Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Project Admin CLI Requirements


  • Put on stack name: was throwing 500 error
  • Delete stack: volumes are showing as attached



  • Preconditions:
    • Not logged in
  • Primary flow
    • Valid username and password: login succeeds (200)
  • Alternate flows
    • If already logged in, secondary login still succeeds (200)
    • Invalid username/password: login fails (401)


  • Preconditions
    • Logged in
  • Primary flow:
    • User is logged out


List services

  • Preconditions:
    • User is logged in
  • Primary flow
    • A list of services is returned (200)
  • Alternative flow:
    • Not logged in (401)
    • No services exist (404)

Get service details:

  • Preconditions
    • User it logged in
  • Primary flow
    • Details of the current service are returned
  • Alternative flow:
    • Not logged in (401)
    • Service does not exist (404)



List stacks

  • Preconditions:
    • Logged in
    • Stack has been added
  • Primary flow
    • List details of existing stacks (service, stack services, endpoints, status etc)
  • Alternate flow:
    • Not logged in (401)
    • No stacks (empty list)

Add stack

  • Preconditions
    • Logged in
    • Service exists
  • Primary flow
    • Stack is added (200)
  • Alternate flow
    • Not logged in (401)
    • Service doesn't exist (404)
    • Duplicate stack name (409

Delete stack

  • Preconditions:
    • Logged in
    • Stack exists
    • Stack not running
  • Primary flow
    • Stack is deleted (201)
  • Alternate flow
    • Not logged in (401)
    • Stack doesn't exist (404)
    • Stack is running (409)
    • Attached volumes are orphaned


Start stack

Stop stack

Start/restart stack service

Stop stack service

Get stack details

  • Preconditions
    • Logged in
    • Stack exists and started
  • Primary flow:
    • All stack services (service, replication controller, pods) are stopped  (200)
  • Alternate flow
    • Not logged in (401)
    • Stack doesn't exist (404)
    • Stack not started or stopping (409)

Stop stack

  • Preconditions
    • Stack started
  • Primary flow
    • Stack service, replication controller, pods are stopped (200)
  • Alternative flow
    • Not logged in (401)
    • Stack does not exist (404)
    • Stack not started (200)

Get stack details

  • Preconditions:
    • Logged in
    • Stack exists
  • Primary flow
    • Stack details are displayed (200)
  • Alternate flow
    • Not logged in (401)
    • Stack doesn't exist (404)

Start/restart stack service

Add optional service (requires restart?)

Delete optional services 


List volumes

  • Preconditions
    • Logged in
    • Volumes exist
  • Primary flow
    • Volume details are displayed (200)
  • Alterate flow
    • Not logged in (401)
    • No volumes


Add volume

    • exist (200)

Create volume

  • Preconditions
    • Logged in
    • Sufficient quota remaining
  • Primary flow
    • Volume is created (200)
  • Alternate flow
    • Not logged in (401)
    • Insufficient quota (409)
    • Duplicate name (409)
    • Stack service specified (200)
      • Stack doesn't exist (404)


Attach volume

  • Preconditions:
    • Logged in 
    • Volume exits
    • Service exists with no existing attachments
    • Service not running
  • Primary flow
    • Volume is attached to service (200)
  • Alternate flow
    • Not logged in (401)
    • Volume doesn't exist (404)
    • Service doesn't exist (404)
    • Service is running (409)


Delete volume

  • Preconditions
    • Logged in
    • Volume exists
    • Stack not running
  • Primary flow
    • Volume is deleted (200)
  • Alternative flo
    • Not logged in (401)
    • Volume doesn't exist (404)
    • Stack is running (409)

Detach volume

  • Preconditions
    • Logged in
    • Volume exists
    • Stack not running
  • Primary flow
    • Volume is detached (200)
  • Alternative flow
    • Not logged in (401)
    • Volume doesn't exist (404)
    • Stack is running (409)

 Delete volume

Orphaned volumes


List config

Set config
