  1. CyberIntegrator

cyberintegrator 3

AuthorCommitMessageCommit dateIssues
Christopher NavarroChristopher Navarro
e52cc7cf192CBI-501 fixes input/output anchor placement, also includes minor UI tweaksCBI-501
Rob KooperRob Kooper
8fc1d432f0cmove slf4j-jdk14 to root pom so it is available everywhere
Christopher NavarroChristopher Navarro
2ba979e3ffbCBI-496 fixes streaming data problem using StreamingOutput withspecified read bufferCBI-496
Christopher NavarroChristopher Navarro
4b5640da410CBI-492: fixed history view to display partial results when steps not finishedCBI-492
Christopher NavarroChristopher Navarro
6a512528291CBI-481: implemented logout buttonCBI-481
Christopher NavarroChristopher Navarro
e6a7436b4b6CBI-479 added import/export workflow, fixed return type ofWorkflowsResource#createWorkflow to match actual returned object type.CBI-479
Christopher NavarroChristopher Navarro
b0e668e7b2dCBI-491 added tooltips to UI buttonsCBI-491
Christopher NavarroChristopher Navarro
33db360839fCBI-483 - fixed upload dataset to use current user as creator andmodified views to update when a new dataset is addedCBI-483
Christopher NavarroChristopher Navarro
93d3d035342CBI-484 fixes overflow issue for dataset, workflow, executions and toolsviewCBI-484
Christopher NavarroChristopher Navarro
6b10137483aCBI-485 finished documenting REST APICBI-485
Rob KooperRob Kooper
Christopher NavarroChristopher Navarro
05ca5e26981BD-6 / BD-76 - cyberintegrator manual2 Jira issues
Christopher NavarroChristopher Navarro
4ae88fa4867IE was using a cached person collection when redirecting from signup page
Christopher NavarroChristopher Navarro
aade3c3db1eadded separate css style for login page
Christopher NavarroChristopher Navarro
fa291443913CBI-480 added registration page to login screenCBI-480
Christopher NavarroChristopher Navarro
cfa55c6c7e1fixed ie bug - does not allow click event for html option, removed unnecessary closing tags
Christopher NavarroChristopher Navarro
63d10bb8db4CBI-475 added check if workflow is already open just switch to that tabCBI-475
Christopher NavarroChristopher Navarro
e925dc2e2d3removed unnecessary code
Christopher NavarroChristopher Navarro
342e075dad7tool view listens for add events so view refreshes automatically when tool is created
Christopher NavarroChristopher Navarro
3a5255ed6a7CBI-459 added support for java tool creation, modified endpoint to provide more java tool informationCBI-459
Christopher NavarroChristopher Navarro
61d56263778CBI-467 return only executor names insteadof entire objectCBI-467
Christopher NavarroChristopher Navarro
4c7dd0ccafdCBI-476 - updated pom with reflectionsCBI-476
Christopher NavarroChristopher Navarro
778c2e3cbb2CBI-476 added rest endpoint for jar introspectionCBI-476
Christopher NavarroChristopher Navarro
ea5f59173bcFixed author display problem for tool and added some helper functions for tool creation
Christopher NavarroChristopher Navarro
70656bc1f64CBI-462 added support for creating HPC tools and selecting which type of tool to createCBI-462
Christopher NavarroChristopher Navarro
7059dc1c10aCBI-468 Adding a tool to the graph now creates a functional workflow graphCBI-468
Christopher NavarroChristopher Navarro
ac50cdf91bcCBI-474 fixed firefox tool name display issue and tool drop locationCBI-474
Rob KooperRob Kooper
bf555b5e175MMerge pull request #22 in CBI/cyberintegrator-3 from CBI-460 to master* commit 'cf57eeb25a8d1d0236df1e96f8a282b0870f61ab': implemented files and environment tabs for new command line tool initial implementation of command line tool wizard, basic/options tabs are finishedCBI-460
Christopher NavarroChristopher Navarro
cf57eeb25a8implemented files and environment tabs for new command line tool
Christopher NavarroChristopher Navarro
cadebeb3204initial implementation of command line tool wizard, basic/options tabs are finished
Rob KooperRob Kooper
92890236e24MMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/CBI-470'CBI-470
Liana DiesendruckLiana Diesendruck
5c6d959ac6cfilter datasets and executions by user
Rob KooperRob Kooper
04bdc6a84deMMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/CBI-469'CBI-469
Liana DiesendruckLiana Diesendruck
f15770dcbf1upload dataset fixed
Rob KooperRob Kooper
5bac38482faif single file in dataset allow to download directly.
Rob KooperRob Kooper
80c079547b1change default port to 8888
Rob KooperRob Kooper
b26cdbb339edisable password
Rob KooperRob Kooper
74d46e62615addes start scripts for windows.
Liana DiesendruckLiana Diesendruck
4a76f5313d1added the option to upload a dataset (semi-working)
Liana DiesendruckLiana Diesendruck
c57d5b2757dadded option to download datasets and delete executions and datasets
Christopher NavarroChristopher Navarro
f5a2989cec7color tools by executor, fix delete tool button position
Christopher NavarroChristopher Navarro
8646f49aefdstore available executors in local storage and by default set all inputs with a data id when creating a new step.
Rob KooperRob Kooper
e9c72fd5ea5fix type error as well as missing executor in command line
Christopher NavarroChristopher Navarro
23c4080574aFixed output label spacing and removed extra fetch for workflow - json updates fixed this requirement
Rob KooperRob Kooper
8bec186d7c9MMerge branch 'master' of ssh://
Rob KooperRob Kooper
fba033f3ec6no reference objects in JSONDon't use reference objects, always include full JSON object. SpringData.objectToJSON and SpringData.JSONToObject should be used to map to and from json
Rob KooperRob Kooper
af13b85177cuse lastname not firstname
Rob KooperRob Kooper
1af7d1b9ed4use log4j
Rob KooperRob Kooper
4346120dca2add missing tools resource
Rob KooperRob Kooper
397ea770dfaadd full userinfo to step