Versions Compared


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Table of Contents


Free Tier

Micro instances are eligible for the AWS free usage tier. For the first 12 months following your AWS sign-up date, you get up to 750 hours of micro instances each month. When your free usage tier expires or if your usage exceeds the free tier restrictions, you pay standard, pay-as-you-go service rates.

Learn more about free usage tier eligibility and restrictions.

The free tier has the following monthly limits:

  • Up to 750 compute hours
  • Up to 30GB of General Purpose SSD volume storage
  • Up to 5GB of S3 storage
  • Up to 750 hours of Amazon RDS database usage
  • 1M requests to Amazon Lambda
  • 1GB of SPICE capacity on Amazon QuickSight


  1. Sign into AWS Console, and choose Services → Compute → EC2
  2. Choose Instances on the left side
  3. Click "Launch instance"
  4. On the left, choose Marketplace
  5. Search for, and select, CoreOS
  6. Choose t2.micro (free) for your instance size
  7. Configure instance details (networking / monitoring /  autoauto-scaling / protection from accidental termination / etc)
  8. Configure tags (completely optional and arbitrary)
  9. Configure security groups (you'll likely want to add at the very least SSH / HTTP / HTTPS)
  10. Review and click "Launch" and you'll be prompted to assign or create a key pair for this instance


  • Restarting an instance assigns it a new public IP (probably unless we pay more for a static IP)

Potential Problems

  1. API server goes into CrashLoopBackoff (can't connect to etcd or Kubernetes API, despite seemingly correct security groups)
  2. Gluster, and how we do things with storage in general (these could possibly be coerced to run on compute nodes)
    • Likely addressed by 
  3. Each compute node gets a public IP, so these could potentially run the loadbalancer pod(s) if we open port 80 on all of them
    • This is likely not a problem, although I did not think to verify this until after my cluster was already down

Prerequisites (for all)


  1. Create an AWS account
  2. Create an IAM user / group with programmatic (API) level access and the following permissions:
    1. AmazonEC2FullAccess
    2. AmazonS3FullAccess
    3. AmazonRoute53FullAccess
    4. AmazonVPCFullAccess
    5. IAMFullAccess
  3. Download and install wgetpython and pip
    1. Run the following commands:

      Code Block
      pip install awscli
      aws configure
    2. You will be prompted for your Access Key ID, Secret Access Key, Default Region, and Default Output Format (text, table, etc)

Deploying via


More details: will produce a test cluster (i.e. not production-ready) for evaluation on AWS.

NOTE: Apparently, CoreOS is now longer supported

Code Block
Michaels-MacBook-Pro-2:~ lambert8$ export KUBERNETES_PROVIDER=aws; wget -q -O - | bash
Creating a kubernetes on aws...
coreos is no longer supported by kube-up; please use jessie instead
Michaels-MacBook-Pro-2:~ lambert8$ 




  1. Follow the Prerequisite steps above

    1. Then, set some defaults using environment variables:

      Code Block
      export MASTER_SIZE=t2.micro
      export NODE_SIZE=t2.micro
      export KUBE_OS_DISTRIBUTION=jessie
      export KUBERNETES_PROVIDER=aws; wget -q -O - | bash
    2. This will perform the following actions using your AWS account:

      1. Upload installation files to S3

      2. Create IAM roles

      3. Create a key pair and publish to AWS
      4.  Create VPC

      5. Create Subnet

      6. Create Internet Gateway

      7. Create Routing Table
      8. Create Security Groups
      9. Create and attach persistent volume to master
      10. Create master instance
      11. Create node instances
  2. You should see output similar to the following:

    Code Block
    Michaels-MacBook-Pro-2:~ lambert8$ export KUBERNETES_PROVIDER=aws; wget -q -O - | bash
    'kubernetes' directory already exist. Should we skip download step and start to create cluster based on it? [Y]/n
    Skipping download step.
    Creating a kubernetes on aws...
    ... Starting cluster in us-west-2a using provider aws
    ... calling verify-prereqs
    ... calling verify-kube-binaries
    ... calling kube-up
    Starting cluster using os distro: jessie
    Uploading to Amazon S3
    +++ Staging server tars to S3 Storage: kubernetes-staging-4736c124943095293b0c8e5bcf3aba1e/devel
    upload: ../../../var/folders/2n/nylhqdm96dxcqpjhjpkw04dw0000gn/T/kubernetes.XXXXXX.qjwmPifr/s3/bootstrap-script to s3://kubernetes-staging-4736c124943095293b0c8e5bcf3aba1e/devel/bootstrap-script
    Uploaded server tars:
    Creating master IAM profile: kubernetes-master-kubernetes-kubernetes-vpc
    Creating IAM role: kubernetes-master-kubernetes-kubernetes-vpc
    Creating IAM role-policy: kubernetes-master-kubernetes-kubernetes-vpc
    Creating IAM instance-policy: kubernetes-master-kubernetes-kubernetes-vpc
    Adding IAM role to instance-policy: kubernetes-master-kubernetes-kubernetes-vpc
    Creating minion IAM profile: kubernetes-minion-kubernetes-kubernetes-vpc
    Creating IAM role: kubernetes-minion-kubernetes-kubernetes-vpc
    Creating IAM role-policy: kubernetes-minion-kubernetes-kubernetes-vpc
    Creating IAM instance-policy: kubernetes-minion-kubernetes-kubernetes-vpc
    Adding IAM role to instance-policy: kubernetes-minion-kubernetes-kubernetes-vpc
    Generating public/private rsa key pair.
    Your identification has been saved in /Users/lambert8/.ssh/kube_aws_rsa.
    Your public key has been saved in /Users/lambert8/.ssh/
    The key fingerprint is:
    The key's randomart image is:
    Creating vpc.
    Adding tag to vpc-3b71085c: Name=kubernetes-vpc
    Adding tag to vpc-3b71085c: KubernetesCluster=kubernetes
    Using VPC vpc-3b71085c
    Adding tag to dopt-0600d361: Name=kubernetes-dhcp-option-set
    Adding tag to dopt-0600d361: KubernetesCluster=kubernetes
    Using DHCP option set dopt-0600d361
    Creating subnet.
    Adding tag to subnet-96b51ddf: KubernetesCluster=kubernetes
    Using subnet subnet-96b51ddf
    Creating Internet Gateway.
    Using Internet Gateway igw-346b6f50
    Associating route table.
    Creating route table
    Adding tag to rtb-8835d0ee: KubernetesCluster=kubernetes
    Associating route table rtb-8835d0ee to subnet subnet-96b51ddf
    Adding route to route table rtb-8835d0ee
    Using Route Table rtb-8835d0ee
    Creating master security group.
    Creating security group kubernetes-master-kubernetes.
    Adding tag to sg-e71a229f: KubernetesCluster=kubernetes
    Creating minion security group.
    Creating security group kubernetes-minion-kubernetes.
    Adding tag to sg-d51a22ad: KubernetesCluster=kubernetes
    Using master security group: kubernetes-master-kubernetes sg-e71a229f
    Using minion security group: kubernetes-minion-kubernetes sg-d51a22ad
    Creating master disk: size 20GB, type gp2
    Adding tag to vol-0b6d9ca24a37b5ac7: Name=kubernetes-master-pd
    Adding tag to vol-0b6d9ca24a37b5ac7: KubernetesCluster=kubernetes
    Allocated Elastic IP for master: PUB.LIC.IP.ADR
    Adding tag to vol-0b6d9ca24a37b5ac7:
    Generating certs for alternate-names: IP:PUB.LIC.IP.ADR,IP:,IP:,DNS:kubernetes,DNS:kubernetes.default,DNS:kubernetes.default.svc,DNS:kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local,DNS:kubernetes-master
    Starting Master
    Adding tag to i-04147c9d36d22c618: Name=kubernetes-master
    Adding tag to i-04147c9d36d22c618: Role=kubernetes-master
    Adding tag to i-04147c9d36d22c618: KubernetesCluster=kubernetes
    Waiting for master to be ready
    Attempt 1 to check for master nodeWaiting for instance i-04147c9d36d22c618 to be running (currently pending)
    Sleeping for 3 seconds...
    Waiting for instance i-04147c9d36d22c618 to be running (currently pending)
    Sleeping for 3 seconds...
    Waiting for instance i-04147c9d36d22c618 to be running (currently pending)
    Sleeping for 3 seconds...
    Waiting for instance i-04147c9d36d22c618 to be running (currently pending)
    Sleeping for 3 seconds...
     [master running]
    Attaching IP PUB.LIC.IP.ADR to instance i-04147c9d36d22c618
    Attaching persistent data volume (vol-0b6d9ca24a37b5ac7) to master
    2017-03-13T22:49:32.744Z	/dev/sdb	i-04147c9d36d22c618	attaching	vol-0b6d9ca24a37b5ac7
    Cluster "aws_kubernetes" set.
    User "aws_kubernetes" set.
    Context "aws_kubernetes" set.
    Switched to context "aws_kubernetes".
    User "aws_kubernetes-basic-auth" set.
    Wrote config for aws_kubernetes to /Users/lambert8/.kube/config
    Creating minion configuration
    Creating autoscaling group
     0 minions started; waiting
     0 minions started; waiting
     0 minions started; waiting
     0 minions started; waiting
     4 minions started; ready
    Waiting for cluster initialization.
      This will continually check to see if the API for kubernetes is reachable.
      This might loop forever if there was some uncaught error during start
    ................................................................................................................................Kubernetes cluster created.
    Sanity checking cluster...
    Attempt 1 to check Docker on node @ PUB.LIC.IP.ADR ...working
    Attempt 1 to check Docker on node @ PUB.LIC.IP.ADR ...working
    Attempt 1 to check Docker on node @ PUB.LIC.IP.ADR ...working
    Attempt 1 to check Docker on node @ PUB.LIC.IP.ADR ...working
    Kubernetes cluster is running.  The master is running at:
    The user name and password to use is located in /Users/lambert8/.kube/config.
    ... calling validate-cluster
    Waiting for 4 ready nodes. 0 ready nodes, 4 registered. Retrying.
    Waiting for 4 ready nodes. 2 ready nodes, 4 registered. Retrying.
    Found 4 node(s).
    NAME                                         STATUS    AGE   Ready     46s   Ready     37s   Ready     48s   Ready     50s
    Validate output:
    NAME                 STATUS    MESSAGE              ERROR
    scheduler            Healthy   ok                   
    controller-manager   Healthy   ok                   
    etcd-0               Healthy   {"health": "true"}   
    etcd-1               Healthy   {"health": "true"}   
    Cluster validation succeeded
    Done, listing cluster services:
    Kubernetes master is running at https://PUB.LIC.IP.ADR
    Elasticsearch is running at https://PUB.LIC.IP.ADR/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/kube-system/services/elasticsearch-logging
    Heapster is running at https://PUB.LIC.IP.ADR/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/kube-system/services/heapster
    Kibana is running at https://PUB.LIC.IP.ADR/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/kube-system/services/kibana-logging
    KubeDNS is running at https://PUB.LIC.IP.ADR/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/kube-system/services/kube-dns
    kubernetes-dashboard is running at https://PUB.LIC.IP.ADR/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/kube-system/services/kubernetes-dashboard
    Grafana is running at https://PUB.LIC.IP.ADR/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/kube-system/services/monitoring-grafana
    InfluxDB is running at https://PUB.LIC.IP.ADR/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/kube-system/services/monitoring-influxdb
    To further debug and diagnose cluster problems, use 'kubectl cluster-info dump'.
    Kubernetes binaries at /Users/lambert8/kubernetes/cluster/
    You may want to add this directory to your PATH in $HOME/.profile
    Installation successful!
  3. Add the output of the script to your path, and access your cluster

    1. You may want to make an alias from to kubectl, if the minor difference bothers you (like myself)

      Code Block
      Michaels-MacBook-Pro-2:~ lambert8$ export PATH=$PATH:/Users/lambert8/kubernetes/cluster/
      Michaels-MacBook-Pro-2:~ lambert8$ get nodes
      NAME                                         STATUS     AGE   Ready      2m   Ready      2m   Ready      2m   Ready      2m
      Michaels-MacBook-Pro-2:~ lambert8$ get pods
      No resources found.
      Michaels-MacBook-Pro-2:~ lambert8$ 
  4. Start NDS Labs Workbench services

    1. Clone the ndslabs-startup repo

    2. Edit the source to change all kubectl calls in to

    3. Run ./



To shut down your test cluster:

Code Block
Michaels-MacBook-Pro-2:~ lambert8$
Bringing down cluster using provider: aws
Deleting instances in VPC: vpc-3b71085c
Deleting auto-scaling group: kubernetes-minion-group-us-west-2a
Deleting auto-scaling launch configuration: kubernetes-minion-group-us-west-2a
Deleting auto-scaling group: kubernetes-minion-group-us-west-2a
Deleting auto-scaling group: kubernetes-minion-group-us-west-2a
Deleting auto-scaling group: kubernetes-minion-group-us-west-2a
Waiting for instances to be deleted
Waiting for instance i-04147c9d36d22c618 to be terminated (currently shutting-down)
Sleeping for 3 seconds...
Waiting for instance i-04147c9d36d22c618 to be terminated (currently shutting-down)
Sleeping for 3 seconds...
Waiting for instance i-04147c9d36d22c618 to be terminated (currently shutting-down)
Sleeping for 3 seconds...
Waiting for instance i-04147c9d36d22c618 to be terminated (currently shutting-down)
Sleeping for 3 seconds...
Waiting for instance i-04147c9d36d22c618 to be terminated (currently shutting-down)
Sleeping for 3 seconds...
Waiting for instance i-04147c9d36d22c618 to be terminated (currently shutting-down)
Sleeping for 3 seconds...
Waiting for instance i-04147c9d36d22c618 to be terminated (currently shutting-down)
Sleeping for 3 seconds...
Waiting for instance i-04147c9d36d22c618 to be terminated (currently shutting-down)
Sleeping for 3 seconds...
Waiting for instance i-04147c9d36d22c618 to be terminated (currently shutting-down)
Sleeping for 3 seconds...
Waiting for instance i-04147c9d36d22c618 to be terminated (currently shutting-down)
Sleeping for 3 seconds...
Waiting for instance i-04147c9d36d22c618 to be terminated (currently shutting-down)
Sleeping for 3 seconds...
Waiting for instance i-04147c9d36d22c618 to be terminated (currently shutting-down)
Sleeping for 3 seconds...
Waiting for instance i-04147c9d36d22c618 to be terminated (currently shutting-down)
Sleeping for 3 seconds...
Waiting for instance i-04147c9d36d22c618 to be terminated (currently shutting-down)
Sleeping for 3 seconds...
Waiting for instance i-04147c9d36d22c618 to be terminated (currently shutting-down)
Sleeping for 3 seconds...
Waiting for instance i-04147c9d36d22c618 to be terminated (currently shutting-down)
Sleeping for 3 seconds...
All instances deleted
Releasing Elastic IP: PUB.LIC.IP.ADR
Deleting volume vol-0b6d9ca24a37b5ac7
Cleaning up resources in VPC: vpc-3b71085c
Cleaning up security group: sg-d51a22ad
Cleaning up security group: sg-e71a229f
Deleting security group: sg-d51a22ad
Deleting security group: sg-e71a229f
Deleting VPC: vpc-3b71085c
Deleting DHCP option set: dopt-0600d361
Deleting IAM Instance profiles
Removing role from instance profile: kubernetes-master-kubernetes-kubernetes-vpc
Deleting IAM Instance-Profile: kubernetes-master-kubernetes-kubernetes-vpc
Delete IAM role policy: kubernetes-master-kubernetes-kubernetes-vpc
Deleting IAM Role: kubernetes-master-kubernetes-kubernetes-vpc
Removing role from instance profile: kubernetes-minion-kubernetes-kubernetes-vpc
Deleting IAM Instance-Profile: kubernetes-minion-kubernetes-kubernetes-vpc
Delete IAM role policy: kubernetes-minion-kubernetes-kubernetes-vpc
Deleting IAM Role: kubernetes-minion-kubernetes-kubernetes-vpc


Deploying a Production Cluster via kops


More details:

More detailed instructions for AWS:


  • No CoreOS support
  • Automate the provisioning of Kubernetes clusters in (AWS) "other platforms planned"
  • Deploy Highly Available (HA) Kubernetes Masters
  • Supports upgrading from kube-up
  • Built on a state-sync model for dry-runs and automatic idempotency
  • Ability to generate Terraform configuration
  • Supports custom add-ons for kubectl
  • Command line autocompletion
  • Community supported!


  1. Follow the Prerequisite steps above

  2. Download kubectl binary:

    Code Block
    # OS X
    curl -LO$(curl -s
    # Linux
    curl -LO$(curl -s
    # Windows
    curl -LO$(curl -s
  3. Add binary to PATH:

    Code Block
    chmod +x ./kubectl
    sudo mv ./kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl
  4. Download / install kops:

    Code Block
    # OS X
    brew update && brew install kops
    # Linux
    export KOPS_VERSION=1.5.3
    curl${KOPS_VERSION}/kops-linux-amd64 -o kope-linux-amd64
    chmod +x kops-linux-amd64                 # Add execution permissions
    mv kops-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/kops   # Move the kops to /usr/local/bin


  1. Set up some cluster parameters:

    Code Block
    export KOPS_STATE_STORE=s3://nivenly-state-store                                                                                                                                                
    kops create cluster --zones us-west-2a $NAME     

Deploying a Production Cluster via kube-aws (CoreOS-only)


More details:

Deploying via Kargo


More details:

Some random blog post running through the steps: