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So you think you're ready to start touching some code? We'll see about that...

Access OpenStack (aka Nebula)

The next few steps will involve familiarizing yourself with Nebula, our on-site OpenStack implementation.

Retrieve Your Nebula Password

Specify your AD username, then execute the following command to retrieve your Nebula password:

sudo ssh ${AD_USERNAME} cat /afs/ncsa/projects/openstack/etc/users/${AD_USERNAME}/password

Create an SSH Keypair

Log into Nebula and expand the Compute dropdown.

Select Access & Security, navigate to the Key Pairs tab, and click the Create Key Pair button.

Walk through the wizard to generate an SSH key pair.

Your browser should automatically download a private key (for example, key.pem).

Allocate a development VM

Choose a project at the top-middle of the page (we tend to use NDS-hackathon, but your choice will depend on which project you can access).

Choose Instances from the left side navbar.

Create a new Instance using the image entitled CoreOSAlpha.

Be sure to select a flavor (aka "machine size").

If you are unsure which to use, you likely should be using "large" or "medium".

Networking Gotchas

  • DO NOT FORGET to associate an SSH key for this machine, or else you will never be able to get into it
  • Remember to associate a Floating IP with this VM, so you can access it from outside of Nebula via
  • Be sure to add Permissions to this VM:
    • remote SSH
    • remote HTTP
    • default

Create Necessary Accounts

Create an NCSA OpenSource Account


These projects build up the Docker images deployed by NDSLabs.


These specs are then fed by the NDSLabs NDS Labs API Server into the etcd instance that is run by Kubernetes.


Check out the documentation for that project here: NDS Labs

Extra Credit

Useful Tutorials / Discussions:
