simple 02-Apr-2021 16:44:43 Build FarmDoc - ECON-API - feature-FD-395-soil-refactor-fertilizer-application-products-endpoint - Default Job #1 (FD-ECONAPI7-JOB1-1) started building on agent, bamboo version: 7.2.2 simple 02-Apr-2021 16:44:43 Remote agent on host simple 02-Apr-2021 16:44:43 Build working directory is /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/FD-ECONAPI7-JOB1 simple 02-Apr-2021 16:44:43 Executing build FarmDoc - ECON-API - feature-FD-395-soil-refactor-fertilizer-application-products-endpoint - Default Job #1 (FD-ECONAPI7-JOB1-1) simple 02-Apr-2021 16:44:43 Starting task 'Checkout Default Repository' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.vcs:task.vcs.checkout' simple 02-Apr-2021 16:44:43 Build always requires a clean checkout simple 02-Apr-2021 16:44:43 Cleaning build directory '/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/FD-ECONAPI7-JOB1' simple 02-Apr-2021 16:44:43 Checking out into /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/FD-ECONAPI7-JOB1 simple 02-Apr-2021 16:44:43 Updating source code to revision: b3663652238a57871303dada6a9ed73ab81423f8 simple 02-Apr-2021 16:44:43 Creating local git repository in '/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/_git-repositories-cache/8e3b003f31acd24a1ec96364cbd25b4161d8847c/.git'. simple 02-Apr-2021 16:44:43 Initialized empty Git repository in /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/_git-repositories-cache/8e3b003f31acd24a1ec96364cbd25b4161d8847c/.git/ simple 02-Apr-2021 16:46:17 Fetching 'refs/heads/feature/FD-395-soil-refactor-fertilizer-application-products-endpoint' from 'ssh://'. simple 02-Apr-2021 16:46:17 Warning: Permanently added '[]:45325' (RSA) to the list of known hosts. simple 02-Apr-2021 16:46:19 From ssh:// simple 02-Apr-2021 16:46:19 * [new branch] feature/FD-395-soil-refactor-fertilizer-application-products-endpoint -> feature/FD-395-soil-refactor-fertilizer-application-products-endpoint simple 02-Apr-2021 16:46:19 Checking out revision b3663652238a57871303dada6a9ed73ab81423f8. simple 02-Apr-2021 16:46:19 Creating local git repository in '/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/FD-ECONAPI7-JOB1/.git'. simple 02-Apr-2021 16:46:19 Cloning into '/home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/FD-ECONAPI7-JOB1'... simple 02-Apr-2021 16:46:19 done. simple 02-Apr-2021 16:46:19 Switched to a new branch 'feature/FD-395-soil-refactor-fertilizer-application-products-endpoint' simple 02-Apr-2021 16:46:19 Branch feature/FD-395-soil-refactor-fertilizer-application-products-endpoint set up to track remote branch feature/FD-395-soil-refactor-fertilizer-application-products-endpoint from origin. simple 02-Apr-2021 16:46:19 Updated source code to revision: b3663652238a57871303dada6a9ed73ab81423f8 simple 02-Apr-2021 16:46:19 Finished task 'Checkout Default Repository' with result: Success simple 02-Apr-2021 16:46:19 Running pre-build action: VCS Version Collector simple 02-Apr-2021 16:46:19 Starting task 'docker build' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script' command 02-Apr-2021 16:46:19 Beginning to execute external process for build 'FarmDoc - ECON-API - feature-FD-395-soil-refactor-fertilizer-application-products-endpoint - Default Job #1 (FD-ECONAPI7-JOB1-1)'\n ... running command line: \n/bin/sh\n ... in: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/FD-ECONAPI7-JOB1\n build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:19 build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:19 #2 [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:19 #2 digest: sha256:00023776cecadf959f68bf4bba2ce2416f75b8dd129c8bb0aa5506d25728917b build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:19 #2 name: "[internal] load build definition from Dockerfile" build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:19 #2 started: 2021-04-02 21:46:19.703054516 +0000 UTC build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:19 #2 completed: 2021-04-02 21:46:19.7031355 +0000 UTC build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:19 #2 duration: 80.984µs build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:19 #2 started: 2021-04-02 21:46:19.703328004 +0000 UTC build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:19 #2 transferring dockerfile: 300B done build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:20 #1 ... build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:20 build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:20 #1 [internal] load .dockerignore build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:20 #1 digest: sha256:8a4ea64b6616282d1751d0c8366fd76cd68486c67c6a268b855ae058090cad79 build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:20 #1 name: "[internal] load .dockerignore" build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:20 #1 started: 2021-04-02 21:46:19.702904944 +0000 UTC build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:20 #1 completed: 2021-04-02 21:46:19.703010482 +0000 UTC build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:20 #1 duration: 105.538µs build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:20 #1 started: 2021-04-02 21:46:19.703119837 +0000 UTC build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:20 #1 completed: 2021-04-02 21:46:20.024972791 +0000 UTC build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:20 #1 duration: 321.852954ms build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:20 #1 transferring context: 65B done build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:20 build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:20 build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:20 #2 [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:20 #2 completed: 2021-04-02 21:46:20.293237406 +0000 UTC build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:20 #2 duration: 589.909402ms build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:20 build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:20 build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:20 #3 [internal] load metadata for build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:20 #3 digest: sha256:a94c831f6b826f8ffd4325edd7e9f6408caa85fd7f03e2b107cc6a9d249f7065 build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:20 #3 name: "[internal] load metadata for" build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:20 #3 started: 2021-04-02 21:46:20.455597436 +0000 UTC build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:21 #3 completed: 2021-04-02 21:46:21.443610456 +0000 UTC build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:21 #3 duration: 988.01302ms build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:21 build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:21 build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:21 #5 [1/4] FROM build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:21 #5 digest: sha256:f84f30ba961865713d553a0e1eebd2507484e08dc7667c01807c2646658bcb78 build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:21 #5 name: "[1/4] FROM" build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:21 #5 started: 2021-04-02 21:46:21.44473259 +0000 UTC build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:21 #5 completed: 2021-04-02 21:46:21.444913736 +0000 UTC build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:21 #5 duration: 181.146µs build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:21 #5 started: 2021-04-02 21:46:21.445078276 +0000 UTC build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:21 #5 completed: 2021-04-02 21:46:21.446597674 +0000 UTC build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:21 #5 duration: 1.519398ms build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:21 #5 started: 2021-04-02 21:46:21.446702914 +0000 UTC build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:21 #5 resolve done build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:21 #5 sha256:62342603b9a24bbfdd60265088adc22a1d2135f62c73bdb7f408bf3897ce8219 0B / 2.77MB 0.1s build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:21 #5 sha256:5ad95c6c448f415a6d2ab64e318981178ce3fa01010e2d1aba5c89e0e14ec06b 0B / 10.69MB 0.1s build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:21 #5 sha256:32008a4dab000bfd600dad18c3d9e8cb05846eff0031aec67062f067780b52c9 1.86kB / 1.86kB done build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:21 #5 sha256:fdcfe58baf978ee246f207ce680043477c9ac25c1237a057a83d8a9c95b550cf 1.37kB / 1.37kB done build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:21 #5 sha256:d97718c69437f6fcb5dd4588fc35ebfa2de7bfe536d0ce7d859d26f48e9ac840 7.65kB / 7.65kB done build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:21 #5 sha256:75646c2fb4101d306585c9b106be1dfa7d82720baabe1c75b64d759ea8adf341 0B / 27.14MB 0.1s build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:21 #6 ... build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:21 build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:21 #6 [internal] load build context build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:21 #6 digest: sha256:08445c151bb60cd30758943f66c425f03afae7851e7a5e8aa483c3b72b6fb3f2 build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:21 #6 name: "[internal] load build context" build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:21 #6 started: 2021-04-02 21:46:21.444744546 +0000 UTC build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:21 #6 completed: 2021-04-02 21:46:21.444803365 +0000 UTC build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:21 #6 duration: 58.819µs build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:21 #6 started: 2021-04-02 21:46:21.445607009 +0000 UTC build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:21 #6 completed: 2021-04-02 21:46:21.656967038 +0000 UTC build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:21 #6 duration: 211.360029ms build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:21 #6 transferring context: 28.77kB done build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:21 build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:21 build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:21 #5 [1/4] FROM build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:21 #5 sha256:75646c2fb4101d306585c9b106be1dfa7d82720baabe1c75b64d759ea8adf341 2.56MB / 27.14MB 0.3s build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:21 #5 sha256:62342603b9a24bbfdd60265088adc22a1d2135f62c73bdb7f408bf3897ce8219 2.69MB / 2.77MB 0.4s build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:21 #5 sha256:5ad95c6c448f415a6d2ab64e318981178ce3fa01010e2d1aba5c89e0e14ec06b 3.49MB / 10.69MB 0.4s build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:21 #5 sha256:75646c2fb4101d306585c9b106be1dfa7d82720baabe1c75b64d759ea8adf341 4.28MB / 27.14MB 0.4s build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:22 #5 sha256:62342603b9a24bbfdd60265088adc22a1d2135f62c73bdb7f408bf3897ce8219 2.77MB / 2.77MB 0.5s done build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:22 #5 sha256:5ad95c6c448f415a6d2ab64e318981178ce3fa01010e2d1aba5c89e0e14ec06b 10.69MB / 10.69MB 0.6s done build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:22 #5 sha256:75646c2fb4101d306585c9b106be1dfa7d82720baabe1c75b64d759ea8adf341 27.14MB / 27.14MB 0.7s build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:22 #5 sha256:c4b1aa96f9016fb1197334dc07fb263585784517dd41e82ac1efebaf89b3262c 234B / 234B 0.7s build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:22 #5 sha256:dc4c299330cd10fcb9c0b553794378e3ab862a34bd2f24d8adc9d7b53e6f682f 0B / 2.45MB 0.7s build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:22 #5 extracting sha256:75646c2fb4101d306585c9b106be1dfa7d82720baabe1c75b64d759ea8adf341 build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:23 #5 sha256:75646c2fb4101d306585c9b106be1dfa7d82720baabe1c75b64d759ea8adf341 27.14MB / 27.14MB 1.3s done build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:23 #5 sha256:c4b1aa96f9016fb1197334dc07fb263585784517dd41e82ac1efebaf89b3262c 234B / 234B 0.7s done build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:23 #5 sha256:dc4c299330cd10fcb9c0b553794378e3ab862a34bd2f24d8adc9d7b53e6f682f 2.45MB / 2.45MB 1.3s done build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:24 #5 extracting sha256:75646c2fb4101d306585c9b106be1dfa7d82720baabe1c75b64d759ea8adf341 1.2s done build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:24 #5 extracting sha256:62342603b9a24bbfdd60265088adc22a1d2135f62c73bdb7f408bf3897ce8219 build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:24 #4 ... build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:24 build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:24 #4 [internal] helper image for file operations build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:24 #4 digest: sha256:e4c43493b1bb2320466c52248e886014710025b273f224bb96a23b8fb7a1d193 build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:24 #4 name: "[internal] helper image for file operations" build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:24 #4 started: 2021-04-02 21:46:21.444740564 +0000 UTC build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:24 #4 completed: 2021-04-02 21:46:21.445594984 +0000 UTC build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:24 #4 duration: 854.42µs build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:24 #4 started: 2021-04-02 21:46:21.445735043 +0000 UTC build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:24 #4 completed: 2021-04-02 21:46:21.471531731 +0000 UTC build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:24 #4 duration: 25.796688ms build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:24 #4 started: 2021-04-02 21:46:21.471868712 +0000 UTC build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:24 #4 completed: 2021-04-02 21:46:24.523906474 +0000 UTC build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:24 #4 duration: 3.052037762s build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:24 #4 resolve 0.0s done build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:24 #4 sha256:e8f159d3f00786604b93c675ee2783f8dc194bb565e61ca5788f6a6e9d304061 2.03kB / 2.03kB done build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:24 #4 sha256:a546a4352bcaa6512f885d24fef3d9819e70551b98535ed1995e4b567ac6d05b 736B / 736B done build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:24 #4 sha256:494e63343c3f0d392e7af8d718979262baec9496a23e97ad110d62b9c90d6182 766B / 766B done build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:24 #4 sha256:df3b4bed1f63b36992540a09e0d10bd3f9d0b082d50810313841d745d7cce368 898.21kB / 898.21kB 1.7s done build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:24 #4 sha256:f7b6696c3fee7264ec4486cebe146a6a98aa8d1e46747843107ff473aada8d56 861.00kB / 861.00kB 1.7s done build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:24 #4 extracting sha256:df3b4bed1f63b36992540a09e0d10bd3f9d0b082d50810313841d745d7cce368 0.1s done build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:24 #4 extracting sha256:f7b6696c3fee7264ec4486cebe146a6a98aa8d1e46747843107ff473aada8d56 0.1s done build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:24 build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:24 build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:24 #5 [1/4] FROM build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:24 #5 extracting sha256:62342603b9a24bbfdd60265088adc22a1d2135f62c73bdb7f408bf3897ce8219 0.2s done build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:24 #5 extracting sha256:5ad95c6c448f415a6d2ab64e318981178ce3fa01010e2d1aba5c89e0e14ec06b build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:25 #5 extracting sha256:5ad95c6c448f415a6d2ab64e318981178ce3fa01010e2d1aba5c89e0e14ec06b 0.5s done build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:25 #5 extracting sha256:c4b1aa96f9016fb1197334dc07fb263585784517dd41e82ac1efebaf89b3262c done build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:25 #5 extracting sha256:dc4c299330cd10fcb9c0b553794378e3ab862a34bd2f24d8adc9d7b53e6f682f build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:26 #5 extracting sha256:dc4c299330cd10fcb9c0b553794378e3ab862a34bd2f24d8adc9d7b53e6f682f 0.2s done build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:26 #5 completed: 2021-04-02 21:46:26.616748492 +0000 UTC build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:26 #5 duration: 5.170045578s build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:26 build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:26 build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:26 #7 [2/4] COPY ./requirements.txt /root/service/requirements.txt build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:26 #7 digest: sha256:e7dc59ac0f3167007812b7d53897fc427db96eb9dcc0063b9c19aeb4a30f5561 build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:26 #7 name: "[2/4] COPY ./requirements.txt /root/service/requirements.txt" build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:26 #7 started: 2021-04-02 21:46:26.637466339 +0000 UTC build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:27 #7 completed: 2021-04-02 21:46:27.102599196 +0000 UTC build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:27 #7 duration: 465.132857ms build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:27 build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:27 build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:27 #8 [3/4] RUN pip install -r /root/service/requirements.txt build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:27 #8 digest: sha256:bbdca45242c69f06fda02b7478f3f69cac0354210f9526011bfc67cf075621da build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:27 #8 name: "[3/4] RUN pip install -r /root/service/requirements.txt" build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:27 #8 started: 2021-04-02 21:46:27.128427763 +0000 UTC build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:29 #8 2.061 Collecting flask==1.1.2 build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:29 #8 2.094 Downloading Flask-1.1.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl (94 kB) build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:29 #8 2.221 Collecting flask-restful==0.3.8 build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:29 #8 2.229 Downloading Flask_RESTful-0.3.8-py2.py3-none-any.whl (25 kB) build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:29 #8 2.344 Collecting flask-sqlalchemy==2.4.4 build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:29 #8 2.353 Downloading Flask_SQLAlchemy-2.4.4-py2.py3-none-any.whl (17 kB) build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:29 #8 2.470 Collecting flask-cors==3.0.10 build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:29 #8 2.477 Downloading Flask_Cors-3.0.10-py2.py3-none-any.whl (14 kB) build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:29 #8 2.534 Collecting pgpasslib==1.1.0 build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:29 #8 2.546 Downloading pgpasslib-1.1.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (7.8 kB) build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:29 #8 2.634 Collecting gunicorn==20.0.4 build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:29 #8 2.640 Downloading gunicorn-20.0.4-py2.py3-none-any.whl (77 kB) build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:29 #8 2.868 Collecting psycopg2-binary>=2.8.6 build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:30 #8 2.880 Downloading psycopg2_binary-2.8.6-cp38-cp38-manylinux1_x86_64.whl (3.0 MB) build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:30 #8 3.299 Collecting Werkzeug>=0.15 build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:30 #8 3.307 Downloading Werkzeug-1.0.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (298 kB) build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:30 #8 3.518 Collecting click>=5.1 build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:30 #8 3.524 Downloading click-7.1.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl (82 kB) build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:30 #8 3.647 Collecting Jinja2>=2.10.1 build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:30 #8 3.655 Downloading Jinja2-2.11.3-py2.py3-none-any.whl (125 kB) build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:30 #8 3.747 Collecting itsdangerous>=0.24 build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:30 #8 3.756 Downloading itsdangerous-1.1.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (16 kB) build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:30 #8 3.865 Collecting Six build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:31 #8 3.872 Downloading six-1.15.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (10 kB) build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:31 #8 3.991 Collecting aniso8601>=0.82 build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:31 #8 3.998 Downloading aniso8601-9.0.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (52 kB) build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:31 #8 4.284 Collecting pytz build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:31 #8 4.294 Downloading pytz-2021.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (510 kB) build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:31 #8 4.725 Collecting SQLAlchemy>=0.8.0 build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:31 #8 4.736 Downloading SQLAlchemy-1.4.5-cp38-cp38-manylinux2014_x86_64.whl (1.5 MB) build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:32 #8 4.879 Requirement already satisfied: setuptools>=3.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages (from gunicorn==20.0.4->-r /root/service/requirements.txt (line 6)) (54.2.0) build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:32 #8 5.000 Collecting MarkupSafe>=0.23 build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:32 #8 5.006 Downloading MarkupSafe-1.1.1-cp38-cp38-manylinux2010_x86_64.whl (32 kB) build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:32 #8 5.315 Collecting greenlet!=0.4.17 build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:32 #8 5.325 Downloading greenlet-1.0.0-cp38-cp38-manylinux2010_x86_64.whl (165 kB) build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:32 #8 5.571 Installing collected packages: MarkupSafe, Werkzeug, Jinja2, itsdangerous, greenlet, click, SQLAlchemy, Six, pytz, flask, aniso8601, psycopg2-binary, pgpasslib, gunicorn, flask-sqlalchemy, flask-restful, flask-cors build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:35 #8 8.497 Successfully installed Jinja2-2.11.3 MarkupSafe-1.1.1 SQLAlchemy-1.4.5 Six-1.15.0 Werkzeug-1.0.1 aniso8601-9.0.1 click-7.1.2 flask-1.1.2 flask-cors-3.0.10 flask-restful-0.3.8 flask-sqlalchemy-2.4.4 greenlet-1.0.0 gunicorn-20.0.4 itsdangerous-1.1.0 pgpasslib-1.1.0 psycopg2-binary-2.8.6 pytz-2021.1 build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:36 #8 completed: 2021-04-02 21:46:36.089597956 +0000 UTC build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:36 #8 duration: 8.961170193s build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:36 build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:36 build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:36 #9 [4/4] COPY . /root/service build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:36 #9 digest: sha256:e62b8af547d525ceee4fda482ed57523e74f3540297aa6e070ca247108e3e4e2 build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:36 #9 name: "[4/4] COPY . /root/service" build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:36 #9 started: 2021-04-02 21:46:36.126431501 +0000 UTC build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:36 #9 completed: 2021-04-02 21:46:36.634438451 +0000 UTC build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:36 #9 duration: 508.00695ms build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:36 build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:36 build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:36 #10 exporting to image build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:36 #10 digest: sha256:28b7f531aa0c077059abf541ecb26bb9ae7a9eaf07b3b8ec46d0d12e8878ca3b build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:36 #10 name: "exporting to image" build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:36 #10 started: 2021-04-02 21:46:36.651288963 +0000 UTC build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:36 #10 exporting layers build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:37 #10 exporting layers 1.0s done build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:37 #10 completed: 2021-04-02 21:46:37.783576686 +0000 UTC build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:37 #10 duration: 1.132287723s build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:37 #10 writing image sha256:dce03d4c0f5a04ca26474f1426ebc1fac94e4908b5b50b7bbaf728863f3fbe19 0.0s done build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:37 #10 naming to 0.0s done build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:37 simple 02-Apr-2021 16:46:37 Finished task 'docker build' with result: Success simple 02-Apr-2021 16:46:37 Starting task 'docker release' of type 'com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.scripttask:task.builder.script' command 02-Apr-2021 16:46:37 Beginning to execute external process for build 'FarmDoc - ECON-API - feature-FD-395-soil-refactor-fertilizer-application-products-endpoint - Default Job #1 (FD-ECONAPI7-JOB1-1)'\n ... running command line: \n/bin/sh\n ... in: /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/FD-ECONAPI7-JOB1\n build 02-Apr-2021 16:46:37 Pushing from a branch that is not master or develop is not allowed simple 02-Apr-2021 16:46:37 Finished task 'docker release' with result: Success simple 02-Apr-2021 16:46:37 Running post build plugin 'Docker Container Cleanup' simple 02-Apr-2021 16:46:37 Running post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector' simple 02-Apr-2021 16:46:37 Running post build plugin 'Clover Results Collector' simple 02-Apr-2021 16:46:37 Running post build plugin 'npm Cache Cleanup' simple 02-Apr-2021 16:46:37 Running post build plugin 'Artifact Copier' simple 02-Apr-2021 16:46:37 Finalising the build... simple 02-Apr-2021 16:46:37 Stopping timer. simple 02-Apr-2021 16:46:37 Build FD-ECONAPI7-JOB1-1 completed. simple 02-Apr-2021 16:46:37 Running on server: post build plugin 'NCover Results Collector' simple 02-Apr-2021 16:46:38 Running on server: post build plugin 'Build Hanging Detection Configuration' simple 02-Apr-2021 16:46:38 Running on server: post build plugin 'Clover Delta Calculator' simple 02-Apr-2021 16:46:38 Running on server: post build plugin 'Maven Dependencies Postprocessor' simple 02-Apr-2021 16:46:38 All post build plugins have finished simple 02-Apr-2021 16:46:38 Generating build results summary... simple 02-Apr-2021 16:46:38 Saving build results to disk... simple 02-Apr-2021 16:46:38 Store variable context... simple 02-Apr-2021 16:46:38 Indexing build results... simple 02-Apr-2021 16:46:38 Finished building FD-ECONAPI7-JOB1-1.