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WhoMonday - PlannedFriday - Accomplished
Brock Angelo
  • Update Clowder's IMLCZO branch to latest develop - resolve merge conflicts
  • Work with Derek and Allison from IMLCZO to update list of sensors in use and planned
  • Update JIRA issues for fall IMLCZO release schedule
  • Prepare Date-Range slider demo for GLTG
  • Continue data cleanup for IMLCZO
  • Meet with Marian and Clear Creek team to help implement Clowder uploads
  • Address bugs found at last GLTG meeting
Edgar F. Black  
  • MSC (Miami)
    • Extractors for the msc web application were updated
    • Deeper look into new extractors detected that some issues still remain and are being addressed.
    • Drafting of AJT Paper is still underway.
  • MSC (Chicago)
    • Our section for a short paper they (Chicago team) are preparing was sent on Friday.
Rob Kooper
    • Migrate DESDM to Open Source
    • Presentation Friday about docker with Rui Liu
  • BD
    • experiment with Docker containers
  • SEAD
    • Create plugin to do publish of curation objects
  • PEcAn
    • Finish qsub launch
    • Migrate DESDM to Open Source
  • BD
    • Create simple docker container for softwareserver
    • Linked multiple containers to make single dap server
  • SEAD
    • Speedup of spaces
  • Sick (Th, Fr)
Jong Lee
  • Ergo merges
  • Ergo merges
  • IRB Training
Rui Liu
  • BD: docker sprint. Friday presentation.
  • Earthcube: set up the ecgs production machine. other work.
Kenton McHenry
  • Finished BD-678
  • Review BD-728
  • Catch up from being sick ...
  • PEcAn report
  • HR Stuff
  • Review BD-728
Luigi Marini
  • Clowder documentation
  • Earthcube ability to specify jsonld metadata definitions
  • BD central authentication design
  • IMLCZO planning
  • SEAD staging area design
  • LSVA content-based index
  • Continued working on clowder landing page
  • Got jsonld metadata partially implemented including list of of options from external service (still need to handle cross site)
  • Organized IMLCZO JIRA a bit
  • Continued refining staging area design
  • Begun investigate authentications, keys and user management for BD
Christopher Navarro
  • NIST - review outstanding pull requests, merge develop-v1 to master, work on locking issue and liquefaction analysis issue
  • BD - technical meeting, assist with adding HPC support to pyClowder as necessary (based on KISTI work)
  • CyberSEES - continue assisting with september demo work
  • MSR - provide required workflow(s) for web app being developed when it's ready
  • NIST - reviewed pull requests so geotools-upgrade could be merged into develop-v1, fixed locking issue with geotools, discussed roadway fragility and restoration implementation with Omar and NIST project researchers, started taking Ethics training required for the project
  • BD - technical meeting
  • CyberSEES - GI Venture webinar, CyberSEES bi-weekly meeting, meeting with Brian, Indira and Jong to discuss issues integrating Bird view editor.
Michal Ondrejcek
  1. NEXRAD tool DataWolf on MWRD VM, permission problem and speed
  2. Continue in merging all  portals with CSS, JavaScript needs refactoring to make ids and classes unique, task MWRD-158
  3. Continue on data ingestion design for Stations, MWRD-114
  4. Start preparing general Documentation
Smruti Padhy
  • BD
    • Sprint
    • JDIQ paper
    • Add username/password to the R Library for file upload
  • SDN
    • Switch model
    • Look into the real use case for the flow classification algorithm
  • Vacation: Wednesday
Sandeep Puthanveetil Satheesan
  • Test editing person-tracks with the help of Students
  • Find accuracy of person-tracking using Ground truth data
  • Estimate compute time for person-tracking
  • Make sure that all Groupscope data / files from Desktop / Laptop is stored in Taub
  • Test editing person-tracks with the help of Students - Started
  • Find accuracy of person-tracking using Ground truth data - In progress
  • Estimate compute time for person-tracking - In progress
Eugene Roeder


  • Obtain Heidelberg data and load (GEOD- 705)
  • Obtain additonal USGS sites data (5 sites total) from STORET and run parser (GEOD-704)
  • Post all video scripts for review by Paris and Kirstin


  • Ticket Number 134 - Ensemble Notes enhancement
  • Ticket Number 453 - Informative MET names
  • Ticket Number 594 - Sensitivity Analysis UI Changes



Inna Zharnitsky
  • (first week back after summer break)
  • Extractors for spaces - discuss with Luigi, make changes as necessary, make a pull request
  • Sprint - I have two JIRA tasks re Tool Catalog
  • Extractors for spaces - code cleaned up, made a pull request
  • Tools Catalog - work in progress on BD-724 and BD-727
Marcus Slavenas
  • IARP
    • continue trying to post all images to
      • currently, clowder starts returning 500 at about 15,000 images
  • BD
    • look into adding Tools Catalog Field to "Interface" menu for Docker configuration file
  • GLTG
    • some front end fixes from michael brennan
    • meet with CS team about data visualization
Indira Gutierrez Polo


  • Staging area per space pull request feedback
  • Fix bugs


  • CSS/UI/ JS changes to Rapid UI


  • Updates to staging area per space based on new mockups
  • Fixed some private/public clowder instance issues
  • Minor bugs


  • CSS/UI/ JS changes to Rapid UI


  • Minor JS Bug updates.
Jason Votava
  • Get poster and handouts printed for Brown Dog
  • IEEE dry run/final prep
  • Several interviews
  • Kick-off "Bringing it all together" Brown Dog sprint
  • Handle MWRD tech transfer questions/coordination
  • All poster/presentation materials ready to go
  • Conference schedule confirmed
  • Brown Dog sprint under way
  • Setting dates in early October for MWRD tech transfer
  • End of month NIST reporting
  • GLTG search improvements consensus building
  • Out of office next week.
Winston Jansz
  • Finish CATS-151 (handle timeouts gracefully in spaces, collections, etc).
  • Other Clowder tasks (TBD).
Yong Wook Kim
  • Fix ERGO geotools-upgrade version bugs
  • Search geotools-upgrade bugs
  • Fix geotools data lock problem
  • Debugging JIRA Issues
    • ERGO-250, 255, 259, 260, 262
  • Review Pull Requests
    • ERGO-204, 244, 247, 249, 254, 258
  • NIST ethics training
Omar Elabd
  • ERGO-261
  • NIST-18
  • Setup Computer
Yan Zhao
  • SEAD
    • curation form
  • MSC
    • read some paper and test other's code
  • SEAD
    • curation form–create on dataset page
  • MSC
    • read some paper and test other's code
    • move code to VM–not finished