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WhoPlanned - MondayAccomplished - Friday
  • Cover Crop
    • Project meeting
    • Continue helping with prototype and datawolf tools for prototype
  • Ergo
    • Work on KISTI attenuation models
  • IN-Core
    • Beta documentation
    • Code review
    • Finish documenting remote dataset design discussion for datawolf
  • Cover Crop
    • reviewed meeting notes from missed meetin
  • IN-Core
    • Prepared Joplin build of IN-Core for Navid, including data and instructions to run
    • Fixed bugs
    • Updated beta documentation with videos
    • Discussed requirements for software beta release and testing
  • General
    • Family eSick leave for family emergency 1/2 Mon, Tues
  • Einstein Toolkit workshop (7/21-82)
  • ThinkChicago workshop (8/2-84)
  • BioCADDIE wrap-up and release
    • terrautils
    • computing-pipeline/issues/270
Gregory Jansen

  •  In and out of the office / vacation
  •  In and out of the office / "vacation"

  • update all TERRA extractors to use newly merged clean metadata dictionaries instead of raw
  • plan for deploying release version of extractors on scalable VM
  • plan for release prep metadata cleaning and reprocessing in August
  • catch up
  • integration pull request for Terrautils alongside 12 extractor updates - standardize metadata and folder structures for data release 1
  • created schedule for aug-sep for code freeze and database cleanup
  • pyclowder2 new features migrated from extractors (submit files and datasets for extraction recursively by parent dataset or collection)
  •  GLM
    • GEOD-904
    • GEOD-945
    • GEOD-954
  • GLTG 
    • GLGVO-345
    • GLGVO-346
    • GLGVO-347 
    • GLGVO-348 
    • GLGVO-349 
    • GLGVO-356
    • Re-run Parsers for Flux Tower, Allerton non-Decagon, and Allerton Decagon
    • IMLCZO-168
    • IMLCZO-171
    • IMLCZO-172
  •  GLM
    • GEOD-944 and GEOD-954 are merged
  • GLTG 
    • GLGVO-322 is merged
    • GLGVO-345, GLGVO-346, GLGVO-347, GLGVO-348, GLGVO-349, and GLGVO-356 are in a combination review
    • Allerton Decagon data parsed on PROD
    • Started communication for IMLCZO-171 and IMLCZO-172
  • Semantic Service
  • Water Network Analysis with Dislocation
  • BD
    • Abstract for AGU
    • Complete remaining sprint tasks
  • IARP
    • Submit sections for updated workplan
    • Continue with user interface development
  • Brown Dog - Project Management section and compilation
  • HR meetings
  • GLTG - Phase 4 planning
  • IN-Core - report
  • Nebula nodes
  • IGB Student -BD meetings

