Versions Compared


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Project Admin CLI Requirements





List services

Get service details


List stacks

Add stack

Delete stack

Start stack

Stop stack

Start/restart stack service

Stop stack service

Get stack details


  • Preconditions:
    • Not logged in
  • Primary flow
    • Valid username and password: login succeeds (200)
  • Alternate flows
    • If already logged in, secondary login still succeeds (200)
    • Invalid username/password: login fails (401)


  • Preconditions
    • Logged in
  • Primary flow:
    • User is logged out


Add/Update service:

  • Preconditions:
    • Admin user
  • Primary flow
    • Service definition is added (200)
  • Alternative flow
    • Not logged in (401)
    • Logged in as non-admin user (401)
    • Service name exists (409) for POST, 200 for PUT


List services

  • Preconditions:
    • User is logged in
  • Primary flow
    • A list of services is returned (200)
  • Alternative flow:
    • Not logged in (401)
    • No services exist (404)

Get service details:

  • Preconditions
    • User it logged in
  • Primary flow
    • Details of the current service are returned
  • Alternative flow:
    • Not logged in (401)
    • Service does not exist (404)



List stacks

  • Preconditions:
    • Logged in
    • Stack has been added
  • Primary flow
    • List details of existing stacks (service, stack services, endpoints, status etc)
  • Alternate flow:
    • Not logged in (401)
    • No stacks (empty list)

Add stack

  • Preconditions
    • Logged in
    • Service exists
  • Primary flow
    • Stack is added (200)
  • Alternate flow
    • Not logged in (401)
    • Service doesn't exist (404)
    • Duplicate stack name (409)

Delete stack

  • Preconditions:
    • Logged in
    • Stack exists
    • Stack not running
  • Primary flow
    • Stack is deleted (201)
  • Alternate flow
    • Not logged in (401)
    • Stack doesn't exist (404)
    • Stack is running (409)
    • Attached volumes are orphaned


Start stack

  • Preconditions
    • Logged in
    • Stack exists and started
  • Primary flow:
    • All stack services (service, replication controller, pods) are stopped  (200)
  • Alternate flow
    • Not logged in (401)
    • Stack doesn't exist (404)
    • Stack not started or stopping (409)

Stop stack

  • Preconditions
    • Stack started
  • Primary flow
    • Stack service, replication controller, pods are stopped (200)
  • Alternative flow
    • Not logged in (401)
    • Stack does not exist (404)
    • Stack not started (200)

Get stack details

  • Preconditions:
    • Logged in
    • Stack exists
  • Primary flow
    • Stack details are displayed (200)
  • Alternate flow
    • Not logged in (401)
    • Stack doesn't exist (404)

Add optional service (requires restart?)

  • Preconditions:
    • Logged in
    • Service exists
    • Optional service exists
    • Stack is not started
  • Primary flow
    • Stack is added with optionals service enabled (200)
  • Alternative flow:
    • Not logged in (401)
    • Service doesn't exist (404)
    • Optional service doesn't exist (404)
    • Existing stack started (409)


Delete optional services 

  • Preconditions:
    • Logged in
    • Service exists
    • Optional service exists
    • Stack is not started
  • Primary flow
    • Optional service is removed from stack (200)
  • Alternative flow:
    • Not logged in (401)
    • Service doesn't exist (404)
    • Optional service doesn't exist (404)
    • Existing stack started (409)

Stack config (environment variables)

  • Preconditions:
    • Logged in
    • Stack exists
    • Stack is not started
    • Config/environment variable is valid
  • Primary flow
    • Config value is set (200)
  • Alternative flow
    • Not logged in (401)
    • Environment variable does not exist (404)
    • Stack is started (409)


List volumes

  • Preconditions
    • Logged in
    • Volumes exist
  • Primary flow
    • Volume details are displayed (200)
  • Alterate flow
    • Not logged in (401)
    • No volumes


Add volume

Delete volume

Orphaned volumes


List config

Set config

Unset config


List endpoints

Get endpoint

Cluster Admin CLI Requirements

List projects
Add project
Update project
Delete project
List services
Add service
Update service
Delete service
    • exist (200)

Create volume

  • Preconditions
    • Logged in
    • Sufficient quota remaining
  • Primary flow
    • Volume is created (200)
  • Alternate flow
    • Not logged in (401)
    • Insufficient quota (409)
    • Duplicate name (409)
    • Stack service specified (200)
      • Stack doesn't exist (404)


Attach volume

  • Preconditions:
    • Logged in 
    • Volume exits
    • Service exists with no existing attachments
    • Service not running
  • Primary flow
    • Volume is attached to service (200)
  • Alternate flow
    • Not logged in (401)
    • Volume doesn't exist (404)
    • Service doesn't exist (404)
    • Service is running (409)


Delete volume

  • Preconditions
    • Logged in
    • Volume exists
    • Stack not running
  • Primary flow
    • Volume is deleted (200)
  • Alternative flo
    • Not logged in (401)
    • Volume doesn't exist (404)
    • Stack is running (409)

Detach volume

  • Preconditions
    • Logged in
    • Volume exists
    • Stack not running
  • Primary flow
    • Volume is detached (200)
  • Alternative flow
    • Not logged in (401)
    • Volume doesn't exist (404)
    • Stack is running (409)

Cluster Admin CLI Requirements


  • Preconditions:
    • Not logged in
  • Primary flow
    • Valid username and password: login succeeds (200)
  • Alternate flows
    • If already logged in, secondary login still succeeds (200)
    • Invalid username/password: login fails (401)


  • Preconditions
    • Logged in as admin user
  • Primary flow:
    • User is logged out

List services

  • Preconditions:
    • Logged in as admin user
  • Primary flow
    • A list of services in the admin namespace is returned (200)
  • Alternative flow:
    • Not logged in (401)
    • No services exist (404)

Get service details:

  • Preconditions
    • Logged in as admin user
  • Primary flow
    • Details of the current service are returned
  • Alternative flow:
    • Not logged in (401)
    • Service does not exist (404)
List projects
  • Preconditions
    • Logged in as admin user
  • Primary flow:
    • List of projects is returned
  • Alternative flow
    • Not logged in (401)
    • No projects (empty list)
Add project
  • Preconditions
    • Logged in as admin user
  • Primary flow:
    • Project is added (200)
  • Alternate flow:
    • Project name exists (409)
    • Not admin user (401)
    • Not logged in (401)
    • Invalid service format
Add/Update service
  • Preconditions
    • Logged in as admin user
  • Primary flow
    • Service is added (200)
  • Alternate flow
    • Not logged in (401)
    • Not admin user (401)
    • Service is in use by projects (409)
    • Invalid service format

Delete service
  • Preconditions
    • Logged in as admin user
    • Service is not used by any projects 
  • Primary flow
    • Service is deleted (200)
  • Alternate flow
    • Not logged in (401)
    • Not admin user (401)
    • Service is in use by projects (409)
    • Service required by other services (409)
    • No such service (404)
