  1. Kurator


AuthorCommitMessageCommit dateIssues
Timothy McPhillipsTimothy McPhillips
939472d3b66Base class for KuratorAkka tests now calls super.setUp() from setUp().
Timothy McPhillipsTimothy McPhillips
e1970f29fd5Actor for reading any csv file or stream is now CsvFileReader. Updatedtests.
Timothy McPhillipsTimothy McPhillips
2876ad2039fHamming.run() can now throw any Exception.
Timothy McPhillipsTimothy McPhillips
3f43f49baebWorkflow now reports exceptions to WorkflowBuilder, which then rethrowsthe exception from awaitWorkflow().
Timothy McPhillipsTimothy McPhillips
fd849f02a99Replaced CsvSpecimenFileReader Java class with a general-purposeCsvStreamReader class that can configured to use any subclass of Map<String,String> as the record type. The CsvSpecimenFileReader actor is now a specialization of CsvStreamReader configured to use OrderedSpecimenRecord as its output record type.
Timothy McPhillipsTimothy McPhillips
fe662aec8bfAdded a 'default' property to ActorBuilder for assigning default valuesto actor parameters.
Timothy McPhillipsTimothy McPhillips
e9bad443b03Added missing dependency on apache.commons.lang. This fixes a problemwhere an exception thrown while parsing an invalid workflow specification caused kurator-akka to hang (KURATOR-76).KURATOR-76
Timothy McPhillipsTimothy McPhillips
6d66af746d3WorkflowBuilder now returns this from more configuration methods.
Timothy McPhillipsTimothy McPhillips
7bb2cf4eddfRemoved dependency on system-specific error message.
Timothy McPhillipsTimothy McPhillips
f68abf6ad07KuratorAkka.main() now catches exceptions thrown byrunWorkflowForArgs(). This keeps kurator-akka from hanging when the workflow definition file does not exist (KURATOR-75).KURATOR-75
Timothy McPhillipsTimothy McPhillips
95b59d6764cAdded a StringAppender actor and sample workflows and tests using it.
Timothy McPhillipsTimothy McPhillips
d647e971c01Updated kurator-akka version number to 0.2.
Timothy McPhillipsTimothy McPhillips
9f45ef24092Added missing redirections of stdout and stderr to buffered streams intests.
Timothy McPhillipsTimothy McPhillips
d31b86b7954Suppressed two warnings.
Timothy McPhillipsTimothy McPhillips
464f04ebfd2Now checking standard output and error streams for all workflow tests.
Timothy McPhillipsTimothy McPhillips
a0852b926c0Workflow instances now have access to buffered standard error and outputstreams.
Timothy McPhillipsTimothy McPhillips
fe3afae4555Removed default values from integer filter workflow.
Timothy McPhillipsTimothy McPhillips
c4d09ca08e1Changed KuratorAkka command-line argument for assigning workflowparameter values from -i to -p.
Timothy McPhillipsTimothy McPhillips
a47a92cfce2Added sample workflow using filter actor along with tests.
Timothy McPhillipsTimothy McPhillips
c5aee1a45d8Added a basic hello world demo written in Yaml, along with tests.
Timothy McPhillipsTimothy McPhillips
8d3e3681f05Moved sample workflows and related code to the samples directories undersrc/main, src/resources, and src/test.
Timothy McPhillipsTimothy McPhillips
e838c38739eCopied to ScientificNameValidator the change to the corresponding actorin FP-Akka that causes it to include LSID returned by the scientific name service as the GUID for the taxon name.
Timothy McPhillipsTimothy McPhillips
1ed1f1705cbUpdated tests of InternalDataValidator actor to reflect updates tofp.services.InternalDataValidationService (KURATOR-73)KURATOR-73
Timothy McPhillipsTimothy McPhillips
e06c00213a4Removed unresolved dependency on org.junit.
Timothy McPhillipsTimothy McPhillips
71747a0a54cWorkflowBuilder can now be provided with stdin and stderr print streamswhich are in turn provided to all actors so that actor outputs can be captured in applications and verified in tests.
Timothy McPhillipsTimothy McPhillips
8c176551dc1Added remaining tests of KuratorAkka command line interface (KURATOR-47)KURATOR-47
Timothy McPhillipsTimothy McPhillips
9af6855df16Made KuratorAkka CLI more testable by having the runWorkflowForArgs()method return an integer success value that main() can use as an argument to System.exit(), and by allowing callers of runWorkflowForArgs() to supply stdout and stderr streams for the method to use.
Timothy McPhillipsTimothy McPhillips
18dccf2b015Kurator-Akka command line interface now displays help if run without anyparameters and displays helpful messages if options are used incorrectly. KURATOR-59KURATOR-59
Timothy McPhillipsTimothy McPhillips
2f44459e911Added support for catching and reporting exceptions thrown by actors;and added ability to name actors in a workflow, either explicitly in Java code, or automatically based on Spring bean name or actor class name.
Timothy McPhillipsTimothy McPhillips
8b12966a034Added sample data file with one record that causes a null pointerexception during date validation.
Timothy McPhillipsTimothy McPhillips
41346f9fefbAdded explicit names to actors in Hamming workflow.
Timothy McPhillipsTimothy McPhillips
c8b24aadd90KURATOR-63 #start-progess Continuing to try out Git-JIRA integrationfeatures.KURATOR-63
Timothy McPhillipsTimothy McPhillips
6f6f4160b6fKURATOR-63 #start Began trying out Git-JIRA integration features. Addedempty license file.KURATOR-63
Timothy McPhillipsTimothy McPhillips
6279485eba5MMerge branch 'master' of https://tmcphill@opensource.ncsa.illinois.edu/stash/scm/kurator/kurator-akka.git
Timothy McPhillipsTimothy McPhillips
8bed9edbbf6Added test demonstrating that actor exceptions no longer hang workflows.
Timothy McPhillipsTimothy McPhillips
96d2c63ba2fNow deriving from the OneShot class actors that fire only once at thestart of a workflow run. Moved common actor functionality into the AkkaActor base class.
Timothy McPhillipsTimothy McPhillips
ad6c4cdbd5eRemoved Eclipse project dependency on YamlSpringLoader, leaving dependency to be resolved by Maven
Timothy McPhillipsTimothy McPhillips
f15babc3247ActorBuilder now can build any AkkaActor.
Timothy McPhillipsTimothy McPhillips
c90ea68caecRenamed BroadcastActor to Transformer.
Timothy McPhillipsTimothy McPhillips
7918aef26bfBroadcastActor is now responsible for handling actor termination onarrival of EndOfStream messages. It also calls new methods on actors for initialization, starting, ending, and for processing control and data messages separately.
Timothy McPhillipsTimothy McPhillips
15fe98677d7Disabled one test of InternalDateValidator.
Timothy McPhillipsTimothy McPhillips
e0d16464c05Added copy of restflow copyright and license file. Added new sampledata file and new test of CsvSpecimenFileReader.
Timothy McPhillipsTimothy McPhillips
4dde02bfe59Added sample workflow demonstrating InternalDateValidator actor.
Timothy McPhillipsTimothy McPhillips
7053d317542Added adaptation of akka.fp.InternalDateValidator along with tests.
Timothy McPhillipsTimothy McPhillips
51843b6d734Added workflow parameter to ScientificNameValidation demo workflow.
Timothy McPhillipsTimothy McPhillips
03947e82a2dReenabled multi-record test of ScientificNameValidator.
Timothy McPhillipsTimothy McPhillips
956c8492faaAdded sample workflow demonstrating ScientificNameValidator actor.
Timothy McPhillipsTimothy McPhillips
0567c088040Disabled test of ScientificNameValidator pending investigation of lineendings issue.
Timothy McPhillipsTimothy McPhillips
b5fc9af58b2Added adaptation of NewScientificNameValidator actor from FP-Akkapackage, along with a test.
Timothy McPhillipsTimothy McPhillips
a538526a2c2Added test of CsvSpecimenFileWriter actor. Also added aOrderedSpecimenRecord class that enables runs on collections of specimen records to behave deterministically with respect to the order of columns in data set.