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This is a guide for developers, including design, programming, test, and quality assurance roles.

See How to Report a Bug

Running a Single Test in sbt

We have a large number of tests runnable from sbt.

All short-running tests are run by just issuing the command

Code Block
sbt test

But often one will want to run only a single test. Here is the syntax to run one such test.

Code Block
> cli:test-only  edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.CLI.debugger.TestCLIdebugger -- --tests=test_1382_.*

The 'cli:' prefix is only needed for the CLI i.e., tests of the daffodil-cli module.

The class name is optional. It will search (and output lots of noise lines) and find the test anyway.

The value of the --tests option is a regular expression. Keep it simple. But notice this is a ".*" not simply "*". This is not a command line "*" it is a regular expression "*", which must follow something to be matched.

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