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WhoPlanned - MondayAccomplished - Friday
  • BD
    • Continue working on DW 3.1 issues, including endpoint for clowder/dts
  • NIST
    • Ergo backlog
    • Finish final issues in review to get ready for rebranding
  • Ergo
    • Answer questions regarding use of site amplification factors
  • BD
    • Worked on editing Java tools, needs more testing, but nearly finished
    • Worked on DTS endpoint in DataWolf
  • NIST
    • Worked on backlog of issues, including style editor dialog improvements, removed old dependency for tsunami plugin
  • Ergo
    • answered questions regarding use of site amplification
  • CyberSEES
    • meeting / helped student with using DataWolf API in web app
  • SEAD
    • (Pending)
  • CyberSEES
    • Continue Running the GIConverter on WSSI.
  • GLM
    • Search Page
  • Catch up
    • Clean inbox
    • Review pull requests
  • BD - current tests and bd-api tests
  • Prepare IMLCZO presentation for next week
  • Clowder 1.0 release and documentation
  • BD
    • add jupyter notebook to bdfiddle
    • debug dap(-dev) failed conversions
  • GLTG
    • rerun tennessee data
    • look at issue with inconsistent greon data format
  • GLM
    • Ingest noaa (or fix why not showing up on frontend)
  • deploy updates for TERRA pipeline
    • new globus directory structure to support new climate sensor & Danforth stream
    • PlantCV & Demosaic extractors
  • Clowder
    • continue search enhancement - ElasticSearch initialization params
    • de-duplicate small set of files from late May
    • merge two "Live Data" spaces into one
    • w/ Rob - TERRA CSV uploading error
    • w/ Rob - fix Geostream SQL tables
  • extractors
    • BETYdb generic extractor
    • call w/ Noah re: Danforth Globus pipeline rollout
  • new globus directory structure deployed, starting up new sensor pipeline today
  • finish script prep for Danforth & discussed with Noah - plan to deploy next week
  • good progress on ElasticSearch
    • implementing new ElasticSearchObject that will be submitted to index - to index new kinds of objects (e.g. CurationObject) we just write converter from object to ElasticSearchObject

  • Email Roadway Team at Rice to correct Roadway Restoration
  • Water Network Damage Analysis
  • Out Monday Morning
  • EPANET Integration
  • Water Network Recovery Analysis
  • BD
    • Sprint tasks
    • Jira
  • Brown Dog Sprint - in depth tracking 1 week sprint
  • Brown Dog - Annual Report ... editing
  • HR follow up
  • MWRD - our section of extension report/proposal
  • BD task tracking
  • ISDA PPT - down to last project descriptions
  • BD Annual report - fully merged - needs ordering
  • HR interviews organization
  • MWRD - section completed and reviewed
  • JIRA Dashboards
  • JIRA Project - spin up
  • SEAD
    • documentation & SEAd-1074
  • BD
    • extractor for CSV file
  • MSC
    • test algorithm on new image
  • Vacation
  • Create pull request for Water Network Analysis
  • Create population vulnerability analysis
  • Vacation

  • Made a pull request for water network analysis

  • Worked on population vulnerability analysis