Versions Compared


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  1. SSH into to or Rest of the instructions are identical for both these machines unless specified otherwise.
  2. Clone extractor-info-service code repository into /home/browndog
    1. git clone
  3. Install extractor-info-service

    1. cd /home/browndog/bd-aux-services/extractor-info-fetcher

    2. sudo pyvenv prototype-endpoint-env

    3. source ./prototype-endpoint-env/bin/activate

    4. sudo pip install -r requirements.txt

    5. Update so that the variables, especially rabbitmq_vhost, clowder_url, clowder_key store details about development instances or production instances based on the machine (i.e. dev or prod) in which the service is being installed.

  4. Convert source code from Python2.7 to Python3 compatible by running (or something similar):

    1. sudo 2to3-3.5 -w

  5. Update file permissions:
    1. sudo chown -R browndog /home/browndog/bd-aux-services/
    2. sudo chgrp -R users /home/browndog/bd-aux-services/

  6. Make sure that the flask app can be run locally:

    1. sh ./
    2. If everything looks fine, kill the Flask app by pressing Ctrl + C.

  7. Setup the Flask app as a systemd service

    1. sudo cp extractor-info-fetcher.service /lib/systemd/system
    2. sudo systemctl daemon-reload
    3. sudo systemctl start extractor-info-fetcher.service
  8. Check the systemd service and make sure it is running:

    1. sudo systemctl status extractor-info-fetcher.service
  9. Update iptables to allow input traffic to port 5000 in the machine within NCSA network

    1. Create a file in /etc/iptables/rules.d, say 51local.rules with contents:

      # Extractor Info Service (Flask App)
      -A INPUT -s -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m tcp --dport 5000 -j ACCEPT
    2. sudo /etc/iptables/
    3. The above command will update the iptable rules

    4. If the machine is a Nebula OpenStack VM, you will also need to create a security group in Nebula based on 51local.rules and add that group to the VM.

  10. Try to access or on this machine from within NCSA network and you should see a welcome message.