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WhoPlanned - MondayAccomplished - Friday
Brock Angelo  
Rob Kooper  
Jong Lee  
Rui Liu  
Kenton McHenry  
Christopher Navarro  
Luigi Marini  
Michal Ondrejcek  
Smruti Padhy  
Sandeep Puthanveetil Satheesan  
Inna Zharnitsky  
Marcus Slavenas  
Indira Gutierrez Polo


Yong Wook Kim  
Omar Elabd  
  • Visiting the IMLCZO flux tower in the field this week
  • Visiting the IMLCZO Rantoul station in the field
  • Creating parser for flux tower
  • Installing LoggerNet Server on IMLCZO production
  • Creating base api that Geodashboard experiments can use to mock data
  • Traveled to the Rantoul field station and did a lot of documentation with the team.
  • Met with Rantoul DTS team at ISGS and did Clowder training.
  • Setup Rantoul Space, Collections, Datasets, and helped them to start uploading files.
  • Met with Steve and started uploads of Flux Tower Raw Data, trained him how to upload the Flash drive each month.
  • Setup Mock-API for Geodashboard Refactor.
Rob Kooper
  • PEcAn
    • custom site filtering
    • thredds server
  • LSST
    • interviews
    • write up user requirements
  • SEAD
    • Jira
    • deploy BETTY-6 BETTY-7 as docker
    • migrate vm's to new server
  • LSST
    • interview
  • SEAD
    • Jira
    • Jira
    • Jira
    • Jira
  • NCSA
    • remove spam from opensource
Jong Lee
  • HR
  • BD Report
  • HR
  • BD Report
Rui Liu
  • BD: quarterly report. Help Greg deploy siegfried extractor. Review Inna Tool Catalog PRs.
  • Earthcube:
    • continue working on data model matching and search clowder for data using variables;
    • deploy geotiff extractor?
  • BD: quarterly report -> sent out for review. Helped Greg deploy siegfried extractor -> Done, deployed to dts-dev. Reviewed Inna Tool Catalog PRs -> Done.
  • Earthcube:
    • continue working on data model matching -> PR merged, Demoed to the team, deployed to dev and prod VMs;
    • search clowder for data using variables: started working on adding an endpoint to return sameAs variables given a variable.
Kenton McHenry
  • BD Report
  • MBDH, tools & services working group, cross hub tools & services white paper
  • NDSC5 followup
  • Look into alternatives to JIRA for managerial task track (many more smaller time frame tasks).
  • HR
  • BD Report
  • NDSC5 followup
  • Moving managerial tasks to Trello
  • HR
  • NCSA hosted datasets
Christopher Navarro
  • NIST - continue working on Tsunami damage analysis, code review, hackathon Wednesday
  • BD - help with bdfiddle report section
  • Other - in Champaign Tuesday April 12th
  • NIST - code review, hackathon/merge-athon, finished Tsunami damage analysis, added screenshots of new analysis
  • Other - in Champaign April 12th for NIST-Core hackathon, answered Ergo collaborator questions
Luigi Marini
  • SEAD
    • sprint reviews
    • gui cleanups
  • GLM
    • react based search page proof of concept
    • design mockups
  • BD
    • report sections
    • bd-api chunked upload
    • bd-api random lockups
  • Eartcube
    • annotate csv
  • SEAD gui cleanups and sprint end
  • GLM 
    • react search page basic setup and listing of sensors
    • more mockups (need to add them to jira)
  • Earthcube
    • fixed bugs in annotate csv app
  • Clowder
    • gui cleanups for 1.0
Michal Ondrejcek
  1. SEAD - CATS-455 merge conflict, CATS-404 and others
  2. MDF - NDS/2016-04-11+Kickoff
  3. MWRD - finish d3 graphs
  1. SEAD - started CATS-455 merge conflict, finished CATS-390
  2. MDF - NDS/2016-04-11+Kickoff
  3. MWRD - yes
Smruti Padhy
  • BD
    • Quaterly Report sections
    • Finalize XSEDE paper abstract and submission
    • Write/review validation section
    • iPRES paper review/formatting
    • UMD Doctoral seminar Slides preparation for 18thApril
  • SDN
    • Address the comments TDSC paper

  • BD
    • BD report sections
    • XSEDE paper first draft ready and submitted the abstract to the conference
    • Prepared Slides for the UMD doctoral seminar
  • SDN
    • Addressed the background section comments
  • Interviews
Sandeep Puthanveetil Satheesan
  • BD
    • Quarterly report sections
    • XSEDE paper sections
    • XRAC proposal sections
  • VAT
    • Allocation extension sections
    • XSEDE paper sections
  • BD
    • Completed quarterly report sections
    • Completed XSEDE paper sections
    • Completed XRAC proposal sections
  • VAT
    • Worked on XSEDE paper sections
Inna Zharnitsky
  • BD quarterly report sections
  • work on having pull requests approved (have two)
  • start work on backlog issues, most important - to save and display status of deploying tools from EM.
  • brown dog report - done
  • have merged pull requests
  • worked with Smruti on screenshots for XSEDE paper
Marcus Slavenas
  • BD
    • write report sections
    • prepare demo of template extractor and converter
  • GLTG
    • continue running/testing usgs continuous parsing
  • 1/2 time paternity leave
  • BD
    • wrote report sections
    • tested demo of template converter
Indira Gutierrez Polo


  • Finish updating miniuser on all entities when the fullName is updated
  • Adding creators as required in a curation object
  • Update ORE Map


  • Start working on search page


  • Start integrating new rhessys workflow.


  • Finish updating miniuser on all entities when the fullName is updated
  • Fix events bug
  • Adding creators as required in a curation object
  • Update ORE Map


  • Start working on search page


  • Start integrating new rhessys workflow.
Yong Wook Kim
  • Add line data as an ouput for Tornado EPN analysis
  • Finish Wildfire Simulation
  • Debugging NIST-CORE
  • Finished wildfire simulation
  • Added point raster overlay validator
  • Updated raster animation
  • Updated tornado elecetric power network damage analysis
  • Review serveral pull requests
Omar Elabd
  • Out Monday
  • Tuesday Group Meeting
  • Architecture/Process for Metadata
  • Incorporate field study data
  • Investigate Census Data
  • Out Monday
  • Tuesday merge-athon
  • Reviewed Pull Requests
  • Data Architecture
  • Field Study Data
Maxwell Burnette
  • get sample TERRA data on Roger loaded into Roger Clowder instance
  • get gantry/globus log up and running
  • sample data load in-progress, ~30,000 datasets loaded so far
  • polish gantry/globus services, worked w/ JD Maloney to prepare for deployment
Maxwell Burnette  
Eugene Roeder  
Yan Zhao 
  • SEAD
    • review code
  • MSC
    • finish the draft, I hope
  • SEAD
    • SEAD-946, SEAD-950, CATS-492,
  • MSC
    • rewrite the code for glomeruli locating to be consistent with CAD part.
    • refine the paper
    • try some simple matlab extractor on mscp01.