Tests: 99 passed
Duration: 3 minutes
Changes: Who: Ben Galewsky <bengal1@illinois.ed>
Why: Version 0.4.1

Who: Ben Galewsky <bengal1@illinois.ed>
Why: Improve reporting of exceptions thrown during page rendering

Who: Ben Galewsky <bengal1@illinois.ed>
Why: Force the docker image to be based on Java 1.8

Who: Ben Galewsky <bengal1@illinois.ed>
Why: Fix links to handle optional url roots
BrownDog - clusterman
Tests: 25 of 99 failed
Duration: 1 minute
Changes: Who: Ben Galewsky <bengal1@illinois.ed>
Why: Tweaks to work with skills

Who: Ben Galewsky <bengal1@illinois.ed>
Why: Use collaboration to access user account
BrownDog - clusterman
Tests: 100 passed
Duration: 3 minutes
Changes: Who: Yan Zhao
Why: merge

Who: Yan Zhao
Why: Merge branch "feature/BD-2043-deploy-tool-to-cluster" into bugfix/BD-1917-fix-bug-select-tool-to-deploy
# Conflicts:
#        app/views/chooseTool.scala.html

Who: Yan Zhao
Why: add general error handler
Changes by Yan Zhao
BrownDog - clusterman
Tests: 100 passed
Duration: 3 minutes
Changes: No changes
First build for this plan
BrownDog - clusterman
Tests: 108 passed
Duration: 3 minutes
Changes: Who: Ben Galewsky <bengal1@illinois.ed>
Why: Add helper methods to safely access content from the DeployedTools class

Who: Ben Galewsky <bengal1@illinois.ed>
Why: Update Changelog

Who: Ben Galewsky <bengal1@illinois.ed>
Why: Add display of deployed tools
BrownDog - clusterman
Tests: 27 passed
Duration: 2 minutes
Changes: No changes
Code changes detected
BrownDog - clusterman
Tests: 85 passed
Duration: 2 minutes
Changes: Who: Ben Galewsky <bengal1@illinois.ed>
Why: Make tools tab active when window opens
BrownDog - clusterman
Tests: 99 passed
Duration: 5 minutes
Changes: No changes
First build for this plan
BrownDog - clusterman
Tests: 108 passed
Duration: 4 minutes
Changes: Who: Ben Galewsky <bengal1@illinois.ed>
Why: Create modal and add plus minus
BrownDog - clusterman
Tests: Testless build
Duration: 1 minute
Changes: Who: Yan Zhao
Why: floder picker
Changes by Yan Zhao
BrownDog - clusterman
Tests: Testless build
Duration: < 1 second
Changes: No changes
First build for this plan