  1. CyberIntegrator

cyberintegrator 2

AuthorCommitMessageCommit dateIssues
Rob KooperRob Kooper
4d4008611e73 time is a charm
Rob KooperRob Kooper
29cd3c9a9dfdon't return when void.
Rob KooperRob Kooper
9d4c121e604data restendpointworkflow status
Christopher NavarroChristopher Navarro
213bda8041ewhen creating a workflow step, we were setting the allowNull parameter
Christopher NavarroChristopher Navarro
d4c5f12ec2aexport/import workflow was not saving parameter bean allowNull
Rob KooperRob Kooper
6925ac70c0fCBI-393 add scroll bars, use fixed font.CBI-393
Rob KooperRob Kooper
77d3f1d8e7bremove most of bard.
Christopher NavarroChristopher Navarro
6c4dd11383cfixes CBI-392 old workflow graph view doesn't fire selectionCBI-392
Rob KooperRob Kooper
78a61f6fa21fix issue where you could not select files without extention under linux.
Rob KooperRob Kooper
403806f4f62Fix issue where environment variables could not be set.
Rob KooperRob Kooper
e4f1342d3e1allow for no description
Rob KooperRob Kooper
340888a5f16check to see if a blob exists in the context.
Christopher NavarroChristopher Navarro
bfa5c4474b3Fixes CBI-391 - added preference to allow file transfer to desktop (default false) to speed up drag and drop within applicationCBI-391
Christopher NavarroChristopher Navarro
84ed0057cberemove step should delete output datasets and parameter beans
Christopher NavarroChristopher Navarro
1283bfcf01cfixed some null pointers
Christopher NavarroChristopher Navarro
9f40ecc5609fixed UI bug where Q & R did not display properly because the steps state (string) was being compared directly to a Resource when submitting to a CyberintegratorEngine.
Christopher NavarroChristopher Navarro
512c2469165removed system.out print
Christopher NavarroChristopher Navarro
a758ff6354fadded perspective shortcuts, better event handling when updating steps with new data inputs
Christopher NavarroChristopher Navarro
0209e2ac217fixes CBI-390CBI-390
Christopher NavarroChristopher Navarro
2a6e8efb54bfixes context view refresh problem - each refresh added more datasets to the data node because the wrong parent node was searched on to find if a node existed already.
Christopher NavarroChristopher Navarro
ef18b0b133aadded perspective extension to include shortcuts in new workflow builder perspective
Christopher NavarroChristopher Navarro
77643f371b9removed print statements and added log statement
Christopher NavarroChristopher Navarro
Christopher NavarroChristopher Navarro
14ebfde6a33made open workflow handler into its own class so we can call it from other locations under different circumstances (e.g.from the workflow graph view)
Christopher NavarroChristopher Navarro
869cda13f0bfix for tools view CBI-388, new workflow button on workflow graph, updated NewWorkflow wizard to work both through top level menu and a button on a viewCBI-388
Christopher NavarroChristopher Navarro
Christopher NavarroChristopher Navarro
Christopher NavarroChristopher Navarro
b52f7bb89e9removed system.out
Christopher NavarroChristopher Navarro
d6a752d304dCBI-387 better fix for blocking caused by error dialog that pops up if a blob is not found, added blob checker to CETBeans, also added check for deleted tools which caused this page to failCBI-387
Christopher NavarroChristopher Navarro
939822c1669changed export to use CETBeans for reading blobs CBI-387CBI-387
Christopher NavarroChristopher Navarro
1aa76287c70fixed some UI inconsistencies when workflow steps were added/removed - execute button was enabled when it shouldn't be
Christopher NavarroChristopher Navarro
27a9dde4df6removed system.out statements and tweaked label background
Christopher NavarroChristopher Navarro
b29709bf575updated create step handler to add a step to the new workflow graph
Christopher NavarroChristopher Navarro
41308a8aadfmade data and tools view refreshable
Christopher NavarroChristopher Navarro
99ff9b53449add graph layout controls and better re-use of beans that are created for a tool to ready it for execution, but the tool hasn't been executed
Christopher NavarroChristopher Navarro
391646f2212see CBI-387 for detailsCBI-387
Christopher NavarroChristopher Navarro
efdc59f9a3ffirst steps towards CBI-383 building workflow graphsCBI-383
Christopher NavarroChristopher Navarro
c1714081e57CBI-384 add Tag view to manage resource tagsCBI-384
Christopher NavarroChristopher Navarro
7a377d4faa3CBI-382 - delete workflow step (from original graph view)CBI-382
Christopher NavarroChristopher Navarro
6de3bd35780CBI-381 - added ability to specify which tool(s) to importCBI-381
Christopher NavarroChristopher Navarro
fd1dbeb2ee4fixed minor issue with app name not getting mapped properly.
Christopher NavarroChristopher Navarro
9cb0da84df3UI plugin that adds a wizard to step a user through creating tools wrapped around software server functionality
Christopher NavarroChristopher Navarro
77c8aac7e51Share project "edu.uiuc.ncsa.cyberintegrator.softwareserver.ui" into ""
Christopher NavarroChristopher Navarro
070187ca3c5tool that wraps functionality of a software server tool and makes it available to cyberintegrator
Christopher NavarroChristopher Navarro
bfc13627e48Share project "edu.illinois.ncsa.softwareserver.tool" into ""
Christopher NavarroChristopher Navarro
149b17ed030removed debug statements, but left a few helpful ones that catch exceptions that were not being reported.
Christopher NavarroChristopher Navarro
Christopher NavarroChristopher Navarro
Christopher NavarroChristopher Navarro
9da49f40d61debug statements
Christopher NavarroChristopher Navarro