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Steps for running the fortran model (

  • Original Code and setup on idea.

    • Steps in run process (cron)

        • The 3 routines that are run on the original server
      • Get forecast 
      • Get prism data

        • /home/nan/WNV_WX/MIR_model/run.cp_prism

        • get prism data

          • /home/mtimlin/estSTCD/estCDwestnile/estCD.csh

            • set d1 to 19810101 and d2 to `date +"%Y%m%d"` the get 4 files:
              • curl -o estCD.dir/estCDp --data 'params={"state":"IL","sdate":"'$d1'","edate":"'$d2'","grid":"21","elems":[{"name":"pcpn","area_reduce":"climdiv_mean"}]}'

              • curl -o estCD.dir/estCDn --data 'params={"state":"IL","sdate":"'$d1'","edate":"'$d2'","grid":"21","elems":[{"name":"mint","area_reduce":"climdiv_mean"}]}'

              • curl -o estCD.dir/estCDx --data 'params={"state":"IL","sdate":"'$d1'","edate":"'$d2'","grid":"21","elems":[{"name":"maxt","area_reduce":"climdiv_mean"}]}'

              • curl -o estCD.dir/estCDt --data 'params={"state":"IL","sdate":"'$d1'","edate":"'$d2'","grid":"21","elems":[{"name":"avgt","area_reduce":"climdiv_mean"}]}'

        • copy prism data

          • from timlin directory cd /home/mtimlin/estSTCD/estCDwestnile/estCD.dir/110x  where x=[1,9]  where x is the climate division

          • to WNV_WX/Not_smooth/110x
      • Run Model

        • /home/nan/WNV_WX/MIR_model/run.cmp_n_nweek

          • run the model
            • ./cmp_n_nweek 11 0x 2017 where x=[1,9]
          • rename plots
          • copy plots (rename) (110x_2017_plot → 110x_YRcur_plot) to webapp directory
    • Step through fortran code

      • LinesFunctionImportant variables DescriptionImportant variables names
        38-185initialize variables

        188-191characters to int
        ayear→iyear CD->icd
        196-202create 3 20x360 arraysinitialized as:t,p = 999.9d =0.0
        209-212read week_days_2016.csv,input days of week for yearwmonth(i),wday(i),wweek(i),wyear,wdate,wdow
        216-231create output filesnormals MIR plot, (move to ./output)
        241-423compute normals