simple 11-Feb-2021 11:26:02 Build FarmDoc - Core - develop - Default Job #84 (FD-CORE9-JOB1-84) started building on agent, bamboo version: 7.2.2 simple 11-Feb-2021 11:26:02 Remote agent on host simple 11-Feb-2021 11:26:02 Build working directory is /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/FD-CORE9-JOB1 simple 11-Feb-2021 11:26:02 Executing build FarmDoc - Core - develop - Default Job #84 (FD-CORE9-JOB1-84) simple 11-Feb-2021 11:26:02 Starting task 'Checkout Default Repository' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.vcs:task.vcs.checkout' simple 11-Feb-2021 11:26:02 Build always requires a clean checkout simple 11-Feb-2021 11:26:02 Cleaning build directory '/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/FD-CORE9-JOB1' simple 11-Feb-2021 11:26:02 Checking out into /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/FD-CORE9-JOB1 simple 11-Feb-2021 11:26:02 Updating source code to revision: 3767bbdbc349cdffa496306110b6cb10fda25d32 simple 11-Feb-2021 11:26:02 Creating local git repository in '/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/FD-CORE9-JOB1/.git'. simple 11-Feb-2021 11:26:02 Initialized empty Git repository in /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/FD-CORE9-JOB1/.git/ simple 11-Feb-2021 11:26:03 Fetching 'refs/heads/develop' from 'ssh://'. Will try to do a shallow fetch. simple 11-Feb-2021 11:26:03 Warning: Permanently added '[]:44561' (RSA) to the list of known hosts. simple 11-Feb-2021 11:26:04 From ssh:// simple 11-Feb-2021 11:26:04 * [new branch] develop -> develop simple 11-Feb-2021 11:26:04 Checking out revision 3767bbdbc349cdffa496306110b6cb10fda25d32. simple 11-Feb-2021 11:26:04 Switched to branch 'develop' simple 11-Feb-2021 11:26:04 Updated source code to revision: 3767bbdbc349cdffa496306110b6cb10fda25d32 simple 11-Feb-2021 11:26:04 Finished task 'Checkout Default Repository' with result: Success simple 11-Feb-2021 11:26:04 Running pre-build action: VCS Version Collector simple 11-Feb-2021 11:26:04 Starting task 'npm install' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.bamboo-nodejs-plugin:task.builder.npm' command 11-Feb-2021 11:26:04 Beginning to execute external process for build 'FarmDoc - Core - develop - Default Job #84 (FD-CORE9-JOB1-84)'\n ... running command line: \n/home/bamboo/node-v12.14.1/bin/node /home/bamboo/node-v12.14.1/bin/npm install\n ... in: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/FD-CORE9-JOB1\n build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:05 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:05 > farmdoc@1.5.0 preinstall /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/FD-CORE9-JOB1 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:05 > node tools/nodeVersionCheck.js build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:05 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:43 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:43 > phantomjs-prebuilt@2.1.16 install /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/FD-CORE9-JOB1/node_modules/phantomjs-prebuilt build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:43 > node install.js build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:43 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:44 PhantomJS not found on PATH build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:44 Download already available at /tmp/phantomjs/phantomjs-2.1.1-linux-x86_64.tar.bz2 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:44 Verified checksum of previously downloaded file build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:44 Extracting tar contents (via spawned process) build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:47 Removing /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/FD-CORE9-JOB1/node_modules/phantomjs-prebuilt/lib/phantom build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:47 Copying extracted folder /tmp/phantomjs/phantomjs-2.1.1-linux-x86_64.tar.bz2-extract-1613064404422/phantomjs-2.1.1-linux-x86_64 -> /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/FD-CORE9-JOB1/node_modules/phantomjs-prebuilt/lib/phantom build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:47 Writing location.js file build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:47 Done. Phantomjs binary available at /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/FD-CORE9-JOB1/node_modules/phantomjs-prebuilt/lib/phantom/bin/phantomjs build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:47 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:47 > node-sass@4.14.1 install /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/FD-CORE9-JOB1/node_modules/node-sass build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:47 > node scripts/install.js build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:47 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:48 Cached binary found at /home/bamboo/.npm/node-sass/4.14.1/linux-x64-72_binding.node build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:48 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:48 > core-js-pure@3.6.5 postinstall /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/FD-CORE9-JOB1/node_modules/core-js-pure build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:48 > node -e "try{require('./postinstall')}catch(e){}" build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:48 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:48 Thank you for using core-js ( ) for polyfilling JavaScript standard library! build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:48 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:48 The project needs your help! Please consider supporting of core-js on Open Collective or Patreon:  build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:48 >  build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:48 >  build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:48 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:48 Also, the author of core-js ( ) is looking for a good job -) build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:48 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:48 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:48 > core-js@3.3.2 postinstall /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/FD-CORE9-JOB1/node_modules/karma/node_modules/core-js build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:48 > node postinstall || echo "ignore" build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:48 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:49 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:49 > node-sass@4.14.1 postinstall /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/FD-CORE9-JOB1/node_modules/node-sass build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:49 > node scripts/build.js build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:49 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:49 Binary found at /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/FD-CORE9-JOB1/node_modules/node-sass/vendor/linux-x64-72/binding.node build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:49 Testing binary build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:49 Binary is fine error 11-Feb-2021 11:26:51 npm WARN optional SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: fsevents@2.1.3 (node_modules/watchpack/node_modules/fsevents): error 11-Feb-2021 11:26:51 npm WARN notsup SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: Unsupported platform for fsevents@2.1.3: wanted {"os":"darwin","arch":"any"} (current: {"os":"linux","arch":"x64"}) error 11-Feb-2021 11:26:51 npm WARN optional SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: fsevents@1.2.7 (node_modules/fsevents): error 11-Feb-2021 11:26:51 npm WARN notsup SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: Unsupported platform for fsevents@1.2.7: wanted {"os":"darwin","arch":"any"} (current: {"os":"linux","arch":"x64"}) error 11-Feb-2021 11:26:51 npm WARN optional SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: fsevents@2.1.1 (node_modules/karma/node_modules/fsevents): error 11-Feb-2021 11:26:51 npm WARN notsup SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: Unsupported platform for fsevents@2.1.1: wanted {"os":"darwin","arch":"any"} (current: {"os":"linux","arch":"x64"}) error 11-Feb-2021 11:26:51 npm WARN optional SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: fsevents@2.1.3 (node_modules/browser-sync/node_modules/fsevents): error 11-Feb-2021 11:26:51 npm WARN notsup SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: Unsupported platform for fsevents@2.1.3: wanted {"os":"darwin","arch":"any"} (current: {"os":"linux","arch":"x64"}) error 11-Feb-2021 11:26:51 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:51 added 2681 packages from 2534 contributors and audited 2755 packages in 46.635s build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:53 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:53 16 packages are looking for funding build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:53 run `npm fund` for details build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:53 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:53 found 129 vulnerabilities (126 low, 2 moderate, 1 high) build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:53 run `npm audit fix` to fix them, or `npm audit` for details simple 11-Feb-2021 11:26:54 Finished task 'npm install' with result: Success simple 11-Feb-2021 11:26:54 Starting task 'npm audit' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.bamboo-nodejs-plugin:task.builder.npm' command 11-Feb-2021 11:26:54 Beginning to execute external process for build 'FarmDoc - Core - develop - Default Job #84 (FD-CORE9-JOB1-84)'\n ... running command line: \n/home/bamboo/node-v12.14.1/bin/node /home/bamboo/node-v12.14.1/bin/npm audit --audit-level=critical\n ... in: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/FD-CORE9-JOB1\n build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 === npm audit security report === build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 # Run npm install --save-dev css-loader@5.0.2 to resolve 2 vulnerabilities build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 SEMVER WARNING: Recommended action is a potentially breaking change build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Moderate │ Denial of Service │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ js-yaml │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ css-loader [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ css-loader > cssnano > postcss-svgo > svgo > js-yaml │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ High │ Code Injection │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ js-yaml │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ css-loader [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ css-loader > cssnano > postcss-svgo > svgo > js-yaml │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 # Run npm install --save-dev webpack-bundle-analyzer@4.4.0 to resolve 1 vulnerability build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 SEMVER WARNING: Recommended action is a potentially breaking change build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Moderate │ Cross-Site Scripting │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ webpack-bundle-analyzer │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ webpack-bundle-analyzer [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ webpack-bundle-analyzer │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 # Run npm install --save-dev karma@6.1.0 to resolve 1 vulnerability build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 SEMVER WARNING: Recommended action is a potentially breaking change build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Prototype Pollution │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ minimist │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ karma [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ karma > optimist > minimist │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 # Run npm install --save-dev flow-typed@3.2.1 to resolve 1 vulnerability build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 SEMVER WARNING: Recommended action is a potentially breaking change build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Prototype Pollution │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ yargs-parser │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ flow-typed [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ flow-typed > yargs > yargs-parser │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 # Run npm install --save-dev webpack@5.21.2 to resolve 1 vulnerability build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 SEMVER WARNING: Recommended action is a potentially breaking change build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Prototype Pollution │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ yargs-parser │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ webpack [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ webpack > yargs > yargs-parser │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 # Run npm install npm@7.5.3 to resolve 11 vulnerabilities build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 SEMVER WARNING: Recommended action is a potentially breaking change build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Regular Expression Denial of Service │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ npm-user-validate │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ npm │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ npm > npm-user-validate │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Prototype Pollution │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ ini │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ npm │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ npm > config-chain > ini │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Prototype Pollution │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ ini │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ npm │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ npm > ini │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Prototype Pollution │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ ini │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ npm │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ npm > libcipm > ini │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Prototype Pollution │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ ini │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ npm │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ npm > libnpm > libnpmconfig > ini │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Prototype Pollution │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ ini │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ npm │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ npm > libnpx > update-notifier > is-installed-globally > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ global-dirs > ini │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Prototype Pollution │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ ini │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ npm │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ npm > update-notifier > is-installed-globally > global-dirs │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ > ini │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Prototype Pollution │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ ini │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ npm │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ npm > libnpx > update-notifier > latest-version > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ package-json > registry-auth-token > rc > ini │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Prototype Pollution │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ ini │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ npm │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ npm > update-notifier > latest-version > package-json > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ registry-auth-token > rc > ini │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Prototype Pollution │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ ini │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ npm │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ npm > libnpx > update-notifier > latest-version > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ package-json > registry-url > rc > ini │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Prototype Pollution │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ ini │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ npm │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ npm > update-notifier > latest-version > package-json > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ registry-url > rc > ini │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 # Run npm update kind-of --depth 14 to resolve 106 vulnerabilities build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ @material-ui/codemod [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ @material-ui/codemod > jscodeshift-add-imports > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ jscodeshift-find-imports > jscodeshift > micromatch > braces │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ > snapdragon > base > define-property > is-descriptor > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ is-accessor-descriptor > kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ @material-ui/codemod [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ @material-ui/codemod > jscodeshift-add-imports > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ jscodeshift-find-imports > jscodeshift > micromatch > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ extglob > expand-brackets > snapdragon > base > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ define-property > is-descriptor > is-accessor-descriptor > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ @material-ui/codemod [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ @material-ui/codemod > jscodeshift-add-imports > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ jscodeshift-find-imports > jscodeshift > micromatch > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ extglob > snapdragon > base > define-property > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ is-descriptor > is-accessor-descriptor > kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ @material-ui/codemod [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ @material-ui/codemod > jscodeshift-add-imports > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ jscodeshift-find-imports > jscodeshift > micromatch > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ nanomatch > snapdragon > base > define-property > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ is-descriptor > is-accessor-descriptor > kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ eslint-watch [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ eslint-watch > chokidar > anymatch > micromatch > nanomatch │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ > snapdragon > base > define-property > is-descriptor > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ is-accessor-descriptor > kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ jscodeshift [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ jscodeshift > micromatch > nanomatch > snapdragon > base > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ define-property > is-descriptor > is-accessor-descriptor > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ webpack [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ webpack > watchpack > watchpack-chokidar2 > chokidar > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ anymatch > micromatch > nanomatch > snapdragon > base > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ define-property > is-descriptor > is-accessor-descriptor > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ webpack [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ webpack > watchpack > watchpack-chokidar2 > chokidar > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ readdirp > micromatch > nanomatch > snapdragon > base > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ define-property > is-descriptor > is-accessor-descriptor > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ @material-ui/codemod [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ @material-ui/codemod > jscodeshift-add-imports > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ jscodeshift-find-imports > jscodeshift > micromatch > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ snapdragon > base > define-property > is-descriptor > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ is-accessor-descriptor > kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ eslint-watch [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ eslint-watch > chokidar > anymatch > micromatch > braces > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ snapdragon > base > define-property > is-descriptor > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ is-accessor-descriptor > kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ eslint-watch [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ eslint-watch > chokidar > braces > snapdragon > base > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ define-property > is-descriptor > is-accessor-descriptor > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ eslint-watch [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ eslint-watch > chokidar > anymatch > micromatch > extglob > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ expand-brackets > snapdragon > base > define-property > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ is-descriptor > is-accessor-descriptor > kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ eslint-watch [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ eslint-watch > chokidar > anymatch > micromatch > extglob > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ snapdragon > base > define-property > is-descriptor > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ is-accessor-descriptor > kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ eslint-watch [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ eslint-watch > chokidar > anymatch > micromatch > snapdragon │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ > base > define-property > is-descriptor > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ is-accessor-descriptor > kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ jscodeshift [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ jscodeshift > micromatch > braces > snapdragon > base > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ define-property > is-descriptor > is-accessor-descriptor > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ jscodeshift [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ jscodeshift > micromatch > extglob > expand-brackets > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ snapdragon > base > define-property > is-descriptor > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ is-accessor-descriptor > kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ jscodeshift [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ jscodeshift > micromatch > extglob > snapdragon > base > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ define-property > is-descriptor > is-accessor-descriptor > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ jscodeshift [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ jscodeshift > micromatch > snapdragon > base > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ define-property > is-descriptor > is-accessor-descriptor > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ webpack [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ webpack > watchpack > watchpack-chokidar2 > chokidar > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ anymatch > micromatch > braces > snapdragon > base > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ define-property > is-descriptor > is-accessor-descriptor > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ webpack [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ webpack > watchpack > watchpack-chokidar2 > chokidar > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ readdirp > micromatch > braces > snapdragon > base > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ define-property > is-descriptor > is-accessor-descriptor > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ webpack [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ webpack > watchpack > watchpack-chokidar2 > chokidar > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ braces > snapdragon > base > define-property > is-descriptor │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ > is-accessor-descriptor > kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ webpack [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ webpack > watchpack > watchpack-chokidar2 > chokidar > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ anymatch > micromatch > extglob > expand-brackets > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ snapdragon > base > define-property > is-descriptor > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ is-accessor-descriptor > kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ webpack [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ webpack > watchpack > watchpack-chokidar2 > chokidar > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ readdirp > micromatch > extglob > expand-brackets > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ snapdragon > base > define-property > is-descriptor > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ is-accessor-descriptor > kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ webpack [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ webpack > watchpack > watchpack-chokidar2 > chokidar > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ anymatch > micromatch > extglob > snapdragon > base > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ define-property > is-descriptor > is-accessor-descriptor > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ webpack [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ webpack > watchpack > watchpack-chokidar2 > chokidar > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ readdirp > micromatch > extglob > snapdragon > base > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ define-property > is-descriptor > is-accessor-descriptor > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ webpack [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ webpack > watchpack > watchpack-chokidar2 > chokidar > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ anymatch > micromatch > snapdragon > base > define-property │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ > is-descriptor > is-accessor-descriptor > kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ webpack [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ webpack > watchpack > watchpack-chokidar2 > chokidar > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ readdirp > micromatch > snapdragon > base > define-property │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ > is-descriptor > is-accessor-descriptor > kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ @material-ui/codemod [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ @material-ui/codemod > jscodeshift-add-imports > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ jscodeshift-find-imports > jscodeshift > micromatch > braces │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ > snapdragon > base > define-property > is-descriptor > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ is-data-descriptor > kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ @material-ui/codemod [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ @material-ui/codemod > jscodeshift-add-imports > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ jscodeshift-find-imports > jscodeshift > micromatch > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ extglob > expand-brackets > snapdragon > base > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ define-property > is-descriptor > is-data-descriptor > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ @material-ui/codemod [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ @material-ui/codemod > jscodeshift-add-imports > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ jscodeshift-find-imports > jscodeshift > micromatch > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ extglob > snapdragon > base > define-property > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ is-descriptor > is-data-descriptor > kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ @material-ui/codemod [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ @material-ui/codemod > jscodeshift-add-imports > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ jscodeshift-find-imports > jscodeshift > micromatch > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ nanomatch > snapdragon > base > define-property > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ is-descriptor > is-data-descriptor > kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ eslint-watch [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ eslint-watch > chokidar > anymatch > micromatch > nanomatch │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ > snapdragon > base > define-property > is-descriptor > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ is-data-descriptor > kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ jscodeshift [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ jscodeshift > micromatch > nanomatch > snapdragon > base > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ define-property > is-descriptor > is-data-descriptor > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ webpack [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ webpack > watchpack > watchpack-chokidar2 > chokidar > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ anymatch > micromatch > nanomatch > snapdragon > base > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ define-property > is-descriptor > is-data-descriptor > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ webpack [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ webpack > watchpack > watchpack-chokidar2 > chokidar > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ readdirp > micromatch > nanomatch > snapdragon > base > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ define-property > is-descriptor > is-data-descriptor > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ @material-ui/codemod [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ @material-ui/codemod > jscodeshift-add-imports > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ jscodeshift-find-imports > jscodeshift > micromatch > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ snapdragon > base > define-property > is-descriptor > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ is-data-descriptor > kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ eslint-watch [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ eslint-watch > chokidar > anymatch > micromatch > braces > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ snapdragon > base > define-property > is-descriptor > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ is-data-descriptor > kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ eslint-watch [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ eslint-watch > chokidar > braces > snapdragon > base > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ define-property > is-descriptor > is-data-descriptor > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ eslint-watch [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ eslint-watch > chokidar > anymatch > micromatch > extglob > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ expand-brackets > snapdragon > base > define-property > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ is-descriptor > is-data-descriptor > kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ eslint-watch [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ eslint-watch > chokidar > anymatch > micromatch > extglob > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ snapdragon > base > define-property > is-descriptor > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ is-data-descriptor > kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ eslint-watch [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ eslint-watch > chokidar > anymatch > micromatch > snapdragon │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ > base > define-property > is-descriptor > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ is-data-descriptor > kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ jscodeshift [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ jscodeshift > micromatch > braces > snapdragon > base > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ define-property > is-descriptor > is-data-descriptor > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ jscodeshift [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ jscodeshift > micromatch > extglob > expand-brackets > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ snapdragon > base > define-property > is-descriptor > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ is-data-descriptor > kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ jscodeshift [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ jscodeshift > micromatch > extglob > snapdragon > base > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ define-property > is-descriptor > is-data-descriptor > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ jscodeshift [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ jscodeshift > micromatch > snapdragon > base > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ define-property > is-descriptor > is-data-descriptor > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ webpack [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ webpack > watchpack > watchpack-chokidar2 > chokidar > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ anymatch > micromatch > braces > snapdragon > base > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ define-property > is-descriptor > is-data-descriptor > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ webpack [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ webpack > watchpack > watchpack-chokidar2 > chokidar > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ readdirp > micromatch > braces > snapdragon > base > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ define-property > is-descriptor > is-data-descriptor > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ webpack [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ webpack > watchpack > watchpack-chokidar2 > chokidar > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ braces > snapdragon > base > define-property > is-descriptor │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ > is-data-descriptor > kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ webpack [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ webpack > watchpack > watchpack-chokidar2 > chokidar > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ anymatch > micromatch > extglob > expand-brackets > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ snapdragon > base > define-property > is-descriptor > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ is-data-descriptor > kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ webpack [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ webpack > watchpack > watchpack-chokidar2 > chokidar > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ readdirp > micromatch > extglob > expand-brackets > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ snapdragon > base > define-property > is-descriptor > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ is-data-descriptor > kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ webpack [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ webpack > watchpack > watchpack-chokidar2 > chokidar > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ anymatch > micromatch > extglob > snapdragon > base > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ define-property > is-descriptor > is-data-descriptor > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ webpack [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ webpack > watchpack > watchpack-chokidar2 > chokidar > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ readdirp > micromatch > extglob > snapdragon > base > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ define-property > is-descriptor > is-data-descriptor > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ webpack [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ webpack > watchpack > watchpack-chokidar2 > chokidar > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ anymatch > micromatch > snapdragon > base > define-property │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ > is-descriptor > is-data-descriptor > kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ webpack [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ webpack > watchpack > watchpack-chokidar2 > chokidar > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ readdirp > micromatch > snapdragon > base > define-property │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ > is-descriptor > is-data-descriptor > kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ @material-ui/codemod [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ @material-ui/codemod > jscodeshift-add-imports > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ jscodeshift-find-imports > jscodeshift > micromatch > braces │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ > snapdragon > base > define-property > is-descriptor > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ @material-ui/codemod [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ @material-ui/codemod > jscodeshift-add-imports > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ jscodeshift-find-imports > jscodeshift > micromatch > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ extglob > expand-brackets > snapdragon > base > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ define-property > is-descriptor > kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ @material-ui/codemod [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ @material-ui/codemod > jscodeshift-add-imports > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ jscodeshift-find-imports > jscodeshift > micromatch > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ extglob > snapdragon > base > define-property > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ is-descriptor > kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ @material-ui/codemod [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ @material-ui/codemod > jscodeshift-add-imports > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ jscodeshift-find-imports > jscodeshift > micromatch > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ nanomatch > snapdragon > base > define-property > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ is-descriptor > kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ eslint-watch [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ eslint-watch > chokidar > anymatch > micromatch > nanomatch │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ > snapdragon > base > define-property > is-descriptor > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ jscodeshift [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ jscodeshift > micromatch > nanomatch > snapdragon > base > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ define-property > is-descriptor > kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ webpack [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ webpack > watchpack > watchpack-chokidar2 > chokidar > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ anymatch > micromatch > nanomatch > snapdragon > base > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ define-property > is-descriptor > kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ webpack [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ webpack > watchpack > watchpack-chokidar2 > chokidar > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ readdirp > micromatch > nanomatch > snapdragon > base > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ define-property > is-descriptor > kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ @material-ui/codemod [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ @material-ui/codemod > jscodeshift-add-imports > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ jscodeshift-find-imports > jscodeshift > micromatch > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ snapdragon > base > define-property > is-descriptor > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ eslint-watch [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ eslint-watch > chokidar > anymatch > micromatch > braces > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ snapdragon > base > define-property > is-descriptor > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ eslint-watch [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ eslint-watch > chokidar > braces > snapdragon > base > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ define-property > is-descriptor > kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ eslint-watch [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ eslint-watch > chokidar > anymatch > micromatch > extglob > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ expand-brackets > snapdragon > base > define-property > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ is-descriptor > kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ eslint-watch [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ eslint-watch > chokidar > anymatch > micromatch > extglob > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ snapdragon > base > define-property > is-descriptor > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ eslint-watch [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ eslint-watch > chokidar > anymatch > micromatch > snapdragon │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ > base > define-property > is-descriptor > kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ jscodeshift [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ jscodeshift > micromatch > braces > snapdragon > base > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ define-property > is-descriptor > kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ jscodeshift [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ jscodeshift > micromatch > extglob > expand-brackets > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ snapdragon > base > define-property > is-descriptor > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ jscodeshift [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ jscodeshift > micromatch > extglob > snapdragon > base > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ define-property > is-descriptor > kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ jscodeshift [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ jscodeshift > micromatch > snapdragon > base > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ define-property > is-descriptor > kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ webpack [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ webpack > watchpack > watchpack-chokidar2 > chokidar > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ anymatch > micromatch > braces > snapdragon > base > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ define-property > is-descriptor > kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ webpack [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ webpack > watchpack > watchpack-chokidar2 > chokidar > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ readdirp > micromatch > braces > snapdragon > base > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ define-property > is-descriptor > kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ webpack [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ webpack > watchpack > watchpack-chokidar2 > chokidar > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ braces > snapdragon > base > define-property > is-descriptor │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ > kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ webpack [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ webpack > watchpack > watchpack-chokidar2 > chokidar > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ anymatch > micromatch > extglob > expand-brackets > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ snapdragon > base > define-property > is-descriptor > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ webpack [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ webpack > watchpack > watchpack-chokidar2 > chokidar > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ readdirp > micromatch > extglob > expand-brackets > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ snapdragon > base > define-property > is-descriptor > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ webpack [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ webpack > watchpack > watchpack-chokidar2 > chokidar > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ anymatch > micromatch > extglob > snapdragon > base > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ define-property > is-descriptor > kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ webpack [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ webpack > watchpack > watchpack-chokidar2 > chokidar > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ readdirp > micromatch > extglob > snapdragon > base > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ define-property > is-descriptor > kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ webpack [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ webpack > watchpack > watchpack-chokidar2 > chokidar > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ anymatch > micromatch > snapdragon > base > define-property │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ > is-descriptor > kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ webpack [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ webpack > watchpack > watchpack-chokidar2 > chokidar > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ readdirp > micromatch > snapdragon > base > define-property │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ > is-descriptor > kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ @material-ui/codemod [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ @material-ui/codemod > jscodeshift-add-imports > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ jscodeshift-find-imports > jscodeshift > micromatch > braces │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ > snapdragon-node > define-property > is-descriptor > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ is-accessor-descriptor > kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ eslint-watch [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ eslint-watch > chokidar > anymatch > micromatch > braces > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ snapdragon-node > define-property > is-descriptor > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ is-accessor-descriptor > kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ eslint-watch [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ eslint-watch > chokidar > braces > snapdragon-node > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ define-property > is-descriptor > is-accessor-descriptor > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ jscodeshift [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ jscodeshift > micromatch > braces > snapdragon-node > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ define-property > is-descriptor > is-accessor-descriptor > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ webpack [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ webpack > watchpack > watchpack-chokidar2 > chokidar > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ anymatch > micromatch > braces > snapdragon-node > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ define-property > is-descriptor > is-accessor-descriptor > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ webpack [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ webpack > watchpack > watchpack-chokidar2 > chokidar > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ readdirp > micromatch > braces > snapdragon-node > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ define-property > is-descriptor > is-accessor-descriptor > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ webpack [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ webpack > watchpack > watchpack-chokidar2 > chokidar > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ braces > snapdragon-node > define-property > is-descriptor > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ is-accessor-descriptor > kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ @material-ui/codemod [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ @material-ui/codemod > jscodeshift-add-imports > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ jscodeshift-find-imports > jscodeshift > micromatch > braces │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ > snapdragon-node > define-property > is-descriptor > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ is-data-descriptor > kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ eslint-watch [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ eslint-watch > chokidar > anymatch > micromatch > braces > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ snapdragon-node > define-property > is-descriptor > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ is-data-descriptor > kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ eslint-watch [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ eslint-watch > chokidar > braces > snapdragon-node > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ define-property > is-descriptor > is-data-descriptor > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ jscodeshift [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ jscodeshift > micromatch > braces > snapdragon-node > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ define-property > is-descriptor > is-data-descriptor > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ webpack [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ webpack > watchpack > watchpack-chokidar2 > chokidar > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ anymatch > micromatch > braces > snapdragon-node > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ define-property > is-descriptor > is-data-descriptor > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ webpack [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ webpack > watchpack > watchpack-chokidar2 > chokidar > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ readdirp > micromatch > braces > snapdragon-node > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ define-property > is-descriptor > is-data-descriptor > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ webpack [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ webpack > watchpack > watchpack-chokidar2 > chokidar > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ braces > snapdragon-node > define-property > is-descriptor > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ is-data-descriptor > kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ @material-ui/codemod [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ @material-ui/codemod > jscodeshift-add-imports > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ jscodeshift-find-imports > jscodeshift > micromatch > braces │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ > snapdragon-node > define-property > is-descriptor > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ eslint-watch [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ eslint-watch > chokidar > anymatch > micromatch > braces > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ snapdragon-node > define-property > is-descriptor > kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ eslint-watch [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ eslint-watch > chokidar > braces > snapdragon-node > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ define-property > is-descriptor > kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ jscodeshift [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ jscodeshift > micromatch > braces > snapdragon-node > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ define-property > is-descriptor > kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ webpack [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ webpack > watchpack > watchpack-chokidar2 > chokidar > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ anymatch > micromatch > braces > snapdragon-node > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ define-property > is-descriptor > kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ webpack [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ webpack > watchpack > watchpack-chokidar2 > chokidar > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ readdirp > micromatch > braces > snapdragon-node > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ define-property > is-descriptor > kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ webpack [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ webpack > watchpack > watchpack-chokidar2 > chokidar > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ braces > snapdragon-node > define-property > is-descriptor > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ eslint-watch [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ eslint-watch > chokidar > anymatch > micromatch > extglob > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ define-property > is-descriptor > is-accessor-descriptor > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ eslint-watch [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ eslint-watch > chokidar > anymatch > micromatch > extglob > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ define-property > is-descriptor > is-data-descriptor > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ eslint-watch [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ eslint-watch > chokidar > anymatch > micromatch > extglob > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ define-property > is-descriptor > kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Validation Bypass │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ eslint-watch [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ eslint-watch > chokidar > anymatch > micromatch > kind-of │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 # Run npm update create-react-class --depth 2 to resolve 1 vulnerability build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Denial of Service │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ node-fetch │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ react-router │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ react-router > create-react-class > fbjs > isomorphic-fetch │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ > node-fetch │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 # Run npm update ini --depth 8 to resolve 3 vulnerabilities build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Prototype Pollution │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ ini │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ babel-cli [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ babel-cli > chokidar > fsevents > node-pre-gyp > rc > ini │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Prototype Pollution │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ ini │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ eslint-watch [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ eslint-watch > chokidar > fsevents > node-pre-gyp > rc > ini │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Prototype Pollution │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ ini │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ webpack [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ webpack > watchpack > watchpack-chokidar2 > chokidar > │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ fsevents > node-pre-gyp > rc > ini │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Manual Review │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Some vulnerabilities require your attention to resolve │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Visit for additional guidance │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Regular Expression Denial of Service │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ braces │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Patched in │ >=2.3.1 │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ babel-cli [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ babel-cli > chokidar > anymatch > micromatch > braces │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ┌───────────────┬──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Low │ Prototype Pollution │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Package │ minimist │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Patched in │ >=0.2.1 <1.0.0 || >=1.2.3 │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Dependency of │ karma-phantomjs-launcher [dev] │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ Path │ karma-phantomjs-launcher > phantomjs-prebuilt > extract-zip │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ │ > mkdirp > minimist │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 ├───────────────┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 │ More info │ │ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 └───────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 found 129 vulnerabilities (126 low, 2 moderate, 1 high) in 2755 scanned packages build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 run `npm audit fix` to fix 110 of them. build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 17 vulnerabilities require semver-major dependency updates. build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 2 vulnerabilities require manual review. See the full report for details. simple 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 Finished task 'npm audit' with result: Success simple 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 Starting task 'npm run build' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.bamboo-nodejs-plugin:task.builder.npm' command 11-Feb-2021 11:26:56 Beginning to execute external process for build 'FarmDoc - Core - develop - Default Job #84 (FD-CORE9-JOB1-84)'\n ... running command line: \n/home/bamboo/node-v12.14.1/bin/node /home/bamboo/node-v12.14.1/bin/npm run build\n ... in: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/FD-CORE9-JOB1\n build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:57 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:57 > farmdoc@1.5.0 prebuild /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/FD-CORE9-JOB1 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:57 > npm run clean-dist && npm run lint build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:57 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:57 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:57 > farmdoc@1.5.0 clean-dist /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/FD-CORE9-JOB1 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:57 > npm run remove-dist && mkdir dist build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:57 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:57 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:57 > farmdoc@1.5.0 remove-dist /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/FD-CORE9-JOB1 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:57 > rimraf ./dist build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:57 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:58 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:58 > farmdoc@1.5.0 lint /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/FD-CORE9-JOB1 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:58 > esw webpack.config.* src --color --ext=.jsx,.js || exit 0 build 11-Feb-2021 11:26:58 build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/FD-CORE9-JOB1/src/components/AppsList.jsx (0/1) build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 31:10 'classes' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/FD-CORE9-JOB1/src/components/AuthorizedWrap.jsx (0/1) build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 15:70 'children' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/FD-CORE9-JOB1/src/components/BinnedGraphs.jsx (0/4) build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 95:67 'countyResultJson' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 96:26 'countyResultJson' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 110:63 'yearRowIndex' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 111:30 'yearRowIndex' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/FD-CORE9-JOB1/src/components/EvaluatorFarmInfo.jsx (0/1) build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 63:26 'farmInfo' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/FD-CORE9-JOB1/src/components/EvaluatorFooter.jsx (0/4) build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 2:9 'roundResults' is defined but never used no-unused-vars build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 16:46 'projPrice' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 16:95 'volFactor' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 16:135 'lastUpdated' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/FD-CORE9-JOB1/src/components/EvaluatorInputs.jsx (0/15) build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 25:5 'wait' is assigned a value but never used no-unused-vars build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 148:26 'inputRef' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 159:25 'selectProps' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 159:37 'selectProps.classes' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 159:45 'selectProps.classes.input' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 160:24 'innerRef' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 161:24 'children' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 162:17 'innerProps' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 165:16 'selectProps' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 165:28 'selectProps.textFieldProps' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 360:14 'handleEvaluatorResults' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 364:14 'changeAcres' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 368:14 'changeCropCode' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 372:14 'changeInsUnit' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 471:10 'classes' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/FD-CORE9-JOB1/src/components/EvaluatorPremiumResults.jsx (0/12) build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 14:8 'TextField' is defined but never used no-unused-vars build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 15:8 'InputAdornment' is defined but never used no-unused-vars build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 16:8 'InputLabel' is defined but never used no-unused-vars build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 62:7 'ChartTableCell' is assigned a value but never used no-unused-vars build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 74:7 'TableCellWithTable' is assigned a value but never used no-unused-vars build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 156:23 'insUnit' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 164:18 'insUnit' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 194:14 'changeInsUnit' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 203:10 'classes' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 207:7 'units' is assigned a value but never used no-unused-vars build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 213:28 'evalJson' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 218:7 'expectedYield' is assigned a value but never used no-unused-vars build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/FD-CORE9-JOB1/src/components/EvaluatorResults.jsx (0/6) build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 78:18 'evaluatorResults' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 85:10 'classes' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 97:18 'evaluatorResults' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 97:59 'evaluatorResults' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 98:28 'evaluatorResults' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 143:23 'evaluatorResults' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/FD-CORE9-JOB1/src/components/EvaluatorRiskGraph.jsx (0/3) build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 72:18 'graphInfo' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 73:27 'graphInfo' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 195:37 'data' is defined but never used no-unused-vars build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/FD-CORE9-JOB1/src/components/EvaluatorRiskResults.jsx (0/20) build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 16:8 'InputLabel' is defined but never used no-unused-vars build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 64:7 'ChartTableCell' is assigned a value but never used no-unused-vars build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 76:7 'TableCellWithTable' is assigned a value but never used no-unused-vars build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 158:23 'insUnit' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 159:40 'evalJson' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 159:49 'evalJson.policies' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 159:58 'evalJson.policies.gross-target' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 170:18 'insUnit' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 171:35 'evalJson' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 171:41 'evalJson.policies' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 171:50 'evalJson.policies.gross-target' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 213:14 'handleEvaluatorResults' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 217:14 'changeInsUnit' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 241:24 'cropCode' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 242:25 'acres' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 275:10 'classes' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 279:7 'units' is assigned a value but never used no-unused-vars build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 294:28 'evalJson' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 298:27 'graphJson' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 305:7 'expectedYield' is assigned a value but never used no-unused-vars build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/FD-CORE9-JOB1/src/components/FarmDocCard.jsx (0/5) build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 27:31 'onClick' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 27:55 'cardId' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 27:85 'className' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 29:30 'cardTitle' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 30:33 'cardSubtitle' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/FD-CORE9-JOB1/src/components/FDRunModel.jsx (0/22) build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 133:26 'inputRef' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 144:25 'selectProps' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 144:37 'selectProps.classes' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 144:45 'selectProps.classes.input' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 145:24 'innerRef' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 146:24 'children' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 147:17 'innerProps' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 150:16 'selectProps' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 150:28 'selectProps.textFieldProps' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 309:16 'handleCountyChange' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 320:16 'handleCommodityChange' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 326:16 'handleForecastTypeChange' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 342:16 'handleRefPriceChange' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 346:16 'handlePaymentYieldChange' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 350:16 'handleCoverageChange' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 354:16 'handleRangeChange' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 358:16 'handleAcresChange' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 362:16 'handleArcYieldChange' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 416:4 'arcYield' is assigned a value but never used no-unused-vars build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 507:14 'handleResultsChange' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 622:7 'binSize' is assigned a value but never used no-unused-vars build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 713:10 'classes' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/FD-CORE9-JOB1/src/components/ForecastModels.jsx (0/8) build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 49:10 'classes' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 51:65 'forecastPrices' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 52:16 'forecastPrices' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 58:61 'commodity' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 58:97 'commodity' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 59:28 'commodity' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 65:32 'forecastPrices' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 94:10 Missing "key" prop for element in iterator react/jsx-key build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/FD-CORE9-JOB1/src/components/Header.jsx (0/4) build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 146:14 'handleUserLogout' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 155:10 'classes' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 216:22 'selectedTab' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 219:33 'selectedTab' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/FD-CORE9-JOB1/src/components/Layout.jsx (0/2) build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 10:36 'selectedTab' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 12:17 'children' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/FD-CORE9-JOB1/src/components/PremiumCalculator.jsx (0/26) build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 4:22 'Modal' is defined but never used no-unused-vars build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 36:5 'wait' is assigned a value but never used no-unused-vars build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 160:26 'inputRef' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 171:25 'selectProps' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 171:37 'selectProps.classes' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 171:45 'selectProps.classes.input' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 172:24 'innerRef' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 173:24 'children' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 174:17 'innerProps' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 177:16 'selectProps' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 177:28 'selectProps.textFieldProps' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 440:7 'personId' is assigned a value but never used no-unused-vars build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 464:7 'countyFips' is defined but never used no-unused-vars build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 464:19 'crop' is defined but never used no-unused-vars build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 464:25 'aphYield' is defined but never used no-unused-vars build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 464:35 'useTaAdj' is defined but never used no-unused-vars build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 464:45 'taYield' is defined but never used no-unused-vars build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 464:54 'rateYield' is defined but never used no-unused-vars build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 464:65 'riskClass' is defined but never used no-unused-vars build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 464:76 'farmAcres' is defined but never used no-unused-vars build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 465:4 'grainType' is defined but never used no-unused-vars build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 465:15 'practiceType' is defined but never used no-unused-vars build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 465:29 'preventePlanting' is defined but never used no-unused-vars build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 546:14 'handlePremiumResults' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 550:14 'handleCountyProductsResults' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 649:10 'classes' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/FD-CORE9-JOB1/src/components/PremiumResults.jsx (0/5) build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 47:7 'ChartTableCell' is assigned a value but never used no-unused-vars build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 59:7 'TableCellWithTable' is assigned a value but never used no-unused-vars build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 179:10 'classes' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 189:32 'premResults' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 190:32 'countyProductsResults' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/FD-CORE9-JOB1/src/components/PriceDistributionDocumentation.jsx (0/1) build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 4:9 'insuranceTermDefinitions' is defined but never used no-unused-vars build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/FD-CORE9-JOB1/src/components/PriceDistributionInputsRun.jsx (0/4) build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 8:8 'Grid' is defined but never used no-unused-vars build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 9:8 'Button' is defined but never used no-unused-vars build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 10:8 'Icon' is defined but never used no-unused-vars build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 366:7 'textFieldInputStyle' is assigned a value but never used no-unused-vars build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/FD-CORE9-JOB1/src/components/PriceDistributionResults.jsx (0/6) build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 100:36 'data' is defined but never used no-unused-vars build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 116:34 'index' is defined but never used no-unused-vars build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 116:41 'labels' is defined but never used no-unused-vars build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 141:34 'index' is defined but never used no-unused-vars build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 141:41 'labels' is defined but never used no-unused-vars build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 240:10 'classes' is assigned a value but never used no-unused-vars build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/FD-CORE9-JOB1/src/components/Results.jsx (0/7) build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 160:14 'handleYearRowChange' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 168:14 'handleResultsChange' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 172:14 'handleResultsChange' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 176:14 'handleYearRowChange' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 181:10 'classes' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 194:67 'countyResultJson' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 195:26 'countyResultJson' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/FD-CORE9-JOB1/src/components/Term.jsx (0/7) build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 7:18 'links' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 7:46 'links' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 7:52 'links.length' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 8:27 'links' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 8:33 '' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 16:44 'term' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 18:18 'definition' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/FD-CORE9-JOB1/src/components/Tooltip.jsx (0/1) build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 19:31 'title' is missing in props validation react/prop-types build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/FD-CORE9-JOB1/src/datawolf.config.js (0/1) build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 10:7 'inputDatasets' is assigned a value but never used no-unused-vars build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/FD-CORE9-JOB1/src/reducers/priceDistribution.js (0/1) build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 1:8 'config' is defined but never used no-unused-vars build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 ⚠ 167 warnings (11:27:03 AM) build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 > farmdoc@1.5.0 build /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/FD-CORE9-JOB1 build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 > babel-node tools/build.js build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:03 build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:05 the current DEPLOY_ENV environment variable is undefined build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:05 Generating minified bundle. This will take a moment... build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 Webpack stats: Hash: ecba34920770369e31bb build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 Version: webpack 2.2.1 build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 Time: 27218ms build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 images/GAPP-logo.png 3.55 kB [emitted] build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 images/farmdoc-rep-image.png 51.2 kB [emitted] build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 favicon.ico 5.43 kB [emitted] build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 images/arc-plc-results.png 195 kB [emitted] build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 images/card_bg.jpg 37.9 kB [emitted] build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 images/fdd-logo.png 7.02 kB [emitted] build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 images/logo-farmdoc-white.png 11.5 kB [emitted] build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 images/map-marker.png 921 bytes [emitted] build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 images/ncsa-logo.png 7.82 kB [emitted] build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 images/payment-evaluator-screenshot.png 217 kB [emitted] build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 images/premcalc-rep-image.png 53.4 kB [emitted] build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 images/premeval-rep-image.png 51.7 kB [emitted] build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 images/premium-calc-screenshot.png 251 kB [emitted] [big] build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 images/price-distr-screenshot.png 95.7 kB [emitted] build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 images/pricedistr-rep-image.png 31.6 kB [emitted] build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 images/sample-dist.png 5.32 kB [emitted] build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 main.d20ac906f187b2f13bdb.js 2.15 MB 0 [emitted] [big] main build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 main.c33d26f70ff0d81f287ef35a98727d08.css 260 kB 0 [emitted] [big] main build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 639 kB 0 [emitted] main build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 index.html 989 bytes [emitted] build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 chunk {0} main.d20ac906f187b2f13bdb.js, main.c33d26f70ff0d81f287ef35a98727d08.css, (main) 4.98 MB [entry] [rendered] build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 [0] ./~/react/index.js 190 bytes {0} [built] build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 [17] ./~/react-dom/index.js 1.36 kB {0} [built] build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 [32] ./~/react-redux/es/index.js 776 bytes {0} [built] build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 [78] (webpack)/buildin/global.js 509 bytes {0} [built] build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 [130] ./~/react-router/es/index.js 1.46 kB {0} [built] build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 [491] ./src/images/farmdoc-rep-image.png 74 bytes {0} [built] build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 [665] ./~/react-router-redux/lib/index.js 1.97 kB {0} [built] build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 [684] ./src/index.jsx 1.23 kB {0} [built] build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 [685] ./~/babel-polyfill/lib/index.js 833 bytes {0} [built] build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 [936] ./src/components/App.jsx 7.46 kB {0} [built] build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 [977] ./~/babel-polyfill/~/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js 24.4 kB {0} [built] build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 [1020] ./~/core-js/fn/regexp/escape.js 108 bytes {0} [built] build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 [1219] ./~/core-js/shim.js 8.18 kB {0} [built] build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 [1236] ./src/images/card_bg.jpg 64 bytes {0} [built] build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 [1554] multi babel-polyfill ./src/index 40 bytes {0} [built] build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 + 1540 hidden modules build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 WARNING in DedupePlugin: This plugin was removed from webpack. remove it from configuration. build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 Child html-webpack-plugin for "index.html": build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 index.html 549 kB 0 build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 chunk {0} index.html 546 kB [entry] [rendered] build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 [0] ./~/lodash/lodash.js 543 kB {0} [built] build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 [1] (webpack)/buildin/global.js 509 bytes {0} [built] build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 [2] (webpack)/buildin/module.js 517 bytes {0} [built] build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 [3] ./~/html-webpack-plugin/lib/loader.js!./src/index.ejs 2.62 kB {0} [built] build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 WARNING in DedupePlugin: This plugin was removed from webpack. remove it from configuration. build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 Child extract-text-webpack-plugin: build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 chunk {0} extract-text-webpack-plugin-output-filename 10 kB [entry] [rendered] build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 [0] ./~/css-loader/lib/css-base.js 2.26 kB {0} [built] build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 [1] ./~/css-loader?sourceMap!./~/postcss-loader!./~/sass-loader?sourceMap!./~/react-tabulator/lib/styles.css 7.75 kB {0} [built] build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 WARNING in DedupePlugin: This plugin was removed from webpack. remove it from configuration. build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 Child extract-text-webpack-plugin: build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 chunk {0} extract-text-webpack-plugin-output-filename 5.59 kB [entry] [rendered] build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 [0] ./~/css-loader/lib/css-base.js 2.26 kB {0} [built] build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 [1] ./~/css-loader?sourceMap!./~/postcss-loader!./~/sass-loader?sourceMap!./src/styles/styles.scss 3.33 kB {0} [built] build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 WARNING in DedupePlugin: This plugin was removed from webpack. remove it from configuration. build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 Child extract-text-webpack-plugin: build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 chunk {0} extract-text-webpack-plugin-output-filename 20.9 kB [entry] [rendered] build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 [0] ./~/css-loader/lib/css-base.js 2.26 kB {0} [built] build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 [1] ./~/css-loader?sourceMap!./~/postcss-loader!./~/sass-loader?sourceMap!./src/styles/main.css 18.6 kB {0} [built] build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 WARNING in DedupePlugin: This plugin was removed from webpack. remove it from configuration. build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 Child extract-text-webpack-plugin: build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 chunk {0} extract-text-webpack-plugin-output-filename 13.2 kB [entry] [rendered] build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 [0] ./~/css-loader/lib/css-base.js 2.26 kB {0} [built] build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 [1] ./~/css-loader?sourceMap!./~/postcss-loader!./~/sass-loader?sourceMap!./src/styles/header-footer.css 10.9 kB {0} [built] build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 WARNING in DedupePlugin: This plugin was removed from webpack. remove it from configuration. build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 Child extract-text-webpack-plugin: build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 chunk {0} extract-text-webpack-plugin-output-filename 8.79 kB [entry] [rendered] build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 [0] ./~/css-loader/lib/css-base.js 2.26 kB {0} [built] build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 [1] ./~/css-loader?sourceMap!./~/postcss-loader!./~/sass-loader?sourceMap!./src/styles/home-page.css 6.53 kB {0} [built] build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 WARNING in DedupePlugin: This plugin was removed from webpack. remove it from configuration. build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 Child extract-text-webpack-plugin: build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 chunk {0} extract-text-webpack-plugin-output-filename 64.4 kB [entry] [rendered] build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 [0] ./~/css-loader/lib/css-base.js 2.26 kB {0} [built] build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 [1] ./~/css-loader?sourceMap!./~/postcss-loader!./~/sass-loader?sourceMap!./~/react-tabulator/lib/css/tabulator.css 62.2 kB {0} [built] build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 WARNING in DedupePlugin: This plugin was removed from webpack. remove it from configuration. build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 Child extract-text-webpack-plugin: build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 chunk {0} extract-text-webpack-plugin-output-filename 801 kB [entry] [rendered] build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 [0] ./~/css-loader/lib/css-base.js 2.26 kB {0} [built] build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 [1] ./~/css-loader?sourceMap!./~/postcss-loader!./~/sass-loader?sourceMap!./~/material-components-web/dist/material-components-web.min.css 799 kB {0} [built] build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 WARNING in DedupePlugin: This plugin was removed from webpack. remove it from configuration. build 11-Feb-2021 11:27:32 Your app is compiled in production mode in /dist. It"s ready to roll! simple 11-Feb-2021 11:27:33 Finished task 'npm run build' with result: Success simple 11-Feb-2021 11:27:33 Starting task 'zip build' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script' error 11-Feb-2021 11:27:33 Error occurred while running Task 'zip build(4)' of type com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script. error 11-Feb-2021 11:27:33 com.atlassian.bamboo.task.TaskException: Failed to execute task error 11-Feb-2021 11:27:33 at error 11-Feb-2021 11:27:33 at com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.script.task.ScriptBuildTask.execute( error 11-Feb-2021 11:27:33 at com.atlassian.bamboo.task.TaskExecutorImpl.lambda$executeTasks$3( error 11-Feb-2021 11:27:33 at com.atlassian.bamboo.task.TaskExecutorImpl.executeTaskWithPrePostActions( error 11-Feb-2021 11:27:33 at com.atlassian.bamboo.task.TaskExecutorImpl.executeTasks( error 11-Feb-2021 11:27:33 at com.atlassian.bamboo.task.TaskExecutorImpl.execute( error 11-Feb-2021 11:27:33 at error 11-Feb-2021 11:27:33 at error 11-Feb-2021 11:27:33 at error 11-Feb-2021 11:27:33 at$waitAndPerformBuild$0( error 11-Feb-2021 11:27:33 at com.atlassian.bamboo.variable.CustomVariableContextImpl.withVariableSubstitutor( error 11-Feb-2021 11:27:33 at error 11-Feb-2021 11:27:33 at$start$0( error 11-Feb-2021 11:27:33 at com.atlassian.bamboo.utils.BambooRunnables$ error 11-Feb-2021 11:27:33 at error 11-Feb-2021 11:27:33 at error 11-Feb-2021 11:27:33 at$ error 11-Feb-2021 11:27:33 at error 11-Feb-2021 11:27:33 Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The working directory /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/FD-CORE9-JOB1/build must exist before executing the process error 11-Feb-2021 11:27:33 at error 11-Feb-2021 11:27:33 at com.atlassian.bamboo.process.ProcessServiceImpl.createExternalProcess( error 11-Feb-2021 11:27:33 at com.atlassian.bamboo.process.ProcessServiceImpl.executeExternalProcess( error 11-Feb-2021 11:27:33 at com.atlassian.bamboo.process.ProcessServiceImpl.executeExternalProcess( error 11-Feb-2021 11:27:33 at error 11-Feb-2021 11:27:33 ... 17 more simple 11-Feb-2021 11:27:33 Running post build plugin 'Docker Container Cleanup' simple 11-Feb-2021 11:27:33 Running post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector' simple 11-Feb-2021 11:27:33 Running post build plugin 'Clover Results Collector' simple 11-Feb-2021 11:27:33 Running post build plugin 'npm Cache Cleanup' simple 11-Feb-2021 11:27:33 Running post build plugin 'Artifact Copier' simple 11-Feb-2021 11:27:33 Publishing an artifact: farmdoc-web error 11-Feb-2021 11:27:33 Unable to publish artifact [farmdoc-web]: the source directory /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/FD-CORE9-JOB1/build does not exist. simple 11-Feb-2021 11:27:33 The artifact hasn't been successfully published after 1.039 ms simple 11-Feb-2021 11:27:33 Finalising the build... simple 11-Feb-2021 11:27:33 Stopping timer. simple 11-Feb-2021 11:27:33 Build FD-CORE9-JOB1-84 completed. simple 11-Feb-2021 11:27:33 Running on server: post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector' simple 11-Feb-2021 11:27:33 Running on server: post build plugin 'Build Hanging Detection Configuration' simple 11-Feb-2021 11:27:33 Running on server: post build plugin 'Clover Delta Calculator' simple 11-Feb-2021 11:27:33 Running on server: post build plugin 'Maven Dependencies Postprocessor' simple 11-Feb-2021 11:27:33 All post build plugins have finished simple 11-Feb-2021 11:27:33 Generating build results summary... simple 11-Feb-2021 11:27:33 Saving build results to disk... simple 11-Feb-2021 11:27:33 Store variable context... simple 11-Feb-2021 11:27:33 Indexing build results... simple 11-Feb-2021 11:27:33 Finished building FD-CORE9-JOB1-84.