Versions Compared


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WhoPlanned - MondayAccomplished - Friday
  • BD
    • DataWolf change log
    • Test bd-api-dev with configured bd-datawolf-dev instance
    • Work on version 2 architecture including workflow tools for building damage analysis
    • Add tornado fragility data and fragility mapping
  • Ergo
    • Review pull request
David Raila  
  • BD
    • Deploy request quotas code
    • Develop rate limiting code
    • Move event db from redis to mongodb
    • Design access control by resource
  • SEAD
    • Plan sprints for next 2 months
    • Update budget
  • GLM
    • Fix grunt file for core v2 app
    • Finish up first implementation of geostreams client in pyclowder2
    • Setup Nebula instance
    • Make Allerton data from cambel logger available on Clowder
    • Improve and run Flux Tower parser
    • Fix loggernet client script to upload to Clowder
  • Help with medici2 for digital humanities publication responses
  • prep for Phenome 2017 and hackathon next 2 weeks
  • deploy InfluxDB updates to Arizona globus endpoint
  • switch over to new pipeline databases for logging support
  • bulk rebuild operations
Sara Lambert  
    • Restart: Download Issues (GLGVO-277) (bug)
    • If time: React Analysis Page (GLGVO-282)
  • GLM 
    • Add a Home Button to the other Geodashboard Pages (GEOD-830)
    • Discuss storing config outside of codebase (GEOD-813)
    • Remove sensitive data from parser (IMLCZO-131)
    • Discuss status of IMLCZO-145
    • Review project plan documentation
  • Geodashboard (affects GLGVO, GLM, and IMLCZO)
    • If timeModal Boxes should be a smaller height so that the entire box fits on smaller screens (GEOD-823)
    • If time: Set Modals to all have the same formatting (GEOD-831)
  • Miscellaneous
    • Review open Pull Requests
    • Prepare for Thursday Meeting (Sprint/Technical)
  • Set up geoserver and test the connection with MongoDB's geospatial data
  • Finish Joplin Hindcast simulation mondeling