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Goals for ModellingMarilyn - Illinois
  • West nile virus related to weather. Improving by expanding to other states. Put pieces of model into more robust modern framework - more flexible choices
  • Linear regression - NCSA - data from different sources browndog, clowder, geodashboard
  • getting model validated for different states
  • making data more accessable
  • add tick models
  • survaillence data

Ryan - IowaExtensive database of mosquito data - tyring to incoporate into a model

Maria - Northeast


  • Modelling cluster: number of initiatives, climate and mosquito initiative
  • Climate model - data library columbia U. Different kinds of data in unified way, compute online - openDAP server - connect to library directly
  • R naught model for their region
  • Modelling of spread of diseases - trying to expand to country
  • Simulation based
  • genomic analysis for the region
  • Spread of tick borne disease in relation to human behavior - real time accessment app that people enter data

Gulf Coast Center



?another speaker


  • Microclimate correlation
  • Small mobile devices to monitory climate data
  • base off of research based on use of enviromental conditions
  • multi model approach
  • sensor to measure microclimate changes - nonlinear coefficients - SVNs etc
  • Laborartory component - replicate environment in lab - model of disease - zika, dengue


Katie Ryan

  • 4 main modelling projects
    • Metricology of infection rate - biocomplexity
    • leveraging winter transmission
    • ticks in southeast - higher resolution map - metrics in dog ticks
    • surrelence maps - forcasting


  • initail modelling - aedes abundance
    • trap size improved statistics
    • optimal sampling strategies
    • aedes control intervenctions
  • online maps
  • tick - movement model
  • survelience
  • anglioma ?
  • mosquito gateway
    • lots of data from u researchers and counties - not unified - want to standardize



  • staticstics - will handle

Fort Collins


New York



  • integrating control strategies?
  • use models by gov agencies?

  • dog monitors
  • spraying homes
  • cost effectiveness of treatments

  • GCC - where mosquitios can breed -> adult populations

  • Overall system for control
  • human illness
  • working with local abatement systems
    • good records on mosquito control
  • Simulation modelling

  • agent based models
    • clinics etc.
    • effects of interventions

  • another agent based model
  • Kareside
    • use and abuse

  • question
    • current control strategies
    • of influene current control strategies
    • make models usable to an end user

  • how to remind and help gov agencies to use models

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