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WhoMonday - PlannedFriday - Accomplished
Brock Angelo
  • Vacation
Edgar F. Black
  • Vacation
Mario Felarca  
Rob Kooper
  • PEcAn
    • Add password/private key execution
    • Other misc fixes
  • SEAD
    • permissions
  • Brown Dog
    • report
  • Open Source
  • PEcAn
    • Lots of small fixes
    • Finished setup to sync database between BNL, BU and EBI
  • Brown Dog
    • added ability to use Open Source account to login to clowder
  • SEAD
    • Finished code for permissions


Jong Lee  
Rui Liu
  • Vacation
Kenton McHenry
  • Big Data paper
  • Brown Dog report
  • HR stuff
  • Good progress on Big Data paper
  • Started BD report
  • Started working on agenda for Norma visit
  • HR Stuff
Luigi Marini
  • SEAD sprint closing
  • SEAD demo
  • Brown Dog json-ld development
  • Brown Dog report
  • SEAD
    • implemented permissions logic for spaces
    • merged develop branch into spaces branch
    • fixed bugs
    • gave demo
  • Debugged issue with extractors and geodashboard for IMLCZO
Christopher Navarro
  • NIST - review pull requests, start work on Tornado hazard
  • MSR - determine if we need to do anything to migrate our Azure VM
  • CyberSEES - conference call
  • Finish laptop configuration
  • NIST - reviewed pull requests, started the tornado hazard analysis
  • MSR - VM looks like it will be moved to a new subscription
  • CyberSEES - checked in on web app work and attended conference call, need to plan small hackathon that Brian will be in town for at the end of July
  • Finished configuring laptop with windows/linux and moved files from the old laptop
Michal Ondrejcek
  1. Continue on data ingestion, MWRD-114MWRD-116, DataWolf on MWRD VM
  2. Continue with the documentation for the data Ingestion  MWRD-152
  1. Learn the way DataWolf uses file upload etc.
  2. First draft DONE, missing 'Mateo data' screenshots and detailed section on Station management.
Smruti Padhy
  • Big Data Paper
  • Completely revised Elasticity section, added graphs and all descriptions
  • Added Clients section as well
Sandeep Puthanveetil Satheesan
  • Continue working on editing person tracks from
  • Continue with efforts for running batch queue extractor in VAT Gateway machine
Eugene Roeder
  • PEcAn
    • Submit pull request for ensemble analysis
    • Start development on sensitivity analysis
  • BrownDog
    • Report
    • Start working testing presentaton
  • Seagrant
    • Finish environment setup - Postgres and PostGIS
    • Test local environment setup for parsers
    • Create web page (wiki) to list video topics for Seagrant tutorials
Inna Zharnitsky
  • CensusSegmentor - finish work on using external jars for kgm/<..>Utilities and create pull req
  • BrownDog report
  • Start working on GUI to choose extractors for spaces
  • Next two weeks, July 6-17 - very limited hours.
  • July 20-24 - vacation (away from civilization)
  • CensusSegmenter - still need to figure out what to do with the kgm jars, since the once on Nexus are older than the ones used by the project. Everything else is done.
  • Brown dog - submitted to SP for review
  • Started looking at the GUI for spaces/extractors (found and fixed a bug - list of extractors not populating at the start). Submitted pull req.
Marcus Slavenas
  • Vacation
Indira Gutierrez Polo



  • Work on creating map with points/polygons and popup requesting type.

HR Stuff


  • Work on CATS-26
  • Some testing and bug fix for the demo

HR Meetings

Thursday Off.


Jason Votava
  • GLTG useability conference call/scheduling
  • Brown Dog annual report materials review
  • Support NIST on-site training
  • Review applicants for HR
  • Investigate template creation for Confluence
  • first GLTG usability test complete (thanks Omar)
  • NIST conference calls/reporting complete
  • Confluence plug-in for templates now working (thanks Rob)
  • Prepare for Yan's arrival
Winston Jansz
  • Finish CATS-30 (list who has access to a dataset/collection).
  • Tasks related to the SEAD Sprint Demo on Wednesday.
  • Completed CATS-30 (see previous column).
  • For the Sprint Demo: Some testing of the CS492 functionality added to Clowder.
Yong Wook Kim
  • Vacation (29th, 30th)
  • ERGO-63
  • ERGO-134
Omar Elabd
  • ERGO-142
  • ERGO-201
  • ERGO-82
  • ERGO-123 (revised)
  • ERGO-142 (in review)
  • ERGO-103 (in progress)