Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


    • Preconditions
      • Logged in
      • Volume exists and is attached
      • Stack not running
    • Test steps
      • ndslabsctl detach <vol name>
    • Expected results
      • Volume is detached
    • Alternative flows
      • Not logged in (401)
      • Volume doesn't exist (404)
      • Stack is running (409)
        • Problem: Was able to detach from running stack without error
        • Resolved
      • Volume isn't attached (409)
        • Problem: Was able to detach multiple times without error
        • Resolved

Delete volume

    • Preconditions
      • Logged in
      • Volume exists
      • Stack not running
    • Test case:
      • ndslabsctl delete <vol name>
    • Expected results:
      • Volume is deleted
    • Alternative flows
      • Not logged in (401)
      • Volume doesn't exist (404)
      • Stack is running (409)

Stack administration



Add stack


    • Preconditions
      • Logged in
      • Service exists
    • Test steps
      • ndslabsctl add stack <key> <name> 
      • ndslabsctl add stack <key> <name> --opt=<comma-separated list of optional services>
    • Expected results
      • Stack is added
    • Alternate flows
      • Not logged in (401)
      • Service doesn't exist (404)
      • Duplicate stack name (409)


    • Preconditions
      • Logged in
      • Service exists
    • Test case:
      • ndslabsctl list configs <service key(s)>
    • Expected results:
      • Possible service configuration options are displayed
    • Alternative flow
      • Not logged in (401)
      • Service does not exist (404)
        • Problem: currently throws 500 error
        • Resolved – if one fails, all fail
    • Issues:
      • Help text references "service ids", should be "service keys" for consistency
      • Resolved

Get stack service configuration

    • Preconditions
      • Logged in
      • Stack exists
    • Test case:
      • ndslabsctl get stack <stack id>
    • Expected results:
      • Current service configuration options and settings are displayed
    • Alternative flow
      • Not logged in (401)
      • Stack does not exist (404)
        • Problem: currently throws 500 error
        • Works for me

Set stack service configuration option

    • Preconditions
      • Logged in
      • Stack exists
      • Config exists
    • Test case:
      • ndslabsctl set <service <stack service id> <name> <value>
    • Expected results:
      • Specified configuration setting os overriden for the service
    • Alternative flow
      • Not logged in (401)
      • Stack doesn't exist (404)
        • Problem: currently throws 500 error
        • Resolved
      • Config doesn't exist or is not overridable (409)

        • Problem: No output given, appears to be no-op?
        • Resolved


View stack service logs

    • Preconditions
      • Logged in
      • Stack exists
      • Stack started
      • Config exists
    • Test case:
      • ndslabsctl logs <sid> 
      • ndslabsctl logs <sid> --lines=<lines>
    • Expected results:
      • Logs are displayed
      • Last n log lines are displayed
    • Alternative flow
      • Not logged in (401)
      • Stack doesn't exist (404)
        • Problem: currently throws 500 error
      • Stack is not running (404)
        • Problem: No output given, appears to be no-op?


Other problems:


    • Quota stuff
    • Kubernetes throws 409 if service exists in background, resulting in 500 internally. Need to handle this better.