Versions Compared


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Local storage

Supported by Kubernetes


Useful for single-node or development configurations

Not distributed

Not scalable

Does not support quotas


Supported by Kubernetes



Not scalable

Performance requires tuning

OpenStack Cinder

Supportable by Kubernetes (with changes)

Requires change to Kubernetes
GlusterFSSupported by Kubernetes 


Expanding cluster-wide storage:

Cluster-wide storage is expanded by adding allocating, formatting, and configuring additional physical volumes.


With per-project volumes, quotas will be enforced by the volume size

Use cases:

  • Site administrator can deploy (and re-deploy) cluster storage system
  • Cluster administrator can create, expand, and delete per-project volumes
  • Project administrators can deploy services that use project storage
  • Project administrators can view project storage quotas and usage
  • Project administrators can request storage increases