Versions Compared


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Code Block
{"@context": ["",
    "Max Dataset Size": "",
    "Rights Holder IDs Required": "",
    "Total Size": ",2006:/2.0/files/length",
    "Max Collection Depth": "",
    "motto": "",
    "Affiliations": "",
    "Data Mimetypes": "",
    "Metadata Terms": ""
  "Max Dataset Size": "1000",
  "dataLicenseName": ["other2"],
  "@type": "repository",
  "subject": "Anything that needs preservin",
  "lastUpdate": "Dec. 8, 2015",
  "Total Size": "10000000",
  "versioning": "yes",
  "orgidentifier": "bob",
  "repositoryURL": "http://",
  "Rights Holder IDs Required": true,
  "Max Collection Depth": "10",
  "motto": "Our profile is up to date, so we have to be good",
  "dataAccessType": [
  "repositoryName": "SEAD NDS Labs Publisher (Proof-of-Concept)",
  "Affiliations": [
    "NDS Members"
  "Data Mimetypes": ["text/csv"],
  "Metadata Terms": [
  "institution": "SEAD"

Currently SEAD Matchmaker considers the following profile information when making the recommendation;

Currently SEAD Matchmaker considers the following profile information when making the recommendation;

  • “Data Mimetypes” - Acceptable types of files that the collection can contain
  • “Max Collection Depth” - Acceptable maximum collection depth
  • “Max Dataset Size” – Maximum size of individual files in the collection
  • “Total Size” – Total acceptable size of the collection
  • “Metadata Terms“- Minimum metadata fields that a collection should contain
  • “Affiliations” - Organizations that a collection should be affiliated with
  • “Rights Holder IDs Required” - Whether the collections should have a valid global identifier(ORCID, Clowder or Google ID) for the "Rights Holder" metadata.


When SEAD receives publish requests for a repository, it keeps a list of those requests in PDT. If the repository need to access the collections and deposit thempublish them, it need to implement an agent that handles the metadata/data retrieval and status updates. You can refer to for a sample agent code.


Accept the collection and


publish to a repository

If you like to deposit publish a collection in your queue, you first required to send a status message to SEAD to indicate that you have started processing this request. For this you should send a POST request to the following endpoint;


Once you send this status message to SEAD with the “reporter”:<your_orgidentifier> element, the /repositories/<orgidentifier>/researchobjects/new endpoint will no longer list that collection, but it will still be available in the /repositories/<orgidentifier>/researchobjects endpoint.

Then you can get the OREMap of that collection to get metadata and data download links, and implement your own code to deposit the collection in your repository. In order to communicate your status to the submitter, you can update more status using the above mentioned endpoint and using the same JSON format.



publishing the collection;

Once you have successfully deposited the published the collection in the repository, you are required to send a status message to the above mentioned endpoint, and with the POST body as follows;

Code Block
	"reporter": "your_org_identifier",
	"stage": "Success",
	"message": "<DOI<PID of the collection>",
	"date": "Apr 14, 2016 12:29:15 PM"

The value for “stage” should be “Success” and the “message” should contain the DOI PID of the collection. DOI PID is a globally resolvable permanent identifier for the collection. You can use SEAD services to create a DOI(Digital Object Identifier) for the collection by sending a POST request to the following endpoint;
