1 libsasl2-2 libsasl2-modules libsasl2-modules-db libsqlite3-0 build 04-May-2020 10:28:05 #6 5.512 libssl1.0.0 libstdc++-5-dev libtasn1-6 libtsan0 libubsan0 libwind0-heimdal build 04-May-2020 10:28:05 #6 5.512 libx11-6 libx11-data libxau6 libxcb1 libxdmcp6 libxext6 libxmuu1 build 04-May-2020 10:28:05 #6 5.512 libxtables11 linux-libc-dev make manpages manpages-dev mime-support netbase build 04-May-2020 10:28:05 #6 5.512 netcat netcat-traditional openssh-client openssl patch perl build 04-May-2020 10:28:05 #6 5.512 perl-modules-5.22 pigz python python-all python-all-dev python-dev build 04-May-2020 10:28:05 #6 5.512 python-minimal python-pip python-pip-whl python-pkg-resources build 04-May-2020 10:28:05 #6 5.512 python-setuptools python-wheel python2.7 python2.7-dev python2.7-minimal build 04-May-2020 10:28:05 #6 5.512 python3 python3-minimal python3.5 python3.5-minimal rename rsync runc build 04-May-2020 10:28:05 #6 5.512 ubuntu-fan unzip xauth xz-utils build 04-May-2020 10:28:06 #6 5.986 0 upgraded, 161 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. build 04-May-2020 10:28:06 #6 5.986 Need to get 153 MB of archives. build 04-May-2020 10:28:06 #6 5.986 After this operation, 602 MB of additional disk space will be used. build 04-May-2020 10:28:06 #6 5.986 Get:1 xenial/main amd64 libatm1 amd64 1:2.5.1-1.5 [24.2 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:06 #6 6.199 Get:2 xenial/main amd64 libmnl0 amd64 1.0.3-5 [12.0 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:06 #6 6.222 Get:3 xenial/main amd64 libpopt0 amd64 1.16-10 [26.0 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:06 #6 6.273 Get:4 xenial-updates/main amd64 libssl1.0.0 amd64 1.0.2g-1ubuntu4.15 [1084 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:07 #6 6.684 Get:5 xenial-updates/main amd64 libpython3.5-minimal amd64 3.5.2-2ubuntu0~16.04.10 [525 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:07 #6 6.734 Get:6 xenial-updates/main amd64 libexpat1 amd64 2.1.0-7ubuntu0.16.04.5 [71.5 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:07 #6 6.737 Get:7 xenial-updates/main amd64 python3.5-minimal amd64 3.5.2-2ubuntu0~16.04.10 [1597 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:07 #6 6.824 Get:8 xenial/main amd64 python3-minimal amd64 3.5.1-3 [23.3 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:07 #6 6.826 Get:9 xenial/main amd64 mime-support all 3.59ubuntu1 [31.0 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:07 #6 6.827 Get:10 xenial/main amd64 libmpdec2 amd64 2.4.2-1 [82.6 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:07 #6 6.831 Get:11 xenial-updates/main amd64 libsqlite3-0 amd64 3.11.0-1ubuntu1.4 [398 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:07 #6 6.843 Get:12 xenial-updates/main amd64 libpython3.5-stdlib amd64 3.5.2-2ubuntu0~16.04.10 [2135 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:07 #6 6.903 Get:13 xenial-updates/main amd64 python3.5 amd64 3.5.2-2ubuntu0~16.04.10 [165 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:07 #6 6.916 Get:14 xenial/main amd64 libpython3-stdlib amd64 3.5.1-3 [6818 B] build 04-May-2020 10:28:07 #6 6.917 Get:15 xenial-updates/main amd64 dh-python all 2.20151103ubuntu1.2 [73.9 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:07 #6 6.918 Get:16 xenial/main amd64 python3 amd64 3.5.1-3 [8710 B] build 04-May-2020 10:28:07 #6 6.956 Get:17 xenial/main amd64 libgdbm3 amd64 1.8.3-13.1 [16.9 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:07 #6 6.956 Get:18 xenial/main amd64 libnfnetlink0 amd64 1.0.1-3 [13.3 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:07 #6 6.957 Get:19 xenial/main amd64 libxau6 amd64 1:1.0.8-1 [8376 B] build 04-May-2020 10:28:07 #6 6.957 Get:20 xenial/main amd64 libxdmcp6 amd64 1:1.1.2-1.1 [11.0 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:07 #6 6.958 Get:21 xenial/main amd64 libxcb1 amd64 1.11.1-1ubuntu1 [40.0 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:07 #6 7.046 Get:22 xenial-updates/main amd64 libx11-data all 2:1.6.3-1ubuntu2.1 [113 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:07 #6 7.048 Get:23 xenial-updates/main amd64 libx11-6 amd64 2:1.6.3-1ubuntu2.1 [570 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:07 #6 7.056 Get:24 xenial/main amd64 libxext6 amd64 2:1.3.3-1 [29.4 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:07 #6 7.056 Get:25 xenial-updates/main amd64 perl-modules-5.22 all 5.22.1-9ubuntu0.6 [2629 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:07 #6 7.142 Get:26 xenial-updates/main amd64 libperl5.22 amd64 5.22.1-9ubuntu0.6 [3405 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:07 #6 7.239 Get:27 xenial-updates/main amd64 perl amd64 5.22.1-9ubuntu0.6 [237 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:07 #6 7.244 Get:28 xenial-updates/main amd64 libpython2.7-minimal amd64 2.7.12-1ubuntu0~16.04.11 [338 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:07 #6 7.249 Get:29 xenial-updates/main amd64 python2.7-minimal amd64 2.7.12-1ubuntu0~16.04.11 [1261 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:07 #6 7.265 Get:30 xenial-updates/main amd64 python-minimal amd64 2.7.12-1~16.04 [28.1 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:07 #6 7.266 Get:31 xenial/main amd64 libffi6 amd64 3.2.1-4 [17.8 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:07 #6 7.266 Get:32 xenial-updates/main amd64 libpython2.7-stdlib amd64 2.7.12-1ubuntu0~16.04.11 [1884 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:07 #6 7.345 Get:33 xenial-updates/main amd64 python2.7 amd64 2.7.12-1ubuntu0~16.04.11 [224 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:07 #6 7.349 Get:34 xenial-updates/main amd64 libpython-stdlib amd64 2.7.12-1~16.04 [7768 B] build 04-May-2020 10:28:07 #6 7.349 Get:35 xenial-updates/main amd64 python amd64 2.7.12-1~16.04 [137 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:07 #6 7.410 Get:36 xenial/main amd64 libgmp10 amd64 2:6.1.0+dfsg-2 [240 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:07 #6 7.413 Get:37 xenial/main amd64 libmpfr4 amd64 3.1.4-1 [191 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:07 #6 7.416 Get:38 xenial/main amd64 libmpc3 amd64 1.0.3-1 [39.7 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:07 #6 7.417 Get:39 xenial/universe amd64 pigz amd64 2.3.1-2 [61.1 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:07 #6 7.418 Get:40 xenial-updates/main amd64 bzip2 amd64 1.0.6-8ubuntu0.2 [32.5 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:07 #6 7.419 Get:41 xenial-updates/main amd64 libmagic1 amd64 1:5.25-2ubuntu1.3 [216 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:07 #6 7.500 Get:42 xenial-updates/main amd64 file amd64 1:5.25-2ubuntu1.3 [21.3 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:07 #6 7.501 Get:43 xenial-updates/main amd64 iproute2 amd64 4.3.0-1ubuntu3.16.04.5 [523 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:07 #6 7.508 Get:44 xenial-updates/main amd64 ifupdown amd64 0.8.10ubuntu1.4 [54.9 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:07 #6 7.509 Get:45 xenial-updates/main amd64 libisc-export160 amd64 1:9.10.3.dfsg.P4-8ubuntu1.15 [153 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:08 #6 7.593 Get:46 xenial-updates/main amd64 libdns-export162 amd64 1:9.10.3.dfsg.P4-8ubuntu1.15 [665 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:08 #6 7.599 Get:47 xenial-updates/main amd64 isc-dhcp-client amd64 4.3.3-5ubuntu12.10 [224 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:08 #6 7.602 Get:48 xenial-updates/main amd64 isc-dhcp-common amd64 4.3.3-5ubuntu12.10 [105 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:08 #6 7.603 Get:49 xenial-updates/main amd64 less amd64 481-2.1ubuntu0.2 [110 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:08 #6 7.605 Get:50 xenial-updates/main amd64 libbsd0 amd64 0.8.2-1ubuntu0.1 [42.0 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:08 #6 7.605 Get:51 xenial-updates/main amd64 libnettle6 amd64 3.2-1ubuntu0.16.04.1 [93.5 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:08 #6 7.681 Get:52 xenial-updates/main amd64 libhogweed4 amd64 3.2-1ubuntu0.16.04.1 [136 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:08 #6 7.683 Get:53 xenial-updates/main amd64 libidn11 amd64 1.32-3ubuntu1.2 [46.5 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:08 #6 7.684 Get:54 xenial-updates/main amd64 libp11-kit0 amd64 0.23.2-5~ubuntu16.04.1 [105 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:08 #6 7.685 Get:55 xenial-updates/main amd64 libtasn1-6 amd64 4.7-3ubuntu0.16.04.3 [43.5 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:08 #6 7.771 Get:56 xenial-updates/main amd64 libgnutls30 amd64 3.4.10-4ubuntu1.7 [548 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:08 #6 7.778 Get:57 xenial/main amd64 libxtables11 amd64 1.6.0-2ubuntu3 [27.2 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:08 #6 7.778 Get:58 xenial/main amd64 netbase all 5.3 [12.9 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:08 #6 7.779 Get:59 xenial-updates/main amd64 libapparmor-perl amd64 2.10.95-0ubuntu2.11 [33.6 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:08 #6 7.779 Get:60 xenial-updates/main amd64 apparmor amd64 2.10.95-0ubuntu2.11 [451 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:08 #6 7.785 Get:61 xenial-updates/main amd64 openssl amd64 1.0.2g-1ubuntu4.15 [492 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:08 #6 7.862 Get:62 xenial-updates/main amd64 ca-certificates all 20170717~16.04.2 [167 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:08 #6 7.864 Get:63 xenial/main amd64 libcap-ng0 amd64 0.7.7-1 [10.9 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:08 #6 7.864 Get:64 xenial-updates/main amd64 libdbus-1-3 amd64 1.10.6-1ubuntu3.5 [161 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:08 #6 7.867 Get:65 xenial-updates/main amd64 dbus amd64 1.10.6-1ubuntu3.5 [141 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:08 #6 7.952 Get:66 xenial/main amd64 iptables amd64 1.6.0-2ubuntu3 [266 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:08 #6 7.955 Get:67 xenial-updates/main amd64 krb5-locales all 1.13.2+dfsg-5ubuntu2.1 [13.6 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:08 #6 7.956 Get:68 xenial-updates/main amd64 libroken18-heimdal amd64 1.7~git20150920+dfsg-4ubuntu1.16.04.1 [41.4 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:08 #6 7.957 Get:69 xenial-updates/main amd64 libasn1-8-heimdal amd64 1.7~git20150920+dfsg-4ubuntu1.16.04.1 [174 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:08 #6 7.959 Get:70 xenial-updates/main amd64 libkrb5support0 amd64 1.13.2+dfsg-5ubuntu2.1 [31.2 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:08 #6 7.960 Get:71 xenial-updates/main amd64 libk5crypto3 amd64 1.13.2+dfsg-5ubuntu2.1 [81.3 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:08 #6 8.042 Get:72 xenial/main amd64 libkeyutils1 amd64 1.5.9-8ubuntu1 [9904 B] build 04-May-2020 10:28:08 #6 8.043 Get:73 xenial-updates/main amd64 libkrb5-3 amd64 1.13.2+dfsg-5ubuntu2.1 [273 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:08 #6 8.046 Get:74 xenial-updates/main amd64 libgssapi-krb5-2 amd64 1.13.2+dfsg-5ubuntu2.1 [120 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:08 #6 8.048 Get:75 xenial-updates/main amd64 libhcrypto4-heimdal amd64 1.7~git20150920+dfsg-4ubuntu1.16.04.1 [85.0 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:08 #6 8.133 Get:76 xenial-updates/main amd64 libheimbase1-heimdal amd64 1.7~git20150920+dfsg-4ubuntu1.16.04.1 [29.3 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:08 #6 8.133 Get:77 xenial-updates/main amd64 libwind0-heimdal amd64 1.7~git20150920+dfsg-4ubuntu1.16.04.1 [47.8 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:08 #6 8.134 Get:78 xenial-updates/main amd64 libhx509-5-heimdal amd64 1.7~git20150920+dfsg-4ubuntu1.16.04.1 [107 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:08 #6 8.136 Get:79 xenial-updates/main amd64 libkrb5-26-heimdal amd64 1.7~git20150920+dfsg-4ubuntu1.16.04.1 [202 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:08 #6 8.139 Get:80 xenial-updates/main amd64 libheimntlm0-heimdal amd64 1.7~git20150920+dfsg-4ubuntu1.16.04.1 [15.1 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:08 #6 8.139 Get:81 xenial-updates/main amd64 libgssapi3-heimdal amd64 1.7~git20150920+dfsg-4ubuntu1.16.04.1 [96.1 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:08 #6 8.223 Get:82 xenial-updates/main amd64 libsasl2-modules-db amd64 2.1.26.dfsg1-14ubuntu0.2 [14.5 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:08 #6 8.224 Get:83 xenial-updates/main amd64 libsasl2-2 amd64 2.1.26.dfsg1-14ubuntu0.2 [48.7 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:08 #6 8.225 Get:84 xenial-updates/main amd64 libldap-2.4-2 amd64 2.4.42+dfsg-2ubuntu3.7 [160 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:08 #6 8.228 Get:85 xenial-updates/main amd64 librtmp1 amd64 2.4+20151223.gitfa8646d-1ubuntu0.1 [54.4 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:08 #6 8.314 Get:86 xenial-updates/main amd64 libcurl3-gnutls amd64 7.47.0-1ubuntu2.14 [184 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:08 #6 8.316 Get:87 xenial/main amd64 libedit2 amd64 3.1-20150325-1ubuntu2 [76.5 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:08 #6 8.318 Get:88 xenial-updates/main amd64 libsasl2-modules amd64 2.1.26.dfsg1-14ubuntu0.2 [47.7 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:08 #6 8.319 Get:89 xenial/main amd64 libxmuu1 amd64 2:1.1.2-2 [9674 B] build 04-May-2020 10:28:08 #6 8.319 Get:90 xenial/main amd64 manpages all 4.04-2 [1087 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:08 #6 8.333 Get:91 xenial-updates/main amd64 openssh-client amd64 1:7.2p2-4ubuntu2.8 [590 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:08 #6 8.404 Get:92 xenial-updates/main amd64 rsync amd64 3.1.1-3ubuntu1.3 [329 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:08 #6 8.408 Get:93 xenial/main amd64 xauth amd64 1:1.0.9-1ubuntu2 [22.7 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:08 #6 8.409 Get:94 xenial-updates/main amd64 binutils amd64 2.26.1-1ubuntu1~16.04.8 [2312 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:08 #6 8.437 Get:95 xenial/main amd64 bridge-utils amd64 1.5-9ubuntu1 [28.6 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:08 #6 8.494 Get:96 xenial-updates/main amd64 libc-dev-bin amd64 2.23-0ubuntu11 [68.5 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:08 #6 8.495 Get:97 xenial-updates/main amd64 linux-libc-dev amd64 4.4.0-178.208 [856 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:08 #6 8.506 Get:98 xenial-updates/main amd64 libc6-dev amd64 2.23-0ubuntu11 [2086 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:08 #6 8.588 Get:99 xenial/main amd64 libisl15 amd64 0.16.1-1 [524 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:09 #6 8.594 Get:100 xenial-updates/main amd64 cpp-5 amd64 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.12 [7783 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:09 #6 8.857 Get:101 xenial/main amd64 cpp amd64 4:5.3.1-1ubuntu1 [27.7 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:09 #6 9.038 Get:102 xenial-updates/main amd64 libcc1-0 amd64 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.12 [38.8 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:09 #6 9.268 Get:103 xenial-updates/main amd64 libgomp1 amd64 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.12 [55.2 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:09 #6 9.359 Get:104 xenial-updates/main amd64 libitm1 amd64 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.12 [27.4 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:09 #6 9.404 Get:105 xenial-updates/main amd64 libatomic1 amd64 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.12 [8892 B] build 04-May-2020 10:28:09 #6 9.417 Get:106 xenial-updates/main amd64 libasan2 amd64 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.12 [265 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:09 #6 9.572 Get:107 xenial-updates/main amd64 liblsan0 amd64 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.12 [105 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:10 #6 9.600 Get:108 xenial-updates/main amd64 libtsan0 amd64 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.12 [244 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:10 #6 9.662 Get:109 xenial-updates/main amd64 libubsan0 amd64 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.12 [95.3 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:10 #6 9.677 Get:110 xenial-updates/main amd64 libcilkrts5 amd64 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.12 [40.0 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:10 #6 9.683 Get:111 xenial-updates/main amd64 libmpx0 amd64 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.12 [9762 B] build 04-May-2020 10:28:10 #6 9.685 Get:112 xenial-updates/main amd64 libquadmath0 amd64 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.12 [131 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:10 #6 9.701 Get:113 xenial-updates/main amd64 libgcc-5-dev amd64 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.12 [2239 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:10 #6 9.857 Get:114 xenial-updates/main amd64 gcc-5 amd64 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.12 [8612 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:10 #6 10.13 Get:115 xenial/main amd64 gcc amd64 4:5.3.1-1ubuntu1 [5244 B] build 04-May-2020 10:28:10 #6 10.13 Get:116 xenial-updates/main amd64 libstdc++-5-dev amd64 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.12 [1428 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:10 #6 10.17 Get:117 xenial-updates/main amd64 g++-5 amd64 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.12 [8430 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:10 #6 10.41 Get:118 xenial/main amd64 g++ amd64 4:5.3.1-1ubuntu1 [1504 B] build 04-May-2020 10:28:10 #6 10.42 Get:119 xenial/main amd64 make amd64 4.1-6 [151 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:10 #6 10.45 Get:120 xenial-updates/main amd64 libdpkg-perl all 1.18.4ubuntu1.6 [195 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:10 #6 10.45 Get:121 xenial/main amd64 xz-utils amd64 5.1.1alpha+20120614-2ubuntu2 [78.8 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:10 #6 10.45 Get:122 xenial-updates/main amd64 patch amd64 2.7.5-1ubuntu0.16.04.2 [90.8 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:10 #6 10.45 Get:123 xenial-updates/main amd64 dpkg-dev all 1.18.4ubuntu1.6 [584 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:10 #6 10.46 Get:124 xenial/main amd64 build-essential amd64 12.1ubuntu2 [4758 B] build 04-May-2020 10:28:10 #6 10.46 Get:125 xenial/universe amd64 cgroupfs-mount all 1.2 [4970 B] build 04-May-2020 10:28:10 #6 10.46 Get:126 xenial-updates/universe amd64 runc amd64 1.0.0~rc7+git20190403.029124da-0ubuntu1~16.04.4 [1890 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:10 #6 10.51 Get:127 xenial-updates/universe amd64 containerd amd64 1.2.6-0ubuntu1~16.04.3 [19.7 MB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:11 #6 11.12 Get:128 xenial-updates/main amd64 curl amd64 7.47.0-1ubuntu2.14 [139 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:11 #6 11.13 Get:129 xenial-updates/main amd64 dns-root-data all 2018013001~16.04.1 [5424 B] build 04-May-2020 10:28:11 #6 11.13 Get:130 xenial/main amd64 libnetfilter-conntrack3 amd64 1.0.5-1 [36.6 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:11 #6 11.13 Get:131 xenial-updates/main amd64 dnsmasq-base amd64 2.75-1ubuntu0.16.04.5 [295 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:11 #6 11.14 Get:132 xenial-updates/universe amd64 amd64 18.09.7-0ubuntu1~16.04.5 [30.4 MB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:12 #6 12.08 Get:133 xenial/main amd64 libfakeroot amd64 1.20.2-1ubuntu1 [25.5 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:12 #6 12.08 Get:134 xenial/main amd64 fakeroot amd64 1.20.2-1ubuntu1 [61.8 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:12 #6 12.08 Get:135 xenial/main amd64 liberror-perl all 0.17-1.2 [19.6 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:12 #6 12.08 Get:136 xenial-updates/main amd64 git-man all 1:2.7.4-0ubuntu1.9 [736 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:12 #6 12.09 Get:137 xenial-updates/main amd64 git amd64 1:2.7.4-0ubuntu1.9 [3176 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:12 #6 12.19 Get:138 xenial/main amd64 libalgorithm-diff-perl all 1.19.03-1 [47.6 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:12 #6 12.19 Get:139 xenial/main amd64 libalgorithm-diff-xs-perl amd64 0.04-4build1 [11.0 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:12 #6 12.19 Get:140 xenial/main amd64 libalgorithm-merge-perl all 0.08-3 [12.0 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:12 #6 12.19 Get:141 xenial-updates/main amd64 libexpat1-dev amd64 2.1.0-7ubuntu0.16.04.5 [115 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:12 #6 12.19 Get:142 xenial/main amd64 libfile-fcntllock-perl amd64 0.22-3 [32.0 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:12 #6 12.26 Get:143 xenial-updates/main amd64 libpython2.7 amd64 2.7.12-1ubuntu0~16.04.11 [1070 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:12 #6 12.27 Get:144 xenial-updates/main amd64 libpython2.7-dev amd64 2.7.12-1ubuntu0~16.04.11 [27.8 MB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:13 #6 13.12 Get:145 xenial-updates/main amd64 libpython-dev amd64 2.7.12-1~16.04 [7840 B] build 04-May-2020 10:28:13 #6 13.12 Get:146 xenial-updates/main amd64 libpython-all-dev amd64 2.7.12-1~16.04 [1006 B] build 04-May-2020 10:28:13 #6 13.12 Get:147 xenial/main amd64 manpages-dev all 4.04-2 [2048 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:13 #6 13.20 Get:148 xenial/universe amd64 netcat-traditional amd64 1.10-41 [60.7 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:13 #6 13.20 Get:149 xenial/universe amd64 netcat all 1.10-41 [3438 B] build 04-May-2020 10:28:13 #6 13.20 Get:150 xenial-updates/main amd64 python-all amd64 2.7.12-1~16.04 [996 B] build 04-May-2020 10:28:13 #6 13.20 Get:151 xenial-updates/main amd64 python2.7-dev amd64 2.7.12-1ubuntu0~16.04.11 [276 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:13 #6 13.21 Get:152 xenial-updates/main amd64 python-dev amd64 2.7.12-1~16.04 [1186 B] build 04-May-2020 10:28:13 #6 13.21 Get:153 xenial-updates/main amd64 python-all-dev amd64 2.7.12-1~16.04 [1016 B] build 04-May-2020 10:28:13 #6 13.34 Get:154 xenial-updates/universe amd64 python-pip-whl all 8.1.1-2ubuntu0.4 [1110 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:13 #6 13.36 Get:155 xenial-updates/universe amd64 python-pip all 8.1.1-2ubuntu0.4 [144 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:13 #6 13.36 Get:156 xenial/main amd64 python-pkg-resources all 20.7.0-1 [108 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:13 #6 13.36 Get:157 xenial/main amd64 python-setuptools all 20.7.0-1 [169 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:13 #6 13.36 Get:158 xenial/universe amd64 python-wheel all 0.29.0-1 [48.0 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:13 #6 13.36 Get:159 xenial/main amd64 rename all 0.20-4 [12.0 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:13 #6 13.36 Get:160 xenial-updates/main amd64 ubuntu-fan all 0.12.8~16.04.3 [35.1 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:13 #6 13.36 Get:161 xenial/main amd64 unzip amd64 6.0-20ubuntu1 [158 kB] build 04-May-2020 10:28:14 #6 13.83 debconf: delaying package configuration, since apt-utils is not installed build 04-May-2020 10:28:14 #6 13.88 Fetched 153 MB in 7s (20.2 MB/s) build 04-May-2020 10:28:14 #6 14.50 Selecting previously unselected package libatm1:amd64. build 04-May-2020 10:28:14 #6 14.50 (Reading database ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:14 (Reading database ... 5% build 04-May-2020 10:28:14 (Reading database ... 10% build 04-May-2020 10:28:14 (Reading database ... 15% build 04-May-2020 10:28:14 (Reading database ... 20% build 04-May-2020 10:28:14 (Reading database ... 25% build 04-May-2020 10:28:14 (Reading database ... 30% build 04-May-2020 10:28:14 (Reading database ... 35% build 04-May-2020 10:28:14 (Reading database ... 40% build 04-May-2020 10:28:14 (Reading database ... 45% build 04-May-2020 10:28:14 (Reading database ... 50% build 04-May-2020 10:28:14 (Reading database ... 55% build 04-May-2020 10:28:14 (Reading database ... 60% build 04-May-2020 10:28:14 (Reading database ... 65% build 04-May-2020 10:28:14 (Reading database ... 70% build 04-May-2020 10:28:14 (Reading database ... 75% build 04-May-2020 10:28:14 (Reading database ... 80% build 04-May-2020 10:28:14 (Reading database ... 85% build 04-May-2020 10:28:14 (Reading database ... 90% build 04-May-2020 10:28:14 (Reading database ... 95% build 04-May-2020 10:28:14 (Reading database ... 100% build 04-May-2020 10:28:14 (Reading database ... 4781 files and directories currently installed.) build 04-May-2020 10:28:14 #6 14.51 Preparing to unpack .../libatm1_1%3a2.5.1-1.5_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:15 #6 14.68 Unpacking libatm1:amd64 (1:2.5.1-1.5) ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:16 #6 15.78 Selecting previously unselected package libmnl0:amd64. build 04-May-2020 10:28:16 #6 15.78 Preparing to unpack .../libmnl0_1.0.3-5_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:16 #6 15.83 Unpacking libmnl0:amd64 (1.0.3-5) ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:16 #6 16.19 Selecting previously unselected package libpopt0:amd64. build 04-May-2020 10:28:16 #6 16.19 Preparing to unpack .../libpopt0_1.16-10_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:16 #6 16.26 Unpacking libpopt0:amd64 (1.16-10) ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:17 #6 16.64 Selecting previously unselected package libssl1.0.0:amd64. build 04-May-2020 10:28:17 #6 16.64 Preparing to unpack .../libssl1.0.0_1.0.2g-1ubuntu4.15_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:17 #6 16.73 Unpacking libssl1.0.0:amd64 (1.0.2g-1ubuntu4.15) ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:17 #6 17.24 Selecting previously unselected package libpython3.5-minimal:amd64. build 04-May-2020 10:28:17 #6 17.24 Preparing to unpack .../libpython3.5-minimal_3.5.2-2ubuntu0~16.04.10_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:17 #6 17.27 Unpacking libpython3.5-minimal:amd64 (3.5.2-2ubuntu0~16.04.10) ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:18 #6 17.78 Selecting previously unselected package libexpat1:amd64. build 04-May-2020 10:28:18 #6 17.78 Preparing to unpack .../libexpat1_2.1.0-7ubuntu0.16.04.5_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:18 #6 17.83 Unpacking libexpat1:amd64 (2.1.0-7ubuntu0.16.04.5) ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:18 #6 18.21 Selecting previously unselected package python3.5-minimal. build 04-May-2020 10:28:18 #6 18.21 Preparing to unpack .../python3.5-minimal_3.5.2-2ubuntu0~16.04.10_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:18 #6 18.25 Unpacking python3.5-minimal (3.5.2-2ubuntu0~16.04.10) ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:19 #6 19.58 Selecting previously unselected package python3-minimal. build 04-May-2020 10:28:20 #6 19.58 Preparing to unpack .../python3-minimal_3.5.1-3_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:20 #6 19.74 Unpacking python3-minimal (3.5.1-3) ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:20 #6 20.29 Selecting previously unselected package mime-support. build 04-May-2020 10:28:20 #6 20.29 Preparing to unpack .../mime-support_3.59ubuntu1_all.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:20 #6 20.34 Unpacking mime-support (3.59ubuntu1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:21 #6 20.72 Selecting previously unselected package libmpdec2:amd64. build 04-May-2020 10:28:21 #6 20.72 Preparing to unpack .../libmpdec2_2.4.2-1_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:21 #6 20.77 Unpacking libmpdec2:amd64 (2.4.2-1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:21 #6 21.09 Selecting previously unselected package libsqlite3-0:amd64. build 04-May-2020 10:28:21 #6 21.09 Preparing to unpack .../libsqlite3-0_3.11.0-1ubuntu1.4_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:21 #6 21.15 Unpacking libsqlite3-0:amd64 (3.11.0-1ubuntu1.4) ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:21 #6 21.51 Selecting previously unselected package libpython3.5-stdlib:amd64. build 04-May-2020 10:28:21 #6 21.51 Preparing to unpack .../libpython3.5-stdlib_3.5.2-2ubuntu0~16.04.10_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:21 #6 21.55 Unpacking libpython3.5-stdlib:amd64 (3.5.2-2ubuntu0~16.04.10) ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:23 #6 23.21 Selecting previously unselected package python3.5. build 04-May-2020 10:28:23 #6 23.21 Preparing to unpack .../python3.5_3.5.2-2ubuntu0~16.04.10_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:23 #6 23.42 Unpacking python3.5 (3.5.2-2ubuntu0~16.04.10) ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:24 #6 24.05 Selecting previously unselected package libpython3-stdlib:amd64. build 04-May-2020 10:28:24 #6 24.05 Preparing to unpack .../libpython3-stdlib_3.5.1-3_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:24 #6 24.22 Unpacking libpython3-stdlib:amd64 (3.5.1-3) ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:24 #6 24.58 Selecting previously unselected package dh-python. build 04-May-2020 10:28:25 #6 24.58 Preparing to unpack .../dh-python_2.20151103ubuntu1.2_all.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:25 #6 24.63 Unpacking dh-python (2.20151103ubuntu1.2) ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:25 #6 24.92 Processing triggers for libc-bin (2.23-0ubuntu11) ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:25 #6 25.17 Setting up libssl1.0.0:amd64 (1.0.2g-1ubuntu4.15) ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:25 #6 25.35 debconf: unable to initialize frontend: Dialog build 04-May-2020 10:28:25 #6 25.35 debconf: (TERM is not set, so the dialog frontend is not usable.) build 04-May-2020 10:28:25 #6 25.35 debconf: falling back to frontend: Readline build 04-May-2020 10:28:25 #6 25.35 debconf: unable to initialize frontend: Readline build 04-May-2020 10:28:25 #6 25.35 debconf: (Can't locate Term/ in @INC (you may need to install the Term::ReadLine module) (@INC contains: /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl/5.22.1 /usr/local/share/perl/5.22.1 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl5/5.22 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl/5.22 /usr/share/perl/5.22 /usr/local/lib/site_perl /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl-base .) at /usr/share/perl5/Debconf/FrontEnd/ line 7.) build 04-May-2020 10:28:25 #6 25.35 debconf: falling back to frontend: Teletype build 04-May-2020 10:28:25 #6 25.58 Setting up libpython3.5-minimal:amd64 (3.5.2-2ubuntu0~16.04.10) ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:26 #6 26.18 Setting up libexpat1:amd64 (2.1.0-7ubuntu0.16.04.5) ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:27 #6 26.64 Setting up python3.5-minimal (3.5.2-2ubuntu0~16.04.10) ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:27 #6 27.35 Setting up python3-minimal (3.5.1-3) ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:28 #6 27.74 Processing triggers for libc-bin (2.23-0ubuntu11) ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:28 #6 28.11 Selecting previously unselected package python3. build 04-May-2020 10:28:28 #6 28.11 (Reading database ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:28 (Reading database ... 5% build 04-May-2020 10:28:28 (Reading database ... 10% build 04-May-2020 10:28:28 (Reading database ... 15% build 04-May-2020 10:28:28 (Reading database ... 20% build 04-May-2020 10:28:28 (Reading database ... 25% build 04-May-2020 10:28:28 (Reading database ... 30% build 04-May-2020 10:28:28 (Reading database ... 35% build 04-May-2020 10:28:28 (Reading database ... 40% build 04-May-2020 10:28:28 (Reading database ... 45% build 04-May-2020 10:28:28 (Reading database ... 50% build 04-May-2020 10:28:28 (Reading database ... 55% build 04-May-2020 10:28:28 (Reading database ... 60% build 04-May-2020 10:28:28 (Reading database ... 65% build 04-May-2020 10:28:28 (Reading database ... 70% build 04-May-2020 10:28:28 (Reading database ... 75% build 04-May-2020 10:28:28 (Reading database ... 80% build 04-May-2020 10:28:28 (Reading database ... 85% build 04-May-2020 10:28:28 (Reading database ... 90% build 04-May-2020 10:28:28 (Reading database ... 95% build 04-May-2020 10:28:28 (Reading database ... 100% build 04-May-2020 10:28:28 (Reading database ... 5773 files and directories currently installed.) build 04-May-2020 10:28:28 #6 28.11 Preparing to unpack .../python3_3.5.1-3_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:28 #6 28.16 Unpacking python3 (3.5.1-3) ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:28 #6 28.47 Selecting previously unselected package libgdbm3:amd64. build 04-May-2020 10:28:28 #6 28.47 Preparing to unpack .../libgdbm3_1.8.3-13.1_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:28 #6 28.51 Unpacking libgdbm3:amd64 (1.8.3-13.1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:29 #6 28.80 Selecting previously unselected package libnfnetlink0:amd64. build 04-May-2020 10:28:29 #6 28.80 Preparing to unpack .../libnfnetlink0_1.0.1-3_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:29 #6 28.84 Unpacking libnfnetlink0:amd64 (1.0.1-3) ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:29 #6 29.34 Selecting previously unselected package libxau6:amd64. build 04-May-2020 10:28:29 #6 29.34 Preparing to unpack .../libxau6_1%3a1.0.8-1_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:29 #6 29.47 Unpacking libxau6:amd64 (1:1.0.8-1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:32 #6 32.09 Selecting previously unselected package libxdmcp6:amd64. build 04-May-2020 10:28:32 #6 32.09 Preparing to unpack .../libxdmcp6_1%3a1.1.2-1.1_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:32 #6 32.35 Unpacking libxdmcp6:amd64 (1:1.1.2-1.1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:34 #6 33.63 Selecting previously unselected package libxcb1:amd64. build 04-May-2020 10:28:34 #6 33.63 Preparing to unpack .../libxcb1_1.11.1-1ubuntu1_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:34 #6 33.78 Unpacking libxcb1:amd64 (1.11.1-1ubuntu1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:34 #6 34.25 Selecting previously unselected package libx11-data. build 04-May-2020 10:28:34 #6 34.25 Preparing to unpack .../libx11-data_2%3a1.6.3-1ubuntu2.1_all.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:34 #6 34.29 Unpacking libx11-data (2:1.6.3-1ubuntu2.1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:35 #6 34.73 Selecting previously unselected package libx11-6:amd64. build 04-May-2020 10:28:35 #6 34.73 Preparing to unpack .../libx11-6_2%3a1.6.3-1ubuntu2.1_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:35 #6 34.78 Unpacking libx11-6:amd64 (2:1.6.3-1ubuntu2.1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:35 #6 35.17 Selecting previously unselected package libxext6:amd64. build 04-May-2020 10:28:35 #6 35.17 Preparing to unpack .../libxext6_2%3a1.3.3-1_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:35 #6 35.21 Unpacking libxext6:amd64 (2:1.3.3-1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:35 #6 35.52 Selecting previously unselected package perl-modules-5.22. build 04-May-2020 10:28:35 #6 35.53 Preparing to unpack .../perl-modules-5.22_5.22.1-9ubuntu0.6_all.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:35 #6 35.56 Unpacking perl-modules-5.22 (5.22.1-9ubuntu0.6) ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:38 #6 37.93 Selecting previously unselected package libperl5.22:amd64. build 04-May-2020 10:28:38 #6 37.93 Preparing to unpack .../libperl5.22_5.22.1-9ubuntu0.6_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:38 #6 38.07 Unpacking libperl5.22:amd64 (5.22.1-9ubuntu0.6) ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:39 #6 39.48 Selecting previously unselected package perl. build 04-May-2020 10:28:39 #6 39.48 Preparing to unpack .../perl_5.22.1-9ubuntu0.6_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:39 #6 39.52 Unpacking perl (5.22.1-9ubuntu0.6) ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:40 #6 39.93 Selecting previously unselected package libpython2.7-minimal:amd64. build 04-May-2020 10:28:40 #6 39.93 Preparing to unpack .../libpython2.7-minimal_2.7.12-1ubuntu0~16.04.11_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:40 #6 40.00 Unpacking libpython2.7-minimal:amd64 (2.7.12-1ubuntu0~16.04.11) ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:41 #6 41.51 Selecting previously unselected package python2.7-minimal. build 04-May-2020 10:28:41 #6 41.51 Preparing to unpack .../python2.7-minimal_2.7.12-1ubuntu0~16.04.11_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:41 #6 41.55 Unpacking python2.7-minimal (2.7.12-1ubuntu0~16.04.11) ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:42 #6 42.06 Selecting previously unselected package python-minimal. build 04-May-2020 10:28:42 #6 42.06 Preparing to unpack .../python-minimal_2.7.12-1~16.04_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:42 #6 42.10 Unpacking python-minimal (2.7.12-1~16.04) ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:42 #6 42.43 Selecting previously unselected package libffi6:amd64. build 04-May-2020 10:28:42 #6 42.43 Preparing to unpack .../libffi6_3.2.1-4_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:42 #6 42.48 Unpacking libffi6:amd64 (3.2.1-4) ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:43 #6 42.72 Selecting previously unselected package libpython2.7-stdlib:amd64. build 04-May-2020 10:28:43 #6 42.73 Preparing to unpack .../libpython2.7-stdlib_2.7.12-1ubuntu0~16.04.11_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:43 #6 42.77 Unpacking libpython2.7-stdlib:amd64 (2.7.12-1ubuntu0~16.04.11) ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:43 #6 43.52 Selecting previously unselected package python2.7. build 04-May-2020 10:28:43 #6 43.52 Preparing to unpack .../python2.7_2.7.12-1ubuntu0~16.04.11_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:43 #6 43.57 Unpacking python2.7 (2.7.12-1ubuntu0~16.04.11) ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:44 #6 43.82 Selecting previously unselected package libpython-stdlib:amd64. build 04-May-2020 10:28:44 #6 43.82 Preparing to unpack .../libpython-stdlib_2.7.12-1~16.04_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:44 #6 43.86 Unpacking libpython-stdlib:amd64 (2.7.12-1~16.04) ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:44 #6 43.99 Processing triggers for libc-bin (2.23-0ubuntu11) ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:44 #6 44.22 Setting up libpython2.7-minimal:amd64 (2.7.12-1ubuntu0~16.04.11) ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:45 #6 45.31 Setting up python2.7-minimal (2.7.12-1ubuntu0~16.04.11) ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:46 #6 45.79 Linking and byte-compiling packages for runtime python2.7... build 04-May-2020 10:28:46 #6 45.91 Setting up python-minimal (2.7.12-1~16.04) ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:47 #6 47.32 Selecting previously unselected package python. build 04-May-2020 10:28:47 #6 47.32 (Reading database ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:47 (Reading database ... 5% build 04-May-2020 10:28:47 (Reading database ... 10% build 04-May-2020 10:28:47 (Reading database ... 15% build 04-May-2020 10:28:47 (Reading database ... 20% build 04-May-2020 10:28:47 (Reading database ... 25% build 04-May-2020 10:28:47 (Reading database ... 30% build 04-May-2020 10:28:47 (Reading database ... 35% build 04-May-2020 10:28:47 (Reading database ... 40% build 04-May-2020 10:28:47 (Reading database ... 45% build 04-May-2020 10:28:47 (Reading database ... 50% build 04-May-2020 10:28:47 (Reading database ... 55% build 04-May-2020 10:28:47 (Reading database ... 60% build 04-May-2020 10:28:47 (Reading database ... 65% build 04-May-2020 10:28:47 (Reading database ... 70% build 04-May-2020 10:28:47 (Reading database ... 75% build 04-May-2020 10:28:47 (Reading database ... 80% build 04-May-2020 10:28:47 (Reading database ... 85% build 04-May-2020 10:28:47 (Reading database ... 90% build 04-May-2020 10:28:47 (Reading database ... 95% build 04-May-2020 10:28:47 (Reading database ... 100% build 04-May-2020 10:28:47 (Reading database ... 8609 files and directories currently installed.) build 04-May-2020 10:28:47 #6 47.33 Preparing to unpack .../python_2.7.12-1~16.04_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:47 #6 47.57 Unpacking python (2.7.12-1~16.04) ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:48 #6 48.40 Selecting previously unselected package libgmp10:amd64. build 04-May-2020 10:28:48 #6 48.40 Preparing to unpack .../libgmp10_2%3a6.1.0+dfsg-2_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:48 #6 48.48 Unpacking libgmp10:amd64 (2:6.1.0+dfsg-2) ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:49 #6 48.84 Selecting previously unselected package libmpfr4:amd64. build 04-May-2020 10:28:49 #6 48.84 Preparing to unpack .../libmpfr4_3.1.4-1_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:49 #6 48.89 Unpacking libmpfr4:amd64 (3.1.4-1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:49 #6 49.29 Selecting previously unselected package libmpc3:amd64. build 04-May-2020 10:28:49 #6 49.30 Preparing to unpack .../libmpc3_1.0.3-1_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:49 #6 49.34 Unpacking libmpc3:amd64 (1.0.3-1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:49 #6 49.54 Selecting previously unselected package pigz. build 04-May-2020 10:28:49 #6 49.54 Preparing to unpack .../pigz_2.3.1-2_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:49 #6 49.57 Unpacking pigz (2.3.1-2) ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:50 #6 49.87 Selecting previously unselected package bzip2. build 04-May-2020 10:28:50 #6 49.88 Preparing to unpack .../bzip2_1.0.6-8ubuntu0.2_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:50 #6 49.91 Unpacking bzip2 (1.0.6-8ubuntu0.2) ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:50 #6 50.24 Selecting previously unselected package libmagic1:amd64. build 04-May-2020 10:28:50 #6 50.24 Preparing to unpack .../libmagic1_1%3a5.25-2ubuntu1.3_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:50 #6 50.31 Unpacking libmagic1:amd64 (1:5.25-2ubuntu1.3) ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:51 #6 50.60 Selecting previously unselected package file. build 04-May-2020 10:28:51 #6 50.61 Preparing to unpack .../file_1%3a5.25-2ubuntu1.3_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:51 #6 50.64 Unpacking file (1:5.25-2ubuntu1.3) ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:51 #6 51.01 Selecting previously unselected package iproute2. build 04-May-2020 10:28:51 #6 51.01 Preparing to unpack .../iproute2_4.3.0-1ubuntu3.16.04.5_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:51 #6 51.22 Unpacking iproute2 (4.3.0-1ubuntu3.16.04.5) ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:53 #6 52.80 Selecting previously unselected package ifupdown. build 04-May-2020 10:28:53 #6 52.81 Preparing to unpack .../ifupdown_0.8.10ubuntu1.4_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:53 #6 52.92 Unpacking ifupdown (0.8.10ubuntu1.4) ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:53 #6 53.30 Selecting previously unselected package libisc-export160. build 04-May-2020 10:28:53 #6 53.30 Preparing to unpack .../libisc-export160_1%3a9.10.3.dfsg.P4-8ubuntu1.15_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:53 #6 53.36 Unpacking libisc-export160 (1:9.10.3.dfsg.P4-8ubuntu1.15) ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:54 #6 53.66 Selecting previously unselected package libdns-export162. build 04-May-2020 10:28:54 #6 53.66 Preparing to unpack .../libdns-export162_1%3a9.10.3.dfsg.P4-8ubuntu1.15_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:54 #6 53.70 Unpacking libdns-export162 (1:9.10.3.dfsg.P4-8ubuntu1.15) ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:54 #6 54.10 Selecting previously unselected package isc-dhcp-client. build 04-May-2020 10:28:54 #6 54.10 Preparing to unpack .../isc-dhcp-client_4.3.3-5ubuntu12.10_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:54 #6 54.22 Unpacking isc-dhcp-client (4.3.3-5ubuntu12.10) ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:55 #6 55.28 Selecting previously unselected package isc-dhcp-common. build 04-May-2020 10:28:55 #6 55.29 Preparing to unpack .../isc-dhcp-common_4.3.3-5ubuntu12.10_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:55 #6 55.44 Unpacking isc-dhcp-common (4.3.3-5ubuntu12.10) ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:56 #6 55.97 Selecting previously unselected package less. build 04-May-2020 10:28:56 #6 55.97 Preparing to unpack .../less_481-2.1ubuntu0.2_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:56 #6 56.03 Unpacking less (481-2.1ubuntu0.2) ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:56 #6 56.42 Selecting previously unselected package libbsd0:amd64. build 04-May-2020 10:28:56 #6 56.43 Preparing to unpack .../libbsd0_0.8.2-1ubuntu0.1_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:56 #6 56.46 Unpacking libbsd0:amd64 (0.8.2-1ubuntu0.1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:57 #6 56.84 Selecting previously unselected package libnettle6:amd64. build 04-May-2020 10:28:57 #6 56.84 Preparing to unpack .../libnettle6_3.2-1ubuntu0.16.04.1_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:57 #6 56.89 Unpacking libnettle6:amd64 (3.2-1ubuntu0.16.04.1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:57 #6 57.24 Selecting previously unselected package libhogweed4:amd64. build 04-May-2020 10:28:57 #6 57.24 Preparing to unpack .../libhogweed4_3.2-1ubuntu0.16.04.1_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:57 #6 57.28 Unpacking libhogweed4:amd64 (3.2-1ubuntu0.16.04.1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:58 #6 57.61 Selecting previously unselected package libidn11:amd64. build 04-May-2020 10:28:58 #6 57.61 Preparing to unpack .../libidn11_1.32-3ubuntu1.2_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:58 #6 57.64 Unpacking libidn11:amd64 (1.32-3ubuntu1.2) ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:58 #6 57.94 Selecting previously unselected package libp11-kit0:amd64. build 04-May-2020 10:28:58 #6 57.94 Preparing to unpack .../libp11-kit0_0.23.2-5~ubuntu16.04.1_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:58 #6 57.97 Unpacking libp11-kit0:amd64 (0.23.2-5~ubuntu16.04.1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:59 #6 59.04 Selecting previously unselected package libtasn1-6:amd64. build 04-May-2020 10:28:59 #6 59.04 Preparing to unpack .../libtasn1-6_4.7-3ubuntu0.16.04.3_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:28:59 #6 59.19 Unpacking libtasn1-6:amd64 (4.7-3ubuntu0.16.04.3) ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:00 #6 60.06 Selecting previously unselected package libgnutls30:amd64. build 04-May-2020 10:29:00 #6 60.06 Preparing to unpack .../libgnutls30_3.4.10-4ubuntu1.7_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:00 #6 60.18 Unpacking libgnutls30:amd64 (3.4.10-4ubuntu1.7) ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:00 #6 60.55 Selecting previously unselected package libxtables11:amd64. build 04-May-2020 10:29:00 #6 60.55 Preparing to unpack .../libxtables11_1.6.0-2ubuntu3_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:01 #6 60.59 Unpacking libxtables11:amd64 (1.6.0-2ubuntu3) ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:01 #6 60.94 Selecting previously unselected package netbase. build 04-May-2020 10:29:01 #6 60.94 Preparing to unpack .../archives/netbase_5.3_all.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:01 #6 60.98 Unpacking netbase (5.3) ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:01 #6 61.20 Selecting previously unselected package libapparmor-perl. build 04-May-2020 10:29:01 #6 61.20 Preparing to unpack .../libapparmor-perl_2.10.95-0ubuntu2.11_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:01 #6 61.24 Unpacking libapparmor-perl (2.10.95-0ubuntu2.11) ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:02 #6 62.50 Selecting previously unselected package apparmor. build 04-May-2020 10:29:02 #6 62.50 Preparing to unpack .../apparmor_2.10.95-0ubuntu2.11_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:03 #6 62.75 Unpacking apparmor (2.10.95-0ubuntu2.11) ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:03 #6 63.45 Selecting previously unselected package openssl. build 04-May-2020 10:29:03 #6 63.46 Preparing to unpack .../openssl_1.0.2g-1ubuntu4.15_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:03 #6 63.55 Unpacking openssl (1.0.2g-1ubuntu4.15) ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:04 #6 63.95 Selecting previously unselected package ca-certificates. build 04-May-2020 10:29:04 #6 63.95 Preparing to unpack .../ca-certificates_20170717~16.04.2_all.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:04 #6 63.99 Unpacking ca-certificates (20170717~16.04.2) ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:04 #6 64.37 Selecting previously unselected package libcap-ng0:amd64. build 04-May-2020 10:29:04 #6 64.38 Preparing to unpack .../libcap-ng0_0.7.7-1_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:04 #6 64.44 Unpacking libcap-ng0:amd64 (0.7.7-1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:05 #6 64.76 Selecting previously unselected package libdbus-1-3:amd64. build 04-May-2020 10:29:05 #6 64.76 Preparing to unpack .../libdbus-1-3_1.10.6-1ubuntu3.5_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:05 #6 64.79 Unpacking libdbus-1-3:amd64 (1.10.6-1ubuntu3.5) ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:05 #6 65.19 Selecting previously unselected package dbus. build 04-May-2020 10:29:05 #6 65.19 Preparing to unpack .../dbus_1.10.6-1ubuntu3.5_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:05 #6 65.24 Unpacking dbus (1.10.6-1ubuntu3.5) ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:06 #6 65.78 Selecting previously unselected package iptables. build 04-May-2020 10:29:06 #6 65.79 Preparing to unpack .../iptables_1.6.0-2ubuntu3_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:06 #6 66.11 Unpacking iptables (1.6.0-2ubuntu3) ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:07 #6 67.35 Selecting previously unselected package krb5-locales. build 04-May-2020 10:29:07 #6 67.35 Preparing to unpack .../krb5-locales_1.13.2+dfsg-5ubuntu2.1_all.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:07 #6 67.44 Unpacking krb5-locales (1.13.2+dfsg-5ubuntu2.1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:08 #6 67.74 Selecting previously unselected package libroken18-heimdal:amd64. build 04-May-2020 10:29:08 #6 67.74 Preparing to unpack .../libroken18-heimdal_1.7~git20150920+dfsg-4ubuntu1.16.04.1_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:08 #6 67.79 Unpacking libroken18-heimdal:amd64 (1.7~git20150920+dfsg-4ubuntu1.16.04.1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:08 #6 68.10 Selecting previously unselected package libasn1-8-heimdal:amd64. build 04-May-2020 10:29:08 #6 68.10 Preparing to unpack .../libasn1-8-heimdal_1.7~git20150920+dfsg-4ubuntu1.16.04.1_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:08 #6 68.16 Unpacking libasn1-8-heimdal:amd64 (1.7~git20150920+dfsg-4ubuntu1.16.04.1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:08 #6 68.50 Selecting previously unselected package libkrb5support0:amd64. build 04-May-2020 10:29:08 #6 68.50 Preparing to unpack .../libkrb5support0_1.13.2+dfsg-5ubuntu2.1_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:08 #6 68.54 Unpacking libkrb5support0:amd64 (1.13.2+dfsg-5ubuntu2.1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:10 #6 69.67 Selecting previously unselected package libk5crypto3:amd64. build 04-May-2020 10:29:10 #6 69.67 Preparing to unpack .../libk5crypto3_1.13.2+dfsg-5ubuntu2.1_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:10 #6 69.75 Unpacking libk5crypto3:amd64 (1.13.2+dfsg-5ubuntu2.1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:10 #6 70.58 Selecting previously unselected package libkeyutils1:amd64. build 04-May-2020 10:29:11 #6 70.58 Preparing to unpack .../libkeyutils1_1.5.9-8ubuntu1_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:11 #6 70.69 Unpacking libkeyutils1:amd64 (1.5.9-8ubuntu1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:11 #6 71.12 Selecting previously unselected package libkrb5-3:amd64. build 04-May-2020 10:29:11 #6 71.12 Preparing to unpack .../libkrb5-3_1.13.2+dfsg-5ubuntu2.1_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:11 #6 71.16 Unpacking libkrb5-3:amd64 (1.13.2+dfsg-5ubuntu2.1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:12 #6 72.03 Selecting previously unselected package libgssapi-krb5-2:amd64. build 04-May-2020 10:29:12 #6 72.04 Preparing to unpack .../libgssapi-krb5-2_1.13.2+dfsg-5ubuntu2.1_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:12 #6 72.29 Unpacking libgssapi-krb5-2:amd64 (1.13.2+dfsg-5ubuntu2.1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:13 #6 73.11 Selecting previously unselected package libhcrypto4-heimdal:amd64. build 04-May-2020 10:29:13 #6 73.11 Preparing to unpack .../libhcrypto4-heimdal_1.7~git20150920+dfsg-4ubuntu1.16.04.1_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:13 #6 73.21 Unpacking libhcrypto4-heimdal:amd64 (1.7~git20150920+dfsg-4ubuntu1.16.04.1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:14 #6 73.63 Selecting previously unselected package libheimbase1-heimdal:amd64. build 04-May-2020 10:29:14 #6 73.63 Preparing to unpack .../libheimbase1-heimdal_1.7~git20150920+dfsg-4ubuntu1.16.04.1_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:14 #6 73.67 Unpacking libheimbase1-heimdal:amd64 (1.7~git20150920+dfsg-4ubuntu1.16.04.1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:14 #6 74.00 Selecting previously unselected package libwind0-heimdal:amd64. build 04-May-2020 10:29:14 #6 74.00 Preparing to unpack .../libwind0-heimdal_1.7~git20150920+dfsg-4ubuntu1.16.04.1_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:14 #6 74.04 Unpacking libwind0-heimdal:amd64 (1.7~git20150920+dfsg-4ubuntu1.16.04.1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:14 #6 74.31 Selecting previously unselected package libhx509-5-heimdal:amd64. build 04-May-2020 10:29:14 #6 74.32 Preparing to unpack .../libhx509-5-heimdal_1.7~git20150920+dfsg-4ubuntu1.16.04.1_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:14 #6 74.37 Unpacking libhx509-5-heimdal:amd64 (1.7~git20150920+dfsg-4ubuntu1.16.04.1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:15 #6 74.67 Selecting previously unselected package libkrb5-26-heimdal:amd64. build 04-May-2020 10:29:15 #6 74.67 Preparing to unpack .../libkrb5-26-heimdal_1.7~git20150920+dfsg-4ubuntu1.16.04.1_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:15 #6 74.71 Unpacking libkrb5-26-heimdal:amd64 (1.7~git20150920+dfsg-4ubuntu1.16.04.1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:15 #6 75.07 Selecting previously unselected package libheimntlm0-heimdal:amd64. build 04-May-2020 10:29:15 #6 75.07 Preparing to unpack .../libheimntlm0-heimdal_1.7~git20150920+dfsg-4ubuntu1.16.04.1_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:15 #6 75.13 Unpacking libheimntlm0-heimdal:amd64 (1.7~git20150920+dfsg-4ubuntu1.16.04.1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:15 #6 75.44 Selecting previously unselected package libgssapi3-heimdal:amd64. build 04-May-2020 10:29:15 #6 75.44 Preparing to unpack .../libgssapi3-heimdal_1.7~git20150920+dfsg-4ubuntu1.16.04.1_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:15 #6 75.48 Unpacking libgssapi3-heimdal:amd64 (1.7~git20150920+dfsg-4ubuntu1.16.04.1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:16 #6 76.08 Selecting previously unselected package libsasl2-modules-db:amd64. build 04-May-2020 10:29:16 #6 76.08 Preparing to unpack .../libsasl2-modules-db_2.1.26.dfsg1-14ubuntu0.2_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:16 #6 76.27 Unpacking libsasl2-modules-db:amd64 (2.1.26.dfsg1-14ubuntu0.2) ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:17 #6 77.42 Selecting previously unselected package libsasl2-2:amd64. build 04-May-2020 10:29:17 #6 77.42 Preparing to unpack .../libsasl2-2_2.1.26.dfsg1-14ubuntu0.2_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:17 #6 77.45 Unpacking libsasl2-2:amd64 (2.1.26.dfsg1-14ubuntu0.2) ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:18 #6 77.89 Selecting previously unselected package libldap-2.4-2:amd64. build 04-May-2020 10:29:18 #6 77.89 Preparing to unpack .../libldap-2.4-2_2.4.42+dfsg-2ubuntu3.7_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:18 #6 77.93 Unpacking libldap-2.4-2:amd64 (2.4.42+dfsg-2ubuntu3.7) ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:18 #6 78.35 Selecting previously unselected package librtmp1:amd64. build 04-May-2020 10:29:18 #6 78.35 Preparing to unpack .../librtmp1_2.4+20151223.gitfa8646d-1ubuntu0.1_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:18 #6 78.40 Unpacking librtmp1:amd64 (2.4+20151223.gitfa8646d-1ubuntu0.1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:19 #6 78.73 Selecting previously unselected package libcurl3-gnutls:amd64. build 04-May-2020 10:29:19 #6 78.73 Preparing to unpack .../libcurl3-gnutls_7.47.0-1ubuntu2.14_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:19 #6 78.77 Unpacking libcurl3-gnutls:amd64 (7.47.0-1ubuntu2.14) ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:20 #6 79.70 Selecting previously unselected package libedit2:amd64. build 04-May-2020 10:29:20 #6 79.70 Preparing to unpack .../libedit2_3.1-20150325-1ubuntu2_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:20 #6 79.84 Unpacking libedit2:amd64 (3.1-20150325-1ubuntu2) ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:21 #6 80.88 Selecting previously unselected package libsasl2-modules:amd64. build 04-May-2020 10:29:21 #6 80.88 Preparing to unpack .../libsasl2-modules_2.1.26.dfsg1-14ubuntu0.2_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:21 #6 81.00 Unpacking libsasl2-modules:amd64 (2.1.26.dfsg1-14ubuntu0.2) ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:21 #6 81.35 Selecting previously unselected package libxmuu1:amd64. build 04-May-2020 10:29:21 #6 81.35 Preparing to unpack .../libxmuu1_2%3a1.1.2-2_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:21 #6 81.40 Unpacking libxmuu1:amd64 (2:1.1.2-2) ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:22 #6 81.65 Selecting previously unselected package manpages. build 04-May-2020 10:29:22 #6 81.65 Preparing to unpack .../manpages_4.04-2_all.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:22 #6 81.70 Unpacking manpages (4.04-2) ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:23 #6 83.35 Selecting previously unselected package openssh-client. build 04-May-2020 10:29:23 #6 83.35 Preparing to unpack .../openssh-client_1%3a7.2p2-4ubuntu2.8_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:23 #6 83.47 Unpacking openssh-client (1:7.2p2-4ubuntu2.8) ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:24 #6 84.03 Selecting previously unselected package rsync. build 04-May-2020 10:29:24 #6 84.03 Preparing to unpack .../rsync_3.1.1-3ubuntu1.3_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:24 #6 84.07 Unpacking rsync (3.1.1-3ubuntu1.3) ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:24 #6 84.39 Selecting previously unselected package xauth. build 04-May-2020 10:29:24 #6 84.39 Preparing to unpack .../xauth_1%3a1.0.9-1ubuntu2_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:24 #6 84.44 Unpacking xauth (1:1.0.9-1ubuntu2) ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:25 #6 84.70 Selecting previously unselected package binutils. build 04-May-2020 10:29:25 #6 84.70 Preparing to unpack .../binutils_2.26.1-1ubuntu1~16.04.8_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:25 #6 84.75 Unpacking binutils (2.26.1-1ubuntu1~16.04.8) ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:26 #6 86.49 Selecting previously unselected package bridge-utils. build 04-May-2020 10:29:26 #6 86.49 Preparing to unpack .../bridge-utils_1.5-9ubuntu1_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:27 #6 86.64 Unpacking bridge-utils (1.5-9ubuntu1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:27 #6 87.33 Selecting previously unselected package libc-dev-bin. build 04-May-2020 10:29:27 #6 87.33 Preparing to unpack .../libc-dev-bin_2.23-0ubuntu11_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:27 #6 87.43 Unpacking libc-dev-bin (2.23-0ubuntu11) ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:28 #6 87.72 Selecting previously unselected package linux-libc-dev:amd64. build 04-May-2020 10:29:28 #6 87.72 Preparing to unpack .../linux-libc-dev_4.4.0-178.208_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:28 #6 87.76 Unpacking linux-libc-dev:amd64 (4.4.0-178.208) ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:29 #6 89.43 Selecting previously unselected package libc6-dev:amd64. build 04-May-2020 10:29:29 #6 89.43 Preparing to unpack .../libc6-dev_2.23-0ubuntu11_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:30 #6 89.62 Unpacking libc6-dev:amd64 (2.23-0ubuntu11) ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:30 #6 90.51 Selecting previously unselected package libisl15:amd64. build 04-May-2020 10:29:30 #6 90.51 Preparing to unpack .../libisl15_0.16.1-1_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:31 #6 90.61 Unpacking libisl15:amd64 (0.16.1-1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:32 #6 91.79 Selecting previously unselected package cpp-5. build 04-May-2020 10:29:32 #6 91.79 Preparing to unpack .../cpp-5_5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.12_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:32 #6 91.92 Unpacking cpp-5 (5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.12) ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:34 #6 93.65 Selecting previously unselected package cpp. build 04-May-2020 10:29:34 #6 93.65 Preparing to unpack .../cpp_4%3a5.3.1-1ubuntu1_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:34 #6 93.81 Unpacking cpp (4:5.3.1-1ubuntu1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:35 #6 94.59 Selecting previously unselected package libcc1-0:amd64. build 04-May-2020 10:29:35 #6 94.60 Preparing to unpack .../libcc1-0_5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.12_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:35 #6 94.69 Unpacking libcc1-0:amd64 (5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.12) ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:35 #6 95.10 Selecting previously unselected package libgomp1:amd64. build 04-May-2020 10:29:35 #6 95.10 Preparing to unpack .../libgomp1_5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.12_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:35 #6 95.17 Unpacking libgomp1:amd64 (5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.12) ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:35 #6 95.52 Selecting previously unselected package libitm1:amd64. build 04-May-2020 10:29:35 #6 95.52 Preparing to unpack .../libitm1_5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.12_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:35 #6 95.57 Unpacking libitm1:amd64 (5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.12) ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:36 #6 95.88 Selecting previously unselected package libatomic1:amd64. build 04-May-2020 10:29:36 #6 95.89 Preparing to unpack .../libatomic1_5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.12_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:36 #6 95.93 Unpacking libatomic1:amd64 (5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.12) ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:36 #6 96.19 Selecting previously unselected package libasan2:amd64. build 04-May-2020 10:29:36 #6 96.19 Preparing to unpack .../libasan2_5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.12_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:36 #6 96.26 Unpacking libasan2:amd64 (5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.12) ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:37 #6 97.57 Selecting previously unselected package liblsan0:amd64. build 04-May-2020 10:29:38 #6 97.58 Preparing to unpack .../liblsan0_5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.12_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:38 #6 97.78 Unpacking liblsan0:amd64 (5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.12) ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:38 #6 98.43 Selecting previously unselected package libtsan0:amd64. build 04-May-2020 10:29:38 #6 98.44 Preparing to unpack .../libtsan0_5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.12_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:38 #6 98.48 Unpacking libtsan0:amd64 (5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.12) ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:39 #6 98.78 Selecting previously unselected package libubsan0:amd64. build 04-May-2020 10:29:39 #6 98.79 Preparing to unpack .../libubsan0_5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.12_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:39 #6 98.83 Unpacking libubsan0:amd64 (5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.12) ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:39 #6 99.17 Selecting previously unselected package libcilkrts5:amd64. build 04-May-2020 10:29:39 #6 99.17 Preparing to unpack .../libcilkrts5_5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.12_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:39 #6 99.21 Unpacking libcilkrts5:amd64 (5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.12) ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:39 #6 99.52 Selecting previously unselected package libmpx0:amd64. build 04-May-2020 10:29:39 #6 99.52 Preparing to unpack .../libmpx0_5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.12_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:39 #6 99.56 Unpacking libmpx0:amd64 (5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.12) ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:40 #6 99.87 Selecting previously unselected package libquadmath0:amd64. build 04-May-2020 10:29:40 #6 99.87 Preparing to unpack .../libquadmath0_5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.12_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:40 #6 99.91 Unpacking libquadmath0:amd64 (5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.12) ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:40 #6 100.2 Selecting previously unselected package libgcc-5-dev:amd64. build 04-May-2020 10:29:40 #6 100.2 Preparing to unpack .../libgcc-5-dev_5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.12_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:40 #6 100.2 Unpacking libgcc-5-dev:amd64 (5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.12) ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:41 #6 100.9 Selecting previously unselected package gcc-5. build 04-May-2020 10:29:41 #6 100.9 Preparing to unpack .../gcc-5_5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.12_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:41 #6 100.9 Unpacking gcc-5 (5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.12) ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:43 #6 103.0 Selecting previously unselected package gcc. build 04-May-2020 10:29:43 #6 103.0 Preparing to unpack .../gcc_4%3a5.3.1-1ubuntu1_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:43 #6 103.2 Unpacking gcc (4:5.3.1-1ubuntu1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:44 #6 103.8 Selecting previously unselected package libstdc++-5-dev:amd64. build 04-May-2020 10:29:44 #6 103.8 Preparing to unpack .../libstdc++-5-dev_5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.12_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:44 #6 104.0 Unpacking libstdc++-5-dev:amd64 (5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.12) ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:45 #6 104.9 Selecting previously unselected package g++-5. build 04-May-2020 10:29:45 #6 104.9 Preparing to unpack .../g++-5_5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.12_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:45 #6 105.0 Unpacking g++-5 (5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.12) ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:47 #6 107.4 Selecting previously unselected package g++. build 04-May-2020 10:29:47 #6 107.4 Preparing to unpack .../g++_4%3a5.3.1-1ubuntu1_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:47 #6 107.5 Unpacking g++ (4:5.3.1-1ubuntu1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:48 #6 108.1 Selecting previously unselected package make. build 04-May-2020 10:29:48 #6 108.1 Preparing to unpack .../archives/make_4.1-6_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:48 #6 108.1 Unpacking make (4.1-6) ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:48 #6 108.4 Selecting previously unselected package libdpkg-perl. build 04-May-2020 10:29:48 #6 108.4 Preparing to unpack .../libdpkg-perl_1.18.4ubuntu1.6_all.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:48 #6 108.4 Unpacking libdpkg-perl (1.18.4ubuntu1.6) ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:49 #6 108.7 Selecting previously unselected package xz-utils. build 04-May-2020 10:29:49 #6 108.8 Preparing to unpack .../xz-utils_5.1.1alpha+20120614-2ubuntu2_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:49 #6 108.8 Unpacking xz-utils (5.1.1alpha+20120614-2ubuntu2) ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:49 #6 109.0 Selecting previously unselected package patch. build 04-May-2020 10:29:49 #6 109.0 Preparing to unpack .../patch_2.7.5-1ubuntu0.16.04.2_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:49 #6 109.1 Unpacking patch (2.7.5-1ubuntu0.16.04.2) ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:49 #6 109.5 Selecting previously unselected package dpkg-dev. build 04-May-2020 10:29:49 #6 109.5 Preparing to unpack .../dpkg-dev_1.18.4ubuntu1.6_all.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:49 #6 109.5 Unpacking dpkg-dev (1.18.4ubuntu1.6) ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:50 #6 109.9 Selecting previously unselected package build-essential. build 04-May-2020 10:29:50 #6 109.9 Preparing to unpack .../build-essential_12.1ubuntu2_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:50 #6 110.0 Unpacking build-essential (12.1ubuntu2) ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:51 #6 111.0 Selecting previously unselected package cgroupfs-mount. build 04-May-2020 10:29:51 #6 111.0 Preparing to unpack .../cgroupfs-mount_1.2_all.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:51 #6 111.2 Unpacking cgroupfs-mount (1.2) ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:51 #6 111.6 Selecting previously unselected package runc. build 04-May-2020 10:29:52 #6 111.6 Preparing to unpack .../runc_1.0.0~rc7+git20190403.029124da-0ubuntu1~16.04.4_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:52 #6 111.7 Unpacking runc (1.0.0~rc7+git20190403.029124da-0ubuntu1~16.04.4) ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:52 #6 112.4 Selecting previously unselected package containerd. build 04-May-2020 10:29:52 #6 112.4 Preparing to unpack .../containerd_1.2.6-0ubuntu1~16.04.3_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:52 #6 112.4 Unpacking containerd (1.2.6-0ubuntu1~16.04.3) ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:56 #6 115.7 Selecting previously unselected package curl. build 04-May-2020 10:29:56 #6 115.7 Preparing to unpack .../curl_7.47.0-1ubuntu2.14_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:56 #6 115.8 Unpacking curl (7.47.0-1ubuntu2.14) ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:57 #6 116.8 Selecting previously unselected package dns-root-data. build 04-May-2020 10:29:57 #6 116.8 Preparing to unpack .../dns-root-data_2018013001~16.04.1_all.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:57 #6 116.9 Unpacking dns-root-data (2018013001~16.04.1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:58 #6 117.6 Selecting previously unselected package libnetfilter-conntrack3:amd64. build 04-May-2020 10:29:58 #6 117.6 Preparing to unpack .../libnetfilter-conntrack3_1.0.5-1_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:58 #6 117.8 Unpacking libnetfilter-conntrack3:amd64 (1.0.5-1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:58 #6 118.1 Selecting previously unselected package dnsmasq-base. build 04-May-2020 10:29:58 #6 118.1 Preparing to unpack .../dnsmasq-base_2.75-1ubuntu0.16.04.5_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:58 #6 118.2 Unpacking dnsmasq-base (2.75-1ubuntu0.16.04.5) ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:59 #6 118.6 Selecting previously unselected package build 04-May-2020 10:29:59 #6 118.6 Preparing to unpack .../docker.io_18.09.7-0ubuntu1~16.04.5_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:29:59 #6 118.7 Unpacking (18.09.7-0ubuntu1~16.04.5) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:03 #6 123.3 Selecting previously unselected package libfakeroot:amd64. build 04-May-2020 10:30:03 #6 123.3 Preparing to unpack .../libfakeroot_1.20.2-1ubuntu1_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:03 #6 123.5 Unpacking libfakeroot:amd64 (1.20.2-1ubuntu1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:04 #6 124.5 Selecting previously unselected package fakeroot. build 04-May-2020 10:30:04 #6 124.5 Preparing to unpack .../fakeroot_1.20.2-1ubuntu1_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:05 #6 124.6 Unpacking fakeroot (1.20.2-1ubuntu1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:05 #6 125.0 Selecting previously unselected package liberror-perl. build 04-May-2020 10:30:05 #6 125.0 Preparing to unpack .../liberror-perl_0.17-1.2_all.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:05 #6 125.1 Unpacking liberror-perl (0.17-1.2) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:05 #6 125.3 Selecting previously unselected package git-man. build 04-May-2020 10:30:05 #6 125.3 Preparing to unpack .../git-man_1%3a2.7.4-0ubuntu1.9_all.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:05 #6 125.4 Unpacking git-man (1:2.7.4-0ubuntu1.9) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:06 #6 125.8 Selecting previously unselected package git. build 04-May-2020 10:30:06 #6 125.8 Preparing to unpack .../git_1%3a2.7.4-0ubuntu1.9_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:06 #6 125.9 Unpacking git (1:2.7.4-0ubuntu1.9) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:08 #6 127.7 Selecting previously unselected package libalgorithm-diff-perl. build 04-May-2020 10:30:08 #6 127.7 Preparing to unpack .../libalgorithm-diff-perl_1.19.03-1_all.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:08 #6 127.8 Unpacking libalgorithm-diff-perl (1.19.03-1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:08 #6 128.0 Selecting previously unselected package libalgorithm-diff-xs-perl. build 04-May-2020 10:30:08 #6 128.0 Preparing to unpack .../libalgorithm-diff-xs-perl_0.04-4build1_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:08 #6 128.1 Unpacking libalgorithm-diff-xs-perl (0.04-4build1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:08 #6 128.3 Selecting previously unselected package libalgorithm-merge-perl. build 04-May-2020 10:30:08 #6 128.3 Preparing to unpack .../libalgorithm-merge-perl_0.08-3_all.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:08 #6 128.4 Unpacking libalgorithm-merge-perl (0.08-3) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:08 #6 128.6 Selecting previously unselected package libexpat1-dev:amd64. build 04-May-2020 10:30:09 #6 128.6 Preparing to unpack .../libexpat1-dev_2.1.0-7ubuntu0.16.04.5_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:09 #6 128.6 Unpacking libexpat1-dev:amd64 (2.1.0-7ubuntu0.16.04.5) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:10 #6 129.8 Selecting previously unselected package libfile-fcntllock-perl. build 04-May-2020 10:30:10 #6 129.8 Preparing to unpack .../libfile-fcntllock-perl_0.22-3_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:10 #6 129.9 Unpacking libfile-fcntllock-perl (0.22-3) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:10 #6 130.5 Selecting previously unselected package libpython2.7:amd64. build 04-May-2020 10:30:10 #6 130.5 Preparing to unpack .../libpython2.7_2.7.12-1ubuntu0~16.04.11_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:11 #6 130.6 Unpacking libpython2.7:amd64 (2.7.12-1ubuntu0~16.04.11) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:11 #6 130.9 Selecting previously unselected package libpython2.7-dev:amd64. build 04-May-2020 10:30:11 #6 131.0 Preparing to unpack .../libpython2.7-dev_2.7.12-1ubuntu0~16.04.11_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:11 #6 131.0 Unpacking libpython2.7-dev:amd64 (2.7.12-1ubuntu0~16.04.11) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:14 #6 134.1 Selecting previously unselected package libpython-dev:amd64. build 04-May-2020 10:30:14 #6 134.1 Preparing to unpack .../libpython-dev_2.7.12-1~16.04_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:14 #6 134.2 Unpacking libpython-dev:amd64 (2.7.12-1~16.04) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:14 #6 134.6 Selecting previously unselected package libpython-all-dev:amd64. build 04-May-2020 10:30:15 #6 134.6 Preparing to unpack .../libpython-all-dev_2.7.12-1~16.04_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:15 #6 134.6 Unpacking libpython-all-dev:amd64 (2.7.12-1~16.04) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:15 #6 135.1 Selecting previously unselected package manpages-dev. build 04-May-2020 10:30:15 #6 135.1 Preparing to unpack .../manpages-dev_4.04-2_all.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:15 #6 135.2 Unpacking manpages-dev (4.04-2) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:16 #6 135.9 Selecting previously unselected package netcat-traditional. build 04-May-2020 10:30:16 #6 135.9 Preparing to unpack .../netcat-traditional_1.10-41_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:16 #6 135.9 Unpacking netcat-traditional (1.10-41) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:16 #6 136.2 Selecting previously unselected package netcat. build 04-May-2020 10:30:16 #6 136.2 Preparing to unpack .../netcat_1.10-41_all.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:16 #6 136.2 Unpacking netcat (1.10-41) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:17 #6 137.4 Selecting previously unselected package python-all. build 04-May-2020 10:30:17 #6 137.4 Preparing to unpack .../python-all_2.7.12-1~16.04_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:17 #6 137.5 Unpacking python-all (2.7.12-1~16.04) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:18 #6 138.0 Selecting previously unselected package python2.7-dev. build 04-May-2020 10:30:18 #6 138.0 Preparing to unpack .../python2.7-dev_2.7.12-1ubuntu0~16.04.11_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:18 #6 138.0 Unpacking python2.7-dev (2.7.12-1ubuntu0~16.04.11) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:18 #6 138.3 Selecting previously unselected package python-dev. build 04-May-2020 10:30:18 #6 138.3 Preparing to unpack .../python-dev_2.7.12-1~16.04_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:18 #6 138.4 Unpacking python-dev (2.7.12-1~16.04) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:19 #6 138.6 Selecting previously unselected package python-all-dev. build 04-May-2020 10:30:19 #6 138.6 Preparing to unpack .../python-all-dev_2.7.12-1~16.04_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:19 #6 138.6 Unpacking python-all-dev (2.7.12-1~16.04) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:19 #6 138.9 Selecting previously unselected package python-pip-whl. build 04-May-2020 10:30:19 #6 138.9 Preparing to unpack .../python-pip-whl_8.1.1-2ubuntu0.4_all.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:19 #6 139.0 Unpacking python-pip-whl (8.1.1-2ubuntu0.4) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:19 #6 139.4 Selecting previously unselected package python-pip. build 04-May-2020 10:30:19 #6 139.4 Preparing to unpack .../python-pip_8.1.1-2ubuntu0.4_all.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:19 #6 139.5 Unpacking python-pip (8.1.1-2ubuntu0.4) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:20 #6 139.8 Selecting previously unselected package python-pkg-resources. build 04-May-2020 10:30:20 #6 139.8 Preparing to unpack .../python-pkg-resources_20.7.0-1_all.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:20 #6 139.8 Unpacking python-pkg-resources (20.7.0-1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:20 #6 140.1 Selecting previously unselected package python-setuptools. build 04-May-2020 10:30:20 #6 140.1 Preparing to unpack .../python-setuptools_20.7.0-1_all.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:20 #6 140.2 Unpacking python-setuptools (20.7.0-1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:20 #6 140.5 Selecting previously unselected package python-wheel. build 04-May-2020 10:30:20 #6 140.5 Preparing to unpack .../python-wheel_0.29.0-1_all.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:20 #6 140.5 Unpacking python-wheel (0.29.0-1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:21 #6 141.1 Selecting previously unselected package rename. build 04-May-2020 10:30:21 #6 141.1 Preparing to unpack .../archives/rename_0.20-4_all.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:21 #6 141.3 Unpacking rename (0.20-4) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:22 #6 141.9 Selecting previously unselected package ubuntu-fan. build 04-May-2020 10:30:22 #6 141.9 Preparing to unpack .../ubuntu-fan_0.12.8~16.04.3_all.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:22 #6 142.1 Unpacking ubuntu-fan (0.12.8~16.04.3) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:23 #6 142.8 Selecting previously unselected package unzip. build 04-May-2020 10:30:23 #6 142.8 Preparing to unpack .../unzip_6.0-20ubuntu1_amd64.deb ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:23 #6 142.9 Unpacking unzip (6.0-20ubuntu1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:23 #6 143.1 Processing triggers for libc-bin (2.23-0ubuntu11) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:23 #6 143.2 Processing triggers for systemd (229-4ubuntu21.27) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:23 #6 143.4 Setting up libatm1:amd64 (1:2.5.1-1.5) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:23 #6 143.6 Setting up libmnl0:amd64 (1.0.3-5) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:24 #6 143.8 Setting up libpopt0:amd64 (1.16-10) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:24 #6 144.0 Setting up mime-support (3.59ubuntu1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:24 #6 144.2 Setting up libmpdec2:amd64 (2.4.2-1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:24 #6 144.4 Setting up libsqlite3-0:amd64 (3.11.0-1ubuntu1.4) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:24 #6 144.5 Setting up libpython3.5-stdlib:amd64 (3.5.2-2ubuntu0~16.04.10) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:25 #6 144.7 Setting up python3.5 (3.5.2-2ubuntu0~16.04.10) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:26 #6 146.1 Setting up libpython3-stdlib:amd64 (3.5.1-3) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:27 #6 146.9 Setting up libgdbm3:amd64 (1.8.3-13.1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:27 #6 147.3 Setting up libnfnetlink0:amd64 (1.0.1-3) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:28 #6 147.6 Setting up libxau6:amd64 (1:1.0.8-1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:28 #6 147.8 Setting up libxdmcp6:amd64 (1:1.1.2-1.1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:28 #6 148.0 Setting up libxcb1:amd64 (1.11.1-1ubuntu1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:29 #6 149.1 Setting up libx11-data (2:1.6.3-1ubuntu2.1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:30 #6 150.1 Setting up libx11-6:amd64 (2:1.6.3-1ubuntu2.1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:30 #6 150.4 Setting up libxext6:amd64 (2:1.3.3-1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:30 #6 150.5 Setting up perl-modules-5.22 (5.22.1-9ubuntu0.6) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:31 #6 150.8 Setting up libperl5.22:amd64 (5.22.1-9ubuntu0.6) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:31 #6 151.3 Setting up perl (5.22.1-9ubuntu0.6) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:31 #6 151.4 update-alternatives: using /usr/bin/prename to provide /usr/bin/rename (rename) in auto mode build 04-May-2020 10:30:31 #6 151.5 Setting up libffi6:amd64 (3.2.1-4) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:32 #6 151.7 Setting up libpython2.7-stdlib:amd64 (2.7.12-1ubuntu0~16.04.11) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:32 #6 151.9 Setting up python2.7 (2.7.12-1ubuntu0~16.04.11) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:33 #6 152.9 Setting up libpython-stdlib:amd64 (2.7.12-1~16.04) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:33 #6 153.0 Setting up python (2.7.12-1~16.04) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:33 #6 153.2 Setting up libgmp10:amd64 (2:6.1.0+dfsg-2) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:33 #6 153.3 Setting up libmpfr4:amd64 (3.1.4-1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:33 #6 153.4 Setting up libmpc3:amd64 (1.0.3-1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:33 #6 153.6 Setting up pigz (2.3.1-2) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:34 #6 153.7 Setting up bzip2 (1.0.6-8ubuntu0.2) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:34 #6 153.8 Setting up libmagic1:amd64 (1:5.25-2ubuntu1.3) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:34 #6 154.0 Setting up file (1:5.25-2ubuntu1.3) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:34 #6 154.2 Setting up iproute2 (4.3.0-1ubuntu3.16.04.5) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:35 #6 155.5 Setting up ifupdown (0.8.10ubuntu1.4) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:37 #6 156.7 Creating /etc/network/interfaces. build 04-May-2020 10:30:37 #6 156.9 Setting up libisc-export160 (1:9.10.3.dfsg.P4-8ubuntu1.15) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:37 #6 157.0 Setting up libdns-export162 (1:9.10.3.dfsg.P4-8ubuntu1.15) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:37 #6 157.1 Setting up isc-dhcp-client (4.3.3-5ubuntu12.10) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:38 #6 157.6 Setting up isc-dhcp-common (4.3.3-5ubuntu12.10) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:38 #6 158.2 Setting up less (481-2.1ubuntu0.2) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:39 #6 158.6 debconf: unable to initialize frontend: Dialog build 04-May-2020 10:30:39 #6 158.6 debconf: (TERM is not set, so the dialog frontend is not usable.) build 04-May-2020 10:30:39 #6 158.6 debconf: falling back to frontend: Readline build 04-May-2020 10:30:39 #6 158.8 Setting up libbsd0:amd64 (0.8.2-1ubuntu0.1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:39 #6 159.0 Setting up libnettle6:amd64 (3.2-1ubuntu0.16.04.1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:39 #6 159.2 Setting up libhogweed4:amd64 (3.2-1ubuntu0.16.04.1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:39 #6 159.4 Setting up libidn11:amd64 (1.32-3ubuntu1.2) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:39 #6 159.5 Setting up libp11-kit0:amd64 (0.23.2-5~ubuntu16.04.1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:40 #6 159.6 Setting up libtasn1-6:amd64 (4.7-3ubuntu0.16.04.3) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:40 #6 159.8 Setting up libgnutls30:amd64 (3.4.10-4ubuntu1.7) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:40 #6 159.9 Setting up libxtables11:amd64 (1.6.0-2ubuntu3) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:40 #6 160.1 Setting up netbase (5.3) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:40 #6 160.3 Setting up libapparmor-perl (2.10.95-0ubuntu2.11) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:40 #6 160.4 Setting up openssl (1.0.2g-1ubuntu4.15) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:41 #6 160.6 Setting up ca-certificates (20170717~16.04.2) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:41 #6 160.8 debconf: unable to initialize frontend: Dialog build 04-May-2020 10:30:41 #6 160.8 debconf: (TERM is not set, so the dialog frontend is not usable.) build 04-May-2020 10:30:41 #6 160.8 debconf: falling back to frontend: Readline build 04-May-2020 10:30:42 #6 162.0 Setting up libcap-ng0:amd64 (0.7.7-1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:42 #6 162.4 Setting up libdbus-1-3:amd64 (1.10.6-1ubuntu3.5) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:43 #6 162.7 Setting up dbus (1.10.6-1ubuntu3.5) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:44 #6 163.6 Setting up iptables (1.6.0-2ubuntu3) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:44 #6 163.7 Setting up krb5-locales (1.13.2+dfsg-5ubuntu2.1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:44 #6 163.9 Setting up libroken18-heimdal:amd64 (1.7~git20150920+dfsg-4ubuntu1.16.04.1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:44 #6 164.0 Setting up libasn1-8-heimdal:amd64 (1.7~git20150920+dfsg-4ubuntu1.16.04.1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:44 #6 164.1 Setting up libkrb5support0:amd64 (1.13.2+dfsg-5ubuntu2.1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:44 #6 164.2 Setting up libk5crypto3:amd64 (1.13.2+dfsg-5ubuntu2.1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:44 #6 164.4 Setting up libkeyutils1:amd64 (1.5.9-8ubuntu1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:44 #6 164.5 Setting up libkrb5-3:amd64 (1.13.2+dfsg-5ubuntu2.1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:45 #6 164.6 Setting up libgssapi-krb5-2:amd64 (1.13.2+dfsg-5ubuntu2.1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:45 #6 164.8 Setting up libhcrypto4-heimdal:amd64 (1.7~git20150920+dfsg-4ubuntu1.16.04.1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:45 #6 165.0 Setting up libheimbase1-heimdal:amd64 (1.7~git20150920+dfsg-4ubuntu1.16.04.1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:45 #6 165.1 Setting up libwind0-heimdal:amd64 (1.7~git20150920+dfsg-4ubuntu1.16.04.1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:45 #6 165.2 Setting up libhx509-5-heimdal:amd64 (1.7~git20150920+dfsg-4ubuntu1.16.04.1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:45 #6 165.4 Setting up libkrb5-26-heimdal:amd64 (1.7~git20150920+dfsg-4ubuntu1.16.04.1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:45 #6 165.5 Setting up libheimntlm0-heimdal:amd64 (1.7~git20150920+dfsg-4ubuntu1.16.04.1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:46 #6 165.6 Setting up libgssapi3-heimdal:amd64 (1.7~git20150920+dfsg-4ubuntu1.16.04.1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:46 #6 165.8 Setting up libsasl2-modules-db:amd64 (2.1.26.dfsg1-14ubuntu0.2) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:46 #6 165.9 Setting up libsasl2-2:amd64 (2.1.26.dfsg1-14ubuntu0.2) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:47 #6 166.7 Setting up libldap-2.4-2:amd64 (2.4.42+dfsg-2ubuntu3.7) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:47 #6 167.5 Setting up librtmp1:amd64 (2.4+20151223.gitfa8646d-1ubuntu0.1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:48 #6 167.7 Setting up libcurl3-gnutls:amd64 (7.47.0-1ubuntu2.14) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:48 #6 167.9 Setting up libedit2:amd64 (3.1-20150325-1ubuntu2) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:48 #6 168.0 Setting up libsasl2-modules:amd64 (2.1.26.dfsg1-14ubuntu0.2) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:48 #6 168.1 Setting up libxmuu1:amd64 (2:1.1.2-2) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:48 #6 168.3 Setting up manpages (4.04-2) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:48 #6 168.4 Setting up openssh-client (1:7.2p2-4ubuntu2.8) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:49 #6 168.8 Setting up rsync (3.1.1-3ubuntu1.3) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:49 #6 169.1 invoke-rc.d: could not determine current runlevel build 04-May-2020 10:30:49 #6 169.1 invoke-rc.d: policy-rc.d denied execution of restart. build 04-May-2020 10:30:49 #6 169.1 Setting up xauth (1:1.0.9-1ubuntu2) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:49 #6 169.3 Setting up binutils (2.26.1-1ubuntu1~16.04.8) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:49 #6 169.4 Setting up bridge-utils (1.5-9ubuntu1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:49 #6 169.6 debconf: unable to initialize frontend: Dialog build 04-May-2020 10:30:49 #6 169.6 debconf: (TERM is not set, so the dialog frontend is not usable.) build 04-May-2020 10:30:49 #6 169.6 debconf: falling back to frontend: Readline build 04-May-2020 10:30:50 #6 169.6 Setting up libc-dev-bin (2.23-0ubuntu11) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:50 #6 169.8 Setting up linux-libc-dev:amd64 (4.4.0-178.208) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:50 #6 169.9 Setting up libc6-dev:amd64 (2.23-0ubuntu11) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:50 #6 170.0 Setting up libisl15:amd64 (0.16.1-1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:50 #6 170.2 Setting up cpp-5 (5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.12) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:50 #6 170.3 Setting up cpp (4:5.3.1-1ubuntu1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:50 #6 170.5 Setting up libcc1-0:amd64 (5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.12) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:50 #6 170.6 Setting up libgomp1:amd64 (5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.12) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:51 #6 170.7 Setting up libitm1:amd64 (5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.12) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:51 #6 170.8 Setting up libatomic1:amd64 (5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.12) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:51 #6 171.0 Setting up libasan2:amd64 (5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.12) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:52 #6 171.7 Setting up liblsan0:amd64 (5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.12) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:52 #6 172.0 Setting up libtsan0:amd64 (5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.12) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:52 #6 172.3 Setting up libubsan0:amd64 (5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.12) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:52 #6 172.4 Setting up libcilkrts5:amd64 (5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.12) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:52 #6 172.5 Setting up libmpx0:amd64 (5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.12) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:53 #6 172.7 Setting up libquadmath0:amd64 (5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.12) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:53 #6 172.8 Setting up libgcc-5-dev:amd64 (5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.12) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:53 #6 172.9 Setting up gcc-5 (5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.12) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:53 #6 173.2 Setting up gcc (4:5.3.1-1ubuntu1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:53 #6 173.5 Setting up libstdc++-5-dev:amd64 (5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.12) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:54 #6 173.6 Setting up g++-5 (5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.12) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:54 #6 173.8 Setting up g++ (4:5.3.1-1ubuntu1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:54 #6 173.9 update-alternatives: using /usr/bin/g++ to provide /usr/bin/c++ (c++) in auto mode build 04-May-2020 10:30:54 #6 173.9 Setting up make (4.1-6) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:54 #6 174.0 Setting up libdpkg-perl (1.18.4ubuntu1.6) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:54 #6 174.2 Setting up xz-utils (5.1.1alpha+20120614-2ubuntu2) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:54 #6 174.2 update-alternatives: using /usr/bin/xz to provide /usr/bin/lzma (lzma) in auto mode build 04-May-2020 10:30:54 #6 174.3 Setting up patch (2.7.5-1ubuntu0.16.04.2) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:54 #6 174.5 Setting up dpkg-dev (1.18.4ubuntu1.6) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:55 #6 174.7 Setting up build-essential (12.1ubuntu2) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:55 #6 174.8 Setting up cgroupfs-mount (1.2) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:55 #6 175.1 invoke-rc.d: could not determine current runlevel build 04-May-2020 10:30:55 #6 175.1 invoke-rc.d: policy-rc.d denied execution of start. build 04-May-2020 10:30:55 #6 175.2 Setting up runc (1.0.0~rc7+git20190403.029124da-0ubuntu1~16.04.4) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:56 #6 175.7 Setting up containerd (1.2.6-0ubuntu1~16.04.3) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:56 #6 176.4 Setting up curl (7.47.0-1ubuntu2.14) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:57 #6 177.1 Setting up dns-root-data (2018013001~16.04.1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:57 #6 177.5 Setting up libnetfilter-conntrack3:amd64 (1.0.5-1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:58 #6 178.1 Setting up dnsmasq-base (2.75-1ubuntu0.16.04.5) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:59 #6 179.1 Setting up (18.09.7-0ubuntu1~16.04.5) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:59 #6 179.4 debconf: unable to initialize frontend: Dialog build 04-May-2020 10:30:59 #6 179.4 debconf: (TERM is not set, so the dialog frontend is not usable.) build 04-May-2020 10:30:59 #6 179.4 debconf: falling back to frontend: Readline build 04-May-2020 10:30:59 #6 179.5 Adding group `docker' (GID 109) ... build 04-May-2020 10:30:59 #6 179.6 Done. build 04-May-2020 10:31:00 #6 179.9 invoke-rc.d: could not determine current runlevel build 04-May-2020 10:31:00 #6 179.9 invoke-rc.d: policy-rc.d denied execution of start. build 04-May-2020 10:31:00 #6 180.2 Setting up libfakeroot:amd64 (1.20.2-1ubuntu1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:31:01 #6 180.9 Setting up fakeroot (1.20.2-1ubuntu1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:31:01 #6 181.1 update-alternatives: using /usr/bin/fakeroot-sysv to provide /usr/bin/fakeroot (fakeroot) in auto mode build 04-May-2020 10:31:01 #6 181.3 Setting up liberror-perl (0.17-1.2) ... build 04-May-2020 10:31:01 #6 181.5 Setting up git-man (1:2.7.4-0ubuntu1.9) ... build 04-May-2020 10:31:02 #6 181.6 Setting up git (1:2.7.4-0ubuntu1.9) ... build 04-May-2020 10:31:02 #6 181.8 Setting up libalgorithm-diff-perl (1.19.03-1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:31:02 #6 181.9 Setting up libalgorithm-diff-xs-perl (0.04-4build1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:31:02 #6 182.1 Setting up libalgorithm-merge-perl (0.08-3) ... build 04-May-2020 10:31:02 #6 182.2 Setting up libexpat1-dev:amd64 (2.1.0-7ubuntu0.16.04.5) ... build 04-May-2020 10:31:02 #6 182.4 Setting up libfile-fcntllock-perl (0.22-3) ... build 04-May-2020 10:31:02 #6 182.5 Setting up libpython2.7:amd64 (2.7.12-1ubuntu0~16.04.11) ... build 04-May-2020 10:31:03 #6 182.7 Setting up libpython2.7-dev:amd64 (2.7.12-1ubuntu0~16.04.11) ... build 04-May-2020 10:31:03 #6 182.8 Setting up libpython-dev:amd64 (2.7.12-1~16.04) ... build 04-May-2020 10:31:03 #6 183.0 Setting up libpython-all-dev:amd64 (2.7.12-1~16.04) ... build 04-May-2020 10:31:03 #6 183.3 Setting up manpages-dev (4.04-2) ... build 04-May-2020 10:31:04 #6 183.8 Setting up netcat-traditional (1.10-41) ... build 04-May-2020 10:31:04 #6 184.2 update-alternatives: using /bin/nc.traditional to provide /bin/nc (nc) in auto mode build 04-May-2020 10:31:04 #6 184.4 Setting up netcat (1.10-41) ... build 04-May-2020 10:31:04 #6 184.6 Setting up python-all (2.7.12-1~16.04) ... build 04-May-2020 10:31:05 #6 184.7 Setting up python2.7-dev (2.7.12-1ubuntu0~16.04.11) ... build 04-May-2020 10:31:05 #6 184.9 Setting up python-dev (2.7.12-1~16.04) ... build 04-May-2020 10:31:05 #6 185.0 Setting up python-all-dev (2.7.12-1~16.04) ... build 04-May-2020 10:31:05 #6 185.1 Setting up python-pip-whl (8.1.1-2ubuntu0.4) ... build 04-May-2020 10:31:05 #6 185.3 Setting up python-pip (8.1.1-2ubuntu0.4) ... build 04-May-2020 10:31:06 #6 186.4 Setting up python-pkg-resources (20.7.0-1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:31:08 #6 187.6 Setting up python-setuptools (20.7.0-1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:31:09 #6 188.7 Setting up python-wheel (0.29.0-1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:31:10 #6 189.8 Setting up rename (0.20-4) ... build 04-May-2020 10:31:10 #6 189.9 update-alternatives: using /usr/bin/file-rename to provide /usr/bin/rename (rename) in auto mode build 04-May-2020 10:31:10 #6 189.9 Setting up ubuntu-fan (0.12.8~16.04.3) ... build 04-May-2020 10:31:11 #6 191.2 invoke-rc.d: could not determine current runlevel build 04-May-2020 10:31:11 #6 191.2 invoke-rc.d: policy-rc.d denied execution of start. build 04-May-2020 10:31:11 #6 191.3 Setting up unzip (6.0-20ubuntu1) ... build 04-May-2020 10:31:12 #6 191.6 Setting up python3 (3.5.1-3) ... build 04-May-2020 10:31:12 #6 191.8 running python rtupdate hooks for python3.5... build 04-May-2020 10:31:12 #6 192.1 running python post-rtupdate hooks for python3.5... build 04-May-2020 10:31:12 #6 192.3 Setting up apparmor (2.10.95-0ubuntu2.11) ... build 04-May-2020 10:31:19 #6 198.7 debconf: unable to initialize frontend: Dialog build 04-May-2020 10:31:19 #6 198.7 debconf: (TERM is not set, so the dialog frontend is not usable.) build 04-May-2020 10:31:19 #6 198.7 debconf: falling back to frontend: Readline build 04-May-2020 10:31:19 #6 198.8 update-rc.d: warning: start and stop actions are no longer supported; falling back to defaults build 04-May-2020 10:31:19 #6 198.8 diff: /var/lib/apparmor/profiles/.apparmor.md5sums: No such file or directory build 04-May-2020 10:31:19 #6 199.0 Setting up dh-python (2.20151103ubuntu1.2) ... build 04-May-2020 10:31:19 #6 199.3 Processing triggers for libc-bin (2.23-0ubuntu11) ... build 04-May-2020 10:31:19 #6 199.4 Processing triggers for systemd (229-4ubuntu21.27) ... build 04-May-2020 10:31:19 #6 199.6 Processing triggers for ca-certificates (20170717~16.04.2) ... build 04-May-2020 10:31:20 #6 199.6 Updating certificates in /etc/ssl/certs... build 04-May-2020 10:31:21 #6 201.1 148 added, 0 removed; done. build 04-May-2020 10:31:21 #6 201.1 Running hooks in /etc/ca-certificates/update.d... build 04-May-2020 10:31:21 #6 201.1 done. build 04-May-2020 10:31:21 #6 201.2 Processing triggers for dbus (1.10.6-1ubuntu3.5) ... build 04-May-2020 10:31:22 #6 202.4 Collecting flask-restful build 04-May-2020 10:31:22 #6 202.5 Downloading build 04-May-2020 10:31:22 #6 202.5 Collecting aniso8601>=0.82 (from flask-restful) build 04-May-2020 10:31:23 #6 202.6 Downloading (43kB) build 04-May-2020 10:31:23 #6 202.6 Collecting pytz (from flask-restful) build 04-May-2020 10:31:23 #6 202.8 Downloading (510kB) build 04-May-2020 10:31:23 #6 203.0 Collecting six>=1.3.0 (from flask-restful) build 04-May-2020 10:31:23 #6 203.0 Downloading build 04-May-2020 10:31:23 #6 203.0 Collecting Flask>=0.8 (from flask-restful) build 04-May-2020 10:31:23 #6 203.1 Downloading (94kB) build 04-May-2020 10:31:23 #6 203.1 Collecting itsdangerous>=0.24 (from Flask>=0.8->flask-restful) build 04-May-2020 10:31:23 #6 203.2 Downloading build 04-May-2020 10:31:23 #6 203.2 Collecting Jinja2>=2.10.1 (from Flask>=0.8->flask-restful) build 04-May-2020 10:31:23 #6 203.2 Downloading (125kB) build 04-May-2020 10:31:23 #6 203.3 Collecting click>=5.1 (from Flask>=0.8->flask-restful) build 04-May-2020 10:31:23 #6 203.3 Downloading (82kB) build 04-May-2020 10:31:23 #6 203.3 Collecting Werkzeug>=0.15 (from Flask>=0.8->flask-restful) build 04-May-2020 10:31:23 #6 203.4 Downloading (298kB) build 04-May-2020 10:31:23 #6 203.5 Collecting MarkupSafe>=0.23 (from Jinja2>=2.10.1->Flask>=0.8->flask-restful) build 04-May-2020 10:31:23 #6 203.5 Downloading build 04-May-2020 10:31:24 #6 203.6 Installing collected packages: aniso8601, pytz, six, itsdangerous, MarkupSafe, Jinja2, click, Werkzeug, Flask, flask-restful build 04-May-2020 10:31:24 #6 204.1 Successfully installed Flask-1.1.2 Jinja2-2.11.2 MarkupSafe-1.1.1 Werkzeug-1.0.1 aniso8601-8.0.0 click-7.1.2 flask-restful-0.3.8 itsdangerous-1.1.0 pytz-2020.1 six-1.14.0 build 04-May-2020 10:31:24 #6 204.4 You are using pip version 8.1.1, however version 20.1 is available. build 04-May-2020 10:31:24 #6 204.4 You should consider upgrading via the 'pip install --upgrade pip' command. build 04-May-2020 10:31:25 #6 205.1 Collecting arrow build 04-May-2020 10:31:25 #6 205.2 Downloading (47kB) build 04-May-2020 10:31:25 #6 205.3 Collecting python-dateutil (from arrow) build 04-May-2020 10:31:25 #6 205.3 Downloading (227kB) build 04-May-2020 10:31:25 #6 205.4 Collecting backports.functools-lru-cache>=1.2.1; python_version == "2.7" (from arrow) build 04-May-2020 10:31:25 #6 205.4 Downloading build 04-May-2020 10:31:25 #6 205.4 Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): six>=1.5 in /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages (from python-dateutil->arrow) build 04-May-2020 10:31:25 #6 205.4 Installing collected packages: python-dateutil, backports.functools-lru-cache, arrow build 04-May-2020 10:31:25 #6 205.6 Successfully installed arrow-0.15.6 backports.functools-lru-cache-1.6.1 python-dateutil-2.8.1 build 04-May-2020 10:31:26 #6 205.8 You are using pip version 8.1.1, however version 20.1 is available. build 04-May-2020 10:31:26 #6 205.8 You should consider upgrading via the 'pip install --upgrade pip' command. build 04-May-2020 10:31:26 #6 completed: 2020-05-04 15:31:26.344020962 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:31:26 #6 duration: 3m25.999526862s build 04-May-2020 10:31:26 build 04-May-2020 10:31:26 build 04-May-2020 10:31:26 #8 [3/3] COPY FILES.toolserver / build 04-May-2020 10:31:26 #8 digest: sha256:4645e253d0e2c31fe9a6e0926693468366944fa3b29ef5ae9e09b269157f8dc1 build 04-May-2020 10:31:26 #8 name: "[3/3] COPY FILES.toolserver /" build 04-May-2020 10:31:26 #8 started: 2020-05-04 15:31:26.386385611 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:31:27 #8 completed: 2020-05-04 15:31:27.515411491 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:31:27 #8 duration: 1.12902588s build 04-May-2020 10:31:27 build 04-May-2020 10:31:27 build 04-May-2020 10:31:27 #9 exporting to image build 04-May-2020 10:31:27 #9 digest: sha256:bd97364d4f02233f6ee1dcd8a6d3d1c34c1078367e5feae4d02336fd2e0b2dd1 build 04-May-2020 10:31:27 #9 name: "exporting to image" build 04-May-2020 10:31:27 #9 started: 2020-05-04 15:31:27.616114366 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:31:27 #9 exporting layers build 04-May-2020 10:31:35 #9 exporting layers 7.6s done build 04-May-2020 10:31:35 #9 writing image sha256:d078c93970ddfba650145c81fe46969aa6221b5856d3005bd382cd948c1e8940 0.1s done build 04-May-2020 10:31:35 #9 naming to build 04-May-2020 10:31:35 #9 completed: 2020-05-04 15:31:35.599439891 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:31:35 #9 duration: 7.983325525s build 04-May-2020 10:31:35 #9 naming to 0.1s done build 04-May-2020 10:31:35 build 04-May-2020 10:31:35 build 04-May-2020 10:31:35 #1 [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile build 04-May-2020 10:31:35 #1 digest: sha256:7d8126074a04369e331a7dc6e48c98043b375e5122df79c2956285614318dccc build 04-May-2020 10:31:35 #1 name: "[internal] load build definition from Dockerfile" build 04-May-2020 10:31:35 #1 started: 2020-05-04 15:31:35.641883079 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:31:35 #1 completed: 2020-05-04 15:31:35.64195803 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:31:35 #1 duration: 74.951µs build 04-May-2020 10:31:35 #1 started: 2020-05-04 15:31:35.642132152 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:31:36 #1 transferring dockerfile: 607B done build 04-May-2020 10:31:36 #2 ... build 04-May-2020 10:31:36 build 04-May-2020 10:31:36 #2 [internal] load .dockerignore build 04-May-2020 10:31:36 #2 digest: sha256:7e79e24020ef12acb73a406ccae07adea574b2ed661c89239eab770e69fdb1dc build 04-May-2020 10:31:36 #2 name: "[internal] load .dockerignore" build 04-May-2020 10:31:36 #2 started: 2020-05-04 15:31:35.641935693 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:31:36 #2 completed: 2020-05-04 15:31:35.641980977 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:31:36 #2 duration: 45.284µs build 04-May-2020 10:31:36 #2 started: 2020-05-04 15:31:35.642179393 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:31:36 #2 completed: 2020-05-04 15:31:36.232449416 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:31:36 #2 duration: 590.270023ms build 04-May-2020 10:31:36 #2 transferring context: 2B done build 04-May-2020 10:31:36 build 04-May-2020 10:31:36 build 04-May-2020 10:31:36 #1 [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile build 04-May-2020 10:31:36 #1 completed: 2020-05-04 15:31:36.340912662 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:31:36 #1 duration: 698.78051ms build 04-May-2020 10:31:36 build 04-May-2020 10:31:36 build 04-May-2020 10:31:36 #3 [internal] load metadata for build 04-May-2020 10:31:36 #3 digest: sha256:2e83735093f2e645c7660e349795ae80186113afc054af8bdc7501e99da12131 build 04-May-2020 10:31:36 #3 name: "[internal] load metadata for" build 04-May-2020 10:31:36 #3 started: 2020-05-04 15:31:36.408298394 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:31:36 #3 completed: 2020-05-04 15:31:36.723923962 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:31:36 #3 duration: 315.625568ms build 04-May-2020 10:31:36 build 04-May-2020 10:31:36 build 04-May-2020 10:31:36 #4 [internal] helper image for file operations build 04-May-2020 10:31:36 #4 digest: sha256:e4c43493b1bb2320466c52248e886014710025b273f224bb96a23b8fb7a1d193 build 04-May-2020 10:31:36 #4 name: "[internal] helper image for file operations" build 04-May-2020 10:31:36 #4 started: 2020-05-04 15:31:36.725445974 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:31:36 #4 started: 2020-05-04 15:31:36.725817363 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:31:36 #4 completed: 2020-05-04 15:31:36.725847012 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:31:36 #4 duration: 29.649µs build 04-May-2020 10:31:36 #4 cached: true build 04-May-2020 10:31:36 build 04-May-2020 10:31:36 build 04-May-2020 10:31:36 #5 [1/4] FROM build 04-May-2020 10:31:36 #5 digest: sha256:b7c0bbb2e28a761948e2450924f7e9b8753407268c9d92d888842e5cd84b966a build 04-May-2020 10:31:36 #5 name: "[1/4] FROM" build 04-May-2020 10:31:36 #5 started: 2020-05-04 15:31:36.725351971 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:31:36 #5 completed: 2020-05-04 15:31:36.725533734 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:31:36 #5 duration: 181.763µs build 04-May-2020 10:31:36 #5 started: 2020-05-04 15:31:36.725708473 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:31:36 #5 completed: 2020-05-04 15:31:36.726612057 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:31:36 #5 duration: 903.584µs build 04-May-2020 10:31:36 #5 started: 2020-05-04 15:31:36.72671245 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:31:36 #5 resolve done build 04-May-2020 10:31:36 #5 sha256:ab1c61f03c6973d8d70afa9d610cd01593f9598dc80ff62d37bddff187b489c2 2.22kB / 2.22kB done build 04-May-2020 10:31:36 #5 sha256:35a4f197768941ef308d981a94f6d06fb77b9f2ba89dc04d2daf8292ee297315 0B / 7.81MB 0.2s build 04-May-2020 10:31:36 #5 sha256:bbc37f14aded2d49bfac62dfa404755c9f1cadfee2b35933e4906f0054782888 0B / 10.00MB 0.2s build 04-May-2020 10:31:36 #5 sha256:0032cd9c0542133c8c9dc79fb25992203b6dd2bf4c9ff9f6b5f09298061a867c 2.36kB / 2.36kB done build 04-May-2020 10:31:36 #5 sha256:84d66a048f90944c55a6ea79a7f4afb1a195931c626e8c6565e0264fc2b286d9 9.03kB / 9.03kB done build 04-May-2020 10:31:36 #5 sha256:90fe46dd819953eb995f9cc9c326130abe9dd0b3993a998e12c01d0218a0b831 0B / 50.38MB 0.2s build 04-May-2020 10:31:37 #6 ... build 04-May-2020 10:31:37 build 04-May-2020 10:31:37 #6 [internal] load build context build 04-May-2020 10:31:37 #6 digest: sha256:1e3c4be2d583f0e44d04ec8965191a3421569ee64d3454a0abeda2c7de6884f4 build 04-May-2020 10:31:37 #6 name: "[internal] load build context" build 04-May-2020 10:31:37 #6 started: 2020-05-04 15:31:36.725457122 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:31:37 #6 completed: 2020-05-04 15:31:36.725503319 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:31:37 #6 duration: 46.197µs build 04-May-2020 10:31:37 #6 started: 2020-05-04 15:31:36.725631625 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:31:37 #6 completed: 2020-05-04 15:31:37.072811894 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:31:37 #6 duration: 347.180269ms build 04-May-2020 10:31:37 #6 transferring context: 3.64kB done build 04-May-2020 10:31:37 build 04-May-2020 10:31:37 build 04-May-2020 10:31:37 #5 [1/4] FROM build 04-May-2020 10:31:37 #5 sha256:35a4f197768941ef308d981a94f6d06fb77b9f2ba89dc04d2daf8292ee297315 6.15MB / 7.81MB 0.4s build 04-May-2020 10:31:37 #5 sha256:bbc37f14aded2d49bfac62dfa404755c9f1cadfee2b35933e4906f0054782888 4.21MB / 10.00MB 0.4s build 04-May-2020 10:31:37 #5 sha256:35a4f197768941ef308d981a94f6d06fb77b9f2ba89dc04d2daf8292ee297315 7.81MB / 7.81MB 0.5s build 04-May-2020 10:31:37 #5 sha256:bbc37f14aded2d49bfac62dfa404755c9f1cadfee2b35933e4906f0054782888 10.00MB / 10.00MB 0.5s build 04-May-2020 10:31:37 #5 sha256:90fe46dd819953eb995f9cc9c326130abe9dd0b3993a998e12c01d0218a0b831 6.27MB / 50.38MB 0.5s build 04-May-2020 10:31:37 #5 sha256:90fe46dd819953eb995f9cc9c326130abe9dd0b3993a998e12c01d0218a0b831 17.66MB / 50.38MB 0.6s build 04-May-2020 10:31:37 #5 sha256:90fe46dd819953eb995f9cc9c326130abe9dd0b3993a998e12c01d0218a0b831 26.67MB / 50.38MB 0.7s build 04-May-2020 10:31:37 #5 sha256:90fe46dd819953eb995f9cc9c326130abe9dd0b3993a998e12c01d0218a0b831 41.33MB / 50.38MB 0.8s build 04-May-2020 10:31:37 #5 sha256:90fe46dd819953eb995f9cc9c326130abe9dd0b3993a998e12c01d0218a0b831 50.38MB / 50.38MB 0.9s build 04-May-2020 10:31:38 #5 extracting sha256:90fe46dd819953eb995f9cc9c326130abe9dd0b3993a998e12c01d0218a0b831 build 04-May-2020 10:31:38 #5 sha256:35a4f197768941ef308d981a94f6d06fb77b9f2ba89dc04d2daf8292ee297315 7.81MB / 7.81MB 1.2s done build 04-May-2020 10:31:38 #5 sha256:bbc37f14aded2d49bfac62dfa404755c9f1cadfee2b35933e4906f0054782888 10.00MB / 10.00MB 1.2s done build 04-May-2020 10:31:38 #5 sha256:90fe46dd819953eb995f9cc9c326130abe9dd0b3993a998e12c01d0218a0b831 50.38MB / 50.38MB 1.2s done build 04-May-2020 10:31:38 #5 sha256:4352dcff781953572c12e05ae2fb6110663338140d5fec17b170e047bcaf4074 6.99MB / 192.17MB 1.5s build 04-May-2020 10:31:38 #5 sha256:deb569b08de6261bb3b332bb10e809fc6945ffd08f3f4e71df495223c4ae8985 556.14kB / 6.14MB 1.5s build 04-May-2020 10:31:38 #5 sha256:74e27dc593d49a6d728dfe36976cb1469e076fbf3611e501fd030308cd212a80 5.29MB / 51.83MB 1.5s build 04-May-2020 10:31:38 #5 sha256:deb569b08de6261bb3b332bb10e809fc6945ffd08f3f4e71df495223c4ae8985 6.14MB / 6.14MB 1.6s build 04-May-2020 10:31:38 #5 sha256:74e27dc593d49a6d728dfe36976cb1469e076fbf3611e501fd030308cd212a80 10.37MB / 51.83MB 1.6s build 04-May-2020 10:31:38 #5 sha256:4352dcff781953572c12e05ae2fb6110663338140d5fec17b170e047bcaf4074 16.78MB / 192.17MB 1.7s build 04-May-2020 10:31:38 #5 sha256:74e27dc593d49a6d728dfe36976cb1469e076fbf3611e501fd030308cd212a80 17.23MB / 51.83MB 1.7s build 04-May-2020 10:31:38 #5 sha256:4352dcff781953572c12e05ae2fb6110663338140d5fec17b170e047bcaf4074 27.11MB / 192.17MB 1.9s build 04-May-2020 10:31:38 #5 sha256:deb569b08de6261bb3b332bb10e809fc6945ffd08f3f4e71df495223c4ae8985 6.14MB / 6.14MB 1.7s done build 04-May-2020 10:31:38 #5 sha256:74e27dc593d49a6d728dfe36976cb1469e076fbf3611e501fd030308cd212a80 33.28MB / 51.83MB 1.9s build 04-May-2020 10:31:38 #5 sha256:1aa33568be24fdaa62e9ada848d4ac41fb37efff8c77467995dfd27bb656ab50 0B / 26.60MB 1.9s build 04-May-2020 10:31:38 #5 sha256:74e27dc593d49a6d728dfe36976cb1469e076fbf3611e501fd030308cd212a80 37.57MB / 51.83MB 2.0s build 04-May-2020 10:31:38 #5 sha256:1aa33568be24fdaa62e9ada848d4ac41fb37efff8c77467995dfd27bb656ab50 2.23MB / 26.60MB 2.0s build 04-May-2020 10:31:38 #5 sha256:1aa33568be24fdaa62e9ada848d4ac41fb37efff8c77467995dfd27bb656ab50 6.72MB / 26.60MB 2.1s build 04-May-2020 10:31:39 #5 sha256:4352dcff781953572c12e05ae2fb6110663338140d5fec17b170e047bcaf4074 41.58MB / 192.17MB 2.2s build 04-May-2020 10:31:39 #5 sha256:74e27dc593d49a6d728dfe36976cb1469e076fbf3611e501fd030308cd212a80 43.81MB / 51.83MB 2.2s build 04-May-2020 10:31:39 #5 sha256:1aa33568be24fdaa62e9ada848d4ac41fb37efff8c77467995dfd27bb656ab50 10.26MB / 26.60MB 2.2s build 04-May-2020 10:31:39 #5 sha256:74e27dc593d49a6d728dfe36976cb1469e076fbf3611e501fd030308cd212a80 48.08MB / 51.83MB 2.3s build 04-May-2020 10:31:39 #5 sha256:1aa33568be24fdaa62e9ada848d4ac41fb37efff8c77467995dfd27bb656ab50 13.09MB / 26.60MB 2.3s build 04-May-2020 10:31:39 #5 sha256:74e27dc593d49a6d728dfe36976cb1469e076fbf3611e501fd030308cd212a80 51.83MB / 51.83MB 2.4s build 04-May-2020 10:31:39 #5 sha256:1aa33568be24fdaa62e9ada848d4ac41fb37efff8c77467995dfd27bb656ab50 16.06MB / 26.60MB 2.4s build 04-May-2020 10:31:39 #5 sha256:4352dcff781953572c12e05ae2fb6110663338140d5fec17b170e047bcaf4074 62.28MB / 192.17MB 2.6s build 04-May-2020 10:31:39 #5 sha256:1aa33568be24fdaa62e9ada848d4ac41fb37efff8c77467995dfd27bb656ab50 25.29MB / 26.60MB 2.6s build 04-May-2020 10:31:39 #5 sha256:4352dcff781953572c12e05ae2fb6110663338140d5fec17b170e047bcaf4074 76.99MB / 192.17MB 2.8s build 04-May-2020 10:31:39 #5 sha256:4352dcff781953572c12e05ae2fb6110663338140d5fec17b170e047bcaf4074 87.13MB / 192.17MB 2.9s build 04-May-2020 10:31:39 #5 sha256:4352dcff781953572c12e05ae2fb6110663338140d5fec17b170e047bcaf4074 97.89MB / 192.17MB 3.0s build 04-May-2020 10:31:40 #5 extracting sha256:90fe46dd819953eb995f9cc9c326130abe9dd0b3993a998e12c01d0218a0b831 2.2s done build 04-May-2020 10:31:40 #5 sha256:4352dcff781953572c12e05ae2fb6110663338140d5fec17b170e047bcaf4074 169.41MB / 192.17MB 3.7s build 04-May-2020 10:31:40 #5 sha256:74e27dc593d49a6d728dfe36976cb1469e076fbf3611e501fd030308cd212a80 51.83MB / 51.83MB 3.2s done build 04-May-2020 10:31:40 #5 sha256:1aa33568be24fdaa62e9ada848d4ac41fb37efff8c77467995dfd27bb656ab50 26.60MB / 26.60MB 3.3s done build 04-May-2020 10:31:40 #5 sha256:a8034acd589398eb68902bda22e67da113cb9de731fc27eb6fd85f2709dcee6a 234B / 234B 3.7s build 04-May-2020 10:31:40 #5 sha256:5ae88975c1ebba21a00e9a193192caa59ab5553d3601ec22ec9c9f23f1c2f5e3 363.81kB / 1.93MB 3.7s build 04-May-2020 10:31:40 #5 sha256:4352dcff781953572c12e05ae2fb6110663338140d5fec17b170e047bcaf4074 180.81MB / 192.17MB 3.8s build 04-May-2020 10:31:40 #5 sha256:a8034acd589398eb68902bda22e67da113cb9de731fc27eb6fd85f2709dcee6a 234B / 234B 3.8s done build 04-May-2020 10:31:40 #5 sha256:5ae88975c1ebba21a00e9a193192caa59ab5553d3601ec22ec9c9f23f1c2f5e3 1.93MB / 1.93MB 3.8s build 04-May-2020 10:31:40 #5 sha256:4352dcff781953572c12e05ae2fb6110663338140d5fec17b170e047bcaf4074 192.17MB / 192.17MB 3.9s build 04-May-2020 10:31:41 #5 sha256:5ae88975c1ebba21a00e9a193192caa59ab5553d3601ec22ec9c9f23f1c2f5e3 1.93MB / 1.93MB 4.9s done build 04-May-2020 10:31:42 #5 sha256:4352dcff781953572c12e05ae2fb6110663338140d5fec17b170e047bcaf4074 192.17MB / 192.17MB 5.3s done build 04-May-2020 10:31:42 #5 extracting sha256:35a4f197768941ef308d981a94f6d06fb77b9f2ba89dc04d2daf8292ee297315 build 04-May-2020 10:31:42 #5 extracting sha256:35a4f197768941ef308d981a94f6d06fb77b9f2ba89dc04d2daf8292ee297315 0.3s done build 04-May-2020 10:31:43 #5 extracting sha256:bbc37f14aded2d49bfac62dfa404755c9f1cadfee2b35933e4906f0054782888 build 04-May-2020 10:31:43 #5 extracting sha256:bbc37f14aded2d49bfac62dfa404755c9f1cadfee2b35933e4906f0054782888 0.3s done build 04-May-2020 10:31:43 #5 extracting sha256:74e27dc593d49a6d728dfe36976cb1469e076fbf3611e501fd030308cd212a80 build 04-May-2020 10:31:45 #5 extracting sha256:74e27dc593d49a6d728dfe36976cb1469e076fbf3611e501fd030308cd212a80 1.9s done build 04-May-2020 10:31:46 #5 extracting sha256:4352dcff781953572c12e05ae2fb6110663338140d5fec17b170e047bcaf4074 build 04-May-2020 10:31:51 #5 extracting sha256:4352dcff781953572c12e05ae2fb6110663338140d5fec17b170e047bcaf4074 5.0s build 04-May-2020 10:31:52 #5 extracting sha256:4352dcff781953572c12e05ae2fb6110663338140d5fec17b170e047bcaf4074 6.0s done build 04-May-2020 10:31:53 #5 extracting sha256:deb569b08de6261bb3b332bb10e809fc6945ffd08f3f4e71df495223c4ae8985 build 04-May-2020 10:31:53 #5 extracting sha256:deb569b08de6261bb3b332bb10e809fc6945ffd08f3f4e71df495223c4ae8985 0.3s done build 04-May-2020 10:31:58 #5 extracting sha256:1aa33568be24fdaa62e9ada848d4ac41fb37efff8c77467995dfd27bb656ab50 build 04-May-2020 10:31:59 #5 extracting sha256:1aa33568be24fdaa62e9ada848d4ac41fb37efff8c77467995dfd27bb656ab50 0.9s done build 04-May-2020 10:31:59 #5 extracting sha256:a8034acd589398eb68902bda22e67da113cb9de731fc27eb6fd85f2709dcee6a done build 04-May-2020 10:32:00 #5 extracting sha256:5ae88975c1ebba21a00e9a193192caa59ab5553d3601ec22ec9c9f23f1c2f5e3 build 04-May-2020 10:32:00 #5 extracting sha256:5ae88975c1ebba21a00e9a193192caa59ab5553d3601ec22ec9c9f23f1c2f5e3 0.2s done build 04-May-2020 10:32:02 #5 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:02.275417117 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:02 #5 duration: 25.548704667s build 04-May-2020 10:32:02 build 04-May-2020 10:32:02 build 04-May-2020 10:32:02 #7 [2/4] COPY requirements.txt / build 04-May-2020 10:32:02 #7 digest: sha256:d567815b8523cf0bea35d00000e1fba761c59dcd0e1aa4a2b6294f04574b47cc build 04-May-2020 10:32:02 #7 name: "[2/4] COPY requirements.txt /" build 04-May-2020 10:32:02 #7 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:02.293487935 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:02 #7 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:02.927810468 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:02 #7 duration: 634.322533ms build 04-May-2020 10:32:02 build 04-May-2020 10:32:03 build 04-May-2020 10:32:03 #8 [3/4] RUN pip install -r /requirements.txt build 04-May-2020 10:32:03 #8 digest: sha256:6e0cb945957cb6516b68e1ea95ae9b9ba55c75e83bf1b3a3968b3470a3249599 build 04-May-2020 10:32:03 #8 name: "[3/4] RUN pip install -r /requirements.txt" build 04-May-2020 10:32:03 #8 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:02.953308762 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:05 #8 2.246 Collecting bcrypt==3.1.6 build 04-May-2020 10:32:05 #8 2.281 Downloading bcrypt-3.1.6-cp34-abi3-manylinux1_x86_64.whl (55 kB) build 04-May-2020 10:32:05 #8 2.502 Collecting passlib==1.7.1 build 04-May-2020 10:32:05 #8 2.509 Downloading passlib-1.7.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (498 kB) build 04-May-2020 10:32:06 #8 3.307 Collecting pymongo==3.8.0 build 04-May-2020 10:32:06 #8 3.316 Downloading pymongo-3.8.0-cp37-cp37m-manylinux1_x86_64.whl (417 kB) build 04-May-2020 10:32:06 #8 3.696 Collecting cffi>=1.1 build 04-May-2020 10:32:06 #8 3.705 Downloading cffi-1.14.0-cp37-cp37m-manylinux1_x86_64.whl (400 kB) build 04-May-2020 10:32:06 #8 3.896 Collecting six>=1.4.1 build 04-May-2020 10:32:06 #8 3.902 Downloading six-1.14.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (10 kB) build 04-May-2020 10:32:07 #8 3.994 Collecting pycparser build 04-May-2020 10:32:07 #8 4.001 Downloading pycparser-2.20-py2.py3-none-any.whl (112 kB) build 04-May-2020 10:32:07 #8 4.108 Installing collected packages: pycparser, cffi, six, bcrypt, passlib, pymongo build 04-May-2020 10:32:08 #8 5.179 Successfully installed bcrypt-3.1.6 cffi-1.14.0 passlib-1.7.1 pycparser-2.20 pymongo-3.8.0 six-1.14.0 build 04-May-2020 10:32:08 #8 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:08.485127423 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:08 #8 duration: 5.531818661s build 04-May-2020 10:32:08 build 04-May-2020 10:32:08 build 04-May-2020 10:32:08 #9 [4/4] COPY / build 04-May-2020 10:32:08 #9 digest: sha256:8693d78bb35dbfcbd65239ae32124f15258521a93e13518cd26bb2b19a3dadf7 build 04-May-2020 10:32:08 #9 name: "[4/4] COPY /" build 04-May-2020 10:32:08 #9 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:08.521397372 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:10 #9 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:10.29247237 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:10 #9 duration: 1.771074998s build 04-May-2020 10:32:10 build 04-May-2020 10:32:10 build 04-May-2020 10:32:10 #10 exporting to image build 04-May-2020 10:32:10 #10 digest: sha256:b023b5eb4bab0b55d89733a6e6166889824945431e9b9ea3d49cbf8241b90b20 build 04-May-2020 10:32:10 #10 name: "exporting to image" build 04-May-2020 10:32:10 #10 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:10.450798727 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:10 #10 exporting layers build 04-May-2020 10:32:11 #10 exporting layers 0.7s done build 04-May-2020 10:32:11 #10 writing image sha256:658751d8db0c5cd473e93cc89d73678fa653391d9bc5ff5da51b419181445fa2 build 04-May-2020 10:32:11 #10 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:11.371436474 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:11 #10 duration: 920.637747ms build 04-May-2020 10:32:11 #10 writing image sha256:658751d8db0c5cd473e93cc89d73678fa653391d9bc5ff5da51b419181445fa2 0.0s done build 04-May-2020 10:32:11 #10 naming to 0.0s done build 04-May-2020 10:32:11 build 04-May-2020 10:32:11 build 04-May-2020 10:32:11 #1 [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile build 04-May-2020 10:32:11 #1 digest: sha256:53646e16f3f9f8cf678429c559e069f97bed9f275e31dc7a822858d34e883f4d build 04-May-2020 10:32:11 #1 name: "[internal] load build definition from Dockerfile" build 04-May-2020 10:32:11 #1 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:11.414099113 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:11 #1 transferring dockerfile: 556B done build 04-May-2020 10:32:12 #2 ... build 04-May-2020 10:32:12 build 04-May-2020 10:32:12 #2 [internal] load .dockerignore build 04-May-2020 10:32:12 #2 digest: sha256:e83d69ea5291fd593f4dfaffaa79ded1a01635a4aefced16050018f1905fe9cb build 04-May-2020 10:32:12 #2 name: "[internal] load .dockerignore" build 04-May-2020 10:32:12 #2 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:11.414064378 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:12 #2 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:12.417833414 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:12 #2 duration: 1.003769036s build 04-May-2020 10:32:12 #2 transferring context: 2B done build 04-May-2020 10:32:12 build 04-May-2020 10:32:12 build 04-May-2020 10:32:12 #1 [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile build 04-May-2020 10:32:12 #1 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:12.772740386 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:12 #1 duration: 1.358641273s build 04-May-2020 10:32:12 build 04-May-2020 10:32:12 build 04-May-2020 10:32:12 #3 [internal] load metadata for build 04-May-2020 10:32:12 #3 digest: sha256:56740593e68dcb3c2cc05c0eb62ef43cec95ae466f85f7ab9443f05955111eae build 04-May-2020 10:32:12 #3 name: "[internal] load metadata for" build 04-May-2020 10:32:12 #3 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:12.856187946 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:13 #3 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:13.113432111 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:13 #3 duration: 257.244165ms build 04-May-2020 10:32:13 build 04-May-2020 10:32:13 build 04-May-2020 10:32:13 #4 [internal] helper image for file operations build 04-May-2020 10:32:13 #4 digest: sha256:e4c43493b1bb2320466c52248e886014710025b273f224bb96a23b8fb7a1d193 build 04-May-2020 10:32:13 #4 name: "[internal] helper image for file operations" build 04-May-2020 10:32:13 #4 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:13.114797919 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:13 #4 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:13.114956245 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:13 #4 duration: 158.326µs build 04-May-2020 10:32:13 #4 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:13.115352225 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:13 #4 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:13.115382592 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:13 #4 duration: 30.367µs build 04-May-2020 10:32:13 #4 cached: true build 04-May-2020 10:32:13 build 04-May-2020 10:32:13 build 04-May-2020 10:32:13 #5 [1/4] FROM build 04-May-2020 10:32:13 #5 digest: sha256:ebb62c69783284542a9d8123c4e184a08157e16c7d2ec63d443f28922495da8f build 04-May-2020 10:32:13 #5 name: "[1/4] FROM" build 04-May-2020 10:32:13 #5 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:13.114800024 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:13 #5 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:13.115017438 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:13 #5 duration: 217.414µs build 04-May-2020 10:32:13 #5 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:13.116316666 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:13 #5 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:13.117151469 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:13 #5 duration: 834.803µs build 04-May-2020 10:32:13 #5 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:13.117233395 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:13 #5 resolve done build 04-May-2020 10:32:13 #5 sha256:1a67359fdf62bbd31029a302f5fb305b4f1d4eb394f1cd561eb00b7498f056e9 1.86kB / 1.86kB done build 04-May-2020 10:32:13 #5 sha256:3a71fd2dac2343263993f4ab898c9398dfbfd0235dafe41e784876b69bdfa899 2.22kB / 2.22kB done build 04-May-2020 10:32:13 #5 sha256:a75a9884bab615fe4f5563cdeb2e494e8e044ce6390aea56284f24b19a8f3bec 9.01kB / 9.01kB done build 04-May-2020 10:32:13 #6 ... build 04-May-2020 10:32:13 build 04-May-2020 10:32:13 #6 [internal] load build context build 04-May-2020 10:32:13 #6 digest: sha256:d72025c0c16067b617787fee8445d4a1730de6a504151cce6dfb06fcd4aa9000 build 04-May-2020 10:32:13 #6 name: "[internal] load build context" build 04-May-2020 10:32:13 #6 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:13.115094939 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:13 #6 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:13.115113694 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:13 #6 duration: 18.755µs build 04-May-2020 10:32:13 #6 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:13.115231454 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:13 #6 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:13.522290537 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:13 #6 duration: 407.059083ms build 04-May-2020 10:32:13 #6 transferring context: 578.64kB done build 04-May-2020 10:32:13 build 04-May-2020 10:32:13 build 04-May-2020 10:32:13 #5 [1/4] FROM build 04-May-2020 10:32:14 #5 sha256:1847e662e737511d7e55d66e5335d756acdddc317429b8fa827187cb1b00df5b 0B / 6.14MB 0.9s build 04-May-2020 10:32:14 #5 sha256:b2851aedc5c4d5d2578e12ee05c08764d0d51b4b3d820a1ea8b340634aced161 0B / 234B 0.9s build 04-May-2020 10:32:14 #5 sha256:5c85edc8ef84b4e37c54f9e9e0635d48d81a4a77652557f06491ce1d52ca0787 0B / 23.77MB 0.9s build 04-May-2020 10:32:14 #5 sha256:1847e662e737511d7e55d66e5335d756acdddc317429b8fa827187cb1b00df5b 4.73MB / 6.14MB 1.1s build 04-May-2020 10:32:14 #5 sha256:b2851aedc5c4d5d2578e12ee05c08764d0d51b4b3d820a1ea8b340634aced161 234B / 234B 1.1s build 04-May-2020 10:32:14 #5 extracting sha256:1847e662e737511d7e55d66e5335d756acdddc317429b8fa827187cb1b00df5b build 04-May-2020 10:32:14 #5 sha256:1847e662e737511d7e55d66e5335d756acdddc317429b8fa827187cb1b00df5b 6.14MB / 6.14MB 1.2s done build 04-May-2020 10:32:14 #5 sha256:b2851aedc5c4d5d2578e12ee05c08764d0d51b4b3d820a1ea8b340634aced161 234B / 234B 1.1s done build 04-May-2020 10:32:14 #5 sha256:5c85edc8ef84b4e37c54f9e9e0635d48d81a4a77652557f06491ce1d52ca0787 20.06MB / 23.77MB 1.3s build 04-May-2020 10:32:14 #5 sha256:f77fd7e47fdccd00124b8b2bbeb35507321aa34bc4cdf8891b89bcf12f1fdfc5 1.12MB / 1.93MB 1.3s build 04-May-2020 10:32:14 #5 sha256:5c85edc8ef84b4e37c54f9e9e0635d48d81a4a77652557f06491ce1d52ca0787 23.77MB / 23.77MB 1.4s build 04-May-2020 10:32:14 #5 sha256:f77fd7e47fdccd00124b8b2bbeb35507321aa34bc4cdf8891b89bcf12f1fdfc5 1.93MB / 1.93MB 1.4s build 04-May-2020 10:32:14 #5 extracting sha256:1847e662e737511d7e55d66e5335d756acdddc317429b8fa827187cb1b00df5b 0.3s done build 04-May-2020 10:32:15 #5 sha256:f77fd7e47fdccd00124b8b2bbeb35507321aa34bc4cdf8891b89bcf12f1fdfc5 1.93MB / 1.93MB 1.8s done build 04-May-2020 10:32:15 #5 sha256:5c85edc8ef84b4e37c54f9e9e0635d48d81a4a77652557f06491ce1d52ca0787 23.77MB / 23.77MB 1.9s done build 04-May-2020 10:32:15 #5 extracting sha256:5c85edc8ef84b4e37c54f9e9e0635d48d81a4a77652557f06491ce1d52ca0787 build 04-May-2020 10:32:16 #5 extracting sha256:5c85edc8ef84b4e37c54f9e9e0635d48d81a4a77652557f06491ce1d52ca0787 0.9s done build 04-May-2020 10:32:16 #5 extracting sha256:b2851aedc5c4d5d2578e12ee05c08764d0d51b4b3d820a1ea8b340634aced161 done build 04-May-2020 10:32:16 #5 extracting sha256:f77fd7e47fdccd00124b8b2bbeb35507321aa34bc4cdf8891b89bcf12f1fdfc5 build 04-May-2020 10:32:17 #5 extracting sha256:f77fd7e47fdccd00124b8b2bbeb35507321aa34bc4cdf8891b89bcf12f1fdfc5 0.2s done build 04-May-2020 10:32:18 #5 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:18.431804989 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:18 #5 duration: 5.314571594s build 04-May-2020 10:32:18 build 04-May-2020 10:32:18 build 04-May-2020 10:32:18 #7 [2/4] COPY requirements.txt /src/ build 04-May-2020 10:32:18 #7 digest: sha256:75a54a5c07b1d77608fff808de795ebdde815fb04a5751b859ee2a797fefc0b5 build 04-May-2020 10:32:18 #7 name: "[2/4] COPY requirements.txt /src/" build 04-May-2020 10:32:18 #7 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:18.561307015 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:19 #7 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:19.862409239 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:19 #7 duration: 1.301102224s build 04-May-2020 10:32:19 build 04-May-2020 10:32:19 build 04-May-2020 10:32:19 #8 [3/4] RUN pip3 install -r /src/requirements.txt build 04-May-2020 10:32:19 #8 digest: sha256:bd7f4354f99d3360bd08b891ca6141127886e3b423100afbc8d0496f360aa5f3 build 04-May-2020 10:32:19 #8 name: "[3/4] RUN pip3 install -r /src/requirements.txt" build 04-May-2020 10:32:19 #8 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:19.908397514 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:23 #8 3.340 Collecting pika==1.0.0 build 04-May-2020 10:32:23 #8 3.381 Downloading pika-1.0.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (148 kB) build 04-May-2020 10:32:24 #8 4.955 Collecting requests==2.21.0 build 04-May-2020 10:32:24 #8 4.962 Downloading requests-2.21.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (57 kB) build 04-May-2020 10:32:25 #8 5.127 Collecting python-dateutil==2.8.0 build 04-May-2020 10:32:25 #8 5.135 Downloading python_dateutil-2.8.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (226 kB) build 04-May-2020 10:32:25 #8 5.324 Collecting chardet<3.1.0,>=3.0.2 build 04-May-2020 10:32:25 #8 5.332 Downloading chardet-3.0.4-py2.py3-none-any.whl (133 kB) build 04-May-2020 10:32:25 #8 5.621 Collecting certifi>=2017.4.17 build 04-May-2020 10:32:25 #8 5.628 Downloading certifi-2020.4.5.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (157 kB) build 04-May-2020 10:32:26 #8 6.033 Collecting idna<2.9,>=2.5 build 04-May-2020 10:32:26 #8 6.040 Downloading idna-2.8-py2.py3-none-any.whl (58 kB) build 04-May-2020 10:32:26 #8 6.372 Collecting urllib3<1.25,>=1.21.1 build 04-May-2020 10:32:26 #8 6.379 Downloading urllib3-1.24.3-py2.py3-none-any.whl (118 kB) build 04-May-2020 10:32:26 #8 6.665 Collecting six>=1.5 build 04-May-2020 10:32:26 #8 6.672 Downloading six-1.14.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (10 kB) build 04-May-2020 10:32:26 #8 6.799 Installing collected packages: pika, chardet, certifi, idna, urllib3, requests, six, python-dateutil build 04-May-2020 10:32:27 #8 7.941 Successfully installed certifi-2020.4.5.1 chardet-3.0.4 idna-2.8 pika-1.0.0 python-dateutil-2.8.0 requests-2.21.0 six-1.14.0 urllib3-1.24.3 build 04-May-2020 10:32:28 #8 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:28.253120619 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:28 #8 duration: 8.344723105s build 04-May-2020 10:32:28 build 04-May-2020 10:32:28 build 04-May-2020 10:32:28 #9 [4/4] COPY . /src/ build 04-May-2020 10:32:28 #9 digest: sha256:b876f94afd84de4c2007ba6bec09e78e1c629eaa832bfda6a97e45a91c10641e build 04-May-2020 10:32:28 #9 name: "[4/4] COPY . /src/" build 04-May-2020 10:32:28 #9 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:28.291657238 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:29 #9 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:29.179328125 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:29 #9 duration: 887.670887ms build 04-May-2020 10:32:29 build 04-May-2020 10:32:29 build 04-May-2020 10:32:29 #10 exporting to image build 04-May-2020 10:32:29 #10 digest: sha256:b8f6bc8dfeef72874bdb296ba68b52ba04d5bb78aab36808911f8f026f146772 build 04-May-2020 10:32:29 #10 name: "exporting to image" build 04-May-2020 10:32:29 #10 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:29.241356124 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:29 #10 exporting layers build 04-May-2020 10:32:32 #10 exporting layers 2.7s done build 04-May-2020 10:32:32 #10 writing image sha256:e66fb19265a895115ca60e9ca7689745a268b7c6ee281eb7e8ab75ee77f04572 build 04-May-2020 10:32:32 #10 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:32.712940691 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:32 #10 duration: 3.471584567s build 04-May-2020 10:32:32 #10 writing image sha256:e66fb19265a895115ca60e9ca7689745a268b7c6ee281eb7e8ab75ee77f04572 0.1s done build 04-May-2020 10:32:32 #10 naming to 0.0s done build 04-May-2020 10:32:32 build 04-May-2020 10:32:32 build 04-May-2020 10:32:32 #1 [internal] load .dockerignore build 04-May-2020 10:32:32 #1 digest: sha256:6edae6d538c1eddccd6a7adf9d465f8b9ff4cd9128190f041dbd99e20b0d032a build 04-May-2020 10:32:32 #1 name: "[internal] load .dockerignore" build 04-May-2020 10:32:32 #1 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:32.75505655 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:32 #1 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:32.755137914 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:32 #1 duration: 81.364µs build 04-May-2020 10:32:32 #1 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:32.755243699 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:33 #1 transferring context: 2B done build 04-May-2020 10:32:33 #1 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:33.702101973 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:33 #1 duration: 946.858274ms build 04-May-2020 10:32:33 build 04-May-2020 10:32:33 build 04-May-2020 10:32:33 #2 [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile build 04-May-2020 10:32:33 #2 digest: sha256:a84ad18d596451ed7812efc2f8628c823e2eb11c1fc521639c9cbe1f372f22c1 build 04-May-2020 10:32:33 #2 name: "[internal] load build definition from Dockerfile" build 04-May-2020 10:32:33 #2 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:32.754730121 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:33 #2 transferring dockerfile: 515B done build 04-May-2020 10:32:33 #2 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:33.792448661 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:33 #2 duration: 1.03771854s build 04-May-2020 10:32:33 build 04-May-2020 10:32:33 build 04-May-2020 10:32:33 #3 [internal] load metadata for build 04-May-2020 10:32:33 #3 digest: sha256:6aa3fbe2d5daab236c694fe35aaf5e88aa0902955f2d77235216c44ae1323666 build 04-May-2020 10:32:33 #3 name: "[internal] load metadata for" build 04-May-2020 10:32:33 #3 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:33.872188585 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:34 #3 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:34.019401881 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:34 #3 duration: 147.213296ms build 04-May-2020 10:32:34 build 04-May-2020 10:32:34 build 04-May-2020 10:32:34 #4 [internal] helper image for file operations build 04-May-2020 10:32:34 #4 digest: sha256:e4c43493b1bb2320466c52248e886014710025b273f224bb96a23b8fb7a1d193 build 04-May-2020 10:32:34 #4 name: "[internal] helper image for file operations" build 04-May-2020 10:32:34 #4 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:34.020585594 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:34 #4 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:34.020772699 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:34 #4 duration: 187.105µs build 04-May-2020 10:32:34 #4 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:34.021251628 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:34 #4 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:34.021288883 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:34 #4 duration: 37.255µs build 04-May-2020 10:32:34 #4 cached: true build 04-May-2020 10:32:34 build 04-May-2020 10:32:34 build 04-May-2020 10:32:34 #5 [1/4] FROM build 04-May-2020 10:32:34 #5 digest: sha256:67e2cd8587436e932fc76f1394c38c9e20f21bb77e7c1c6cccaff6567f553e55 build 04-May-2020 10:32:34 #5 name: "[1/4] FROM" build 04-May-2020 10:32:34 #5 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:34.020573479 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:34 #5 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:34.020744467 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:34 #5 duration: 170.988µs build 04-May-2020 10:32:34 #5 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:34.020948496 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:34 #5 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:34.021706266 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:34 #5 duration: 757.77µs build 04-May-2020 10:32:34 #5 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:34.021812121 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:34 #5 resolve done build 04-May-2020 10:32:34 #5 sha256:7eb0834844428f3dae2eb81208b23445018cfd615404a56fecfe798de8f76394 1.37kB / 1.37kB done build 04-May-2020 10:32:34 #5 sha256:61681f5202041de441532b386c74adbf0e81ed433eb79581c12c817a12ef609b 7.74kB / 7.74kB done build 04-May-2020 10:32:34 #5 sha256:cbdbe7a5bc2a134ca8ec91be58565ec07d037386d1f1d8385412d224deafca08 0B / 2.81MB 0.1s build 04-May-2020 10:32:34 #5 sha256:26ebcd19a4e3221ee54d309346df0869af0d74a25920287f70b0ee1da1bf75de 0B / 301.28kB 0.1s build 04-May-2020 10:32:34 #5 sha256:f2a4afa74df82dfc5ab95c31577b88e6ba1b754beeb86ff688d264a904aa0898 0B / 28.27MB 0.1s build 04-May-2020 10:32:34 #5 sha256:8acbf2568aaf64337a9ef2d4f15e0813566957b93fa6954c165335d1a54ca617 1.65kB / 1.65kB done build 04-May-2020 10:32:34 #6 ... build 04-May-2020 10:32:34 build 04-May-2020 10:32:34 #6 [internal] load build context build 04-May-2020 10:32:34 #6 digest: sha256:12bbd24beaa1ec80826c122801bb4584f7b76f7b9c1a5e65e2382e20b86c1d8e build 04-May-2020 10:32:34 #6 name: "[internal] load build context" build 04-May-2020 10:32:34 #6 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:34.020588614 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:34 #6 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:34.02065764 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:34 #6 duration: 69.026µs build 04-May-2020 10:32:34 #6 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:34.020921153 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:34 #6 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:34.245848172 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:34 #6 duration: 224.927019ms build 04-May-2020 10:32:34 #6 transferring context: 1.10kB done build 04-May-2020 10:32:34 build 04-May-2020 10:32:34 build 04-May-2020 10:32:34 #5 [1/4] FROM build 04-May-2020 10:32:34 #5 sha256:26ebcd19a4e3221ee54d309346df0869af0d74a25920287f70b0ee1da1bf75de 64.62kB / 301.28kB 0.3s build 04-May-2020 10:32:34 #5 sha256:f2a4afa74df82dfc5ab95c31577b88e6ba1b754beeb86ff688d264a904aa0898 3.37MB / 28.27MB 0.3s build 04-May-2020 10:32:34 #5 sha256:cbdbe7a5bc2a134ca8ec91be58565ec07d037386d1f1d8385412d224deafca08 2.81MB / 2.81MB 0.4s done build 04-May-2020 10:32:34 #5 sha256:26ebcd19a4e3221ee54d309346df0869af0d74a25920287f70b0ee1da1bf75de 301.28kB / 301.28kB 0.4s done build 04-May-2020 10:32:34 #5 sha256:f2a4afa74df82dfc5ab95c31577b88e6ba1b754beeb86ff688d264a904aa0898 27.15MB / 28.27MB 0.5s build 04-May-2020 10:32:34 #5 extracting sha256:cbdbe7a5bc2a134ca8ec91be58565ec07d037386d1f1d8385412d224deafca08 build 04-May-2020 10:32:34 #5 sha256:a3916b494c8f7f35e3114e0ea5aad570c15225d0fc7b0283f3c32e590771a128 0B / 232B 0.5s build 04-May-2020 10:32:34 #5 sha256:038cfaa9de84da577b2d98f03ae51c51dcc92fce84d08a9db1df08bc5917e845 0B / 1.93MB 0.5s build 04-May-2020 10:32:34 #5 sha256:a3916b494c8f7f35e3114e0ea5aad570c15225d0fc7b0283f3c32e590771a128 232B / 232B 0.6s build 04-May-2020 10:32:34 #5 sha256:038cfaa9de84da577b2d98f03ae51c51dcc92fce84d08a9db1df08bc5917e845 1.93MB / 1.93MB 0.6s build 04-May-2020 10:32:34 #5 extracting sha256:cbdbe7a5bc2a134ca8ec91be58565ec07d037386d1f1d8385412d224deafca08 0.3s done build 04-May-2020 10:32:34 #5 sha256:a3916b494c8f7f35e3114e0ea5aad570c15225d0fc7b0283f3c32e590771a128 232B / 232B 0.7s done build 04-May-2020 10:32:35 #5 sha256:f2a4afa74df82dfc5ab95c31577b88e6ba1b754beeb86ff688d264a904aa0898 28.27MB / 28.27MB 1.1s done build 04-May-2020 10:32:35 #5 sha256:038cfaa9de84da577b2d98f03ae51c51dcc92fce84d08a9db1df08bc5917e845 1.93MB / 1.93MB 1.1s done build 04-May-2020 10:32:35 #5 extracting sha256:26ebcd19a4e3221ee54d309346df0869af0d74a25920287f70b0ee1da1bf75de build 04-May-2020 10:32:35 #5 extracting sha256:26ebcd19a4e3221ee54d309346df0869af0d74a25920287f70b0ee1da1bf75de 0.1s done build 04-May-2020 10:32:36 #5 extracting sha256:f2a4afa74df82dfc5ab95c31577b88e6ba1b754beeb86ff688d264a904aa0898 build 04-May-2020 10:32:37 #5 extracting sha256:f2a4afa74df82dfc5ab95c31577b88e6ba1b754beeb86ff688d264a904aa0898 0.8s done build 04-May-2020 10:32:37 #5 extracting sha256:a3916b494c8f7f35e3114e0ea5aad570c15225d0fc7b0283f3c32e590771a128 done build 04-May-2020 10:32:37 #5 extracting sha256:038cfaa9de84da577b2d98f03ae51c51dcc92fce84d08a9db1df08bc5917e845 build 04-May-2020 10:32:37 #5 extracting sha256:038cfaa9de84da577b2d98f03ae51c51dcc92fce84d08a9db1df08bc5917e845 0.2s done build 04-May-2020 10:32:39 #5 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:39.261152605 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:39 #5 duration: 5.239340484s build 04-May-2020 10:32:39 build 04-May-2020 10:32:39 build 04-May-2020 10:32:39 #7 [2/4] COPY requirements.txt /src/ build 04-May-2020 10:32:39 #7 digest: sha256:2804b1c7bfce0eea6e92cbff630f3e66d879895385d3270db65f67e2323a4b85 build 04-May-2020 10:32:39 #7 name: "[2/4] COPY requirements.txt /src/" build 04-May-2020 10:32:39 #7 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:39.336256326 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:40 #7 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:40.10102217 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:40 #7 duration: 764.765844ms build 04-May-2020 10:32:40 build 04-May-2020 10:32:40 build 04-May-2020 10:32:40 #8 [3/4] RUN pip install -r /src/requirements.txt build 04-May-2020 10:32:40 #8 digest: sha256:cad1cc7b7be33811e094b645e674afd89d21bd362671dd52cd78e5d4741fff46 build 04-May-2020 10:32:40 #8 name: "[3/4] RUN pip install -r /src/requirements.txt" build 04-May-2020 10:32:40 #8 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:40.129622496 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:42 #8 2.155 Collecting pika==1.1.0 build 04-May-2020 10:32:42 #8 2.190 Downloading pika-1.1.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (148 kB) build 04-May-2020 10:32:43 #8 3.029 Collecting pymongo==3.9.0 build 04-May-2020 10:32:43 #8 3.038 Downloading pymongo-3.9.0.tar.gz (701 kB) build 04-May-2020 10:32:43 #8 3.700 Building wheels for collected packages: pymongo build 04-May-2020 10:32:43 #8 3.701 Building wheel for pymongo ( started build 04-May-2020 10:32:44 #8 4.193 Building wheel for pymongo ( finished with status 'done' build 04-May-2020 10:32:44 #8 4.196 Created wheel for pymongo: filename=pymongo-3.9.0-cp37-cp37m-linux_x86_64.whl size=313067 sha256=e4de98a20319a8b4c512618b30cfb3c3b233924934f73db11dab4a26eea0f24b build 04-May-2020 10:32:44 #8 4.196 Stored in directory: /root/.cache/pip/wheels/67/76/b8/2198494ed01a4a5388dbd9b117d7272385a86f1078afac6b32 build 04-May-2020 10:32:44 #8 4.197 Successfully built pymongo build 04-May-2020 10:32:44 #8 4.237 Installing collected packages: pika, pymongo build 04-May-2020 10:32:44 #8 4.674 Successfully installed pika-1.1.0 pymongo-3.9.0 build 04-May-2020 10:32:46 #8 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:46.076063239 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:46 #8 duration: 5.946440743s build 04-May-2020 10:32:46 build 04-May-2020 10:32:46 build 04-May-2020 10:32:46 #9 [4/4] COPY check_* /src/ build 04-May-2020 10:32:46 #9 digest: sha256:40e8cd66c8bf8ba1590e78b8d09c49658b1c487a3abd44955b16ed6eed18d1eb build 04-May-2020 10:32:46 #9 name: "[4/4] COPY check_* /src/" build 04-May-2020 10:32:46 #9 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:46.211543999 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:47 #9 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:47.176799648 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:47 #9 duration: 965.255649ms build 04-May-2020 10:32:47 build 04-May-2020 10:32:47 build 04-May-2020 10:32:47 #10 exporting to image build 04-May-2020 10:32:47 #10 digest: sha256:1ae96db10ab1c86e1ce16327bdb62aa6b307e5bf6f83ab8587dabacbd45de79f build 04-May-2020 10:32:47 #10 name: "exporting to image" build 04-May-2020 10:32:47 #10 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:47.193529883 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:47 #10 exporting layers build 04-May-2020 10:32:48 #10 exporting layers 1.6s done build 04-May-2020 10:32:49 #10 writing image sha256:538096386e682e7cc93ccacdad4d9462d67a98c6813b60331ea8435f975af1b5 0.0s done build 04-May-2020 10:32:49 #10 naming to build 04-May-2020 10:32:49 #10 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:49.16264938 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:49 #10 duration: 1.969119497s build 04-May-2020 10:32:49 #10 naming to 0.1s done build 04-May-2020 10:32:49 simple 04-May-2020 10:32:49 Finished task 'docker build' with result: Success simple 04-May-2020 10:32:49 Starting task 'docker push' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script' command 04-May-2020 10:32:49 Beginning to execute external process for build 'Clowder - CORE - release-1.8.3 - default #10 (CATS-CORE1091-JOB1-10)'\n ... running command line: \n/bin/sh\n ... in: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1\n ... using extra environment variables: \nbamboo_planRepository_1_branch=release/1.8.3\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_npm_6=/home/bamboo/node-v6.9.1/bin/npm\nbamboo_planRepository_1_branchDisplayName=release/1.8.3\nbamboo_repository_revision_number=cb04bdd6d1381f16ddd5708e9cb05fd1af52e424\nbamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugins_scripttask_task_builder_script_15=/bin/sh /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/temp/\nbamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugins_scripttask_task_builder_script_16=/bin/sh\nbamboo_buildKey=CATS-CORE1091-JOB1\nbamboo_repository_182059115_git_username=\nbamboo_shortJobName=default\nbamboo_buildResultsUrl=\nbamboo_planRepository_repositoryUrl=ssh://\nbamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugins_sbt_sbt_18=/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.13/bin/sbt compile\nbamboo_repository_182059115_branch_name=release/1.8.3\nbamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugins_sbt_sbt_19=/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.13/bin/sbt test-only integration.APITestSuite\nbamboo_agentId=140673028\nbamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugins_sbt_sbt_17=/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.13/bin/sbt clean update\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_node_Node_js_v0_10_28=/home/bamboo/node-v0.10.28/bin/node\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_node_Node_js_v12_14_1=/home/bamboo/node-v12.14.1/bin/node\nbamboo_planRepository_revision=cb04bdd6d1381f16ddd5708e9cb05fd1af52e424\nbamboo_planRepository_previousRevision=18a963db2f12e433daa7b53de4866f3f4f7930b1\nbamboo_repository_182059115_name=clowder\nbamboo_repository_branch_name=release/1.8.3\nbamboo_repository_182059115_revision_number=cb04bdd6d1381f16ddd5708e9cb05fd1af52e424\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_python3=/usr/bin/python3\nbamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugins_sbt_sbt_21=/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.13/bin/sbt dist\nbamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugins_sbt_sbt_20=/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.13/bin/sbt doc\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_grunt=/home/bamboo/node-v0.10.28/bin/grunt\nbamboo_planRepository_branch=release/1.8.3\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_phantomjs=/home/bamboo/phantomjs-1.9.8/bin/phantomjs\nbamboo_planRepository_1_type=bbserver\nbamboo_planRepository_branchName=release/1.8.3\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK=/home/bamboo/jdk1.8.0_66\nbamboo_capability_system_software_mongo=/usr/bin/mongo\nbamboo_hg_cache_directory=/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/_hg-repositories-cache\nbamboo_capability_system_software_rabbitmq=/usr/sbin/rabbitmqctl\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_8_0_66=/home/bamboo/jdk1.8.0_66\nbamboo_planRepository_1_username=\nbamboo_planRepository_type=bbserver\nbamboo_git_cache_directory=/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/_git-repositories-cache\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_node_Node_js=/home/bamboo/node-v0.10.28/bin/node\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_node_Node_js_v9_3_0=/home/bamboo/node-v9.3.0/bin/node\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_ant_Ant=/home/bamboo/apache-ant-1.9.4\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_mvn3_Maven_3=/home/bamboo/apache-maven-3.3.9\nbamboo_tmp_directory=/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/temp\nbamboo_planKey=CATS-CORE1091\nbamboo_planRepository_username=\nbamboo_planRepository_1_branchName=release/1.8.3\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_buckminster_4_3=/home/bamboo/buckminster-4.3/buckminster\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_node_Node_js_v6_9_1=/home/bamboo/node-v6.9.1/bin/node\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_buckminster_4_4=/home/bamboo/buckminster-4.4/buckminster\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_buckminster_4_2=/home/bamboo/buckminster-4.2/buckminster\nbamboo_repository_182059115_previous_revision_number=18a963db2f12e433daa7b53de4866f3f4f7930b1\nbamboo_resultsUrl=\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_sphinx=/usr/bin/sphinx-build\nbamboo_build_working_directory=/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1\nbamboo_planRepository_1_name=clowder\nbamboo_capability_system_os=linux\nbamboo_shortPlanName=CORE\nbamboo_planRepository_name=clowder\nbamboo_repository_182059115_git_branch=release/1.8.3\nbamboo_buildNumber=10\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_node_grunt_6=/home/bamboo/node-v6.9.1/bin/grunt\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_python3_6=/usr/bin/python3.6\nbamboo_planName=Clowder - CORE - release-1.8.3\nbamboo_shortPlanKey=CORE1091\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_sbt_0_13=/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.2/bin/sbt\nbamboo_shortJobKey=JOB1\nbamboo_buildTimeStamp=2020-05-04T10:14:00.241-05:00\nbamboo_repository_previous_revision_number=18a963db2f12e433daa7b53de4866f3f4f7930b1\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_npm=/home/bamboo/node-v0.10.28/bin/npm\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_mvn2_Maven_2=/home/bamboo/apache-maven-2.2.1\nbamboo_repository_git_branch=release/1.8.3\nbamboo_buildResultKey=CATS-CORE1091-JOB1-10\nbamboo_buildPlanName=Clowder - CORE - release-1.8.3 - default\nbamboo_planRepository_1_revision=cb04bdd6d1381f16ddd5708e9cb05fd1af52e424\nbamboo_repository_182059115_git_repositoryUrl=ssh://\nbamboo_repository_name=clowder\nbamboo_buildFailed=false\nbamboo_capability_system_docker_executable=/usr/bin/docker\nbamboo_agentWorkingDirectory=/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir\nbamboo_capability_system_git_executable=/usr/bin/git\nbamboo_repository_git_username=\nbamboo_planRepository_1_previousRevision=18a963db2f12e433daa7b53de4866f3f4f7930b1\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_sbt_SBT_0_13_13=/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.13\nbamboo_planRepository_branchDisplayName=release/1.8.3\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_python2_7=/usr/bin/python2.7\nbamboo_capability_system_hostname=buildserver-1\nbamboo_plan_storageTag=plan-181928042\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_casperjs=/home/bamboo/node-v0.10.28/bin/casperjs\nbamboo_repository_git_repositoryUrl=ssh://\nbamboo_working_directory=/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1\nbamboo_planRepository_1_repositoryUrl=ssh://\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_8=/home/bamboo/jdk1.8.0_66\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_6=/home/bamboo/jdk1.6.0_41\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_mkcrx=/home/bamboo/mkcrx/\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_7=/home/bamboo/jdk1.7.0_60\n build 04-May-2020 10:32:49 build 04-May-2020 10:32:49 #2 [internal] load .dockerignore build 04-May-2020 10:32:49 #2 digest: sha256:5507d713ada0686f735924406c45fe5b4bf05a374ea6f26b4ff39f1a0fc5179a build 04-May-2020 10:32:49 #2 name: "[internal] load .dockerignore" build 04-May-2020 10:32:49 #2 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:49.219953731 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:49 #2 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:49.219998047 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:49 #2 duration: 44.316µs build 04-May-2020 10:32:49 build 04-May-2020 10:32:49 build 04-May-2020 10:32:49 #1 [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile build 04-May-2020 10:32:49 #1 digest: sha256:1b3924e8db9946eabecde6ab9f23f7a579b7935773dd646050bd67dbbdee6a31 build 04-May-2020 10:32:49 #1 name: "[internal] load build definition from Dockerfile" build 04-May-2020 10:32:49 #1 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:49.220103251 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:49 #1 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:49.220138635 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:49 #1 duration: 35.384µs build 04-May-2020 10:32:49 #1 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:49.220205986 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:51 #1 transferring dockerfile: 38B done build 04-May-2020 10:32:51 #2 ... build 04-May-2020 10:32:51 build 04-May-2020 10:32:51 #2 [internal] load .dockerignore build 04-May-2020 10:32:51 #2 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:49.220100775 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:51 #2 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:51.597736131 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:51 #2 duration: 2.377635356s build 04-May-2020 10:32:51 #2 transferring context: 34B done build 04-May-2020 10:32:51 build 04-May-2020 10:32:51 build 04-May-2020 10:32:51 #1 [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile build 04-May-2020 10:32:51 #1 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:51.902410261 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:51 #1 duration: 2.682204275s build 04-May-2020 10:32:51 build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #3 [internal] load metadata for build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #3 digest: sha256:a29715008f3ef546263a4eb2884857efccd0983c9c84f022cb4767bd12e30dff build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #3 name: "[internal] load metadata for" build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #3 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:52.016469728 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #4 ... build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #4 [internal] load metadata for build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #4 digest: sha256:08dede91f7a2552c6a6805d3ea3c22f4e2f669a18f8ef779342d15bd5877cb6d build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #4 name: "[internal] load metadata for" build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #4 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:52.016471113 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #4 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:52.180100224 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #4 duration: 163.629111ms build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #3 [internal] load metadata for build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #3 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:52.236657769 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #3 duration: 220.188041ms build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #5 [internal] helper image for file operations build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #5 digest: sha256:e4c43493b1bb2320466c52248e886014710025b273f224bb96a23b8fb7a1d193 build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #5 name: "[internal] helper image for file operations" build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #5 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:52.239261636 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #5 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:52.239419303 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #5 duration: 157.667µs build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #6 [stage-1 1/6] FROM build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #6 digest: sha256:0b445863360bd14de0296d0f24c148ccab9a79ba89e6ba3f863958a6f9486e6e build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #6 name: "[stage-1 1/6] FROM" build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #6 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:52.23945345 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #6 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:52.239580127 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #6 duration: 126.677µs build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #8 [clowder-build 1/9] FROM build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #8 digest: sha256:cb7840f144307be6dcc0cab52c10c9c3c0d93f7967b56e50de6784a4e63b7206 build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #8 name: "[clowder-build 1/9] FROM" build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #8 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:52.240237845 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #8 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:52.240364718 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #8 duration: 126.873µs build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #9 [internal] load build context build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #9 digest: sha256:57e611b8626e29fde9c94654ad82740f570cced94e2e132a916e0b4cfad1dba3 build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #9 name: "[internal] load build context" build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #9 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:52.239255799 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #9 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:52.239307796 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #9 duration: 51.997µs build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #9 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:52.240596126 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #9 transferring context: 81.97kB 0.0s done build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #9 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:52.668880637 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #9 duration: 428.284511ms build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #11 [clowder-build 3/9] COPY project /src/project build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #11 digest: sha256:269f4a421340afb29091391f2662919a4519dbcf76a42b830d5f3c68055e76ff build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #11 name: "[clowder-build 3/9] COPY project /src/project" build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #11 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:52.721541003 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #11 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:52.721541003 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #11 duration: 0s build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #11 cached: true build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #15 [clowder-build 7/9] COPY public /src/public/ build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #15 digest: sha256:102e5b15aff541ec67b9bdc63aecd1a77f9af926c32532052bfd1b17d8b04518 build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #15 name: "[clowder-build 7/9] COPY public /src/public/" build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #15 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:52.721541003 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #15 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:52.721541003 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #15 duration: 0s build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #15 cached: true build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #19 [stage-1 4/6] COPY docker/ docker/ /home/clowder... build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #19 digest: sha256:14838fd3e0b849c5f6d47d111635f352c68948407c27db53faa1134576cbc596 build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #19 name: "[stage-1 4/6] COPY docker/ docker/ /home/clowder/" build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #19 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:52.721541003 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #19 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:52.721541003 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #19 duration: 0s build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #19 cached: true build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #7 [stage-1 2/6] RUN apk add --no-cache bash curl build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #7 digest: sha256:6934716cd67bb4088f8fede2a965d33252b43a32bd7e00d8984d8f86e810ac96 build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #7 name: "[stage-1 2/6] RUN apk add --no-cache bash curl" build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #7 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:52.721541003 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #7 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:52.721541003 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #7 duration: 0s build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #7 cached: true build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #10 [clowder-build 2/9] COPY sbt* /src/ build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #10 digest: sha256:531374f4955122133a99e26cb63c5c9bc89648a8307fb2d07e51ce722247ebe0 build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #10 name: "[clowder-build 2/9] COPY sbt* /src/" build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #10 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:52.721541003 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #10 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:52.721541003 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #10 duration: 0s build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #10 cached: true build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #16 [clowder-build 8/9] COPY app /src/app/ build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #16 digest: sha256:c627621cb471b4d8c5932a5709ecc215e301236bb27c4cf5321293c9c9648bd4 build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #16 name: "[clowder-build 8/9] COPY app /src/app/" build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #16 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:52.721541003 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #16 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:52.721541003 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #16 duration: 0s build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #16 cached: true build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #17 [clowder-build 9/9] RUN rm -rf target/universal/clowder-*.zip clowder cl... build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #17 digest: sha256:cd16314a10e1cfd7eda6e75c1f9b731df010e74c8557a356d08af00a9c04cb7d build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #17 name: "[clowder-build 9/9] RUN rm -rf target/universal/clowder-*.zip clowder clowder-* && ./sbt dist && ls -l target/universal/ && unzip -q target/universal/clowder-*.zip && ls -l && mv clowder-* clowder && mkdir -p clowder/custom clowder/logs" build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #17 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:52.721541003 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #17 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:52.721541003 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #17 duration: 0s build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #17 cached: true build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #20 [stage-1 5/6] COPY docker/custom.conf docker/play.plugins /home/clowder/... build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #20 digest: sha256:1d8de6093483adde1e5dd3253c14101b49ab1bcde376b2ce12271b1c145ae5f1 build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #20 name: "[stage-1 5/6] COPY docker/custom.conf docker/play.plugins /home/clowder/custom/" build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #20 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:52.721541003 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #20 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:52.721541003 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #20 duration: 0s build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #20 cached: true build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #14 [clowder-build 6/9] COPY conf /src/conf/ build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #14 digest: sha256:ee29deb2e2bf3953283c03a6e2eb4a303ea0c54fe36c4fa7ba2c57826411519b build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #14 name: "[clowder-build 6/9] COPY conf /src/conf/" build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #14 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:52.721541003 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #14 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:52.721541003 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #14 duration: 0s build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #14 cached: true build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #21 [stage-1 6/6] RUN mkdir -p /home/clowder/data && chgrp -R 0 /home/cl... build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #21 digest: sha256:eb5ef816d320c3404601b37f2cebc5e11f4305fac2e78d7fa1e4fe4e19c0a2b4 build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #21 name: "[stage-1 6/6] RUN mkdir -p /home/clowder/data && chgrp -R 0 /home/clowder/ && chmod g+w /home/clowder/logs /home/clowder/data /home/clowder/custom" build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #21 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:52.721541003 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #21 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:52.721568402 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #21 duration: 27.399µs build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #21 cached: true build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #12 [clowder-build 4/9] RUN ./sbt update build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #12 digest: sha256:6c9ea869cbff2c40c656fa53fca78cfb3606d45042c2e908fa52d930d161da60 build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #12 name: "[clowder-build 4/9] RUN ./sbt update" build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #12 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:52.721541003 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #12 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:52.721541003 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #12 duration: 0s build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #12 cached: true build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #13 [clowder-build 5/9] COPY lib /src/lib/ build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #13 digest: sha256:7fa69bf8216b35a034c3c380c8b59e7c5b98ca9999a1f9710436e3647754f1a8 build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #13 name: "[clowder-build 5/9] COPY lib /src/lib/" build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #13 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:52.721541003 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #13 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:52.721541003 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #13 duration: 0s build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #13 cached: true build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #18 [stage-1 3/6] COPY --from=clowder-build /src/clowder /home/clowder/ build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #18 digest: sha256:131e5877934ef9d45b72c9864297426f59660f5a2849bda5ebaad8254b0fa323 build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #18 name: "[stage-1 3/6] COPY --from=clowder-build /src/clowder /home/clowder/" build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #18 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:52.721541003 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #18 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:52.721541003 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #18 duration: 0s build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #18 cached: true build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #22 exporting to image build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #22 digest: sha256:23b697748e23cdf39ea88d52a06985bb10c9c7cfdfdbfec198d01ad0083170d7 build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #22 name: "exporting to image" build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #22 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:52.721614369 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:52 #22 exporting layers done build 04-May-2020 10:32:53 #22 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:53.098923063 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:53 #22 duration: 377.308694ms build 04-May-2020 10:32:53 #22 writing image sha256:5f197143d5fa8574f76a408fbc68a71ce7b5c0b787b744c3a2400286f60c6ebe 0.0s done build 04-May-2020 10:32:53 #22 naming to 0.0s done build 04-May-2020 10:32:53 build 04-May-2020 10:32:53 build 04-May-2020 10:32:53 #1 [internal] load .dockerignore build 04-May-2020 10:32:53 #1 digest: sha256:790ef5931a6486b7bf83a86247ec0e4f669b21134b8bfeb488a12d55f6da5156 build 04-May-2020 10:32:53 #1 name: "[internal] load .dockerignore" build 04-May-2020 10:32:53 #1 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:53.141993391 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:53 #1 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:53.142046873 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:53 #1 duration: 53.482µs build 04-May-2020 10:32:53 #1 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:53.142131218 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:53 #1 transferring context: 2B done build 04-May-2020 10:32:53 #2 ... build 04-May-2020 10:32:53 build 04-May-2020 10:32:53 #2 [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile build 04-May-2020 10:32:53 #2 digest: sha256:77f3205493f5defff368132f26c8ede92b92b81490304af53ee13a3b4753a27b build 04-May-2020 10:32:53 #2 name: "[internal] load build definition from Dockerfile" build 04-May-2020 10:32:53 #2 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:53.14189067 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:53 #2 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:53.141935246 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:53 #2 duration: 44.576µs build 04-May-2020 10:32:53 #2 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:53.14201235 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:53 #2 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:53.483832304 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:53 #2 duration: 341.819954ms build 04-May-2020 10:32:53 #2 transferring dockerfile: 38B done build 04-May-2020 10:32:53 build 04-May-2020 10:32:53 build 04-May-2020 10:32:53 #1 [internal] load .dockerignore build 04-May-2020 10:32:53 #1 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:53.618802272 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:53 #1 duration: 476.671054ms build 04-May-2020 10:32:53 build 04-May-2020 10:32:53 build 04-May-2020 10:32:53 #3 [internal] load metadata for build 04-May-2020 10:32:53 #3 digest: sha256:8dff2c23d5907ba94f7c361d130cc16c98c9f3ad54aa1c116e150ea96355a327 build 04-May-2020 10:32:53 #3 name: "[internal] load metadata for" build 04-May-2020 10:32:53 #3 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:53.784197313 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:53 #3 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:53.925054217 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:53 #3 duration: 140.856904ms build 04-May-2020 10:32:53 build 04-May-2020 10:32:54 build 04-May-2020 10:32:54 #5 [1/3] FROM build 04-May-2020 10:32:54 #5 digest: sha256:40370f4faecba84b0413d476ec0e923218726d0f8ae2d40f7e25f669652b4d4e build 04-May-2020 10:32:54 #5 name: "[1/3] FROM" build 04-May-2020 10:32:54 #5 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:53.925947323 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:54 #5 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:53.92608594 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:54 #5 duration: 138.617µs build 04-May-2020 10:32:54 build 04-May-2020 10:32:54 build 04-May-2020 10:32:54 #4 [internal] helper image for file operations build 04-May-2020 10:32:54 #4 digest: sha256:e4c43493b1bb2320466c52248e886014710025b273f224bb96a23b8fb7a1d193 build 04-May-2020 10:32:54 #4 name: "[internal] helper image for file operations" build 04-May-2020 10:32:54 #4 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:53.92614898 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:54 #4 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:53.926320016 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:54 #4 duration: 171.036µs build 04-May-2020 10:32:54 build 04-May-2020 10:32:54 build 04-May-2020 10:32:54 #7 [internal] load build context build 04-May-2020 10:32:54 #7 digest: sha256:09b20490418b4e2fa13c104644a680e8fc10956c0f13eff11949eca4a9260d3a build 04-May-2020 10:32:54 #7 name: "[internal] load build context" build 04-May-2020 10:32:54 #7 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:53.926209764 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:54 #7 transferring context: 472B done build 04-May-2020 10:32:54 #7 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:54.584505502 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:54 #7 duration: 658.295738ms build 04-May-2020 10:32:54 build 04-May-2020 10:32:54 build 04-May-2020 10:32:54 #8 [3/3] COPY FILES.toolserver / build 04-May-2020 10:32:54 #8 digest: sha256:d087b159977d2f543551a9f6ead81ffa52767b3e84b4da310fa88d2a42d8aab6 build 04-May-2020 10:32:54 #8 name: "[3/3] COPY FILES.toolserver /" build 04-May-2020 10:32:54 #8 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:54.604574559 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:54 #8 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:54.604622556 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:54 #8 duration: 47.997µs build 04-May-2020 10:32:54 #8 cached: true build 04-May-2020 10:32:54 build 04-May-2020 10:32:54 build 04-May-2020 10:32:54 #6 [2/3] RUN apt-get -y update && apt-get -y install curl unzip docker.... build 04-May-2020 10:32:54 #6 digest: sha256:b6be58069c153cfca8499fed5ce2ddf9b85cb6c5a1d32a74832173430270f700 build 04-May-2020 10:32:54 #6 name: "[2/3] RUN apt-get -y update && apt-get -y install curl unzip python python-dev python-pip && pip install flask-restful && pip install arrow && apt-get clean all && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /tmp/* /var/tmp/* ;" build 04-May-2020 10:32:54 #6 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:54.604574559 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:54 #6 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:54.604574559 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:54 #6 duration: 0s build 04-May-2020 10:32:54 #6 cached: true build 04-May-2020 10:32:54 build 04-May-2020 10:32:54 build 04-May-2020 10:32:54 #9 exporting to image build 04-May-2020 10:32:54 #9 digest: sha256:af1d0c50fa59eb15ce9ec328b2fd68c255cdf7f1d09ed8d31c64c6eea134b0ad build 04-May-2020 10:32:54 #9 name: "exporting to image" build 04-May-2020 10:32:54 #9 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:54.604681443 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:54 #9 exporting layers done build 04-May-2020 10:32:55 #9 writing image sha256:d078c93970ddfba650145c81fe46969aa6221b5856d3005bd382cd948c1e8940 build 04-May-2020 10:32:55 #9 writing image sha256:d078c93970ddfba650145c81fe46969aa6221b5856d3005bd382cd948c1e8940 0.1s done build 04-May-2020 10:32:55 #9 naming to build 04-May-2020 10:32:55 #9 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:55.167363947 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:55 #9 duration: 562.682504ms build 04-May-2020 10:32:55 #9 naming to 0.1s done build 04-May-2020 10:32:55 build 04-May-2020 10:32:55 build 04-May-2020 10:32:55 #1 [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile build 04-May-2020 10:32:55 #1 digest: sha256:bb47a2aa039ca60a184dc91cefa0a31b86b0ffef5ba96bc870eb4c885ed147d7 build 04-May-2020 10:32:55 #1 name: "[internal] load build definition from Dockerfile" build 04-May-2020 10:32:55 #1 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:55.209846388 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:55 #1 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:55.209900559 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:55 #1 duration: 54.171µs build 04-May-2020 10:32:55 #1 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:55.209987984 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:55 #1 transferring dockerfile: 38B done build 04-May-2020 10:32:56 #1 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:56.778960433 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:56 #1 duration: 1.568972449s build 04-May-2020 10:32:56 build 04-May-2020 10:32:56 build 04-May-2020 10:32:56 #2 [internal] load .dockerignore build 04-May-2020 10:32:56 #2 digest: sha256:076d53aabf4b248881e33b9a42f11060c1e6fb25e15456be554d4474e1b657a3 build 04-May-2020 10:32:56 #2 name: "[internal] load .dockerignore" build 04-May-2020 10:32:56 #2 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:55.210189196 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:56 #2 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:55.210251191 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:56 #2 duration: 61.995µs build 04-May-2020 10:32:56 #2 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:55.210344089 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:56 #2 transferring context: 2B done build 04-May-2020 10:32:56 #2 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:56.993816808 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:56 #2 duration: 1.783472719s build 04-May-2020 10:32:56 build 04-May-2020 10:32:57 build 04-May-2020 10:32:57 #3 [internal] load metadata for build 04-May-2020 10:32:57 #3 digest: sha256:2e83735093f2e645c7660e349795ae80186113afc054af8bdc7501e99da12131 build 04-May-2020 10:32:57 #3 name: "[internal] load metadata for" build 04-May-2020 10:32:57 #3 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:57.192205702 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:57 #3 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:57.398500082 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:57 #3 duration: 206.29438ms build 04-May-2020 10:32:57 build 04-May-2020 10:32:57 build 04-May-2020 10:32:57 #4 [internal] helper image for file operations build 04-May-2020 10:32:57 #4 digest: sha256:e4c43493b1bb2320466c52248e886014710025b273f224bb96a23b8fb7a1d193 build 04-May-2020 10:32:57 #4 name: "[internal] helper image for file operations" build 04-May-2020 10:32:57 #4 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:57.399839074 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:57 #4 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:57.400011347 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:57 #4 duration: 172.273µs build 04-May-2020 10:32:57 build 04-May-2020 10:32:57 build 04-May-2020 10:32:57 #5 [1/4] FROM build 04-May-2020 10:32:57 #5 digest: sha256:b7c0bbb2e28a761948e2450924f7e9b8753407268c9d92d888842e5cd84b966a build 04-May-2020 10:32:57 #5 name: "[1/4] FROM" build 04-May-2020 10:32:57 #5 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:57.399712507 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:57 #5 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:57.400246698 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:57 #5 duration: 534.191µs build 04-May-2020 10:32:57 build 04-May-2020 10:32:57 build 04-May-2020 10:32:57 #6 [internal] load build context build 04-May-2020 10:32:57 #6 digest: sha256:ee94917f74d6a16130d4acbd774898431a2ff016d62adaf47adc73cbc8bc7132 build 04-May-2020 10:32:57 #6 name: "[internal] load build context" build 04-May-2020 10:32:57 #6 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:57.400185779 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:57 #6 transferring context: 70B done build 04-May-2020 10:32:57 #6 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:57.654588712 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:57 #6 duration: 254.402933ms build 04-May-2020 10:32:57 build 04-May-2020 10:32:57 build 04-May-2020 10:32:57 #7 [2/4] COPY requirements.txt / build 04-May-2020 10:32:57 #7 digest: sha256:01aed6d451539713e9a3b1748bfef4baa327361dfe25b4bec9adf6dd77403e6d build 04-May-2020 10:32:57 #7 name: "[2/4] COPY requirements.txt /" build 04-May-2020 10:32:57 #7 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:57.680753858 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:57 #7 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:57.680753858 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:57 #7 duration: 0s build 04-May-2020 10:32:57 #7 cached: true build 04-May-2020 10:32:57 build 04-May-2020 10:32:57 build 04-May-2020 10:32:57 #8 [3/4] RUN pip install -r /requirements.txt build 04-May-2020 10:32:57 #8 digest: sha256:c999a5fd3bdf62ba1c9f18507682ff2ec8897b53a1fbdf53b753db8a792fa037 build 04-May-2020 10:32:57 #8 name: "[3/4] RUN pip install -r /requirements.txt" build 04-May-2020 10:32:57 #8 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:57.680753858 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:57 #8 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:57.680753858 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:57 #8 duration: 0s build 04-May-2020 10:32:57 #8 cached: true build 04-May-2020 10:32:57 build 04-May-2020 10:32:57 build 04-May-2020 10:32:57 #9 [4/4] COPY / build 04-May-2020 10:32:57 #9 digest: sha256:22489d467e4cbafe57e17bf09b23660a23839f53ce4b917621aed8b2b7af65f2 build 04-May-2020 10:32:57 #9 name: "[4/4] COPY /" build 04-May-2020 10:32:57 #9 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:57.680753858 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:57 #9 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:57.68078257 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:57 #9 duration: 28.712µs build 04-May-2020 10:32:57 #9 cached: true build 04-May-2020 10:32:57 build 04-May-2020 10:32:57 build 04-May-2020 10:32:57 #10 exporting to image build 04-May-2020 10:32:57 #10 digest: sha256:05820c5a52e3971ede68d2ff704393e616767cfa20396cca45f9e82567c0300f build 04-May-2020 10:32:57 #10 name: "exporting to image" build 04-May-2020 10:32:57 #10 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:57.68083151 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:57 #10 exporting layers done build 04-May-2020 10:32:57 #10 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:57.982004564 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:57 #10 duration: 301.173054ms build 04-May-2020 10:32:57 #10 writing image sha256:658751d8db0c5cd473e93cc89d73678fa653391d9bc5ff5da51b419181445fa2 0.0s done build 04-May-2020 10:32:57 #10 naming to 0.0s done build 04-May-2020 10:32:57 build 04-May-2020 10:32:58 build 04-May-2020 10:32:58 #2 [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile build 04-May-2020 10:32:58 #2 digest: sha256:283d855fa19e83aca912312273986f90a617b602dec84ee7cc982063ebca3b21 build 04-May-2020 10:32:58 #2 name: "[internal] load build definition from Dockerfile" build 04-May-2020 10:32:58 #2 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:58.024907507 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:58 #2 transferring dockerfile: 38B done build 04-May-2020 10:32:58 #1 ... build 04-May-2020 10:32:58 build 04-May-2020 10:32:58 #1 [internal] load .dockerignore build 04-May-2020 10:32:58 #1 digest: sha256:1c823534c1c368e7c8e11f527b5b9880134bfca31d4dae4048a16edaa8f70c9e build 04-May-2020 10:32:58 #1 name: "[internal] load .dockerignore" build 04-May-2020 10:32:58 #1 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:58.024952183 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:58 #1 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:58.025014689 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:58 #1 duration: 62.506µs build 04-May-2020 10:32:58 #1 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:58.025115798 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:58 #1 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:58.375607 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:58 #1 duration: 350.491202ms build 04-May-2020 10:32:58 #1 transferring context: 2B done build 04-May-2020 10:32:58 build 04-May-2020 10:32:58 build 04-May-2020 10:32:58 #2 [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile build 04-May-2020 10:32:58 #2 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:58.452682512 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:58 #2 duration: 427.775005ms build 04-May-2020 10:32:58 build 04-May-2020 10:32:58 build 04-May-2020 10:32:58 #3 [internal] load metadata for build 04-May-2020 10:32:58 #3 digest: sha256:56740593e68dcb3c2cc05c0eb62ef43cec95ae466f85f7ab9443f05955111eae build 04-May-2020 10:32:58 #3 name: "[internal] load metadata for" build 04-May-2020 10:32:58 #3 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:58.524187959 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:58 #3 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:58.837001701 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:58 #3 duration: 312.813742ms build 04-May-2020 10:32:58 build 04-May-2020 10:32:58 build 04-May-2020 10:32:58 #4 [internal] helper image for file operations build 04-May-2020 10:32:58 #4 digest: sha256:e4c43493b1bb2320466c52248e886014710025b273f224bb96a23b8fb7a1d193 build 04-May-2020 10:32:58 #4 name: "[internal] helper image for file operations" build 04-May-2020 10:32:58 #4 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:58.838532201 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:58 #4 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:58.838664227 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:58 #4 duration: 132.026µs build 04-May-2020 10:32:58 build 04-May-2020 10:32:58 build 04-May-2020 10:32:58 #5 [1/4] FROM build 04-May-2020 10:32:58 #5 digest: sha256:ebb62c69783284542a9d8123c4e184a08157e16c7d2ec63d443f28922495da8f build 04-May-2020 10:32:58 #5 name: "[1/4] FROM" build 04-May-2020 10:32:58 #5 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:58.838164022 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:58 #5 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:58.838348975 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:58 #5 duration: 184.953µs build 04-May-2020 10:32:58 build 04-May-2020 10:32:58 build 04-May-2020 10:32:58 #6 [internal] load build context build 04-May-2020 10:32:58 #6 digest: sha256:596dd3b5ec5c2b379226e405b0b640b11e4610ffc37fa220556668050a72a41a build 04-May-2020 10:32:58 #6 name: "[internal] load build context" build 04-May-2020 10:32:58 #6 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:58.838914421 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:58 #6 transferring context: 540B done build 04-May-2020 10:32:59 #6 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:59.295770647 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:59 #6 duration: 456.856226ms build 04-May-2020 10:32:59 build 04-May-2020 10:32:59 build 04-May-2020 10:32:59 #9 [4/4] COPY . /src/ build 04-May-2020 10:32:59 #9 digest: sha256:db57db9928fba7a9eb3cb39407ef25f22ff0da3b6f03d833efbc0b086cd94bf0 build 04-May-2020 10:32:59 #9 name: "[4/4] COPY . /src/" build 04-May-2020 10:32:59 #9 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:59.362228301 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:59 #9 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:59.362252682 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:59 #9 duration: 24.381µs build 04-May-2020 10:32:59 #9 cached: true build 04-May-2020 10:32:59 build 04-May-2020 10:32:59 build 04-May-2020 10:32:59 #7 [2/4] COPY requirements.txt /src/ build 04-May-2020 10:32:59 #7 digest: sha256:67029b88d6eab4fecd73f00a4db84ea4472e78f27aa9b7b895f1c6184cf90f31 build 04-May-2020 10:32:59 #7 name: "[2/4] COPY requirements.txt /src/" build 04-May-2020 10:32:59 #7 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:59.362228301 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:59 #7 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:59.362228301 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:59 #7 duration: 0s build 04-May-2020 10:32:59 #7 cached: true build 04-May-2020 10:32:59 build 04-May-2020 10:32:59 build 04-May-2020 10:32:59 #8 [3/4] RUN pip3 install -r /src/requirements.txt build 04-May-2020 10:32:59 #8 digest: sha256:456b347b92f696ba02bff2f49d3c8ff1316f1bce3d6f96e2d9941482658226e2 build 04-May-2020 10:32:59 #8 name: "[3/4] RUN pip3 install -r /src/requirements.txt" build 04-May-2020 10:32:59 #8 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:59.362228301 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:59 #8 completed: 2020-05-04 15:32:59.362228301 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:59 #8 duration: 0s build 04-May-2020 10:32:59 #8 cached: true build 04-May-2020 10:32:59 build 04-May-2020 10:32:59 build 04-May-2020 10:32:59 #10 exporting to image build 04-May-2020 10:32:59 #10 digest: sha256:b6fe4f98c3c9d4baf2803c5267aa876ae3e576e65541539fe0f9e325f41fcf02 build 04-May-2020 10:32:59 #10 name: "exporting to image" build 04-May-2020 10:32:59 #10 started: 2020-05-04 15:32:59.362295177 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:32:59 #10 exporting layers done build 04-May-2020 10:33:00 #10 writing image sha256:e66fb19265a895115ca60e9ca7689745a268b7c6ee281eb7e8ab75ee77f04572 0.0s done build 04-May-2020 10:33:00 #10 naming to build 04-May-2020 10:33:00 #10 completed: 2020-05-04 15:33:00.04493209 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:33:00 #10 duration: 682.636913ms build 04-May-2020 10:33:00 #10 naming to 0.0s done build 04-May-2020 10:33:00 build 04-May-2020 10:33:00 build 04-May-2020 10:33:00 #1 [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile build 04-May-2020 10:33:00 #1 digest: sha256:163aa3fdf5595ca84eefca63dff0847fcd68ae728e2c7bb214e403e1a327a579 build 04-May-2020 10:33:00 #1 name: "[internal] load build definition from Dockerfile" build 04-May-2020 10:33:00 #1 started: 2020-05-04 15:33:00.085482087 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:33:00 #1 completed: 2020-05-04 15:33:00.08552821 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:33:00 #1 duration: 46.123µs build 04-May-2020 10:33:00 #1 started: 2020-05-04 15:33:00.085735482 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:33:00 #1 transferring dockerfile: build 04-May-2020 10:33:00 #1 transferring dockerfile: 38B done build 04-May-2020 10:33:00 #2 ... build 04-May-2020 10:33:00 build 04-May-2020 10:33:00 #2 [internal] load .dockerignore build 04-May-2020 10:33:00 #2 digest: sha256:a2adcbcdeb211d010c93eea0ba3b978259fbf0d98e762b37d97382b71dffdf64 build 04-May-2020 10:33:00 #2 name: "[internal] load .dockerignore" build 04-May-2020 10:33:00 #2 started: 2020-05-04 15:33:00.085634038 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:33:00 #2 completed: 2020-05-04 15:33:00.601306764 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:33:00 #2 duration: 515.672726ms build 04-May-2020 10:33:00 #2 transferring context: 2B done build 04-May-2020 10:33:00 build 04-May-2020 10:33:00 build 04-May-2020 10:33:00 #1 [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile build 04-May-2020 10:33:00 #1 completed: 2020-05-04 15:33:00.850970849 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:33:00 #1 duration: 765.235367ms build 04-May-2020 10:33:00 build 04-May-2020 10:33:01 build 04-May-2020 10:33:01 #3 [internal] load metadata for build 04-May-2020 10:33:01 #3 digest: sha256:6aa3fbe2d5daab236c694fe35aaf5e88aa0902955f2d77235216c44ae1323666 build 04-May-2020 10:33:01 #3 name: "[internal] load metadata for" build 04-May-2020 10:33:01 #3 started: 2020-05-04 15:33:01.016184066 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:33:01 #3 completed: 2020-05-04 15:33:01.136973027 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:33:01 #3 duration: 120.788961ms build 04-May-2020 10:33:01 build 04-May-2020 10:33:01 build 04-May-2020 10:33:01 #4 [internal] helper image for file operations build 04-May-2020 10:33:01 #4 digest: sha256:e4c43493b1bb2320466c52248e886014710025b273f224bb96a23b8fb7a1d193 build 04-May-2020 10:33:01 #4 name: "[internal] helper image for file operations" build 04-May-2020 10:33:01 #4 started: 2020-05-04 15:33:01.138080907 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:33:01 #4 completed: 2020-05-04 15:33:01.138265209 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:33:01 #4 duration: 184.302µs build 04-May-2020 10:33:01 build 04-May-2020 10:33:01 build 04-May-2020 10:33:01 #5 [1/4] FROM build 04-May-2020 10:33:01 #5 digest: sha256:67e2cd8587436e932fc76f1394c38c9e20f21bb77e7c1c6cccaff6567f553e55 build 04-May-2020 10:33:01 #5 name: "[1/4] FROM" build 04-May-2020 10:33:01 #5 started: 2020-05-04 15:33:01.138843871 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:33:01 #5 completed: 2020-05-04 15:33:01.138987339 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:33:01 #5 duration: 143.468µs build 04-May-2020 10:33:01 build 04-May-2020 10:33:01 build 04-May-2020 10:33:01 #6 [internal] load build context build 04-May-2020 10:33:01 #6 digest: sha256:510861b458d1c0450f4d796be8992244a54241277b8defc073adf39323c07910 build 04-May-2020 10:33:01 #6 name: "[internal] load build context" build 04-May-2020 10:33:01 #6 started: 2020-05-04 15:33:01.138240802 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:33:01 #6 completed: 2020-05-04 15:33:01.138280989 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:33:01 #6 duration: 40.187µs build 04-May-2020 10:33:01 #6 started: 2020-05-04 15:33:01.138606734 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:33:01 #6 transferring context: 104B done build 04-May-2020 10:33:01 #6 completed: 2020-05-04 15:33:01.373416791 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:33:01 #6 duration: 234.810057ms build 04-May-2020 10:33:01 build 04-May-2020 10:33:01 build 04-May-2020 10:33:01 #7 [2/4] COPY requirements.txt /src/ build 04-May-2020 10:33:01 #7 digest: sha256:85e251e83d8106523ddfe862e4e284ca8ed53df3fbbd4da8b5ce6a19a953680e build 04-May-2020 10:33:01 #7 name: "[2/4] COPY requirements.txt /src/" build 04-May-2020 10:33:01 #7 started: 2020-05-04 15:33:01.391140725 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:33:01 #7 completed: 2020-05-04 15:33:01.391140725 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:33:01 #7 duration: 0s build 04-May-2020 10:33:01 #7 cached: true build 04-May-2020 10:33:01 build 04-May-2020 10:33:01 build 04-May-2020 10:33:01 #8 [3/4] RUN pip install -r /src/requirements.txt build 04-May-2020 10:33:01 #8 digest: sha256:8a64510a51ba3427a441e4e0cca13282cd19f5c42730f69886bd3f6f3a9aa308 build 04-May-2020 10:33:01 #8 name: "[3/4] RUN pip install -r /src/requirements.txt" build 04-May-2020 10:33:01 #8 started: 2020-05-04 15:33:01.391140725 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:33:01 #8 completed: 2020-05-04 15:33:01.391140725 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:33:01 #8 duration: 0s build 04-May-2020 10:33:01 #8 cached: true build 04-May-2020 10:33:01 build 04-May-2020 10:33:01 build 04-May-2020 10:33:01 #9 [4/4] COPY check_* /src/ build 04-May-2020 10:33:01 #9 digest: sha256:d1812b61d29c98eac2fee80c89c461e2e6ff6b552271d74ebf81f14087a3daa0 build 04-May-2020 10:33:01 #9 name: "[4/4] COPY check_* /src/" build 04-May-2020 10:33:01 #9 started: 2020-05-04 15:33:01.391140725 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:33:01 #9 completed: 2020-05-04 15:33:01.39118491 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:33:01 #9 duration: 44.185µs build 04-May-2020 10:33:01 #9 cached: true build 04-May-2020 10:33:01 build 04-May-2020 10:33:01 build 04-May-2020 10:33:01 #10 exporting to image build 04-May-2020 10:33:01 #10 digest: sha256:cfacfc4287624088ebdb977538d9e497fea0d7699d26ce3052497e2904f8dbfa build 04-May-2020 10:33:01 #10 name: "exporting to image" build 04-May-2020 10:33:01 #10 started: 2020-05-04 15:33:01.391230053 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:33:01 #10 exporting layers done build 04-May-2020 10:33:01 #10 writing image sha256:538096386e682e7cc93ccacdad4d9462d67a98c6813b60331ea8435f975af1b5 build 04-May-2020 10:33:01 #10 completed: 2020-05-04 15:33:01.619407103 +0000 UTC build 04-May-2020 10:33:01 #10 duration: 228.17705ms build 04-May-2020 10:33:01 #10 writing image sha256:538096386e682e7cc93ccacdad4d9462d67a98c6813b60331ea8435f975af1b5 0.0s done build 04-May-2020 10:33:01 #10 naming to 0.0s done build 04-May-2020 10:33:01 simple 04-May-2020 10:33:01 Finished task 'docker push' with result: Success simple 04-May-2020 10:33:01 Running post build plugin 'Docker Container Cleanup' simple 04-May-2020 10:33:01 Running post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector' simple 04-May-2020 10:33:01 Running post build plugin 'Clover Results Collector' simple 04-May-2020 10:33:01 Running post build plugin 'npm Cache Cleanup' simple 04-May-2020 10:33:01 Running post build plugin 'Artifact Copier' simple 04-May-2020 10:33:01 Publishing an artifact: dist simple 04-May-2020 10:33:10 Finished publishing of artifact Non required shared artifact: [dist], pattern: [clowder-*.zip] anchored at: [target/universal] in 8.535 s simple 04-May-2020 10:33:10 Publishing an artifact: scaladoc simple 04-May-2020 10:33:11 Finished publishing of artifact Non required shared artifact: [scaladoc], pattern: [**/*] anchored at: [target/scala-2.10/api] in 1.705 s simple 04-May-2020 10:33:11 Publishing an artifact: manual error 04-May-2020 10:33:11 Unable to publish artifact [manual]: the source directory /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE1091-JOB1/doc/src/sphinx/_build/html does not exist. simple 04-May-2020 10:33:11 The artifact hasn't been successfully published after 1.513 ms simple 04-May-2020 10:33:11 Finalising the build... simple 04-May-2020 10:33:11 Stopping timer. simple 04-May-2020 10:33:11 Build CATS-CORE1091-JOB1-10 completed. simple 04-May-2020 10:33:12 Running on server: post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector' simple 04-May-2020 10:33:12 Running on server: post build plugin 'Build Hanging Detection Configuration' simple 04-May-2020 10:33:12 Running on server: post build plugin 'Clover Delta Calculator' simple 04-May-2020 10:33:12 Running on server: post build plugin 'Maven Dependencies Postprocessor' simple 04-May-2020 10:33:12 All post build plugins have finished simple 04-May-2020 10:33:12 Generating build results summary... simple 04-May-2020 10:33:12 Saving build results to disk... simple 04-May-2020 10:33:12 Store variable context... simple 04-May-2020 10:33:12 Indexing build results... simple 04-May-2020 10:33:12 Finished building CATS-CORE1091-JOB1-10.