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WhoPlanned - MondayAccomplished - Friday
Brock Angelo  
Edgar F. Black  
  • Was out for a couple days using sick leave
  • Created new branch of GEOD that removes Play Framework
  • Revised IMLCZO scripts that ingest data.
Rob Kooper
  • PEcAn
    • XSEDE paper
    • filter sites
  • SEAD
    • upload files
    • review pull requests
  • LSST
    • create stories/tasks in JIRA
Rob Kooper 
Jong Lee  
Rui Liu  
Kenton McHenry  
Christopher Navarro  
Luigi Marini  
Michal Ondrejcek  
Smruti Padhy  
Sandeep Puthanveetil Satheesan  
Inna Zharnitsky  
Marcus Slavenas  
Indira Gutierrez Polo


Yong Wook Kim  
Omar Elabd  
Rui Liu
  • BD: write xsede 16 paper sections, sprint tasks
  • Earthcube tasks
  • XSEDE IHPCSS application review.
  • BD: wrote xsede 16 paper sections, sprint task: BD-983. Inna TC/EM PR review and integration testing.
  • Earthcube tasks: Helped Yao Hu build libpnetcdf (ECGS-75).
  • XSEDE IHPCSS application review done.
Kenton McHenry
  • RDA Meeting
  • NDS Project Planning
  • BD Sprint follow up
  • RDA meeting
  • NDS components matrix
  • NDS monthly report
  • LSST staffing
Christopher Navarro
  • CyberSEES - hackathon Mon - Wed.
  • BD - put together skeleton code for BD-970
  • NIST - review pull requests, help with bundling JRE
  • CyberSEES - hackathon, assisted with required workflows, updated rhessys workflow to handle specifying climate station
  • BD - created skeleton code for service demo
  • NIST - reviewed pull requests, helped with bundling JRE, discussed NGA models, added tool considerations to the v2 wiki
Luigi Marini
  • CZO data managers presentation
  • SEAD demo
  • BD sprint
  • GLM development
  • CZO presentation went well
  • SEAD demo was fine
  • BD in progress (including my task)
  • No GLM development (sad)
Michal Ondrejcek
  1. MDF - NDS/2016-02-29+Kickoff, Skype with Ben on We
  2. MWRD - internal meeting Tue, update storm table
  1. MDF - NDS/2016-02-29+Kickoff, discussed json metadata structure, visit DIBBs practice talks
  2. MWRD - detail discussion about the 0.62-0.68" threshold (as seen from the table and evaluated by Sammy, Erhu)
Smruti Padhy 
  • BD
    • Sprint - Contributors Landing page
    • XSEDE paper sections review
    • iPRES paper overview section
  • SDN
    • Experiments with IFB - wrote a script for qdisc, class, filter settings for IFB and testing the packet classification and redirection.


Sandeep Puthanveetil Satheesan
  • BD
    • Sprint tasks
    • XSEDE Paper sections
    • Present updates to team
    • Handwritten digit extractor
  • BD
    • Working on sprint tasks
    • Completed most of the XSEDE Paper sections; working on the rest
    • Presented updates to team
    • Created datasets on DEBOD Clowder instance
    • Working on testing handwritten digit extractor using DEBOD data
    • Fixed dark previews issue with the help of Rob
Inna ZharnitskyBD Tool Catalog - work on my spring tasks

BD Tool Catalog - 

  • finished code to deploy tools/interfaces, created pull request
  • Had several meetings with Rui to review pull request
  • Had the pull request approved, and Rui suggested some improvements - to be done next week
Marcus Slavenas 
  • BD
    • tested converter templete
    • put converted template code in repo
      • converted Smruti's readme to markdown and added to repo
  • IARP
    • run wordcount on comet with added functionality that each extractor runs on 1 core
    • web-app: working on handling long php processes with jquey/ajax and php sessions to update client
Indira Gutierrez Polo


  • Hackathon (Mon - Mid Wed)


  • To be decided for next sprint on Wednesday Meeting.
  • Review Pull requests.


  • Hackathon (Mon - Mid Wed)
  • Updated GiDesigner to point to the new version of the API.
  • Deployed latest version of GiDesigner to wssi, and UNC's Renci's web server


  • Adding Folders to the ORE Map.
  • Started working on refactoring of user to mini user in most models.
Yong Wook Kim
  • Write a code for Wildfire simulation
  • Worked on wildfire simulation code
  • Updated pull requests
Omar Elabd
  • Finish/Test Roadway PGD
  • Finish NGAs
  • Finished Roadway PGD
  • Finished NGAs
Maxwell Burnette
  • implement remaining features for tool launch service & demo on Friday
  • implemented PUT on datasets, server-side instance tracking, cleaned up service code and committed as v1.0 for Clowder/NDS pieces
Maxwell Burnette  
Eugene Roeder  
Yan Zhao 
  • SEAD
    • review code?
  • MSC
    • experiment part for glomerulus segmentation report
  • SEAD
    • CATS-354, CATS-94, CATS-458
  • MSC
    • use CMYK instead of HSV
    • experiment part for glomerulus segmentation report