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daffodil parse (-s <schema> [-r [{<namespace>}]<root>] [-p <path>] | -P <parser>) [-D[{namespace}]<variable>=<value>...] [-T<tunable>=<value>] [-o <output>] [-V [mode]] [-c <file>] [infile]



The annotated DFDL schema to use to create the parser. This option cannot be used with the --parser option.
The root element of the DFDL schema to use. This must be one of the top-level elements of the schema defined with --schema. This requires the --schema option to be defined. If not supplied, the first element of the schema defined with --schema is used. A namespace may be specified by prefixing it with {namespace}.
The path to the node from the root element to create the parser from.
Use a previously saved parser, created using the save-parser subcommand. This option cannot be used with the --schema option or with the --validate option set to 'on'.

Variables to be used when parsing. The variable can be prefixed with {namespace} to define which namespace the variable belongs in, for example:



Modify Daffodil configuration options to change parsing behavior. See Configuration File#Tunable Parameters for the list of tunable parameters.

Write output to a give file. If the option is not given or is -, output is written to standard out.
The validation mode. 'on', 'limited' or 'off'. If 'mode' is not provided, defaults to 'on'. If --validate is not provided, defaults to 'off'. Mode cannot be 'on' when used with the --parser option.
--config-c<file>XML file containing configuration items, such as external variables or Daffodil tunables. See  Configuration File for details on the file format.

Input file to parse. If not specified, or is a value of -, reads from standard in. In supplied, this must be the last option on the command line.

  Display the version of Daffodil.
  Display help message.


The annotated DFDL schema to use to create the parser. This option cannot be used with the --parser option.
The root element of the DFDL schema to use. This must be one of the top-level elements of the schema defined with --schema. This requires the --schema option to be defined. If not supplied, the first element of the schema defined with --schema is used. A namespace may be specified by prefixing it with {namespace}.
The path to the node from the root element to create the parser from.
Use a previously saved parser, created using the save-parser subcommand. This option cannot be used with the --schema option or with the --validate option set to 'on'.
Variables to be used when unparsing. The variable can be prefixed with {namespace} to define which namespace the variable belongs in, for example:



Modify Daffodil configuration options to change parsing behavior. See  Configuration File#Tunable Parameters for the list of tunable parameters.

Write output to a give file. If the option is not given or is -, output is written to standard out.
The validation mode. 'on', 'limited' or 'off'. If 'mode' is not given, defaults to 'on'. If --validate is not present, defaults to 'off'. Mode cannot be 'on' when used with the --parser option.
--config-c<file>XML file containing configuration items, such as external variables or Daffodil tunables. See Configuration File for details on the file format.
Input file to unparse. If not specified, or is a value of -, reads from standard in. In supplied, this must be the last option on the command line.
  Display the version of Daffodil.
  Display help message.


daffodil save-parser -s <schema> [-r <root> [-n <namespace>][{namespace}]<root>] [-p <path>] [-o <output>] [outfile]


The annotated DFDL schema to use to create the parser. This option must be supplied.
The root element of the DFDL schema to use. This must be one of the top-level elements of the schema defined with --schema. This requires the --schema option to be defined. If not supplied, the first element of the schema defined with --schema is used. A namespace may be specified by prefixing it with {namespace}.
The namespace of the root element. Requires the --root option.
The path to the node from the root element to create the parser from.

The validation mode. 'on', 'limited' or 'off'. If 'mode' is not present, defaults to 'on'. If --validate is not present, defaults to 'off'. Mode cannot be set to 'on'.

--config-c<file>XML file containing configuration items, such as external variables or Daffodil tunables. See Configuration File for details on the file format.
Write the parser to a give file. If the option is not given or is -, output is written to standard out.
  Display the version of Daffodil.
  Display help message.
