Versions Compared


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This page defines test cases for the standalone iRODS stack.  This is separate from the Dataverse stack with iRODS supportNDSLabs system shell.

Global Preconditions

  • Linux AMD64 architecture system with 8G ram 20+G disk,  preferrable CoreOS w/ docker 1.9+


  • Pre-Conditions
    • system-check passes
    • Login to system - 2 consoles
  • Test Process
    • Terminal 1 (log):
      • run script
      • run sudo systemctl stop docker
      • run sudo docker daemon
    • Terminal 2:
      • run eval $(docker run --rm -it ndslabs/system-shell usage docker)
      • at prompt run ""
        • Wait for semi-quiescent state - noted by  messages on console term at 1 sec intervals:

          INFO[0562] GET /containers/json?all=1                    
          INFO[0563] GET /containers/json?all=1                    
          INFO[0563] GET /containers/json                          
          INFO[0564] GET /containers/json?all=1                    
          INFO[0565] GET /containers/json?all=1     

      • run kubectl get pods,rc,svc 

      • expect:
        NAME                   READY        STATUS        RESTARTS   AGE
        k8s-etcd-     1/1          Running       0          56m
        k8s-master-   4/4          Running       0          56m
        k8s-proxy-    1/1          Running       0          56m
        NAME                   CLUSTER-IP   EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)    AGE
        kubernetes        <none>        443/TCP    56m

      • run up

      • wait for settle to 1-second interval messages as above on console

      • run kubectl get pods,rc,svc

      • expect ndslabs entires added:

        • NAME                      READY        STATUS        RESTARTS   AGE
          k8s-etcd-        1/1          Running       0          59m
          k8s-master-      4/4          Running       0          59m
          k8s-proxy-       1/1          Running       0          59m
          ndslabs-apiserver-r66ql   0/1          Pending       0          42s
          ndslabs-gui-a4x27         0/1          Pending       0          42s
          NAME                      DESIRED      CURRENT       AGE
          ndslabs-apiserver         1            1             42s
          ndslabs-gui               1            1             42s
          NAME                      CLUSTER-IP   EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)    AGE
          kubernetes           <none>        443/TCP    59m
          ndslabs-apiserver   nodes         8083/TCP   42s
          ndslabs-gui        nodes         80/TCP     42s

      • run ndslabsctl login admin (password admin)

        • Login Succeeded

      • run ndslabsctl list services

        • List of services is displayed

      • run

        • docker ps | grep toolserv should display ndslabs/toolserver:terra

      • Open browser to http://PUBLIC_IP:30000 and run End-to-End Basic Test, including Tool Server

      • run

      • wait for quiescence

      • run kubectl get pods,rc,svc

      • expect:

        • NAME                   READY        STATUS        RESTARTS   AGE
          k8s-etcd-     1/1          Running       0          1m
          k8s-master-   4/4          Running       0          1m
          k8s-proxy-    1/1          Running       0          1m
          NAME                   CLUSTER-IP   EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)    AGE
          kubernetes        <none>        443/TCP    1m

      • run

        • Confirm services are started as expected

      • run kube-down.shsh – This script doesn't exist

      • run docker ps

        • Expect no running containers

      • In first terminal

        • ^C

        • sudo systemctl restart docker