Tests: 13 passed
Duration: 2 minutes
Changes: Who: Rob Kooper
Why: Merge pull request #18 in BD/bd-swarm from BD-1844-extract-min-and-max-from-labels to master
* commit "20d4b048b55b20e8cfbbfa3e133dae8c36db64ec":
  extract queuename from labels field
Changes by Rob Kooper
Tests: 7 passed
Duration: 33 seconds
Changes: Who: Mark Fredricksen
Why: Update extractor-geo test locations on prod.
Changes by Mark Fredricksen
Chrome Extension
Tests: Testless build
Duration: 6 seconds
Changes: Who: Bing Zhang
Why: clean code

Who: Bing Zhang
Why: add key token
Changes by Bing Zhang
Tests: 99 passed
Duration: 3 minutes
Changes: Who: Ben Galewsky <bengal1@illinois.ed>
Why: Version 0.4.1

Who: Ben Galewsky <bengal1@illinois.ed>
Why: Improve reporting of exceptions thrown during page rendering

Who: Ben Galewsky <bengal1@illinois.ed>
Why: Force the docker image to be based on Java 1.8

Who: Ben Galewsky <bengal1@illinois.ed>
Why: Fix links to handle optional url roots
Tests: 18 passed
Duration: 1 minute
Changes: Who: Bing Zhang
Why: label to set scaling size. add unit test in Readme. Add changelog

Who: Bing Zhang
Why: get scale factor from labels

Who: Bing Zhang
Why: release 0.5.0
Changes by Bing Zhang
Tests: 16 passed
Duration: 55 seconds
Changes: Who: Bing Zhang
Why: release 0.5.0
Changes by Bing Zhang
Tests: Testless build
Duration: 1 minute
Changes: Who: Sandeep Puthanveetil Satheesan
Why: Added endpoints to get queue lengths for specific extraction and conversion.

Who: Sandeep Puthanveetil Satheesan
Why: Update

Who: Sandeep Puthanveetil Satheesan
Why: Update src/main/resources/swagger.json

Who: Sandeep Puthanveetil Satheesan
Why: Update build.sbt

Who: Sandeep Puthanveetil Satheesan
Why: Updated URL and version number in swagger.

Tests: Testless build
Duration: 54 seconds
Changes: Who: Sandeep Puthanveetil Satheesan
Why: Update README.
Tool Catalog
Tests: Testless build
Duration: 1 minute
Changes: Who: Ben Galewsky <bengal1@illinois.ed>
Why: Add toolVersionId to the generated JSON

Who: inna zharnitsky <>
Why: BD-1918 rest endpoints to get all the converters or extractors

Who: inna zharnitsky <>
Why: BD-1915 GUI improvements for Admin Scripts review, Script edit, Script display
Moved db-related activity to ToolScriptDAO and newly-created ToolDAO. Simplified for-yield to get all Published scripts of requested type; changed UserAware Action to regular A…

Who: Ben Galewsky <bengal1@illinois.ed>
Why: Update changelog for 0.4.0 release

Who: inna zharnitsky <>
Why: Moved db-related activity to ToolScriptDAO and newly-created ToolDAO. Simplified for-yield to get all Published scripts of requested type; changed UserAware Action to regular Action

Changes by 4 people