simple 08-Dec-2022 09:52:50 Build CoverCrop - DSSAT - release-1.9.0 - Default Job #3 (CCROP-DSSAT8-JOB1-3) is being prepared for building on agent, bamboo version: 9.0.0 simple 08-Dec-2022 09:52:50 Remote agent on host simple 08-Dec-2022 09:52:50 Build working directory is /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CCROP-DSSAT8-JOB1 simple 08-Dec-2022 09:52:50 Executing build CoverCrop - DSSAT - release-1.9.0 - Default Job #3 (CCROP-DSSAT8-JOB1-3) simple 08-Dec-2022 09:52:50 Starting task 'Checkout Default Repository' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.vcs:task.vcs.checkout' simple 08-Dec-2022 09:52:50 Build always requires a clean checkout simple 08-Dec-2022 09:52:50 Cleaning build directory '/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CCROP-DSSAT8-JOB1' simple 08-Dec-2022 09:52:52 Checking out into /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CCROP-DSSAT8-JOB1 simple 08-Dec-2022 09:52:52 Updating source code to revision: d26b34c91869139fa417d7b77cfc4323d9ce0bde simple 08-Dec-2022 09:52:52 Creating local git repository in '/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CCROP-DSSAT8-JOB1/.git'. simple 08-Dec-2022 09:52:52 Initialized empty Git repository in /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CCROP-DSSAT8-JOB1/.git/ simple 08-Dec-2022 09:52:52 Fetching 'refs/heads/master' from 'ssh://'. simple 08-Dec-2022 09:52:52 Warning: Permanently added '[]:37391' (RSA) to the list of known hosts. simple 08-Dec-2022 09:53:00 From ssh:// simple 08-Dec-2022 09:53:00 * [new branch] master -> master simple 08-Dec-2022 09:53:00 * [new tag] v0.4.0 -> v0.4.0 simple 08-Dec-2022 09:53:00 * [new tag] v0.6.0 -> v0.6.0 simple 08-Dec-2022 09:53:00 * [new tag] v1.0.0 -> v1.0.0 simple 08-Dec-2022 09:53:00 * [new tag] v1.2.0 -> v1.2.0 simple 08-Dec-2022 09:53:00 * [new tag] v1.4.0 -> v1.4.0 simple 08-Dec-2022 09:53:00 * [new tag] v1.6.0 -> v1.6.0 simple 08-Dec-2022 09:53:00 * [new tag] v1.7.0 -> v1.7.0 simple 08-Dec-2022 09:53:00 * [new tag] v1.8.0 -> v1.8.0 simple 08-Dec-2022 09:53:00 Checking out revision d26b34c91869139fa417d7b77cfc4323d9ce0bde. simple 08-Dec-2022 09:53:04 Already on 'master' simple 08-Dec-2022 09:53:04 Updated source code to revision: d26b34c91869139fa417d7b77cfc4323d9ce0bde simple 08-Dec-2022 09:53:04 Finished task 'Checkout Default Repository' with result: Success simple 08-Dec-2022 09:53:04 Running pre-build action: Build Log Labeller Pre Build Action simple 08-Dec-2022 09:53:04 Running pre-build action: VCS Version Collector simple 08-Dec-2022 09:53:04 Build CoverCrop - DSSAT - release-1.9.0 - Default Job #3 (CCROP-DSSAT8-JOB1-3) started building on agent '' (Remote agent on host simple 08-Dec-2022 09:53:04 Starting task 'python test' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script' command 08-Dec-2022 09:53:04 Beginning to execute external process for build 'CoverCrop - DSSAT - release-1.9.0 - Default Job #3 (CCROP-DSSAT8-JOB1-3)'\n ... running command line: \n/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/temp/\n ... in: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CCROP-DSSAT8-JOB1/Input_to_DSSAT/Weather_to_DSSAT\n build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:05 created virtual environment in 522ms build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:05 creator CPython3Posix(dest=/tmp/virtualenv/dssat-tools, clear=False, global=False) build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:05 seeder FromAppData(download=False, pip=latest, setuptools=latest, wheel=latest, pkg_resources=latest, via=copy, app_data_dir=/home/bamboo/.local/share/virtualenv/seed-app-data/v1.0.1.debian.1) build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:05 activators BashActivator,CShellActivator,FishActivator,PowerShellActivator,PythonActivator,XonshActivator build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:05 which directory build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:05 IllinoisStateWaterSurvey build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:05 README.txt build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:05 gridmet_data_parser build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:05 scripts build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:05 stations.csv build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:05 subx_weather build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:05 done testing build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:07 Collecting numpy build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:07 Using cached numpy-1.23.5-cp38-cp38-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl (17.1 MB) build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:08 Installing collected packages: numpy build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:10 Successfully installed numpy-1.23.5 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Characteristic: A build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Station code: FRM build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Start Date: 19891116 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Characteristic: H build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Station code: FRM build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 [('2016', 14497.500000000011), ('2015', 14373.049999999997), ('2011', 14333.900000000003), ('2019', 13633.95), ('2017', 13580.774999999998), ('2018', 13427.949999999995), ('2020', 13264.349999999999), ('2012', 12999.900000000009), ('2014', 12857.15), ('2013', 12474.750000000004), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 High Year: 2016 Low Year: 2013 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Start Date: 19891116 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 End Date: 20220131 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Start Date: 19891116 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Characteristic: C build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Station code: FRM build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 [('2016', 14497.500000000011), ('2015', 14373.049999999997), ('2011', 14333.900000000003), ('2019', 13633.95), ('2017', 13580.774999999998), ('2018', 13427.949999999995), ('2020', 13264.349999999999), ('2012', 12999.900000000009), ('2014', 12857.15), ('2013', 12474.750000000004), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 High Year: 2016 Low Year: 2013 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Start Date: 19891116 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 End Date: 20220131 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Start Date: 19891116 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Characteristic: W build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Station code: FRM build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 [('2012', 46.100000000000016), ('2018', 41.39999999999999), ('2016', 34.22000000000001), ('2019', 33.319999999999986), ('2014', 32.269999999999996), ('2011', 32.010000000000005), ('2015', 31.43000000000002), ('2017', 29.73999999999999), ('2020', 28.58000000000002), ('2013', 20.259999999999984), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 High Year: 2012 Low Year: 2013 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Start Date: 19891116 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 End Date: 20220131 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Start Date: 19891116 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Characteristic: D build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Station code: FRM build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 [('2012', 46.100000000000016), ('2018', 41.39999999999999), ('2016', 34.22000000000001), ('2019', 33.319999999999986), ('2014', 32.269999999999996), ('2011', 32.010000000000005), ('2015', 31.43000000000002), ('2017', 29.73999999999999), ('2020', 28.58000000000002), ('2013', 20.259999999999984), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 High Year: 2012 Low Year: 2013 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Start Date: 19891116 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 End Date: 20220131 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Start Date: 19891116 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Characteristic: A build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Station code: BBC build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Start Date: 20040610 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Characteristic: H build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Station code: BBC build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 [('2016', 12973.550000000001), ('2011', 12765.349999999999), ('2015', 12551.700000000003), ('2019', 11958.150000000007), ('2017', 11906.300000000003), ('2020', 11453.300000000003), ('2012', 11368.849999999997), ('2018', 11243.25), ('2014', 11006.624999999996), ('2013', 10377.450000000006), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 High Year: 2016 Low Year: 2013 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Start Date: 20040610 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 End Date: 20220131 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Start Date: 20040610 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Characteristic: C build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Station code: BBC build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 [('2016', 12973.550000000001), ('2011', 12765.349999999999), ('2015', 12551.700000000003), ('2019', 11958.150000000007), ('2017', 11906.300000000003), ('2020', 11453.300000000003), ('2012', 11368.849999999997), ('2018', 11243.25), ('2014', 11006.624999999996), ('2013', 10377.450000000006), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 High Year: 2016 Low Year: 2013 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Start Date: 20040610 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 End Date: 20220131 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Start Date: 20040610 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Characteristic: W build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Station code: BBC build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 [('2018', 40.12), ('2019', 33.84), ('2020', 32.77000000000002), ('2015', 29.48000000000001), ('2012', 28.229999999999997), ('2016', 26.099999999999994), ('2011', 23.830000000000002), ('2017', 21.699999999999996), ('2013', 19.58999999999999), ('2014', 18.06999999999999), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 High Year: 2018 Low Year: 2014 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Start Date: 20040610 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 End Date: 20220131 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Start Date: 20040610 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Characteristic: D build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Station code: BBC build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 [('2018', 40.12), ('2019', 33.84), ('2020', 32.77000000000002), ('2015', 29.48000000000001), ('2012', 28.229999999999997), ('2016', 26.099999999999994), ('2011', 23.830000000000002), ('2017', 21.699999999999996), ('2013', 19.58999999999999), ('2014', 18.06999999999999), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 High Year: 2018 Low Year: 2014 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Start Date: 20040610 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 End Date: 20220131 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Start Date: 20040610 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Characteristic: A build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Station code: BVL build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Start Date: 19900820 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Characteristic: H build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Station code: BVL build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 [('2011', 13454.250000000005), ('2016', 13340.099999999993), ('2015', 13144.000000000007), ('2019', 12344.449999999995), ('2020', 12166.55), ('2017', 12141.45000000001), ('2012', 12140.599999999999), ('2018', 11984.2), ('2014', 11658.100000000002), ('2013', 11365.250000000002), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 High Year: 2011 Low Year: 2013 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Start Date: 19900820 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 End Date: 20220131 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Start Date: 19900820 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Characteristic: C build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Station code: BVL build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 [('2011', 13454.250000000005), ('2016', 13340.099999999993), ('2015', 13144.000000000007), ('2019', 12344.449999999995), ('2020', 12166.55), ('2017', 12141.45000000001), ('2012', 12140.599999999999), ('2018', 11984.2), ('2014', 11658.100000000002), ('2013', 11365.250000000002), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 High Year: 2011 Low Year: 2013 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Start Date: 19900820 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 End Date: 20220131 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Start Date: 19900820 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Characteristic: W build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Station code: BVL build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 [('2012', 35.87000000000001), ('2018', 35.13000000000002), ('2019', 34.29000000000002), ('2015', 32.64000000000003), ('2016', 28.600000000000005), ('2017', 28.050000000000015), ('2011', 24.780000000000022), ('2013', 24.459999999999994), ('2014', 23.229999999999993), ('2020', 21.4), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 High Year: 2012 Low Year: 2020 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Start Date: 19900820 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 End Date: 20220131 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Start Date: 19900820 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Characteristic: D build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Station code: BVL build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 [('2012', 35.87000000000001), ('2018', 35.13000000000002), ('2019', 34.29000000000002), ('2015', 32.64000000000003), ('2016', 28.600000000000005), ('2017', 28.050000000000015), ('2011', 24.780000000000022), ('2013', 24.459999999999994), ('2014', 23.229999999999993), ('2020', 21.4), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 High Year: 2012 Low Year: 2020 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Start Date: 19900820 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 End Date: 20220131 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Start Date: 19900820 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Characteristic: A build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Station code: BRW build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Start Date: 19890825 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Characteristic: H build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Station code: BRW build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 [('2016', 14367.450000000003), ('2011', 14112.150000000009), ('2015', 13628.000000000007), ('2017', 13348.250000000005), ('2019', 13191.199999999997), ('2020', 13113.016666666654), ('2018', 12932.949999999993), ('2012', 12830.35), ('2014', 12334.849999999997), ('2013', 12254.74999999999), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 High Year: 2016 Low Year: 2013 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Start Date: 19890825 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 End Date: 20220131 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Start Date: 19890825 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Characteristic: C build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Station code: BRW build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:53:50 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 [('2016', 14367.450000000003), ('2011', 14112.150000000009), ('2015', 13628.000000000007), ('2017', 13348.250000000005), ('2019', 13191.199999999997), ('2020', 13113.016666666654), ('2018', 12932.949999999993), ('2012', 12830.35), ('2014', 12334.849999999997), ('2013', 12254.74999999999), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 High Year: 2016 Low Year: 2013 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Start Date: 19890825 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 End Date: 20220131 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Start Date: 19890825 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Characteristic: W build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Station code: BRW build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 [('2012', 42.85000000000001), ('2018', 41.42000000000001), ('2019', 38.14999999999999), ('2016', 34.22000000000001), ('2014', 32.71), ('2011', 32.129999999999995), ('2017', 28.429999999999996), ('2015', 27.770000000000007), ('2020', 27.03), ('2013', 25.169999999999998), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 High Year: 2012 Low Year: 2013 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Start Date: 19890825 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 End Date: 20220131 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Start Date: 19890825 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Characteristic: D build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Station code: BRW build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 [('2012', 42.85000000000001), ('2018', 41.42000000000001), ('2019', 38.14999999999999), ('2016', 34.22000000000001), ('2014', 32.71), ('2011', 32.129999999999995), ('2017', 28.429999999999996), ('2015', 27.770000000000007), ('2020', 27.03), ('2013', 25.169999999999998), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 High Year: 2012 Low Year: 2013 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Start Date: 19890825 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 End Date: 20220131 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Start Date: 19890825 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Characteristic: A build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Station code: SIU build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Start Date: 19891214 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Characteristic: H build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Station code: SIU build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 [('2016', 14608.399999999998), ('2011', 14592.649999999998), ('2015', 14353.85), ('2019', 13870.800000000003), ('2018', 13665.79999999999), ('2017', 13660.550000000003), ('2020', 13479.4), ('2012', 13307.600000000013), ('2014', 13046.100000000002), ('2013', 12899.450000000003), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 High Year: 2016 Low Year: 2013 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Start Date: 19891214 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 End Date: 20220131 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Start Date: 19891214 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Characteristic: C build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Station code: SIU build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 [('2016', 14608.399999999998), ('2011', 14592.649999999998), ('2015', 14353.85), ('2019', 13870.800000000003), ('2018', 13665.79999999999), ('2017', 13660.550000000003), ('2020', 13479.4), ('2012', 13307.600000000013), ('2014', 13046.100000000002), ('2013', 12899.450000000003), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 High Year: 2016 Low Year: 2013 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Start Date: 19891214 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 End Date: 20220131 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Start Date: 19891214 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Characteristic: W build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Station code: SIU build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 [('2018', 48.3), ('2015', 40.91000000000001), ('2017', 39.08), ('2013', 38.490000000000016), ('2016', 37.56), ('2019', 37.19000000000001), ('2012', 36.690000000000005), ('2020', 33.93000000000001), ('2011', 33.17000000000002), ('2014', 31.849999999999994), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 High Year: 2018 Low Year: 2014 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Start Date: 19891214 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 End Date: 20220131 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Start Date: 19891214 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Characteristic: D build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Station code: SIU build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 [('2018', 48.3), ('2015', 40.91000000000001), ('2017', 39.08), ('2013', 38.490000000000016), ('2016', 37.56), ('2019', 37.19000000000001), ('2012', 36.690000000000005), ('2020', 33.93000000000001), ('2011', 33.17000000000002), ('2014', 31.849999999999994), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 High Year: 2018 Low Year: 2014 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Start Date: 19891214 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 End Date: 20220131 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Start Date: 19891214 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Characteristic: A build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Station code: CMI build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Start Date: 19890216 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Characteristic: H build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Station code: CMI build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 [('2011', 13637.699999999999), ('2015', 13384.749999999998), ('2016', 13323.800000000005), ('2019', 12621.799999999994), ('2017', 12573.499999999993), ('2020', 12405.049999999997), ('2018', 12303.149999999998), ('2012', 12247.599999999999), ('2014', 11918.750000000004), ('2013', 11631.82500000001), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 High Year: 2011 Low Year: 2013 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Start Date: 19890216 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 End Date: 20220131 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Start Date: 19890216 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Characteristic: C build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Station code: CMI build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 [('2011', 13637.699999999999), ('2015', 13384.749999999998), ('2016', 13323.800000000005), ('2019', 12621.799999999994), ('2017', 12573.499999999993), ('2020', 12405.049999999997), ('2018', 12303.149999999998), ('2012', 12247.599999999999), ('2014', 11918.750000000004), ('2013', 11631.82500000001), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 High Year: 2011 Low Year: 2013 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Start Date: 19890216 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 End Date: 20220131 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Start Date: 19890216 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Characteristic: W build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Station code: CMI build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 [('2018', 35.90000000000001), ('2015', 34.680000000000014), ('2012', 34.460000000000015), ('2019', 33.81000000000001), ('2016', 30.049999999999997), ('2017', 28.830000000000002), ('2014', 27.789999999999992), ('2011', 25.960000000000022), ('2013', 24.040000000000003), ('2020', 23.779999999999994), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 High Year: 2018 Low Year: 2020 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Start Date: 19890216 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 End Date: 20220131 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Start Date: 19890216 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Characteristic: D build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Station code: CMI build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 [('2018', 35.90000000000001), ('2015', 34.680000000000014), ('2012', 34.460000000000015), ('2019', 33.81000000000001), ('2016', 30.049999999999997), ('2017', 28.830000000000002), ('2014', 27.789999999999992), ('2011', 25.960000000000022), ('2013', 24.040000000000003), ('2020', 23.779999999999994), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 High Year: 2018 Low Year: 2020 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Start Date: 19890216 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 End Date: 20220131 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Start Date: 19890216 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Characteristic: A build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Station code: DEK build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Start Date: 19890101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Characteristic: H build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Station code: DEK build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 [('2015', 12407.0), ('2011', 12391.850000000008), ('2016', 12304.400000000001), ('2019', 11399.8), ('2017', 11286.449999999999), ('2020', 11181.099999999999), ('2012', 11066.700000000004), ('2018', 10813.075), ('2014', 10720.599999999999), ('2013', 10137.599999999995), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 High Year: 2015 Low Year: 2013 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Start Date: 19890101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 End Date: 20220131 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Start Date: 19890101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Characteristic: C build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Station code: DEK build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 [('2015', 12407.0), ('2011', 12391.850000000008), ('2016', 12304.400000000001), ('2019', 11399.8), ('2017', 11286.449999999999), ('2020', 11181.099999999999), ('2012', 11066.700000000004), ('2018', 10813.075), ('2014', 10720.599999999999), ('2013', 10137.599999999995), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 High Year: 2015 Low Year: 2013 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Start Date: 19890101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 End Date: 20220131 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Start Date: 19890101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Characteristic: W build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Station code: DEK build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 [('2019', 37.55000000000004), ('2018', 32.33), ('2015', 31.669999999999998), ('2012', 27.900000000000002), ('2016', 26.09), ('2017', 25.53000000000001), ('2011', 23.650000000000013), ('2020', 21.02), ('2014', 20.07999999999999), ('2013', 18.27999999999999), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 High Year: 2019 Low Year: 2013 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Start Date: 19890101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 End Date: 20220131 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Start Date: 19890101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Characteristic: D build 08-Dec-2022 09:54:35 Station code: DEK build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 [('2019', 37.55000000000004), ('2018', 32.33), ('2015', 31.669999999999998), ('2012', 27.900000000000002), ('2016', 26.09), ('2017', 25.53000000000001), ('2011', 23.650000000000013), ('2020', 21.02), ('2014', 20.07999999999999), ('2013', 18.27999999999999), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 High Year: 2019 Low Year: 2013 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Start Date: 19890101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 End Date: 20220131 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Start Date: 19890101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Characteristic: A build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Station code: DXS build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Start Date: 19900209 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Characteristic: H build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Station code: DXS build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 [('2016', 15070.100000000004), ('2011', 14670.724999999997), ('2015', 14458.550000000014), ('2017', 14115.3), ('2018', 14094.949999999995), ('2019', 13990.699999999997), ('2020', 13664.4), ('2012', 13452.550000000001), ('2014', 13203.49999999999), ('2013', 13033.599999999991), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 High Year: 2016 Low Year: 2013 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Start Date: 19900209 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 End Date: 20220131 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Start Date: 19900209 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Characteristic: C build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Station code: DXS build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 [('2016', 15070.100000000004), ('2011', 14670.724999999997), ('2015', 14458.550000000014), ('2017', 14115.3), ('2018', 14094.949999999995), ('2019', 13990.699999999997), ('2020', 13664.4), ('2012', 13452.550000000001), ('2014', 13203.49999999999), ('2013', 13033.599999999991), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 High Year: 2016 Low Year: 2013 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Start Date: 19900209 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 End Date: 20220131 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Start Date: 19900209 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Characteristic: W build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Station code: DXS build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 [('2018', 55.65), ('2017', 44.890000000000015), ('2015', 44.339999999999996), ('2019', 44.22), ('2013', 39.86000000000002), ('2020', 39.25), ('2012', 38.07000000000001), ('2014', 37.14000000000001), ('2011', 34.06999999999999), ('2016', 32.68999999999998), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 High Year: 2018 Low Year: 2016 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Start Date: 19900209 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 End Date: 20220131 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Start Date: 19900209 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Characteristic: D build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Station code: DXS build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 [('2018', 55.65), ('2017', 44.890000000000015), ('2015', 44.339999999999996), ('2019', 44.22), ('2013', 39.86000000000002), ('2020', 39.25), ('2012', 38.07000000000001), ('2014', 37.14000000000001), ('2011', 34.06999999999999), ('2016', 32.68999999999998), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 High Year: 2018 Low Year: 2016 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Start Date: 19900209 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 End Date: 20220131 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Start Date: 19900209 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Characteristic: A build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Station code: FAI build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Start Date: 19910914 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Characteristic: H build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Station code: FAI build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 [('2016', 14825.150000000003), ('2011', 14574.750000000004), ('2015', 14425.600000000002), ('2017', 14024.799999999994), ('2019', 13541.049999999994), ('2018', 13385.200000000006), ('2012', 13251.450000000008), ('2020', 13241.250000000004), ('2014', 13062.65), ('2013', 12853.100000000004), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 High Year: 2016 Low Year: 2013 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Start Date: 19910914 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 End Date: 20220131 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Start Date: 19910914 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Characteristic: C build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Station code: FAI build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 [('2016', 14825.150000000003), ('2011', 14574.750000000004), ('2015', 14425.600000000002), ('2017', 14024.799999999994), ('2019', 13541.049999999994), ('2018', 13385.200000000006), ('2012', 13251.450000000008), ('2020', 13241.250000000004), ('2014', 13062.65), ('2013', 12853.100000000004), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 High Year: 2016 Low Year: 2013 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Start Date: 19910914 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 End Date: 20220131 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Start Date: 19910914 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Characteristic: W build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Station code: FAI build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 [('2018', 53.660000000000004), ('2012', 41.00000000000001), ('2019', 40.010000000000005), ('2011', 35.47000000000001), ('2015', 35.13000000000001), ('2014', 32.629999999999995), ('2017', 30.740000000000002), ('2013', 30.26000000000002), ('2016', 29.410000000000004), ('2020', 29.070000000000007), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 High Year: 2018 Low Year: 2020 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Start Date: 19910914 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 End Date: 20220131 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Start Date: 19910914 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Characteristic: D build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Station code: FAI build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 [('2018', 53.660000000000004), ('2012', 41.00000000000001), ('2019', 40.010000000000005), ('2011', 35.47000000000001), ('2015', 35.13000000000001), ('2014', 32.629999999999995), ('2017', 30.740000000000002), ('2013', 30.26000000000002), ('2016', 29.410000000000004), ('2020', 29.070000000000007), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 High Year: 2018 Low Year: 2020 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Start Date: 19910914 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 End Date: 20220131 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Start Date: 19910914 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Characteristic: A build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Station code: FRE build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Start Date: 19890609 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Characteristic: H build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Station code: FRE build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 [('2011', 12389.949999999995), ('2015', 12336.549999999997), ('2016', 12151.800000000003), ('2019', 11266.699999999999), ('2017', 11235.45), ('2014', 11086.674999999997), ('2020', 11055.3), ('2012', 10986.55), ('2018', 10784.600000000006), ('2013', 10226.699999999999), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 High Year: 2011 Low Year: 2013 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Start Date: 19890609 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 End Date: 20220131 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Start Date: 19890609 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Characteristic: C build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Station code: FRE build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 [('2011', 12389.949999999995), ('2015', 12336.549999999997), ('2016', 12151.800000000003), ('2019', 11266.699999999999), ('2017', 11235.45), ('2014', 11086.674999999997), ('2020', 11055.3), ('2012', 10986.55), ('2018', 10784.600000000006), ('2013', 10226.699999999999), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 High Year: 2011 Low Year: 2013 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Start Date: 19890609 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 End Date: 20220131 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Start Date: 19890609 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Characteristic: W build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Station code: FRE build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 [('2018', 37.65000000000001), ('2019', 37.2), ('2015', 28.830000000000016), ('2012', 27.449999999999996), ('2016', 26.639999999999983), ('2011', 25.520000000000007), ('2020', 24.599999999999998), ('2014', 22.209999999999997), ('2017', 19.45999999999999), ('2013', 19.109999999999996), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 High Year: 2018 Low Year: 2013 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Start Date: 19890609 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 End Date: 20220131 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Start Date: 19890609 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Characteristic: D build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Station code: FRE build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 [('2018', 37.65000000000001), ('2019', 37.2), ('2015', 28.830000000000016), ('2012', 27.449999999999996), ('2016', 26.639999999999983), ('2011', 25.520000000000007), ('2020', 24.599999999999998), ('2014', 22.209999999999997), ('2017', 19.45999999999999), ('2013', 19.109999999999996), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 High Year: 2018 Low Year: 2013 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Start Date: 19890609 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 End Date: 20220131 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Start Date: 19890609 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Characteristic: A build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Station code: MON build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Start Date: 19890621 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Characteristic: H build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Station code: MON build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:55:19 [('2016', 13119.599999999993), ('2011', 12982.950000000006), ('2015', 12872.800000000001), ('2019', 12015.399999999992), ('2017', 11877.900000000001), ('2020', 11741.800000000001), ('2012', 11580.10000000001), ('2018', 11355.649999999998), ('2014', 11291.450000000013), ('2013', 10691.399999999996), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 High Year: 2016 Low Year: 2013 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Start Date: 19890621 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 End Date: 20220131 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Start Date: 19890621 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Characteristic: C build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Station code: MON build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 [('2016', 13119.599999999993), ('2011', 12982.950000000006), ('2015', 12872.800000000001), ('2019', 12015.399999999992), ('2017', 11877.900000000001), ('2020', 11741.800000000001), ('2012', 11580.10000000001), ('2018', 11355.649999999998), ('2014', 11291.450000000013), ('2013', 10691.399999999996), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 High Year: 2016 Low Year: 2013 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Start Date: 19890621 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 End Date: 20220131 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Start Date: 19890621 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Characteristic: W build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Station code: MON build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 [('2012', 37.52), ('2018', 37.12), ('2020', 31.109999999999996), ('2019', 28.72000000000002), ('2015', 27.989999999999995), ('2011', 24.790000000000003), ('2014', 22.199999999999992), ('2016', 21.859999999999985), ('2013', 19.57), ('2017', 18.56), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 High Year: 2012 Low Year: 2017 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Start Date: 19890621 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 End Date: 20220131 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Start Date: 19890621 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Characteristic: D build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Station code: MON build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 [('2012', 37.52), ('2018', 37.12), ('2020', 31.109999999999996), ('2019', 28.72000000000002), ('2015', 27.989999999999995), ('2011', 24.790000000000003), ('2014', 22.199999999999992), ('2016', 21.859999999999985), ('2013', 19.57), ('2017', 18.56), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 High Year: 2012 Low Year: 2017 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Start Date: 19890621 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 End Date: 20220131 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Start Date: 19890621 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Characteristic: A build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Station code: OLN build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Start Date: 19891024 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Characteristic: H build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Station code: OLN build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 [('2011', 14241.925000000005), ('2015', 14121.65), ('2016', 14101.999999999998), ('2019', 13422.350000000002), ('2018', 13236.149999999994), ('2017', 13229.650000000007), ('2020', 13128.500000000002), ('2012', 13054.300000000008), ('2014', 12703.75), ('2013', 12535.999999999998), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 High Year: 2011 Low Year: 2013 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Start Date: 19891024 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 End Date: 20220131 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Start Date: 19891024 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Characteristic: C build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Station code: OLN build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 [('2011', 14241.925000000005), ('2015', 14121.65), ('2016', 14101.999999999998), ('2019', 13422.350000000002), ('2018', 13236.149999999994), ('2017', 13229.650000000007), ('2020', 13128.500000000002), ('2012', 13054.300000000008), ('2014', 12703.75), ('2013', 12535.999999999998), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 High Year: 2011 Low Year: 2013 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Start Date: 19891024 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 End Date: 20220131 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Start Date: 19891024 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Characteristic: W build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Station code: OLN build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 [('2018', 48.600000000000016), ('2012', 41.245000000000026), ('2019', 41.10000000000001), ('2015', 36.089999999999996), ('2014', 35.41000000000001), ('2011', 32.83999999999999), ('2017', 32.03), ('2016', 31.93999999999999), ('2013', 31.020000000000028), ('2020', 30.26), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 High Year: 2018 Low Year: 2020 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Start Date: 19891024 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 End Date: 20220131 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Start Date: 19891024 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Characteristic: D build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Station code: OLN build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 [('2018', 48.600000000000016), ('2012', 41.245000000000026), ('2019', 41.10000000000001), ('2015', 36.089999999999996), ('2014', 35.41000000000001), ('2011', 32.83999999999999), ('2017', 32.03), ('2016', 31.93999999999999), ('2013', 31.020000000000028), ('2020', 30.26), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 High Year: 2018 Low Year: 2020 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Start Date: 19891024 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 End Date: 20220131 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Start Date: 19891024 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Start Date: 20230102 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Characteristic: A build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Station code: ICC build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Start Date: 19890101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Characteristic: H build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Station code: ICC build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 [('2016', 13935.099999999995), ('2011', 13469.449999999997), ('2015', 13183.049999999981), ('2017', 12454.600000000002), ('2019', 12293.800000000005), ('2012', 12033.1), ('2018', 11966.650000000005), ('2020', 11905.000000000002), ('2014', 11682.9), ('2013', 11216.849999999995), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 High Year: 2016 Low Year: 2013 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Start Date: 19890101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 End Date: 20220131 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Start Date: 19890101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Characteristic: C build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Station code: ICC build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 [('2016', 13935.099999999995), ('2011', 13469.449999999997), ('2015', 13183.049999999981), ('2017', 12454.600000000002), ('2019', 12293.800000000005), ('2012', 12033.1), ('2018', 11966.650000000005), ('2020', 11905.000000000002), ('2014', 11682.9), ('2013', 11216.849999999995), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 High Year: 2016 Low Year: 2013 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Start Date: 19890101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 End Date: 20220131 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Start Date: 19890101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Characteristic: W build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Station code: ICC build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 [('2018', 38.52000000000001), ('2012', 37.49999999999999), ('2019', 37.32000000000002), ('2016', 32.039999999999985), ('2020', 27.81999999999999), ('2015', 27.33000000000001), ('2017', 25.379999999999995), ('2011', 22.37000000000001), ('2013', 22.099999999999994), ('2014', 21.53000000000001), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 High Year: 2018 Low Year: 2014 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Start Date: 19890101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 End Date: 20220131 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Start Date: 19890101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Characteristic: D build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Station code: ICC build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 [('2018', 38.52000000000001), ('2012', 37.49999999999999), ('2019', 37.32000000000002), ('2016', 32.039999999999985), ('2020', 27.81999999999999), ('2015', 27.33000000000001), ('2017', 25.379999999999995), ('2011', 22.37000000000001), ('2013', 22.099999999999994), ('2014', 21.53000000000001), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 High Year: 2018 Low Year: 2014 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Start Date: 19890101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 End Date: 20220131 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Start Date: 19890101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Characteristic: A build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Station code: ORR build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Start Date: 19890626 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Characteristic: H build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Station code: ORR build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 [('2016', 14046.400000000003), ('2011', 13708.399999999998), ('2015', 13656.550000000001), ('2017', 13033.199999999995), ('2019', 12697.699999999995), ('2020', 12529.275000000003), ('2018', 12459.000000000005), ('2012', 12300.650000000005), ('2014', 12163.749999999996), ('2013', 11658.900000000003), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 High Year: 2016 Low Year: 2013 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Start Date: 19890626 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 End Date: 20220131 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Start Date: 19890626 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Characteristic: C build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Station code: ORR build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 [('2016', 14046.400000000003), ('2011', 13708.399999999998), ('2015', 13656.550000000001), ('2017', 13033.199999999995), ('2019', 12697.699999999995), ('2020', 12529.275000000003), ('2018', 12459.000000000005), ('2012', 12300.650000000005), ('2014', 12163.749999999996), ('2013', 11658.900000000003), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 High Year: 2016 Low Year: 2013 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Start Date: 19890626 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 End Date: 20220131 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Start Date: 19890626 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Characteristic: W build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Station code: ORR build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:05 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 [('2012', 37.85000000000001), ('2018', 33.100000000000016), ('2019', 28.110000000000003), ('2020', 27.689999999999994), ('2016', 25.88), ('2014', 25.67), ('2015', 24.660000000000007), ('2013', 22.85), ('2011', 20.799999999999986), ('2017', 20.400000000000002), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 High Year: 2012 Low Year: 2017 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Start Date: 19890626 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 End Date: 20220131 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Start Date: 19890626 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Characteristic: D build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Station code: ORR build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 [('2012', 37.85000000000001), ('2018', 33.100000000000016), ('2019', 28.110000000000003), ('2020', 27.689999999999994), ('2016', 25.88), ('2014', 25.67), ('2015', 24.660000000000007), ('2013', 22.85), ('2011', 20.799999999999986), ('2017', 20.400000000000002), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 High Year: 2012 Low Year: 2017 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Start Date: 19890626 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 End Date: 20220131 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Start Date: 19890626 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Characteristic: A build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Station code: RND build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Start Date: 19900418 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Characteristic: H build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Station code: RND build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 [('2016', 14741.700000000003), ('2011', 14631.000000000013), ('2015', 14532.949999999995), ('2017', 13880.399999999994), ('2019', 13840.450000000004), ('2018', 13758.599999999999), ('2020', 13616.8), ('2012', 13424.400000000003), ('2014', 13250.449999999999), ('2013', 12942.65), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 High Year: 2016 Low Year: 2013 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Start Date: 19900418 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 End Date: 20220131 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Start Date: 19900418 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Characteristic: C build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Station code: RND build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 [('2016', 14741.700000000003), ('2011', 14631.000000000013), ('2015', 14532.949999999995), ('2017', 13880.399999999994), ('2019', 13840.450000000004), ('2018', 13758.599999999999), ('2020', 13616.8), ('2012', 13424.400000000003), ('2014', 13250.449999999999), ('2013', 12942.65), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 High Year: 2016 Low Year: 2013 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Start Date: 19900418 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 End Date: 20220131 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Start Date: 19900418 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Characteristic: W build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Station code: RND build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 [('2018', 52.98), ('2012', 40.340000000000025), ('2019', 39.779999999999994), ('2020', 38.44000000000001), ('2015', 38.050000000000004), ('2017', 36.06999999999999), ('2011', 35.87499999999999), ('2013', 34.57999999999999), ('2014', 33.31), ('2016', 31.52000000000001), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 High Year: 2018 Low Year: 2016 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Start Date: 19900418 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 End Date: 20220131 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Start Date: 19900418 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Characteristic: D build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Station code: RND build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 [('2018', 52.98), ('2012', 40.340000000000025), ('2019', 39.779999999999994), ('2020', 38.44000000000001), ('2015', 38.050000000000004), ('2017', 36.06999999999999), ('2011', 35.87499999999999), ('2013', 34.57999999999999), ('2014', 33.31), ('2016', 31.52000000000001), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 High Year: 2018 Low Year: 2016 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Start Date: 19900418 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 End Date: 20220131 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Start Date: 19900418 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Characteristic: A build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Station code: SNI build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Start Date: 20161101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Characteristic: H build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Station code: SNI build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 [('2017', 12750.200000000012), ('2019', 12541.300000000001), ('2020', 12540.72500000001), ('2018', 12287.65), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 High Year: 2017 Low Year: 2018 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Start Date: 20161101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 End Date: 20220131 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Start Date: 20161101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Characteristic: C build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Station code: SNI build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 [('2017', 12750.200000000012), ('2019', 12541.300000000001), ('2020', 12540.72500000001), ('2018', 12287.65), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 High Year: 2017 Low Year: 2018 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Start Date: 20161101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 End Date: 20220131 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Start Date: 20161101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Characteristic: W build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Station code: SNI build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 [('2018', 33.26), ('2019', 28.60000000000001), ('2020', 26.109999999999996), ('2017', 22.069999999999993), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 High Year: 2018 Low Year: 2017 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Start Date: 20161101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 End Date: 20220131 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Start Date: 20161101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Characteristic: D build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Station code: SNI build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 [('2018', 33.26), ('2019', 28.60000000000001), ('2020', 26.109999999999996), ('2017', 22.069999999999993), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 High Year: 2018 Low Year: 2017 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Start Date: 20161101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 End Date: 20220131 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Start Date: 20161101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Characteristic: A build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Station code: LLC build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Start Date: 19890101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Characteristic: H build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Station code: LLC build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 [('2016', 14318.200000000003), ('2011', 14056.050000000005), ('2015', 13833.899999999996), ('2017', 13257.249999999998), ('2019', 12939.599999999999), ('2018', 12719.79999999999), ('2012', 12668.39999999999), ('2020', 12665.24999999999), ('2014', 12404.75), ('2013', 12085.899999999998), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 High Year: 2016 Low Year: 2013 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Start Date: 19890101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 End Date: 20220131 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Start Date: 19890101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Characteristic: C build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Station code: LLC build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 [('2016', 14318.200000000003), ('2011', 14056.050000000005), ('2015', 13833.899999999996), ('2017', 13257.249999999998), ('2019', 12939.599999999999), ('2018', 12719.79999999999), ('2012', 12668.39999999999), ('2020', 12665.24999999999), ('2014', 12404.75), ('2013', 12085.899999999998), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 High Year: 2016 Low Year: 2013 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Start Date: 19890101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 End Date: 20220131 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Start Date: 19890101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Characteristic: W build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Station code: LLC build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 [('2019', 39.98000000000001), ('2018', 36.21), ('2012', 34.92999999999999), ('2016', 29.430000000000007), ('2015', 28.499999999999996), ('2014', 26.849999999999998), ('2020', 25.699999999999996), ('2011', 23.609999999999978), ('2017', 22.89999999999999), ('2013', 20.58), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 High Year: 2019 Low Year: 2013 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Start Date: 19890101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 End Date: 20220131 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Start Date: 19890101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Characteristic: D build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Station code: LLC build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 [('2019', 39.98000000000001), ('2018', 36.21), ('2012', 34.92999999999999), ('2016', 29.430000000000007), ('2015', 28.499999999999996), ('2014', 26.849999999999998), ('2020', 25.699999999999996), ('2011', 23.609999999999978), ('2017', 22.89999999999999), ('2013', 20.58), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 High Year: 2019 Low Year: 2013 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Start Date: 19890101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 End Date: 20220131 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Start Date: 19890101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Characteristic: A build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Station code: STE build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Start Date: 19890101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Characteristic: H build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Station code: STE build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 [('2011', 12801.250000000005), ('2016', 12792.550000000001), ('2015', 12710.299999999987), ('2019', 11948.449999999999), ('2017', 11748.650000000003), ('2020', 11714.800000000007), ('2012', 11611.150000000003), ('2018', 11514.699999999999), ('2014', 10908.4), ('2013', 10553.800000000001), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 High Year: 2011 Low Year: 2013 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Start Date: 19890101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 End Date: 20220131 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Start Date: 19890101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Characteristic: C build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Station code: STE build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:56:45 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 [('2011', 12801.250000000005), ('2016', 12792.550000000001), ('2015', 12710.299999999987), ('2019', 11948.449999999999), ('2017', 11748.650000000003), ('2020', 11714.800000000007), ('2012', 11611.150000000003), ('2018', 11514.699999999999), ('2014', 10908.4), ('2013', 10553.800000000001), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 High Year: 2011 Low Year: 2013 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Start Date: 19890101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 End Date: 20220131 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Start Date: 19890101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Characteristic: W build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Station code: STE build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 [('2018', 37.45), ('2019', 34.52000000000001), ('2012', 32.150000000000006), ('2011', 27.205000000000027), ('2016', 26.320000000000014), ('2015', 24.870000000000005), ('2013', 23.729999999999993), ('2014', 23.189999999999994), ('2020', 22.35), ('2017', 20.94), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 High Year: 2018 Low Year: 2017 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Start Date: 19890101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 End Date: 20220131 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Start Date: 19890101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Characteristic: D build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Station code: STE build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 [('2018', 37.45), ('2019', 34.52000000000001), ('2012', 32.150000000000006), ('2011', 27.205000000000027), ('2016', 26.320000000000014), ('2015', 24.870000000000005), ('2013', 23.729999999999993), ('2014', 23.189999999999994), ('2020', 22.35), ('2017', 20.94), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 High Year: 2018 Low Year: 2017 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Start Date: 19890101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 End Date: 20220131 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Start Date: 19890101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Characteristic: A build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Station code: STC build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Start Date: 19871231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Characteristic: H build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Station code: STC build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 [('2011', 12668.199999999992), ('2015', 12383.050000000003), ('2016', 12227.149999999994), ('2017', 11726.599999999993), ('2019', 11615.29999999999), ('2012', 11405.000000000015), ('2020', 11365.849999999999), ('2018', 10990.250000000005), ('2014', 10944.850000000004), ('2013', 10304.699999999997), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 High Year: 2011 Low Year: 2013 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Start Date: 19871231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 End Date: 20220131 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Start Date: 19871231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Characteristic: C build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Station code: STC build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 [('2011', 12668.199999999992), ('2015', 12383.050000000003), ('2016', 12227.149999999994), ('2017', 11726.599999999993), ('2019', 11615.29999999999), ('2012', 11405.000000000015), ('2020', 11365.849999999999), ('2018', 10990.250000000005), ('2014', 10944.850000000004), ('2013', 10304.699999999997), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 High Year: 2011 Low Year: 2013 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Start Date: 19871231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 End Date: 20220131 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Start Date: 19871231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Characteristic: W build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Station code: STC build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 [('2018', 40.34000000000001), ('2019', 38.69), ('2015', 35.85000000000001), ('2017', 31.83999999999999), ('2012', 30.85), ('2016', 29.89), ('2011', 23.810000000000002), ('2014', 22.96000000000001), ('2020', 22.850000000000012), ('2013', 21.56), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 High Year: 2018 Low Year: 2013 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Start Date: 19871231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 End Date: 20220131 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Start Date: 19871231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Characteristic: D build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Station code: STC build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 [('2018', 40.34000000000001), ('2019', 38.69), ('2015', 35.85000000000001), ('2017', 31.83999999999999), ('2012', 30.85), ('2016', 29.89), ('2011', 23.810000000000002), ('2014', 22.96000000000001), ('2020', 22.850000000000012), ('2013', 21.56), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 High Year: 2018 Low Year: 2013 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Start Date: 19871231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 End Date: 20220131 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Start Date: 19871231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Characteristic: A build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Station code: G00 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Start Date: 20110101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Characteristic: H build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Station code: G00 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 [('2011', 13330.400000000003), ('2016', 13121.249999999998), ('2015', 12945.15), ('2019', 12598.350000000002), ('2012', 12393.000000000004), ('2017', 12173.249999999993), ('2020', 12144.299999999997), ('2018', 12059.799999999994), ('2013', 11348.1), ('2014', 11303.050000000003), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 High Year: 2011 Low Year: 2014 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Start Date: 20110101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 End Date: 20221015 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Start Date: 20110101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Characteristic: C build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Station code: G00 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 [('2011', 13330.400000000003), ('2016', 13121.249999999998), ('2015', 12945.15), ('2019', 12598.350000000002), ('2012', 12393.000000000004), ('2017', 12173.249999999993), ('2020', 12144.299999999997), ('2018', 12059.799999999994), ('2013', 11348.1), ('2014', 11303.050000000003), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 High Year: 2011 Low Year: 2014 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Start Date: 20110101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 End Date: 20221015 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Start Date: 20110101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Characteristic: W build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Station code: G00 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 [('2018', 36.794999999999995), ('2016', 31.378999999999987), ('2012', 31.27499999999999), ('2011', 30.203000000000007), ('2019', 29.63499999999999), ('2015', 29.29699999999999), ('2017', 28.091), ('2013', 26.320000000000004), ('2020', 25.829999999999995), ('2014', 25.520999999999987), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 High Year: 2018 Low Year: 2014 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Start Date: 20110101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 End Date: 20221015 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Start Date: 20110101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Characteristic: D build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Station code: G00 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 [('2018', 36.794999999999995), ('2016', 31.378999999999987), ('2012', 31.27499999999999), ('2011', 30.203000000000007), ('2019', 29.63499999999999), ('2015', 29.29699999999999), ('2017', 28.091), ('2013', 26.320000000000004), ('2020', 25.829999999999995), ('2014', 25.520999999999987), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 High Year: 2018 Low Year: 2014 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Start Date: 20110101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 End Date: 20221015 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Start Date: 20110101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Characteristic: A build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Station code: G01 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Start Date: 20110101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Characteristic: H build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Station code: G01 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 [('2011', 13023.999999999996), ('2015', 12385.000000000002), ('2016', 12380.60000000001), ('2012', 12104.199999999999), ('2019', 11903.749999999995), ('2017', 11609.450000000006), ('2020', 11602.649999999996), ('2018', 11351.100000000006), ('2014', 10807.099999999997), ('2013', 10659.249999999995), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 High Year: 2011 Low Year: 2013 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Start Date: 20110101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 End Date: 20221015 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Start Date: 20110101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Characteristic: C build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Station code: G01 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 [('2011', 13023.999999999996), ('2015', 12385.000000000002), ('2016', 12380.60000000001), ('2012', 12104.199999999999), ('2019', 11903.749999999995), ('2017', 11609.450000000006), ('2020', 11602.649999999996), ('2018', 11351.100000000006), ('2014', 10807.099999999997), ('2013', 10659.249999999995), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 High Year: 2011 Low Year: 2013 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Start Date: 20110101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 End Date: 20221015 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Start Date: 20110101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Characteristic: W build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Station code: G01 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 [('2019', 36.151999999999994), ('2018', 33.98299999999999), ('2016', 31.784999999999982), ('2017', 29.539999999999992), ('2011', 26.644999999999996), ('2015', 26.449), ('2012', 25.07199999999999), ('2013', 24.819999999999986), ('2014', 22.264999999999986), ('2020', 21.550999999999995), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 High Year: 2019 Low Year: 2020 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Start Date: 20110101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 End Date: 20221015 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Start Date: 20110101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Characteristic: D build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:13 Station code: G01 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 [('2019', 36.151999999999994), ('2018', 33.98299999999999), ('2016', 31.784999999999982), ('2017', 29.539999999999992), ('2011', 26.644999999999996), ('2015', 26.449), ('2012', 25.07199999999999), ('2013', 24.819999999999986), ('2014', 22.264999999999986), ('2020', 21.550999999999995), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 High Year: 2019 Low Year: 2020 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Start Date: 20110101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 End Date: 20221015 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Start Date: 20110101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Characteristic: A build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Station code: G02 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Start Date: 20110101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Characteristic: H build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Station code: G02 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 [('2011', 14356.199999999999), ('2016', 14029.300000000005), ('2015', 13922.849999999993), ('2019', 13643.5), ('2017', 13338.20000000001), ('2012', 13332.149999999994), ('2018', 13329.999999999993), ('2020', 13164.950000000008), ('2013', 12578.300000000001), ('2014', 12547.9), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 High Year: 2011 Low Year: 2014 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Start Date: 20110101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 End Date: 20221015 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Start Date: 20110101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Characteristic: C build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Station code: G02 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 [('2011', 14356.199999999999), ('2016', 14029.300000000005), ('2015', 13922.849999999993), ('2019', 13643.5), ('2017', 13338.20000000001), ('2012', 13332.149999999994), ('2018', 13329.999999999993), ('2020', 13164.950000000008), ('2013', 12578.300000000001), ('2014', 12547.9), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 High Year: 2011 Low Year: 2014 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Start Date: 20110101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 End Date: 20221015 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Start Date: 20110101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Characteristic: W build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Station code: G02 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 [('2018', 53.10800000000001), ('2013', 42.650999999999975), ('2014', 42.29099999999998), ('2017', 40.471000000000004), ('2019', 40.18500000000002), ('2015', 40.046), ('2011', 39.62499999999999), ('2012', 38.64299999999998), ('2016', 34.904999999999994), ('2020', 33.736999999999995), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 High Year: 2018 Low Year: 2020 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Start Date: 20110101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 End Date: 20221015 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Start Date: 20110101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Characteristic: D build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Station code: G02 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 [('2018', 53.10800000000001), ('2013', 42.650999999999975), ('2014', 42.29099999999998), ('2017', 40.471000000000004), ('2019', 40.18500000000002), ('2015', 40.046), ('2011', 39.62499999999999), ('2012', 38.64299999999998), ('2016', 34.904999999999994), ('2020', 33.736999999999995), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 High Year: 2018 Low Year: 2020 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Start Date: 20110101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 End Date: 20221015 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Start Date: 20110101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Characteristic: A build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Station code: G03 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Start Date: 20110101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Characteristic: H build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Station code: G03 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 [('2016', 14024.599999999995), ('2011', 13994.849999999999), ('2015', 13848.899999999989), ('2019', 13460.299999999997), ('2018', 13110.750000000002), ('2017', 13100.750000000011), ('2012', 13065.05), ('2020', 12990.950000000006), ('2013', 12473.199999999997), ('2014', 12364.5), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 High Year: 2016 Low Year: 2014 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Start Date: 20110101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 End Date: 20221015 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Start Date: 20110101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Characteristic: C build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Station code: G03 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 [('2016', 14024.599999999995), ('2011', 13994.849999999999), ('2015', 13848.899999999989), ('2019', 13460.299999999997), ('2018', 13110.750000000002), ('2017', 13100.750000000011), ('2012', 13065.05), ('2020', 12990.950000000006), ('2013', 12473.199999999997), ('2014', 12364.5), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 High Year: 2016 Low Year: 2014 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Start Date: 20110101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 End Date: 20221015 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Start Date: 20110101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Characteristic: W build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Station code: G03 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 [('2018', 49.40700000000001), ('2011', 42.152), ('2016', 38.85699999999998), ('2019', 38.20199999999999), ('2017', 38.01100000000001), ('2013', 37.713), ('2015', 36.97799999999998), ('2012', 34.70299999999998), ('2014', 32.27499999999999), ('2020', 31.014999999999997), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 High Year: 2018 Low Year: 2020 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Start Date: 20110101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 End Date: 20221015 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Start Date: 20110101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Characteristic: D build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Station code: G03 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 [('2018', 49.40700000000001), ('2011', 42.152), ('2016', 38.85699999999998), ('2019', 38.20199999999999), ('2017', 38.01100000000001), ('2013', 37.713), ('2015', 36.97799999999998), ('2012', 34.70299999999998), ('2014', 32.27499999999999), ('2020', 31.014999999999997), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 High Year: 2018 Low Year: 2020 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Start Date: 20110101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 End Date: 20221015 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Start Date: 20110101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Characteristic: A build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Station code: G04 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Start Date: 20110101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Characteristic: H build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Station code: G04 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 [('2011', 13020.549999999997), ('2015', 12551.400000000001), ('2016', 12493.300000000001), ('2012', 12130.500000000005), ('2019', 12095.650000000001), ('2017', 11735.149999999998), ('2020', 11731.050000000001), ('2018', 11504.149999999994), ('2014', 10891.449999999993), ('2013', 10830.10000000001), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 High Year: 2011 Low Year: 2013 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Start Date: 20110101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 End Date: 20221015 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Start Date: 20110101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Characteristic: C build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Station code: G04 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 [('2011', 13020.549999999997), ('2015', 12551.400000000001), ('2016', 12493.300000000001), ('2012', 12130.500000000005), ('2019', 12095.650000000001), ('2017', 11735.149999999998), ('2020', 11731.050000000001), ('2018', 11504.149999999994), ('2014', 10891.449999999993), ('2013', 10830.10000000001), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 High Year: 2011 Low Year: 2013 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Start Date: 20110101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 End Date: 20221015 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Start Date: 20110101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Characteristic: W build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Station code: G04 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 [('2016', 34.51299999999999), ('2018', 29.344999999999988), ('2011', 28.731999999999996), ('2012', 26.98599999999999), ('2017', 26.940000000000005), ('2019', 26.892000000000003), ('2013', 25.495999999999995), ('2015', 24.34499999999999), ('2014', 23.680999999999997), ('2020', 22.691), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 High Year: 2016 Low Year: 2020 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Start Date: 20110101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 End Date: 20221015 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Start Date: 20110101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Characteristic: D build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Station code: G04 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 [('2016', 34.51299999999999), ('2018', 29.344999999999988), ('2011', 28.731999999999996), ('2012', 26.98599999999999), ('2017', 26.940000000000005), ('2019', 26.892000000000003), ('2013', 25.495999999999995), ('2015', 24.34499999999999), ('2014', 23.680999999999997), ('2020', 22.691), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 High Year: 2016 Low Year: 2020 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Start Date: 20110101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 End Date: 20221015 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Start Date: 20110101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Characteristic: A build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Station code: G05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Start Date: 20110101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Characteristic: H build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Station code: G05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:24 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:27 [('2011', 13458.549999999994), ('2016', 13113.599999999997), ('2015', 12960.899999999998), ('2019', 12539.949999999993), ('2012', 12419.15), ('2020', 12296.449999999999), ('2017', 12235.249999999995), ('2018', 12033.849999999997), ('2013', 11385.250000000005), ('2014', 11297.400000000005), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:27 High Year: 2011 Low Year: 2014 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:27 Start Date: 20110101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:27 End Date: 20221015 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:27 Start Date: 20110101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:27 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:27 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:27 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:27 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:27 Characteristic: C build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:27 Station code: G05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:27 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:27 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:27 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:27 [('2011', 13458.549999999994), ('2016', 13113.599999999997), ('2015', 12960.899999999998), ('2019', 12539.949999999993), ('2012', 12419.15), ('2020', 12296.449999999999), ('2017', 12235.249999999995), ('2018', 12033.849999999997), ('2013', 11385.250000000005), ('2014', 11297.400000000005), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:27 High Year: 2011 Low Year: 2014 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:27 Start Date: 20110101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:27 End Date: 20221015 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:27 Start Date: 20110101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:27 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:27 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:27 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:27 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:27 Characteristic: W build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:27 Station code: G05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:27 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:27 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:27 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:27 [('2016', 33.036000000000016), ('2018', 32.99499999999999), ('2012', 32.651999999999994), ('2011', 27.796), ('2017', 26.364), ('2013', 26.161999999999992), ('2014', 26.116000000000003), ('2019', 25.28599999999999), ('2015', 25.190000000000015), ('2020', 23.310000000000002), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:27 High Year: 2016 Low Year: 2020 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:27 Start Date: 20110101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:27 End Date: 20221015 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:27 Start Date: 20110101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:27 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:27 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:27 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:27 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:27 Characteristic: D build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:27 Station code: G05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:27 Reading weather data from: IllinoisStateWaterSurvey/ build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:27 startmonth 09 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:27 endmonth 05 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:27 [('2016', 33.036000000000016), ('2018', 32.99499999999999), ('2012', 32.651999999999994), ('2011', 27.796), ('2017', 26.364), ('2013', 26.161999999999992), ('2014', 26.116000000000003), ('2019', 25.28599999999999), ('2015', 25.190000000000015), ('2020', 23.310000000000002), ('0000', 0)] build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:27 High Year: 2016 Low Year: 2020 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:27 Start Date: 20110101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:27 End Date: 20221015 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:27 Start Date: 20110101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:27 End Date: 20221231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:27 Start Date: 20230101 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:27 End Date: 20231231 build 08-Dec-2022 09:57:27 simple 08-Dec-2022 09:57:27 Finished task 'python test' with result: Success simple 08-Dec-2022 09:57:27 Running post build plugin 'Docker Container Cleanup' simple 08-Dec-2022 09:57:27 Running post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector' simple 08-Dec-2022 09:57:27 Running post build plugin 'Build Results Label Collector' simple 08-Dec-2022 09:57:27 Running post build plugin 'Clover Results Collector' simple 08-Dec-2022 09:57:27 Running post build plugin 'npm Cache Cleanup' simple 08-Dec-2022 09:57:27 Running post build plugin 'Artifact Copier' simple 08-Dec-2022 09:57:27 Publishing an artifact: covercrop-web error 08-Dec-2022 09:57:27 Unable to publish artifact [covercrop-web]: the source directory /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/CCROP-DSSAT8-JOB1/build does not exist. simple 08-Dec-2022 09:57:27 The artifact hasn't been successfully published after 2.511 ms simple 08-Dec-2022 09:57:27 Finalising the build... simple 08-Dec-2022 09:57:27 Stopping timer. simple 08-Dec-2022 09:57:27 Build CCROP-DSSAT8-JOB1-3 completed. simple 08-Dec-2022 09:57:27 Running on server: post build plugin 'Build Hanging Detection Configuration' simple 08-Dec-2022 09:57:27 Running on server: post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector' simple 08-Dec-2022 09:57:27 Running on server: post build plugin 'Build Labeller' simple 08-Dec-2022 09:57:27 Running on server: post build plugin 'Clover Delta Calculator' simple 08-Dec-2022 09:57:27 Running on server: post build plugin 'Maven Dependencies Postprocessor' simple 08-Dec-2022 09:57:27 All post build plugins have finished simple 08-Dec-2022 09:57:27 Generating build results summary... simple 08-Dec-2022 09:57:27 Saving build results to disk... simple 08-Dec-2022 09:57:28 Store variable context... simple 08-Dec-2022 09:57:28 Finished building CCROP-DSSAT8-JOB1-3.