simple 12-Apr-2022 11:02:23 Build CoverCrop - DSSAT - Default Job #3 (CCROP-DSSAT-JOB1-3) started building on agent, bamboo version: 8.2.1 simple 12-Apr-2022 11:02:23 Remote agent on host simple 12-Apr-2022 11:02:23 Build working directory is /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CCROP-DSSAT-JOB1 simple 12-Apr-2022 11:02:23 Executing build CoverCrop - DSSAT - Default Job #3 (CCROP-DSSAT-JOB1-3) simple 12-Apr-2022 11:02:23 Starting task 'Checkout Default Repository' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.vcs:task.vcs.checkout' simple 12-Apr-2022 11:02:23 Build always requires a clean checkout simple 12-Apr-2022 11:02:23 Cleaning build directory '/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CCROP-DSSAT-JOB1' simple 12-Apr-2022 11:02:23 Checking out into /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CCROP-DSSAT-JOB1 simple 12-Apr-2022 11:02:23 Updating source code to revision: 4d677353a157d859b391a06a30ee75bd0206b2e0 simple 12-Apr-2022 11:02:24 Creating local git repository in '/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CCROP-DSSAT-JOB1/.git'. simple 12-Apr-2022 11:02:24 Initialized empty Git repository in /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CCROP-DSSAT-JOB1/.git/ simple 12-Apr-2022 11:02:25 Fetching 'refs/heads/master' from 'ssh://'. simple 12-Apr-2022 11:02:25 Warning: Permanently added '[]:39641' (RSA) to the list of known hosts. simple 12-Apr-2022 11:03:14 From ssh:// simple 12-Apr-2022 11:03:14 * [new branch] master -> master simple 12-Apr-2022 11:03:14 * [new tag] v1.4.0 -> v1.4.0 simple 12-Apr-2022 11:03:14 * [new tag] v0.4.0 -> v0.4.0 simple 12-Apr-2022 11:03:14 * [new tag] v0.6.0 -> v0.6.0 simple 12-Apr-2022 11:03:14 * [new tag] v1.0.0 -> v1.0.0 simple 12-Apr-2022 11:03:14 * [new tag] v1.2.0 -> v1.2.0 simple 12-Apr-2022 11:03:14 Checking out revision 4d677353a157d859b391a06a30ee75bd0206b2e0. simple 12-Apr-2022 11:03:17 Already on 'master' simple 12-Apr-2022 11:03:17 Updated source code to revision: 4d677353a157d859b391a06a30ee75bd0206b2e0 simple 12-Apr-2022 11:03:17 Finished task 'Checkout Default Repository' with result: Success simple 12-Apr-2022 11:03:17 Running pre-build action: Build Log Labeller Pre Build Action simple 12-Apr-2022 11:03:17 Running pre-build action: VCS Version Collector simple 12-Apr-2022 11:03:17 Starting task 'python test' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script' command 12-Apr-2022 11:03:17 Beginning to execute external process for build 'CoverCrop - DSSAT - Default Job #3 (CCROP-DSSAT-JOB1-3)'\n ... running command line: \n/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/temp/\n ... in: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CCROP-DSSAT-JOB1/Input_to_DSSAT/Weather_to_DSSAT\n build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:18 created virtual environment in 1190ms build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:18 creator CPython3Posix(dest=/tmp/virtualenv/dssat-tools, clear=False, global=False) build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:18 seeder FromAppData(download=False, pip=latest, setuptools=latest, wheel=latest, pkg_resources=latest, via=copy, app_data_dir=/home/bamboo/.local/share/virtualenv/seed-app-data/v1.0.1.debian.1) build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:18 activators BashActivator,CShellActivator,FishActivator,PowerShellActivator,PythonActivator,XonshActivator build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:18 which directory build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:18 IllinoisStateWaterSurvey build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:18 README.txt build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:18 build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:18 build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:18 scripts build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:18 stations.csv build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:18 subx_weather build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:18 build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:18 build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:18 build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:18 build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:18 build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:18 done testing build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:20 Collecting numpy build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:20 Using cached numpy-1.22.3-cp38-cp38-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl (16.8 MB) build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:21 Installing collected packages: numpy build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:23 Successfully installed numpy-1.22.3 build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:57 Station code: FRM build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:57 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:57 Start Date: 19891116 build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:57 End Date: 20231231 build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:57 Station code: BBC build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:57 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:57 Start Date: 20040610 build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:57 End Date: 20231231 build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:57 Station code: BVL build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:57 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:57 Start Date: 19900820 build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:57 End Date: 20231231 build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:57 Station code: BRW build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:57 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:57 Start Date: 19890825 build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:57 End Date: 20231231 build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:57 Station code: SIU build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:57 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:57 Start Date: 19891214 build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:57 End Date: 20231231 build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:57 Station code: CMI build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:57 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:57 Start Date: 19890216 build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:57 End Date: 20231231 build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:57 Station code: DEK build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:57 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:57 Start Date: 19890101 build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:57 End Date: 20231231 build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:57 Station code: DXS build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:57 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:57 Start Date: 19900209 build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:57 End Date: 20231231 build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:57 Station code: FAI build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:57 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:57 Start Date: 19910914 build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:57 End Date: 20231231 build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:57 Station code: FRE build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:57 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:57 Start Date: 19890609 build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:57 End Date: 20231231 build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:57 Station code: MON build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:57 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:57 Start Date: 19890621 build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:57 End Date: 20231231 build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:57 Station code: OLN build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:57 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:57 Start Date: 19891024 build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:57 End Date: 20231231 build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:57 Station code: ICC build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:57 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:57 Start Date: 19890101 build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:57 End Date: 20231231 build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:57 Station code: ORR build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:57 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:57 Start Date: 19890626 build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:57 End Date: 20231231 build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:57 Station code: RND build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:57 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:57 Start Date: 19900418 build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:57 End Date: 20231231 build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:57 Station code: SNI build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:57 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:57 Start Date: 20161101 build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:57 End Date: 20231231 build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:57 Station code: LLC build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:57 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:57 Start Date: 19890101 build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:57 End Date: 20231231 build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:57 Station code: STE build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:57 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:57 Start Date: 19890101 build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:57 End Date: 20231231 build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:57 Station code: STC build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:57 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:57 Start Date: 19871231 build 12-Apr-2022 11:03:57 End Date: 20231231 simple 12-Apr-2022 11:03:57 Finished task 'python test' with result: Success simple 12-Apr-2022 11:03:57 Running post build plugin 'Docker Container Cleanup' simple 12-Apr-2022 11:03:57 Running post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector' simple 12-Apr-2022 11:03:57 Running post build plugin 'Build Results Label Collector' simple 12-Apr-2022 11:03:57 Running post build plugin 'Clover Results Collector' simple 12-Apr-2022 11:03:57 Running post build plugin 'npm Cache Cleanup' simple 12-Apr-2022 11:03:57 Running post build plugin 'Artifact Copier' simple 12-Apr-2022 11:03:57 Publishing an artifact: covercrop-web error 12-Apr-2022 11:03:57 Unable to publish artifact [covercrop-web]: the source directory /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CCROP-DSSAT-JOB1/build does not exist. simple 12-Apr-2022 11:03:57 The artifact hasn't been successfully published after 12.27 ms simple 12-Apr-2022 11:03:57 Finalising the build... simple 12-Apr-2022 11:03:57 Stopping timer. simple 12-Apr-2022 11:03:57 Build CCROP-DSSAT-JOB1-3 completed. simple 12-Apr-2022 11:03:58 Running on server: post build plugin 'Build Hanging Detection Configuration' simple 12-Apr-2022 11:03:58 Running on server: post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector' simple 12-Apr-2022 11:03:58 Running on server: post build plugin 'Build Labeller' simple 12-Apr-2022 11:03:58 Running on server: post build plugin 'Clover Delta Calculator' simple 12-Apr-2022 11:03:58 Running on server: post build plugin 'Maven Dependencies Postprocessor' simple 12-Apr-2022 11:03:58 All post build plugins have finished simple 12-Apr-2022 11:03:58 Generating build results summary... simple 12-Apr-2022 11:03:59 Saving build results to disk... simple 12-Apr-2022 11:03:59 Store variable context... simple 12-Apr-2022 11:03:59 Finished building CCROP-DSSAT-JOB1-3.