simple 19-Apr-2023 14:35:43 Build FarmDoc - Core - release-1.7.0 - Default Job #1 (FD-CORE157-JOB1-1) is being prepared for building on agent, bamboo version: 9.2.1 simple 19-Apr-2023 14:35:43 Remote agent on host simple 19-Apr-2023 14:35:43 Build working directory is /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/FD-CORE157-JOB1 simple 19-Apr-2023 14:35:43 Executing build FarmDoc - Core - release-1.7.0 - Default Job #1 (FD-CORE157-JOB1-1) simple 19-Apr-2023 14:35:43 Starting task 'Checkout Default Repository' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.vcs:task.vcs.checkout' simple 19-Apr-2023 14:35:43 Build always requires a clean checkout simple 19-Apr-2023 14:35:43 Cleaning build directory '/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/FD-CORE157-JOB1' simple 19-Apr-2023 14:35:43 Checking out into /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/FD-CORE157-JOB1 simple 19-Apr-2023 14:35:43 Updating source code to revision: eda31742a10bdc69259e282feeddb460a0785cdd simple 19-Apr-2023 14:35:43 Creating local git repository in '/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/FD-CORE157-JOB1/.git'. simple 19-Apr-2023 14:35:44 Initialized empty Git repository in /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/FD-CORE157-JOB1/.git/ simple 19-Apr-2023 14:35:44 Fetching 'refs/heads/release/1.7.0' from 'ssh://'. Will try to do a shallow fetch. simple 19-Apr-2023 14:35:44 Warning: Permanently added '[]:46741' (RSA) to the list of known hosts. simple 19-Apr-2023 14:35:52 Checking out revision eda31742a10bdc69259e282feeddb460a0785cdd. simple 19-Apr-2023 14:35:54 Switched to branch 'release/1.7.0' simple 19-Apr-2023 14:35:54 Updated source code to revision: eda31742a10bdc69259e282feeddb460a0785cdd simple 19-Apr-2023 14:35:54 Finished task 'Checkout Default Repository' with result: Success simple 19-Apr-2023 14:35:54 Running pre-build action: Build Log Labeller Pre Build Action simple 19-Apr-2023 14:35:54 Running pre-build action: VCS Version Collector simple 19-Apr-2023 14:35:54 Build FarmDoc - Core - release-1.7.0 - Default Job #1 (FD-CORE157-JOB1-1) started building on agent '' (Remote agent on host simple 19-Apr-2023 14:35:54 Skipping execution of task 'npm install' as it is disabled simple 19-Apr-2023 14:35:54 Skipping execution of task 'npm audit' as it is disabled simple 19-Apr-2023 14:35:54 Skipping execution of task 'npm run build' as it is disabled simple 19-Apr-2023 14:35:54 Skipping execution of task 'zip build' as it is disabled simple 19-Apr-2023 14:35:54 Starting task 'docker build' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script' command 19-Apr-2023 14:35:54 Beginning to execute external process for build 'FarmDoc - Core - release-1.7.0 - Default Job #1 (FD-CORE157-JOB1-1)'\n ... running command line: \n/bin/sh\n ... in: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/FD-CORE157-JOB1\n error 19-Apr-2023 14:35:54 #2 [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile error 19-Apr-2023 14:35:54 #2 sha256:4b4db6d83e1898fbcf9b88c8bab85246a4e4c1c33246621ca648759d95c07499 error 19-Apr-2023 14:35:55 #2 transferring dockerfile: 1.17kB 0.0s done error 19-Apr-2023 14:35:55 #2 DONE 0.0s error 19-Apr-2023 14:35:55 error 19-Apr-2023 14:35:55 #1 [internal] load .dockerignore error 19-Apr-2023 14:35:55 #1 sha256:e187d0b37094bce1eefb73a1705027a29a8af1f71fc5588da1f74e0963ec1a7e error 19-Apr-2023 14:35:55 #1 transferring context: 2B 0.0s done error 19-Apr-2023 14:35:55 #1 DONE 0.0s error 19-Apr-2023 14:35:55 error 19-Apr-2023 14:35:55 #4 [internal] load metadata for error 19-Apr-2023 14:35:55 #4 sha256:8c21a6b7f6313f780d33d24e0f287ea2809fb861dbfd357dea7f2254e0843d5b error 19-Apr-2023 14:35:55 #4 DONE 0.2s error 19-Apr-2023 14:35:55 error 19-Apr-2023 14:35:55 #3 [internal] load metadata for error 19-Apr-2023 14:35:55 #3 sha256:cf55cc0a1de72e6d20d3ea61161422b427334a20deb878d1522a1a903df4eb71 error 19-Apr-2023 14:35:55 #3 DONE 0.2s error 19-Apr-2023 14:35:55 error 19-Apr-2023 14:35:55 #5 [stage-1 1/5] FROM error 19-Apr-2023 14:35:55 #5 sha256:f034c60dfcad1a26f20253238af43026a7a3b39fdaa27c18b320f1ea7cdac2f5 error 19-Apr-2023 14:35:55 #5 DONE 0.0s error 19-Apr-2023 14:35:55 error 19-Apr-2023 14:35:55 #6 [builder 1/8] FROM error 19-Apr-2023 14:35:55 #6 sha256:281a95b9db58e546de0fd506aa971ca96da29dabef69d14607919aca7c11b465 error 19-Apr-2023 14:35:55 #6 DONE 0.0s error 19-Apr-2023 14:35:55 error 19-Apr-2023 14:35:55 #8 [internal] load build context error 19-Apr-2023 14:35:55 #8 sha256:536750c81da0ea62b9dac2ec21ee1f8cc0f06293f644e10dfa1da7d7bd6b7e55 error 19-Apr-2023 14:36:25 #8 transferring context: 2.44MB 30.0s done error 19-Apr-2023 14:36:25 #8 DONE 30.0s error 19-Apr-2023 14:36:25 error 19-Apr-2023 14:36:25 #12 [builder 6/8] COPY src ./src/ error 19-Apr-2023 14:36:25 #12 sha256:2d8bdae95f2baed1f48c39802c35a6e6297970faf8e1e6a131a9554f3ac77d67 error 19-Apr-2023 14:36:25 #12 CACHED error 19-Apr-2023 14:36:25 error 19-Apr-2023 14:36:25 #14 [builder 8/8] RUN npm run build error 19-Apr-2023 14:36:25 #14 sha256:1b4809e5c38eab79efac371063961139249e6542926b76ec5f2da543be969643 error 19-Apr-2023 14:36:25 #14 CACHED error 19-Apr-2023 14:36:25 error 19-Apr-2023 14:36:25 #15 [stage-1 2/5] COPY --from=builder /usr/src/app/build/ /usr/share/nginx/html/ error 19-Apr-2023 14:36:25 #15 sha256:53ff4118cfec9421e9f648da99b76d1089ec1e8b3d08e86272dcf06063d869d8 error 19-Apr-2023 14:36:25 #15 CACHED error 19-Apr-2023 14:36:25 error 19-Apr-2023 14:36:25 #10 [builder 4/8] RUN npm install error 19-Apr-2023 14:36:25 #10 sha256:f51838786cffedcff199626c0bbea3a037f2f263169021ebc58a1aa4fc35e0ad error 19-Apr-2023 14:36:25 #10 CACHED error 19-Apr-2023 14:36:25 error 19-Apr-2023 14:36:25 #16 [stage-1 3/5] COPY public /usr/share/nginx/html/public/ error 19-Apr-2023 14:36:25 #16 sha256:437f5a12b87dbd7da41b830b5f06c48269ae1c3d53520b781c1f848eab2e5e80 error 19-Apr-2023 14:36:25 #16 CACHED error 19-Apr-2023 14:36:25 error 19-Apr-2023 14:36:25 #9 [builder 3/8] COPY package.json package-lock.json /usr/src/app/ error 19-Apr-2023 14:36:25 #9 sha256:fda074583c1aa2b60aec8e3177391bafba1eb8c74d0c2f1cef1f39c538e2692b error 19-Apr-2023 14:36:25 #9 CACHED error 19-Apr-2023 14:36:25 error 19-Apr-2023 14:36:25 #11 [builder 5/8] COPY .eslintrc *.js ./ error 19-Apr-2023 14:36:25 #11 sha256:8c0d545b6fd8c5f191a8b370fc23aafedd89c0074097ec46e66f75daec3460f9 error 19-Apr-2023 14:36:25 #11 CACHED error 19-Apr-2023 14:36:25 error 19-Apr-2023 14:36:25 #13 [builder 7/8] COPY public ./public/ error 19-Apr-2023 14:36:25 #13 sha256:5c445321031df28217c730a0af78493138976f55c3d57f7b3eb0360264eafd00 error 19-Apr-2023 14:36:25 #13 CACHED error 19-Apr-2023 14:36:25 error 19-Apr-2023 14:36:25 #17 [stage-1 4/5] COPY public/keycloak.json /usr/share/nginx/html/ error 19-Apr-2023 14:36:25 #17 sha256:0a651b751e01787baef7112ae78817b7a7e603b5c8165a97c6114939dc63fc9a error 19-Apr-2023 14:36:25 #17 CACHED error 19-Apr-2023 14:36:25 error 19-Apr-2023 14:36:25 #7 [builder 2/8] WORKDIR /usr/src/app error 19-Apr-2023 14:36:25 #7 sha256:e4a6d5fe7e3fefc4f16b84794d4fb52736b34ae8e2141f6147b65ff9a338f7e6 error 19-Apr-2023 14:36:25 #7 CACHED error 19-Apr-2023 14:36:25 error 19-Apr-2023 14:36:25 #18 [stage-1 5/5] COPY nginx.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf error 19-Apr-2023 14:36:25 #18 sha256:555bd8530388378964985a964b70bbbb2cb49e8022664d25347c53703d38a88b error 19-Apr-2023 14:36:25 #18 CACHED error 19-Apr-2023 14:36:25 error 19-Apr-2023 14:36:25 #19 exporting to image error 19-Apr-2023 14:36:25 #19 sha256:e8c613e07b0b7ff33893b694f7759a10d42e180f2b4dc349fb57dc6b71dcab00 error 19-Apr-2023 14:36:25 #19 exporting layers done error 19-Apr-2023 14:36:25 #19 writing image sha256:39ccfd45f4d70345f446c5946e9f9a9f53ab53e3dc8ebb194bc0c8719e36302c done error 19-Apr-2023 14:36:25 #19 naming to done error 19-Apr-2023 14:36:25 #19 DONE 0.0s simple 19-Apr-2023 14:36:25 Finished task 'docker build' with result: Success simple 19-Apr-2023 14:36:25 Running post build plugin 'Docker Container Cleanup' simple 19-Apr-2023 14:36:25 Running post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector' simple 19-Apr-2023 14:36:25 Running post build plugin 'Build Results Label Collector' simple 19-Apr-2023 14:36:25 Running post build plugin 'Clover Results Collector' simple 19-Apr-2023 14:36:25 Running post build plugin 'npm Cache Cleanup' simple 19-Apr-2023 14:36:25 Running post build plugin 'Artifact Copier' simple 19-Apr-2023 14:36:25 Publishing an artifact: farmdoc-web error 19-Apr-2023 14:36:25 Unable to publish artifact [farmdoc-web]: the source directory /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/FD-CORE157-JOB1/build does not exist. simple 19-Apr-2023 14:36:25 The artifact hasn't been successfully published after 4.066 ms simple 19-Apr-2023 14:36:25 Finalising the build... simple 19-Apr-2023 14:36:25 Stopping timer. simple 19-Apr-2023 14:36:25 Build FD-CORE157-JOB1-1 completed. simple 19-Apr-2023 14:36:25 Running on server: post build plugin 'Build Hanging Detection Configuration' simple 19-Apr-2023 14:36:25 Running on server: post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector' simple 19-Apr-2023 14:36:25 Running on server: post build plugin 'Build Labeller' simple 19-Apr-2023 14:36:25 Running on server: post build plugin 'Clover Delta Calculator' simple 19-Apr-2023 14:36:25 Running on server: post build plugin 'Maven Dependencies Postprocessor' simple 19-Apr-2023 14:36:25 All post build plugins have finished simple 19-Apr-2023 14:36:25 Generating build results summary... simple 19-Apr-2023 14:36:25 Saving build results to disk... simple 19-Apr-2023 14:36:25 Store variable context... simple 19-Apr-2023 14:36:25 Finished building FD-CORE157-JOB1-1.