simple 29-Jan-2020 15:22:45 Build Clowder - extractors-core - cert-pyclowder-install - Default Job #3 (CATS-EXCORE13-JOB1-3) started building on agent simple 29-Jan-2020 15:22:45 Remote agent on host simple 29-Jan-2020 15:22:45 Build working directory is /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-EXCORE13-JOB1 simple 29-Jan-2020 15:22:45 Executing build Clowder - extractors-core - cert-pyclowder-install - Default Job #3 (CATS-EXCORE13-JOB1-3) simple 29-Jan-2020 15:22:45 Starting task 'Checkout Default Repository' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.vcs:task.vcs.checkout' simple 29-Jan-2020 15:22:45 Checking out into /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-EXCORE13-JOB1 simple 29-Jan-2020 15:22:45 Updating source code to revision: 7044feb75af200c2e8b3c68b3f519900f7cdd9a0 simple 29-Jan-2020 15:22:45 Fetching 'refs/heads/master' from 'ssh://'. simple 29-Jan-2020 15:22:45 Warning: Permanently added '[]:38885' (RSA) to the list of known hosts. simple 29-Jan-2020 15:22:45 From ssh:// simple 29-Jan-2020 15:22:45 * [new branch] master -> master simple 29-Jan-2020 15:22:45 Checking out revision 7044feb75af200c2e8b3c68b3f519900f7cdd9a0. simple 29-Jan-2020 15:22:45 Switched to branch 'master' simple 29-Jan-2020 15:22:45 Updated source code to revision: 7044feb75af200c2e8b3c68b3f519900f7cdd9a0 simple 29-Jan-2020 15:22:45 Finished task 'Checkout Default Repository' with result: Success simple 29-Jan-2020 15:22:45 Running pre-build action: VCS Version Collector simple 29-Jan-2020 15:22:45 Starting task 'docker build' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script' command 29-Jan-2020 15:22:45 Beginning to execute external process for build 'Clowder - extractors-core - cert-pyclowder-install - Default Job #3 (CATS-EXCORE13-JOB1-3)'\n ... running command line: \n/bin/sh\n ... in: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-EXCORE13-JOB1\n ... using extra environment variables: \nbamboo_planRepository_1_branch=master\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_npm_6=/home/bamboo/node-v6.9.1/bin/npm\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_buckminster_4_3=/home/bamboo/buckminster-4.3/buckminster\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_node_Node_js_v6_9_1=/home/bamboo/node-v6.9.1/bin/node\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_buckminster_4_4=/home/bamboo/buckminster-4.4/buckminster\nbamboo_repository_182059041_branch_name=master\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_buckminster_4_2=/home/bamboo/buckminster-4.2/buckminster\nbamboo_planRepository_1_branchDisplayName=master\nbamboo_repository_revision_number=7044feb75af200c2e8b3c68b3f519900f7cdd9a0\nbamboo_resultsUrl=\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_sphinx=/usr/bin/sphinx-build\nbamboo_build_working_directory=/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-EXCORE13-JOB1\nbamboo_planRepository_1_name=extractors-core\nbamboo_buildKey=CATS-EXCORE13-JOB1\nbamboo_repository_182059041_git_branch=master\nbamboo_capability_system_os=linux\nbamboo_shortPlanName=extractors-core\nbamboo_planRepository_name=extractors-core\nbamboo_buildNumber=3\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_node_grunt_6=/home/bamboo/node-v6.9.1/bin/grunt\nbamboo_shortJobName=Default Job\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_python3_6=/usr/bin/python3.6\nbamboo_buildResultsUrl=\nbamboo_planRepository_repositoryUrl=ssh://\nbamboo_agentId=143032321\nbamboo_planName=Clowder - extractors-core - cert-pyclowder-install\nbamboo_shortPlanKey=EXCORE13\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_sbt_0_13=/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.2/bin/sbt\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_node_Node_js_v0_10_28=/home/bamboo/node-v0.10.28/bin/node\nbamboo_shortJobKey=JOB1\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_node_Node_js_v12_14_1=/home/bamboo/node-v12.14.1/bin/node\nbamboo_planRepository_revision=7044feb75af200c2e8b3c68b3f519900f7cdd9a0\nbamboo_repository_182059041_git_username=\nbamboo_buildTimeStamp=2020-01-29T15:22:45.103-06:00\nbamboo_repository_previous_revision_number=7a951b8e404a9a5c1c2dffecf89002b50a7974d9\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_npm=/home/bamboo/node-v0.10.28/bin/npm\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_mvn2_Maven_2=/home/bamboo/apache-maven-2.2.1\nbamboo_planRepository_previousRevision=7a951b8e404a9a5c1c2dffecf89002b50a7974d9\nbamboo_repository_182059041_revision_number=7044feb75af200c2e8b3c68b3f519900f7cdd9a0\nbamboo_repository_git_branch=master\nbamboo_buildResultKey=CATS-EXCORE13-JOB1-3\nbamboo_repository_branch_name=master\nbamboo_buildPlanName=Clowder - extractors-core - cert-pyclowder-install - Default Job\nbamboo_planRepository_1_revision=7044feb75af200c2e8b3c68b3f519900f7cdd9a0\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_python3=/usr/bin/python3\nbamboo_repository_name=extractors-core\nbamboo_repository_182059041_name=extractors-core\nbamboo_repository_182059041_git_repositoryUrl=ssh://\nbamboo_buildFailed=false\nbamboo_capability_system_docker_executable=/usr/bin/docker\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_grunt=/home/bamboo/node-v0.10.28/bin/grunt\nbamboo_planRepository_branch=master\nbamboo_agentWorkingDirectory=/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir\nbamboo_capability_system_git_executable=/usr/bin/git\nbamboo_repository_git_username=\nbamboo_planRepository_1_previousRevision=7a951b8e404a9a5c1c2dffecf89002b50a7974d9\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_sbt_SBT_0_13_13=/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.13\nbamboo_planRepository_branchDisplayName=master\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_phantomjs=/home/bamboo/phantomjs-1.9.8/bin/phantomjs\nbamboo_planRepository_1_type=bbserver\nbamboo_planRepository_branchName=master\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_python2_7=/usr/bin/python2.7\nbamboo_capability_system_hostname=buildserver-1\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK=/home/bamboo/jdk1.8.0_66\nbamboo_capability_system_software_mongo=/usr/bin/mongo\nbamboo_repository_182059041_previous_revision_number=7a951b8e404a9a5c1c2dffecf89002b50a7974d9\nbamboo_plan_storageTag=plan-181927969\nbamboo_hg_cache_directory=/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/_hg-repositories-cache\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_casperjs=/home/bamboo/node-v0.10.28/bin/casperjs\nbamboo_capability_system_software_rabbitmq=/usr/sbin/rabbitmqctl\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_8_0_66=/home/bamboo/jdk1.8.0_66\nbamboo_planRepository_1_username=\nbamboo_planRepository_type=bbserver\nbamboo_git_cache_directory=/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/_git-repositories-cache\nbamboo_repository_git_repositoryUrl=ssh://\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_node_Node_js=/home/bamboo/node-v0.10.28/bin/node\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_node_Node_js_v9_3_0=/home/bamboo/node-v9.3.0/bin/node\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_ant_Ant=/home/bamboo/apache-ant-1.9.4\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_mvn3_Maven_3=/home/bamboo/apache-maven-3.3.9\nbamboo_tmp_directory=/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/temp\nbamboo_working_directory=/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-EXCORE13-JOB1\nbamboo_planKey=CATS-EXCORE13\nbamboo_planRepository_1_repositoryUrl=ssh://\nbamboo_planRepository_username=\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_8=/home/bamboo/jdk1.8.0_66\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_6=/home/bamboo/jdk1.6.0_41\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_mkcrx=/home/bamboo/mkcrx/\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_7=/home/bamboo/jdk1.7.0_60\nbamboo_planRepository_1_branchName=master\n build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:45 Sending build context to Docker daemon 1.224MB build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:45 build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:45 Step 1/2 : FROM clowder/pyclowder:onbuild build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:45 # Executing 5 build triggers build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:45 ---> Using cache build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:45 ---> Using cache build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:45 ---> Using cache build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:45 ---> Using cache build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:45 ---> Using cache build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:45 ---> 900ae15bc184 build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:45 Step 2/2 : ENV MAIN_SCRIPT="" IMAGE_BINARY="/usr/bin/identify" RABBITMQ_QUEUE="ncsa.image.metadata" build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:45 ---> Using cache build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:45 ---> 8bc4c48f0afc build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:45 Successfully built 8bc4c48f0afc build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:45 Successfully tagged clowder/extractors-image-metadata:latest build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:45 Sending build context to Docker daemon 4.608kB build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:45 build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:45 Step 1/2 : FROM clowder/extractors-binary-preview:onbuild build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:45 # Executing 3 build triggers build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:45 ---> Using cache build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:45 ---> Using cache build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:45 ---> Using cache build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:45 ---> da4cae03a248 build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:45 Step 2/2 : ENV RABBITMQ_QUEUE="ncsa.image.preview" IMAGE_BINARY="/usr/bin/convert" IMAGE_TYPE="png" IMAGE_THUMBNAIL_COMMAND="@BINARY@ @INPUT@ -resize 225^ @OUTPUT@" IMAGE_PREVIEW_COMMAND="@BINARY@ @INPUT@ -resize 800x600 @OUTPUT@" build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:45 ---> Using cache build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:45 ---> 6c86165a66fb build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:45 Successfully built 6c86165a66fb build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:46 Successfully tagged clowder/extractors-image-preview:latest build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:46 Sending build context to Docker daemon 4.608kB build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:46 build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:46 Step 1/2 : FROM clowder/extractors-binary-preview:onbuild build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:46 # Executing 3 build triggers build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:46 ---> Using cache build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:46 ---> Using cache build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:46 ---> Using cache build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:46 ---> a831bfccc69e build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:46 Step 2/2 : ENV RABBITMQ_QUEUE="ncsa.pdf.preview" IMAGE_BINARY="/usr/bin/convert" IMAGE_TYPE="png" IMAGE_THUMBNAIL_COMMAND="@BINARY@ @INPUT@[0] -density 300 -resize 225^ @OUTPUT@" IMAGE_PREVIEW_COMMAND="@BINARY@ @INPUT@[0] -density 300 -resize 800x600 @OUTPUT@" PREVIEW_BINARY="/bin/cp" PREVIEW_TYPE="pdf" PREVIEW_COMMAND="@BINARY@ @INPUT@ @OUTPUT@" build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:46 ---> Using cache build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:46 ---> e2acbeb40727 build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:46 Successfully built e2acbeb40727 build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:46 Successfully tagged clowder/extractors-pdf-preview:latest build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:46 Sending build context to Docker daemon 7.168kB build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:46 build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:46 Step 1/2 : FROM clowder/pyclowder:onbuild build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:46 # Executing 5 build triggers build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:46 ---> Running in 9d2873059f29 build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:49 Removing intermediate container 9d2873059f29 build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:49 ---> Running in 06528423a576 build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:51 Removing intermediate container 06528423a576 build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:51 ---> 774ae0b1fbc5 build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:51 Step 2/2 : ENV RABBITMQ_QUEUE="ncsa.file.digest" MAIN_SCRIPT="" EXTRACTOR_HASHLIST="md5","sha1","sha224","sha256","sha384","sha512" build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:51 ---> Running in 08ba64777406 build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:51 Removing intermediate container 08ba64777406 build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:51 ---> d3653ce4c7b4 build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:51 Successfully built d3653ce4c7b4 build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:52 Successfully tagged clowder/extractors-digest:latest build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:52 Sending build context to Docker daemon 5.12kB build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:52 build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:52 Step 1/2 : FROM clowder/extractors-binary-preview:onbuild build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:52 # Executing 3 build triggers build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:52 ---> Using cache build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:52 ---> Using cache build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:52 ---> Using cache build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:52 ---> e2c18b9741f3 build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:52 Step 2/2 : ENV RABBITMQ_QUEUE="" IMAGE_BINARY="/usr/bin/avconv" IMAGE_TYPE="png" IMAGE_THUMBNAIL_COMMAND="@BINARY@ -y -i @INPUT@ -ss 1 -t 1 -r 1 -vcodec png -f rawvideo -vf scale=225:-1 @OUTPUT@" IMAGE_PREVIEW_COMMAND="@BINARY@ -y -i @INPUT@ -ss 1 -t 1 -r 1 -vcodec png -f rawvideo @OUTPUT@" PREVIEW_BINARY="/usr/bin/avconv" PREVIEW_TYPE="mp4" PREVIEW_COMMAND="@BINARY@ -y -i @INPUT@ -c:v libx264 -profile:v baseline -preset slow -vf scale=-1:'if(gt(ih,360),360,ih)' -strict experimental -c:a aac -b:a 48k -movflags +faststart @OUTPUT@" build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:52 ---> Using cache build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:52 ---> a2e69c6b720b build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:52 Successfully built a2e69c6b720b build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:52 Successfully tagged clowder/extractors-video-preview:latest build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:52 Sending build context to Docker daemon 4.608kB build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:52 build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:52 Step 1/2 : FROM clowder/extractors-binary-preview:onbuild build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:52 # Executing 3 build triggers build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:52 ---> Using cache build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:52 ---> Using cache build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:52 ---> Using cache build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:52 ---> aaea7e538e2c build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:52 Step 2/2 : ENV RABBITMQ_QUEUE="" IMAGE_BINARY="/usr/bin/sox" IMAGE_TYPE="png" IMAGE_THUMBNAIL_COMMAND="@BINARY@ --magic @INPUT@ -n spectrogram -r -x 225 -y 200 -o @OUTPUT@" IMAGE_PREVIEW_COMMAND="@BINARY@ --magic @INPUT@ -n spectrogram -x 800 -Y 600 -o @OUTPUT@" PREVIEW_BINARY="/usr/bin/sox" PREVIEW_TYPE="mp3" PREVIEW_COMMAND="@BINARY@ --magic @INPUT@ @OUTPUT@" build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:52 ---> Using cache build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:52 ---> 822e6754787d build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:52 Successfully built 822e6754787d build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:52 Successfully tagged clowder/extractors-audio-preview:latest build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:52 Sending build context to Docker daemon 13.31kB build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:52 build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:52 Step 1/2 : FROM clowder/pyclowder:onbuild build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:52 # Executing 5 build triggers build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:52 ---> Using cache build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:52 ---> Using cache build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:52 ---> Using cache build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:52 ---> Using cache build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:52 ---> Using cache build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:52 ---> de3939c4aa56 build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:52 Step 2/2 : ENV MAIN_SCRIPT="" RABBITMQ_QUEUE="" IMAGE_BINARY="/usr/bin/convert" IMAGE_TYPE="png" IMAGE_THUMBNAIL_COMMAND="@BINARY@ @INPUT@[0] -density 300 -resize 225^ @OUTPUT@" IMAGE_PREVIEW_COMMAND="" PREVIEW_BINARY="/usr/bin/libreoffice" PREVIEW_TYPE="pdf" PREVIEW_COMMAND="@BINARY@ --headless --convert-to pdf @INPUT@" build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:52 ---> Using cache build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:52 ---> 3087500513fb build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:52 Successfully built 3087500513fb build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:52 Successfully tagged clowder/extractors-office-preview:latest simple 29-Jan-2020 15:22:52 Finished task 'docker build' with result: Success simple 29-Jan-2020 15:22:52 Starting task 'docker push' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script' command 29-Jan-2020 15:22:52 Beginning to execute external process for build 'Clowder - extractors-core - cert-pyclowder-install - Default Job #3 (CATS-EXCORE13-JOB1-3)'\n ... running command line: \n/bin/sh\n ... in: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-EXCORE13-JOB1\n ... using extra environment variables: \nbamboo_planRepository_1_branch=master\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_npm_6=/home/bamboo/node-v6.9.1/bin/npm\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_buckminster_4_3=/home/bamboo/buckminster-4.3/buckminster\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_node_Node_js_v6_9_1=/home/bamboo/node-v6.9.1/bin/node\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_buckminster_4_4=/home/bamboo/buckminster-4.4/buckminster\nbamboo_repository_182059041_branch_name=master\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_buckminster_4_2=/home/bamboo/buckminster-4.2/buckminster\nbamboo_planRepository_1_branchDisplayName=master\nbamboo_repository_revision_number=7044feb75af200c2e8b3c68b3f519900f7cdd9a0\nbamboo_resultsUrl=\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_sphinx=/usr/bin/sphinx-build\nbamboo_build_working_directory=/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-EXCORE13-JOB1\nbamboo_planRepository_1_name=extractors-core\nbamboo_buildKey=CATS-EXCORE13-JOB1\nbamboo_repository_182059041_git_branch=master\nbamboo_capability_system_os=linux\nbamboo_shortPlanName=extractors-core\nbamboo_planRepository_name=extractors-core\nbamboo_buildNumber=3\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_node_grunt_6=/home/bamboo/node-v6.9.1/bin/grunt\nbamboo_shortJobName=Default Job\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_python3_6=/usr/bin/python3.6\nbamboo_buildResultsUrl=\nbamboo_planRepository_repositoryUrl=ssh://\nbamboo_agentId=143032321\nbamboo_planName=Clowder - extractors-core - cert-pyclowder-install\nbamboo_shortPlanKey=EXCORE13\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_sbt_0_13=/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.2/bin/sbt\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_node_Node_js_v0_10_28=/home/bamboo/node-v0.10.28/bin/node\nbamboo_shortJobKey=JOB1\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_node_Node_js_v12_14_1=/home/bamboo/node-v12.14.1/bin/node\nbamboo_planRepository_revision=7044feb75af200c2e8b3c68b3f519900f7cdd9a0\nbamboo_repository_182059041_git_username=\nbamboo_buildTimeStamp=2020-01-29T15:22:45.103-06:00\nbamboo_repository_previous_revision_number=7a951b8e404a9a5c1c2dffecf89002b50a7974d9\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_npm=/home/bamboo/node-v0.10.28/bin/npm\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_mvn2_Maven_2=/home/bamboo/apache-maven-2.2.1\nbamboo_planRepository_previousRevision=7a951b8e404a9a5c1c2dffecf89002b50a7974d9\nbamboo_build_commandline_com_atlassian_bamboo_plugins_scripttask_task_builder_script_2=/bin/sh\nbamboo_repository_182059041_revision_number=7044feb75af200c2e8b3c68b3f519900f7cdd9a0\nbamboo_repository_git_branch=master\nbamboo_buildResultKey=CATS-EXCORE13-JOB1-3\nbamboo_repository_branch_name=master\nbamboo_buildPlanName=Clowder - extractors-core - cert-pyclowder-install - Default Job\nbamboo_planRepository_1_revision=7044feb75af200c2e8b3c68b3f519900f7cdd9a0\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_python3=/usr/bin/python3\nbamboo_repository_name=extractors-core\nbamboo_repository_182059041_name=extractors-core\nbamboo_repository_182059041_git_repositoryUrl=ssh://\nbamboo_buildFailed=false\nbamboo_capability_system_docker_executable=/usr/bin/docker\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_grunt=/home/bamboo/node-v0.10.28/bin/grunt\nbamboo_planRepository_branch=master\nbamboo_agentWorkingDirectory=/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir\nbamboo_capability_system_git_executable=/usr/bin/git\nbamboo_repository_git_username=\nbamboo_planRepository_1_previousRevision=7a951b8e404a9a5c1c2dffecf89002b50a7974d9\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_sbt_SBT_0_13_13=/home/bamboo/sbt-0.13.13\nbamboo_planRepository_branchDisplayName=master\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_phantomjs=/home/bamboo/phantomjs-1.9.8/bin/phantomjs\nbamboo_planRepository_1_type=bbserver\nbamboo_planRepository_branchName=master\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_python2_7=/usr/bin/python2.7\nbamboo_capability_system_hostname=buildserver-1\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK=/home/bamboo/jdk1.8.0_66\nbamboo_capability_system_software_mongo=/usr/bin/mongo\nbamboo_repository_182059041_previous_revision_number=7a951b8e404a9a5c1c2dffecf89002b50a7974d9\nbamboo_plan_storageTag=plan-181927969\nbamboo_hg_cache_directory=/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/_hg-repositories-cache\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_casperjs=/home/bamboo/node-v0.10.28/bin/casperjs\nbamboo_capability_system_software_rabbitmq=/usr/sbin/rabbitmqctl\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_8_0_66=/home/bamboo/jdk1.8.0_66\nbamboo_planRepository_1_username=\nbamboo_planRepository_type=bbserver\nbamboo_git_cache_directory=/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/_git-repositories-cache\nbamboo_repository_git_repositoryUrl=ssh://\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_node_Node_js=/home/bamboo/node-v0.10.28/bin/node\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_node_Node_js_v9_3_0=/home/bamboo/node-v9.3.0/bin/node\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_ant_Ant=/home/bamboo/apache-ant-1.9.4\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_mvn3_Maven_3=/home/bamboo/apache-maven-3.3.9\nbamboo_tmp_directory=/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/temp\nbamboo_working_directory=/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CATS-EXCORE13-JOB1\nbamboo_planKey=CATS-EXCORE13\nbamboo_planRepository_1_repositoryUrl=ssh://\nbamboo_planRepository_username=\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_8=/home/bamboo/jdk1.8.0_66\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_6=/home/bamboo/jdk1.6.0_41\nbamboo_capability_system_builder_command_mkcrx=/home/bamboo/mkcrx/\nbamboo_capability_system_jdk_JDK_1_7=/home/bamboo/jdk1.7.0_60\nbamboo_planRepository_1_branchName=master\n build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:52 Sending build context to Docker daemon 1.224MB build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:52 build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:52 Step 1/2 : FROM clowder/pyclowder:onbuild build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:52 # Executing 5 build triggers build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:52 ---> Using cache build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:52 ---> Using cache build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:52 ---> Using cache build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:52 ---> Using cache build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:52 ---> Using cache build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:52 ---> 900ae15bc184 build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:52 Step 2/2 : ENV MAIN_SCRIPT="" IMAGE_BINARY="/usr/bin/identify" RABBITMQ_QUEUE="ncsa.image.metadata" build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:52 ---> Using cache build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:52 ---> 8bc4c48f0afc build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:52 Successfully built 8bc4c48f0afc build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:52 Successfully tagged clowder/extractors-image-metadata:latest build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:53 Sending build context to Docker daemon 4.608kB build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:53 build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:53 Step 1/2 : FROM clowder/extractors-binary-preview:onbuild build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:53 # Executing 3 build triggers build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:53 ---> Using cache build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:53 ---> Using cache build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:53 ---> Using cache build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:53 ---> da4cae03a248 build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:53 Step 2/2 : ENV RABBITMQ_QUEUE="ncsa.image.preview" IMAGE_BINARY="/usr/bin/convert" IMAGE_TYPE="png" IMAGE_THUMBNAIL_COMMAND="@BINARY@ @INPUT@ -resize 225^ @OUTPUT@" IMAGE_PREVIEW_COMMAND="@BINARY@ @INPUT@ -resize 800x600 @OUTPUT@" build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:53 ---> Using cache build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:53 ---> 6c86165a66fb build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:53 Successfully built 6c86165a66fb build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:53 Successfully tagged clowder/extractors-image-preview:latest build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:53 Sending build context to Docker daemon 4.608kB build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:53 build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:53 Step 1/2 : FROM clowder/extractors-binary-preview:onbuild build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:53 # Executing 3 build triggers build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:53 ---> Using cache build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:53 ---> Using cache build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:53 ---> Using cache build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:53 ---> a831bfccc69e build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:53 Step 2/2 : ENV RABBITMQ_QUEUE="ncsa.pdf.preview" IMAGE_BINARY="/usr/bin/convert" IMAGE_TYPE="png" IMAGE_THUMBNAIL_COMMAND="@BINARY@ @INPUT@[0] -density 300 -resize 225^ @OUTPUT@" IMAGE_PREVIEW_COMMAND="@BINARY@ @INPUT@[0] -density 300 -resize 800x600 @OUTPUT@" PREVIEW_BINARY="/bin/cp" PREVIEW_TYPE="pdf" PREVIEW_COMMAND="@BINARY@ @INPUT@ @OUTPUT@" build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:53 ---> Using cache build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:53 ---> e2acbeb40727 build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:53 Successfully built e2acbeb40727 build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:53 Successfully tagged clowder/extractors-pdf-preview:latest build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:53 Sending build context to Docker daemon 7.168kB build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:53 build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:53 Step 1/2 : FROM clowder/pyclowder:onbuild build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:53 # Executing 5 build triggers build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:53 ---> Using cache build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:53 ---> Using cache build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:53 ---> Using cache build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:53 ---> Using cache build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:53 ---> Using cache build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:53 ---> 774ae0b1fbc5 build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:53 Step 2/2 : ENV RABBITMQ_QUEUE="ncsa.file.digest" MAIN_SCRIPT="" EXTRACTOR_HASHLIST="md5","sha1","sha224","sha256","sha384","sha512" build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:53 ---> Using cache build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:53 ---> d3653ce4c7b4 build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:53 Successfully built d3653ce4c7b4 build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:53 Successfully tagged clowder/extractors-digest:latest build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:53 Sending build context to Docker daemon 5.12kB build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:53 build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:53 Step 1/2 : FROM clowder/extractors-binary-preview:onbuild build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:53 # Executing 3 build triggers build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:53 ---> Using cache build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:53 ---> Using cache build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:53 ---> Using cache build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:53 ---> e2c18b9741f3 build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:53 Step 2/2 : ENV RABBITMQ_QUEUE="" IMAGE_BINARY="/usr/bin/avconv" IMAGE_TYPE="png" IMAGE_THUMBNAIL_COMMAND="@BINARY@ -y -i @INPUT@ -ss 1 -t 1 -r 1 -vcodec png -f rawvideo -vf scale=225:-1 @OUTPUT@" IMAGE_PREVIEW_COMMAND="@BINARY@ -y -i @INPUT@ -ss 1 -t 1 -r 1 -vcodec png -f rawvideo @OUTPUT@" PREVIEW_BINARY="/usr/bin/avconv" PREVIEW_TYPE="mp4" PREVIEW_COMMAND="@BINARY@ -y -i @INPUT@ -c:v libx264 -profile:v baseline -preset slow -vf scale=-1:'if(gt(ih,360),360,ih)' -strict experimental -c:a aac -b:a 48k -movflags +faststart @OUTPUT@" build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:53 ---> Using cache build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:53 ---> a2e69c6b720b build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:53 Successfully built a2e69c6b720b build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:53 Successfully tagged clowder/extractors-video-preview:latest build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:53 Sending build context to Docker daemon 4.608kB build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:53 build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:53 Step 1/2 : FROM clowder/extractors-binary-preview:onbuild build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:53 # Executing 3 build triggers build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:53 ---> Using cache build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:53 ---> Using cache build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:53 ---> Using cache build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:53 ---> aaea7e538e2c build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:53 Step 2/2 : ENV RABBITMQ_QUEUE="" IMAGE_BINARY="/usr/bin/sox" IMAGE_TYPE="png" IMAGE_THUMBNAIL_COMMAND="@BINARY@ --magic @INPUT@ -n spectrogram -r -x 225 -y 200 -o @OUTPUT@" IMAGE_PREVIEW_COMMAND="@BINARY@ --magic @INPUT@ -n spectrogram -x 800 -Y 600 -o @OUTPUT@" PREVIEW_BINARY="/usr/bin/sox" PREVIEW_TYPE="mp3" PREVIEW_COMMAND="@BINARY@ --magic @INPUT@ @OUTPUT@" build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:53 ---> Using cache build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:53 ---> 822e6754787d build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:53 Successfully built 822e6754787d build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:54 Successfully tagged clowder/extractors-audio-preview:latest build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:54 Sending build context to Docker daemon 13.31kB build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:54 build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:54 Step 1/2 : FROM clowder/pyclowder:onbuild build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:54 # Executing 5 build triggers build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:54 ---> Using cache build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:54 ---> Using cache build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:54 ---> Using cache build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:54 ---> Using cache build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:54 ---> Using cache build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:54 ---> de3939c4aa56 build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:54 Step 2/2 : ENV MAIN_SCRIPT="" RABBITMQ_QUEUE="" IMAGE_BINARY="/usr/bin/convert" IMAGE_TYPE="png" IMAGE_THUMBNAIL_COMMAND="@BINARY@ @INPUT@[0] -density 300 -resize 225^ @OUTPUT@" IMAGE_PREVIEW_COMMAND="" PREVIEW_BINARY="/usr/bin/libreoffice" PREVIEW_TYPE="pdf" PREVIEW_COMMAND="@BINARY@ --headless --convert-to pdf @INPUT@" build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:54 ---> Using cache build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:54 ---> 3087500513fb build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:54 Successfully built 3087500513fb build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:54 Successfully tagged clowder/extractors-office-preview:latest build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:54 The push refers to repository [] build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:54 7f3e5b4459b0: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:54 6d5f176e4f21: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:54 415615bc127e: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:54 d2c22bf6d178: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:54 fe6e31f6be23: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:54 f859395b8dfc: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:54 adf0c6ea0a13: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:54 61575d94d1b2: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:54 f453a066daf1: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:54 0433f651c3c8: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:54 ccdb13a20bf2: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:54 9513cdf4e497: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:54 7f083f9454c0: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:54 29f36b5893dc: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:54 f859395b8dfc: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:54 adf0c6ea0a13: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:54 61575d94d1b2: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:54 f453a066daf1: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:54 0433f651c3c8: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:54 ccdb13a20bf2: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:54 29f36b5893dc: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:54 9513cdf4e497: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:54 7f083f9454c0: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:54 fe6e31f6be23: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:55 f859395b8dfc: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:55 adf0c6ea0a13: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:55 61575d94d1b2: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:56 f453a066daf1: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:56 6d5f176e4f21: Pushed build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:56 0433f651c3c8: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:56 d2c22bf6d178: Pushed build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:56 7f3e5b4459b0: Pushed build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:58 9513cdf4e497: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:58 ccdb13a20bf2: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:58 7f083f9454c0: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:22:58 29f36b5893dc: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:02 415615bc127e: Pushed build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:05 2.0.0: digest: sha256:e55c5ef768184905beb8acddc98cad0121598cb33c6e9c221309a4a718e0330f size: 3241 build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:06 The push refers to repository [] build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:06 7f3e5b4459b0: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:06 6d5f176e4f21: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:06 415615bc127e: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:06 d2c22bf6d178: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:06 fe6e31f6be23: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:06 f859395b8dfc: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:06 adf0c6ea0a13: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:06 61575d94d1b2: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:06 f453a066daf1: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:06 0433f651c3c8: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:06 ccdb13a20bf2: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:06 9513cdf4e497: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:06 7f083f9454c0: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:06 29f36b5893dc: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:06 f859395b8dfc: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:06 adf0c6ea0a13: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:06 61575d94d1b2: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:06 f453a066daf1: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:06 0433f651c3c8: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:06 ccdb13a20bf2: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:06 9513cdf4e497: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:06 7f083f9454c0: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:06 29f36b5893dc: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:06 7f3e5b4459b0: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:06 6d5f176e4f21: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:06 d2c22bf6d178: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:06 fe6e31f6be23: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:06 415615bc127e: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:06 f859395b8dfc: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:06 adf0c6ea0a13: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:06 f453a066daf1: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:06 61575d94d1b2: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:06 0433f651c3c8: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:06 9513cdf4e497: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:07 ccdb13a20bf2: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:07 7f083f9454c0: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:07 29f36b5893dc: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:07 2.0: digest: sha256:e55c5ef768184905beb8acddc98cad0121598cb33c6e9c221309a4a718e0330f size: 3241 build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:07 The push refers to repository [] build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:07 7f3e5b4459b0: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:07 6d5f176e4f21: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:07 415615bc127e: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:07 d2c22bf6d178: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:07 fe6e31f6be23: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:07 f859395b8dfc: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:07 adf0c6ea0a13: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:07 61575d94d1b2: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:07 f453a066daf1: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:07 0433f651c3c8: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:07 ccdb13a20bf2: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:07 9513cdf4e497: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:07 7f083f9454c0: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:07 29f36b5893dc: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:07 f859395b8dfc: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:07 adf0c6ea0a13: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:07 61575d94d1b2: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:07 f453a066daf1: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:07 0433f651c3c8: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:07 ccdb13a20bf2: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:07 9513cdf4e497: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:07 7f083f9454c0: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:07 29f36b5893dc: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:08 7f3e5b4459b0: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:08 6d5f176e4f21: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:08 415615bc127e: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:08 d2c22bf6d178: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:08 fe6e31f6be23: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:08 f859395b8dfc: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:08 adf0c6ea0a13: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:08 61575d94d1b2: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:08 0433f651c3c8: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:08 f453a066daf1: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:08 ccdb13a20bf2: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:08 7f083f9454c0: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:08 29f36b5893dc: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:08 9513cdf4e497: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:09 2: digest: sha256:e55c5ef768184905beb8acddc98cad0121598cb33c6e9c221309a4a718e0330f size: 3241 build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:09 The push refers to repository [] build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:09 7f3e5b4459b0: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:09 6d5f176e4f21: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:09 415615bc127e: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:09 d2c22bf6d178: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:09 fe6e31f6be23: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:09 f859395b8dfc: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:09 adf0c6ea0a13: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:09 61575d94d1b2: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:09 f453a066daf1: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:09 0433f651c3c8: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:09 ccdb13a20bf2: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:09 9513cdf4e497: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:09 7f083f9454c0: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:09 29f36b5893dc: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:09 f453a066daf1: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:09 0433f651c3c8: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:09 ccdb13a20bf2: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:09 29f36b5893dc: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:09 f859395b8dfc: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:09 adf0c6ea0a13: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:09 61575d94d1b2: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:09 7f083f9454c0: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:09 d2c22bf6d178: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:09 6d5f176e4f21: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:09 7f3e5b4459b0: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:09 415615bc127e: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:09 fe6e31f6be23: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:09 f859395b8dfc: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:09 adf0c6ea0a13: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:09 61575d94d1b2: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:09 f453a066daf1: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:10 0433f651c3c8: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:10 ccdb13a20bf2: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:10 9513cdf4e497: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:10 7f083f9454c0: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:10 29f36b5893dc: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:11 latest: digest: sha256:e55c5ef768184905beb8acddc98cad0121598cb33c6e9c221309a4a718e0330f size: 3241 build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:11 The push refers to repository [] build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:11 8dd23cb0c5f9: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:11 ba4dfe6128cc: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:11 13d5b3eaae2d: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:11 382f9cac5bd3: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:11 030eed49ed36: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:11 cce7e88cb60a: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:11 fe6e31f6be23: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:11 f859395b8dfc: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:11 adf0c6ea0a13: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:11 61575d94d1b2: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:11 f453a066daf1: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:11 0433f651c3c8: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:11 ccdb13a20bf2: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:11 9513cdf4e497: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:11 7f083f9454c0: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:11 29f36b5893dc: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:11 f453a066daf1: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:11 cce7e88cb60a: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:11 0433f651c3c8: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:11 fe6e31f6be23: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:11 ccdb13a20bf2: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:11 f859395b8dfc: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:11 9513cdf4e497: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:11 7f083f9454c0: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:11 adf0c6ea0a13: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:11 61575d94d1b2: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:11 29f36b5893dc: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:11 382f9cac5bd3: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:12 030eed49ed36: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:12 cce7e88cb60a: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:12 fe6e31f6be23: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:12 f859395b8dfc: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:12 adf0c6ea0a13: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:13 61575d94d1b2: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:13 f453a066daf1: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:13 0433f651c3c8: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:13 8dd23cb0c5f9: Pushed build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:13 ccdb13a20bf2: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:13 9513cdf4e497: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:13 29f36b5893dc: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:13 7f083f9454c0: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:14 13d5b3eaae2d: Pushed build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:18 ba4dfe6128cc: Pushed build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:21 2.0.0: digest: sha256:941723696bb8e6ceb28d03d27e40aa01c14029919726e191b95db3053f387e3d size: 3653 build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:21 The push refers to repository [] build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:21 8dd23cb0c5f9: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:21 ba4dfe6128cc: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:21 13d5b3eaae2d: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:21 382f9cac5bd3: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:21 030eed49ed36: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:21 cce7e88cb60a: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:21 fe6e31f6be23: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:21 f859395b8dfc: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:21 adf0c6ea0a13: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:21 61575d94d1b2: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:21 f453a066daf1: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:21 0433f651c3c8: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:21 ccdb13a20bf2: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:21 9513cdf4e497: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:21 7f083f9454c0: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:21 29f36b5893dc: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:21 fe6e31f6be23: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:21 f859395b8dfc: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:21 adf0c6ea0a13: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:21 61575d94d1b2: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:21 f453a066daf1: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:21 0433f651c3c8: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:21 ccdb13a20bf2: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:21 9513cdf4e497: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:21 7f083f9454c0: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:21 29f36b5893dc: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:21 cce7e88cb60a: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:21 8dd23cb0c5f9: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:21 13d5b3eaae2d: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:21 ba4dfe6128cc: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:21 030eed49ed36: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:21 382f9cac5bd3: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:22 cce7e88cb60a: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:22 f859395b8dfc: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:22 61575d94d1b2: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:22 fe6e31f6be23: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:22 adf0c6ea0a13: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:22 f453a066daf1: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:22 0433f651c3c8: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:22 9513cdf4e497: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:22 ccdb13a20bf2: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:22 7f083f9454c0: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:22 29f36b5893dc: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:23 2.0: digest: sha256:941723696bb8e6ceb28d03d27e40aa01c14029919726e191b95db3053f387e3d size: 3653 build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:23 The push refers to repository [] build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:23 8dd23cb0c5f9: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:23 ba4dfe6128cc: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:23 13d5b3eaae2d: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:23 382f9cac5bd3: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:23 030eed49ed36: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:23 cce7e88cb60a: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:23 fe6e31f6be23: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:23 f859395b8dfc: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:23 adf0c6ea0a13: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:23 61575d94d1b2: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:23 f453a066daf1: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:23 0433f651c3c8: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:23 ccdb13a20bf2: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:23 9513cdf4e497: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:23 7f083f9454c0: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:23 29f36b5893dc: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:23 fe6e31f6be23: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:23 f859395b8dfc: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:23 adf0c6ea0a13: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:23 61575d94d1b2: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:23 f453a066daf1: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:23 0433f651c3c8: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:23 ccdb13a20bf2: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:23 9513cdf4e497: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:23 7f083f9454c0: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:23 29f36b5893dc: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:23 cce7e88cb60a: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:23 13d5b3eaae2d: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:23 ba4dfe6128cc: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:23 8dd23cb0c5f9: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:23 382f9cac5bd3: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:23 030eed49ed36: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:24 fe6e31f6be23: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:24 f859395b8dfc: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:24 cce7e88cb60a: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:24 adf0c6ea0a13: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:24 61575d94d1b2: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:24 f453a066daf1: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:24 ccdb13a20bf2: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:24 9513cdf4e497: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:24 0433f651c3c8: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:24 7f083f9454c0: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:24 29f36b5893dc: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:25 2: digest: sha256:941723696bb8e6ceb28d03d27e40aa01c14029919726e191b95db3053f387e3d size: 3653 build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:25 The push refers to repository [] build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:25 8dd23cb0c5f9: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:25 ba4dfe6128cc: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:25 13d5b3eaae2d: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:25 382f9cac5bd3: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:25 030eed49ed36: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:25 cce7e88cb60a: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:25 fe6e31f6be23: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:25 f859395b8dfc: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:25 adf0c6ea0a13: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:25 61575d94d1b2: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:25 f453a066daf1: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:25 0433f651c3c8: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:25 ccdb13a20bf2: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:25 cce7e88cb60a: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:25 0433f651c3c8: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:25 fe6e31f6be23: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:25 f859395b8dfc: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:25 adf0c6ea0a13: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:25 61575d94d1b2: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:25 f453a066daf1: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:25 9513cdf4e497: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:25 ccdb13a20bf2: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:25 7f083f9454c0: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:25 29f36b5893dc: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:25 9513cdf4e497: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:25 7f083f9454c0: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:25 29f36b5893dc: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:25 8dd23cb0c5f9: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:25 13d5b3eaae2d: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:25 ba4dfe6128cc: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:25 030eed49ed36: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:25 382f9cac5bd3: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:25 f859395b8dfc: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:25 cce7e88cb60a: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:25 adf0c6ea0a13: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:25 fe6e31f6be23: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:25 61575d94d1b2: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:25 0433f651c3c8: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:26 f453a066daf1: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:26 7f083f9454c0: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:26 ccdb13a20bf2: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:26 9513cdf4e497: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:26 29f36b5893dc: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:26 latest: digest: sha256:941723696bb8e6ceb28d03d27e40aa01c14029919726e191b95db3053f387e3d size: 3653 build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:26 The push refers to repository [] build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:27 a614f3532e51: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:27 0b86803c277d: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:27 6e8df7976684: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:27 382f9cac5bd3: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:27 030eed49ed36: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:27 cce7e88cb60a: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:27 fe6e31f6be23: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:27 f859395b8dfc: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:27 adf0c6ea0a13: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:27 61575d94d1b2: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:27 f453a066daf1: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:27 0433f651c3c8: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:27 ccdb13a20bf2: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:27 9513cdf4e497: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:27 7f083f9454c0: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:27 29f36b5893dc: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:27 adf0c6ea0a13: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:27 61575d94d1b2: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:27 ccdb13a20bf2: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:27 9513cdf4e497: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:27 7f083f9454c0: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:27 29f36b5893dc: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:27 f453a066daf1: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:27 0433f651c3c8: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:27 fe6e31f6be23: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:27 f859395b8dfc: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:27 cce7e88cb60a: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:27 030eed49ed36: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:27 382f9cac5bd3: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:27 cce7e88cb60a: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:27 fe6e31f6be23: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:28 f859395b8dfc: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:28 adf0c6ea0a13: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:28 61575d94d1b2: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:28 6e8df7976684: Pushed build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:28 f453a066daf1: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:29 a614f3532e51: Pushed build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:29 0433f651c3c8: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:29 ccdb13a20bf2: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:29 9513cdf4e497: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:29 7f083f9454c0: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:29 29f36b5893dc: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:37 0b86803c277d: Pushed build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:39 2.0.0: digest: sha256:57bf14125ef43841ff095fd9a46c42b1c72709a31f547d42ae159bb26151d79e size: 3653 build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:40 The push refers to repository [] build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:40 a614f3532e51: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:40 0b86803c277d: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:40 6e8df7976684: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:40 382f9cac5bd3: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:40 030eed49ed36: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:40 cce7e88cb60a: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:40 fe6e31f6be23: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:40 f859395b8dfc: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:40 adf0c6ea0a13: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:40 61575d94d1b2: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:40 f453a066daf1: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:40 0433f651c3c8: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:40 ccdb13a20bf2: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:40 9513cdf4e497: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:40 7f083f9454c0: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:40 29f36b5893dc: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:40 f453a066daf1: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:40 0433f651c3c8: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:40 ccdb13a20bf2: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:40 cce7e88cb60a: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:40 fe6e31f6be23: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:40 9513cdf4e497: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:40 7f083f9454c0: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:40 f859395b8dfc: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:40 adf0c6ea0a13: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:40 29f36b5893dc: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:40 61575d94d1b2: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:40 a614f3532e51: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:40 0b86803c277d: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:40 6e8df7976684: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:40 030eed49ed36: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:40 382f9cac5bd3: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:40 fe6e31f6be23: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:40 cce7e88cb60a: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:40 f859395b8dfc: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:40 61575d94d1b2: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:40 adf0c6ea0a13: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:40 f453a066daf1: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:40 0433f651c3c8: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:40 ccdb13a20bf2: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:40 9513cdf4e497: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:40 7f083f9454c0: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:41 29f36b5893dc: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:41 2.0: digest: sha256:57bf14125ef43841ff095fd9a46c42b1c72709a31f547d42ae159bb26151d79e size: 3653 build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:41 The push refers to repository [] build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:41 a614f3532e51: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:41 0b86803c277d: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:41 6e8df7976684: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:41 382f9cac5bd3: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:41 030eed49ed36: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:41 cce7e88cb60a: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:41 fe6e31f6be23: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:41 f859395b8dfc: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:41 adf0c6ea0a13: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:41 61575d94d1b2: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:41 f453a066daf1: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:41 0433f651c3c8: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:41 ccdb13a20bf2: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:41 9513cdf4e497: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:41 7f083f9454c0: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:41 29f36b5893dc: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:41 cce7e88cb60a: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:41 fe6e31f6be23: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:41 f859395b8dfc: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:41 adf0c6ea0a13: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:41 61575d94d1b2: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:41 f453a066daf1: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:41 0433f651c3c8: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:41 ccdb13a20bf2: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:41 9513cdf4e497: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:41 7f083f9454c0: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:41 29f36b5893dc: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:42 a614f3532e51: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:42 6e8df7976684: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:42 382f9cac5bd3: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:42 030eed49ed36: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:42 cce7e88cb60a: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:42 fe6e31f6be23: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:42 f859395b8dfc: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:42 adf0c6ea0a13: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:42 61575d94d1b2: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:42 f453a066daf1: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:42 0433f651c3c8: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:42 ccdb13a20bf2: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:42 9513cdf4e497: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:42 29f36b5893dc: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:42 7f083f9454c0: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:43 0b86803c277d: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:44 2: digest: sha256:57bf14125ef43841ff095fd9a46c42b1c72709a31f547d42ae159bb26151d79e size: 3653 build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:44 The push refers to repository [] build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:44 a614f3532e51: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:44 0b86803c277d: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:44 6e8df7976684: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:44 382f9cac5bd3: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:44 030eed49ed36: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:44 cce7e88cb60a: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:44 fe6e31f6be23: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:44 f859395b8dfc: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:44 adf0c6ea0a13: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:44 61575d94d1b2: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:44 f453a066daf1: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:44 0433f651c3c8: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:44 ccdb13a20bf2: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:44 9513cdf4e497: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:44 7f083f9454c0: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:44 29f36b5893dc: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:44 adf0c6ea0a13: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:44 61575d94d1b2: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:44 f453a066daf1: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:44 0433f651c3c8: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:44 fe6e31f6be23: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:44 f859395b8dfc: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:44 cce7e88cb60a: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:44 9513cdf4e497: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:44 7f083f9454c0: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:44 29f36b5893dc: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:44 6e8df7976684: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:44 0b86803c277d: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:44 a614f3532e51: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:44 030eed49ed36: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:44 382f9cac5bd3: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:44 cce7e88cb60a: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:44 f859395b8dfc: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:44 adf0c6ea0a13: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:45 fe6e31f6be23: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:45 61575d94d1b2: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:45 f453a066daf1: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:45 0433f651c3c8: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:45 ccdb13a20bf2: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:45 9513cdf4e497: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:45 7f083f9454c0: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:45 29f36b5893dc: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:45 latest: digest: sha256:57bf14125ef43841ff095fd9a46c42b1c72709a31f547d42ae159bb26151d79e size: 3653 build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:46 The push refers to repository [] build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:46 651547e5d0ca: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:46 53124b789ef0: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:46 be16cccbed8d: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:46 fe6e31f6be23: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:46 f859395b8dfc: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:46 adf0c6ea0a13: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:46 61575d94d1b2: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:46 f453a066daf1: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:46 0433f651c3c8: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:46 ccdb13a20bf2: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:46 9513cdf4e497: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:46 7f083f9454c0: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:46 29f36b5893dc: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:46 adf0c6ea0a13: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:46 61575d94d1b2: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:46 f453a066daf1: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:46 0433f651c3c8: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:46 ccdb13a20bf2: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:46 9513cdf4e497: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:46 7f083f9454c0: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:46 29f36b5893dc: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:46 fe6e31f6be23: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:46 f859395b8dfc: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:46 adf0c6ea0a13: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:46 61575d94d1b2: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:47 f453a066daf1: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:47 0433f651c3c8: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:47 ccdb13a20bf2: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:47 9513cdf4e497: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:47 7f083f9454c0: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:47 29f36b5893dc: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:47 53124b789ef0: Pushed build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:48 be16cccbed8d: Pushed build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:48 651547e5d0ca: Pushed build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:50 2.0.0: digest: sha256:fa23cf8ff94c136d9e3001983ba951b92c2176345d4d44f3330488b66d1d1d61 size: 3026 build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:50 The push refers to repository [] build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:50 651547e5d0ca: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:50 53124b789ef0: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:50 be16cccbed8d: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:50 fe6e31f6be23: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:50 f859395b8dfc: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:50 adf0c6ea0a13: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:50 61575d94d1b2: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:50 f453a066daf1: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:50 0433f651c3c8: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:50 ccdb13a20bf2: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:50 9513cdf4e497: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:50 7f083f9454c0: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:50 29f36b5893dc: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:50 0433f651c3c8: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:50 ccdb13a20bf2: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:50 9513cdf4e497: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:50 7f083f9454c0: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:50 29f36b5893dc: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:50 adf0c6ea0a13: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:50 61575d94d1b2: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:50 f453a066daf1: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:51 be16cccbed8d: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:51 651547e5d0ca: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:51 53124b789ef0: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:51 f859395b8dfc: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:51 fe6e31f6be23: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:51 61575d94d1b2: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:51 adf0c6ea0a13: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:51 f453a066daf1: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:51 0433f651c3c8: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:51 ccdb13a20bf2: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:51 7f083f9454c0: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:51 29f36b5893dc: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:51 9513cdf4e497: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:51 2.0: digest: sha256:fa23cf8ff94c136d9e3001983ba951b92c2176345d4d44f3330488b66d1d1d61 size: 3026 build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:52 The push refers to repository [] build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:52 651547e5d0ca: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:52 53124b789ef0: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:52 be16cccbed8d: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:52 fe6e31f6be23: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:52 f859395b8dfc: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:52 adf0c6ea0a13: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:52 61575d94d1b2: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:52 f453a066daf1: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:52 0433f651c3c8: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:52 ccdb13a20bf2: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:52 9513cdf4e497: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:52 7f083f9454c0: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:52 29f36b5893dc: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:52 0433f651c3c8: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:52 ccdb13a20bf2: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:52 9513cdf4e497: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:52 adf0c6ea0a13: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:52 29f36b5893dc: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:52 7f083f9454c0: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:52 f453a066daf1: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:52 61575d94d1b2: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:52 53124b789ef0: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:52 651547e5d0ca: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:52 be16cccbed8d: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:52 fe6e31f6be23: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:52 f859395b8dfc: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:52 61575d94d1b2: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:52 f453a066daf1: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:52 adf0c6ea0a13: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:52 0433f651c3c8: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:52 ccdb13a20bf2: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:53 9513cdf4e497: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:53 7f083f9454c0: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:53 29f36b5893dc: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:53 2: digest: sha256:fa23cf8ff94c136d9e3001983ba951b92c2176345d4d44f3330488b66d1d1d61 size: 3026 build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:53 The push refers to repository [] build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:53 651547e5d0ca: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:53 53124b789ef0: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:53 be16cccbed8d: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:53 fe6e31f6be23: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:53 f859395b8dfc: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:53 adf0c6ea0a13: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:53 61575d94d1b2: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:53 f453a066daf1: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:53 0433f651c3c8: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:53 ccdb13a20bf2: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:53 9513cdf4e497: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:53 7f083f9454c0: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:53 29f36b5893dc: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:53 0433f651c3c8: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:53 ccdb13a20bf2: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:53 9513cdf4e497: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:53 7f083f9454c0: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:53 29f36b5893dc: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:53 adf0c6ea0a13: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:53 61575d94d1b2: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:53 f453a066daf1: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:54 be16cccbed8d: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:54 fe6e31f6be23: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:54 53124b789ef0: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:54 f859395b8dfc: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:54 651547e5d0ca: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:54 adf0c6ea0a13: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:54 61575d94d1b2: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:54 f453a066daf1: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:54 ccdb13a20bf2: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:54 0433f651c3c8: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:54 9513cdf4e497: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:54 7f083f9454c0: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:54 29f36b5893dc: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:55 latest: digest: sha256:fa23cf8ff94c136d9e3001983ba951b92c2176345d4d44f3330488b66d1d1d61 size: 3026 build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:55 The push refers to repository [] build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:55 ec2e58a6e31a: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:55 25d4a85f4ac9: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:55 2dcc891972b9: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:55 382f9cac5bd3: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:55 030eed49ed36: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:55 cce7e88cb60a: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:55 fe6e31f6be23: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:55 f859395b8dfc: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:55 adf0c6ea0a13: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:55 61575d94d1b2: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:55 f453a066daf1: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:55 0433f651c3c8: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:55 ccdb13a20bf2: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:55 9513cdf4e497: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:55 7f083f9454c0: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:55 29f36b5893dc: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:55 9513cdf4e497: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:55 61575d94d1b2: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:55 f453a066daf1: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:55 0433f651c3c8: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:55 ccdb13a20bf2: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:55 7f083f9454c0: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:55 29f36b5893dc: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:55 fe6e31f6be23: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:55 adf0c6ea0a13: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:55 f859395b8dfc: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:55 cce7e88cb60a: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:56 030eed49ed36: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:56 382f9cac5bd3: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:56 cce7e88cb60a: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:56 fe6e31f6be23: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:56 f859395b8dfc: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:56 adf0c6ea0a13: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:57 61575d94d1b2: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:57 f453a066daf1: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:57 2dcc891972b9: Pushed build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:57 0433f651c3c8: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:57 ccdb13a20bf2: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:57 9513cdf4e497: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:57 7f083f9454c0: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:57 ec2e58a6e31a: Pushed build 29-Jan-2020 15:23:57 29f36b5893dc: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:11 25d4a85f4ac9: Pushed build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:14 2.0.0: digest: sha256:0b980d627cfc53aa2c24723ec43acf74c631896c140c64d6938c8101ccf8c90a size: 3653 build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:14 The push refers to repository [] build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:14 ec2e58a6e31a: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:14 25d4a85f4ac9: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:14 2dcc891972b9: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:14 382f9cac5bd3: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:14 030eed49ed36: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:14 cce7e88cb60a: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:14 fe6e31f6be23: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:14 f859395b8dfc: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:14 adf0c6ea0a13: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:14 61575d94d1b2: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:14 f453a066daf1: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:14 0433f651c3c8: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:14 ccdb13a20bf2: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:14 9513cdf4e497: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:14 7f083f9454c0: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:14 29f36b5893dc: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:14 cce7e88cb60a: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:14 fe6e31f6be23: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:14 adf0c6ea0a13: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:14 61575d94d1b2: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:14 f453a066daf1: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:14 0433f651c3c8: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:14 f859395b8dfc: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:14 ccdb13a20bf2: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:14 9513cdf4e497: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:14 7f083f9454c0: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:14 29f36b5893dc: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:15 25d4a85f4ac9: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:15 ec2e58a6e31a: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:15 2dcc891972b9: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:15 030eed49ed36: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:15 382f9cac5bd3: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:15 cce7e88cb60a: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:15 fe6e31f6be23: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:15 f859395b8dfc: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:15 adf0c6ea0a13: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:15 61575d94d1b2: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:15 f453a066daf1: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:15 ccdb13a20bf2: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:15 9513cdf4e497: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:15 0433f651c3c8: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:15 7f083f9454c0: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:15 29f36b5893dc: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:16 2.0: digest: sha256:0b980d627cfc53aa2c24723ec43acf74c631896c140c64d6938c8101ccf8c90a size: 3653 build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:16 The push refers to repository [] build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:16 ec2e58a6e31a: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:16 25d4a85f4ac9: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:16 2dcc891972b9: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:16 382f9cac5bd3: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:16 030eed49ed36: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:16 cce7e88cb60a: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:16 fe6e31f6be23: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:16 f859395b8dfc: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:16 adf0c6ea0a13: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:16 61575d94d1b2: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:16 f453a066daf1: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:16 0433f651c3c8: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:16 ccdb13a20bf2: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:16 9513cdf4e497: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:16 7f083f9454c0: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:16 29f36b5893dc: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:16 cce7e88cb60a: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:16 fe6e31f6be23: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:16 f859395b8dfc: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:16 adf0c6ea0a13: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:16 61575d94d1b2: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:16 f453a066daf1: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:16 0433f651c3c8: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:16 ccdb13a20bf2: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:16 9513cdf4e497: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:16 7f083f9454c0: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:16 29f36b5893dc: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:17 ec2e58a6e31a: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:17 25d4a85f4ac9: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:17 2dcc891972b9: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:17 030eed49ed36: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:17 382f9cac5bd3: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:17 fe6e31f6be23: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:17 adf0c6ea0a13: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:17 f859395b8dfc: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:17 cce7e88cb60a: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:17 61575d94d1b2: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:17 f453a066daf1: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:17 9513cdf4e497: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:17 0433f651c3c8: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:17 7f083f9454c0: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:17 ccdb13a20bf2: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:17 29f36b5893dc: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:18 2: digest: sha256:0b980d627cfc53aa2c24723ec43acf74c631896c140c64d6938c8101ccf8c90a size: 3653 build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:18 The push refers to repository [] build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:18 ec2e58a6e31a: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:18 25d4a85f4ac9: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:18 2dcc891972b9: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:18 382f9cac5bd3: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:18 030eed49ed36: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:18 cce7e88cb60a: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:18 fe6e31f6be23: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:18 f859395b8dfc: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:18 adf0c6ea0a13: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:18 61575d94d1b2: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:18 f453a066daf1: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:18 0433f651c3c8: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:18 ccdb13a20bf2: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:18 9513cdf4e497: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:18 7f083f9454c0: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:18 29f36b5893dc: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:18 cce7e88cb60a: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:18 fe6e31f6be23: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:18 f859395b8dfc: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:18 adf0c6ea0a13: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:18 61575d94d1b2: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:18 f453a066daf1: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:18 0433f651c3c8: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:18 ccdb13a20bf2: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:18 9513cdf4e497: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:18 7f083f9454c0: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:18 29f36b5893dc: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:18 2dcc891972b9: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:18 ec2e58a6e31a: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:18 25d4a85f4ac9: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:18 030eed49ed36: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:18 382f9cac5bd3: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:18 cce7e88cb60a: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:18 fe6e31f6be23: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:19 f859395b8dfc: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:19 adf0c6ea0a13: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:19 61575d94d1b2: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:19 f453a066daf1: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:19 0433f651c3c8: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:19 9513cdf4e497: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:19 7f083f9454c0: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:19 29f36b5893dc: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:19 ccdb13a20bf2: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:20 latest: digest: sha256:0b980d627cfc53aa2c24723ec43acf74c631896c140c64d6938c8101ccf8c90a size: 3653 build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:20 The push refers to repository [] build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:20 9ea6cdd4fadc: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:20 ac0d3c0c4c63: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:20 5028fd034c98: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:20 382f9cac5bd3: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:20 030eed49ed36: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:20 cce7e88cb60a: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:20 fe6e31f6be23: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:20 f859395b8dfc: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:20 adf0c6ea0a13: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:20 61575d94d1b2: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:20 f453a066daf1: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:20 0433f651c3c8: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:20 ccdb13a20bf2: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:20 9513cdf4e497: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:20 7f083f9454c0: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:20 29f36b5893dc: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:20 adf0c6ea0a13: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:20 61575d94d1b2: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:20 f453a066daf1: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:20 0433f651c3c8: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:20 ccdb13a20bf2: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:20 9513cdf4e497: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:20 7f083f9454c0: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:20 29f36b5893dc: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:20 cce7e88cb60a: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:20 fe6e31f6be23: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:20 f859395b8dfc: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:20 382f9cac5bd3: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:20 030eed49ed36: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:21 cce7e88cb60a: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:21 fe6e31f6be23: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:21 f859395b8dfc: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:21 adf0c6ea0a13: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:21 61575d94d1b2: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:21 f453a066daf1: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:21 0433f651c3c8: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:22 ccdb13a20bf2: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:22 9513cdf4e497: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:22 9ea6cdd4fadc: Pushed build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:22 5028fd034c98: Pushed build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:22 7f083f9454c0: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:22 29f36b5893dc: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:23 ac0d3c0c4c63: Pushed build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:25 2.0.0: digest: sha256:8e75c85e5903f79b4b57318227c5c40ce14c468c78ee8123a081b9f82de90a89 size: 3652 build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:25 The push refers to repository [] build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:25 9ea6cdd4fadc: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:25 ac0d3c0c4c63: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:25 5028fd034c98: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:25 382f9cac5bd3: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:25 030eed49ed36: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:25 cce7e88cb60a: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:25 fe6e31f6be23: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:25 f859395b8dfc: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:25 adf0c6ea0a13: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:25 61575d94d1b2: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:25 f453a066daf1: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:25 0433f651c3c8: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:25 ccdb13a20bf2: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:25 9513cdf4e497: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:25 7f083f9454c0: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:25 29f36b5893dc: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:25 cce7e88cb60a: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:25 fe6e31f6be23: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:25 f859395b8dfc: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:25 adf0c6ea0a13: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:25 61575d94d1b2: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:25 f453a066daf1: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:25 0433f651c3c8: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:25 ccdb13a20bf2: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:25 9513cdf4e497: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:25 7f083f9454c0: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:25 29f36b5893dc: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:26 9ea6cdd4fadc: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:26 ac0d3c0c4c63: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:26 5028fd034c98: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:26 030eed49ed36: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:26 382f9cac5bd3: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:26 fe6e31f6be23: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:26 cce7e88cb60a: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:26 f859395b8dfc: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:26 61575d94d1b2: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:26 adf0c6ea0a13: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:26 f453a066daf1: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:26 0433f651c3c8: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:26 ccdb13a20bf2: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:26 9513cdf4e497: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:26 7f083f9454c0: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:26 29f36b5893dc: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:27 2.0: digest: sha256:8e75c85e5903f79b4b57318227c5c40ce14c468c78ee8123a081b9f82de90a89 size: 3652 build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:27 The push refers to repository [] build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:27 9ea6cdd4fadc: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:27 ac0d3c0c4c63: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:27 5028fd034c98: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:27 382f9cac5bd3: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:27 030eed49ed36: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:27 cce7e88cb60a: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:27 fe6e31f6be23: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:27 f859395b8dfc: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:27 adf0c6ea0a13: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:27 61575d94d1b2: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:27 f453a066daf1: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:27 0433f651c3c8: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:27 cce7e88cb60a: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:27 fe6e31f6be23: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:27 adf0c6ea0a13: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:27 61575d94d1b2: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:27 f859395b8dfc: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:27 ccdb13a20bf2: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:27 9513cdf4e497: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:27 7f083f9454c0: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:27 29f36b5893dc: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:27 0433f651c3c8: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:27 7f083f9454c0: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:27 29f36b5893dc: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:27 ccdb13a20bf2: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:27 9513cdf4e497: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:27 f453a066daf1: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:27 9ea6cdd4fadc: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:27 ac0d3c0c4c63: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:27 5028fd034c98: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:27 382f9cac5bd3: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:27 030eed49ed36: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:28 fe6e31f6be23: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:28 cce7e88cb60a: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:28 f859395b8dfc: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:28 61575d94d1b2: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:28 adf0c6ea0a13: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:28 f453a066daf1: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:28 7f083f9454c0: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:28 9513cdf4e497: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:28 ccdb13a20bf2: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:28 0433f651c3c8: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:28 29f36b5893dc: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:29 2: digest: sha256:8e75c85e5903f79b4b57318227c5c40ce14c468c78ee8123a081b9f82de90a89 size: 3652 build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:29 The push refers to repository [] build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:29 9ea6cdd4fadc: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:29 ac0d3c0c4c63: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:29 5028fd034c98: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:29 382f9cac5bd3: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:29 030eed49ed36: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:29 cce7e88cb60a: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:29 fe6e31f6be23: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:29 f859395b8dfc: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:29 adf0c6ea0a13: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:29 61575d94d1b2: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:29 f453a066daf1: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:29 0433f651c3c8: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:29 ccdb13a20bf2: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:29 9513cdf4e497: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:29 7f083f9454c0: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:29 29f36b5893dc: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:29 f453a066daf1: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:29 7f083f9454c0: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:29 0433f651c3c8: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:29 ccdb13a20bf2: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:29 fe6e31f6be23: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:29 f859395b8dfc: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:29 adf0c6ea0a13: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:29 cce7e88cb60a: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:29 61575d94d1b2: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:29 29f36b5893dc: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:29 9513cdf4e497: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:29 ac0d3c0c4c63: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:29 5028fd034c98: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:29 382f9cac5bd3: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:29 9ea6cdd4fadc: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:29 cce7e88cb60a: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:29 030eed49ed36: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:29 f859395b8dfc: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:29 fe6e31f6be23: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:29 adf0c6ea0a13: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:30 f453a066daf1: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:30 61575d94d1b2: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:30 ccdb13a20bf2: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:30 9513cdf4e497: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:30 0433f651c3c8: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:30 7f083f9454c0: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:30 29f36b5893dc: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:30 latest: digest: sha256:8e75c85e5903f79b4b57318227c5c40ce14c468c78ee8123a081b9f82de90a89 size: 3652 build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:31 The push refers to repository [] build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:31 8de1c8fa8ff3: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:31 6bb3461b98a4: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:31 4768824985ee: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:31 4866e03ccd8a: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:31 fe6e31f6be23: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:31 f859395b8dfc: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:31 adf0c6ea0a13: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:31 61575d94d1b2: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:31 f453a066daf1: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:31 0433f651c3c8: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:31 ccdb13a20bf2: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:31 9513cdf4e497: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:31 7f083f9454c0: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:31 29f36b5893dc: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:31 f859395b8dfc: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:31 adf0c6ea0a13: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:31 61575d94d1b2: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:31 f453a066daf1: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:31 0433f651c3c8: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:31 ccdb13a20bf2: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:31 9513cdf4e497: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:31 7f083f9454c0: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:31 29f36b5893dc: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:31 fe6e31f6be23: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:31 f859395b8dfc: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:32 adf0c6ea0a13: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:32 61575d94d1b2: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:32 f453a066daf1: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:32 8de1c8fa8ff3: Pushed build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:32 4866e03ccd8a: Pushed build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:33 6bb3461b98a4: Pushed build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:33 0433f651c3c8: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:33 ccdb13a20bf2: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:33 9513cdf4e497: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:33 7f083f9454c0: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:24:33 29f36b5893dc: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:11 4768824985ee: Pushed build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:13 2.0.0: digest: sha256:89fd11a6fa04838e511e1a39977b9ffb7c940334b3cc19dbd5c58083dac5cb9c size: 3239 build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:13 The push refers to repository [] build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:13 8de1c8fa8ff3: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:13 6bb3461b98a4: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:13 4768824985ee: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:13 4866e03ccd8a: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:13 fe6e31f6be23: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:13 f859395b8dfc: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:13 adf0c6ea0a13: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:13 61575d94d1b2: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:13 f453a066daf1: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:13 0433f651c3c8: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:13 ccdb13a20bf2: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:13 9513cdf4e497: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:13 7f083f9454c0: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:13 29f36b5893dc: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:13 adf0c6ea0a13: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:13 ccdb13a20bf2: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:13 9513cdf4e497: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:13 61575d94d1b2: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:13 f453a066daf1: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:13 0433f651c3c8: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:13 7f083f9454c0: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:13 29f36b5893dc: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:13 f859395b8dfc: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:14 6bb3461b98a4: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:14 4866e03ccd8a: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:14 4768824985ee: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:14 8de1c8fa8ff3: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:14 fe6e31f6be23: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:14 f859395b8dfc: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:14 61575d94d1b2: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:14 f453a066daf1: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:14 adf0c6ea0a13: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:14 0433f651c3c8: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:14 9513cdf4e497: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:14 ccdb13a20bf2: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:14 7f083f9454c0: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:14 29f36b5893dc: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:15 2.0: digest: sha256:89fd11a6fa04838e511e1a39977b9ffb7c940334b3cc19dbd5c58083dac5cb9c size: 3239 build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:15 The push refers to repository [] build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:15 8de1c8fa8ff3: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:15 6bb3461b98a4: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:15 4768824985ee: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:15 4866e03ccd8a: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:15 fe6e31f6be23: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:15 f859395b8dfc: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:15 adf0c6ea0a13: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:15 61575d94d1b2: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:15 f453a066daf1: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:15 0433f651c3c8: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:15 ccdb13a20bf2: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:15 9513cdf4e497: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:15 7f083f9454c0: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:15 29f36b5893dc: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:15 f859395b8dfc: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:15 adf0c6ea0a13: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:15 61575d94d1b2: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:15 f453a066daf1: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:15 0433f651c3c8: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:15 ccdb13a20bf2: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:15 9513cdf4e497: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:15 29f36b5893dc: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:15 7f083f9454c0: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:15 8de1c8fa8ff3: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:15 4768824985ee: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:15 6bb3461b98a4: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:15 4866e03ccd8a: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:15 fe6e31f6be23: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:16 adf0c6ea0a13: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:16 f859395b8dfc: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:16 f453a066daf1: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:16 61575d94d1b2: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:16 0433f651c3c8: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:16 ccdb13a20bf2: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:16 9513cdf4e497: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:16 29f36b5893dc: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:16 7f083f9454c0: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:16 2: digest: sha256:89fd11a6fa04838e511e1a39977b9ffb7c940334b3cc19dbd5c58083dac5cb9c size: 3239 build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:16 The push refers to repository [] build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:16 8de1c8fa8ff3: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:16 6bb3461b98a4: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:16 4768824985ee: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:16 4866e03ccd8a: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:16 fe6e31f6be23: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:16 f859395b8dfc: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:16 adf0c6ea0a13: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:16 61575d94d1b2: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:16 f453a066daf1: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:16 0433f651c3c8: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:16 ccdb13a20bf2: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:16 9513cdf4e497: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:16 7f083f9454c0: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:16 29f36b5893dc: Preparing build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:16 f859395b8dfc: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:16 adf0c6ea0a13: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:16 61575d94d1b2: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:16 f453a066daf1: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:16 ccdb13a20bf2: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:16 0433f651c3c8: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:16 9513cdf4e497: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:16 7f083f9454c0: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:16 29f36b5893dc: Waiting build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:17 4866e03ccd8a: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:17 6bb3461b98a4: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:17 8de1c8fa8ff3: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:17 4768824985ee: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:17 fe6e31f6be23: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:17 adf0c6ea0a13: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:17 61575d94d1b2: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:17 f453a066daf1: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:17 f859395b8dfc: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:17 0433f651c3c8: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:17 ccdb13a20bf2: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:17 7f083f9454c0: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:17 9513cdf4e497: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:17 29f36b5893dc: Layer already exists build 29-Jan-2020 15:25:18 latest: digest: sha256:89fd11a6fa04838e511e1a39977b9ffb7c940334b3cc19dbd5c58083dac5cb9c size: 3239 simple 29-Jan-2020 15:25:18 Finished task 'docker push' with result: Success simple 29-Jan-2020 15:25:18 Running post build plugin 'Docker Container Cleanup' simple 29-Jan-2020 15:25:18 Running post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector' simple 29-Jan-2020 15:25:18 Running post build plugin 'Clover Results Collector' simple 29-Jan-2020 15:25:18 Running post build plugin 'npm Cache Cleanup' simple 29-Jan-2020 15:25:18 Running post build plugin 'Artifact Copier' simple 29-Jan-2020 15:25:18 Finalising the build... simple 29-Jan-2020 15:25:18 Stopping timer. simple 29-Jan-2020 15:25:18 Build CATS-EXCORE13-JOB1-3 completed. simple 29-Jan-2020 15:25:18 Running on server: post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector' simple 29-Jan-2020 15:25:18 Running on server: post build plugin 'Build Hanging Detection Configuration' simple 29-Jan-2020 15:25:18 Running on server: post build plugin 'Clover Delta Calculator' simple 29-Jan-2020 15:25:18 Running on server: post build plugin 'Maven Dependencies Postprocessor' simple 29-Jan-2020 15:25:18 All post build plugins have finished simple 29-Jan-2020 15:25:18 Generating build results summary... simple 29-Jan-2020 15:25:18 Saving build results to disk... simple 29-Jan-2020 15:25:18 Logging substituted variables... simple 29-Jan-2020 15:25:18 Indexing build results... simple 29-Jan-2020 15:25:18 Finished building CATS-EXCORE13-JOB1-3.