simple 07-Oct-2015 14:08:28 Build Clowder - CORE - indices - default #1 (CATS-CORE155-JOB1-1) started building on agent simple 07-Oct-2015 14:08:28 Remote Agent simple 07-Oct-2015 14:08:28 Build working directory is /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1 simple 07-Oct-2015 14:08:28 Executing build Clowder - CORE - indices - default #1 (CATS-CORE155-JOB1-1) simple 07-Oct-2015 14:08:28 Starting task 'Checkout Default Repository' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.vcs:task.vcs.checkout' simple 07-Oct-2015 14:08:28 Updating source code to revision: 67a1b2425ca20cf0e95878af076a1661134f628c simple 07-Oct-2015 14:08:28 Creating local git repository in '/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/.git'. simple 07-Oct-2015 14:08:28 Initialized empty Git repository in /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/.git/ simple 07-Oct-2015 14:08:29 Fetching 'refs/heads/indices' from 'ssh://'. Will try to do a shallow fetch. simple 07-Oct-2015 14:08:29 Warning: Permanently added '[]:37198' (RSA) to the list of known hosts. simple 07-Oct-2015 14:08:32 From ssh:// simple 07-Oct-2015 14:08:32 * [new branch] indices -> indices simple 07-Oct-2015 14:08:32 Checking out revision 67a1b2425ca20cf0e95878af076a1661134f628c. simple 07-Oct-2015 14:08:33 Switched to branch 'indices' simple 07-Oct-2015 14:08:33 Updated source code to revision: 67a1b2425ca20cf0e95878af076a1661134f628c simple 07-Oct-2015 14:08:33 Finished task 'Checkout Default Repository' with result: Success simple 07-Oct-2015 14:08:33 Running pre-build action: VCS Version Collector command 07-Oct-2015 14:08:34 Substituting variable: ${bamboo.buildNumber} with 1 simple 07-Oct-2015 14:08:34 Starting task 'clean update' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.command' command 07-Oct-2015 14:08:34 Beginning to execute external process for build 'Clowder - CORE - indices - default #1 (CATS-CORE155-JOB1-1)'\n ... running command line: \n/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.2/bin/sbt clean update\n ... in: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1\n ... using extra environment variables: \nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_8=/home/bamboo/jdk1.8.0_05\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_sphinx=/usr/bin/sphinx-build\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_6=/home/bamboo/jdk1.6.0_41\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_npm=/home/bamboo/node-v0.10.28/bin/npm\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_7=/home/bamboo/jdk1.7.0_60\nbamboo_planRepository_type=stash-rep\nbamboo_repository_93224987_git_branch=indices\nbamboo_shortPlanName=indices\nbamboo_planKey=CATS-CORE155\nbamboo_capability_system_software_mongo=/usr/bin/mongo\nbamboo_repository_git_repositoryUrl=ssh://\nbamboo_planRepository_1_branchName=indices\nbamboo_repository_93224987_git_username=\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_buckminster_4_2=/home/bamboo/buckminster-4.2/buckminster\nbamboo_shortPlanKey=CORE155\nbamboo_shortJobKey=JOB1\nbamboo_build_working_directory=/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_sbt_0_13=/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.2/bin/sbt\nbamboo_planRepository_1_branch=indices\nbamboo_repository_revision_number=67a1b2425ca20cf0e95878af076a1661134f628c\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_mvn3_Maven_3=/home/bamboo/apache-maven-3.2.1\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_phantomjs=/home/bamboo/phantomjs-1.9.8/bin/phantomjs\nbamboo_planName=Clowder - CORE - indices\nbamboo_buildResultsUrl=\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_7_0_60=/home/bamboo/jdk1.7.0_60\nbamboo_planRepository_revision=67a1b2425ca20cf0e95878af076a1661134f628c\nbamboo_buildResultKey=CATS-CORE155-JOB1-1\nbamboo_repository_git_username=\nbamboo_buildKey=CATS-CORE155-JOB1\nbamboo_capability_system_git_executable=/usr/bin/git\nbamboo_repository_93224987_revision_number=67a1b2425ca20cf0e95878af076a1661134f628c\nbamboo_working_directory=/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_node_Node_js=/home/bamboo/node-v0.10.28/bin/node\nbamboo_agentWorkingDirectory=/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir\nbamboo_buildPlanName=Clowder - CORE - indices - default\nbamboo_repository_name=clowder\nbamboo_resultsUrl=\nbamboo_repository_93224987_git_repositoryUrl=ssh://\nbamboo_repository_93224987_name=clowder\nbamboo_repository_git_branch=indices\nbamboo_planRepository_1_revision=67a1b2425ca20cf0e95878af076a1661134f628c\nbamboo_planRepository_1_type=stash-rep\nJAVA_OPTS=-Dbamboo.buildNumber=1\nbamboo_planRepository_1_name=clowder\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_grunt=/home/bamboo/node-v0.10.28/bin/grunt\nbamboo_planRepository_branch=indices\nbamboo_planRepository_username=\nbamboo_planRepository_branchName=indices\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK=/home/bamboo/jdk1.7.0_60\nbamboo_capability_system_os=linux\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_mvn2_Maven_2=/home/bamboo/apache-maven-2.2.1\nbamboo_shortJobName=default\nbamboo_repository_branch_name=indices\nbamboo_agentId=52559873\nbamboo_planRepository_repositoryUrl=ssh://\nbamboo_planRepository_1_repositoryUrl=ssh://\nbamboo_repository_93224987_branch_name=indices\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_mkcrx=/home/bamboo/mkcrx/\nbamboo_planRepository_1_username=\nbamboo_planRepository_name=clowder\nbamboo_buildNumber=1\nbamboo_capability_system_hostname=buildserver-1\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_casperjs=/home/bamboo/node-v0.10.28/bin/casperjs\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_ant_Ant=/home/bamboo/apache-ant-1.9.4\nbamboo_capability_system_software_rabbitmq=/usr/sbin/rabbitmqctl\nbamboo_buildTimeStamp=2015-10-07T14:08:27.736-05:00\n build 07-Oct-2015 14:08:43 [info] Loading project definition from /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/project build 07-Oct-2015 14:08:58 [info] Set current project to clowder (in build file:/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/) build 07-Oct-2015 14:08:59 [success] Total time: 0 s, completed Oct 7, 2015 2:08:59 PM build 07-Oct-2015 14:08:59 [info] Updating {file:/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/}clowder... build 07-Oct-2015 14:08:59 [info] Resolving org.scala-lang#scala-library;2.10.2 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:08:59 [info] Resolving;2.2.0 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:08:59 [info] Resolving;2.2.0 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:08:59 [info] Resolving org.javassist#javassist;3.18.0-GA ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:08:59 [info] Resolving;2.2.0 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:08:59 [info] Resolving;2.2.0 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:08:59 [info] Resolving;0.4.2 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:08:59 [info] Resolving;0.4.2 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:08:59 [info] Resolving com.jsuereth#scala-arm_2.10;1.3 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:08:59 [info] Resolving;2.2.0 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:08:59 [info] Resolving org.scala-stm#scala-stm_2.10;0.7 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:08:59 [info] Resolving com.typesafe#config;1.0.2 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:08:59 [info] Resolving;2.2.0 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:08:59 [info] Resolving;2.2.0 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:08:59 [info] Resolving;2.2.0 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:08:59 [info] Resolving joda-time#joda-time;2.2 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:08:59 [info] Resolving org.joda#joda-convert;1.3.1 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:08:59 [info] Resolving com.fasterxml.jackson.core#jackson-annotations;2.2.2 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:08:59 [info] Resolving com.fasterxml.jackson.core#jackson-core;2.2.2 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:08:59 [info] Resolving com.fasterxml.jackson.core#jackson-databind;2.2.2 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:08:59 [info] Resolving org.scala-lang#scala-reflect;2.10.2 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:08:59 [info] Resolving io.netty#netty;3.7.0.Final ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:08:59 [info] Resolving com.typesafe.netty#netty-http-pipelining;1.1.2 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:08:59 [info] Resolving org.slf4j#slf4j-api;1.7.5 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:08:59 [info] Resolving org.slf4j#jul-to-slf4j;1.7.5 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:08:59 [info] Resolving org.slf4j#jcl-over-slf4j;1.7.5 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:08:59 [info] Resolving ch.qos.logback#logback-core;1.0.13 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:08:59 [info] Resolving ch.qos.logback#logback-classic;1.0.13 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:08:59 [info] Resolving com.typesafe.akka#akka-actor_2.10;2.2.0 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:08:59 [info] Resolving com.typesafe.akka#akka-slf4j_2.10;2.2.0 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:08:59 [info] Resolving org.apache.commons#commons-lang3;3.1 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:08:59 [info] Resolving com.ning#async-http-client;1.7.18 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:08:59 [info] Resolving oauth.signpost#signpost-core; ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:08:59 [info] Resolving commons-codec#commons-codec;1.3 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:08:59 [info] Resolving oauth.signpost#signpost-commonshttp4; ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:08:59 [info] Resolving xerces#xercesImpl;2.11.0 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:08:59 [info] Resolving xml-apis#xml-apis;1.4.01 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:08:59 [info] Resolving javax.transaction#jta;1.1 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:08:59 [info] Resolving;2.2.0 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:08:59 [info] Resolving ws.securesocial#securesocial_2.10;2.1.3 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:08:59 [info] Resolving;2.2.1 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:08:59 [info] Resolving;2.2.1 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:08:59 [info] Resolving;2.2.1 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:08:59 [info] Resolving;2.2.1 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:08:59 [info] Resolving;2.2.1 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:08:59 [info] Resolving;2.2.1 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:08:59 [info] Resolving;2.2.1 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:08:59 [info] Resolving;2.2.1 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:08:59 [info] Resolving;2.2.1 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:08:59 [info] Resolving net.sf.ehcache#ehcache-core;2.6.6 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:08:59 [info] Resolving com.typesafe#play-plugins-util_2.10;2.2.0 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:00 [info] Resolving com.typesafe#play-plugins-mailer_2.10;2.2.0 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:00 [info] Resolving org.apache.commons#commons-email;1.2 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:00 [info] Resolving javax.mail#mail;1.4.1 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:00 [info] Resolving javax.activation#activation;1.1 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:00 [info] Resolving org.mindrot#jbcrypt;0.3m ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:00 [info] Resolving com.rabbitmq#amqp-client;3.0.0 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:00 [info] Resolving org.elasticsearch#elasticsearch;1.3.4 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:00 [info] Resolving org.apache.lucene#lucene-core;4.9.1 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:00 [info] Resolving org.apache.lucene#lucene-analyzers-common;4.9.1 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:00 [info] Resolving org.apache.lucene#lucene-codecs;4.9.1 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:00 [info] Resolving org.apache.lucene#lucene-queries;4.9.1 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:00 [info] Resolving org.apache.lucene#lucene-memory;4.9.1 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:00 [info] Resolving org.apache.lucene#lucene-highlighter;4.9.1 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:00 [info] Resolving org.apache.lucene#lucene-queryparser;4.9.1 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:00 [info] Resolving org.apache.lucene#lucene-sandbox;4.9.1 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:00 [info] Resolving org.apache.lucene#lucene-suggest;4.9.1 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:00 [info] Resolving org.apache.lucene#lucene-misc;4.9.1 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:00 [info] Resolving org.apache.lucene#lucene-join;4.9.1 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:00 [info] Resolving org.apache.lucene#lucene-grouping;4.9.1 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:00 [info] Resolving org.apache.lucene#lucene-spatial;4.9.1 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:00 [info] Resolving com.spatial4j#spatial4j;0.4.1 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:00 [info] Resolving org.antlr#antlr-runtime;3.5 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:00 [info] Resolving org.ow2.asm#asm;4.1 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:00 [info] Resolving org.ow2.asm#asm-commons;4.1 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:00 [info] Resolving com.novus#salat_2.10;1.9.5 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:00 [info] Resolving org.scala-lang#scala-library;2.10.3 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:00 [info] Resolving com.novus#salat-util_2.10;1.9.5 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:00 [info] Resolving org.scala-lang#scalap;2.10.3 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:00 [info] Resolving org.scala-lang#scala-compiler;2.10.3 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:00 [info] Resolving org.scala-lang#scala-reflect;2.10.3 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:00 [info] Resolving com.novus#salat-core_2.10;1.9.5 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:00 [info] Resolving org.mongodb#casbah-core_2.10;2.6.4 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:00 [info] Resolving org.mongodb#casbah-commons_2.10;2.6.4 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:00 [info] Resolving com.github.nscala-time#nscala-time_2.10;0.2.0 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:00 [info] Resolving org.mongodb#mongo-java-driver;2.11.3 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:00 [info] Resolving org.mongodb#casbah-query_2.10;2.6.4 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:00 [info] Resolving org.json4s#json4s-native_2.10;3.2.5 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:00 [info] Resolving org.json4s#json4s-core_2.10;3.2.5 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:00 [info] Resolving org.json4s#json4s-ast_2.10;3.2.5 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:00 [info] Resolving com.thoughtworks.paranamer#paranamer;2.5.6 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:00 [info] Resolving org.mockito#mockito-all;1.9.0 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:00 [info] Resolving org.mongodb#casbah_2.10;2.6.3 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:00 [info] Resolving org.mongodb#casbah-gridfs_2.10;2.6.3 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:01 [info] Resolving org.postgresql#postgresql;9.4-1203-jdbc41 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:01 [info] Resolving com.wordnik#swagger-play2_2.10;1.2.6-SNAPSHOT ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:01 [info] Resolving com.fasterxml.jackson.module#jackson-module-scala_2.10;2.1.3 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:01 [info] Resolving;13.0.1 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:01 [info] Resolving com.wordnik#swagger-core_2.10.0;1.2.5 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:01 [info] Resolving commons-lang#commons-lang;2.4 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:01 [info] Resolving com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs#jackson-jaxrs-json-provider;2.0.0 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:01 [info] Resolving com.fasterxml.jackson.module#jackson-module-jaxb-annotations;2.0.0 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:01 [info] Resolving;1.1.1 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:01 [info] Resolving com.wordnik#swagger-annotations_2.10.0;1.2.5 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:01 [info] Resolving javax.servlet#servlet-api;2.5 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:01 [info] Resolving org.reflections#reflections;0.9.10 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:01 [info] Resolving;18.0 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:01 [info] Resolving org.javassist#javassist;3.18.2-GA ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:01 [info] Resolving;2.0.1 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:01 [info] Resolving org.openrdf.sesame#sesame-rio-api;2.7.8 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:01 [info] Resolving org.openrdf.sesame#sesame-model;2.7.8 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:01 [info] Resolving org.openrdf.sesame#sesame-util;2.7.8 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:01 [info] Resolving org.openrdf.sesame#sesame-rio-n3;2.7.8 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:01 [info] Resolving org.openrdf.sesame#sesame-rio-turtle;2.7.8 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:01 [info] Resolving commons-io#commons-io;2.4 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:01 [info] Resolving org.openrdf.sesame#sesame-rio-datatypes;2.7.8 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:01 [info] Resolving org.openrdf.sesame#sesame-rio-languages;2.7.8 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:01 [info] Resolving org.openrdf.sesame#sesame-rio-ntriples;2.7.8 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:01 [info] Resolving org.openrdf.sesame#sesame-rio-rdfxml;2.7.8 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:01 [info] Resolving org.openrdf.sesame#sesame-rio-trig;2.7.8 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:01 [info] Resolving org.openrdf.sesame#sesame-rio-trix;2.7.8 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:01 [info] Resolving info.aduna.commons#aduna-commons-io;2.8.0 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:01 [info] Resolving info.aduna.commons#aduna-commons-lang;2.9.0 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:01 [info] Resolving info.aduna.commons#aduna-commons-net;2.7.0 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:01 [info] Resolving info.aduna.commons#aduna-commons-text;2.7.0 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:01 [info] Resolving info.aduna.commons#aduna-commons-xml;2.7.0 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:01 [info] Resolving commons-logging#commons-logging;1.1.1 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:01 [info] Resolving gr.forth.ics#flexigraph;1.0 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:01 [info] Resolving;3.0 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:01 [info] Resolving javax.inject#javax.inject;1 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:01 [info] Resolving aopalliance#aopalliance;1.0 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:01 [info] Resolving org.sonatype.sisu.inject#cglib;2.2.1-v20090111 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:01 [info] Resolving asm#asm;3.1 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:01 [info] Resolving org.apache.httpcomponents#httpclient;4.2.3 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:01 [info] Resolving commons-codec#commons-codec;1.6 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:01 [info] Resolving org.apache.httpcomponents#httpcore;4.2.3 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:01 [info] Resolving org.apache.httpcomponents#httpmime;4.2.3 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:01 [info] Resolving com.googlecode.json-simple#json-simple;1.1.1 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:01 [info] Resolving junit#junit;4.10 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:01 [info] Resolving org.hamcrest#hamcrest-core;1.1 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:01 [info] Resolving org.codeartisans#org.json;20131017 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:01 [info] Resolving org.irods.jargon#jargon-core;3.3.3-beta1 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:01 [info] Resolving org.julienrf#play-jsonp-filter_2.10;1.1 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:01 [info] Resolving org.scala-lang#scala-library;2.10.4 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:01 [info] Resolving;2.2.3 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:01 [info] Resolving;2.2.3 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:01 [info] Resolving;2.2.3 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:01 [info] Resolving;2.2.3 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:01 [info] Resolving;2.2.3 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:01 [info] Resolving;2.2.3 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:01 [info] Resolving;2.2.3 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:01 [info] Resolving;2.2.3 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:01 [info] Resolving io.netty#netty;3.7.1.Final ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:02 [info] Resolving;2.2.0 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:02 [info] Resolving junit#junit;4.11 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:02 [info] Resolving org.hamcrest#hamcrest-core;1.3 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:02 [info] Resolving org.specs2#specs2_2.10;2.1.1 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:02 [info] Resolving org.scalaz#scalaz-core_2.10;7.0.2 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:02 [info] Resolving org.scalaz#scalaz-concurrent_2.10;7.0.2 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:02 [info] Resolving org.scalaz#scalaz-effect_2.10;7.0.2 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:02 [info] Resolving com.novocode#junit-interface;0.10 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:02 [info] Resolving org.scala-tools.testing#test-interface;0.5 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:02 [info] Resolving;2.0.1 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:02 [info] Resolving org.fluentlenium#fluentlenium-festassert;0.8.0 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:02 [info] Resolving org.fluentlenium#fluentlenium-core;0.8.0 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:02 [info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-java;2.32.0 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:02 [info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-android-driver;2.32.0 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:02 [info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-remote-driver;2.32.0 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:02 [info] Resolving cglib#cglib-nodep;2.1_3 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:02 [info] Resolving org.json#json;20080701 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:02 [info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-api;2.32.0 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:02 [info] Resolving org.apache.commons#commons-exec;1.1 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:02 [info] Resolving;3.4.0 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:02 [info] Resolving;3.4.0 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:02 [info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-chrome-driver;2.32.0 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:02 [info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-htmlunit-driver;2.32.0 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:02 [info] Resolving net.sourceforge.htmlunit#htmlunit;2.12 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:02 [info] Resolving xalan#xalan;2.7.1 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:02 [info] Resolving xalan#serializer;2.7.1 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:02 [info] Resolving commons-collections#commons-collections;3.2.1 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:02 [info] Resolving net.sourceforge.htmlunit#htmlunit-core-js;2.12 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:02 [info] Resolving net.sourceforge.nekohtml#nekohtml;1.9.18 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:02 [info] Resolving net.sourceforge.cssparser#cssparser;0.9.9 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:02 [info] Resolving org.w3c.css#sac;1.3 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:02 [info] Resolving org.eclipse.jetty#jetty-websocket;8.1.9.v20130131 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:02 [info] Resolving org.eclipse.jetty#jetty-util;8.1.9.v20130131 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:02 [info] Resolving org.eclipse.jetty#jetty-io;8.1.9.v20130131 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:02 [info] Resolving org.eclipse.jetty#jetty-http;8.1.9.v20130131 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:02 [info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-firefox-driver;2.32.0 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:02 [info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-ie-driver;2.32.0 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:02 [info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-iphone-driver;2.32.0 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:02 [info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-safari-driver;2.32.0 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:02 [info] Resolving org.webbitserver#webbit;0.4.14 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:02 [info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-support;2.32.0 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:02 [info] Resolving org.easytesting#fest-assert;1.4 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:02 [info] Resolving org.easytesting#fest-util;1.1.6 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:02 [info] Resolving org.scalatestplus#play_2.10;1.0.0 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:02 [info] Resolving org.scalatest#scalatest_2.10;2.1.5 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:02 [info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-java;2.38.0 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:02 [info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-android-driver;2.38.0 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:02 [info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-remote-driver;2.38.0 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:02 [info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-api;2.38.0 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:02 [info] Resolving org.apache.httpcomponents#httpclient;4.3.1 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:02 [info] Resolving org.apache.httpcomponents#httpcore;4.3 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:02 [info] Resolving commons-logging#commons-logging;1.1.3 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:02 [info] Resolving commons-codec#commons-codec;1.8 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:02 [info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-chrome-driver;2.38.0 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:02 [info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-htmlunit-driver;2.38.0 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:02 [info] Resolving net.sourceforge.htmlunit#htmlunit;2.13 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:02 [info] Resolving org.apache.httpcomponents#httpmime;4.3.1 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:02 [info] Resolving net.sourceforge.htmlunit#htmlunit-core-js;2.13 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:02 [info] Resolving net.sourceforge.nekohtml#nekohtml;1.9.19 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:02 [info] Resolving net.sourceforge.cssparser#cssparser;0.9.11 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:02 [info] Resolving org.eclipse.jetty#jetty-websocket;8.1.12.v20130726 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:02 [info] Resolving org.eclipse.jetty#jetty-util;8.1.12.v20130726 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:02 [info] Resolving org.eclipse.jetty#jetty-io;8.1.12.v20130726 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:02 [info] Resolving org.eclipse.jetty#jetty-http;8.1.12.v20130726 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:03 [info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-firefox-driver;2.38.0 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:03 [info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-ie-driver;2.38.0 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:03 [info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-iphone-driver;2.38.0 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:03 [info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-safari-driver;2.38.0 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:03 [info] Resolving org.seleniumhq.selenium#selenium-support;2.38.0 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:04 [info] Resolving;2.2.0 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:04 [info] Resolving org.scala-lang#scala-library;2.10.0 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:04 [info] Resolving org.apache.httpcomponents#httpcore;4.0.1 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:04 [info] Resolving org.apache.httpcomponents#httpclient;4.0.1 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:04 [info] Resolving;1.0.3 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:04 [info] Resolving org.pegdown#pegdown;1.4.0 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:04 [info] Resolving org.parboiled#parboiled-java;1.1.5 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:04 [info] Resolving org.parboiled#parboiled-core;1.1.5 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:04 [info] Resolving org.ow2.asm#asm-tree;4.1 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:04 [info] Resolving org.ow2.asm#asm-analysis;4.1 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:04 [info] Resolving org.ow2.asm#asm-util;4.1 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:04 [info] Resolving org.scala-lang#scala-compiler;2.10.2 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:04 [info] Resolving org.scala-lang#jline;2.10.2 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:04 [info] Resolving org.fusesource.jansi#jansi;1.4 ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:05 [info] Done updating. build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:05 [success] Total time: 6 s, completed Oct 7, 2015 2:09:05 PM simple 07-Oct-2015 14:09:05 Finished task 'clean update' with result: Success command 07-Oct-2015 14:09:05 Substituting variable: ${bamboo.buildNumber} with 1 simple 07-Oct-2015 14:09:05 Starting task 'compile' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.command' command 07-Oct-2015 14:09:05 Beginning to execute external process for build 'Clowder - CORE - indices - default #1 (CATS-CORE155-JOB1-1)'\n ... running command line: \n/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.2/bin/sbt compile\n ... in: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1\n ... using extra environment variables: \nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_8=/home/bamboo/jdk1.8.0_05\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_sphinx=/usr/bin/sphinx-build\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_6=/home/bamboo/jdk1.6.0_41\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_npm=/home/bamboo/node-v0.10.28/bin/npm\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_7=/home/bamboo/jdk1.7.0_60\nbamboo_planRepository_type=stash-rep\nbamboo_repository_93224987_git_branch=indices\nbamboo_shortPlanName=indices\nbamboo_planKey=CATS-CORE155\nbamboo_capability_system_software_mongo=/usr/bin/mongo\nbamboo_repository_git_repositoryUrl=ssh://\nbamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugins_scripttask_task_builder_command_11=/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.2/bin/sbt clean update\nbamboo_planRepository_1_branchName=indices\nbamboo_repository_93224987_git_username=\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_buckminster_4_2=/home/bamboo/buckminster-4.2/buckminster\nbamboo_shortPlanKey=CORE155\nbamboo_shortJobKey=JOB1\nbamboo_build_working_directory=/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_sbt_0_13=/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.2/bin/sbt\nbamboo_planRepository_1_branch=indices\nbamboo_repository_revision_number=67a1b2425ca20cf0e95878af076a1661134f628c\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_mvn3_Maven_3=/home/bamboo/apache-maven-3.2.1\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_phantomjs=/home/bamboo/phantomjs-1.9.8/bin/phantomjs\nbamboo_planName=Clowder - CORE - indices\nbamboo_buildResultsUrl=\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_7_0_60=/home/bamboo/jdk1.7.0_60\nbamboo_planRepository_revision=67a1b2425ca20cf0e95878af076a1661134f628c\nbamboo_buildResultKey=CATS-CORE155-JOB1-1\nbamboo_repository_git_username=\nbamboo_buildKey=CATS-CORE155-JOB1\nbamboo_capability_system_git_executable=/usr/bin/git\nbamboo_repository_93224987_revision_number=67a1b2425ca20cf0e95878af076a1661134f628c\nbamboo_working_directory=/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_node_Node_js=/home/bamboo/node-v0.10.28/bin/node\nbamboo_agentWorkingDirectory=/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir\nbamboo_buildPlanName=Clowder - CORE - indices - default\nbamboo_repository_name=clowder\nbamboo_resultsUrl=\nbamboo_repository_93224987_git_repositoryUrl=ssh://\nbamboo_repository_93224987_name=clowder\nbamboo_repository_git_branch=indices\nbamboo_planRepository_1_revision=67a1b2425ca20cf0e95878af076a1661134f628c\nbamboo_planRepository_1_type=stash-rep\nJAVA_OPTS=-Dbamboo.buildNumber=1\nbamboo_planRepository_1_name=clowder\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_grunt=/home/bamboo/node-v0.10.28/bin/grunt\nbamboo_planRepository_branch=indices\nbamboo_planRepository_username=\nbamboo_planRepository_branchName=indices\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK=/home/bamboo/jdk1.7.0_60\nbamboo_capability_system_os=linux\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_mvn2_Maven_2=/home/bamboo/apache-maven-2.2.1\nbamboo_shortJobName=default\nbamboo_repository_branch_name=indices\nbamboo_agentId=52559873\nbamboo_planRepository_repositoryUrl=ssh://\nbamboo_planRepository_1_repositoryUrl=ssh://\nbamboo_repository_93224987_branch_name=indices\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_mkcrx=/home/bamboo/mkcrx/\nbamboo_planRepository_1_username=\nbamboo_planRepository_name=clowder\nbamboo_buildNumber=1\nbamboo_capability_system_hostname=buildserver-1\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_casperjs=/home/bamboo/node-v0.10.28/bin/casperjs\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_ant_Ant=/home/bamboo/apache-ant-1.9.4\nbamboo_capability_system_software_rabbitmq=/usr/sbin/rabbitmqctl\nbamboo_buildTimeStamp=2015-10-07T14:08:27.736-05:00\n build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:08 [info] Loading project definition from /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/project build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:10 [info] Set current project to clowder (in build file:/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/) build 07-Oct-2015 14:09:29 [info] Compiling 286 Scala sources and 8 Java sources to /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/target/scala-2.10/classes... build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:01 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBInstitutionService.scala:3: imported `Institution' is permanently hidden by definition of object Institution in package mongodb build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:01 [warn] import models.Institution build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:01 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:01 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBProjectService.scala:3: imported `Project' is permanently hidden by definition of object Project in package mongodb build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:01 [warn] import models.Project build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:01 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:11 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBCollectionService.scala:6: imported `Collection' is permanently hidden by definition of object Collection in package mongodb build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:11 [warn] import models.{UUID, Collection, Dataset} build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:11 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:11 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBCollectionService.scala:6: imported `Dataset' is permanently hidden by definition of object Dataset in package mongodb build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:11 [warn] import models.{UUID, Collection, Dataset} build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:11 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:11 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBCommentService.scala:3: imported `Comment' is permanently hidden by definition of object Comment in package mongodb build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:11 [warn] import models.{UUID, Comment} build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:11 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:12 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBTagService.scala:14: imported `Tag' is permanently hidden by definition of object Tag in package mongodb build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:12 [warn] import models.{UUID, Tag} build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:12 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:13 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBExtractionRequestsService.scala:20: imported `MongoSalatPlugin' is permanently hidden by definition of class MongoSalatPlugin in package mongodb build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:13 [warn] import services.mongodb.MongoSalatPlugin build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:13 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:13 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBExtractionService.scala:4: imported `Extraction' is permanently hidden by definition of object Extraction in package mongodb build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:13 [warn] import models.{UUID, Extraction} build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:13 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:13 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBExtractionService.scala:13: imported `WebPageResource' is permanently hidden by definition of object WebPageResource in package mongodb build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:13 [warn] import models.WebPageResource build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:13 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:15 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBSectionService.scala:4: imported `Tag' is permanently hidden by definition of object Tag in package mongodb build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:15 [warn] import models.{UUID, Tag, Comment, Section} build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:15 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:15 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBSectionService.scala:4: imported `Comment' is permanently hidden by definition of object Comment in package mongodb build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:15 [warn] import models.{UUID, Tag, Comment, Section} build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:15 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:26 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/api/Admin.scala:58: match may not be exhaustive. build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:26 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:26 [warn] (request.body \ "displayName").asOpt[String] match { build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:26 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:26 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/api/Admin.scala:61: match may not be exhaustive. build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:26 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:26 [warn] (request.body \ "welcomeMessage").asOpt[String] match { build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:26 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:26 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/api/Admin.scala:64: match may not be exhaustive. build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:26 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:26 [warn] (request.body \ "sensors").asOpt[String] match { build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:26 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:26 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/api/Admin.scala:67: match may not be exhaustive. build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:26 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:26 [warn] (request.body \ "sensor").asOpt[String] match { build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:26 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:26 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/api/Collections.scala:60: match may not be exhaustive. build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:26 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:26 [warn] datasets.get(datasetId) match { build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:26 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:26 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/api/Collections.scala:58: match may not be exhaustive. build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:26 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:26 [warn] collections.get(collectionId) match { build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:26 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:26 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/api/Collections.scala:109: match may not be exhaustive. build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:26 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:26 [warn] datasets.get(datasetId) match { build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:26 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:26 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/api/Collections.scala:107: match may not be exhaustive. build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:26 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:26 [warn] collections.get(collectionId) match { build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:26 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:26 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/api/Collections.scala:127: match may not be exhaustive. build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:26 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:26 [warn] collections.get(collectionId) match { build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:26 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:27 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/api/Datasets.scala:416: match may not be exhaustive. build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:27 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:27 [warn] datasets.get(id) match { build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:27 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:27 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/api/Datasets.scala:522: match may not be exhaustive. build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:27 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:27 [warn] datasets.get(id) match { build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:27 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:27 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/api/Datasets.scala:777: match may not be exhaustive. build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:27 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:27 [warn] datasets.get(id) match { build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:27 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:27 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/api/Datasets.scala:814: match may not be exhaustive. build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:27 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:27 [warn] datasets.get(id) match { build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:27 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:28 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/api/Datasets.scala:961: match may not be exhaustive. build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:28 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:28 [warn] datasets.get(id) match { build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:28 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:29 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/api/Files.scala:898: match may not be exhaustive. build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:29 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:29 [warn] files.get(id) match { build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:29 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:29 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/api/Files.scala:1381: match may not be exhaustive. build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:29 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:29 [warn] files.get(id) match { build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:29 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:29 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/api/Files.scala:1402: match may not be exhaustive. build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:29 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:29 [warn] files.get(id) match { build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:29 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:29 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/api/Files.scala:1526: match may not be exhaustive. build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:29 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:29 [warn] files.get(id) match { build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:29 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:29 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/api/Files.scala:1846: match may not be exhaustive. build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:29 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:29 [warn] files.get(id) match { build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:29 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:32 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/controllers/Admin.scala:343: match may not be exhaustive. build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:32 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:32 [warn] user match { build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:32 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:32 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/controllers/Admin.scala:362: match may not be exhaustive. build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:32 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:32 [warn] user match { build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:32 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:32 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/controllers/Datasets.scala:221: match may not be exhaustive. build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:32 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:32 [warn] email match { build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:32 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:32 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/controllers/Datasets.scala:218: match may not be exhaustive. build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:32 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:32 [warn] user match{ build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:32 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:32 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/controllers/Profile.scala:78: match may not be exhaustive. build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:32 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:32 [warn] followedUser match { build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:32 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:32 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/controllers/Profile.scala:85: match may not be exhaustive. build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:32 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:32 [warn] followedFile match { build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:32 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:32 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/controllers/Profile.scala:92: match may not be exhaustive. build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:32 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:32 [warn] followedDataset match { build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:32 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:32 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/controllers/Profile.scala:99: match may not be exhaustive. build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:32 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:32 [warn] followedCollection match { build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:32 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:32 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/controllers/Profile.scala:109: match may not be exhaustive. build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:32 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:32 [warn] userFollower match { build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:32 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:32 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/controllers/Tags.scala:66: match may not be exhaustive. build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:32 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:32 [warn] val sectionFiles = sections.findByTag(tagCleaned).map{ s => files.get(s.file_id) match { build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:32 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:32 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/models/Event.scala:95: match may not be exhaustive. build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:32 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:32 [warn] job.lastJobTime match { build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:32 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:32 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/models/Event.scala:91: match may not be exhaustive. build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:32 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:32 [warn] users.findById(id) match { build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:32 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:32 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/models/Event.scala:89: match may not be exhaustive. build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:32 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:32 [warn] job.parameters match { build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:32 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:33 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/services/fourstore/FourStoreRdfSPARQLService.scala:177: match may not be exhaustive. build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:33 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:33 [warn] datasets.get(datasetId) match{ build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:33 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:34 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBEventService.scala:29: match may not be exhaustive. build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:34 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:34 [warn] user match { build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:34 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:34 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBEventService.scala:38: match may not be exhaustive. build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:34 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:34 [warn] user match { build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:34 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:34 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBEventService.scala:47: match may not be exhaustive. build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:34 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:34 [warn] user match { build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:34 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:34 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBTileService.scala:28: match may not be exhaustive. build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:34 [warn] It would fail on the following inputs: JsArray(_), JsBoolean(_), JsNull, JsNumber(_), JsString(_), JsUndefined() build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:34 [warn] json match { build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:34 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:34 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/conf/routes:41: unreachable code build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:34 [warn] GET /profile/:uuid @controllers.Profile.viewProfileUUID(uuid: UUID) build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:34 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/conf/routes:504: unreachable code build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:34 [warn] POST /api/users/createNewListInUser @api.Users.createNewListInUser(email: String, field: String, fieldList: List[String]) build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:34 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/conf/routes:415: unreachable code build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:34 [warn] DELETE /api/sections/:id/tags @api.Sections.removeTags(id: UUID) build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:34 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/conf/routes:245: unreachable code build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:34 [warn] POST /api/uploadToDataset/:id @api.Files.uploadToDataset(id: UUID, showPreviews: String ?= "DatasetLevel", originalZipFile: String ?= "", flags: String ?= "") build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:34 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/conf/routes:265: unreachable code build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:34 [warn] DELETE /api/files/:id @api.Files.removeFile(id: UUID) build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:34 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/conf/routes:270: unreachable code build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:34 [warn] DELETE /api/files/:id/tags @api.Files.removeTags(id: UUID) build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:34 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/conf/routes:241: unreachable code build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:34 [warn] POST /api/files/withFlags/:flags @api.Files.upload(showPreviews: String ?= "DatasetLevel", originalZipFile: String ?= "", flags: String) build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:35 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/conf/routes:308: unreachable code build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:35 [warn] GET /api/files/:id UUID) build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:35 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/conf/routes:332: unreachable code build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:35 [warn] DELETE /api/collections/:coll_id/datasets/:ds_id @api.Collections.removeDataset(coll_id: UUID, ds_id: UUID, ignoreNotFound ?= "True") build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:35 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/conf/routes:336: unreachable code build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:35 [warn] DELETE /api/collections/:coll_id @api.Collections.removeCollection(coll_id: UUID) build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:35 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/conf/routes:327: unreachable code build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:35 [warn] GET /api/collections/list @api.Collections.listCollections build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:35 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/conf/routes:352: unreachable code build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:35 [warn] DELETE /api/datasets/:ds_id/:file_id @api.Datasets.detachFile(ds_id: UUID,file_id: UUID, ignoreNotFound ?= "True") build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:35 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/conf/routes:373: unreachable code build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:35 [warn] DELETE /api/datasets/:id/tags @api.Datasets.removeTags(id: UUID) build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:35 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/conf/routes:379: unreachable code build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:35 [warn] GET /api/datasets/:id @api.Datasets.datasetFilesList(id: UUID) build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:35 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/conf/routes:380: unreachable code build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:35 [warn] DELETE /api/datasets/:id @api.Datasets.deleteDataset(id: UUID) build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:35 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/conf/routes:440: unreachable code build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:35 [warn] GET /api/geostreams/streams/update api.Geostreams.updateStatisticsStreamSensor() build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:36 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/views/profile.scala.html:337: match may not be exhaustive. build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:36 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:36 [warn] case Some(viewer) => { build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:36 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:36 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/views/profile.scala.html:403: match may not be exhaustive. build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:36 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:36 [warn] case Some(viewer) => { build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:36 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:36 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/views/profile.scala.html:469: match may not be exhaustive. build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:36 [warn] It would fail on the following input: None build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:36 [warn] case Some(viewer) => { build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:36 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:46 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/api/Extractions.scala:239: class AsyncResult in package mvc is deprecated: Use Future[SimpleResult] with Action.async action builder instead. Will be removed in Play 2.3. build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:46 [warn] def multipleUploadByURL() = SecuredAction(authorization = WithPermission(Permission.CreateFiles)) { implicit request => build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:46 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:46 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/api/Extractions.scala:240: method Async in trait Results is deprecated: Use Action.async to build async actions instead build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:46 [warn] Async { build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:46 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:46 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/api/Extractions.scala:351: method Async in trait Results is deprecated: Use Action.async to build async actions instead build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:46 [warn] Async { build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:46 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:46 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/api/Extractions.scala:398: method Async in trait Results is deprecated: Use Action.async to build async actions instead build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:46 [warn] Async { build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:46 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:46 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/api/Extractions.scala:457: method Async in trait Results is deprecated: Use Action.async to build async actions instead build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:46 [warn] Async { build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:46 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:46 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/controllers/Admin.scala:54: class AsyncResult in package mvc is deprecated: Use Future[SimpleResult] with Action.async action builder instead. Will be removed in Play 2.3. build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:46 [warn] request => build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:46 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:46 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/controllers/Admin.scala:55: method Async in trait Results is deprecated: Use Action.async to build async actions instead build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:46 [warn] Async { build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:46 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:46 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/controllers/Admin.scala:87: class AsyncResult in package mvc is deprecated: Use Future[SimpleResult] with Action.async action builder instead. Will be removed in Play 2.3. build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:46 [warn] request => build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:46 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:46 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/controllers/Admin.scala:88: method Async in trait Results is deprecated: Use Action.async to build async actions instead build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:46 [warn] Async { build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:46 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:46 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/controllers/Admin.scala:110: class AsyncResult in package mvc is deprecated: Use Future[SimpleResult] with Action.async action builder instead. Will be removed in Play 2.3. build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:46 [warn] request => build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:46 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:46 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/controllers/Admin.scala:111: method Async in trait Results is deprecated: Use Action.async to build async actions instead build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:46 [warn] Async{ build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:46 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:46 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/controllers/Admin.scala:133: class AsyncResult in package mvc is deprecated: Use Future[SimpleResult] with Action.async action builder instead. Will be removed in Play 2.3. build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:46 [warn] request => build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:46 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:46 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/controllers/Admin.scala:134: method Async in trait Results is deprecated: Use Action.async to build async actions instead build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:46 [warn] Async { build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:46 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:46 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/controllers/Admin.scala:158: method Async in trait Results is deprecated: Use Action.async to build async actions instead build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:46 [warn] Async { build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:46 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:46 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/controllers/Admin.scala:193: class AsyncResult in package mvc is deprecated: Use Future[SimpleResult] with Action.async action builder instead. Will be removed in Play 2.3. build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:46 [warn] request => build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:46 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:46 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/controllers/Admin.scala:194: method Async in trait Results is deprecated: Use Action.async to build async actions instead build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:46 [warn] Async { build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:46 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:46 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/controllers/Admin.scala:249: class AsyncResult in package mvc is deprecated: Use Future[SimpleResult] with Action.async action builder instead. Will be removed in Play 2.3. build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:46 [warn] request => build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:46 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:46 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/controllers/Admin.scala:251: method Async in trait Results is deprecated: Use Action.async to build async actions instead build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:46 [warn] Async { build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:46 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:46 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/controllers/Admin.scala:273: class AsyncResult in package mvc is deprecated: Use Future[SimpleResult] with Action.async action builder instead. Will be removed in Play 2.3. build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:46 [warn] request => build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:46 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:46 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/controllers/Admin.scala:274: method Async in trait Results is deprecated: Use Action.async to build async actions instead build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:46 [warn] Async{ build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:46 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:46 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/controllers/Admin.scala:296: class AsyncResult in package mvc is deprecated: Use Future[SimpleResult] with Action.async action builder instead. Will be removed in Play 2.3. build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:46 [warn] request => build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:47 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:47 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/controllers/Admin.scala:297: method Async in trait Results is deprecated: Use Action.async to build async actions instead build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:47 [warn] Async { build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:47 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:47 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/controllers/ExtractionInfo.scala:33: class AsyncResult in package mvc is deprecated: Use Future[SimpleResult] with Action.async action builder instead. Will be removed in Play 2.3. build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:47 [warn] def getExtractorServersIP() = SecuredAction(authorization = WithPermission(Permission.Public)) { implicit request => build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:47 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:47 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/controllers/ExtractionInfo.scala:34: method Async in trait Results is deprecated: Use Action.async to build async actions instead build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:47 [warn] Async { build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:47 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:47 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/controllers/Files.scala:61: class AsyncResult in package mvc is deprecated: Use Future[SimpleResult] with Action.async action builder instead. Will be removed in Play 2.3. build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:47 [warn] def file(id: UUID) = SecuredAction(authorization = WithPermission(Permission.ShowFile)) { implicit request => build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:47 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:47 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/controllers/Files.scala:62: method Async in trait Results is deprecated: Use Action.async to build async actions instead build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:47 [warn] Async { build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:47 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:47 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/controllers/Files.scala:650: class AsyncResult in package mvc is deprecated: Use Future[SimpleResult] with Action.async action builder instead. Will be removed in Play 2.3. build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:47 [warn] def downloadAsFormat(id: UUID, outputFormat: String) = SecuredAction(authorization = WithPermission(Permission.DownloadFiles)) { request => build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:47 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:47 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/controllers/Files.scala:651: method Async in trait Results is deprecated: Use Action.async to build async actions instead build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:47 [warn] Async { build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:47 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:47 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/controllers/Search.scala:245: class AsyncResult in package mvc is deprecated: Use Future[SimpleResult] with Action.async action builder instead. Will be removed in Play 2.3. build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:47 [warn] def searchbyURL(queryURL: String) = SecuredAction(authorization = WithPermission(Permission.SearchDatasets)) { implicit request => build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:47 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:47 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/controllers/Search.scala:246: method Async in trait Results is deprecated: Use Action.async to build async actions instead build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:47 [warn] Async { build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:47 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:47 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/controllers/Search.scala:285: class AsyncResult in package mvc is deprecated: Use Future[SimpleResult] with Action.async action builder instead. Will be removed in Play 2.3. build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:47 [warn] def findSimilarToQueryFile(fileID: UUID, typeToSearch: String, sectionsSelected: List[String]) = SecuredAction(authorization = WithPermission(Permission.SearchDatasets)) { implicit request => build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:47 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:47 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/controllers/Search.scala:286: method Async in trait Results is deprecated: Use Action.async to build async actions instead build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:47 [warn] Async { build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:47 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:47 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/controllers/Search.scala:339: class AsyncResult in package mvc is deprecated: Use Future[SimpleResult] with Action.async action builder instead. Will be removed in Play 2.3. build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:47 [warn] def findSimilarToExistingFile(inputFileId: UUID) = SecuredAction(authorization = WithPermission(Permission.SearchDatasets)) { implicit request => build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:47 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:47 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/controllers/Search.scala:340: method Async in trait Results is deprecated: Use Action.async to build async actions instead build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:47 [warn] Async { build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:47 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:47 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/controllers/Search.scala:470: method Async in trait Results is deprecated: Use Action.async to build async actions instead build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:47 [warn] Async { build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:47 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:47 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/services/RabbitmqPlugin.scala:130: method encode in object URLEncoder is deprecated: see corresponding Javadoc for more information. build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:47 [warn] vhost = URLEncoder.encode(factory.get.getVirtualHost) build 07-Oct-2015 14:10:47 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:11:49 [warn] there were 11 feature warning(s); re-run with -feature for details build 07-Oct-2015 14:11:49 [warn] 104 warnings found build 07-Oct-2015 14:11:58 [success] Total time: 167 s, completed Oct 7, 2015 2:11:58 PM simple 07-Oct-2015 14:11:58 Finished task 'compile' with result: Success simple 07-Oct-2015 14:11:58 Starting task 'mongo clean' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script' command 07-Oct-2015 14:11:58 Beginning to execute external process for build 'Clowder - CORE - indices - default #1 (CATS-CORE155-JOB1-1)'\n ... running command line: \n/bin/sh /tmp/\n ... in: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1\n ... using extra environment variables: \nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_8=/home/bamboo/jdk1.8.0_05\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_sphinx=/usr/bin/sphinx-build\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_6=/home/bamboo/jdk1.6.0_41\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_npm=/home/bamboo/node-v0.10.28/bin/npm\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_7=/home/bamboo/jdk1.7.0_60\nbamboo_planRepository_type=stash-rep\nbamboo_repository_93224987_git_branch=indices\nbamboo_shortPlanName=indices\nbamboo_planKey=CATS-CORE155\nbamboo_capability_system_software_mongo=/usr/bin/mongo\nbamboo_repository_git_repositoryUrl=ssh://\nbamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugins_scripttask_task_builder_command_11=/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.2/bin/sbt clean update\nbamboo_planRepository_1_branchName=indices\nbamboo_repository_93224987_git_username=\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_buckminster_4_2=/home/bamboo/buckminster-4.2/buckminster\nbamboo_shortPlanKey=CORE155\nbamboo_shortJobKey=JOB1\nbamboo_build_working_directory=/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_sbt_0_13=/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.2/bin/sbt\nbamboo_planRepository_1_branch=indices\nbamboo_repository_revision_number=67a1b2425ca20cf0e95878af076a1661134f628c\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_mvn3_Maven_3=/home/bamboo/apache-maven-3.2.1\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_phantomjs=/home/bamboo/phantomjs-1.9.8/bin/phantomjs\nbamboo_planName=Clowder - CORE - indices\nbamboo_buildResultsUrl=\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_7_0_60=/home/bamboo/jdk1.7.0_60\nbamboo_planRepository_revision=67a1b2425ca20cf0e95878af076a1661134f628c\nbamboo_buildResultKey=CATS-CORE155-JOB1-1\nbamboo_repository_git_username=\nbamboo_buildKey=CATS-CORE155-JOB1\nbamboo_capability_system_git_executable=/usr/bin/git\nbamboo_repository_93224987_revision_number=67a1b2425ca20cf0e95878af076a1661134f628c\nbamboo_working_directory=/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_node_Node_js=/home/bamboo/node-v0.10.28/bin/node\nbamboo_agentWorkingDirectory=/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir\nbamboo_buildPlanName=Clowder - CORE - indices - default\nbamboo_repository_name=clowder\nbamboo_resultsUrl=\nbamboo_repository_93224987_git_repositoryUrl=ssh://\nbamboo_repository_93224987_name=clowder\nbamboo_repository_git_branch=indices\nbamboo_planRepository_1_revision=67a1b2425ca20cf0e95878af076a1661134f628c\nbamboo_planRepository_1_type=stash-rep\nbamboo_planRepository_1_name=clowder\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_grunt=/home/bamboo/node-v0.10.28/bin/grunt\nbamboo_planRepository_branch=indices\nbamboo_planRepository_username=\nbamboo_planRepository_branchName=indices\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK=/home/bamboo/jdk1.7.0_60\nbamboo_capability_system_os=linux\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_mvn2_Maven_2=/home/bamboo/apache-maven-2.2.1\nbamboo_shortJobName=default\nbamboo_repository_branch_name=indices\nbamboo_agentId=52559873\nbamboo_planRepository_repositoryUrl=ssh://\nbamboo_planRepository_1_repositoryUrl=ssh://\nbamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugins_scripttask_task_builder_command_7=/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.2/bin/sbt compile\nbamboo_repository_93224987_branch_name=indices\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_mkcrx=/home/bamboo/mkcrx/\nbamboo_planRepository_1_username=\nbamboo_planRepository_name=clowder\nbamboo_buildNumber=1\nbamboo_capability_system_hostname=buildserver-1\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_casperjs=/home/bamboo/node-v0.10.28/bin/casperjs\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_ant_Ant=/home/bamboo/apache-ant-1.9.4\nbamboo_capability_system_software_rabbitmq=/usr/sbin/rabbitmqctl\nbamboo_buildTimeStamp=2015-10-07T14:08:27.736-05:00\n build 07-Oct-2015 14:11:58 MongoDB shell version: 2.6.11 build 07-Oct-2015 14:11:58 connecting to: clowder build 07-Oct-2015 14:11:59 { "dropped" : "clowder", "ok" : 1 } build 07-Oct-2015 14:11:59 bye simple 07-Oct-2015 14:11:59 Finished task 'mongo clean' with result: Success command 07-Oct-2015 14:11:59 Substituting variable: ${bamboo.buildNumber} with 1 simple 07-Oct-2015 14:11:59 Starting task 'test' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.command' command 07-Oct-2015 14:11:59 Beginning to execute external process for build 'Clowder - CORE - indices - default #1 (CATS-CORE155-JOB1-1)'\n ... running command line: \n/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.2/bin/sbt test-only integration.APITestSuite\n ... in: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1\n ... using extra environment variables: \nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_8=/home/bamboo/jdk1.8.0_05\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_sphinx=/usr/bin/sphinx-build\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_6=/home/bamboo/jdk1.6.0_41\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_npm=/home/bamboo/node-v0.10.28/bin/npm\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_7=/home/bamboo/jdk1.7.0_60\nbamboo_planRepository_type=stash-rep\nbamboo_repository_93224987_git_branch=indices\nbamboo_shortPlanName=indices\nbamboo_planKey=CATS-CORE155\nbamboo_capability_system_software_mongo=/usr/bin/mongo\nbamboo_repository_git_repositoryUrl=ssh://\nbamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugins_scripttask_task_builder_command_11=/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.2/bin/sbt clean update\nbamboo_planRepository_1_branchName=indices\nbamboo_repository_93224987_git_username=\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_buckminster_4_2=/home/bamboo/buckminster-4.2/buckminster\nbamboo_shortPlanKey=CORE155\nbamboo_shortJobKey=JOB1\nbamboo_build_working_directory=/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_sbt_0_13=/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.2/bin/sbt\nbamboo_planRepository_1_branch=indices\nbamboo_repository_revision_number=67a1b2425ca20cf0e95878af076a1661134f628c\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_mvn3_Maven_3=/home/bamboo/apache-maven-3.2.1\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_phantomjs=/home/bamboo/phantomjs-1.9.8/bin/phantomjs\nbamboo_planName=Clowder - CORE - indices\nbamboo_buildResultsUrl=\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_7_0_60=/home/bamboo/jdk1.7.0_60\nbamboo_planRepository_revision=67a1b2425ca20cf0e95878af076a1661134f628c\nbamboo_buildResultKey=CATS-CORE155-JOB1-1\nbamboo_repository_git_username=\nbamboo_buildKey=CATS-CORE155-JOB1\nbamboo_capability_system_git_executable=/usr/bin/git\nbamboo_repository_93224987_revision_number=67a1b2425ca20cf0e95878af076a1661134f628c\nbamboo_working_directory=/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_node_Node_js=/home/bamboo/node-v0.10.28/bin/node\nbamboo_agentWorkingDirectory=/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir\nbamboo_buildPlanName=Clowder - CORE - indices - default\nbamboo_repository_name=clowder\nbamboo_resultsUrl=\nbamboo_repository_93224987_git_repositoryUrl=ssh://\nbamboo_repository_93224987_name=clowder\nbamboo_repository_git_branch=indices\nbamboo_planRepository_1_revision=67a1b2425ca20cf0e95878af076a1661134f628c\nbamboo_planRepository_1_type=stash-rep\nJAVA_OPTS=-Dbamboo.buildNumber=1\nbamboo_planRepository_1_name=clowder\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_grunt=/home/bamboo/node-v0.10.28/bin/grunt\nbamboo_planRepository_branch=indices\nbamboo_planRepository_username=\nbamboo_planRepository_branchName=indices\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK=/home/bamboo/jdk1.7.0_60\nbamboo_capability_system_os=linux\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_mvn2_Maven_2=/home/bamboo/apache-maven-2.2.1\nbamboo_shortJobName=default\nbamboo_repository_branch_name=indices\nbamboo_agentId=52559873\nbamboo_planRepository_repositoryUrl=ssh://\nbamboo_planRepository_1_repositoryUrl=ssh://\nbamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugins_scripttask_task_builder_command_7=/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.2/bin/sbt compile\nbamboo_repository_93224987_branch_name=indices\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_mkcrx=/home/bamboo/mkcrx/\nbamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugins_scripttask_task_builder_script_15=/bin/sh /tmp/\nbamboo_planRepository_1_username=\nbamboo_planRepository_name=clowder\nbamboo_buildNumber=1\nbamboo_capability_system_hostname=buildserver-1\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_casperjs=/home/bamboo/node-v0.10.28/bin/casperjs\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_ant_Ant=/home/bamboo/apache-ant-1.9.4\nbamboo_capability_system_software_rabbitmq=/usr/sbin/rabbitmqctl\nbamboo_buildTimeStamp=2015-10-07T14:08:27.736-05:00\n build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:03 [info] Loading project definition from /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/project build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:06 [info] Set current project to clowder (in build file:/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/) build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:20 [info] Compiling 26 Scala sources to /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/target/scala-2.10/test-classes... build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:29 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/test/integration/collections/CollectionsAPIAppSpec.scala:190: a pure expression does nothing in statement position; you may be omitting necessary parentheses build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:29 [warn] case JsSuccess(list : List[FileName], _) => (list) build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:29 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:29 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/test/integration/collections/CollectionsAPIAppSpec.scala:243: a pure expression does nothing in statement position; you may be omitting necessary parentheses build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:29 [warn] case JsSuccess(list : List[FileName], _) => (list) build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:29 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:30 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/test/integration/collections/CollectionsAPIAppSpec.scala:283: a pure expression does nothing in statement position; you may be omitting necessary parentheses build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:30 [warn] case JsSuccess(list : List[DataSet], _) => (list) build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:30 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:30 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/test/integration/collections/CollectionsAPIAppSpec.scala:304: a pure expression does nothing in statement position; you may be omitting necessary parentheses build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:30 [warn] case JsSuccess(list : List[CollectionSet], _) => (list) build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:30 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:30 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/test/integration/collections/CollectionsAPIAppSpec.scala:344: a pure expression does nothing in statement position; you may be omitting necessary parentheses build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:30 [warn] case JsSuccess(list : List[CollectionSet], _) => list build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:30 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:30 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/test/integration/collections/CollectionsAPIAppSpec.scala:382: a pure expression does nothing in statement position; you may be omitting necessary parentheses build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:30 [warn] case JsSuccess(list : List[CollectionSet], _) => list build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:30 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:30 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/test/integration/collections/CollectionsAPIAppSpec.scala:422: a pure expression does nothing in statement position; you may be omitting necessary parentheses build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:30 [warn] case JsSuccess(list : List[DataSet], _) => (list) build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:30 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:30 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/test/integration/collections/CollectionsAPIAppSpec.scala:443: a pure expression does nothing in statement position; you may be omitting necessary parentheses build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:30 [warn] case JsSuccess(list : List[CollectionSet], _) => (list) build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:30 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:30 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/test/integration/collections/CollectionsAPIAppSpec.scala:483: a pure expression does nothing in statement position; you may be omitting necessary parentheses build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:30 [warn] case JsSuccess(list : List[DataSet], _) => (list) build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:30 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:30 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/test/integration/collections/CollectionsAPIAppSpec.scala:504: a pure expression does nothing in statement position; you may be omitting necessary parentheses build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:30 [warn] case JsSuccess(list : List[CollectionSet], _) => (list) build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:30 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:30 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/test/integration/collections/CollectionsAPIAppSpec.scala:541: a pure expression does nothing in statement position; you may be omitting necessary parentheses build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:30 [warn] case JsSuccess(list : List[DataSet], _) => (list) build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:30 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:30 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/test/integration/collections/CollectionsAPIAppSpec.scala:562: a pure expression does nothing in statement position; you may be omitting necessary parentheses build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:30 [warn] case JsSuccess(list : List[CollectionSet], _) => (list) build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:30 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:30 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/test/integration/collections/CollectionsAPIAppSpec.scala:603: a pure expression does nothing in statement position; you may be omitting necessary parentheses build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:30 [warn] case JsSuccess(list : List[DataSet], _) => (list) build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:30 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:30 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/test/integration/collections/CollectionsAPIAppSpec.scala:644: a pure expression does nothing in statement position; you may be omitting necessary parentheses build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:30 [warn] case JsSuccess(list : List[DataSet], _) => (list) build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:30 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:31 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/test/integration/collections/CollectionsAPIAppSpec.scala:703: a pure expression does nothing in statement position; you may be omitting necessary parentheses build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:31 [warn] case JsSuccess(list : List[CollectionSet], _) => list build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:31 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:31 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/test/integration/collections/CollectionsAPIAppSpec.scala:745: a pure expression does nothing in statement position; you may be omitting necessary parentheses build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:31 [warn] case JsSuccess(list : List[CollectionSet], _) => list build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:31 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:31 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/test/integration/datasets/DatasetsAPIAppSpec.scala:129: a pure expression does nothing in statement position; you may be omitting necessary parentheses build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:31 [warn] case JsSuccess(list : List[FileName], _) => (list) build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:31 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:31 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/test/integration/datasets/DatasetsAPIAppSpec.scala:187: a pure expression does nothing in statement position; you may be omitting necessary parentheses build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:31 [warn] case JsSuccess(list : List[DataSet], _) => (list) build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:31 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:31 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/test/integration/datasets/DatasetsAPIAppSpec.scala:229: a pure expression does nothing in statement position; you may be omitting necessary parentheses build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:31 [warn] case JsSuccess(list : List[DataSet], _) => (list) build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:31 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:31 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/test/integration/datasets/DatasetsAPIAppSpec.scala:268: a pure expression does nothing in statement position; you may be omitting necessary parentheses build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:31 [warn] case JsSuccess(list : List[DataSet], _) => (list) build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:31 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:32 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/test/integration/datasets/DatasetsAPIAppSpec.scala:309: a pure expression does nothing in statement position; you may be omitting necessary parentheses build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:32 [warn] case JsSuccess(list : List[DataSet], _) => (list) build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:32 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:32 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/test/integration/datasets/DatasetsAPIAppSpec.scala:350: a pure expression does nothing in statement position; you may be omitting necessary parentheses build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:32 [warn] case JsSuccess(list : List[DataSet], _) => (list) build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:32 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:32 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/test/integration/datasets/DatasetsAPIAppSpec.scala:409: a pure expression does nothing in statement position; you may be omitting necessary parentheses build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:32 [warn] case JsSuccess(list : List[DataSet], _) => (list) build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:32 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:32 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/test/integration/datasets/DatasetsAPIAppSpec.scala:468: a pure expression does nothing in statement position; you may be omitting necessary parentheses build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:32 [warn] case JsSuccess(list : List[DataSet], _) => (list) build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:32 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:32 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/test/integration/datasets/DatasetsAPIAppSpec.scala:508: a pure expression does nothing in statement position; you may be omitting necessary parentheses build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:32 [warn] case JsSuccess(list : List[DataSet], _) => (list) build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:32 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:32 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/test/integration/datasets/DatasetsAPIAppSpec.scala:566: a pure expression does nothing in statement position; you may be omitting necessary parentheses build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:32 [warn] case JsSuccess(list : List[DataSet], _) => (list) build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:32 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:32 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/test/integration/datasets/DatasetsAPIAppSpec.scala:722: a pure expression does nothing in statement position; you may be omitting necessary parentheses build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:32 [warn] case JsSuccess(list : List[DataSet], _) => (list) build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:32 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:32 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/test/integration/datasets/DatasetsAPIAppSpec.scala:776: a pure expression does nothing in statement position; you may be omitting necessary parentheses build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:32 [warn] case JsSuccess(list : List[DataSet], _) => (list) build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:32 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:32 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/test/integration/datasets/DatasetsAPIAppSpec.scala:830: a pure expression does nothing in statement position; you may be omitting necessary parentheses build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:32 [warn] case JsSuccess(list : List[DataSet], _) => (list) build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:32 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:32 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/test/integration/datasets/DatasetsAPIAppSpec.scala:867: a pure expression does nothing in statement position; you may be omitting necessary parentheses build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:32 [warn] case JsSuccess(list : List[DataSet], _) => (list) build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:32 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:32 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/test/integration/datasets/DatasetsAPIAppSpec.scala:1011: a pure expression does nothing in statement position; you may be omitting necessary parentheses build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:32 [warn] case JsSuccess(list : List[DataSet], _) => (list) build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:32 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:33 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/test/integration/extractions/ExtractionsAPIAppSpec.scala:158: a pure expression does nothing in statement position; you may be omitting necessary parentheses build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:33 [warn] case JsSuccess(list : List[FileName], _) => list build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:33 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:33 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/test/integration/extractions/ExtractionsAPIAppSpec.scala:201: a pure expression does nothing in statement position; you may be omitting necessary parentheses build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:33 [warn] case JsSuccess(list : List[FileName], _) => list build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:33 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:33 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/test/integration/extractions/ExtractionsAPIAppSpec.scala:243: a pure expression does nothing in statement position; you may be omitting necessary parentheses build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:33 [warn] case JsSuccess(list : List[FileName], _) => list build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:33 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:33 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/test/integration/files/FilesAPIAppSpec.scala:170: a pure expression does nothing in statement position; you may be omitting necessary parentheses build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:33 [warn] case JsSuccess(list : List[FileName], _) => list build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:33 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:33 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/test/integration/files/FilesAPIAppSpec.scala:226: a pure expression does nothing in statement position; you may be omitting necessary parentheses build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:33 [warn] case JsSuccess(list : List[FileName], _) => list build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:33 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:33 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/test/integration/files/FilesAPIAppSpec.scala:281: a pure expression does nothing in statement position; you may be omitting necessary parentheses build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:33 [warn] case JsSuccess(list : List[FileName], _) => list build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:33 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:34 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/test/integration/files/FilesAPIAppSpec.scala:381: a pure expression does nothing in statement position; you may be omitting necessary parentheses build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:34 [warn] case JsSuccess(list : List[FileName], _) => list build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:34 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:34 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/test/integration/files/FilesAPIAppSpec.scala:462: a pure expression does nothing in statement position; you may be omitting necessary parentheses build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:34 [warn] case JsSuccess(list : List[FileName], _) => list build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:34 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:34 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/test/integration/files/FilesAPIAppSpec.scala:506: a pure expression does nothing in statement position; you may be omitting necessary parentheses build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:34 [warn] case JsSuccess(list : List[FileName], _) => list build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:34 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:34 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/test/integration/files/FilesAPIAppSpec.scala:551: a pure expression does nothing in statement position; you may be omitting necessary parentheses build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:34 [warn] case JsSuccess(list : List[FileName], _) => list build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:34 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:34 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/test/integration/previews/PreviewsAPIAppSpec.scala:199: a pure expression does nothing in statement position; you may be omitting necessary parentheses build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:34 [warn] case JsSuccess(list : List[FileName], _) => list build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:34 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:34 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/test/integration/previews/PreviewsAPIAppSpec.scala:285: a pure expression does nothing in statement position; you may be omitting necessary parentheses build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:34 [warn] case JsSuccess(list : List[FileName], _) => list build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:34 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:34 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/test/integration/previews/PreviewsAPIAppSpec.scala:328: a pure expression does nothing in statement position; you may be omitting necessary parentheses build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:34 [warn] case JsSuccess(list : List[FileName], _) => list build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:34 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:34 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/test/integration/previews/PreviewsAPIAppSpec.scala:380: a pure expression does nothing in statement position; you may be omitting necessary parentheses build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:34 [warn] case JsSuccess(list : List[PreviewName], _) => (list) build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:34 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:34 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/test/integration/previews/PreviewsAPIAppSpec.scala:420: a pure expression does nothing in statement position; you may be omitting necessary parentheses build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:34 [warn] case JsSuccess(list : List[PreviewName], _) => (list) build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:34 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:34 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/test/integration/previews/PreviewsAPIAppSpec.scala:461: a pure expression does nothing in statement position; you may be omitting necessary parentheses build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:34 [warn] case JsSuccess(list : List[PreviewName], _) => (list) build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:34 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:34 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/test/integration/previews/PreviewsAPIAppSpec.scala:501: a pure expression does nothing in statement position; you may be omitting necessary parentheses build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:34 [warn] case JsSuccess(list : List[PreviewName], _) => (list) build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:34 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:34 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/test/integration/previews/PreviewsAPIAppSpec.scala:542: a pure expression does nothing in statement position; you may be omitting necessary parentheses build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:34 [warn] case JsSuccess(list : List[FileName], _) => list build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:34 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:36 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/test/integration/collections/CollectionsAPIAppSpec.scala:189: match may not be exhaustive. build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:36 [warn] It would fail on the following input: JsError(_) build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:36 [warn] val fileInfo = nameResult match { build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:36 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:36 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/test/integration/collections/CollectionsAPIAppSpec.scala:242: match may not be exhaustive. build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:36 [warn] It would fail on the following input: JsError(_) build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:36 [warn] val fileInfo = nameResult match { build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:36 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:36 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/test/integration/collections/CollectionsAPIAppSpec.scala:303: match may not be exhaustive. build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:36 [warn] It would fail on the following input: JsError(_) build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:36 [warn] val fileInfo = nameResult match { build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:36 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:36 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/test/integration/collections/CollectionsAPIAppSpec.scala:282: match may not be exhaustive. build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:36 [warn] It would fail on the following input: JsError(_) build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:36 [warn] val fileInfo = nameResult match { build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:36 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:36 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/test/integration/collections/CollectionsAPIAppSpec.scala:442: match may not be exhaustive. build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:36 [warn] It would fail on the following input: JsError(_) build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:36 [warn] val fileInfo = nameResult match { build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:36 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:36 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/test/integration/collections/CollectionsAPIAppSpec.scala:421: match may not be exhaustive. build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:36 [warn] It would fail on the following input: JsError(_) build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:36 [warn] val fileInfo = nameResult match { build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:36 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:36 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/test/integration/collections/CollectionsAPIAppSpec.scala:503: match may not be exhaustive. build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:36 [warn] It would fail on the following input: JsError(_) build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:36 [warn] val fileInfo = nameResult match { build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:36 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:36 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/test/integration/collections/CollectionsAPIAppSpec.scala:482: match may not be exhaustive. build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:36 [warn] It would fail on the following input: JsError(_) build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:36 [warn] val fileInfo = nameResult match { build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:36 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:36 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/test/integration/collections/CollectionsAPIAppSpec.scala:561: match may not be exhaustive. build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:36 [warn] It would fail on the following input: JsError(_) build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:36 [warn] val fileInfo = nameResult match { build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:36 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:37 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/test/integration/collections/CollectionsAPIAppSpec.scala:540: match may not be exhaustive. build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:37 [warn] It would fail on the following input: JsError(_) build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:37 [warn] val fileInfo = nameResult match { build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:37 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:37 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/test/integration/datasets/DatasetsAPIAppSpec.scala:128: match may not be exhaustive. build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:37 [warn] It would fail on the following input: JsError(_) build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:37 [warn] val fileInfo = nameResult match { build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:37 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:45 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/test/integration/dts/DTSExtractionsAPIAppSpec.scala:59: class DefaultHttpClient in package client is deprecated: see corresponding Javadoc for more information. build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:45 [warn] val client = new DefaultHttpClient() build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:45 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:45 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/test/integration/dts/DTSExtractionsAPIAppSpec.scala:59: class DefaultHttpClient in package client is deprecated: see corresponding Javadoc for more information. build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:45 [warn] val client = new DefaultHttpClient() build 07-Oct-2015 14:12:45 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:01 [warn] there were 1 feature warning(s); re-run with -feature for details build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:01 [warn] 63 warnings found build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:06 [debug] application - SwaggerPlugin.onStart build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [debug] application - /api/datasets/{id}/tags build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [debug] application - /api/datasets/{id}/tags build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [debug] application - /api/datasets/{id}/tags/remove_all build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [debug] application - /api/datasets/{id}/isBeingProcessed build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [debug] application - /api/datasets/{id}/getPreviews build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [debug] application - /api/datasets/{id}/technicalmetadat.{format} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [debug] application - /api/datasets/{id}/unfollow build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [debug] application - /api/datasets/attachmultiple build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [debug] application - /api/datasets/{ds_id}/files/{file_id} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [debug] application - /api/datasets/{ds_id}/{file_id} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [debug] application - /api/collections/{coll_id}/getDatasets build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [debug] application - /api/datasets/{id} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [debug] application - /api/datasets/{id}/editing build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [debug] application - /api/datasets/{id}/removeTag build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [debug] application - /api/datasets/{id}/detachdelete build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [debug] application - /api/datasets/{id} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [debug] application - /api/datasets build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [debug] application - /api/datasets/createempty build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [debug] application - /api/datasets/rdfUserMetadata/{id} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [debug] application - /api/datasets/{id}/usermetadata build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [debug] application - /api/datasets/{id}/license build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [debug] application - /api/datasets/{id}/follow build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [debug] application - /api/datasets/{id}/metadata build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [debug] application - /api/datasets/getRDFURLsForDataset/{id} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [debug] application - /api/datasets/{id}/reindex build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [debug] application - /api/datasets/{id}/download build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [debug] application - /api/datasets/{id}/tags build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [debug] application - /api/datasets build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [debug] application - /api/datasets/{id}/comment build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [error] c.w.s.c.u.TypeUtil$ - Unable to load class None build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [error] c.w.s.c.u.TypeUtil$ - Unable to load class void build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [debug] application - /api/files/{id}/extracted_metadata build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [debug] application - /api/files/{id}/tags build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [debug] application - /api/files/{id}/tags build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [debug] application - /api/files/{id}/tags/remove_all build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [debug] application - /api/files/{id}/isBeingProcessed build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [debug] application - /api/files/{id}/getPreviews build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [debug] application - /api/files/{id}.{format}metadat.{format} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [debug] application - /api/files/{id}/usermetadat.{format} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [debug] application - /api/files/{id}/technicalmetadat.{format} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [debug] application - /api/files/{id}/versus_metadata build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [debug] application - /api/files/{id} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [debug] application - /api/files/{id}/unfollow build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [debug] application - /api/files/rdfUserMetadata/{id} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [debug] application - /api/files/getRDFURLsForFile/{id} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [debug] application - /api/files/{id}/usermetadata build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [debug] application - /api/files/{id}/listpreviews build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [debug] application - /api/files/{file_id}/thumbnails/{thumbnail_id} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [debug] application - /api/queries/{file_id}/thumbnails/{thumbnail_id} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [debug] application - /api/files/{id}/license build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [debug] application - /api/files/{id}/follow build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [debug] application - /api/files/withFlags/{flags} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [debug] application - /api/files/{id}/metadata build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [debug] application - /api/files/{id}/updateMetadata build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [debug] application - /api/files/{id}/previews/{p_id} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [debug] application - /api/files/{id}/reindex build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [debug] application - /api/files/sendJob/{fileId}/{fileType} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [debug] application - /api/uploadToDataset/{id} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [debug] application - /api/files/{id} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [debug] application - /api/files/{id}/tags build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [debug] application - /api/files/{id}/metadata build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [debug] application - /api/files build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [debug] application - /api/files/{id}/comment build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [debug] application - /api/extractions/upload_url build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [debug] application - /api/extractions/{id}/metadata build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [debug] application - /api/extractions/multiple_uploadby_url build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [debug] application - /api/extractions/{id}/submit build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [debug] application - /api/extractions/{id}/status build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [debug] application - /api/extractions/{id}/statuses build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [debug] application - /api/extractions/extractors_details build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [debug] application - /api/extractors build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [debug] application - /api/extractors/{id} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [debug] application - /api/extractors build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [debug] application - /api/extractions/servers_ips build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [debug] application - /api/extractions/extractors_names build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [debug] application - /api/extractions/supported_input_types build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [debug] application - /api/extractions/requests build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [debug] application - /api/extractions/upload_file build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [debug] application - /api/thumbnails/{id} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [debug] application - /api/thumbnails build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [debug] application - /api/collections/{id}/unfollow build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [debug] application - /api/collections/{coll_id}/datasets/{ds_id} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [debug] application - /api/collections/{id}/follow build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [debug] application - /api/collections/{c_id}/previews/{p_id} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [debug] application - /api/collections build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [debug] application - /api/collections/{coll_id}/datasets/{ds_id} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [debug] application - /api/collections/{coll_id} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [debug] application - /api/collections/list build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [debug] application - /api/collections/{coll_id} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [debug] application - /api/collections/{coll_id}/reindex build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:07 [error] c.w.s.c.u.TypeUtil$ - Unable to load class Collection build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:08 [warn] application - [MongoDBUpdate] : Missing fix _typeHint for users. build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:08 [debug] application - Ensuring indices exist build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:08 [info] application - [securesocial] loaded templates plugin: services.SecureSocialTemplatesPlugin build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:08 [info] play - Starting application default Akka system. build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:08 [debug] application - [securesocial] calling deleteExpiredTokens() build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:08 [info] application - [securesocial] loaded user service: class services.mongodb.MongoDBSecureSocialUserService build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:08 [info] application - [securesocial] loaded password hasher bcrypt build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:08 [debug] application - build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:08 ----Server Start Time----Wed Oct 07 14:13:08 CDT 2015 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:08 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:08 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:08 [debug] application - Getting value for admins build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:08 [info] application - Application has started build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:08 [info] application - [securesocial] loaded identity provider: userpass build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:08 [debug] application - Loading custom mongodb context build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:09 [info] ExtractionsAPIAppSpec: build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:09 [info] The Extractions API Spec build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:09 [info] - must provide a FakeApplication build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:09 [info] - must make the FakeApplication available implicitly build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:09 [info] - must start the FakeApplication build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:09 [info] The Extractions API Spec build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:09 [debug] application - [uploadURL] file Url=Some( build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:09 [debug] application - UploadbyURL: filename: logos_ncsa.png build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:09 [debug] application - ContentType of the file: image/png build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:10 [debug] application - _typeHint = models.File build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:11 [info] - must respond to the Upload File URL build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:11 [info] + Status=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:11 [info] + contentType=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:11 [info] + contentAsString{"id":"56156ec6e4b056276d7fbd2d"} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:11 [debug] application - File1 is File:True build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:11 [debug] application - Uploading file morrowplots.jpg build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:11 [debug] application - _typeHint = models.File build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:11 [info] - must respond to the Upload File build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:11 [info] + Working Directory: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:11 [info] + Status=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:11 [info] + contentType=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:11 [info] + contentAsString{"id":"56156ec7e4b056276d7fbd34"} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:11 [debug] application - File1 is File:True build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:11 [info] application - Uploading thumbnail morrowplots-thumb.jpg build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:11 [debug] application - _typeHint = models.Thumbnail build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:11 [info] - must respond to the Thumbnail File Upload build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:11 [info] + Working Directory: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:11 [info] + Status=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:11 [info] + contentType=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:11 [info] + contentAsString{"id":"56156ec7e4b056276d7fbd3b"} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:11 [debug] application - [MongoDBExtractorService]- getExtractorNames build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:11 [debug] application - [MongoDBExtractorService]- Extractor Name List- build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:11 [debug] application - List() build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:11 [info] - must respond to the getExtractorNamesAction build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:11 [info] + Status=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:11 [info] + contentType=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:11 [info] + content{"Extractors":[]} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:11 [debug] application - [mongodbextractorservice]--getServerIPList() build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:11 [debug] application - [mongodbextractorservice]--Servers List- build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:11 [debug] application - List() build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:11 [info] - must respond to the getExtractorServerIPsAction build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:11 [info] + Status=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:11 [info] + contentType=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:11 [info] + content{"Servers":[]} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:11 [debug] application - [mongodbextractorservice]--getExtractorInputTypes() build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:11 [debug] application - [mongodbextractorservice]--Extractor Input List build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:11 [debug] application - List() build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:11 [info] - must respond to the getExtractorSupportedInputTypesAction build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:11 [info] + Status=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:11 [info] + contentType=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:11 [info] + content{"InputTypes":[]} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:11 [debug] application - ---GET DTS Requests--- build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:11 [debug] application - ----Else block build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:11 [debug] application - ----Else block build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:11 [info] - must respond to the getDTSRequests build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:11 [info] + Status=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:11 [info] + contentType=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:11 [debug] application - Deleting file: Some(morrowplots-thumb.jpg) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:11 [info] - must respond to the removeThumbnail(id:UUID) function routed by DELETE /api/thumbnails/:id build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:11 [info] + Status=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:11 [info] + contentType=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:11 [info] + content[{"size":"9757","date-created":"Wed Oct 07 14:13:11 CDT 2015","chunksize":"262144","id":"56156ec7e4b056276d7fbd3b","content-type":"image/jpeg","filename":"morrowplots-thumb.jpg"}] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:11 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:11 [info] + [ { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:11 [info] "size" : "9757", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:11 [info] "date-created" : "Wed Oct 07 14:13:11 CDT 2015", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:11 [info] "chunksize" : "262144", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:11 [info] "id" : "56156ec7e4b056276d7fbd3b", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:11 [info] "content-type" : "image/jpeg", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:11 [info] "filename" : "morrowplots-thumb.jpg" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:11 [info] } ] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:11 [info] + Mapping file model to Json worked build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:11 [info] + Number of files in System 1 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:11 [info] + List(FileName(9757,Wed Oct 07 14:13:11 CDT 2015,56156ec7e4b056276d7fbd3b,image/jpeg,morrowplots-thumb.jpg)) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:11 [info] + 56156ec7e4b056276d7fbd3b build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:11 [info] + DELETE /api/thumbnails/56156ec7e4b056276d7fbd3b build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:11 [info] + Status_Get=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:11 [info] + contentType_Get=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:11 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:11 [info] + { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:11 [info] "status" : "success" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:11 [info] } build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:11 [debug] application - Deleting file from indexesmorrowplots.jpg build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:11 [debug] application - Deleting file: morrowplots.jpg build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] - must respond to the removeFile(id:UUID) function routed by DELETE /api/files/:id for morrow-plots file build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + Status=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + contentType=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + content[{"size":"15684","date-created":"Wed Oct 07 14:13:10 CDT 2015","id":"56156ec6e4b056276d7fbd2d","authorId":"anonymous","content-type":"image/png","filename":"logos_ncsa.png"},{"size":"1267871","date-created":"Wed Oct 07 14:13:11 CDT 2015","id":"56156ec7e4b056276d7fbd34","authorId":"anonymous","content-type":"image/jpeg","filename":"morrowplots.jpg"}] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + [ { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "size" : "15684", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "date-created" : "Wed Oct 07 14:13:10 CDT 2015", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "id" : "56156ec6e4b056276d7fbd2d", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "authorId" : "anonymous", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "content-type" : "image/png", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "filename" : "logos_ncsa.png" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] }, { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "size" : "1267871", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "date-created" : "Wed Oct 07 14:13:11 CDT 2015", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "id" : "56156ec7e4b056276d7fbd34", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "authorId" : "anonymous", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "content-type" : "image/jpeg", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "filename" : "morrowplots.jpg" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] } ] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + Mapping file model to Json worked build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + Number of files in System 2 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + List(FileName(15684,Wed Oct 07 14:13:10 CDT 2015,56156ec6e4b056276d7fbd2d,image/png,logos_ncsa.png), FileName(1267871,Wed Oct 07 14:13:11 CDT 2015,56156ec7e4b056276d7fbd34,image/jpeg,morrowplots.jpg)) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + 56156ec7e4b056276d7fbd34 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + DELETE /api/files/56156ec7e4b056276d7fbd34 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + Status_Get=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + contentType_Get=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "status" : "success" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] } build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [debug] application - Deleting file from indexeslogos_ncsa.png build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [debug] application - Deleting file: logos_ncsa.png build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] - must respond to the removeFile(id:UUID) function routed by DELETE /api/files/:id for logos_ncsa file build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + Status=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + contentType=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + content[{"size":"15684","date-created":"Wed Oct 07 14:13:10 CDT 2015","id":"56156ec6e4b056276d7fbd2d","authorId":"anonymous","content-type":"image/png","filename":"logos_ncsa.png"}] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + [ { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "size" : "15684", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "date-created" : "Wed Oct 07 14:13:10 CDT 2015", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "id" : "56156ec6e4b056276d7fbd2d", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "authorId" : "anonymous", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "content-type" : "image/png", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "filename" : "logos_ncsa.png" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] } ] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + Mapping file model to Json worked build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + Number of files in System 1 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + List(FileName(15684,Wed Oct 07 14:13:10 CDT 2015,56156ec6e4b056276d7fbd2d,image/png,logos_ncsa.png)) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + 56156ec6e4b056276d7fbd2d build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + DELETE /api/files/56156ec6e4b056276d7fbd2d build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + Status_Get=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + contentType_Get=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "status" : "success" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] } build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [debug] application - [uploadURL] file Url=Some( build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [debug] application - UploadbyURL: filename: logos_ncsa.png build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [debug] application - ContentType of the file: image/png build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] FilesAPIAppSpec: build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] The Files API Spec build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] - must provide a FakeApplication build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] - must make the FakeApplication available implicitly build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] - must start the FakeApplication build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] The Files API Spec build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [debug] application - _typeHint = models.File build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] - must respond to the Upload File URL build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + Status=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + contentType=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + contentAsString{"id":"56156ec8e4b056276d7fbd40"} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [debug] application - File1 is File:True build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [debug] application - Uploading file morrowplots.jpg build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [debug] application - _typeHint = models.File build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [debug] application - File1 is File:True build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] - must respond to the Upload File build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + Working Directory: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + Status=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + contentType=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + contentAsString{"id":"56156ec8e4b056276d7fbd44"} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] application - Uploading thumbnail morrowplots-thumb-1.jpg build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [debug] application - _typeHint = models.Thumbnail build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] - must respond to the uploadThumbnail() function routed by POST /api/fileThumbnail build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + Working Directory: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + Status=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + contentType=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + contentAsString{"id":"56156ec8e4b056276d7fbd4b"} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] - must respond to the list() function routed by GET /api/files build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + Status=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + contentType=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + content[{"size":"15684","date-created":"Wed Oct 07 14:13:12 CDT 2015","id":"56156ec8e4b056276d7fbd40","authorId":"anonymous","content-type":"image/png","filename":"logos_ncsa.png"},{"size":"1267871","date-created":"Wed Oct 07 14:13:12 CDT 2015","id":"56156ec8e4b056276d7fbd44","authorId":"anonymous","content-type":"image/jpeg","filename":"morrowplots.jpg"}] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [debug] application - File1 is File:True build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [debug] application - Adding metadata to file 56156ec8e4b056276d7fbd44 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [debug] application - tagStr=[] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [debug] application - commentStr=[] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [debug] application - usrmd={} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [debug] application - techmd=[ { "Image" : "fid" , "Format" : "JPEG(JointPhotographicExpertsGroupJFIFformat)" , "Class" : "DirectClass" , "Geometry" : "640x299+0+0" , "Resolution" : "72x72" , "Printsize" : "8.88889x4.15278" , "Units" : "PixelsPerInch" , "Type" : "TrueColor" , "Endianess" : "Undefined" , "Colorspace" : "sRGB" , "Depth" : "8-bit" , "Channeldepth" : { "red" : "8-bit" , "green" : "8-bit" , "blue" : "8-bit"} , "Channelstatistics" : { "Red" : { "min" : "0(0)" , "max" : "255(1)" , "mean" : "100.639(0.394664)" , "standarddeviation" : "71.9573(0.282185)" , "kurtosis" : "-1.36322" , "skewness" : "0.451553"} , "Green" : { "min" : "0(0)" , "max" : "255(1)" , "mean" : "90.209(0.353761)" , "standarddeviation" : "65.0885(0.255249)" , "kurtosis" : "-1.13473" , "skewness" : "0.595271"} , "Blue" : { "min" : "0(0)" , "max" : "255(1)" , "mean" : "79.6365(0.3123)" , "standarddeviation" : "55.4165(0.21732)" , "kurtosis" : "-0.872806" , "skewness" : "0.669403"}} , "Imagestatistics" : { "Overall" : { "min" : "0(0)" , "max" : "255(1)" , "mean" : "90.1616(0.353575)" , "standarddeviation" : "64.5119(0.252988)" , "kurtosis" : "-0.975723" , "skewness" : "0.636514"}} , "Renderingintent" : "Perceptual" , "Gamma" : "0.454545" , "Chromaticity" : { "redprimary" : "(0.64,0.33)" , "greenprimary" : "(0.3,0.6)" , "blueprimary" : "(0.15,0.06)" , "whitepoint" : "(0.3127,0.329)"} , "Backgroundcolor" : "white" , "Bordercolor" : "srgb(223,223,223)" , "Mattecolor" : "grey74" , "Transparentcolor" : "black" , "Interlace" : "None" , "Intensity" : "Undefined" , "Compose" : "Over" , "Pagegeometry" : "640x299+0+0" , "Dispose" : "Undefined" , "Iterations" : "0" , "Compression" : "JPEG" , "Quality" : "93" , "Orientation" : "TopLeft" , "Properties" : { "date: create" : "2014-08-28T11: 07: 11-05: 00" , "date: modify" : "2014-08-28T11: 07: 11-05: 00" , "exif: ColorSpace" : "1" , "exif: ComponentsConfiguration" : "1,2,3,0" , "exif: Compression" : "6" , "exif: ExifImageLength" : "299" , "exif: ExifImageWidth" : "640" , "exif: ExifOffset" : "102" , "exif: ExifVersion" : "48,50,50,49" , "exif: FlashPixVersion" : "48,49,48,48" , "exif: JPEGInterchangeFormat" : "286" , "exif: JPEGInterchangeFormatLength" : "7402" , "exif: Orientation" : "1" , "exif: ResolutionUnit" : "2" , "exif: SceneCaptureType" : "0" , "exif: thumbnail: ResolutionUnit" : "2" , "exif: thumbnail: XResolution" : "72/1" , "exif: thumbnail: YResolution" : "72/1" , "exif: XResolution" : "72/1" , "exif: YCbCrPositioning" : "1" , "exif: YResolution" : "72/1" , "jpeg: colorspace" : "2" , "jpeg: sampling-factor" : "2x2,1x1,1x1" , "signature" : "79e4979a6a880c120d7dc862a274ba452233fcf34459d05ca12f25af6dbfb0e6"} , "Profiles" : { "Profile-exif" : "8188bytes"} , "Artifacts" : { "filename" : "fname" , "verbose" : "true"} , "Tainted" : "False" , "Filesize" : "58.1KB" , "Numberpixels" : "191K" , "Pixelspersecond" : "19.14MB" , "Usertime" : "0.010u" , "Elapsedtime" : "0: 01.009" , "Version" : "ImageMagick6.8.6-32013-06-25Q16http: //"}] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [debug] application - xmlmd={} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [debug] application - Updating previews.files 56156ec8e4b056276d7fbd44 with { "Image" : "fid" , "Format" : "JPEG(JointPhotographicExpertsGroupJFIFformat)" , "Class" : "DirectClass" , "Geometry" : "640x299+0+0" , "Resolution" : "72x72" , "Printsize" : "8.88889x4.15278" , "Units" : "PixelsPerInch" , "Type" : "TrueColor" , "Endianess" : "Undefined" , "Colorspace" : "sRGB" , "Depth" : "8-bit" , "Channeldepth" : { "red" : "8-bit" , "green" : "8-bit" , "blue" : "8-bit"} , "Channelstatistics" : { "Red" : { "min" : "0(0)" , "max" : "255(1)" , "mean" : "100.639(0.394664)" , "standarddeviation" : "71.9573(0.282185)" , "kurtosis" : "-1.36322" , "skewness" : "0.451553"} , "Green" : { "min" : "0(0)" , "max" : "255(1)" , "mean" : "90.209(0.353761)" , "standarddeviation" : "65.0885(0.255249)" , "kurtosis" : "-1.13473" , "skewness" : "0.595271"} , "Blue" : { "min" : "0(0)" , "max" : "255(1)" , "mean" : "79.6365(0.3123)" , "standarddeviation" : "55.4165(0.21732)" , "kurtosis" : "-0.872806" , "skewness" : "0.669403"}} , "Imagestatistics" : { "Overall" : { "min" : "0(0)" , "max" : "255(1)" , "mean" : "90.1616(0.353575)" , "standarddeviation" : "64.5119(0.252988)" , "kurtosis" : "-0.975723" , "skewness" : "0.636514"}} , "Renderingintent" : "Perceptual" , "Gamma" : "0.454545" , "Chromaticity" : { "redprimary" : "(0.64,0.33)" , "greenprimary" : "(0.3,0.6)" , "blueprimary" : "(0.15,0.06)" , "whitepoint" : "(0.3127,0.329)"} , "Backgroundcolor" : "white" , "Bordercolor" : "srgb(223,223,223)" , "Mattecolor" : "grey74" , "Transparentcolor" : "black" , "Interlace" : "None" , "Intensity" : "Undefined" , "Compose" : "Over" , "Pagegeometry" : "640x299+0+0" , "Dispose" : "Undefined" , "Iterations" : "0" , "Compression" : "JPEG" , "Quality" : "93" , "Orientation" : "TopLeft" , "Properties" : { "date: create" : "2014-08-28T11: 07: 11-05: 00" , "date: modify" : "2014-08-28T11: 07: 11-05: 00" , "exif: ColorSpace" : "1" , "exif: ComponentsConfiguration" : "1,2,3,0" , "exif: Compression" : "6" , "exif: ExifImageLength" : "299" , "exif: ExifImageWidth" : "640" , "exif: ExifOffset" : "102" , "exif: ExifVersion" : "48,50,50,49" , "exif: FlashPixVersion" : "48,49,48,48" , "exif: JPEGInterchangeFormat" : "286" , "exif: JPEGInterchangeFormatLength" : "7402" , "exif: Orientation" : "1" , "exif: ResolutionUnit" : "2" , "exif: SceneCaptureType" : "0" , "exif: thumbnail: ResolutionUnit" : "2" , "exif: thumbnail: XResolution" : "72/1" , "exif: thumbnail: YResolution" : "72/1" , "exif: XResolution" : "72/1" , "exif: YCbCrPositioning" : "1" , "exif: YResolution" : "72/1" , "jpeg: colorspace" : "2" , "jpeg: sampling-factor" : "2x2,1x1,1x1" , "signature" : "79e4979a6a880c120d7dc862a274ba452233fcf34459d05ca12f25af6dbfb0e6"} , "Profiles" : { "Profile-exif" : "8188bytes"} , "Artifacts" : { "filename" : "fname" , "verbose" : "true"} , "Tainted" : "False" , "Filesize" : "58.1KB" , "Numberpixels" : "191K" , "Pixelspersecond" : "19.14MB" , "Usertime" : "0.010u" , "Elapsedtime" : "0: 01.009" , "Version" : "ImageMagick6.8.6-32013-06-25Q16http: //"} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] - must respond to the addMetadata(id: UUID) function routed by POST /api/files/:id/metadata build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + Status=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + contentType=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + content[{"size":"15684","date-created":"Wed Oct 07 14:13:12 CDT 2015","id":"56156ec8e4b056276d7fbd40","authorId":"anonymous","content-type":"image/png","filename":"logos_ncsa.png"},{"size":"1267871","date-created":"Wed Oct 07 14:13:12 CDT 2015","id":"56156ec8e4b056276d7fbd44","authorId":"anonymous","content-type":"image/jpeg","filename":"morrowplots.jpg"}] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + [ { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "size" : "15684", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "date-created" : "Wed Oct 07 14:13:12 CDT 2015", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "id" : "56156ec8e4b056276d7fbd40", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "authorId" : "anonymous", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "content-type" : "image/png", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "filename" : "logos_ncsa.png" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] }, { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "size" : "1267871", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "date-created" : "Wed Oct 07 14:13:12 CDT 2015", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "id" : "56156ec8e4b056276d7fbd44", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "authorId" : "anonymous", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "content-type" : "image/jpeg", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "filename" : "morrowplots.jpg" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] } ] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + Mapping file model to Json worked build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + Number of files in System 2 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + List(FileName(15684,Wed Oct 07 14:13:12 CDT 2015,56156ec8e4b056276d7fbd40,image/png,logos_ncsa.png), FileName(1267871,Wed Oct 07 14:13:12 CDT 2015,56156ec8e4b056276d7fbd44,image/jpeg,morrowplots.jpg)) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + 56156ec8e4b056276d7fbd44 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + id value 56156ec8e4b056276d7fbd44 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + Working Directory: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + File Pathing /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/test/data/files/data-test-general.json build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "Image" : "fid", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "Format" : "JPEG(JointPhotographicExpertsGroupJFIFformat)", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "Class" : "DirectClass", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "Geometry" : "640x299+0+0", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "Resolution" : "72x72", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "Printsize" : "8.88889x4.15278", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "Units" : "PixelsPerInch", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "Type" : "TrueColor", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "Endianess" : "Undefined", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "Colorspace" : "sRGB", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "Depth" : "8-bit", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "Channeldepth" : { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "red" : "8-bit", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "green" : "8-bit", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "blue" : "8-bit" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] }, build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "Channelstatistics" : { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "Red" : { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "min" : "0(0)", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "max" : "255(1)", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "mean" : "100.639(0.394664)", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "standarddeviation" : "71.9573(0.282185)", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "kurtosis" : "-1.36322", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "skewness" : "0.451553" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] }, build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "Green" : { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "min" : "0(0)", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "max" : "255(1)", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "mean" : "90.209(0.353761)", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "standarddeviation" : "65.0885(0.255249)", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "kurtosis" : "-1.13473", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "skewness" : "0.595271" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] }, build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "Blue" : { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "min" : "0(0)", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "max" : "255(1)", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "mean" : "79.6365(0.3123)", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "standarddeviation" : "55.4165(0.21732)", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "kurtosis" : "-0.872806", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "skewness" : "0.669403" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] } build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] }, build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "Imagestatistics" : { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "Overall" : { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "min" : "0(0)", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "max" : "255(1)", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "mean" : "90.1616(0.353575)", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "standarddeviation" : "64.5119(0.252988)", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "kurtosis" : "-0.975723", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "skewness" : "0.636514" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] } build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] }, build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "Renderingintent" : "Perceptual", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "Gamma" : "0.454545", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "Chromaticity" : { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "redprimary" : "(0.64,0.33)", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "greenprimary" : "(0.3,0.6)", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "blueprimary" : "(0.15,0.06)", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "whitepoint" : "(0.3127,0.329)" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] }, build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "Backgroundcolor" : "white", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "Bordercolor" : "srgb(223,223,223)", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "Mattecolor" : "grey74", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "Transparentcolor" : "black", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "Interlace" : "None", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "Intensity" : "Undefined", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "Compose" : "Over", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "Pagegeometry" : "640x299+0+0", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "Dispose" : "Undefined", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "Iterations" : "0", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "Compression" : "JPEG", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "Quality" : "93", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "Orientation" : "TopLeft", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "Properties" : { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "date: create" : "2014-08-28T11: 07: 11-05: 00", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "date: modify" : "2014-08-28T11: 07: 11-05: 00", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "exif: ColorSpace" : "1", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "exif: ComponentsConfiguration" : "1,2,3,0", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "exif: Compression" : "6", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "exif: ExifImageLength" : "299", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "exif: ExifImageWidth" : "640", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "exif: ExifOffset" : "102", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "exif: ExifVersion" : "48,50,50,49", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "exif: FlashPixVersion" : "48,49,48,48", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "exif: JPEGInterchangeFormat" : "286", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "exif: JPEGInterchangeFormatLength" : "7402", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "exif: Orientation" : "1", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "exif: ResolutionUnit" : "2", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "exif: SceneCaptureType" : "0", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "exif: thumbnail: ResolutionUnit" : "2", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "exif: thumbnail: XResolution" : "72/1", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "exif: thumbnail: YResolution" : "72/1", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "exif: XResolution" : "72/1", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "exif: YCbCrPositioning" : "1", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "exif: YResolution" : "72/1", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "jpeg: colorspace" : "2", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "jpeg: sampling-factor" : "2x2,1x1,1x1", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "signature" : "79e4979a6a880c120d7dc862a274ba452233fcf34459d05ca12f25af6dbfb0e6" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] }, build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "Profiles" : { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "Profile-exif" : "8188bytes" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] }, build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "Artifacts" : { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "filename" : "fname", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "verbose" : "true" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] }, build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "Tainted" : "False", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "Filesize" : "58.1KB", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "Numberpixels" : "191K", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "Pixelspersecond" : "19.14MB", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "Usertime" : "0.010u", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "Elapsedtime" : "0: 01.009", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "Version" : "ImageMagick6.8.6-32013-06-25Q16http: //" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] } build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + Status_Get=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + contentType_Get=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [debug] application - File1 is File:True build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [debug] application - Adding user metadata to file 56156ec8e4b056276d7fbd44 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [debug] application - Adding/modifying user metadata to file 56156ec8e4b056276d7fbd44 : {"Description":"Pretty picture of bronze sign","Items":"Sign, Bridge, Building","Other":"Sunny Day"} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [debug] application - tagStr=[] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [debug] application - commentStr=[] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [debug] application - usrmd={ "Description" : "Pretty picture of bronze sign" , "Items" : "Sign, Bridge, Building" , "Other" : "Sunny Day"} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [debug] application - techmd=[ { "Image" : "fid" , "Format" : "JPEG(JointPhotographicExpertsGroupJFIFformat)" , "Class" : "DirectClass" , "Geometry" : "640x299+0+0" , "Resolution" : "72x72" , "Printsize" : "8.88889x4.15278" , "Units" : "PixelsPerInch" , "Type" : "TrueColor" , "Endianess" : "Undefined" , "Colorspace" : "sRGB" , "Depth" : "8-bit" , "Channeldepth" : { "red" : "8-bit" , "green" : "8-bit" , "blue" : "8-bit"} , "Channelstatistics" : { "Red" : { "min" : "0(0)" , "max" : "255(1)" , "mean" : "100.639(0.394664)" , "standarddeviation" : "71.9573(0.282185)" , "kurtosis" : "-1.36322" , "skewness" : "0.451553"} , "Green" : { "min" : "0(0)" , "max" : "255(1)" , "mean" : "90.209(0.353761)" , "standarddeviation" : "65.0885(0.255249)" , "kurtosis" : "-1.13473" , "skewness" : "0.595271"} , "Blue" : { "min" : "0(0)" , "max" : "255(1)" , "mean" : "79.6365(0.3123)" , "standarddeviation" : "55.4165(0.21732)" , "kurtosis" : "-0.872806" , "skewness" : "0.669403"}} , "Imagestatistics" : { "Overall" : { "min" : "0(0)" , "max" : "255(1)" , "mean" : "90.1616(0.353575)" , "standarddeviation" : "64.5119(0.252988)" , "kurtosis" : "-0.975723" , "skewness" : "0.636514"}} , "Renderingintent" : "Perceptual" , "Gamma" : "0.454545" , "Chromaticity" : { "redprimary" : "(0.64,0.33)" , "greenprimary" : "(0.3,0.6)" , "blueprimary" : "(0.15,0.06)" , "whitepoint" : "(0.3127,0.329)"} , "Backgroundcolor" : "white" , "Bordercolor" : "srgb(223,223,223)" , "Mattecolor" : "grey74" , "Transparentcolor" : "black" , "Interlace" : "None" , "Intensity" : "Undefined" , "Compose" : "Over" , "Pagegeometry" : "640x299+0+0" , "Dispose" : "Undefined" , "Iterations" : "0" , "Compression" : "JPEG" , "Quality" : "93" , "Orientation" : "TopLeft" , "Properties" : { "date: create" : "2014-08-28T11: 07: 11-05: 00" , "date: modify" : "2014-08-28T11: 07: 11-05: 00" , "exif: ColorSpace" : "1" , "exif: ComponentsConfiguration" : "1,2,3,0" , "exif: Compression" : "6" , "exif: ExifImageLength" : "299" , "exif: ExifImageWidth" : "640" , "exif: ExifOffset" : "102" , "exif: ExifVersion" : "48,50,50,49" , "exif: FlashPixVersion" : "48,49,48,48" , "exif: JPEGInterchangeFormat" : "286" , "exif: JPEGInterchangeFormatLength" : "7402" , "exif: Orientation" : "1" , "exif: ResolutionUnit" : "2" , "exif: SceneCaptureType" : "0" , "exif: thumbnail: ResolutionUnit" : "2" , "exif: thumbnail: XResolution" : "72/1" , "exif: thumbnail: YResolution" : "72/1" , "exif: XResolution" : "72/1" , "exif: YCbCrPositioning" : "1" , "exif: YResolution" : "72/1" , "jpeg: colorspace" : "2" , "jpeg: sampling-factor" : "2x2,1x1,1x1" , "signature" : "79e4979a6a880c120d7dc862a274ba452233fcf34459d05ca12f25af6dbfb0e6"} , "Profiles" : { "Profile-exif" : "8188bytes"} , "Artifacts" : { "filename" : "fname" , "verbose" : "true"} , "Tainted" : "False" , "Filesize" : "58.1KB" , "Numberpixels" : "191K" , "Pixelspersecond" : "19.14MB" , "Usertime" : "0.010u" , "Elapsedtime" : "0: 01.009" , "Version" : "ImageMagick6.8.6-32013-06-25Q16http: //"}] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [debug] application - xmlmd={} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] - must respond to the addUserMetadata(id: UUID) function routed by POST /api/files/:id/usermetadata build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + Status=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + contentType=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + content[{"size":"15684","date-created":"Wed Oct 07 14:13:12 CDT 2015","id":"56156ec8e4b056276d7fbd40","authorId":"anonymous","content-type":"image/png","filename":"logos_ncsa.png"},{"size":"1267871","date-created":"Wed Oct 07 14:13:12 CDT 2015","id":"56156ec8e4b056276d7fbd44","authorId":"anonymous","content-type":"image/jpeg","filename":"morrowplots.jpg"}] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + [ { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "size" : "15684", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "date-created" : "Wed Oct 07 14:13:12 CDT 2015", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "id" : "56156ec8e4b056276d7fbd40", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "authorId" : "anonymous", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "content-type" : "image/png", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "filename" : "logos_ncsa.png" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] }, { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "size" : "1267871", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "date-created" : "Wed Oct 07 14:13:12 CDT 2015", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "id" : "56156ec8e4b056276d7fbd44", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "authorId" : "anonymous", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "content-type" : "image/jpeg", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "filename" : "morrowplots.jpg" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] } ] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + Mapping file model to Json worked build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + Number of files in System 2 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + List(FileName(15684,Wed Oct 07 14:13:12 CDT 2015,56156ec8e4b056276d7fbd40,image/png,logos_ncsa.png), FileName(1267871,Wed Oct 07 14:13:12 CDT 2015,56156ec8e4b056276d7fbd44,image/jpeg,morrowplots.jpg)) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + 56156ec8e4b056276d7fbd44 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + id value 56156ec8e4b056276d7fbd44 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + Working Directory: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + File Pathing /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/test/data/files/data-test-user.json build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "Description" : "Pretty picture of bronze sign", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "Items" : "Sign, Bridge, Building", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "Other" : "Sunny Day" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] } build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + Status_Get=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + contentType_Get=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] application - GET file with id 56156ec8e4b056276d7fbd44 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] - must respond to the get(id: UUID) function routed by GET /api/files/:id/metadata build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + Status=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + contentType=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + content[{"size":"15684","date-created":"Wed Oct 07 14:13:12 CDT 2015","id":"56156ec8e4b056276d7fbd40","authorId":"anonymous","content-type":"image/png","filename":"logos_ncsa.png"},{"size":"1267871","date-created":"Wed Oct 07 14:13:12 CDT 2015","id":"56156ec8e4b056276d7fbd44","authorId":"anonymous","content-type":"image/jpeg","filename":"morrowplots.jpg"}] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + [ { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "size" : "15684", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "date-created" : "Wed Oct 07 14:13:12 CDT 2015", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "id" : "56156ec8e4b056276d7fbd40", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "authorId" : "anonymous", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "content-type" : "image/png", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "filename" : "logos_ncsa.png" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] }, { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "size" : "1267871", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "date-created" : "Wed Oct 07 14:13:12 CDT 2015", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "id" : "56156ec8e4b056276d7fbd44", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "authorId" : "anonymous", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "content-type" : "image/jpeg", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "filename" : "morrowplots.jpg" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] } ] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [debug] application - File1 is File:True build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + Mapping file model to Json worked build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + Number of files in System 2 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + List(FileName(15684,Wed Oct 07 14:13:12 CDT 2015,56156ec8e4b056276d7fbd40,image/png,logos_ncsa.png), FileName(1267871,Wed Oct 07 14:13:12 CDT 2015,56156ec8e4b056276d7fbd44,image/jpeg,morrowplots.jpg)) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + 56156ec8e4b056276d7fbd44 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + Status_Get=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + contentType_Get=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "size" : "1267871", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "date-created" : "Wed Oct 07 14:13:12 CDT 2015", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "id" : "56156ec8e4b056276d7fbd44", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "authorId" : "anonymous", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "content-type" : "image/jpeg", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "filename" : "morrowplots.jpg" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] } build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [debug] application - Searching files' metadata for search tree. build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [debug] application - thejsson: {"Image":"fid"} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [debug] application - top: {Image=fid} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [debug] application - req: {Image=fid} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [debug] application - thequery: { "$and" : [ { "$or" : [ { "userMetadata.Image" : "fid"} , { "metadata.Image" : "fid"} , { "xmlMetadata.Image" : "fid"}]}]} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [debug] application - Search completed. Returning files list. build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [debug] application - thelist: [{"thumbnail":"None","id":"56156ec8e4b056276d7fbd44","dateCreated":"Wed Oct 07 14:13:12 CDT 2015","contentType":"image/jpeg","authorId":"anonymous","filename":"morrowplots.jpg"}] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [debug] application - File1 is File:True build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] - must respond to the searchFilesGeneralMetadata() function routed by POST /api/files/searchmetadata build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + Working Directory: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + File Pathing /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/test/data/files/data-search-general.json build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "Image" : "fid" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] } build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + Status=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + contentType=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + content[{"thumbnail":"None","id":"56156ec8e4b056276d7fbd44","dateCreated":"Wed Oct 07 14:13:12 CDT 2015","contentType":"image/jpeg","authorId":"anonymous","filename":"morrowplots.jpg"}] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [debug] application - Searching files' user metadata for search tree. build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [debug] application - thejsson: {"Description":".*bronze sign.*"} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [debug] application - top: {Description=.*bronze sign.*} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [debug] application - req: {Description=.*bronze sign.*} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [debug] application - thequery: { "$and" : [ { "userMetadata.Description" : ".*bronze sign.*"}]} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [debug] application - Search completed. Returning files list. build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [debug] application - thelist: [] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] - must respond to the searchFilesUserMetadata() function routed by POST /api/files/searchmetadata build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + Working Directory: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + File Pathing /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/test/data/files/data-search-user.json build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "Description" : ".*bronze sign.*" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] } build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + Status=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + contentType=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + content[] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [debug] application - File1 is File:True build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] application - Uploading thumbnail morrowplots-thumb.jpg build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [debug] application - _typeHint = models.Thumbnail build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] - must respond to the attachThumbnail(file_id:UUID, thumbnail:UUID) function routed by POST /api/files/:file_id/thumbnails/:thumbnails_id build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + Status=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + contentType=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + content[{"size":"15684","date-created":"Wed Oct 07 14:13:12 CDT 2015","id":"56156ec8e4b056276d7fbd40","authorId":"anonymous","content-type":"image/png","filename":"logos_ncsa.png"},{"size":"1267871","date-created":"Wed Oct 07 14:13:12 CDT 2015","id":"56156ec8e4b056276d7fbd44","authorId":"anonymous","content-type":"image/jpeg","filename":"morrowplots.jpg"}] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + [ { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "size" : "15684", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "date-created" : "Wed Oct 07 14:13:12 CDT 2015", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "id" : "56156ec8e4b056276d7fbd40", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "authorId" : "anonymous", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "content-type" : "image/png", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "filename" : "logos_ncsa.png" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] }, { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "size" : "1267871", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "date-created" : "Wed Oct 07 14:13:12 CDT 2015", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "id" : "56156ec8e4b056276d7fbd44", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "authorId" : "anonymous", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "content-type" : "image/jpeg", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "filename" : "morrowplots.jpg" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] } ] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + Mapping file model to Json worked build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + Number of files in System 2 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + List(FileName(15684,Wed Oct 07 14:13:12 CDT 2015,56156ec8e4b056276d7fbd40,image/png,logos_ncsa.png), FileName(1267871,Wed Oct 07 14:13:12 CDT 2015,56156ec8e4b056276d7fbd44,image/jpeg,morrowplots.jpg)) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + 56156ec8e4b056276d7fbd44 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + Working Directory: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + Status=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + contentType=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + contentAsString{"id":"56156ec8e4b056276d7fbd4e"} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + POST /api/files/56156ec8e4b056276d7fbd44/thumbnails/56156ec8e4b056276d7fbd4e build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + Status_Get=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + contentType_Get=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "status" : "success" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] } build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] - must respond to the listThumbnails() function routed by POST /api/thumbnails build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + Status=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + contentType=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + content[{"size":"9757","date-created":"Wed Oct 07 14:13:12 CDT 2015","chunksize":"262144","id":"56156ec8e4b056276d7fbd4b","content-type":"image/jpeg","filename":"morrowplots-thumb-1.jpg"},{"size":"9757","date-created":"Wed Oct 07 14:13:12 CDT 2015","chunksize":"262144","id":"56156ec8e4b056276d7fbd4e","content-type":"image/jpeg","filename":"morrowplots-thumb.jpg"}] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [debug] application - Deleting file from indexesmorrowplots.jpg build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [debug] application - Deleting file: morrowplots.jpg build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] - must respond to the removeFile(id:UUID) function routed by POST /api/files/:id/remove build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + Status=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + contentType=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + content[{"size":"15684","date-created":"Wed Oct 07 14:13:12 CDT 2015","id":"56156ec8e4b056276d7fbd40","authorId":"anonymous","content-type":"image/png","filename":"logos_ncsa.png"},{"size":"1267871","date-created":"Wed Oct 07 14:13:12 CDT 2015","id":"56156ec8e4b056276d7fbd44","authorId":"anonymous","content-type":"image/jpeg","filename":"morrowplots.jpg"}] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + [ { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "size" : "15684", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "date-created" : "Wed Oct 07 14:13:12 CDT 2015", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "id" : "56156ec8e4b056276d7fbd40", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "authorId" : "anonymous", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "content-type" : "image/png", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "filename" : "logos_ncsa.png" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] }, { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "size" : "1267871", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "date-created" : "Wed Oct 07 14:13:12 CDT 2015", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "id" : "56156ec8e4b056276d7fbd44", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "authorId" : "anonymous", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "content-type" : "image/jpeg", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "filename" : "morrowplots.jpg" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] } ] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + Mapping file model to Json worked build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + Number of files in System 2 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + List(FileName(15684,Wed Oct 07 14:13:12 CDT 2015,56156ec8e4b056276d7fbd40,image/png,logos_ncsa.png), FileName(1267871,Wed Oct 07 14:13:12 CDT 2015,56156ec8e4b056276d7fbd44,image/jpeg,morrowplots.jpg)) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + 56156ec8e4b056276d7fbd44 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + DELETE /api/files/56156ec8e4b056276d7fbd44 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + Status_Get=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + contentType_Get=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "status" : "success" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] } build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [debug] application - Deleting file: Some(morrowplots-thumb-1.jpg) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] - must respond to the removeThumbnail(id:UUID) function routed by DELETE /api/thumbnails/:id build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + Status=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + contentType=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + content[{"size":"9757","date-created":"Wed Oct 07 14:13:12 CDT 2015","chunksize":"262144","id":"56156ec8e4b056276d7fbd4b","content-type":"image/jpeg","filename":"morrowplots-thumb-1.jpg"}] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + [ { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "size" : "9757", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "date-created" : "Wed Oct 07 14:13:12 CDT 2015", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "chunksize" : "262144", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "id" : "56156ec8e4b056276d7fbd4b", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "content-type" : "image/jpeg", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "filename" : "morrowplots-thumb-1.jpg" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] } ] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + Mapping file model to Json worked build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + Number of files in System 1 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + List(FileName(9757,Wed Oct 07 14:13:12 CDT 2015,56156ec8e4b056276d7fbd4b,image/jpeg,morrowplots-thumb-1.jpg)) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + 56156ec8e4b056276d7fbd4b build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + DELETE /api/thumbnails/56156ec8e4b056276d7fbd4b build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + Status_Get=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + contentType_Get=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "status" : "success" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] } build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [debug] application - Deleting file from indexeslogos_ncsa.png build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [debug] application - Deleting file: logos_ncsa.png build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] - must respond to the removeFile(id:UUID) function routed by DELETE /api/files/:id build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + Status=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + contentType=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + content[{"size":"15684","date-created":"Wed Oct 07 14:13:12 CDT 2015","id":"56156ec8e4b056276d7fbd40","authorId":"anonymous","content-type":"image/png","filename":"logos_ncsa.png"}] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + [ { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "size" : "15684", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "date-created" : "Wed Oct 07 14:13:12 CDT 2015", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "id" : "56156ec8e4b056276d7fbd40", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "authorId" : "anonymous", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "content-type" : "image/png", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "filename" : "logos_ncsa.png" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] } ] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + Mapping file model to Json worked build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + Number of files in System 1 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + List(FileName(15684,Wed Oct 07 14:13:12 CDT 2015,56156ec8e4b056276d7fbd40,image/png,logos_ncsa.png)) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + 56156ec8e4b056276d7fbd40 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + DELETE /api/files/56156ec8e4b056276d7fbd40 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + Status_Get=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + contentType_Get=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] + { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] "status" : "success" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] } build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] DatasetsAPIAppSpec: build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] The Datasets API Spec build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] - must provide a FakeApplication build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] - must make the FakeApplication available implicitly build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] - must start the FakeApplication build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [info] The Datasets API Spec build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:12 [debug] application - File1 is File:True build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [debug] application - Uploading file build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [debug] application - _typeHint = models.File build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [debug] application - --- API Creating new dataset ---- build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [debug] application - tagStr=[] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [debug] application - commentStr=[] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [debug] application - usrmd={} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [debug] application - techmd={} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [debug] application - xmlmd={} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] - must respond to the createDataset() function routed by POST /api/datasets build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + Working Directory: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + Status=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + contentType=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + content {"id":"56156ec9e4b056276d7fbd53"} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + content1 [{"size":"3797692","date-created":"Wed Oct 07 14:13:13 CDT 2015","id":"56156ec9e4b056276d7fbd53","authorId":"anonymous","content-type":"application/zip","filename":""}] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + [ { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "size" : "3797692", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "date-created" : "Wed Oct 07 14:13:13 CDT 2015", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "id" : "56156ec9e4b056276d7fbd53", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "authorId" : "anonymous", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "content-type" : "application/zip", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "filename" : "" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] } ] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + Mapping file model to Json worked build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + Number of files in System 1 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + List(FileName(3797692,Wed Oct 07 14:13:13 CDT 2015,56156ec9e4b056276d7fbd53,application/zip, build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + 56156ec9e4b056276d7fbd53 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + id value 56156ec9e4b056276d7fbd53 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + Status=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + contentType=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + contentAsString{"id":"56156ec9e4b056276d7fbd65"} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] - must respond to the list() function routed by GET /api/datasets build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + Status=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + contentType=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + content[{"description":"Part of Dataset API Test Suite","thumbnail":"None","id":"56156ec9e4b056276d7fbd65","datasetname":"Dataset API Test Creation","authorId":"anonymous","created":"Wed Oct 07 14:13:13 CDT 2015"}] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] - must respond to the datasetFilesList(id:UUID) function routed by GET /api/datasets/:id build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + Status=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + contentType=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + content[{"description":"Part of Dataset API Test Suite","thumbnail":"None","id":"56156ec9e4b056276d7fbd65","datasetname":"Dataset API Test Creation","authorId":"anonymous","created":"Wed Oct 07 14:13:13 CDT 2015"}] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + [ { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "description" : "Part of Dataset API Test Suite", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "thumbnail" : "None", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "id" : "56156ec9e4b056276d7fbd65", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "datasetname" : "Dataset API Test Creation", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "authorId" : "anonymous", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "created" : "Wed Oct 07 14:13:13 CDT 2015" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] } ] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + Mapping dataset model to Json worked build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + Number of datasets in System 1 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + List(DataSet(Part of Dataset API Test Suite,None,56156ec9e4b056276d7fbd65,Dataset API Test Creation,anonymous,Wed Oct 07 14:13:13 CDT 2015)) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + 56156ec9e4b056276d7fbd65 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + GET /api/datasets/56156ec9e4b056276d7fbd65 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + Status_Get=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + contentType_Get=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + [ { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "size" : "3797692", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "date-created" : "Wed Oct 07 14:13:13 CDT 2015", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "id" : "56156ec9e4b056276d7fbd53", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "contentType" : "application/zip", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "filename" : "" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] } ] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] - must respond to the datasetFilesList(id:UUID) function routed by GET /api/datasets/:id/listFiles build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + Status=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + contentType=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + content[{"description":"Part of Dataset API Test Suite","thumbnail":"None","id":"56156ec9e4b056276d7fbd65","datasetname":"Dataset API Test Creation","authorId":"anonymous","created":"Wed Oct 07 14:13:13 CDT 2015"}] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + [ { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "description" : "Part of Dataset API Test Suite", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "thumbnail" : "None", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "id" : "56156ec9e4b056276d7fbd65", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "datasetname" : "Dataset API Test Creation", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "authorId" : "anonymous", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "created" : "Wed Oct 07 14:13:13 CDT 2015" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] } ] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + Mapping dataset model to Json worked build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + Number of datasets in System 1 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + List(DataSet(Part of Dataset API Test Suite,None,56156ec9e4b056276d7fbd65,Dataset API Test Creation,anonymous,Wed Oct 07 14:13:13 CDT 2015)) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + 56156ec9e4b056276d7fbd65 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + GET /api/datasets/56156ec9e4b056276d7fbd65/listFiles build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + Status_Get=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + contentType_Get=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + [ { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "size" : "3797692", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "date-created" : "Wed Oct 07 14:13:13 CDT 2015", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "id" : "56156ec9e4b056276d7fbd53", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "contentType" : "application/zip", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "filename" : "" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] } ] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [debug] application - updateLicense for dataset with id 56156ec9e4b056276d7fbd65. Args are NCSA Open Source, API Test Suite, Attribution,, True build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] - must respond to the updateLicense(id: UUID) function routed by POST /api/datasets/:id/license build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + Status=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + contentType=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + content[{"description":"Part of Dataset API Test Suite","thumbnail":"None","id":"56156ec9e4b056276d7fbd65","datasetname":"Dataset API Test Creation","authorId":"anonymous","created":"Wed Oct 07 14:13:13 CDT 2015"}] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + [ { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "description" : "Part of Dataset API Test Suite", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "thumbnail" : "None", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "id" : "56156ec9e4b056276d7fbd65", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "datasetname" : "Dataset API Test Creation", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "authorId" : "anonymous", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "created" : "Wed Oct 07 14:13:13 CDT 2015" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] } ] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + Mapping dataset model to Json worked build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + Number of datasets in System 1 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + List(DataSet(Part of Dataset API Test Suite,None,56156ec9e4b056276d7fbd65,Dataset API Test Creation,anonymous,Wed Oct 07 14:13:13 CDT 2015)) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + 56156ec9e4b056276d7fbd65 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + Status_Get=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + contentType_Get=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + content{"status":"success"} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [debug] application - tagStr=[] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [debug] application - commentStr=[] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [debug] application - retmd: { } build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [debug] application - usrmd={ } build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [debug] application - retmd: { } build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [debug] application - techmd={ } build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [debug] application - retmd: [ ] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [debug] application - xmlmd=[ ] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] - must respond to the comment(id: UUID) function routed by POST /api/datasets/:id/comment build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + Status=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + contentType=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + content[{"description":"Part of Dataset API Test Suite","thumbnail":"None","id":"56156ec9e4b056276d7fbd65","datasetname":"Dataset API Test Creation","authorId":"anonymous","created":"Wed Oct 07 14:13:13 CDT 2015"}] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + [ { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "description" : "Part of Dataset API Test Suite", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "thumbnail" : "None", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "id" : "56156ec9e4b056276d7fbd65", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "datasetname" : "Dataset API Test Creation", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "authorId" : "anonymous", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "created" : "Wed Oct 07 14:13:13 CDT 2015" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] } ] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + Mapping dataset model to Json worked build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + Number of datasets in System 1 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + List(DataSet(Part of Dataset API Test Suite,None,56156ec9e4b056276d7fbd65,Dataset API Test Creation,anonymous,Wed Oct 07 14:13:13 CDT 2015)) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + 56156ec9e4b056276d7fbd65 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + Status_Get=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + contentType_Get=Some(text/plain) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + content56156ec9e4b056276d7fbd6a build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [debug] application - File1 is File:True build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [debug] application - checkErrorsForTag: user id: anonymous, user.firstName: Anonymous, user.LastName: User, user.fullName: Anonymous User build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [debug] application - checkErrorsForTag: The user id is "anonymous". build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [debug] application - Adding tags to dataset 56156ec9e4b056276d7fbd65 : List(Dataset, Test Suite, Medici) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [debug] application - tagStr=["Dataset", "Test Suite", "Medici"] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [debug] application - commentStr=[] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [debug] application - retmd: { } build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [debug] application - usrmd={ } build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [debug] application - retmd: { } build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [debug] application - techmd={ } build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [debug] application - retmd: [ ] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [debug] application - xmlmd=[ ] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] - must respond to the addTags(id: UUID) function routed by POST /api/datasets/:id/tags build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + Status=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + contentType=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + content[{"description":"Part of Dataset API Test Suite","thumbnail":"None","id":"56156ec9e4b056276d7fbd65","datasetname":"Dataset API Test Creation","authorId":"anonymous","created":"Wed Oct 07 14:13:13 CDT 2015"}] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + [ { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "description" : "Part of Dataset API Test Suite", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "thumbnail" : "None", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "id" : "56156ec9e4b056276d7fbd65", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "datasetname" : "Dataset API Test Creation", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "authorId" : "anonymous", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "created" : "Wed Oct 07 14:13:13 CDT 2015" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] } ] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + Mapping dataset model to Json worked build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + Number of datasets in System 1 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + List(DataSet(Part of Dataset API Test Suite,None,56156ec9e4b056276d7fbd65,Dataset API Test Creation,anonymous,Wed Oct 07 14:13:13 CDT 2015)) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + 56156ec9e4b056276d7fbd65 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + Working Directory: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + File Pathing /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/test/data/datasets/dataset-test-tags.json build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "tags" : [ "Dataset", "Test Suite", "Medici" ], build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "extractor_id" : "" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] } build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + Status_Get=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + contentType_Get=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + content{"status":"success"} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [debug] application - File1 is File:True build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [debug] application - checkErrorsForTag: user id: anonymous, user.firstName: Anonymous, user.LastName: User, user.fullName: Anonymous User build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [debug] application - checkErrorsForTag: The user id is "anonymous". build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [debug] application - Removing tags in dataset 56156ec9e4b056276d7fbd65 : List(Medici, Test Suite), userId: None, eid: Some( build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [debug] application - existingTags after user and extractor filtering: List(Dataset, Test Suite, Medici) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [debug] application - tagStr=["Dataset"] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [debug] application - commentStr=[] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [debug] application - retmd: { } build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [debug] application - usrmd={ } build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [debug] application - retmd: { } build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [debug] application - techmd={ } build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [debug] application - retmd: [ ] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [debug] application - xmlmd=[ ] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] - must respond to the removeTags(id: UUID) function routed by POST /api/datasets/:id/tags/remove build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + Status=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + contentType=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + content[{"description":"Part of Dataset API Test Suite","thumbnail":"None","id":"56156ec9e4b056276d7fbd65","datasetname":"Dataset API Test Creation","authorId":"anonymous","created":"Wed Oct 07 14:13:13 CDT 2015"}] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + [ { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "description" : "Part of Dataset API Test Suite", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "thumbnail" : "None", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "id" : "56156ec9e4b056276d7fbd65", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "datasetname" : "Dataset API Test Creation", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "authorId" : "anonymous", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "created" : "Wed Oct 07 14:13:13 CDT 2015" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] } ] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + Mapping dataset model to Json worked build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + Number of datasets in System 1 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + List(DataSet(Part of Dataset API Test Suite,None,56156ec9e4b056276d7fbd65,Dataset API Test Creation,anonymous,Wed Oct 07 14:13:13 CDT 2015)) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + 56156ec9e4b056276d7fbd65 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + Working Directory: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + File Pathing /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/test/data/datasets/dataset-test-tags-remove.json build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "tags" : [ "Medici", "Test Suite" ], build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "extractor_id" : "" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] } build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + Status_Get=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + contentType_Get=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + content{"status":"success"} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] application - Getting tags for dataset with id 56156ec9e4b056276d7fbd65. build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] - must respond to the getTags(id:UUID) function routed by GET /api/datasets/:id/tags build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + Status=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + contentType=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + content[{"description":"Part of Dataset API Test Suite","thumbnail":"None","id":"56156ec9e4b056276d7fbd65","datasetname":"Dataset API Test Creation","authorId":"anonymous","created":"Wed Oct 07 14:13:13 CDT 2015"}] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + [ { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "description" : "Part of Dataset API Test Suite", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "thumbnail" : "None", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "id" : "56156ec9e4b056276d7fbd65", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "datasetname" : "Dataset API Test Creation", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "authorId" : "anonymous", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "created" : "Wed Oct 07 14:13:13 CDT 2015" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] } ] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + Mapping dataset model to Json worked build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + Number of datasets in System 1 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + List(DataSet(Part of Dataset API Test Suite,None,56156ec9e4b056276d7fbd65,Dataset API Test Creation,anonymous,Wed Oct 07 14:13:13 CDT 2015)) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + 56156ec9e4b056276d7fbd65 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + GET /api/datasets/56156ec9e4b056276d7fbd65/tags build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + Status_Get=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + contentType_Get=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "id" : "56156ec9e4b056276d7fbd65", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "name" : "Dataset API Test Creation", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "tags" : [ "Dataset" ] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] } build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [debug] application - File1 is File:True build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [debug] application - checkErrorsForTag: user id: anonymous, user.firstName: Anonymous, user.LastName: User, user.fullName: Anonymous User build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [debug] application - checkErrorsForTag: The user id is "anonymous". build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [debug] application - Adding tags to dataset 56156ec9e4b056276d7fbd65 : List(Test 2, Cool Stuff, New Technology) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [debug] application - tagStr=["Dataset", "Test 2", "Cool Stuff", "New Technology"] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [debug] application - commentStr=[] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [debug] application - retmd: { } build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [debug] application - usrmd={ } build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [debug] application - retmd: { } build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [debug] application - techmd={ } build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [debug] application - retmd: [ ] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [debug] application - xmlmd=[ ] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] - must respond to the addTags(id: UUID) function routed by POST /api/datasets/:id/tags round two build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + Status=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + contentType=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + content[{"description":"Part of Dataset API Test Suite","thumbnail":"None","id":"56156ec9e4b056276d7fbd65","datasetname":"Dataset API Test Creation","authorId":"anonymous","created":"Wed Oct 07 14:13:13 CDT 2015"}] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + [ { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "description" : "Part of Dataset API Test Suite", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "thumbnail" : "None", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "id" : "56156ec9e4b056276d7fbd65", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "datasetname" : "Dataset API Test Creation", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "authorId" : "anonymous", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "created" : "Wed Oct 07 14:13:13 CDT 2015" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] } ] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + Mapping dataset model to Json worked build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + Number of datasets in System 1 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + List(DataSet(Part of Dataset API Test Suite,None,56156ec9e4b056276d7fbd65,Dataset API Test Creation,anonymous,Wed Oct 07 14:13:13 CDT 2015)) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + 56156ec9e4b056276d7fbd65 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + Working Directory: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + File Pathing /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/test/data/datasets/dataset-test-tags-round-two.json build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "tags" : [ "Test 2", "Cool Stuff", "New Technology" ], build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "extractor_id" : "" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] } build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + Status_Get=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + contentType_Get=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + content{"status":"success"} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [debug] application - File1 is File:True build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [debug] application - Removing tag {"tags":["Dataset"]} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] - must respond to the removeTag(id: UUID) function routed by POST /api/datasets/:id/removeTag build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + Status=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + contentType=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + content[{"description":"Part of Dataset API Test Suite","thumbnail":"None","id":"56156ec9e4b056276d7fbd65","datasetname":"Dataset API Test Creation","authorId":"anonymous","created":"Wed Oct 07 14:13:13 CDT 2015"}] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + [ { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "description" : "Part of Dataset API Test Suite", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "thumbnail" : "None", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "id" : "56156ec9e4b056276d7fbd65", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "datasetname" : "Dataset API Test Creation", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "authorId" : "anonymous", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "created" : "Wed Oct 07 14:13:13 CDT 2015" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] } ] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + Mapping dataset model to Json worked build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + Number of datasets in System 1 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + List(DataSet(Part of Dataset API Test Suite,None,56156ec9e4b056276d7fbd65,Dataset API Test Creation,anonymous,Wed Oct 07 14:13:13 CDT 2015)) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + 56156ec9e4b056276d7fbd65 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + Working Directory: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + File Pathing /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/test/data/datasets/dataset-test-tags-remove-one.json build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "tags" : [ "Dataset" ] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] } build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + Status_Get=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + contentType_Get=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + content"" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [debug] application - File1 is File:True build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [debug] application - Adding metadata to dataset 56156ec9e4b056276d7fbd65 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [debug] application - Adding metadata to dataset 56156ec9e4b056276d7fbd65 : {"archive":{"exclude":["/foo/bar","baz","/*.test","!/foo/bar/baz"]},"Image":"fid","Format":"JPEG(JointPhotographicExpertsGroupJFIFformat)","Reason":"DataSet Test Suite"} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [debug] application - tagStr=["Dataset", "Test 2", "Cool Stuff", "New Technology"] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [debug] application - commentStr=[] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [debug] application - retmd: { } build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [debug] application - usrmd={ } build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [debug] application - retmd: { "archive" : { "exclude" : [ "/foo/bar" , "baz" , "/*.test" , "!/foo/bar/baz"]} , "Image" : "fid" , "Format" : "JPEG(JointPhotographicExpertsGroupJFIFformat)" , "Reason" : "DataSet Test Suite"} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [debug] application - techmd={ "archive" : { "exclude" : [ "/foo/bar" , "baz" , "/*.test" , "!/foo/bar/baz"]} , "Image" : "fid" , "Format" : "JPEG(JointPhotographicExpertsGroupJFIFformat)" , "Reason" : "DataSet Test Suite"} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [debug] application - retmd: [ ] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [debug] application - xmlmd=[ ] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] - must respond to the addMetadata(id: UUID) function routed by POST /api/datasets/:id/metadata build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + Status=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + contentType=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + content[{"description":"Part of Dataset API Test Suite","thumbnail":"None","id":"56156ec9e4b056276d7fbd65","datasetname":"Dataset API Test Creation","authorId":"anonymous","created":"Wed Oct 07 14:13:13 CDT 2015"}] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + [ { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "description" : "Part of Dataset API Test Suite", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "thumbnail" : "None", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "id" : "56156ec9e4b056276d7fbd65", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "datasetname" : "Dataset API Test Creation", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "authorId" : "anonymous", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "created" : "Wed Oct 07 14:13:13 CDT 2015" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] } ] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + Mapping dataset model to Json worked build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + Number of datasets in System 1 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + List(DataSet(Part of Dataset API Test Suite,None,56156ec9e4b056276d7fbd65,Dataset API Test Creation,anonymous,Wed Oct 07 14:13:13 CDT 2015)) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + 56156ec9e4b056276d7fbd65 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + Working Directory: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + File Pathing /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/test/data/datasets/dataset-test-general.json build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "archive" : { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "exclude" : [ "/foo/bar", "baz", "/*.test", "!/foo/bar/baz" ] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] }, build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "Image" : "fid", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "Format" : "JPEG(JointPhotographicExpertsGroupJFIFformat)", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "Reason" : "DataSet Test Suite" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] } build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + Status_Get=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + contentType_Get=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [debug] application - File1 is File:True build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [debug] application - Adding user metadata to dataset 56156ec9e4b056276d7fbd65 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [debug] application - Adding/modifying user metadata to dataset 56156ec9e4b056276d7fbd65 : {"Description":"Dataset Zip file Json","Items":"Image files","Other":"Pretty Cool Huh?"} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [debug] application - tagStr=["Dataset", "Test 2", "Cool Stuff", "New Technology"] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [debug] application - commentStr=[] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [debug] application - retmd: { "Description" : "Dataset Zip file Json" , "Items" : "Image files" , "Other" : "Pretty Cool Huh?"} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [debug] application - usrmd={ "Description" : "Dataset Zip file Json" , "Items" : "Image files" , "Other" : "Pretty Cool Huh?"} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [debug] application - retmd: { "archive" : { "exclude" : [ "/foo/bar" , "baz" , "/*.test" , "!/foo/bar/baz"]} , "Image" : "fid" , "Format" : "JPEG(JointPhotographicExpertsGroupJFIFformat)" , "Reason" : "DataSet Test Suite"} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [debug] application - techmd={ "archive" : { "exclude" : [ "/foo/bar" , "baz" , "/*.test" , "!/foo/bar/baz"]} , "Image" : "fid" , "Format" : "JPEG(JointPhotographicExpertsGroupJFIFformat)" , "Reason" : "DataSet Test Suite"} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [debug] application - retmd: [ ] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [debug] application - xmlmd=[ ] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [debug] application - userdfSPARQLStore not enabled build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] - must respond to the addUserMetadata(id: UUID) function routed by POST /api/datasets/:id/usermetadata build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + Status=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + contentType=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + content[{"description":"Part of Dataset API Test Suite","thumbnail":"None","id":"56156ec9e4b056276d7fbd65","datasetname":"Dataset API Test Creation","authorId":"anonymous","created":"Wed Oct 07 14:13:13 CDT 2015"}] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + [ { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "description" : "Part of Dataset API Test Suite", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "thumbnail" : "None", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "id" : "56156ec9e4b056276d7fbd65", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "datasetname" : "Dataset API Test Creation", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "authorId" : "anonymous", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "created" : "Wed Oct 07 14:13:13 CDT 2015" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] } ] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + Mapping dataset model to Json worked build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + Number of datasets in System 1 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + List(DataSet(Part of Dataset API Test Suite,None,56156ec9e4b056276d7fbd65,Dataset API Test Creation,anonymous,Wed Oct 07 14:13:13 CDT 2015)) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + 56156ec9e4b056276d7fbd65 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + Working Directory: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + File Pathing /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/test/data/datasets/dataset-test-user.json build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "Description" : "Dataset Zip file Json", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "Items" : "Image files", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "Other" : "Pretty Cool Huh?" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] } build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + Status_Get=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + contentType_Get=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [debug] application - retmd: { "Description" : "Dataset Zip file Json" , "Items" : "Image files" , "Other" : "Pretty Cool Huh?"} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] - must respond to the getUserMetadataJSON(id: UUID) function routed by GET /api/datasets/:id/usermetadata build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + Status=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + contentType=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + content[{"description":"Part of Dataset API Test Suite","thumbnail":"None","id":"56156ec9e4b056276d7fbd65","datasetname":"Dataset API Test Creation","authorId":"anonymous","created":"Wed Oct 07 14:13:13 CDT 2015"}] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + [ { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "description" : "Part of Dataset API Test Suite", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "thumbnail" : "None", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "id" : "56156ec9e4b056276d7fbd65", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "datasetname" : "Dataset API Test Creation", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "authorId" : "anonymous", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "created" : "Wed Oct 07 14:13:13 CDT 2015" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] } ] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + Mapping dataset model to Json worked build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + Number of datasets in System 1 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + List(DataSet(Part of Dataset API Test Suite,None,56156ec9e4b056276d7fbd65,Dataset API Test Creation,anonymous,Wed Oct 07 14:13:13 CDT 2015)) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + 56156ec9e4b056276d7fbd65 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + Status_Get=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + contentType_Get=Some(text/plain) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "Description" : "Dataset Zip file Json", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "Items" : "Image files", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "Other" : "Pretty Cool Huh?" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] } build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [debug] application - retmd: { "archive" : { "exclude" : [ "/foo/bar" , "baz" , "/*.test" , "!/foo/bar/baz"]} , "Image" : "fid" , "Format" : "JPEG(JointPhotographicExpertsGroupJFIFformat)" , "Reason" : "DataSet Test Suite"} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] - must respond to the getTechnicalMetadataJSON(id: UUID) function routed by GET /api/datasets/:id/technicalmetadatajson build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + Status=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + contentType=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + content[{"description":"Part of Dataset API Test Suite","thumbnail":"None","id":"56156ec9e4b056276d7fbd65","datasetname":"Dataset API Test Creation","authorId":"anonymous","created":"Wed Oct 07 14:13:13 CDT 2015"}] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + [ { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "description" : "Part of Dataset API Test Suite", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "thumbnail" : "None", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "id" : "56156ec9e4b056276d7fbd65", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "datasetname" : "Dataset API Test Creation", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "authorId" : "anonymous", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "created" : "Wed Oct 07 14:13:13 CDT 2015" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] } ] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + Mapping dataset model to Json worked build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + Number of datasets in System 1 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + List(DataSet(Part of Dataset API Test Suite,None,56156ec9e4b056276d7fbd65,Dataset API Test Creation,anonymous,Wed Oct 07 14:13:13 CDT 2015)) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + 56156ec9e4b056276d7fbd65 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + Status_Get=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + contentType_Get=Some(text/plain) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] + { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "archive" : { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "exclude" : [ "/foo/bar", "baz", "/*.test", "!/foo/bar/baz" ] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] }, build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "Image" : "fid", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "Format" : "JPEG(JointPhotographicExpertsGroupJFIFformat)", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] "Reason" : "DataSet Test Suite" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [info] } build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [debug] application - File1 is File:True build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [debug] application - Searching datasets' metadata for search tree. build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [debug] application - thejsson: {"Reason":".*Suite.*"} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [debug] application - top: {Reason=.*Suite.*} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [debug] application - req: {Reason=.*Suite.*} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [debug] application - thequery: { "$and" : [ { "$or" : [ { "userMetadata.Reason" : ".*Suite.*"} , { "metadata.Reason" : ".*Suite.*"} , { "datasetXmlMetadata.xmlMetadata.Reason" : ".*Suite.*"}]}]} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:13 [debug] application - Search completed. Returning datasets list. build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [debug] application - thelist: [] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] - must respond to the searchDatasetsGeneralMetadata() function routed by POST /api/datasets/searchmetadata build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + Working Directory: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + File Pathing /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/test/data/datasets/dataset-search-general.json build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] "Reason" : ".*Suite.*" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] } build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + Status=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + contentType=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + content[] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [debug] application - File1 is File:True build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [debug] application - Searching datasets' user metadata for search tree. build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [debug] application - thejsson: {"Other":".*Pretty Cool.*"} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [debug] application - top: {Other=.*Pretty Cool.*} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [debug] application - req: {Other=.*Pretty Cool.*} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [debug] application - thequery: { "$and" : [ { "userMetadata.Other" : ".*Pretty Cool.*"}]} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [debug] application - Search completed. Returning datasets list. build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [debug] application - thelist: [] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] - must respond to the searchDatasetsUserMetadata() function routed by POST /api/datasets/searchmetadata build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + Working Directory: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + File Pathing /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/test/data/datasets/dataset-search-user.json build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] "Other" : ".*Pretty Cool.*" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] } build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + Status=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + contentType=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + content[] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [debug] application - userdfSPARQLStore not enabled build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [debug] application - Removing XML metadata belonging to file 56156ec9e4b056276d7fbd53 from dataset 56156ec9e4b056276d7fbd65. build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [error] application - File not found: 56156ec9e4b056276d7fbd53 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] - must respond to the deleteDataset(id:UUID) function routed by DELETE /api/datasets/:id build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + Status=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + contentType=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + content[{"description":"Part of Dataset API Test Suite","thumbnail":"None","id":"56156ec9e4b056276d7fbd65","datasetname":"Dataset API Test Creation","authorId":"anonymous","created":"Wed Oct 07 14:13:13 CDT 2015"}] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + [ { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] "description" : "Part of Dataset API Test Suite", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] "thumbnail" : "None", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] "id" : "56156ec9e4b056276d7fbd65", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] "datasetname" : "Dataset API Test Creation", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] "authorId" : "anonymous", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] "created" : "Wed Oct 07 14:13:13 CDT 2015" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] } ] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + Mapping dataset model to Json worked build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + Number of datasets in System 1 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + List(DataSet(Part of Dataset API Test Suite,None,56156ec9e4b056276d7fbd65,Dataset API Test Creation,anonymous,Wed Oct 07 14:13:13 CDT 2015)) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + 56156ec9e4b056276d7fbd65 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + DELETE /api/datasets/56156ec9e4b056276d7fbd65 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + Status_Get=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + contentType_Get=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] "status" : "success" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] } build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] CollectionsAPIAppSpec: build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] The Collections API Spec build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] - must provide a FakeApplication build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] - must make the FakeApplication available implicitly build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] - must start the FakeApplication build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] The Collections API Spec build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [debug] application - File1 is File:True build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [debug] application - Creating new collection build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] - must respond to the createCollection() function routed by POST /api/collections for Collection 1 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + Working Directory: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + File Pathing /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/test/data/collections/data-test-collection.json build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] "description" : "Collection 1 Tests Description", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] "name" : "Collection 1 Test Suite" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] } build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + Status=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + contentType=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + content{"id":"56156ecae4b056276d7fbd79"} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [debug] application - File1 is File:True build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [debug] application - Creating new collection build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] - must respond to the createCollection() function routed by POST /api/collections for Collection 2 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + Working Directory: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + File Pathing /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/test/data/collections/data-test-collection-1.json build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] "description" : "Collection 2 Tests Description", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] "name" : "Collection 2 Test Suite" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] } build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + Status=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + contentType=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + content{"id":"56156ecae4b056276d7fbd7a"} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [debug] application - File1 is File:True build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [debug] application - Uploading file build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [debug] application - _typeHint = models.File build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [debug] application - --- API Creating new dataset ---- build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [debug] application - tagStr=[] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [debug] application - commentStr=[] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [debug] application - usrmd={} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [debug] application - techmd={} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [debug] application - xmlmd={} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] - must respond to the createDataset() function routed by POST /api/datasets for Dataset 1 Creation build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + Working Directory: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + Status=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + contentType=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + content{"id":"56156ecae4b056276d7fbd7c"} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + content1 [{"size":"3797692","date-created":"Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015","id":"56156ecae4b056276d7fbd7c","authorId":"anonymous","content-type":"application/zip","filename":""}] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + [ { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] "size" : "3797692", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] "date-created" : "Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] "id" : "56156ecae4b056276d7fbd7c", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] "authorId" : "anonymous", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] "content-type" : "application/zip", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] "filename" : "" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] } ] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + Mapping file model to Json worked build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + Number of files in System 1 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + List(FileName(3797692,Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015,56156ecae4b056276d7fbd7c,application/zip, build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + 56156ecae4b056276d7fbd7c build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + id value 56156ecae4b056276d7fbd7c build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + Status=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + contentType=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + contentAsString{"id":"56156ecae4b056276d7fbd8e"} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [debug] application - File1 is File:True build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [debug] application - Uploading file build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [debug] application - _typeHint = models.File build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [debug] application - --- API Creating new dataset ---- build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [debug] application - tagStr=[] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [debug] application - commentStr=[] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [debug] application - usrmd={} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [debug] application - techmd={} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [debug] application - xmlmd={} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] - must respond to the createDataset() function routed by POST /api/datasets for Dataset 2 Creation build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + Working Directory: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + Status=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + contentType=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + content{"id":"56156ecae4b056276d7fbd91"} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + content1[{"size":"3797692","date-created":"Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015","id":"56156ecae4b056276d7fbd7c","authorId":"anonymous","content-type":"application/zip","filename":""},{"size":"3797692","date-created":"Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015","id":"56156ecae4b056276d7fbd91","authorId":"anonymous","content-type":"application/zip","filename":""}] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + [ { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] "size" : "3797692", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] "date-created" : "Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] "id" : "56156ecae4b056276d7fbd7c", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] "authorId" : "anonymous", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] "content-type" : "application/zip", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] "filename" : "" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] }, { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] "size" : "3797692", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] "date-created" : "Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] "id" : "56156ecae4b056276d7fbd91", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] "authorId" : "anonymous", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] "content-type" : "application/zip", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] "filename" : "" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] } ] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + Mapping file model to Json worked build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + Number of files in System 2 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + List(FileName(3797692,Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015,56156ecae4b056276d7fbd7c,application/zip,, FileName(3797692,Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015,56156ecae4b056276d7fbd91,application/zip, build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + 56156ecae4b056276d7fbd91 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + id value 56156ecae4b056276d7fbd91 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + Status=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + contentType=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + contentAsString{"id":"56156ecae4b056276d7fbda3"} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [debug] application - Adding dataset 56156ecae4b056276d7fbd8e to collection 56156ecae4b056276d7fbd79 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [debug] application - tagStr=[] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [debug] application - commentStr=[] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [debug] application - retmd: { } build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [debug] application - usrmd={ } build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [debug] application - retmd: { } build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [debug] application - techmd={ } build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [debug] application - retmd: [ ] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [debug] application - xmlmd=[ ] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [debug] application - Adding dataset to collection completed build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] - must respond to the attachDataset(coll_id:UUID, ds_id:UUID) function routed by POST /api/collections/:coll_id/datasets/:ds_id for dataset 1 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + Status=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + contentType=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + content[{"description":"Part 1 of Dataset API Test Suite","thumbnail":"None","id":"56156ecae4b056276d7fbd8e","datasetname":"Dataset 1 API Test Creation","authorId":"anonymous","created":"Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015"},{"description":"Part 2 of Dataset API Test Suite","thumbnail":"None","id":"56156ecae4b056276d7fbda3","datasetname":"Dataset 2 API Test Creation","authorId":"anonymous","created":"Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015"}] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + [ { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] "description" : "Part 1 of Dataset API Test Suite", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] "thumbnail" : "None", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] "id" : "56156ecae4b056276d7fbd8e", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] "datasetname" : "Dataset 1 API Test Creation", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] "authorId" : "anonymous", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] "created" : "Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] }, { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] "description" : "Part 2 of Dataset API Test Suite", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] "thumbnail" : "None", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] "id" : "56156ecae4b056276d7fbda3", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] "datasetname" : "Dataset 2 API Test Creation", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] "authorId" : "anonymous", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] "created" : "Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] } ] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + Mapping dataset model to Json worked build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + Number of datasets in System 2 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + List(DataSet(Part 1 of Dataset API Test Suite,None,56156ecae4b056276d7fbd8e,Dataset 1 API Test Creation,anonymous,Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015), DataSet(Part 2 of Dataset API Test Suite,None,56156ecae4b056276d7fbda3,Dataset 2 API Test Creation,anonymous,Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015)) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + 56156ecae4b056276d7fbd8e build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + dataset id value 56156ecae4b056276d7fbd8e build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + Status=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + contentType=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + content[{"id":"56156ecae4b056276d7fbd79","name":"Collection 1 Test Suite","description":"Collection 1 Tests Description","created":"Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015"},{"id":"56156ecae4b056276d7fbd7a","name":"Collection 2 Test Suite","description":"Collection 2 Tests Description","created":"Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015"}] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + [ { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] "id" : "56156ecae4b056276d7fbd79", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] "name" : "Collection 1 Test Suite", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] "description" : "Collection 1 Tests Description", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] "created" : "Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] }, { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] "id" : "56156ecae4b056276d7fbd7a", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] "name" : "Collection 2 Test Suite", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] "description" : "Collection 2 Tests Description", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] "created" : "Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] } ] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + Mapping collection model to Json worked build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + Number of collection in System 2 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + List(CollectionSet(56156ecae4b056276d7fbd79,Collection 1 Test Suite,Collection 1 Tests Description,Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015), CollectionSet(56156ecae4b056276d7fbd7a,Collection 2 Test Suite,Collection 2 Tests Description,Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015)) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + 56156ecae4b056276d7fbd79 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + collection id value 56156ecae4b056276d7fbd79 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + /api/collections/56156ecae4b056276d7fbd79/datasets/56156ecae4b056276d7fbd8e?key=r1ek3rs build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + Status=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + contentType=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + contentAsString{"status":"success"} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [debug] application - List datasets inside collection 56156ecae4b056276d7fbd79 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] - must respond to the listInCollection(coll_id: UUID) function routed by GET /api/collections/:coll_id/getDatasets build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + Status=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + contentType=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + content[{"id":"56156ecae4b056276d7fbd7a","name":"Collection 2 Test Suite","description":"Collection 2 Tests Description","created":"Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015"},{"id":"56156ecae4b056276d7fbd79","name":"Collection 1 Test Suite","description":"Collection 1 Tests Description","created":"Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015"}] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + [ { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] "id" : "56156ecae4b056276d7fbd7a", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] "name" : "Collection 2 Test Suite", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] "description" : "Collection 2 Tests Description", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] "created" : "Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] }, { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] "id" : "56156ecae4b056276d7fbd79", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] "name" : "Collection 1 Test Suite", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] "description" : "Collection 1 Tests Description", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] "created" : "Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] } ] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + Mapping collection model to Json worked build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + Number of collection in System 2 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + List(CollectionSet(56156ecae4b056276d7fbd7a,Collection 2 Test Suite,Collection 2 Tests Description,Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015), CollectionSet(56156ecae4b056276d7fbd79,Collection 1 Test Suite,Collection 1 Tests Description,Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015)) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + 56156ecae4b056276d7fbd79 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + Status_Get=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + contentType_Get=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] + [ { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] "description" : "Part 1 of Dataset API Test Suite", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] "thumbnail" : "None", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] "id" : "56156ecae4b056276d7fbd8e", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] "datasetname" : "Dataset 1 API Test Creation", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] "authorId" : "anonymous", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] "created" : "Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:14 [info] } ] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] - must respond to the listOutsideCollection(coll_id: UUID) function routed by GET /api/datasets/listOutsideCollection/:coll_id build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + Status=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + contentType=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + content[{"id":"56156ecae4b056276d7fbd7a","name":"Collection 2 Test Suite","description":"Collection 2 Tests Description","created":"Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015"},{"id":"56156ecae4b056276d7fbd79","name":"Collection 1 Test Suite","description":"Collection 1 Tests Description","created":"Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015"}] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + [ { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "id" : "56156ecae4b056276d7fbd7a", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "name" : "Collection 2 Test Suite", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "description" : "Collection 2 Tests Description", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "created" : "Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] }, { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "id" : "56156ecae4b056276d7fbd79", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "name" : "Collection 1 Test Suite", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "description" : "Collection 1 Tests Description", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "created" : "Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] } ] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + Mapping collection model to Json worked build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + Number of collection in System 2 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + List(CollectionSet(56156ecae4b056276d7fbd7a,Collection 2 Test Suite,Collection 2 Tests Description,Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015), CollectionSet(56156ecae4b056276d7fbd79,Collection 1 Test Suite,Collection 1 Tests Description,Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015)) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + 56156ecae4b056276d7fbd79 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + Status_Get=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + contentType_Get=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + [ { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "description" : "Part 2 of Dataset API Test Suite", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "thumbnail" : "None", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "id" : "56156ecae4b056276d7fbda3", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "datasetname" : "Dataset 2 API Test Creation", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "authorId" : "anonymous", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "created" : "Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] } ] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [debug] application - Adding dataset 56156ecae4b056276d7fbda3 to collection 56156ecae4b056276d7fbd79 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [debug] application - tagStr=[] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [debug] application - commentStr=[] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [debug] application - retmd: { } build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [debug] application - usrmd={ } build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [debug] application - retmd: { } build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [debug] application - techmd={ } build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [debug] application - retmd: [ ] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [debug] application - xmlmd=[ ] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [debug] application - Adding dataset to collection completed build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] - must respond to the attachDataset(coll_id:UUID, ds_id:UUID) function routed by POST /api/collections/:coll_id/datasets/:ds_id for dataset 2 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + Status=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + contentType=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + content[{"description":"Part 1 of Dataset API Test Suite","thumbnail":"None","id":"56156ecae4b056276d7fbd8e","datasetname":"Dataset 1 API Test Creation","authorId":"anonymous","created":"Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015"},{"description":"Part 2 of Dataset API Test Suite","thumbnail":"None","id":"56156ecae4b056276d7fbda3","datasetname":"Dataset 2 API Test Creation","authorId":"anonymous","created":"Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015"}] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + [ { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "description" : "Part 1 of Dataset API Test Suite", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "thumbnail" : "None", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "id" : "56156ecae4b056276d7fbd8e", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "datasetname" : "Dataset 1 API Test Creation", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "authorId" : "anonymous", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "created" : "Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] }, { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "description" : "Part 2 of Dataset API Test Suite", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "thumbnail" : "None", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "id" : "56156ecae4b056276d7fbda3", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "datasetname" : "Dataset 2 API Test Creation", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "authorId" : "anonymous", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "created" : "Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] } ] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + Mapping dataset model to Json worked build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + Number of datasets in System 2 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + List(DataSet(Part 1 of Dataset API Test Suite,None,56156ecae4b056276d7fbd8e,Dataset 1 API Test Creation,anonymous,Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015), DataSet(Part 2 of Dataset API Test Suite,None,56156ecae4b056276d7fbda3,Dataset 2 API Test Creation,anonymous,Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015)) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + 56156ecae4b056276d7fbda3 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + dataset id value 56156ecae4b056276d7fbda3 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + Status=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + contentType=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + content[{"id":"56156ecae4b056276d7fbd7a","name":"Collection 2 Test Suite","description":"Collection 2 Tests Description","created":"Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015"},{"id":"56156ecae4b056276d7fbd79","name":"Collection 1 Test Suite","description":"Collection 1 Tests Description","created":"Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015"}] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + [ { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "id" : "56156ecae4b056276d7fbd7a", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "name" : "Collection 2 Test Suite", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "description" : "Collection 2 Tests Description", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "created" : "Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] }, { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "id" : "56156ecae4b056276d7fbd79", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "name" : "Collection 1 Test Suite", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "description" : "Collection 1 Tests Description", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "created" : "Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] } ] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + Mapping collection model to Json worked build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + Number of collection in System 2 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + List(CollectionSet(56156ecae4b056276d7fbd7a,Collection 2 Test Suite,Collection 2 Tests Description,Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015), CollectionSet(56156ecae4b056276d7fbd79,Collection 1 Test Suite,Collection 1 Tests Description,Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015)) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + 56156ecae4b056276d7fbd79 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + collection id value 56156ecae4b056276d7fbd79 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + /api/collections/56156ecae4b056276d7fbd79/datasets/56156ecae4b056276d7fbda3?key=r1ek3rs build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + Status=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + contentType=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + contentAsString{"status":"success"} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [debug] application - tagStr=[] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [debug] application - commentStr=[] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [debug] application - retmd: { } build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [debug] application - usrmd={ } build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [debug] application - retmd: { } build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [debug] application - techmd={ } build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [debug] application - retmd: [ ] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [debug] application - xmlmd=[ ] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] application - Removing dataset from collection completed build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] - must respond to the removeDataset(coll_id:UUID, ds_id:UUID, ignoreNotFound) function routed by DELETE /api/collections/:coll_id/datasets/:ds_id for dataset 2 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + Status=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + contentType=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + content[{"description":"Part 1 of Dataset API Test Suite","thumbnail":"None","id":"56156ecae4b056276d7fbd8e","datasetname":"Dataset 1 API Test Creation","authorId":"anonymous","created":"Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015"},{"description":"Part 2 of Dataset API Test Suite","thumbnail":"None","id":"56156ecae4b056276d7fbda3","datasetname":"Dataset 2 API Test Creation","authorId":"anonymous","created":"Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015"}] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + [ { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "description" : "Part 1 of Dataset API Test Suite", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "thumbnail" : "None", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "id" : "56156ecae4b056276d7fbd8e", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "datasetname" : "Dataset 1 API Test Creation", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "authorId" : "anonymous", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "created" : "Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] }, { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "description" : "Part 2 of Dataset API Test Suite", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "thumbnail" : "None", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "id" : "56156ecae4b056276d7fbda3", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "datasetname" : "Dataset 2 API Test Creation", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "authorId" : "anonymous", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "created" : "Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] } ] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + Mapping dataset model to Json worked build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + Number of datasets in System 2 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + List(DataSet(Part 1 of Dataset API Test Suite,None,56156ecae4b056276d7fbd8e,Dataset 1 API Test Creation,anonymous,Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015), DataSet(Part 2 of Dataset API Test Suite,None,56156ecae4b056276d7fbda3,Dataset 2 API Test Creation,anonymous,Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015)) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + 56156ecae4b056276d7fbda3 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + dataset id value 56156ecae4b056276d7fbda3 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + Status=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + contentType=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + content[{"id":"56156ecae4b056276d7fbd7a","name":"Collection 2 Test Suite","description":"Collection 2 Tests Description","created":"Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015"},{"id":"56156ecae4b056276d7fbd79","name":"Collection 1 Test Suite","description":"Collection 1 Tests Description","created":"Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015"}] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + [ { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "id" : "56156ecae4b056276d7fbd7a", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "name" : "Collection 2 Test Suite", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "description" : "Collection 2 Tests Description", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "created" : "Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] }, { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "id" : "56156ecae4b056276d7fbd79", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "name" : "Collection 1 Test Suite", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "description" : "Collection 1 Tests Description", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "created" : "Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] } ] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + Mapping collection model to Json worked build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + Number of collection in System 2 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + List(CollectionSet(56156ecae4b056276d7fbd7a,Collection 2 Test Suite,Collection 2 Tests Description,Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015), CollectionSet(56156ecae4b056276d7fbd79,Collection 1 Test Suite,Collection 1 Tests Description,Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015)) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + 56156ecae4b056276d7fbd79 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + collection id value 56156ecae4b056276d7fbd79 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + /api/collections/56156ecae4b056276d7fbd79/datasets/56156ecae4b056276d7fbda3?key=r1ek3rs build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + Status=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + contentType=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + contentAsString{"status":"success"} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [debug] application - tagStr=[] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [debug] application - commentStr=[] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [debug] application - retmd: { } build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [debug] application - usrmd={ } build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [debug] application - retmd: { } build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [debug] application - techmd={ } build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [debug] application - retmd: [ ] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [debug] application - xmlmd=[ ] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] application - Removing dataset from collection completed build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] - must respond to the removeDataset(coll_id:UUID, ds_id:UUID, ignoreNoteFound) function routed by POST /api/collections/:coll_id/datasets/:ds_id/:ignoreNotFound for dataset 2 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + Status=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + contentType=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + content[{"description":"Part 1 of Dataset API Test Suite","thumbnail":"None","id":"56156ecae4b056276d7fbd8e","datasetname":"Dataset 1 API Test Creation","authorId":"anonymous","created":"Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015"},{"description":"Part 2 of Dataset API Test Suite","thumbnail":"None","id":"56156ecae4b056276d7fbda3","datasetname":"Dataset 2 API Test Creation","authorId":"anonymous","created":"Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015"}] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + [ { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "description" : "Part 1 of Dataset API Test Suite", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "thumbnail" : "None", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "id" : "56156ecae4b056276d7fbd8e", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "datasetname" : "Dataset 1 API Test Creation", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "authorId" : "anonymous", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "created" : "Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] }, { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "description" : "Part 2 of Dataset API Test Suite", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "thumbnail" : "None", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "id" : "56156ecae4b056276d7fbda3", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "datasetname" : "Dataset 2 API Test Creation", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "authorId" : "anonymous", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "created" : "Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] } ] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + Mapping dataset model to Json worked build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + Number of datasets in System 2 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + List(DataSet(Part 1 of Dataset API Test Suite,None,56156ecae4b056276d7fbd8e,Dataset 1 API Test Creation,anonymous,Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015), DataSet(Part 2 of Dataset API Test Suite,None,56156ecae4b056276d7fbda3,Dataset 2 API Test Creation,anonymous,Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015)) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + 56156ecae4b056276d7fbd8e build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + dataset id value 56156ecae4b056276d7fbd8e build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + Status=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + contentType=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + content[{"id":"56156ecae4b056276d7fbd7a","name":"Collection 2 Test Suite","description":"Collection 2 Tests Description","created":"Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015"},{"id":"56156ecae4b056276d7fbd79","name":"Collection 1 Test Suite","description":"Collection 1 Tests Description","created":"Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015"}] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + [ { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "id" : "56156ecae4b056276d7fbd7a", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "name" : "Collection 2 Test Suite", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "description" : "Collection 2 Tests Description", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "created" : "Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] }, { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "id" : "56156ecae4b056276d7fbd79", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "name" : "Collection 1 Test Suite", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "description" : "Collection 1 Tests Description", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "created" : "Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] } ] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + Mapping collection model to Json worked build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + Number of collection in System 2 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + List(CollectionSet(56156ecae4b056276d7fbd7a,Collection 2 Test Suite,Collection 2 Tests Description,Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015), CollectionSet(56156ecae4b056276d7fbd79,Collection 1 Test Suite,Collection 1 Tests Description,Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015)) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + 56156ecae4b056276d7fbd79 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + collection id value 56156ecae4b056276d7fbd79 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + /api/collections/56156ecae4b056276d7fbd79/datasets/56156ecae4b056276d7fbd8e/true?key=r1ek3rs build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + Status=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + contentType=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + contentAsString{"status":"success"} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [debug] application - userdfSPARQLStore not enabled build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [debug] application - Removing XML metadata belonging to file 56156ecae4b056276d7fbd7c from dataset 56156ecae4b056276d7fbd8e. build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [error] application - File not found: 56156ecae4b056276d7fbd7c build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] - must respond to the deleteDataset(id:UUID) function routed by DELETE /api/datasets/:id for Dataset 1 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + Status=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + contentType=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + content[{"description":"Part 1 of Dataset API Test Suite","thumbnail":"None","id":"56156ecae4b056276d7fbd8e","datasetname":"Dataset 1 API Test Creation","authorId":"anonymous","created":"Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015"},{"description":"Part 2 of Dataset API Test Suite","thumbnail":"None","id":"56156ecae4b056276d7fbda3","datasetname":"Dataset 2 API Test Creation","authorId":"anonymous","created":"Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015"}] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + [ { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "description" : "Part 1 of Dataset API Test Suite", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "thumbnail" : "None", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "id" : "56156ecae4b056276d7fbd8e", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "datasetname" : "Dataset 1 API Test Creation", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "authorId" : "anonymous", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "created" : "Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] }, { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "description" : "Part 2 of Dataset API Test Suite", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "thumbnail" : "None", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "id" : "56156ecae4b056276d7fbda3", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "datasetname" : "Dataset 2 API Test Creation", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "authorId" : "anonymous", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "created" : "Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] } ] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + Mapping dataset model to Json worked build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + Number of datasets in System 2 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + List(DataSet(Part 1 of Dataset API Test Suite,None,56156ecae4b056276d7fbd8e,Dataset 1 API Test Creation,anonymous,Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015), DataSet(Part 2 of Dataset API Test Suite,None,56156ecae4b056276d7fbda3,Dataset 2 API Test Creation,anonymous,Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015)) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + 56156ecae4b056276d7fbd8e build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + DELETE /api/datasets/56156ecae4b056276d7fbd8e build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + Status_Get=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + contentType_Get=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "status" : "success" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] } build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [debug] application - userdfSPARQLStore not enabled build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [debug] application - Removing XML metadata belonging to file 56156ecae4b056276d7fbd91 from dataset 56156ecae4b056276d7fbda3. build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [error] application - File not found: 56156ecae4b056276d7fbd91 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] - must respond to the deleteDataset(id:UUID) function routed by DELETE /api/datasets/:id for Dataset 2 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + Status=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + contentType=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + content[{"description":"Part 2 of Dataset API Test Suite","thumbnail":"None","id":"56156ecae4b056276d7fbda3","datasetname":"Dataset 2 API Test Creation","authorId":"anonymous","created":"Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015"}] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + [ { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "description" : "Part 2 of Dataset API Test Suite", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "thumbnail" : "None", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "id" : "56156ecae4b056276d7fbda3", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "datasetname" : "Dataset 2 API Test Creation", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "authorId" : "anonymous", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "created" : "Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] } ] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + Mapping dataset model to Json worked build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + Number of datasets in System 1 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + List(DataSet(Part 2 of Dataset API Test Suite,None,56156ecae4b056276d7fbda3,Dataset 2 API Test Creation,anonymous,Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015)) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + 56156ecae4b056276d7fbda3 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + DELETE /api/datasets/56156ecae4b056276d7fbda3 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + Status_Get=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + contentType_Get=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "status" : "success" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] } build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] - must respond to the listCollections() function routed by GET /api/collections build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + Status=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + contentType=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + content[{"id":"56156ecae4b056276d7fbd7a","name":"Collection 2 Test Suite","description":"Collection 2 Tests Description","created":"Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015"},{"id":"56156ecae4b056276d7fbd79","name":"Collection 1 Test Suite","description":"Collection 1 Tests Description","created":"Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015"}] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] - must respond to the listCollections() function routed by GET /api/collections/list build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + Status=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + contentType=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + content[{"id":"56156ecae4b056276d7fbd7a","name":"Collection 2 Test Suite","description":"Collection 2 Tests Description","created":"Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015"},{"id":"56156ecae4b056276d7fbd79","name":"Collection 1 Test Suite","description":"Collection 1 Tests Description","created":"Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015"}] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] - must respond to the removeCollection(coll_id:UUID) function routed by POST /api/collections/:coll_id/remove build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + Status=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + contentType=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + content[{"id":"56156ecae4b056276d7fbd7a","name":"Collection 2 Test Suite","description":"Collection 2 Tests Description","created":"Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015"},{"id":"56156ecae4b056276d7fbd79","name":"Collection 1 Test Suite","description":"Collection 1 Tests Description","created":"Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015"}] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + [ { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "id" : "56156ecae4b056276d7fbd7a", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "name" : "Collection 2 Test Suite", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "description" : "Collection 2 Tests Description", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "created" : "Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] }, { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "id" : "56156ecae4b056276d7fbd79", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "name" : "Collection 1 Test Suite", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "description" : "Collection 1 Tests Description", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "created" : "Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] } ] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + Mapping collections model to Json worked build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + Number of collections in System 2 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + List(CollectionSet(56156ecae4b056276d7fbd7a,Collection 2 Test Suite,Collection 2 Tests Description,Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015), CollectionSet(56156ecae4b056276d7fbd79,Collection 1 Test Suite,Collection 1 Tests Description,Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015)) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + 56156ecae4b056276d7fbd79 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + POST /api/collections/56156ecae4b056276d7fbd79/remove build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + Status_Get=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + contentType_Get=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "status" : "success" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] } build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] - must respond to the removeCollection(coll_id:UUID) function routed by DELETE /api/collections/:id build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + Status=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + contentType=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + content[{"id":"56156ecae4b056276d7fbd7a","name":"Collection 2 Test Suite","description":"Collection 2 Tests Description","created":"Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015"}] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + [ { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "id" : "56156ecae4b056276d7fbd7a", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "name" : "Collection 2 Test Suite", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "description" : "Collection 2 Tests Description", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "created" : "Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] } ] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + Mapping collections model to Json worked build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + Number of collections in System 1 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + List(CollectionSet(56156ecae4b056276d7fbd7a,Collection 2 Test Suite,Collection 2 Tests Description,Wed Oct 07 14:13:14 CDT 2015)) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + 56156ecae4b056276d7fbd7a build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + DELETE /api/collections/56156ecae4b056276d7fbd7a build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + Status_Get=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + contentType_Get=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "status" : "success" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] } build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [debug] application - File1 is File:True build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] PreviewsAPIAppSpec: build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] The Previews API Spec build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] - must provide a FakeApplication build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] - must make the FakeApplication available implicitly build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] - must start the FakeApplication build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] The Previews API Spec build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [debug] application - Uploading file morrowplots.jpg build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [debug] application - _typeHint = models.File build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] - must respond to the Upload File build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + Working Directory: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + Status=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + contentType=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + contentAsString{"id":"56156ecbe4b056276d7fbdaf"} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [debug] application - File1 is File:True build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [debug] application - Uploading file morrowplots-preview.jpg build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [debug] application - ########Uploading Preview----morrowplots-preview.jpg build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [debug] application - _typeHint = models.Preview build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [debug] application - ctp: Some(application/octet-stream) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [debug] application - Preview ID^^^^^56156ecbe4b056276d7fbdb6 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [debug] application - Uploading file morrowplots-preview.jpg build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [debug] application - ########Uploading Preview----morrowplots-preview.jpg build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [debug] application - _typeHint = models.Preview build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [debug] application - ctp: Some(application/octet-stream) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [debug] application - Preview ID^^^^^56156ecbe4b056276d7fbdb8 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] - must respond to the upload() and download() function routed by POST/GET /api/previews build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + Working Directory: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + Status=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + contentType=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + contentAsString{"id":"56156ecbe4b056276d7fbdb6"} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "id" : "56156ecbe4b056276d7fbdb6" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] } build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + id value 56156ecbe4b056276d7fbdb6 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + Status=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + contentType=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + contentAsString{"id":"56156ecbe4b056276d7fbdb8"} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [debug] application - File1 is File:True build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [debug] application - Uploading file morrowplots-preview-meta.jpg build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [debug] application - ########Uploading Preview----morrowplots-preview-meta.jpg build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [debug] application - _typeHint = models.Preview build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [debug] application - ctp: Some(application/octet-stream) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [debug] application - Preview ID^^^^^56156ecbe4b056276d7fbdba build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [debug] application - File2 is File:True build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [debug] application - {"Image":"fid","extractor_id":"test-extractor"} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [debug] application - ListBuffer((Image,"fid"), (extractor_id,"test-extractor")) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [debug] application - Updating previews.files 56156ecbe4b056276d7fbdba with Map(Image -> fid, extractor_id -> test-extractor) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] - must respond to the uploadMetadata(id: UUID) and getMetadata(id: UUID) function routed by POST/GET /api/previews/:id/metadata build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + Working Directory: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + Status=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + contentType=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + contentAsString{"id":"56156ecbe4b056276d7fbdba"} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "id" : "56156ecbe4b056276d7fbdba" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] } build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + id value 56156ecbe4b056276d7fbdba build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + File Pathing /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/test/data/previews/data-test-general.json build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "Image" : "fid", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "extractor_id" : "test-extractor" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] } build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + Status_Post=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + contentType_Post=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [debug] application - File1 is File:True build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [debug] application - Uploading file morrowplots-preview-1.jpg build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [debug] application - ########Uploading Preview----morrowplots-preview-1.jpg build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [debug] application - _typeHint = models.Preview build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [debug] application - ctp: Some(application/octet-stream) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [debug] application - Preview ID^^^^^56156ecbe4b056276d7fbdbd build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [debug] application - File2 is File:True build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [debug] application - attachToFile: extractorId is 'Some(test-extractor)'. build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [debug] application - Updating previews.files 56156ecbe4b056276d7fbdbd with Map() build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] - must respond to the attachPreview(file_id:UUID, preview:UUID) function routed by POST /api/files/:file_id/previews/:p_id build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + Status=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + contentType=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + content[{"size":"1267871","date-created":"Wed Oct 07 14:13:15 CDT 2015","id":"56156ecbe4b056276d7fbdaf","authorId":"anonymous","content-type":"image/jpeg","filename":"morrowplots.jpg"}] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + [ { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "size" : "1267871", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "date-created" : "Wed Oct 07 14:13:15 CDT 2015", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "id" : "56156ecbe4b056276d7fbdaf", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "authorId" : "anonymous", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "content-type" : "image/jpeg", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "filename" : "morrowplots.jpg" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] } ] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + Mapping file model to Json worked build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + Number of files in System 1 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + List(FileName(1267871,Wed Oct 07 14:13:15 CDT 2015,56156ecbe4b056276d7fbdaf,image/jpeg,morrowplots.jpg)) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + 56156ecbe4b056276d7fbdaf build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + Working Directory: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + Status=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + contentType=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + contentAsString{"id":"56156ecbe4b056276d7fbdbd"} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "id" : "56156ecbe4b056276d7fbdbd" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] } build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + preview_id value 56156ecbe4b056276d7fbdbd build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + File Pathing /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/test/data/previews/data-test-preview.json build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "extractor_id" : "test-extractor" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] } build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + POST /api/files/56156ecbe4b056276d7fbdaf/previews/56156ecbe4b056276d7fbdbd build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + Status_Post=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + contentType_Post=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "status" : "success" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] } build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] - must respond to the filePreviewsList(id: UUID) function routed by GET /api/files/:file_id/listpreviews build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + Status=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + contentType=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + content[{"size":"1267871","date-created":"Wed Oct 07 14:13:15 CDT 2015","id":"56156ecbe4b056276d7fbdaf","authorId":"anonymous","content-type":"image/jpeg","filename":"morrowplots.jpg"}] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + [ { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "size" : "1267871", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "date-created" : "Wed Oct 07 14:13:15 CDT 2015", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "id" : "56156ecbe4b056276d7fbdaf", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "authorId" : "anonymous", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "content-type" : "image/jpeg", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "filename" : "morrowplots.jpg" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] } ] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + Mapping file model to Json worked build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + Number of files in System 1 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + List(FileName(1267871,Wed Oct 07 14:13:15 CDT 2015,56156ecbe4b056276d7fbdaf,image/jpeg,morrowplots.jpg)) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + 56156ecbe4b056276d7fbdaf build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + GET /api/files/56156ecbe4b056276d7fbdaf/listpreviews build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + Status_get=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + contentType_get=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] + [ { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "id" : "56156ecbe4b056276d7fbdbd", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "filename" : "morrowplots-preview-1.jpg", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] "contentType" : "image/jpeg" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:15 [info] } ] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] - must respond to the getPreviews(id: UUID) function routed by GET /api/files/:file_id/getPreviews build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] + Status=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] + contentType=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] + content[{"size":"1267871","date-created":"Wed Oct 07 14:13:15 CDT 2015","id":"56156ecbe4b056276d7fbdaf","authorId":"anonymous","content-type":"image/jpeg","filename":"morrowplots.jpg"}] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] + [ { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] "size" : "1267871", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] "date-created" : "Wed Oct 07 14:13:15 CDT 2015", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] "id" : "56156ecbe4b056276d7fbdaf", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] "authorId" : "anonymous", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] "content-type" : "image/jpeg", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] "filename" : "morrowplots.jpg" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] } ] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] + Mapping file model to Json worked build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] + Number of files in System 1 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] + List(FileName(1267871,Wed Oct 07 14:13:15 CDT 2015,56156ecbe4b056276d7fbdaf,image/jpeg,morrowplots.jpg)) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] + 56156ecbe4b056276d7fbdaf build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] + GET /api/files/56156ecbe4b056276d7fbdaf/getPreviews build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] + Status_Get=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] + contentType_Get=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] + [ { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] "file_id" : "56156ecbe4b056276d7fbdaf", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] "previews" : [ { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] "pv_route" : "/api/previews/56156ecbe4b056276d7fbdbd", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] "p_main" : "thumbnail-previewer.js", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] "pv_id" : "56156ecbe4b056276d7fbdbd", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] "p_path" : "/assets/javascripts/previewers/thumbnail", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] "p_id" : "Thumbnail", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] "pv_length" : "9757", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] "pv_contenttype" : "image/jpeg" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] } ] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] } ] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] - must respond to the list() function routed by GET /api/previews build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] + Status=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] + contentType=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] + content[{"id":"56156ecbe4b056276d7fbdb6","filename":"morrowplots-preview.jpg","contentType":"image/jpeg"},{"id":"56156ecbe4b056276d7fbdb8","filename":"morrowplots-preview.jpg","contentType":"image/jpeg"},{"id":"56156ecbe4b056276d7fbdba","filename":"morrowplots-preview-meta.jpg","contentType":"image/jpeg"},{"id":"56156ecbe4b056276d7fbdbd","filename":"morrowplots-preview-1.jpg","contentType":"image/jpeg"}] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] - must respond to the removePreview(id:UUID) function routed by DELETE /api/previews/:id for morrowplots preview file build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] + Status=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] + contentType=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] + content[{"id":"56156ecbe4b056276d7fbdb6","filename":"morrowplots-preview.jpg","contentType":"image/jpeg"},{"id":"56156ecbe4b056276d7fbdb8","filename":"morrowplots-preview.jpg","contentType":"image/jpeg"},{"id":"56156ecbe4b056276d7fbdba","filename":"morrowplots-preview-meta.jpg","contentType":"image/jpeg"},{"id":"56156ecbe4b056276d7fbdbd","filename":"morrowplots-preview-1.jpg","contentType":"image/jpeg"}] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] + [ { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] "id" : "56156ecbe4b056276d7fbdb6", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] "filename" : "morrowplots-preview.jpg", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] "contentType" : "image/jpeg" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] }, { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] "id" : "56156ecbe4b056276d7fbdb8", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] "filename" : "morrowplots-preview.jpg", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] "contentType" : "image/jpeg" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] }, { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] "id" : "56156ecbe4b056276d7fbdba", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] "filename" : "morrowplots-preview-meta.jpg", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] "contentType" : "image/jpeg" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] }, { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] "id" : "56156ecbe4b056276d7fbdbd", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] "filename" : "morrowplots-preview-1.jpg", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] "contentType" : "image/jpeg" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] } ] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] + Mapping file model to Json worked build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] + Number of file in System 4 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] + List(PreviewName(56156ecbe4b056276d7fbdb6,morrowplots-preview.jpg,image/jpeg), PreviewName(56156ecbe4b056276d7fbdb8,morrowplots-preview.jpg,image/jpeg), PreviewName(56156ecbe4b056276d7fbdba,morrowplots-preview-meta.jpg,image/jpeg), PreviewName(56156ecbe4b056276d7fbdbd,morrowplots-preview-1.jpg,image/jpeg)) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] + 56156ecbe4b056276d7fbdb6 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] + DELETE /api/previews/56156ecbe4b056276d7fbdb6 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] + Status_Get=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] + contentType_Get=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] + { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] "status" : "success" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] } build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] - must respond to the removePreview(id:UUID) function routed by DELETE /api/previews/:id for morrowplots preview meta file build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] + Status=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] + contentType=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] + content[{"id":"56156ecbe4b056276d7fbdb8","filename":"morrowplots-preview.jpg","contentType":"image/jpeg"},{"id":"56156ecbe4b056276d7fbdba","filename":"morrowplots-preview-meta.jpg","contentType":"image/jpeg"},{"id":"56156ecbe4b056276d7fbdbd","filename":"morrowplots-preview-1.jpg","contentType":"image/jpeg"}] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] + [ { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] "id" : "56156ecbe4b056276d7fbdb8", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] "filename" : "morrowplots-preview.jpg", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] "contentType" : "image/jpeg" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] }, { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] "id" : "56156ecbe4b056276d7fbdba", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] "filename" : "morrowplots-preview-meta.jpg", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] "contentType" : "image/jpeg" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] }, { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] "id" : "56156ecbe4b056276d7fbdbd", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] "filename" : "morrowplots-preview-1.jpg", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] "contentType" : "image/jpeg" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] } ] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] + Mapping file model to Json worked build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] + Number of file in System 3 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] + List(PreviewName(56156ecbe4b056276d7fbdb8,morrowplots-preview.jpg,image/jpeg), PreviewName(56156ecbe4b056276d7fbdba,morrowplots-preview-meta.jpg,image/jpeg), PreviewName(56156ecbe4b056276d7fbdbd,morrowplots-preview-1.jpg,image/jpeg)) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] + 56156ecbe4b056276d7fbdba build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] + DELETE /api/previews/56156ecbe4b056276d7fbdba build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] + Status_Get=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] + contentType_Get=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] + { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] "status" : "success" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] } build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] - must respond to the removePreview(id:UUID) function routed by DELETE /api/previews/:id for morrowplots preview 1 file build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] + Status=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] + contentType=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] + content[{"id":"56156ecbe4b056276d7fbdb8","filename":"morrowplots-preview.jpg","contentType":"image/jpeg"},{"id":"56156ecbe4b056276d7fbdbd","filename":"morrowplots-preview-1.jpg","contentType":"image/jpeg"}] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] + [ { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] "id" : "56156ecbe4b056276d7fbdb8", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] "filename" : "morrowplots-preview.jpg", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] "contentType" : "image/jpeg" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] }, { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] "id" : "56156ecbe4b056276d7fbdbd", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] "filename" : "morrowplots-preview-1.jpg", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] "contentType" : "image/jpeg" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] } ] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] + Mapping file model to Json worked build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] + Number of file in System 2 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] + List(PreviewName(56156ecbe4b056276d7fbdb8,morrowplots-preview.jpg,image/jpeg), PreviewName(56156ecbe4b056276d7fbdbd,morrowplots-preview-1.jpg,image/jpeg)) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] + 56156ecbe4b056276d7fbdbd build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] + DELETE /api/previews/56156ecbe4b056276d7fbdbd build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] + Status_Get=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] + contentType_Get=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] + { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] "status" : "success" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] } build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] - must respond to the removePreview(id:UUID) function routed by DELETE /api/previews/:id for morrowplots preview file 2 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] + Status=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] + contentType=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] + content[{"id":"56156ecbe4b056276d7fbdb8","filename":"morrowplots-preview.jpg","contentType":"image/jpeg"}] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] + [ { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] "id" : "56156ecbe4b056276d7fbdb8", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] "filename" : "morrowplots-preview.jpg", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] "contentType" : "image/jpeg" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] } ] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] + Mapping file model to Json worked build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] + Number of file in System 1 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] + List(PreviewName(56156ecbe4b056276d7fbdb8,morrowplots-preview.jpg,image/jpeg)) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] + 56156ecbe4b056276d7fbdb8 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] + DELETE /api/previews/56156ecbe4b056276d7fbdb8 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] + Status_Get=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] + contentType_Get=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] + { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] "status" : "success" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] } build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [debug] application - Deleting file from indexesmorrowplots.jpg build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [debug] application - Deleting file: morrowplots.jpg build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] application - [securesocial] unloaded identity provider: userpass build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] application - Application shutdown build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] application - [securesocial] unloaded password hasher bcrypt build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] - must respond to the removeFile(id:UUID) function routed by DELETE /api/files/:id build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] + Status=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] + contentType=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] + content[{"size":"1267871","date-created":"Wed Oct 07 14:13:15 CDT 2015","id":"56156ecbe4b056276d7fbdaf","authorId":"anonymous","content-type":"image/jpeg","filename":"morrowplots.jpg"}] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] + [ { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] "size" : "1267871", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] "date-created" : "Wed Oct 07 14:13:15 CDT 2015", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] "id" : "56156ecbe4b056276d7fbdaf", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] "authorId" : "anonymous", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] "content-type" : "image/jpeg", build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] "filename" : "morrowplots.jpg" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] } ] build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] + Mapping file model to Json worked build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] + Number of files in System 1 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] + List(FileName(1267871,Wed Oct 07 14:13:15 CDT 2015,56156ecbe4b056276d7fbdaf,image/jpeg,morrowplots.jpg)) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] + 56156ecbe4b056276d7fbdaf build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] + DELETE /api/files/56156ecbe4b056276d7fbdaf build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] + Status_Get=200 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] + contentType_Get=Some(application/json) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] + Pretty JSON format build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] + { build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] "status" : "success" build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] } build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] play - Shutdown application default Akka system. build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [debug] application - SwaggerPlugin.onStop build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] ScalaTest build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] Run completed in 14 seconds, 848 milliseconds. build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] Total number of tests run: 85 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] Suites: completed 6, aborted 0 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] Tests: succeeded 85, failed 0, canceled 0, ignored 0, pending 0 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] All tests passed. build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [info] Passed: Total 15, Failed 0, Errors 0, Passed 15 build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 [success] Total time: 70 s, completed Oct 7, 2015 2:13:16 PM simple 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 Finished task 'test' with result: Success command 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 Substituting variable: ${bamboo.buildNumber} with 1 simple 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 Starting task 'doc' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.command' command 07-Oct-2015 14:13:16 Beginning to execute external process for build 'Clowder - CORE - indices - default #1 (CATS-CORE155-JOB1-1)'\n ... running command line: \n/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.2/bin/sbt doc\n ... in: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1\n ... using extra environment variables: \nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_8=/home/bamboo/jdk1.8.0_05\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_sphinx=/usr/bin/sphinx-build\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_6=/home/bamboo/jdk1.6.0_41\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_npm=/home/bamboo/node-v0.10.28/bin/npm\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_7=/home/bamboo/jdk1.7.0_60\nbamboo_planRepository_type=stash-rep\nbamboo_repository_93224987_git_branch=indices\nbamboo_shortPlanName=indices\nbamboo_planKey=CATS-CORE155\nbamboo_capability_system_software_mongo=/usr/bin/mongo\nbamboo_repository_git_repositoryUrl=ssh://\nbamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugins_scripttask_task_builder_command_11=/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.2/bin/sbt clean update\nbamboo_planRepository_1_branchName=indices\nbamboo_repository_93224987_git_username=\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_buckminster_4_2=/home/bamboo/buckminster-4.2/buckminster\nbamboo_shortPlanKey=CORE155\nbamboo_shortJobKey=JOB1\nbamboo_build_working_directory=/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_sbt_0_13=/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.2/bin/sbt\nbamboo_planRepository_1_branch=indices\nbamboo_repository_revision_number=67a1b2425ca20cf0e95878af076a1661134f628c\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_mvn3_Maven_3=/home/bamboo/apache-maven-3.2.1\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_phantomjs=/home/bamboo/phantomjs-1.9.8/bin/phantomjs\nbamboo_planName=Clowder - CORE - indices\nbamboo_buildResultsUrl=\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_7_0_60=/home/bamboo/jdk1.7.0_60\nbamboo_planRepository_revision=67a1b2425ca20cf0e95878af076a1661134f628c\nbamboo_buildResultKey=CATS-CORE155-JOB1-1\nbamboo_repository_git_username=\nbamboo_buildKey=CATS-CORE155-JOB1\nbamboo_capability_system_git_executable=/usr/bin/git\nbamboo_repository_93224987_revision_number=67a1b2425ca20cf0e95878af076a1661134f628c\nbamboo_working_directory=/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_node_Node_js=/home/bamboo/node-v0.10.28/bin/node\nbamboo_agentWorkingDirectory=/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir\nbamboo_buildPlanName=Clowder - CORE - indices - default\nbamboo_repository_name=clowder\nbamboo_resultsUrl=\nbamboo_repository_93224987_git_repositoryUrl=ssh://\nbamboo_repository_93224987_name=clowder\nbamboo_repository_git_branch=indices\nbamboo_planRepository_1_revision=67a1b2425ca20cf0e95878af076a1661134f628c\nbamboo_planRepository_1_type=stash-rep\nJAVA_OPTS=-Dbamboo.buildNumber=1\nbamboo_planRepository_1_name=clowder\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_grunt=/home/bamboo/node-v0.10.28/bin/grunt\nbamboo_planRepository_branch=indices\nbamboo_planRepository_username=\nbamboo_planRepository_branchName=indices\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK=/home/bamboo/jdk1.7.0_60\nbamboo_capability_system_os=linux\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_mvn2_Maven_2=/home/bamboo/apache-maven-2.2.1\nbamboo_shortJobName=default\nbamboo_repository_branch_name=indices\nbamboo_agentId=52559873\nbamboo_planRepository_repositoryUrl=ssh://\nbamboo_planRepository_1_repositoryUrl=ssh://\nbamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugins_scripttask_task_builder_command_7=/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.2/bin/sbt compile\nbamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugins_scripttask_task_builder_command_8=/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.2/bin/sbt test-only integration.APITestSuite\nbamboo_repository_93224987_branch_name=indices\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_mkcrx=/home/bamboo/mkcrx/\nbamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugins_scripttask_task_builder_script_15=/bin/sh /tmp/\nbamboo_planRepository_1_username=\nbamboo_planRepository_name=clowder\nbamboo_buildNumber=1\nbamboo_capability_system_hostname=buildserver-1\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_casperjs=/home/bamboo/node-v0.10.28/bin/casperjs\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_ant_Ant=/home/bamboo/apache-ant-1.9.4\nbamboo_capability_system_software_rabbitmq=/usr/sbin/rabbitmqctl\nbamboo_buildTimeStamp=2015-10-07T14:08:27.736-05:00\n build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:19 [info] Loading project definition from /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/project build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:22 [info] Set current project to clowder (in build file:/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/) build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:23 [info] Main Scala API documentation to /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/target/scala-2.10/api... build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:49 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBInstitutionService.scala:3: imported `Institution' is permanently hidden by definition of object Institution in package mongodb build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:49 [warn] import models.Institution build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:49 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:49 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBProjectService.scala:3: imported `Project' is permanently hidden by definition of object Project in package mongodb build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:49 [warn] import models.Project build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:49 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:58 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBCollectionService.scala:6: imported `Collection' is permanently hidden by definition of object Collection in package mongodb build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:58 [warn] import models.{UUID, Collection, Dataset} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:58 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:58 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBCollectionService.scala:6: imported `Dataset' is permanently hidden by definition of object Dataset in package mongodb build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:58 [warn] import models.{UUID, Collection, Dataset} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:58 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:58 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBCommentService.scala:3: imported `Comment' is permanently hidden by definition of object Comment in package mongodb build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:58 [warn] import models.{UUID, Comment} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:58 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:59 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBTagService.scala:14: imported `Tag' is permanently hidden by definition of object Tag in package mongodb build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:59 [warn] import models.{UUID, Tag} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:59 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:59 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBExtractionRequestsService.scala:20: imported `MongoSalatPlugin' is permanently hidden by definition of class MongoSalatPlugin in package mongodb build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:59 [warn] import services.mongodb.MongoSalatPlugin build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:59 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:59 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBExtractionService.scala:4: imported `Extraction' is permanently hidden by definition of object Extraction in package mongodb build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:59 [warn] import models.{UUID, Extraction} build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:59 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:59 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBExtractionService.scala:13: imported `WebPageResource' is permanently hidden by definition of object WebPageResource in package mongodb build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:59 [warn] import models.WebPageResource build 07-Oct-2015 14:13:59 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:14:01 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBSectionService.scala:4: imported `Tag' is permanently hidden by definition of object Tag in package mongodb build 07-Oct-2015 14:14:01 [warn] import models.{UUID, Tag, Comment, Section} build 07-Oct-2015 14:14:01 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:14:01 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/services/mongodb/MongoDBSectionService.scala:4: imported `Comment' is permanently hidden by definition of object Comment in package mongodb build 07-Oct-2015 14:14:01 [warn] import models.{UUID, Tag, Comment, Section} build 07-Oct-2015 14:14:01 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:14:11 [warn] there were 11 feature warning(s); re-run with -feature for details build 07-Oct-2015 14:14:13 model contains 559 documentable templates build 07-Oct-2015 14:14:15 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/services/ElasticsearchPlugin.scala:21: Tag '@authhor' is not recognised build 07-Oct-2015 14:14:15 [warn] /** build 07-Oct-2015 14:14:15 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:14:19 [warn] /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/app/services/irods/IRODSPlugin.scala:9: Tag '@date' is not recognised build 07-Oct-2015 14:14:19 [warn] /** build 07-Oct-2015 14:14:19 [warn] ^ build 07-Oct-2015 14:14:26 [warn] 14 warnings found build 07-Oct-2015 14:14:26 [info] Main Scala API documentation successful. build 07-Oct-2015 14:14:26 [success] Total time: 64 s, completed Oct 7, 2015 2:14:26 PM simple 07-Oct-2015 14:14:26 Finished task 'doc' with result: Success command 07-Oct-2015 14:14:26 Substituting variable: ${bamboo.buildNumber} with 1 simple 07-Oct-2015 14:14:26 Starting task 'dist' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.command' command 07-Oct-2015 14:14:26 Beginning to execute external process for build 'Clowder - CORE - indices - default #1 (CATS-CORE155-JOB1-1)'\n ... running command line: \n/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.2/bin/sbt dist\n ... in: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1\n ... using extra environment variables: \nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_8=/home/bamboo/jdk1.8.0_05\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_sphinx=/usr/bin/sphinx-build\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_6=/home/bamboo/jdk1.6.0_41\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_npm=/home/bamboo/node-v0.10.28/bin/npm\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_7=/home/bamboo/jdk1.7.0_60\nbamboo_planRepository_type=stash-rep\nbamboo_repository_93224987_git_branch=indices\nbamboo_shortPlanName=indices\nbamboo_planKey=CATS-CORE155\nbamboo_capability_system_software_mongo=/usr/bin/mongo\nbamboo_repository_git_repositoryUrl=ssh://\nbamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugins_scripttask_task_builder_command_11=/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.2/bin/sbt clean update\nbamboo_planRepository_1_branchName=indices\nbamboo_repository_93224987_git_username=\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_buckminster_4_2=/home/bamboo/buckminster-4.2/buckminster\nbamboo_shortPlanKey=CORE155\nbamboo_shortJobKey=JOB1\nbamboo_build_working_directory=/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_sbt_0_13=/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.2/bin/sbt\nbamboo_planRepository_1_branch=indices\nbamboo_repository_revision_number=67a1b2425ca20cf0e95878af076a1661134f628c\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_mvn3_Maven_3=/home/bamboo/apache-maven-3.2.1\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_phantomjs=/home/bamboo/phantomjs-1.9.8/bin/phantomjs\nbamboo_planName=Clowder - CORE - indices\nbamboo_buildResultsUrl=\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_7_0_60=/home/bamboo/jdk1.7.0_60\nbamboo_planRepository_revision=67a1b2425ca20cf0e95878af076a1661134f628c\nbamboo_buildResultKey=CATS-CORE155-JOB1-1\nbamboo_repository_git_username=\nbamboo_buildKey=CATS-CORE155-JOB1\nbamboo_capability_system_git_executable=/usr/bin/git\nbamboo_repository_93224987_revision_number=67a1b2425ca20cf0e95878af076a1661134f628c\nbamboo_working_directory=/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_node_Node_js=/home/bamboo/node-v0.10.28/bin/node\nbamboo_agentWorkingDirectory=/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir\nbamboo_buildPlanName=Clowder - CORE - indices - default\nbamboo_repository_name=clowder\nbamboo_resultsUrl=\nbamboo_repository_93224987_git_repositoryUrl=ssh://\nbamboo_repository_93224987_name=clowder\nbamboo_repository_git_branch=indices\nbamboo_planRepository_1_revision=67a1b2425ca20cf0e95878af076a1661134f628c\nbamboo_planRepository_1_type=stash-rep\nJAVA_OPTS=-Dbamboo.buildNumber=1\nbamboo_planRepository_1_name=clowder\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_grunt=/home/bamboo/node-v0.10.28/bin/grunt\nbamboo_planRepository_branch=indices\nbamboo_planRepository_username=\nbamboo_planRepository_branchName=indices\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK=/home/bamboo/jdk1.7.0_60\nbamboo_capability_system_os=linux\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_mvn2_Maven_2=/home/bamboo/apache-maven-2.2.1\nbamboo_shortJobName=default\nbamboo_repository_branch_name=indices\nbamboo_agentId=52559873\nbamboo_planRepository_repositoryUrl=ssh://\nbamboo_planRepository_1_repositoryUrl=ssh://\nbamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugins_scripttask_task_builder_command_7=/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.2/bin/sbt compile\nbamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugins_scripttask_task_builder_command_8=/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.2/bin/sbt test-only integration.APITestSuite\nbamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugins_scripttask_task_builder_command_9=/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.2/bin/sbt doc\nbamboo_repository_93224987_branch_name=indices\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_mkcrx=/home/bamboo/mkcrx/\nbamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugins_scripttask_task_builder_script_15=/bin/sh /tmp/\nbamboo_planRepository_1_username=\nbamboo_planRepository_name=clowder\nbamboo_buildNumber=1\nbamboo_capability_system_hostname=buildserver-1\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_casperjs=/home/bamboo/node-v0.10.28/bin/casperjs\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_ant_Ant=/home/bamboo/apache-ant-1.9.4\nbamboo_capability_system_software_rabbitmq=/usr/sbin/rabbitmqctl\nbamboo_buildTimeStamp=2015-10-07T14:08:27.736-05:00\n build 07-Oct-2015 14:14:29 [info] Loading project definition from /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/project build 07-Oct-2015 14:14:32 [info] Set current project to clowder (in build file:/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/) build 07-Oct-2015 14:14:33 [info] Packaging /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/target/scala-2.10/clowder_2.10-0.9.1-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:14:33 [info] Done packaging. build 07-Oct-2015 14:14:34 [info] Wrote /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/target/scala-2.10/clowder_2.10-0.9.1-SNAPSHOT.pom build 07-Oct-2015 14:14:34 [info] Packaging /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/target/scala-2.10/clowder_2.10-0.9.1-SNAPSHOT-javadoc.jar ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:14:35 [info] Done packaging. build 07-Oct-2015 14:14:36 [info] Packaging /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/target/scala-2.10/clowder_2.10-0.9.1-SNAPSHOT.jar ... build 07-Oct-2015 14:14:39 [info] Done packaging. build 07-Oct-2015 14:14:47 [info] build 07-Oct-2015 14:14:47 [info] Your package is ready in /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/target/universal/ build 07-Oct-2015 14:14:47 [info] build 07-Oct-2015 14:14:47 [success] Total time: 15 s, completed Oct 7, 2015 2:14:47 PM simple 07-Oct-2015 14:14:47 Finished task 'dist' with result: Success simple 07-Oct-2015 14:14:47 Starting task 'sphinx' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.command' command 07-Oct-2015 14:14:47 Beginning to execute external process for build 'Clowder - CORE - indices - default #1 (CATS-CORE155-JOB1-1)'\n ... running command line: \n/usr/bin/sphinx-build -b html -d _build/doctrees . _build/html\n ... in: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1/doc/src/sphinx\n ... using extra environment variables: \nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_8=/home/bamboo/jdk1.8.0_05\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_sphinx=/usr/bin/sphinx-build\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_6=/home/bamboo/jdk1.6.0_41\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_npm=/home/bamboo/node-v0.10.28/bin/npm\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_7=/home/bamboo/jdk1.7.0_60\nbamboo_planRepository_type=stash-rep\nbamboo_repository_93224987_git_branch=indices\nbamboo_shortPlanName=indices\nbamboo_planKey=CATS-CORE155\nbamboo_capability_system_software_mongo=/usr/bin/mongo\nbamboo_repository_git_repositoryUrl=ssh://\nbamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugins_scripttask_task_builder_command_10=/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.2/bin/sbt dist\nbamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugins_scripttask_task_builder_command_11=/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.2/bin/sbt clean update\nbamboo_planRepository_1_branchName=indices\nbamboo_repository_93224987_git_username=\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_buckminster_4_2=/home/bamboo/buckminster-4.2/buckminster\nbamboo_shortPlanKey=CORE155\nbamboo_shortJobKey=JOB1\nbamboo_build_working_directory=/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_sbt_0_13=/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.2/bin/sbt\nbamboo_planRepository_1_branch=indices\nbamboo_repository_revision_number=67a1b2425ca20cf0e95878af076a1661134f628c\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_mvn3_Maven_3=/home/bamboo/apache-maven-3.2.1\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_phantomjs=/home/bamboo/phantomjs-1.9.8/bin/phantomjs\nbamboo_planName=Clowder - CORE - indices\nbamboo_buildResultsUrl=\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_7_0_60=/home/bamboo/jdk1.7.0_60\nbamboo_planRepository_revision=67a1b2425ca20cf0e95878af076a1661134f628c\nbamboo_buildResultKey=CATS-CORE155-JOB1-1\nbamboo_repository_git_username=\nbamboo_buildKey=CATS-CORE155-JOB1\nbamboo_capability_system_git_executable=/usr/bin/git\nbamboo_repository_93224987_revision_number=67a1b2425ca20cf0e95878af076a1661134f628c\nbamboo_working_directory=/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_node_Node_js=/home/bamboo/node-v0.10.28/bin/node\nbamboo_agentWorkingDirectory=/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir\nbamboo_buildPlanName=Clowder - CORE - indices - default\nbamboo_repository_name=clowder\nbamboo_resultsUrl=\nbamboo_repository_93224987_git_repositoryUrl=ssh://\nbamboo_repository_93224987_name=clowder\nbamboo_repository_git_branch=indices\nbamboo_planRepository_1_revision=67a1b2425ca20cf0e95878af076a1661134f628c\nbamboo_planRepository_1_type=stash-rep\nbamboo_planRepository_1_name=clowder\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_grunt=/home/bamboo/node-v0.10.28/bin/grunt\nbamboo_planRepository_branch=indices\nbamboo_planRepository_username=\nbamboo_planRepository_branchName=indices\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK=/home/bamboo/jdk1.7.0_60\nbamboo_capability_system_os=linux\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_mvn2_Maven_2=/home/bamboo/apache-maven-2.2.1\nbamboo_shortJobName=default\nbamboo_repository_branch_name=indices\nbamboo_agentId=52559873\nbamboo_planRepository_repositoryUrl=ssh://\nbamboo_planRepository_1_repositoryUrl=ssh://\nbamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugins_scripttask_task_builder_command_7=/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.2/bin/sbt compile\nbamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugins_scripttask_task_builder_command_8=/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.2/bin/sbt test-only integration.APITestSuite\nbamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugins_scripttask_task_builder_command_9=/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.2/bin/sbt doc\nbamboo_repository_93224987_branch_name=indices\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_mkcrx=/home/bamboo/mkcrx/\nbamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugins_scripttask_task_builder_script_15=/bin/sh /tmp/\nbamboo_planRepository_1_username=\nbamboo_planRepository_name=clowder\nbamboo_buildNumber=1\nbamboo_capability_system_hostname=buildserver-1\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_casperjs=/home/bamboo/node-v0.10.28/bin/casperjs\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_ant_Ant=/home/bamboo/apache-ant-1.9.4\nbamboo_capability_system_software_rabbitmq=/usr/sbin/rabbitmqctl\nbamboo_buildTimeStamp=2015-10-07T14:08:27.736-05:00\n error 07-Oct-2015 14:14:48 Making output directory... build 07-Oct-2015 14:14:48 Running Sphinx v1.1.3 build 07-Oct-2015 14:14:48 loading pickled environment... not yet created build 07-Oct-2015 14:14:48 building [html]: targets for 6 source files that are out of date build 07-Oct-2015 14:14:48 updating environment: 6 added, 0 changed, 0 removed build 07-Oct-2015 14:14:48 reading sources... [ 16%] api build 07-Oct-2015 14:14:48 reading sources... [ 33%] index build 07-Oct-2015 14:14:48 reading sources... [ 50%] installation build 07-Oct-2015 14:14:48 reading sources... [ 66%] overview build 07-Oct-2015 14:14:48 reading sources... [ 83%] setup build 07-Oct-2015 14:14:48 reading sources... [100%] source build 07-Oct-2015 14:14:48 build 07-Oct-2015 14:14:48 looking for now-outdated files... none found build 07-Oct-2015 14:14:48 pickling environment... done build 07-Oct-2015 14:14:48 checking consistency... done build 07-Oct-2015 14:14:48 preparing documents... done build 07-Oct-2015 14:14:48 writing output... [ 16%] api build 07-Oct-2015 14:14:48 writing output... [ 33%] index build 07-Oct-2015 14:14:48 writing output... [ 50%] installation build 07-Oct-2015 14:14:48 writing output... [ 66%] overview build 07-Oct-2015 14:14:48 writing output... [ 83%] setup build 07-Oct-2015 14:14:48 writing output... [100%] source build 07-Oct-2015 14:14:48 build 07-Oct-2015 14:14:48 writing additional files... genindex search build 07-Oct-2015 14:14:48 copying images... [ 25%] _static/dataset.png build 07-Oct-2015 14:14:48 copying images... [ 50%] _static/extraction.jpg build 07-Oct-2015 14:14:48 copying images... [ 75%] _static/datamodel.jpg build 07-Oct-2015 14:14:49 copying images... [100%] _static/architecture.jpg build 07-Oct-2015 14:14:49 build 07-Oct-2015 14:14:49 copying static files... done build 07-Oct-2015 14:14:49 dumping search index... done build 07-Oct-2015 14:14:49 dumping object inventory... done build 07-Oct-2015 14:14:49 build succeeded. simple 07-Oct-2015 14:14:49 Finished task 'sphinx' with result: Success simple 07-Oct-2015 14:14:49 Starting task 'junit' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.testresultparser:task.testresultparser.junit' simple 07-Oct-2015 14:14:49 Parsing test results under /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-CORE155-JOB1... simple 07-Oct-2015 14:14:49 Finished task 'junit' with result: Success simple 07-Oct-2015 14:14:49 Running post build plugin 'Artifact Copier' simple 07-Oct-2015 14:14:49 Publishing an artifact: dist simple 07-Oct-2015 14:14:51 Finished publishing of artifact Job artifact: [dist], pattern: [clowder-*.zip] anchored at: [target/universal] in 2s simple 07-Oct-2015 14:14:51 Publishing an artifact: scaladoc simple 07-Oct-2015 14:14:52 Finished publishing of artifact Job artifact: [scaladoc], pattern: [**/*] anchored at: [target/scala-2.10/api] in 0s simple 07-Oct-2015 14:14:52 Publishing an artifact: manual simple 07-Oct-2015 14:14:52 Finished publishing of artifact Job artifact: [manual], pattern: [**/*] anchored at: [doc/src/sphinx/_build/html] in 0s simple 07-Oct-2015 14:14:52 Running post build plugin 'npm Cache Cleanup' simple 07-Oct-2015 14:14:52 Running post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector' simple 07-Oct-2015 14:14:52 Running post build plugin 'Clover Results Collector' simple 07-Oct-2015 14:14:52 Running post build plugin 'Docker Container Cleanup' simple 07-Oct-2015 14:14:52 Finalising the build... simple 07-Oct-2015 14:14:52 Stopping timer. simple 07-Oct-2015 14:14:52 Build CATS-CORE155-JOB1-1 completed. simple 07-Oct-2015 14:14:53 Running on server: post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector' simple 07-Oct-2015 14:14:53 Running on server: post build plugin 'Clover Delta Calculator' simple 07-Oct-2015 14:14:53 Running on server: post build plugin 'Maven Dependencies Postprocessor' simple 07-Oct-2015 14:14:53 Running on server: post build plugin 'Build Hanging Detection Configuration' simple 07-Oct-2015 14:14:53 All post build plugins have finished simple 07-Oct-2015 14:14:53 Generating build results summary... simple 07-Oct-2015 14:14:53 Saving build results to disk... simple 07-Oct-2015 14:14:53 Logging substituted variables... simple 07-Oct-2015 14:14:53 Indexing build results... simple 07-Oct-2015 14:14:53 Finished building CATS-CORE155-JOB1-1.