Medici allows you a few choices when uploading files and provides you with data management options through the "Actions" menu.   Both the Medici WebApp and desktop clients provide a standard file browse and drag-n-drop interface.   Additionally, the Medici server provides RESTful endpoint for scripting large volume uploads.   This next section will review the GUI and script upload and action options.


GUI Upload

Your browser determine which options will be available to upload your files and include basic file select, a Java applet or HTML 5 enabled file select and drag-n-drop.  

File Select Upload

This interface provides the standard "Browse..." button that opens a file browse window so you can navigate and select files for upload.

Single File Upload

If your browser doesn't support the HTML5 it will default to the Java Applet. Simply click on the "Browse..." button and select the file you want to upload.


Multiple File Select 

HTML 5 supported browsers provide an additional ability to use the CTRL/Command + left mouse click to select and upload multiple files.

Drag-n-Drop Upload

Java Applet

If your browser doesn't support HTML 5 you will be given the option to download and install the drag-n-drop applet.   Just click in the box to install the applet and then simply drag-n-drop file for upload.


HTML 5 Drag-n-Drop

If you browser supports HTML 5, you'll get the following drag-n-drop display to upload your files.  

Script Upload 

For users that have large numbers of datasets to add to Medici we have provided a script to ease uploading these datasets to the Medici repository. The script takes two arguments the directory containing the datasets to be uploaded and the url of the medici repository to which you wish to upload the datasets to. The url must be of the form http://<username>:<password>@host. Use https if the Medici repository is configured for https. In addition the host must contain the path to the context of the webapp. For example if your Medici repository is set at a context /medici then the host must be host/medici.

Download the script here.


Upload Script with Relative Directory and Root Context Webapp
./ Pictures
Upload Script with Absolute Path and Non-Root Context Webapp
./ /home/user/Pictures

Upload Completed (WebApp)

Now the upload is complete it's time to use the "Actions" options or navigate to the Home or Data link at the top of the webapp to view more details about the file(s).

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