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Prototype status:

  • Working ngingx LB with kubernetes ingress controller integration
  • LB runs under kubernetes as a system-service
  • Instructions/test harnesses in
  • The LB is unopinionated - it works at the system level with any K8s service, as long as the service conforms to standard K8s network model.   The requirements below are specific to NDSLabs test-drive/workbench but the LB is general-purpose and supportive of test-drive/workbench if test-drive/workbench are standard K8s services - assumed to be true.
  • Tested with Vhost and path routing - basic testing not thorough
  • Ingress interface based on K8s 1.2.0-alpha release - needs update
  • Vhost/path routing verified

Tasks required for Production Deployments:

  •  test LB prototype with test-drive interfaces/specs - path based for odum,
  •  update go srcs to current production release of kubernetes - currently based on 1.2.0-alpha, current 160502 is 1.2.3 - should evaluate diff of 1.2.3 and 1.3.0-alpha and pick appropriately for future
  •  update the build process - build produces a static binary.   Image from alpine with net-tools and single static binary.
  •  Build and produce the image
  •  Create a "boot-script" based on the node-label+yml startup
  •  Need to label LB node such that only the LB image runs there - current yml uses node-selector for LB affinity but does not address the scheduler scheduling other pods on the LB node




The NDS Labs "Workbench" service provides NDSC stakeholders with the ability to quickly launch and explore a variety of data management tools. Users select from a list of available services to configure and deploy instances of them. Workbench "services" are composed of a set of integrated Docker containers all deployed on a Kubernetes cluster. 


Currently, remote access to running services is implemented using the Kubernetes "NodePort" mechanism. In essence, a given service (e.g., webserver) is mapped to a cluster-wide port in some configured range (default 30000-32767).  Remote users access the running service on the specified port.  In the above screenshot, the Dataverse web interface is accessible via This solution has worked for development purposes but is 1) not scalable and 2) difficult to secure.   We are exploring options to provide a scalable and secure solution to providing access to running services in the NDS Labs workbench for 10's-100's of users working with multiple instances of services, i.e. hundreds of service endpoints.


Use case:  The workbench user (project administrator) configures a service via the the workbench.  Once configured, external endpoints are accessible via TLS/SSL. 

  • Ability for the user to securely access NDS Labs workbench services, which include web-based HTTP and TCP services.
  • Service endpoints are secured using TLS
  • Special handling for NDS Labs workbench API server and GUI requests, including CORS support
  • Resilient to failure


Path based

Services accessed via URL + Path

For example,

Single DNS entry for

Single SSL certificate


Only supports HTTP-based services

Requires that every deployed service support a context or load balancer must re-write requests.

Port based

Services accessed via URL + port

For example

Single DNS entry for

Single SSL certificate


Requires use of non-standard ports

Possible collisions in ports if services are stopped and started across projects (i.e., I stop my stack, port is free – you start your stack and are assigned my port, my users now access your service)

Only scales to # ports


Services accessed via CNAME URL + Path or Port

for example

One DNS entry, IP address, and certificate for each project (or possibly wildcard Cert)

Supports both HTTP and TCP services

Port collisions are only within a project.

Requires IP address per project

Requires DNS/CNAME request to neteng



  • When a new project is created, if the admin anticipates needing remote access to non-HTTP services, a static IP address and CNAME are assigned to the project.
  • The load balancer routes requests to services configured in Kubernetes.  This means that the LB must be Namespace and service aware – which means monitoring Etcd or the Kubernetes API for changes.
  • When a new HTTP service is added, load balancer config is updated to proxy via path
    • If no CNAME
      • paths are in the form:
    • If CNAME
      • paths are in the form
  • When a new TCP service is added, load balancer config is updated to proxy via port – only if project has CNAME/IP:
  • For GUI and API, paths are respectively
  • Load balancer must be resilient – if restarted, previous configuration is maintained.  Possibly in failover configuration.